West Green - ST John Vianney Church

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West Green
4 Vincent Road, London N15 3QH
Parish Office Tel No: 020-8888-5518 E-mail: westgreen@rcdow.org.uk
Facebook: West Green - St John Vianney Church
Our website: http://stjohnvianneywestgreen.co.uk/
(SJV Parish Centre – 020-8888-5518)

24th /25th FEBRUARY 2018 Jesus is fulfilling all

SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT the law and the
promises of the
Dear Parishioners prophets: “This is my
Our first reading today from Genesis 22 is Son, the Beloved.
rather difficult. I find it difficult to come Listen to him”.
to terms with it. Abraham and Sarah had Hence the importance
longed for a son. Abraham is hailed as the of listening to, reflecting on and carrying
father of the Jews and the Arabs and is out the message of God’s Word which we
our Father in Faith. God promises him hear again and again in the scriptures.
that his descendants will be as many as
the sands on the seashore. And what do WELCOME: A WARM welcome to Bishop
we see? God invites Abraham to offer his John Sherrington who is visiting our
son in sacrifice! How could a loving God Parish this weekend. We welcome you
make such a demand? Abraham is tested Bishop John. Thank you for being with us.
to the last; Isaac is an innocent young Thank you for listening to our stories as
victim … but at the last moment, God we tell you about our parish and we will
intervenes and tells Abraham to stop. be receptive to any advice you can give.
We hope you enjoy your visit with us.
There is a twist in the story. At the time
of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac, ritual FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT runs from Feb
murder and human sacrifice were 26th – 11th March. This two weeks
common practice among the people of the worldwide event is to increase our
region. The writer is saying the exact awareness when shopping, as to the
opposite of what is set up in the beginning origins of the produce we buy. When we
of the sage: GOD DOES NOT WANT buy FairTrade goods, we are helping
HUMAN SACRIFICE! We see that an those who produce the goods at source.
animal replaces the human sacrifice. We In our Justice and Peace work we are only
see further down the road the sacrifice 5 parishes away from our Diocese being a
will be Jesus himself and then his FairTrade Diocese.
presence in the form of bread and wine.
The Gospel gives the account of the 2nd March. This year the liturgy is
TRANSFIGURATION: Jesus is seen in prepared by the Christian Women of
splendid glory by Peter, James and John. Surinam (a small rain forest country of
The presence of Moses and Elijah is all – half million people north of Brazil). The
important. Moses is the law-giver; Elijah theme is: “All God’s creation is very
the great prophet. The message is clear. good!” We will join all in prayer on this
That’s all for now, God Bless, Fr Joe
LAST SUNDAY’S COLLECTIONS Bishop John Sherrington will be preaching
at all Masses this weekend. After the 11am
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED Mass we will share the food you have
SACRAMENT brought and meet Bishop John informally.
The first Sunday after the 11am Mass and At 1:30pm the Open Parish Meeting will
Tuesdays after our 9:15am Mass begin. Reports will be given by various
groups in the parish to enable our Bishop to
ROSARY: Praying the Rosary at 8.45am aware of our parish community. All are
every weekday before the Morning Mass at welcome.
Any enquiries please contact
Sr. Devy on 07403 784463 or The late Valerie Eaves RIP
Parish Office on 020 8888 5518 (Mother of Donna) who died on Thursday
22nd Feb; Details of her funeral to follow.
May she rest in peace.
We welcome our Confirmation Candidates The late Angelo Cattini, RIP
to participate in our Mass. (Husband of Nialda) who died on
Sunday 11th Feb. His Funeral Service will
FIRST RECONCILIATION PROGRAMME take place at Enfield Crematorium at
Next Session: Saturday 3rd March at 9:30am on Tuesday 27th February 2018.
12noon, for children who received their May he rest in peace.
First Holy Communion in May 2017
Parents’ Meeting: Saturday 3rd March at The late Barry O’Donovan, RIP
12noon in the Jubilee Hall (Partner of Elizabeth Cove) who died on
Sunday 18th February; Details of his funeral
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION May he rest in peace.
For children attending State Schools
Next session: Sunday 4th March at 10am The late James O’Donnell, RIP
in the Parish Centre (Husband of Julia) His Requiem Mass will
take place here at St John Vianney on
FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME Tuesday 13th March at 10:00am, followed by
Next Session: Saturday 10th March at burial. May he rest in peace.
10am, in the Hume Hall.
Parents’ Meeting: on 10thMarch at 10am We will remember their families and
in the Jubilee Hall. friends in our prayers.
Next session: Friday 2nd March 2018 The next Soup Run is on
11.00am-12.30pm in the Parish Centre. Sat. 3rd March 2018: Group B.
If you would like to have your child baptised Make time to spend a moment alone with
on the 10th March or later, the next session God in thanksgiving, prayer and adoration
will be on Monday 5th & 19th March at on 9th March from 7:30-9:00pm in St John
7.30pm in the Parish Hall. Please contact Vianney Church. There will be a short talk,
the Parish Office to book your place on the adoration and music led by the Verbum Dei
course. Missionaries. All are welcome!
LENTEN ACTIVITIES Our St Patrick’s celebration with Traditional
Bacon & Cabbage Dinner /Social’ will take
OF THE CROSS SUNDAY 18th MARCH from 5:00pm to
On the following Fridays 9.00pm. Join us to celebrate St Patrick.
at 7.30pm: Ticket – £10 per Adult
2nd & 16th March £5 child (primary school to age 10)
(Note: on the 9th March there will be Pre-school/baby – Free
adoration instead of Stations of the Cross) Tickets will be available at the back of the
church next weekend!!
Meetings with individual guide on
Will take place on
Friday: 2nd, 9th & 16th March in the Upper
Wednesday 21st March at 7pm in the
Rooms of the Parish Centre
Parish Hall.
Leaflet with further details at the back of the
Tickets will be available from Mariantha
church, along with the signing in sheet.
and Germaine.
This year the Cardinal has asked that the CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY
LENTEN ALMS collection be directed to the The theme is “God’s love is for everyone”
CARDINAL’S APPEAL FUND. This Lent, Family Fast Day focuses on the
work our partners are doing to fight hunger
PARISH FUN-D-RAISING EVENTS and malnutrition in Zimbabwe.
PARISH ACTIVITY – TEAS /COFFEE Fast on Friday 23rd February and give
In the Parish Hall on Sunday, after 9am and what you can in the retiring collection
11am Masses this weekend Sunday 24th/25th
February. That giving can make double the
Come along and join us for the next impact, as every £1 you give will be
FILM NIGHT matched with another £1 by the UK
Next film night is on Sunday 4th March, at Government. Thank you.
5pm in Jubilee Hall. We will be showing WESTMINSTER JUSTICE & PEACE
"Ballad of a Soldier", a Russian film INTERGENERATIONAL EUROPEAN
describing a soldier's journey home. Light PILGRIMAGE 2nd – 11th APRIL 2018
refreshments will be served during the Price: £695 per person. There could be a
intermission. Donation of £3 is appreciated. substantial subsidy for students (18+). For
further details and application forms please
FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT contact justice@rcdow.org.uk
26th February/11th March 2018
The Fairtrade fortnight is an annual event in CARDINAL’S MASS OF THANKSGIVING FOR
which fair and ethical trading values are THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY
celebrated. This year we would have a Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 19th May
“BIG BREW” led by our Confirmation 2018 at 3pm. If you are celebrating an
Candidates on Saturday 10th and Sunday anniversary, please give your parish clergy
11th March after each Mass. the following details: husband and wife’s
Parishioners are invited to bring in names, wedding date, full postal address
Fairtrade cakes and biscuits on the day – and email (or telephone number, if no
10th/11th March. A daily ‘cuppa’ for you can email) by the 24th March, 2018 so a
personal invitation can be issued.
mean clean water for tea farmers and

Entrance Antiphon The repose of the soul:

Of you my heart has spoken: Seek his face. Valerie Eaves
It is your face, O Lord that I seek; hid not your Angelo Cattini
face from me. Steven Casey
Sylvie Bhavon
First reading Barry O’Donovan
Genesis 22: 1-2. 9-13. 15-18 Bob Lemmon
James O’Donnell
Psalm 115 Sherry Arul
I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the Juan De La Cruz
land of the living. Gerry King
Second reading: Romans 8: 31-34

Gospel Acclamation RIP Anniversary

Glory and praise to you O Christ! Bea O’Flaherty
From the bright cloud the Father’s voice was
heard: “This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen Special Intentions:
to him!” Araw De La Cruz & Family
Assi Tan and Family
Gospel: Mark 9: 2-10 The Family of Angelo Cattini
The Family of Barry O’Donovan
Communion Antiphon The Family of James O’Donnell
This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well The Family of Bob Lemmon
pleased; listen to him
On behalf of the Mooney family for the
MASS & SERVICE TIMES Parishioners of St John Vianney

Mass – 9:15am For all the sick and those in our parish
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Angelina Boi, Anne O’Brien,
Friday, Saturday David McDonagh, Ernest Carrott, Grace
Coutinho, Jocelyn Luxon, Kathy & John
Sunday: O’Rouke, Maria D’Silva, Maria D’Souza,
(Sat.) 6pm; 9:00am and 11:00am Maria Terzaga, Marie Dorson, Merle
Vangramberg, Phil Devane, Rebecca
Ononogbo, Rita Mongelard, Sharon Gray,
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sherry Arul, Val Eaves, Yvonne Joseph
Saturday: from 9:45 am – 10:15am NAMES NOT LISTED ABOVE,


PARISH TEAM Tues to Fri 10am-12noon
Fr. Joe Ryan, Parish Priest To make an appointment
Sr. Devy Pranadjaja, Parish Sister Phone: 0208 888 5518 or email
Germaine Ng Ying, Parish Adm/Secretary westgreen@rcdow.org.uk
In Residence: We cannot guarantee to have anyone available
outside of these hours.

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