Saturday, February 9-Friday, February 15, 2019

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A prophetic, Franciscan, Catholic community welcoming all people through prayer and outreach.

We extend a special welcome to everyone visiting the Shrine for the first time.

Saturday, February 9- Friday, February 15, 2019

Telephone: 617-542-6440
Prayer Request Line: 617-553-4100
The Good Word: 617-542-0502
Text-to-Give text “DONATE” to: 617-712-2233
February 10, 2019
The Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Anyone who has been in my office has probably noticed the unusually large birding book collection in my
office. My parents met each other while both were living in Ithaca, New York. Ithaca is home to the
famous Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Cornell gave them this hobby and they passed it on to others in the
family. Growing up, birding wasn’t the only thing that we talked about at the dinner table, but it WAS
probably the most regular topic of conversation.

The other day I was by myself in the car, near Cedar Grove on I-93 North, coming back to the Shrine. It
was a weekday mid-afternoon and, somewhat predictably, the crawling traffic came to a complete stop. I
looked out the front windshield and wished that the other cars on the road were somewhere else. We
weren’t there very long when a huge bird flew across the interstate perpendicularly. It was a
Bald Eagle! (We birders get excited about such things, by the way. The sight of a Snowy Owl draws a
similar reaction.) Anyway, this eagle was an incredibly beautiful, majestic bird. I was able to follow the
bird’s flight for a long time and was so disappointed when the traffic started moving again.

Afterward, I thought about the fact that I would never have seen the bird if we had been moving along in
traffic at regular speed. I also felt a little sorry for the other drivers, many of whom probably missed the
significance of what just happened. I felt very fortunate to be in the right place at the right time.

In the Gospel this weekend, the disciples are in a state of wonder over their catch of fish, a miracle of Jesus.
May we always be able to summon the emotions of wonder and awe in the presence of the God who loves

Fr. Thomas Conway, OFM

Executive Director

Fr. Thomas Conway, OFM We Are Hiring!

Executive Director
Currently, we have three positions that are either open now, or will be this spring. Perhaps you have interest in these
positions, or know someone who does. Please have the interested person notify us via email:
Please note that we are accepting inquiries for these positions via this email address only. We make every attempt to
provide competitive wages and benefits.

Maintenance worker in the Facilities Department. This position could be part-time or full-time. This person
would be doing light mechanical work, painting, and system-monitoring at the Shrine, an eleven-story building,
among other things.

Bookkeeper in the Finance Department. Full-time. This person maintains financial records of the Shrine.
Experience as a bookkeeper is required. Experience in a nonprofit would be a plus.

Director of the Seniors Program. Three to eight hours per week. This position requires the ability to communicate
well, provide pastoral care to seniors, do some light paperwork, and use a desktop computer. Must be able to work
morning/middays on some Wednesdays.
Seniors at Arch Street LGBTQ Spirituality Ministry Meeting The 2nd Collection
Wednesday, February 20 Wednesday, February 20 February 23 & 24
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm in the 2nd Floor Classroom
will be for the
10:30am: Refreshments Plans are being firmed up for this year’s LGBTQ Spirituality
11am: Exercise with Patti D’Angelo up-coming Pride Fest. We look forward to Ministry at
Certified Personal Trainer, Senior Fitness seeing you at this important meeting. St. Anthony Shrine.
12pm: Lunch Men’s Spirituality Group
*The Senior Program will meet on the Thursday, February 21
1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month 5:00 pm
during the winter. If you have any questions, please contact
Br. Tony at

St. Anthony Pilgrimage

September 3-12, 2019
$3400 double occupancy/$3600 single occupancy. Emmaus Ministry
All inclusive. For Grieving Parents
Join the Franciscan Missionary Union to explore the life of Lenten One-Day Spiritual
St. Anthony and see why this beloved saint is venerated to Retreat at St. Anthony Shrine
this day. We will discover St. Anthony in the places where Saturday, March 23
he lived and spent his last years. Our tour will continue 9:00am - 7:00pm
with a visit to Venice where we will tour this romantic
Pre-registration required.
world heritage site.
Please register by March 15.
For details on this pilgrimage, please contact Call Diane at (617) 542-8057
Br. Paul O’Keeffe, OFM at:
or visit: or 617-542-5147.

Sunday Date Second Collection Church Calendar Secular Holidays

2/10/19 None
2/17/19 None Presidents Weekend
2/24/19 LGBTQ
3/3/19 Annual Holy Name Province Mission Appeal
3/10/19 None First Sunday of Lent
3/17/19 None Second Sunday of Lent
3/24/19 Mychal Judge Recovery Program Third Sunday of Lent
3/31/19 Arch Street Band Fourth Sunday of Lent
4/7/19 None Fifth Sunday of Lent
4/14/19 Medical Clinic for the Homeless Palm Sunday Patriots Day Weekend
4/21/19 Lazarus Easter
4/28/19 None
5/5/19 None
5/12/19 Food Center
5/19/19 None
5/26/19 Veterans Memorial Day Weekend
6/2/19 None
6/9/19 Food Center Pentecost
6/16/19 None Trinity Sunday
6/23/19 Kids Program Corpus Christi
6/30/19 Arch Street Band
New Sunday 7pm Mass
MASS SCHEDULE We’ve added a Sunday evening 7pm Mass! With relevant
homilies and The Arch Street Band providing music, we
want you to be there! We invite all, but especially adults
Saturday Mass: 12PM aged 20-39, to help shape this Mass into something that
Saturday Vigil: 4PM , 5:30PM connects and enriches young adults. For more info on our
Young Adults ministry, check us out on Facebook: St.
Sunday Mass: 6AM, 7:30AM, 9AM , 10:30AM , Anthony Shrine Young Adults!

12PM (Spanish Mass 1st Fl. Church) Ash Wednesday – March 6th
Shrine will be open 5:30am – 7pm.
12PM , 4PM , 5:30PM , 7PM
Ashes will be distributed in the 1st floor church
Weekday Mass: 6AM, 7AM, 11:45AM, 12:30PM, 5:15PM from 5:45am until 6:30pm.
3rd Wednesday of every month: Anointing Mass 10AM Masses at: 6am, 7am, 10am*, 11:45am*, 12:30pm*,
4:30pm, 5:15pm in Spanish (upstairs) and 5:15pm in
English (downstairs) and 6pm.
CONFESSION SCHEDULE * indicates music by The Arch Street Band.
All Masses upstairs unless otherwise noted.
Confessions from 6:30am to 8am; 10:30am to 5pm.
1st Floor Church
Sunday: 1:30PM - 3PM Sunday, February 24
The Arch Street Band will host several brass players
Weekday: 10:30AM - 1:30PM, 4PM - 5:30PM from the Boston Ballet after the 12:00 pm Mass. The
*Please note: Additional Wednesday Confession: 6:30AM - 8AM group will offer a 45-minute concert of Italian sacred
music from 15th Century Venice. Please join us!

Monday Thursday
OA Meeting (Open), Auditorium Classroom 12:15pm St. Augustine Group (S.L.A.A.) (Closed) 12:00pm
A.A. 12 Step/12 Traditions Meeting (Closed) 5:45 pm Rosary Prayer Group, 1st Floor Chapel 12:30pm
Men’s Spirituality Group (2nd and 4th Thurs) 5:00pm
Tuesday Lectura y reflexión del evangelio 5:30pm
A.A. Discussion Meeting (Open), Auditorium Foyer 12:00pm A.A Big Book Meeting (Closed) 5:45pm
Charismatic Prayer, Mezzanine Group Room 12:00pm
Wednesday S.A.12 Step Meeting (Open), Auditorium Foyer 7:00am
Remembrance Day for Deceased (3rd Wed.) All Masses O.A. Meeting (Open), Auditorium Classroom 12:15pm
Anointing of the Sick - Mass (3rd Wed.) 10:00am
S.A. Meeting (Open), Auditorium Foyer 7:00am Saturday
Seniors Program, Auditorium 10:30am Secular Franciscans Formation (2nd Sat.) 10:30am
Women’s Spiritual Refl. Group (2nd & 4th Wed) 12:30pm Centering Prayer Group (1st & 4th Sat.) 12:00pm
Grupo Hispano de Oracion 4:00 pm Vietnamese Secular Franciscans (2nd Sat.) 1:00pm
LGBTQ Spirituality (3rd Wed) 5:30 pm Secular Franciscans Fraternity Meeting (2nd Sat.) 1:00pm
A.A. Discussion Meeting (Open), Auditorium Foyer 5:45pm
Emmaus Ministry Prayer/Discussion (1st Sun.) 11:30 am
Healing Service (2nd Sun.) 1:00pm
Latino Ministry Social, Auditorium 1:00pm
Rosary, Vespers, Benediction 2:55pm
Hispanic Secular Franciscans (1st Sun.) 3:00pm

100 Arch Street, Boston, MA 02110
Telephone: 617-542-6440 Prayer Request Line: 617-553-4100 The Good Word: 617-542-0502 Text GIVE to: 617-712-2233

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