Chaos Based Constellation Scrambling in OFDM Systems: Security Interleaving Issues
Chaos Based Constellation Scrambling in OFDM Systems: Security Interleaving Issues
Chaos Based Constellation Scrambling in OFDM Systems: Security Interleaving Issues
Interleaving Issues,
978-1-4244-2328-6/08/$25.00eJ2008 IEEE
random interleaver is increased with decrease in unique combination. The matrix when multiplied with
spreading factor as the size is increased. To improve the constellation symbols scrambles the position of the
design of interleaver for memory efficient applications, elements. It is difficult to recover the data with different
interleaver is constructed algebraically because their key.
scrambling pattern is completely specified by a well
define mathematical formula with a few seeding
parameter but does not have good random properties [15, III. CHAOS BASED SCRAMBLING
16]. a) Chaotic logistic Map
The Chaotic logistic map is a well known 1-0 chaotic
This paper proposes a unique chaos based scrambling map. Since the chaotic logistic map is convenient to
of OFOM constellation symbols for securing system at implement, we have selected it for demonstrating our
PHY layer. In addition, this scrambling algorithm also scrambling algorithm. However, it should be mentioned
acts as random interleaver. It has good random properties that even other 1-0 chaotic maps can be employed for
and it is also memory efficient because it can also scrambling purpose - maps which have uniform
comp1etely specified by a mathematical formula, which is probability distribution functions such as Piecewise linear
logistic map in our case. All the previous techniques for chaotic maps [18-20].
securing such systems are employed at higher sub layers.
The scrambling is reversible with the use of symmetric The chaotic logistic map is given by (4)
key. It uses 1-0 chaotic map to generate the scrambling
matrix. The initial condition of 1-0 chaotic logistic map x n + 1 = rx n (1 - x n ) (4)
serves as key to generate scrambler. The results show that
all data are recovered with zero error. The proposed
where 0 < x n < 1 and 3.47 < r < 4
scrambling method is extremely sensitive to the initial
conditions, hence, with different initial conditions, it is By iterating the chaotic logistic map with a unique
unable to recover the data correctly and, in the erroneous initial value 0 < xO < 1
data deciphered, the probability of occurrence of the each
constellation symbol is uniform
b) Scrambling Algorithm
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes The block diagram of our proposed Chaos Based
the proposed scrambling based security. Section 3 Scrambling (CBS) scheme is given in fig.2. The chaotic
describes the proposed chaos based scrambling logistic map produces chaotic sequence within the
algorithm. Section 4 describes security analysis. Section domain E (0,1). The scrambling matrix is generated in
V describes the interleaver analysis. The last section following way. A new position matrix P of size 1 x N as
concludes the paper. in (5) is generated, where position elements signify the
location of' l' in scrambling matrix.
P = {Pi,Pi+l,·" ,PN} (5)
The scrambling reorders the constellation symbols in an
OFOM system. The scrambling matrix can be visualized
as in eq.3. The matrix design is in such a way that each where Pi are the position elements.
row has one '1' and rest of the elements are zero and no
two rows are same. For N x N matrix, possible The design methodology of position matrix is based on
combinations are there. For each scrambling matrix new the so-called mixing property of the chaotic dynamical
key is used, each key entails mapping to a systems. A bit more formally, the mixing property is
defined in the following way [21]:
• For any two open intervals I and J (lvhich can be
0 0 1 0 0 0 arbitrarily small, but must have a nonzero length) one
0 0 0 0 1 0 can find initial values in 1 lvhich, lvhen iterated, lvill
0 1 0 0 0 0 eventually lead to points in J
s= 0 0 0 0 0 1
Hence according to the mixing property, for any initial
1 0 0 0 0 0 condition Ie, from any interval 1, a chaotic dynamical
0 0 0 1 0 0 system will traverse all the intervals chaotically during
the course of the iterations.
978-1-4244-2328-6/08/$25.0002008 IEEE
To generate the dynamic position matrix, domain the OFDM baseband signal by applying the IFFT,
E (0,1) is equally divided into subdomains. Each
subdomain is sequentially numbered from 0 to N-l. Now X n = IFFT{X e } (10)
starting with the initial condition Ie, a new position
matrix is generated by iterating the chaotic dynamical where, X n is the frequency domain vector signals
system. During the course of iteration, when the chaotic
respectively. At receiver same procedure follows to
logistic map falls in the specific subdomain, the number
descramble the constellation symbols.
assigned to that subdomain is being stored in the new
position matrix. If the chaotic map has already traversed
the specific subdomain or interval, then the position IV. SECURITY ANALYSIS
corresponding to that subdomain is being ignored. Hence
iterations will continue until the chaotic map traverses all Wireless LANs are highly susceptible to numerous
the subdomains. malicious attacks. In wireless system layer abstraction is
very important concept, requiring each layer to provide
Finlllly the scrambling matrix S of size N x N is independent fu'nctionality separately to strengthen the
generated by using position matrix generated by the security of the system. At link layer and higher layers
above mentioned methodology. The complete scrambling security mechanisms are used to protect the transmission
matrix after assigning each position is written as data in order to prevent attacker to manipulate useful
information. Even if the strong confidentiality and mutual
authentication protocols
Si,k Si,k+l Si,N
Si+l,k Si+l,k+l Si+l,N
Si,k =
SN,k SN,k+l SN,N
S -{S·
- Z' S·z+,
1··· , SN}
S E [i,N] are used at MAC layer, it still leaves many weak spots for
attacker to explore. At MAC layer only data frames are
encrypted while leaving management and control frames
This scrambling matrix is reversible to correctly unprotected. In addition, MAC headers are also left
recover the data with symmetric key. unencrypted. In what follows, it is shown that by
providing the security at the physical layer by the
c) Proposed OFDM System. proposed CBS which scrambles the complete MPDU
The proposed OFDM System shown in Fig. 1 can be (MAC Protocol Data Unit) frame, how the Wireless LAN
easily implemented. The scrambling matrix is multiplied can be made secure against some of the current
with N randomly generated symbols as, prevailing threats.
encrypted form of Ji and P2 , respectively. Here Cm TABLE 1: Dispersion and spread of proposed CBS
servers as equivalent to the secret key and can be called as
mask frame. Initial Min.
length Dispersion
condition Spread
However, if the frames are being encrypted (permuted)
by the encryption algorithm using different secret keys
0.1111 64 - 128 0.81308-0.81299 1
(initial conditions/control parameters), then the
corresponding input differential lui will not be equal to 0.234 64 - 128 1
the corresponding output differential ~Yi. Hence the
adversary will not be able to recover the second frame (or 0.334 64 - 128 0.82887-0.8222 1
set of data) P2 using em even ifhe has the access to li.
0.505 64 - 128 0.83234-0.81225 1
From the above discussion, it is obvious that it is not
possible to break CBS using known plaintext attack if the
0.723 64 - 128 0.82341-0.81004 1
frames are scrambled using different secret keys.
978-1-4244-2328-6/08/$25.0002008 IEEE
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