Towards Secure Quantum Key Distribution Protocol For Wireless Lans: A Hybrid Approach
Towards Secure Quantum Key Distribution Protocol For Wireless Lans: A Hybrid Approach
Towards Secure Quantum Key Distribution Protocol For Wireless Lans: A Hybrid Approach
DOI 10.1007/s11128-015-1129-3
B R. Lalu Naik;
P. Chenna Reddy
R. L. Naik, P. C. Reddy
1 Introduction
Wireless local area networks (WLANs) have become ubiquitous as they are easy to
install, flexible, scalable, have mobility, and can reduce the cost of ownership. WLAN
needs access points (APs) and network interface cards (NICs) besides mobile devices.
Communication technologies used in WLANs include spread-spectrum and OFDM.
Due to mobility and the resource-constrained nature of the devices, the network is
vulnerable to various attacks such as denial-of-service (DOS) attack, spoofing, ses-
sion hijacking, and eavesdropping. Adversaries can generate radio interference over
WLANs with ease as the network exhibits relatively low bit rates. As there are no
strong authentication mechanisms in IEEE 802.11 network, attackers might spoof
MAC address and hijack sessions. In case of eavesdropping, an attacker can intercept
the data being transmitted over the air from a nearby place. These security vulnerabili-
ties are due to the drawbacks of Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) protocol, which has
no forgery protection, no protection against replays and reuse of initialization vectors.
Therefore, WLANs need to be protected from all the possible attacks.
WLANs are to be secured using security mechanisms such as authentication, con-
fidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation. The existing solutions are of two types,
namely classical cryptography and quantum cryptography. Again, classical cryptosys-
tems are divided into symmetric and asymmetric models. The security of public-key
cryptosystems depends on the computational complexity. There is no guarantee that the
security of it cannot be broken. A relatively new alternative is quantum key cryptogra-
phy, which is based on quantum mechanics that makes key distribution unconditionally
secure. Therefore, QKDPs can prevent various attacks in the quantum channel, while
classical cryptography is efficient in authentication and verification of secret keys.
In classical cryptography, time stamps1 [1–3] and challenge response mechanisms
[3–7] are used. These mechanisms are especially used in three-party key distribution
protocols as explored in [1–5].
Classical cryptography suffers from the following problems:
• Minimum of two communication rounds is necessary when they use challenge
response mechanisms.
• The assumption of clock synchronization is required when they use time stamps
for key distribution which is not suitable in the presence of possible attacks and
unpredictable delays.
• Moreover, classical cryptography cannot detect passive attacks like eavesdropping.
With the usage of quantum cryptography, passive attacks and eavesdropping can be
eliminated. There are many existing QKDPs. Uncertainty of quantum measurement2
was employed by Bennett and Brassard [8] along with four qubit states in order to
distribute session key between two parties in a secure fashion. Later Bennett [9] used
only two qubits of non-orthogonal in nature in order to achieve the same. A trusted
1 Key distribution protocols with time stamps stop replays of compromised keys. The time stamps have
the further advantage of replacing a four step handshake.
2 Allow Alice and Bob be the two participants in a quantum channel, where Alice is the sender of qubits
and Bob is the receiver of qubits. The horizontal polarizations and the vertical polarizations (defined in
Sect. 6.2) are required to create or calculate qubits.
Toward secure quantum key distribution protocol for...
center (TC) is not used for establishing a session key between legitimate parties as
they assume authenticated participants. When the assumption is released these systems
are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. Rephrasing secret key by participants is
required in the modified quantum key cryptography proposed by [10]. In [11] the
concept of pre-sharing a secret key with a three-party QKDP was explored.
All QKDPs mentioned above are based on either security proof or theoretical design
or physical implementation. However, they are not tailored for WLANs. In this paper,
we proposed a hybrid protocol named HQKDP which makes use of both classical
and quantum cryptographies to ensure secure key distribution and communications in
802.11 WLANs. Our contributions in this paper are as follows.
1. We proposed a QKD protocol named HQKDP that integrates traditional and quan-
tum cryptographies.
2. We explored handshake and quantum handshake for 802.11i WLANs.
3. We explored on the application of proposed HQKDP to 802.11i WLANs.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews the literature per-
taining to classical cryptography, quantum cryptography and so on. Section 3 focuses
on motivating scenario and the threat model. Section 4 throws light into preliminaries
such as classical cryptography, quantum cryptography, and motivation toward a hybrid
approach and applying it to the WLAN. Section 5 integrates HQKDP with 802.11i. In
Sect. 6, HQKDP model using superposition states is presented.
2 Related works
3 QKD uses quantum mechanics to promise safe message through by quantum superposition states (defined
in Sects. 4.1, 4.2 and 6.2) [8–11,17–20,25–28].
R. L. Naik, P. C. Reddy
3 Motivating scenario
This subsection provides a WLAN scenario. The aim of this section is to describe how
the WLANs are vulnerable to attacks and window of possibilities for various attacks
and the need for protecting WLANs. A typical WLAN is presented in Fig. 1. The
network is presented with devices such as an AP (1), mobile phone (2), WLAN USB
Adapter (3), Wi-Fi Printer (4), WLAN PCMCIA card (5), personal digital assistant
(PDA) (6), Notebook (7), PC or Mac (8). All these devices are connected to WLAN
network through AP.
The devices communicate over network using radio waves. In spite of the many
advantages of WLAN, the wireless nature of the network causes security threats such
Toward secure quantum key distribution protocol for...
as DOS, spoofing, session hijacking, eavesdropping, and replay attacks. There are
other possible attacks such as cloning. When an intruder is able to flood messages
that cause problems to the availability of resources over the network, it is known as
a DOS attack. Overwhelming the relatively low bit rate WLAN can be easily made
by the adversaries. As the IEEE 802.11 network does not authenticate source address,
adversaries can spoof MAC addresses and hijack the session with ease. More common
attack on WLAN is eavesdropping in which adversaries can disrupt the confidentiality
of the network by passively intercepting the messages being transferred over the air.
Cloning attack is made by making a clone of one of the nodes in the WLAN and
taking advantage through it by hackers. Replay attack is another kind of attack in
which adversary fraudulently repeats a valid data transmission to overrule encryption
kind of techniques. Since the WLAN is being used by officers in many companies and
its ubiquitous nature, prevention of such attacks is to be given paramount importance.
3.2.1 Spread-spectrum
It is a technique that enables signal transmission of bandwidth which is larger than the
original information’s frequency content. This technique has many advantages such as
avoiding interception, privacy of transmission, resistance to fading, accurately finding
a low power position, and improved multiple access schemes. This technique is known
as code division multiple access (CDMA).
4 Preliminaries
This section throws light into the preliminaries that are required to understand the
proposed security architecture with ease.
R. L. Naik, P. C. Reddy
Classical cryptography has been around for many years. Basically, it is of two types,
namely private-key cryptography or symmetric cryptography and public-key cryp-
tography or asymmetric cryptography. There is key sharing problem in private-key
cryptography, while the strength of public-key cryptography depends on its computa-
tional complexity. The three-party key distribution protocols that came into existence
provide more secure communication over networks. The three-party key distribution
protocols utilize time stamps and challenge response mechanisms in order to prevent
replay attacks. The drawbacks of classical cryptography include that when they use
challenge response mechanisms they use more communication rounds. When they
use time stamps, they invite the problem of clock synchronization as it is not a prac-
tical solution in the real world. Moreover, the classical cryptographic methods cannot
detect passive attacks like eavesdropping. To overcome these drawbacks, quantum
cryptography came into existence.
Since WLAN is vulnerable to various attacks, the proposed scheme when applied
to WLAN can provide unconditionally secure communication. The proposed scheme
leverages the efficiency of classical cryptography in terms of authentication and verifi-
cation, unconditionally secure nature of quantum key cryptography and the lightweight
nature of zero knowledge protocol in order to provide highly secure communications
over 802.11i WLAN.
Toward secure quantum key distribution protocol for...
Based on the no-cloning theorem originally proposed by Waters and Zurek [23],
Hwang, Lee, and Li proposed USB assumption which assumes that the probabil-
ity of identification of the polarization basis of a quantum state is negligible; this helps
in the security proof of QKDP. In this paper, we fast it is suitable for security proof of
our HQKDP.
R. L. Naik, P. C. Reddy
handshake is the attempt made to integrate HQKDP with 802.11i WLAN. This we
thought is possible in the real world as the authentication process of 802.11i is flexi-
ble. As WLANs operate in a limited geographical area, the proposed protocol can be
adapted to wireless LANs. The three important components such as mobile terminal,
authenticator ,and authentication server described earlier in this paper can be mapped
to the architecture proposed for HQKDP. However, more effort is required in order
to have seamless integration between the proposed protocol and 802.11i standard. An
empirical study in the future can achieve this goal.
6.1 Notations
See Table 1.
The proposed protocol makes use of quantum superposition states. This section throws
light into this. As presented in Fig. 4, for the purpose of measuring and encoding
sequence of polarized photons, horizontal–vertical polarization base is used. Both
horizontally and vertically polarized photons can be represented as logic zero, |0 =
(1 0)T and one, |1 = (0 1)T respectively.
Toward secure quantum key distribution protocol for...
When a sender has a message denoted as Sm , and the message has n classical bits,
the following can be used to represent the encoded qubit states.
Sm = |i 1 ⊗ |i 2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ |i j , where i j = 0 or 1, j = 1, 2, | . . . , n
R. L. Naik, P. C. Reddy
cos θ j sin θ j
R(θ j ) =
− sin θ j cos θ j
The data qubit |ψ0 with θs is encrypted by sender where θs is chosen randomly and
known (shared) to sender and receiver. The encryption process carried out using secret
key K and data Sm is as follows.
cos θs sin θs 1 cos θs
E k [Sm ] = R (θs ) .|0 = =
− sin θs cos θs 0 − sin θs
= cos θs .|0 − sin θs .|1 = |ψ1
Once receiver gets superposition states from the sender, the receiver is supposed to
rotate the photon before measuring it. The rotation is performed in the opposite −θs
direction of that made by the sender. The decryption process is as follows.
cos(−θs ) sin(−θs )cosθs
R(−θs ).|ψ1 =
−sin(−θs ) cos(−θs )
cos2θ s + sin2θ s 1
= = = |0
sinθ s cosθ s −cosθ s sinθ s 0
Each polarized photon is subjected to this process. For a given n-bit message, a
sequence of rotation angles can form K (secret key) which is represented as follows.
K = θ j : 0 ≤ θ j <, π, j = 1, 2, 3 . . . n
The position of the message at which the process of encryption is applied with an
angle θ j is represented by the subscript. One of the pros of this kind of encryption or
decryption is that the decryption process need not be the reverse process at the receiver
Toward secure quantum key distribution protocol for...
Trusted third party (TTP) is involved in the implicit authentication process. The TTP
is also known as trusted center (TC). Once the TC gets notification for implicit authen-
tication, the following procedure will take place.
Step 1 Two random numbers are generated by TC and computes X and Y as follows.
where r1 and r2 are random numbers and X and Y are computed values used further.
Then pre-shared key is issued to polarize and encrypt r1 ||r2 ||X . The result of the
operation is K 1.T which is sent to Alice through a secure quantum channel. In the
same fashion, the mechanism is applied to r2 ||r1 ||Y in order to obtain the result K 2.T
which is sent to Bob over secure quantum channel.
Step 2 The received qubits are decrypted and then measured by Alice. Alice then uses
K 1.T and r1 to compute a hash value to get values of U1 ||U2. Afterward, the values of
U1 and U2 are verified by Alice.
Step 3 The qubits received by Bob are decrypted and measured. Then hash value
is computed using K 2.T and r2 to get values for U2 ||U1 . Afterward, U1 and U2 are
verified by Bob.
Thus, the session is completed successfully, while implicit authentication is made
between Alice and Bob with the help of TC. Though TC sends two random numbers
to both parties in the beginning, only one value is used by the parties for explicit
authentication phase.
This phase is meant for establishing a secret key ‘K ’ between two parties such as
Alice and Bob. ‘K ’ should not be disclosed to others, including the trusted center.
Shamir’s three-pass protocol is used along with quantum superposition states for key
establishment. This is done due to vulnerability of classical Shamir’s protocol.
Without losing generality, in the following it can be assumed that X can be repre-
sented as Sm = |0 (i.e., n = 1 and i 1 = 0) in single photon-encoded format. Then,
key distribution is initiated by Alice. The procedure is as follows.
Step 1 First of all session keys K 1 = θ1 and K 2 = θ2 are generated by Alice and Bob,
Step 2 The message Sm is encrypted by Alice using her session key, K 1 . The result of
this is as follows.
cosθ1 sinθ1 1
E K 1 [Sm ] : R(θ1 ).|0 = · = cosθ1 .|0 − sinθ 1 .|1 = |ψ1
−sinθ1 cosθ1 0
R. L. Naik, P. C. Reddy
Still, the resulting state is known as superposition state. That state is sent back by Bob
to Alice.
The resulting state |ψ2 is still a superposition state. Bob sends it back to Alice.
Step 4 On receiving it, Alice decrypts it and the resultant superposition state |ψ3 is
sent back to Bob. The decryption is done by the simple act of rotating it back with
certain angle, θ1 .
D K 1 [E K 2 [E K 1 [Sm ]]] = E K 2 [Sm ] : R(−θ1 ).|ψ2 = cosθ2 .|0 − sinθ2 .|1 = |ψ3
where D K 1 represents the decryption process carried out using the session key K 1 .
Step 5 On receiving it, Bob decrypts it through the act of reading it back with certain
angle θ2 .
cos(−θ2 ) sin(−θ2 ) cosθ 2 1
D K 2 [E K 2 [Sm ]] : R(−θ2 ).|ψ3 = = = |0
−sin(−θ2 ) cos(−θ2 ) −sinθ 2 0
By this time, Bob has the original message denoted as Sm = |0. The authentication
and actual key distribution phases are presented in Fig. 6.
The summary of the steps is as follows.
• TC-> Alice: E k(1.T ) [r1 ||r2 ||X ] Where X = h(K 1.T , r1 ) ⊗ (U1 ||U2 ).
• TC-> Bob: E k(2.T ) [r2 ||r1 ||Y ], Where Y = h(K 2.T , r2 ) ⊗ (U2 ||U1 ).
• Alice: Dk(1.T ) [E k(1.T ) [r1 ||r2 ||X ]] and verifies U 1||U2 .
• Bob: Dk(2.T ) [E k(2.T ) [r2 ||r1 ||Y ]] and verifies U2 ||U1 .
• Alice: R(θ1 ).|ψ0 = R(θ1 ).|0 = |ψ1
• Alice-> Bob:|ψ1 = cos θ1 . |0 − sin θ1 .| 1
• Bob: |ψ2 = R(θ2 ).|ψ1
• Bob-> Alice: |ψ2 = cos(θ2 + θ1 ). |0 − sin(θ2 + θ1 ).|1
• Alice: |ψ3 = R(−θ1 ).|ψ2
• Alice->Bob: |ψ3 = cos θ2 .|0 − sin θ2 .|1
Toward secure quantum key distribution protocol for...
There are two steps to be followed for mutual authentication that is explicitly carried
out between the parties in the communication.
Step 1 Alice uses the shared key ‘K’ and random number r2 to encrypt and transmits the
result to Bob. Then Bob is responsible to decrypt it and get value r21 . The authentication
is said to be done positively if r21 = r2 .
Step 2 Bob uses the shared key ‘K’ and random number r1 for encrypting and sends
the result to Alice. Then Alice is responsible to decrypt in order to obtain value r11 .
Successful authentication of Bob to Alice is done if r11 = r1 . The explicit authentication
mechanism is presented in Fig. 6.
We prove the security of the proposed HQKDP formally using the following theorem.
We consider an adversary who tries to break the security of HQKDP. When A succeeds
in breaking security of HQKDP, our protocol detects such event and breaks USB
Theorem 1 HQKDP is the protocol presented in this paper. This protocol when
broken, adversaries get the CKDP security. Assume that the advantage of violating
authentication process in the protocol HQKDP includes QKDP and HQKDP. When
security of HQKDP is broken by the adversary in giving time after making qh Hash
queries qse Send queries and qini Initiate queries,
advCKDP (A) ≤ 2.advCKDP () + where t 1 ≤ t + (qini + qh + qse )T _re;
where Tre is denoted as the time required to replay a query.
If the adversaries might try to break CKDP, security of our protocol HQKDP in
given time period t, after qh Hash queries qse Send queries and qini Initiate queries,
then we have.
advCKDP (A) ≤ 2.advCKDP () +
2u − 1
R. L. Naik, P. C. Reddy
event is denoted as advHQKDP (1 ). Successful attack does mean that the adversary
can gain access to seek after breaking the security of HQKDP. The adversary 1
executes r1 and gives responses to the queries about it. To say it differently, r1 is
queried from an adversary and then send to HQKDP and gets answers and send them
to r1 . Moreover, randomly generated qubits are also sent from 1 to r1 in order to
simulate the authentication process of HQKDP. It is to be kept in mind that if the test
query is revealed by 1 , the 1 can generate a hash query which is padded with 0
prior to returning the result to r1 .
If r1 makes a (Test;πUs ) query at some point, r1 will send a (Test;πUs ) query to
HQKDP. Afterward, 1 receives a u-bit random string to HQKDP. Once $ is received
from (Test;πUs ) query, a bit 0 is returned by r1 as output. In this case, 0 is not useful to
adversary 1 to break the CKDP security of the proposed protocol. The reason behind
this is that 0 is answered by r1 dishonestly. The hash table of r1 is looking out by the
adversary 1 instead of depending on 0 in order to verify the presence of query known
as hash query denoted as h(w, 0). The adversary r1 gives 1 as output when h(w, 0) is
found. When r1 is able to help breaking the security of the proposed protocol and get
the session key, the hash table of r1 should have h(w, 0).
Let δ be the probability that r1 makes the hash query, h(w, 0). We know that,
δ ≥ advHQKDP (A) since r1 may make the hash query, h(w, 0), but does not make
the (Test; πUs ) query. From the discussion made above, it can be understood that the
probability of adversary breaking CKDP security is similar to the probability of r1
making hash query. It is done purely by chance with security probability w = sk:
1 qh 1 qh
. adv HQKDP
(A) − ≤ . β− = advHQKDP (1 )
2 2u 2 2u
Considering that the time to relay a query is Tre , the time required for 1 is the time
required by A plus time of relaying queries. The same is represented as follows.
Consider that adversary r2 get the advantage advCKDP HQKDP (A2) to break the CKDP
security of HQKDP in the given time period. The gain of an attacker with successful
event in the given time t. In the same fashion, for breaking CKDP security, an adversary
HQKDP (2 ) in the given time t0 . To say differently, the 2 can obtain so
2 gains advCKDP
successfully on breaking security of HQKDP. The adversary 2 runs subroutine in the
form of r2 , besides answering queries of r2 . To say differently, adversary gets queries
from r2 , and they are forwarded and results are obtained. The results are relayed to r2 .
At a point of time, the adversary 2 sends (Test; πUs ) query in order to get u-bit string
from 2 . Here, the adversary expects the r2 break the security of the HQKDP. Once
r2 is completed, the adversary verifies the presence of hash query denoted as h(w, r ).
Toward secure quantum key distribution protocol for...
Here in the hash table h 1 (w, r ). The adversary returns 1 if h 1 (w, r ) to HQKDP. When
the CKDP security of h 1 (w, r ) is broken by r2 and try to fake the authentication
process, the hash table of r2 should have authenticator.
Let Tre is the probability of making hash query h 1 (w, r ) by r2 . It is well known that
advCKDP (r2 ) is the gain of r2 by making hash query without computing authenticator
of the proposed protocol. Thus, the advantage to adversary to break the security of
HQKDP is similar to the probability of hash query h 1 (w, r ) of r2 minus hash query
h 1 (sk, r ) of r2 by change, and the same is multiplied as required such that w = sk:
1 qh 1
. advHQKDP (A2) −
≤ . (β − 2) = advCKDP
HQKDP (2 )
2 2u − 1 2
Consider that Tre is the time required to relay a query. Then it can be observed that
2 running time is less than that of r2 plus the time required for relaying queries:
The subsequent theorem proves the safety of HAQKDP. The major thought is that the
opponent tries to fracture the AQKD safety of HAQKDP. If the opponent succeeds,
the USB distinguisher can use the incident to fracture the USB statement.
Theorem 2 • Let advHAQKDP (A) be the benefit in the breaking the AQKD security
ϕ () be the benefit in breaking the USB statement used in ϕ.
• Let advUSB
• If adversary A breaks the AQKD security of HAQKDP with in time t qini Initiate
queries, qse Send queries, and qh Hash queries within time t, an USB statement
attacker will have an benefit to fracture the USB safety of ϕ that is:
Proof The proposed protocol is security of HAQKDP based on the AQKD security
of ϕ. For instance, when attackers launches an attack on HAQKD and are capable of
breaking the AQKD security of USB, the attacker will be able to crack the AQKD
security of ϕ. The same is described as follows.
In given time t, let us assume that an adversary r1 breaks the security of HQKDP
and gets advantage advHAQKDP (r1 ). The advantage gained by attacker with this
event is denoted as advHAQKDP (1 ). Successful attack does mean that the adversary
can gain access to the security of AQKD. The adversary r1 executes A1 and gives
responses to the queries about it. To say it differently, A1 is queried from an adversary
and then sent to AQKD and gets answers and sends them to A1. Moreover, randomly
generated qubits are also sent from 1 to A1 in order to simulate the authentication
Table 2 Comparison of QKD protocols
Cryptographic mechanism Quantum + Quantum + Quantum classical Classical Quantum + Quantum + Quantum +
classical classical classical classical classical
Pre-shared Secret key Long- Long- EPR Pairs Long- Long- EPR Pairs Long- Long-
termed termed termed termed termed termed
Communication rounds 3 3 6 4 3 3 3 3
Quantum channel Y Y Y N N Y Y Y
Clock synchronization N N N N Y Y N N
Vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack N N N N N N N N
Vulnerable to passive attack N N N Y Y N N N
Vulnerable to replay attack N N N N N N N N
Formal security proof Y Y N N N Y Y Y
R. L. Naik, P. C. Reddy
Toward secure quantum key distribution protocol for...
process of HAQKDP. It is to be kept in mind that if the test query is revealed by A1,
1 can generate a hash query which is padded with 0 prior to returning the result to
AQKD qini AQKD n qini
advHAQKDP (A) ≤ advHAQKDP (A) . . = advUSB
ϕ ()
2(qini + qse ) 2 qini + qse
Considering the time to relay a query is Tre , the time required for 1 is the time
required by A1 plus time of relaying queries. The same is represented as follows.
t 1 ≤ t + qini Tr n .
6.7 Comparison of HQKDP with other QKDP protocols
This section compares our protocol “HQKDP” with other existing QKDP protocols
in terms of various properties such as cryptographic mechanism, pre-shared secret
key, communication rounds, quantum channel, clock synchronization, vulnerable to
man-in-the-middle attack, vulnerable to passive attack, vulnerable to replay attack,
and formal security proof. The results are as shown in the Table 2.
Wireless local area networks are vulnerable to various kinds of attacks due to their
mobility and open nature. In this paper, we studied the security mechanisms such as
classical cryptography and quantum cryptography. Our study revealed that quantum
cryptography can withstand various kinds of attacks such as replay and passive attacks.
We combined both the cryptographic methods in order to leverage the advantages of
both. We applied these mechanisms along with a zero knowledge protocol to WLAN
in order to ensure unconditionally secure communications over the network. As we
use three parties, HQKDP model that reduces communication rounds, reducing the
communication cost, efficiently achieve key verification, user authentication, and pro-
tect a long-term secret key among the TC and each user. Our analytical study revealed
that the proposed approach can provide an unconditionally secure communications in
802.11 WLAN. As future work, we will make an empirical study of application of
HQKDP to 802.11i WLANs.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their very helpful and
valuable comments to enhance the clarity of the manuscript.
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