CG 10 402 PDF
CG 10 402 PDF
CG 10 402 PDF
Byung-Jun Yoon*
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3128, USA
Abstract: Hidden Markov models (HMMs) have been extensively used in biological sequence analysis. In this paper, we
give a tutorial review of HMMs and their applications in a variety of problems in molecular biology. We especially focus
on three types of HMMs: the profile-HMMs, pair-HMMs, and context-sensitive HMMs. We show how these HMMs can
be used to solve various sequence analysis problems, such as pairwise and multiple sequence alignments, gene annotation,
classification, similarity search, and many others.
Received on: December 04, 2008 - Revised on: February 28, 2009 - Accepted on: March 02, 2009
Key Words: Hidden Markov model (HMM), pair-HMM, profile-HMM, context-sensitive HMM (csHMM), profile-csHMM,
sequence analysis.
meaningful to us. For example, let us consider the speech P{xn = x | yn = i, yn1 , xn1 ,…} =
recognition problem, for which HMMs have been (2)
extensively used for several decades [1]. In speech P{xn = x | yn = i} = e(x | i)
recognition, we are interested in predicting the uttered word for all possible observations x O , all state i S , and all
from a recorded speech signal. For this purpose, the speech n 1 . This is called the emission probability of x at state
recognizer tries to find the sequence of phonemes (states) i , and we denote it by e(x | i) . The three probability
that gave rise to the actual uttered sound (observations).
Since there can be a large variation in the actual measures t(i, j) , (i) , and e(x | i) completely specify an
pronunciation, the original phonemes (and ultimately, the HMM. For convenience, we denote the set of these
uttered word) cannot be directly observed, and need to be parameters as .
Based on these parameters, we can now compute the
This approach is also useful in modeling biological probability that the HMM will generate the observation
sequences, such as proteins and DNA sequences. Typically, sequence x = x1 x2 … xL with the underlying state sequence
a biological sequence consists of smaller substructures with
different functions, and different functional regions often y = y1 y2 … y L . This joint probability P{x, y | } can be
display distinct statistical properties. For example, it is well- computed by
known that proteins generally consist of multiple domains. P{x, y | } = P{x | y, }P{y | }, (3)
Given a new protein, it would be interesting to predict the
constituting domains (corresponding to one or more states in where
an HMM) and their locations in the amino acid sequence
P{x | y,} = e(x1 | y1 )e(x2 | y2 )e(x3 | y3 )e(x L | yL ) (4)
(observations). Furthermore, we may also want to find the
protein family to which this new protein sequence belongs. P{y | } = (y1 )t(y1 , y2 )t(y2 , y3 )t(yL 1 , yL ). (5)
In fact, HMMs have been shown to be very effective in
representing biological sequences [3], as they have been As we can see, computing the observation probability is
successfully used for modeling speech signals. As a result, straightforward when we know the underlying state
HMMs have become increasingly popular in computational sequence.
molecular biology, and many state-of-the-art sequence
analysis algorithms have been built on HMMs. 2.2. A Simple HMM for Modeling Eukaryotic Genes
we assume that x is a protein-coding gene, how can we However, this is computationally very expensive, since
predict the locations of the exons and introns in the given there are M L possible state sequences. For this reason, we
sequence? We can answer the first question by computing definitely need a more efficient method for computing
the observation probability of x based on the given HMM P{x | } . There exist a dynamic programming algorithm,
that models coding genes. If this probability is high, it called the forward algorithm, that can compute P{x | } in
implies that this DNA sequence is likely to be a coding gene.
Otherwise, we may conclude that x is unlikely to be a an efficient manner [1]. Instead of enumerating all possible
coding gene, since it does not contain the statistical state sequences, this algorithm defines the following forward
properties that are typically observed in protein-coding variable
genes. The second question is about predicting the internal (n, i ) = P{x1 xn , yn = i | }. (7)
structure of the sequence, as it cannot be directly observed.
To answer this question, we may first predict the state This variable can be recursively computed using the
sequence y in the HMM that best describes x. Once we following formula
have inferred the best y, it is straightforward to predict the (n, i ) = [ (n 1, k )t (k , i )e( xn | i )], (8)
locations of the exons and introns. For example, assume that k
the optimal state sequence y is as shown in Fig. (1). This for n = 2,…, L . At the end of the recursions, we can
implies that the first nine bases x1 x9 belong to the first compute P{x | } = ( L, k ) . This algorithm computes the
exon, the following four bases x10 x13 belong to an intron,
observation probability of x with only O( LM 2 )
and the last six bases x14 x19 belong to another exon. As computations. Therefore, the amount of time required for
these examples show, HMMs provide a formal probabilistic computing the probability increases only linearly with the
framework for analyzing biological sequences. sequence length L , instead of increasing exponentially.
Another practically important problem is to find the
2.3. Basic Problems and Algorithms for HMMs
optimal state sequence, or the optimal path, in the HMM that
There are three basic problems that have to be addressed maximizes the observation probability of the given symbol
in order to use HMMs in practical applications. Suppose we sequence x. Among all possible state sequences y, we want
have a new symbol sequence x = x1 x2 … xL . How can we to find the state sequence that best explains the observed
compute the observation probability P{x | } based on a symbol sequence. This can be viewed as finding the best
given HMM? This problem is sometimes called the scoring alignment between the symbol sequence and the HMM,
problem, since computing the probability P{x | } is a hence it is sometimes called the optimal alignment problem.
natural way of `scoring' a new observation sequence x Formally, we want to find the optimal path y * that satisfies
based on the model at hand. Note that for a given x , its the following
underlying state sequence is not directly observable and
y * = arg max P{y | x, }. (9)
there can be many state sequences that yield x . Therefore, y
one way to compute the observation probability is to
consider all possible state sequences y for the given x and Note that this is identical to finding the state sequence
that maximizes P{x, y | } , since we have
sum up the probabilities as follows
P{x | } = P{x, y | }. (6) P{x, y | }
P{y | x, } = . (10)
y P{x | }
Hidden Markov Models and their Applications in Biological Sequence Analysis Current Genomics, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 6 405
Finding the optimal state sequence y * by comparing all legitimate path in the given HMM, in which case we will
L have P{x, ŷ | } = 0 . For this reason, the Viterbi algorithm is
M possible state sequences is computationally infeasible.
However, we can use another dynamic programming often preferred when we are interested in inferring the
algorithm, well-known as the Viterbi algorithm, to find the optimal state sequence for the entire observation x , while
the posterior-decoding approach in (14) is preferred when
optimal path y * efficiently [14, 15]. The Viterbi algorithm
our interest is mainly in predicting the optimal state at a
defines the variable specific position. The posterior probability in (15) can also
(n, i ) = max P{x1 xn , y1 yn 1 yn = i | }, (11) be useful for estimating the reliability of a state prediction.
y1 ,…, y n 1 For example, we may first predict the optimal path
y * = y1* y L* as in (9) using the Viterbi algorithm, and then
and computes it recursively using the following formula
estimate the reliability of the individual state prediction yn*
(n, i ) = max [ (n 1, k )t (k , i )e( xn | i )]. (12)
k by computing the posterior probability P{ yn = yn* | x, } as
At the end, we can obtain the maximum observation in (15).
probability as follows The scoring problem and the alignment problem are
P = max P{x, y | } = max ( L, k ).
(13) concerned about analyzing a new observation sequence x
y k based on the given HMM. However, the solutions to these
problems are meaningful only if the HMM can properly
The optimal path y * can be easily found by tracing back represent the sequences of our interest. Let us assume that
the recursions that led to the maximum probability we have a set of related observation sequences
P * = P{x, y * | } . Like the forward algorithm, the Viterbi X = {x1 , x 2 , … , xT } that we want to represent by an HMM.
algorithm finds the optimal state sequence in O( LM 2 ) time. For example, they may be different speech recordings of the
same word or protein sequences that belong to the same
As we have seen, the Viterbi algorithm finds the optimal functional family. Now, the important question is how we
path that maximizes the observation probability of the entire can reasonably choose the HMM parameters based on these
symbol sequence. In some cases, it may be more useful to observations. This is typically called the training problem.
find the optimal states individually for each symbol position. Although there is no optimal way of estimating the
In this case, we can find the optimal state yn that is most parameters from a limited number of finite observation
likely to be the underlying state of xn as follows sequences, there are ways to find the HMM parameters that
locally maximize the observation probability [1, 16-18]. For
yˆ n = arg max P{ yn = i | x, }, (14) example, we can use the Baum-Welch algorithm [16] to train
the HMM. The Baum-Welch algorithm is an expectation-
based on the given x and . The posterior probability maximization (EM) algorithm that iteratively estimates and
P{ yn = i | x, } can be computed from updates based on the forward-backward procedure [1,
16]. Since the estimation of the HMM parameters is
P{x1 xn , yn = i | }P{xn +1 x L | yn = i,} essentially an optimization problem, we can also use
P{yn = i | x,} =
P{x | } standard gradient-based techniques to find the optimal
parameters of the HMM [17, 18]. It has been demonstrated
(n, i ) (n, i ) (15)
= , that the gradient-based method can yield good estimation
(n, k ) (n, k )
results that are comparable to those of the popular EM-based
method [18]. When the precise evaluation of the probability
where (n, i) is defined as (or likelihood) of an observation is practically intractable for
the HMM at hand, we may use simulation-based techniques
(n, i ) = P{xn +1 xL | yn = i, }. (16)
to evaluate it approximately [17, 19]. These techniques allow
This backward variable (n, i) can be recursively us to handle a much broader class of HMMs. In such cases,
we can train the HMM using the Monte Carlo EM (MCEM)
computed using the backward algorithm as follows
algorithm, which adopts the Monte Carlo approach to
(n, i ) = [t (i, k )e( xn +1 | k ) (n + 1, k )], (17) approximate the so-called E-step (expectation step) in the
k EM algorithm [19]. There are also training methods based on
for n = L 1, L 2,…,1 . The advantage of predicting the stochastic optimization algorithms, such as simulated
annealing, that try to improve the optimization results by
optimal states individually is that this approach will
maximize the expected number of correctly predicted states. avoiding local maxima [20, 21]. Currently, there exists a vast
literature on estimating the parameters of hidden Markov
However, the overall state sequence ŷ = ŷ1 ŷ2 ŷL will be models, and the reader is referred to [1, 17, 19, 22, 23] for
generally suboptimal, hence P{x, ŷ | } P{x, y* | } . In further discussions.
some cases, the predicted path ŷ may not be even a
406 Current Genomics, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 6 Byung-Jun Yoon
2.4. Variants of HMMs Once we have constructed the ungapped HMM, we add
insert states I k and delete states Dk to the model so that we
There exist a large number of HMM variants that modify
and extend the basic model to meet the needs of various can account for insertions and deletions in new observation
applications. For example, we can add silent states (i.e., sequences. Let us first consider the case when the observed
states that do not emit any symbol) to the model in order to DNA sequence is longer than the consensus sequence of the
represent the absence of certain symbols that are expected to original alignment. In this case, if we align these sequences,
be present at specific locations [24, 25]. We can also make there will be one or more bases in the observed DNA
the states emit two aligned symbols, instead of a single sequence that are not present in the consensus sequence.
symbol, so that the resulting HMM simultaneously generates These additional symbols are modeled by the insert states.
two related symbol sequences [3, 4, 26]. It is also possible to The insert state I k is used to handle the symbols that are
make the probabilities at certain states dependent on part of inserted between the k th and the (k + 1) th positions in the
the previous emissions [9, 27] so that we can describe more consensus sequence. Now, let us consider the case when the
complex symbol correlations. In the following sections, we new observed sequence is shorter than the consensus
review a number of HMM variants that have been used in sequence. In this case, there will be one or more bases in the
various biological sequence analysis problems. consensus sequence that are not present in the observed
DNA sequence. The k th delete state Dk is used to handle
the deletion of the k th symbol in the original consensus
Let us assume that we have a multiple sequence sequence. As delete states represent symbols that are
alignment of proteins or DNA sequences that belong to the missing, Dk is a non-emitting state, or a silent state, which is
same functional family. How can we build an HMM that can
effectively represent the common patterns, motifs, and other simply used as a place-holder that interconnects the
statistical properties in the given alignment? One model that neighboring states. After adding the insert states and the
is especially useful for representing the profile of a multiple delete states to the ungapped HMM in Fig. (2b), we obtain
sequence alignment is the profile hidden Markov model the final profile-HMM that is shown in Fig. (2c).
(profile-HMM) [24, 25]. Profile-HMMs are HMMs with a Estimating the parameters of a profile-HMM based on a
specific architecture that is suitable for modeling sequence given multiple sequence alignment is relatively simple. We
profiles. Unlike general HMMs, profile-HMMs have a first have to decide which columns should be represented by
strictly linear left-to-right structure that does not contain any match states and which columns should be modeled by insert
cycles. A profile-HMM repetitively uses three types of states. Suppose we have a column that contains one or more
hidden states, namely, match states M k , insert states I k , and gaps. Should we regard the symbols in the column as
delete states Dk , to describe position-specific symbol `insertions', or should we rather view the gaps in the column
as `deletions'? One simple rule would be to compare the
frequencies, symbol insertions, and symbol deletions, number of symbols and the number of gaps. If the column
respectively. has more symbols than gaps, we treat the gaps as symbol
deletions. Therefore, we model the column using a match
3.1. Constructing a Profile-HMM
state M k (for the symbols in the given column) and a delete
To see how profile-HMMs work, let us consider the state Dk (for the gaps in the same column). On the contrary,
following example. Suppose we want to construct a profile-
HMM based on the multiple alignment shown in Fig. (2a). if we have more gaps than symbols, it would make more
sense to view the symbols as insertions, hence we use an
As we can see, the given alignment has five columns, insert state I k to represent the column. Once we have
where the base frequencies in the respective columns are
decided which columns should be represented by match
different from each other. The k th match state M k in the
states and which ones should be represented by insert states,
profile-HMM is used to describe the symbol frequencies in we know the underlying state sequence for each symbol
the k th column of the alignment. It is called a `match' state, sequence in the alignment. Therefore, we can estimate the
since it is used to represent the case when a symbol in a new transition probabilities and the emission probabilities of the
observation sequence matches the k th symbol in the profile-HMM by counting the number of each state transition
consensus sequence of the original alignment. As a result, or symbol emission and computing their relative frequencies.
the number of match states in the resulting profile-HMM is To allow small probability for state transitions or symbol
identical to the length of the consensus sequence. The emissions that are not observed in the original alignment, we
emission probability e( x | M k ) at the k th match state M k can add the so-called pseudocounts to the actual counts [3].
reflects the observed symbol frequencies in the k th We can also use more sophisticated methods for
consensus column. By interconnecting the match states parameterizing the profile-HMMs. In fact, there have been
M 1 , M 2 , … , M 5 , we obtain an ungapped HMM as shown in considerable research efforts for optimal construction and
Fig. (2b). This ungapped HMM can represent DNA parameterization of profile-HMMs to improve their overall
sequences that match the consensus sequence of the performance. More discussions on this topic can be found in
alignment without any gap, and it serves as the backbone of [3, 28-32].
the final profile-HMM that is to be constructed.
Hidden Markov Models and their Applications in Biological Sequence Analysis Current Genomics, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 6 407
Fig. (2). Profile hidden Markov model. (a) Multiple sequence alignment for constructing the profile-HMM. (b) The ungapped HMM that
represents the consensus sequence of the alignment. (c) The final profile-HMM that allows insertions and deletions.
3.2. Applications of Profile-HMMs sequence against Pfam or PROSITE, we can find out
whether the sequence contains any of the known protein
Due to the convenience and effectiveness in representing
sequence profiles, profile-HMMs have been widely used for
modeling and analyzing biological sequences. When profile- Sometimes, we may want to compare two multiple
HMMs were first proposed, they were quickly adopted for sequence alignments or sequence profiles, instead of
modeling the characteristics of a number of protein families, comparing a single sequence against a multiple alignment or
such as globins, immunoglobulins, and kinases [33]. They a profile. Comparing sequence profiles can be beneficial for
have been shown to be useful for various tasks, including detecting remote homologues, and profile-HMMs have also
protein classification, motif detection, and finding multiple been used for this purpose [40-42]. For example, COACH
sequence alignments. Nowadays, there exist publicly [40] allows us to compare sequence alignments, by building
available software packages, such as HMMER [3] and SAM a profile-HMM from one alignment and aligning the other
[34, 35], that can be readily used to build and train profile- alignment to the constructed profile-HMM. HHsearch [42]
HMMs. These packages provide convenient tools for generalizes the traditional pairwise sequence alignment
applying profile-HMMs to various sequence analysis algorithm for finding the alignment of two profile-HMMs.
problem. A comparison between these two popular HMM Another program, called PRC (profile comparer) [41],
packages and an assessment of their critical features can be provides a tool for scoring and aligning profile-HMMs
found in [32]. produced by popular software tools, including HMMER [3]
and SAM [34, 35].
It would be also very convenient to have a library of
ready-made profile-HMMs for known sequence families. Although profile-HMMs have been widely used for
Currently, we have two such libraries that have compiled a representing sequence profiles, their application is by no
large number of profile-HMMs for various protein families: means limited to modeling amino acid or nucleotide
the PROSITE database [36, 37] and the Pfam database [38, sequences. For example, Di Francesco et al. [43, 44] used
39]. Given a profile-HMM that represents a biological profile-HMMs to model sequences of protein secondary
sequence family, we can use it to search a sequence database structure symbols: helix (H), strand (E), and coil (C).
to find additional homologues that belong to the same Therefore, the model emits only three types of symbols
family. In a similar manner, if we have a database of pre- instead of twenty different amino acids. It has been
built profile-HMMs, we can use a single query sequence to demonstrated that this profile-HMM can be used for
search through the database to look for matching profiles. recognizing the three-dimensional fold of new protein
This strategy can be used for classification and annotation of sequences based on their secondary structure predictions.
the given sequence. For example, by querying a new protein Another interesting example is the feature-based profile-
408 Current Genomics, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 6 Byung-Jun Yoon
HMM that was proposed to improve the performance of 4.1. Pair-HMMs for Modeling Aligned Sequence Pairs
remote protein homology detection [45]. Instead of emitting
The pair hidden Markov model (pair-HMM) [3] is a
amino acids, emissions of these HMMs are based on
variant of the basic HMM that is especially useful for finding
`features' that capture the biochemical properties of the
sequence alignments and evaluating the significance of the
protein family of interest. These features are extracted by
aligned symbols. Unlike the original HMM, which generates
performing a spectral analysis of a number of selected
only a single sequence, a pair-HMM generates an aligned
`amino acid indices' [46] and using principal component
pair of sequences. For example, let us consider the pair-
analysis (PCA) to reduce the redundancy in the resulting
HMM shown in Fig. (3).
There are also variants of the basic profile-HMM, where This simple pair-HMM traverses between the states I X ,
the jumping profile-HMM (jpHMM) [47] is one such I Z and A , to simultaneously generate two aligned DNA
example. The jumping profile-HMM is a probabilistic sequences x = x1 xL (sequence 1) and z = z1 z L
x z
generalization of the so-called jumping-alignment approach.
The jumping-alignment approach is a strategy for comparing (sequence 2). The state I X emits a single unaligned symbol
a sequence with a multiple alignment, where the sequence is xi in the first sequence x . Similarly, the state I Z emits an
not aligned to the alignment as a whole, but it can `jump' unaligned symbol z j only in the second sequence z .
between the sequences that constitute the alignment. In this
way, different parts of the sequence can be aligned to Finally, the state A generates an aligned pair of two symbols
different sequences in the given alignment. A jpHMM uses xi and z j , where xi is inserted in x and z j is inserted in
multiple match states for each column to represent different z . For example, let us consider the alignment between
sequence subtypes. The HMM is allowed to jump between x = x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 = TTCCG and z = z1 z 2 z3 z 4 z5 = CCGTT
these match states based on the local similarity of the
sequence and the different sequence subtypes in the model. illustrated in Fig. (3). We assume that the underlying state
This approach has been shown to be especially useful for sequence is y = I X I X AAAIZ I Z as shown in the figure. As we
detecting recombination breakpoints [47]. can see, x1 and x2 are individually emitted at I X , hence they
are not aligned to any bases in z . The pairs ( x3 , z1 ) ,
( x4 , z 2 ) , and ( x5 , z3 ) are jointly emitted at A , and therefore
In biological sequence analysis, it is often important to
the bases in the respective pairs are aligned to each other.
compare two sequences to find out whether these sequences Finally, z 4 and z5 are individually emitted at I z as
are functionally related. Sequence similarity is often a good
indicator of their functional relevance, and for this reason, unaligned bases.
methods for quantitatively measuring the similarity of two As we can see from this example, there is a one-to-one
proteins or DNA sequences have been of interest to many relationship between the hidden state sequence y and the
researchers. A typical approach for comparing two biological alignment between the two observed sequences x and z .
sequences is to align them based on their similarity, compute Therefore, based on the pair-HMM framework, the problem
their alignment score, and evaluate the statistical significance of finding the best alignment between x and z reduces to
of the predicted alignment. To find the best alignment the problem of finding the following optimal state sequence
between the sequences, we first have to define a reasonable
scoring scheme for ranking different alignments. Based on y * = arg max P{y | x, z, }. (18)
this scoring scheme, we can choose the alignment that
maximizes the alignment score.
Fig. (3). Example of a pair hidden Markov model. A pair-HMM generates an aligned pair of sequences. In this example, two DNA sequences
x and z are simultaneously generated by the pair-HMM, where the underlying state sequence is y. Note that the state sequence y
uniquely determines the pairwise alignment between x and z .
Hidden Markov Models and their Applications in Biological Sequence Analysis Current Genomics, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 6 409
Note that this is identical to finding the optimal path that to describe specific indel length distributions has been shown
maximizes P{x, z, y | } , since we have to be very useful for finding accurate alignments of non-
coding DNA sequences.
P{x, z, y | }
P{y | x, z, } = . (19) Many multiple sequence alignment (MSA) algorithms
P{x, z | } also make use of pair-HMMs [50-52]. The most widely
adopted strategy for constructing a multiple alignment is the
The optimal state sequence y * can be found using progressive alignment approach, where sequences are
dynamic programming, by a simple modification of the assembled into one large multiple alignment through
Viterbi algorithm [3]. The computational complexity of the consecutive pairwise alignment steps according to a guide
resulting alignment algorithm is only O( Lx Lz ) , where Lx tree [53, 54]. The algorithms proposed in [50-52] combine
and Lz are the lengths of x and z , respectively. pair-HMMs with the progressive alignment approach to
construct multiple sequence alignments. For example, the
An important advantage of the pair-HMM based MSA algorithm in [51] uses a pair-HMM to find pairwise
approach over traditional alignment algorithms is that we can alignments and to estimate their alignment reliability. In
use the pair-HMM to compute the alignment probability of a addition to predicting the best multiple alignment, this
sequence pair. When the given sequences do not display method computes the minimum posterior probability for
strong similarities, it is difficult to find the correct alignment each column, which has been shown to correlate well with
that is biologically meaningful. In such cases, it would be the correctness of the prediction. These posterior
more useful to compute the probability that the sequences probabilities can be used to filter out the columns that are
are related, instead of focusing only on their best alignment. unreliably aligned. Another state-of-the-art MSA algorithm
The joint observation probability P{x, z | } of sequences called ProbCons [50] also uses a pair-HMM to compute the
x and z can be computed by summing over all possible posterior alignment probabilities. Instead of directly using
state sequences the optimal alignment predicted by the Viterbi algorithm,
ProbCons tries to find the pairwise alignment that maximizes
P{x, z | } = P{x, z, y | }. (20)
the expected number of correctly aligned pairs based on the
posterior probabilities. Furthermore, the algorithm
Instead of enumerating all possible state sequences, we incorporates multiple sequence conservation information
can modify the original forward algorithm to compute when finding the pairwise alignments. This is achieved by
P{x, z | } in an efficient manner [3]. It is also possible to using the match quality scores that are obtained from
compute the alignment probability for individual symbol probabilistic consistency transformation of the posterior
probabilities, when finding the alignments. It was
pairs. For example, the probability that xi will be aligned to demonstrated that this probabilistic consistency based
z j is P( yk = A | x, z, ) , where yk denotes the underlying approach can achieve significant improvement over
state for the aligned pair ( xi , z j ) . This probability can be traditional progressive alignment algorithms [50].
computed as follows Pair-HMMs have also been used for gene prediction [4,
55-58]. For example, a method called Pairagon+N-
P{yk = A | x, z,} = SCAN_EST provides a convenient pipeline for gene
P{x1 xi , z1 z j , yk = A | }P{xi +1 x L , z j +1 zL | yk = A,} annotation by combining a pair-HMM with a de novo gene
x z
prediction algorithm [56]. In this method, a pair-HMM is
P{x, z | }
first used to find accurate alignments of cDNA sequences to
(21) a given genome, and these alignments are combined with a
using a modified forward-backward algorithm [3]. gene prediction algorithm for accurate genome annotation. A
number of gene-finders adopt a comparative approach for
4.2. Applications of Pair-HMMs gene prediction [4, 55, 57, 58]. The generalized pair hidden
As pair-HMMs provide a full probabilistic framework for Markov model (GPHMM) [4] provides a convenient
handling pairwise alignments, they have been extensively probabilistic framework for comparative gene prediction by
used for finding pairwise alignment of proteins and DNA combining the pair-HMM (widely used for sequence
sequences [3]. For example, the pair-HMM was used to alignment and comparison) and the generalized HMM (used
approximate an explicit model for symbol insertions and by many gene finders). Comparative gene-finders such as
deletions (indels) in [48]. The constructed pair-HMM was SLAM [55] and TWAIN [57] are implemented based on the
then used to find the optimal sequence alignment, compute GPHMM framework. A similar model has been also
proposed in [58] to compare two DNA sequences and jointly
the overall alignment probability, and estimate the reliability
analyze their gene structures.
of the individual alignment regions. It was demonstrated that
using geometrically distributed indel lengths based on pair- Although the pair-HMM is originally defined on the
HMMs has many potential advantages [48]. More recently, pairwise alignment of linear symbol sequences, we can use it
another method called MCALIGN2 [49] also adopted pair- for aligning more complex structures, such as trees. For
HMMs with a slightly different structure, for global pairwise example, the PHMMTSs (pair hidden Markov models on
alignment of noncoding DNA segements. Using pair-HMMs tree structures) extend the pair-HMMs so that we can use
410 Current Genomics, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 6 Byung-Jun Yoon
them for aligning trees [59]. As most RNA secondary emitted at a pairwise-emission state Pn are stored in the
structures can be represented by trees, PHMMTSs provide a memory 1 that is associated with the state Pn . These symbols
useful probabilistic framework for aligning RNA sequences.
In [59], PHMMTSs have been used to find the structural are used later on as the `contextual information' for adjusting
alignment of RNAs, where an RNA with an unknown the probabilities at the corresponding context-sensitive state
structure is aligned to an RNA with a known secondary Cn . When we enter the context-sensitive state Cn , we first
structure. This structural alignment is distinct from a access the associated memory to retrieve the symbol xi that
sequence-based alignment, in the sense that we consider both was previously emitted at the corresponding pairwise-
the structural similarity and the sequence similarity when emission state yi = Pn . The emission probability at y j = Cn
finding the optimal alignment between the RNAs. Pair
stochastic tree adjoining grammars (PSTAGs) extend the ( j > i ) is adjusted based on the retrieved symbol xi (the
PHMMTSs further, so that we can use them to align TAG `context'). We can denote this context-sensitive emission
(tree adjoining grammar) trees [60]. This extension allows us probability as
to align RNAs with more complicated secondary structures,
including pseudoknots. e(x j | xi , yi , y j ) = P{x j is emitted at y j = Cn ,
given that xi was emitted at yi = Pn }.
CSHMMS Note that by combining the emission probability
Despite their usefulness in various sequence analysis e( xi | yi ) at a pairwise-emission state yi = Pn and the
problems, especially, those dealing with proteins and DNA emission probability e( x j | xi , yi , y j ) at the corresponding
sequences, traditional HMMs have inherent limitations that context-sensitive state y j = Cn , we obtain the joint emission
make them not suitable for handling RNA sequences. Many
non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) conserve base-paired probability of xi and x j
secondary structures that induce pairwise correlations
between non-adjacent bases [61]. However, traditional P{xi , x j | yi , y j } = P{xi | yi }P{x j | xi , yi , y j }
HMMs assume that the emission probability of each symbol
depends solely on the underlying state, and since each state = e( xi | y j )e( x j | xi , yi , y j ), (23)
depends only on its previous state, they cannot effectively
where we used the fact that xi is independent of y j . This
describe correlations between distant symbols. For this
reason, more complex models such as the stochastic context- clearly shows that we can describe long-range pairwise
free grammars (SCFGs) have been employed in RNA symbol correlations by using a pair of Pn and Cn , and then
sequence analysis [62, 63]. Although HMMs cannot be specifying their emission probabilities. Since a given
directly used for modeling RNAs, we can extend the original pairwise-emission state Pn and its corresponding context-
model to handle pairwise base correlations. The context-
sensitive HMM (csHMM) is a variant of HMM that can be sensitive state Cn work together to describe the symbol
used for this purpose [27, 64]. correlations, these states always exist in pairs, and a separate
memory is allocated to each state pair ( Pn , Cn ) . As we need
5.1. Context-Sensitive Hidden Markov Models the contextual information to adjust the emission
The main difference between a context-sensitive HMM probabilities at a context-sensitive state, the transition
and a traditional HMM is that a csHMM can use part of the probabilities in the model are adjusted such that we never
past emissions (called the `context') to adjust the enter a context-sensitive state if the associated memory is
probabilities at certain future states. The use of such empty [27].
contextual information is very useful in describing long- Using context-sensitive HMMs, we can easily describe
range correlations between symbols, and this context- any kind pairwise symbol correlations by arranging the
dependency increases the descriptive capability of the HMM pairwise emission states Pn and the corresponding context-
considerably [27]. Unlike traditional HMMs, csHMMs use
three different types of hidden states: single-emission states sensitive states Cn accordingly. As a simple example, let us
S n , pairwise-emission states Pn , and context-sensitive states consider a csHMM that generates only symmetric sequences,
or palindromes. Such an example is shown in Fig. (4).
Cn . The single-emission states are similar to the regular
states in traditional HMMs. They have fixed emission The model has three states, a pair of pairwise-emission
probabilities and do not make use of any contextual state P1 and context-sensitive state C1 , and one single-
information. In addition to the single-emission states, two emission state S1 . In this example, the state pair ( P1 , C1 ) uses
new types of states, the pairwise-emission states and the a stack, and the two states work together to model the
context-sensitive states, are introduced in csHMMs. These symbol correlations that are induced by the symmetry of the
states cooperate to describe pairwise symbol correlations. sequence. Initially, the csHMM enters the pairwise-emission
Like single-emission states, pairwise-emission states also
have fixed emission probabilities. However, the symbols 1
Although different types of memories (stacks, queues, etc.) can be used with
csHMMs, it is convenient to use stacks for modeling RNAs.
Hidden Markov Models and their Applications in Biological Sequence Analysis Current Genomics, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 6 411
Fig. (5). Constructing a profile-csHMM from a multiple RNA sequence alignment. (a) Example of an RNA sequence alignment. The
consensus RNA structure has two base-pairs. (b) An ungapped csHMM constructed from the given alignment. (c) The final profile-csHMM
that can handle symbol matches, insertions, and deletions.
obtain an ungapped csHMM for the given alignment, as 5.3. Hidden Markov Models in RNA Sequence Analysis
shown in Fig. (5b). Finally, we add insert states I k and
Profile-csHMMs can be used for finding structural
delete states Dk to the ungapped model to obtain the final alignment of RNAs and performing RNA similarity searches
profile-csHMM. Since the inserted bases are not correlated [9, 66]. In [9], the profile-csHMM has been used to find the
to other bases, we use a single-emission state for each I k . As optimal alignment between a folded RNA (and RNA with a
known secondary structure) and an unfolded RNA (an RNA
in profile-HMMs, the delete states Dk are non-emitting
whose folding structure is not known). To find the structural
states, and they are simply used to interconnect the alignment between the two RNAs, we first construct a
neighboring states. profile-csHMM to represent the folded RNA. The
As illustrated in this example, profile-csHMMs provide a parameters of the profile-csHMM is chosen according to the
convenient tool of modeling RNA profiles. Profile-csHMMs scoring scheme proposed in [67]. Based on this model, we
can represent any kind of base-pairs by appropriately use the SCA algorithm to find the optimal state sequence that
arranging the pairwise-emission match states and the maximizes the observation probability of the unfolded RNA
context-sensitive match states. Due to the increased sequence. The optimal alignment between the two RNAs can
descriptive capability, algorithms for traditional HMMs (e.g., be unambiguously determined from the predicted state
the Viterbi algorithm) cannot be directly used for profile- sequence. Furthermore, we can infer the secondary structure
csHMMs. However, we can generalize these algorithms so of the unfolded RNA based on the alignment. Theoretically,
that they can be used with profile-csHMMs. For example, the profile-csHMM based RNA structural alignment method
the sequential component adjoining (SCA) algorithm [9], can handle any kind of pseudoknots. The current
which is a generalization of the Viterbi algorithm, provides a implementation of the algorithm [9] can align any RNAs in
systematic way of finding the optimal state sequence in a the Rivas&Eddy class [68] that includes most of the known
profile-csHMM. RNAs [69]. We may use this structural alignment approach
for building RNA similarity search tools.
Hidden Markov Models and their Applications in Biological Sequence Analysis Current Genomics, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 6 413
One practical problem that frequently arises in RNA employing these alignment constraints can significantly
sequence analysis is the high computational complexity. As reduce the computational and memory requirements without
RNA alignment algorithms have to deal with complicated degrading the structure prediction accuracy [10, 73].
base-pair correlations, they require significantly more
computations compared to sequence-based alignment 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS
algorithms. For example, the Cocke-Younger-Kasami (CYK) Hidden Markov models have become one of the most
algorithm [3], which is the SCFG analogue of the Viterbi widely used tools in biological sequence analysis. In this
algorithm for HMMs, has a complexity of O( L3 ) , where L paper, we reviewed several different types of HMMs and
is the length of the RNA to be aligned. Considering that the their applications in molecular biology. It has to be noted
computational complexity of the Viterbi algorithm increases that this review is by no means exhaustive, and that there
only linearly with the sequence length, this is a significant still exist many other types of HMMs and an even larger
increase. The complexity of a simultaneous RNA folding number of sequence analysis problems that have benefited
from HMMs. Hidden Markov models provide a sound
(structure prediction) and alignment algorithm [70] is even
mathematical framework for modeling and analyzing
higher, and they need O( L3N ) computations for aligning N biological sequences, and we expect that their importance in
RNAs of length L . These algorithms do not consider molecular biology as well as the range of their applications
pseudoknots, and if we allow pseudoknots, the complexity will grow only further.
will increase further. The high computational cost often
limits the utility of many RNA sequence analysis algorithms, REFERENCES
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