Uniaxial Geotest-1000 Unconfined Rock Compression Test System
Uniaxial Geotest-1000 Unconfined Rock Compression Test System
Uniaxial Geotest-1000 Unconfined Rock Compression Test System
The UNIAXIAL GEOTEST-1000 system is a rock compression testing
system capable of performing unconfined compression, bending, indirect
tension,fracture and creep studies among others. A wide range of geo-
mechanical properties under uniaxial compression can be determined,
for example,compressive strength, static elastic constants (i.e. stress-
strain curve,Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio), indirect splitting
tensile strength, fracture toughness, pulse and ultrasonic velocities and
dynamic elastic moduli. The system uses a servo-controlled hydraulic
compression frame suitable for all rock types ranging from soft
sandstone to high-strength brittle rock. The unconfined compression test
provides a wellbore stability indicator, data points to generate a failure
envelope, an aid in coalbed methane cavitation design, wellbore stability,
sand production and subsidence calculations.
ASTM D7012 methods C&D
ASTM D3967
Versatile machine capable of a wide range of uniaxial tests.
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