OpenMind 2 Unit 7 Wordlist Spanish

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UNIT seven
Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
adopt adoptar verb /əˈdɑpt/ to decide to start The town in Kansas
using a particular idea, adopted the pancake
plan, or method race custom from
apron delantal noun [count] /ˈeɪprən/ something that you She wore an apron
wear to protect the while she cooked
front of your clothes, dinner.
especially when you
are cooking
beginning inicio, comienzo, noun [count] /bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ/ the first part of Start at the beginning.
principio something
bell campana noun [count] /bel/ a metal object shaped The church bells were
like an upside-down ringing loudly.
cup that makes a
noise when its sides
are hit by a metal
piece inside it
bottle botella noun [count] /ˈbɑt(ə)l/ a glass or plastic Can I have a bottle of
container for liquids, water, please?
usually with a narrow
part at the top called
the neck
box caja noun [count] /bɑks/ a container with The box of cereal is
straight sides, a flat almost empty.
base, and sometimes
a lid
butter mantequilla noun /ˈbʌtər/ a solid yellow food I like butter on my
[noncount] made from cream that bread.
you spread on bread
or use in cooking
can lata noun [count] /kæn/ a closed metal Would you like a can
container with round of soup?
sides, for food or
drinks. It is opened
with a can opener.
carnival carnaval noun [count/ /ˈkɑrnɪv(ə)l/ a lively festival in The carnival is usually
noncount] which people walk in February or March.
through the streets
playing music,
dancing, and often
wearing unusual,
colorful clothes
church iglesia noun [count/ /tʃɜrtʃ/ a building that I can hear the church
noncount] Christians go to in bells ringing.
order to worship
compete competir verb /kəmˈpit/ to try to win a The contestants
competition compete against each

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
complain quejarse verb /kəmˈpleɪn/ to say that you are I complained to the
not satisfied with waiter that my soup
something was cold.
conduct llevar a cabo verb /kənˈdʌkt/ to do something in an I want you to conduct
organized way a survey.
container recipiente noun [count] /kənˈteɪnər/ something used for There are lots of food
storing or holding containers for sale in
things, for example, a this kitchenware store.
box, bottle, or bowl
contestant concursamte, noun [count] /kənˈtestənt/ someone who takes The contestants run
concursante part in a contest about 380 meters.
creamy cremoso adjective /ˈkrimi/ a substance that I love ice cream
is thick, soft, and because it’s so creamy!
smooth and does not
flow easily
crunchy crujiente adjective /ˈkrʌntʃi/ crunchy foods make a Raw vegetables are
loud noise when you usually crunchy.
bite into them
delicious delicioso adjective /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ with a very good taste Strawberries are
difficult difícil adjective /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ not easy to do, deal It’s difficult to run
with, or understand holding a frying pan!
empty vaciar verb /ˈempti/ to make something In the past, people
empty by taking emptied their kitchen
everything out of it cabinets to use up
foods like flour and
butter before Lent.
end final, fin noun [count] /end/ the time when a I was tired at the end
situation, event, or of the race.
series of events stops
enough suficiente adverb /ɪˈnʌf/ used for saying It’s difficult enough
that someone or to run with a frying
something is as pan, but contestants
good, big, fast, etc. also have to flip their
as necessary, or does pancakes.
something as much as
is necessary
event evento noun [count] /ɪˈvent/ an organized occasion They remember an
such as a party or event with a pancake
sports competition race every year.
famous famoso adjective /ˈfeɪməs/ if someone or Brad Pitt is very
something is famous, famous.
a lot of people know
their name or have
heard about them
flip voltear verb /flɪp/ to turn over quickly It is traditional to flip
or to make something pancakes.
turn over
flour harina noun /flaʊr/ a white or brown Most types of bread
[noncount] powder made by contain flour.
crushing grains. Flour
is used for making
bread, cakes, pasta,

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
frying pan sartén noun [count] /ˈfraɪɪŋ ˌpæn/ a flat, metal pan with Pancakes are cooked
a long handle, used in a frying pan.
for cooking food in
hot oil or fat
greasy grasoso adjective /ˈɡrisi/ prepared with a lot of These fries are really
oil or fat greasy.
habit hábito noun [count/ /ˈhæbɪt/ something that you Do you have healthy
noncount] do often or regularly, eating habits?
often without thinking
about it
headscarf pañuelo (de noun [count] /ˈhedˌskɑrf/ a piece of cloth that a Fifteenth-Century
cabeza) woman or girl wears housewives wore
on her head and ties headscarves.
under her chin
healthy sano, saludable adjective /ˈhelθi/ helping you stay I have a healthy
physically strong and lifestyle.
not sick
housewife ama de casa noun [count] /ˈhaʊsˌwaɪf/ a woman who does My grandmother
not work outside the was a housewife; she
home and whose main didn’t go out to work.
job is taking care of
her children, cooking,
cleaning, etc.
jar tarro, frasco noun [count] /dʒɑr/ a glass container There is a jar of jam in
with a lid and a wide the cabinet.
top, especially one in
which food is sold or
juicy jugoso adjective /ˈdʒusi/ containing a lot of This orange is really
liquid juicy.
late tarde adjective /leɪt/ when you arrive I was late for my guitar
somewhere after the lesson.
correct or usual time
of course por supuesto adverb /ˌəv kɔrs/ used for saying Of course, the Olney
something that contestants compete
you think someone against each other.
probably already
knows or will not be
surprised about
package paquete noun [count] /ˈpækɪdʒ/ a box, bag, or plastic I just ate the whole
wrapping containing package of cookies!
food that has been
weighed, ready to be
pancake panqueque, noun [count] /ˈpænˌkeɪk/ a thin, round, flat food In the U.K., it is
hotcake made by cooking a traditional to eat
mixture of flour, eggs, pancakes on one day
and milk in February or March.
race carrera noun [count] /reɪs/ a competition that I came in second in
decides who is the the race.
fastest at doing
something, especially
record récord noun [count] /ˈrekərd/ the best achievement He holds the quarter
so far in a particular mile record at my
activity, especially a college.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
ring sonar verb /rɪŋ/ when a bell produces A woman in Olney was
a sound making pancakes on
Shrove Tuesday when
the church bells rang.
salty salado adjective /ˈsɔlti/ containing salt or This casserole is too
tasting like salt salty.
shelf repisa noun [count] /ʃelf/ a flat piece of wood, What food is on the
plastic, or glass that is shelves?
attached to the wall,
or is part of a piece
of furniture, used for
putting things on
Shrove Tuesday martes de Carnaval noun [count/ /ˈʃroʊv ˌtuzdeɪ/ the Tuesday in In the U.K., Shrove
noncount] February that is the Tuesday is also known
last day before the as “Pancake Day.”
Christian season of
sour agrio adjective /saʊr/ with a taste like a These lemons are very
lemon sour.
special especial adjective /ˈspeʃ(ə)l/ different from, and It’s a special day today.
usually better than,
what is normal or
spicy condimentado adjective /ˈspaɪsi/ spicy food has a This curry is very spicy.
strong, hot flavor
survey encuesta noun [count] /ˈsɜrˌveɪ/ a set of questions I’m preparing a survey
that you ask a large about healthy eating
number of people or habits.
sweet dulce adjective /swit/ tasting like sugar This chocolate cake is
very sweet.
tasteless insípido adjective /ˈteɪs(t)ləs/ having no flavor This pasta dish is really
thin delgado adjective /θɪn/ a thin object or They make and eat
material has only lots of delicious thin
a short distance pancakes.
between its two
opposite sides, edges,
or surfaces
traditionally tradicionalmente adverb /trəˈdɪʃən(ə)l/ relating to, or based Traditionally, this is
on very old customs, a day when people
beliefs, or stories empty their kitchen
typical tipico adjective /ˈtɪpɪk(ə)l/ like most people or She was wearing the
things of the same typical apron and
type headscarf of 15th-
Century housewives.
unhealthy no saludable adjective /ʌnˈhelθi/ not good for you in a Do you eat a lot of
physical way unhealthy food?

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