Vignan'S Lara Institute of Engineering and Technology: Power Semiconductor Drives - PART A

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(Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada; An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution),

Vadlamudi, Chabrolu (Mandal), Guntur (Dist) - 522 213.

Date: 8-10-2017

Power semiconductor drives –PART A


1. What are the main factors which decide the choice of electrical drive for a given
2. Explain in detail about components of load torques.
3. What are advantages of electrical drive?
4. Explain about fundamental torque equation.
5. How do you define passive and active load torques? What are the differences between
the two?
6. Explain what do you understand by the steady-state stability?
7. List out three common load torques experienced in practice& draw the speed-torque curves.
8. Define constant torque & constant power drive with examples.

1. Explain the demerits of four quadrant dc drives employing circulating current dual
2. Compare circulating and non-circulating mode of dual converters.
3. Three phase converter controlled dc drives offer small discontinuous operating region
compared to single phase converter fed dc drives. Justify.
4. Among armature resistance & armature voltage control methods, which one is efficient?
5. Compare conventional and static Ward-Leonard systems.
6. Describe the flux control method of series motor.
7. Briefly explain different speed control techniques for D.C. motor.
8. Discuss the drawbacks of rectifier control of dc series motor.
9. Describe the rectifier control of dc series motor.

Unit -III

1. Explain the first quadrant chopper controlled separately excited dc motor.

2. List the advantages offered by dc chopper drives over line-commutated converter
controlled dc drives.
3. Draw the block diagram of closed loop operation of chopper controlled dc motor.
4. Give the advantages of chopper fed dc drives.
5. Give the quadrants in which electric drive can operate using class C & class D choppers
6. Using choppers, regenerative braking is possible down to zero speed through drive is fed by
fixed dc voltage. Justify.

1. Draw and explain the speed – torque characteristics of the induction motor under
variable frequency control?
2. How do you get linear relation between voltage and frequency in v/f control of induction
motor at low frequency operation?
3. Can V/f ratio maintain constant for above base speed? Above base speed is flux weakening
region, explain
4. Explain the significance of (V/f) speed control method of an induction motor.
5. Draw the speed-torque characteristics of induction motor with variable frequency
6. Variable voltage control method of induction motor is not suitable for constant torque
loads. Justify.
7. Draw the block diagram of closed loop operation of induction motor drives.
8. Define Slip power and its significance.
9. Why V/f ratio must be constant for a frequency controlled induction motor drive?
10. Give the disadvantages of AC voltage controller fed induction motor drive.


1. Draw and explain the equivalent circuit of a wound rotor induction motor when
voltage is injected in the rotor circuit.
2. Define Slip power and its significance.
3. Why rotor resistance control is preferred in low power crane drives?
4. Draw the circuit diagram for static Scherbius drive
5. Compare self-controlled and load-commutated inverter controlled synchronous motor
6. Write short notes on modes of variable frequency control.
7. Give the advantages of rotor side control of induction motor over stator side
8. State major features of rotor resistance control of wound rotor induction motor. [4M]
9. List the advantages of static rotor resistance control over conventional rotor
resistance control?
1. What is the basic difference between true synchronous mode and self control mode
for variable frequency control of synchronous motor?
2. Why synchronous motor is not self start?
3. Compare slip power control and slip power recovery.
4. How do you start a synchronous motor?
5. What is the basic difference between true synchronous mode and self control mode
for variable frequency control of Synchronous motor?
6. When operating in true synchronous mode, why the frequency must be changed in
small steps?
7. Compare self-controlled and load-commutated inverter controlled synchronous motor
8. When operating in true synchronous mode, why the frequency must be changed in
small steps?

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