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Academic Standards for Visual Art- 4th Grade

Create Present Respond Connect

Foundation Cr1 Generate and Foundation P1 Select, Foundation Cn1 Synthesize

conceptualize artistic ideas analyze, and interpret Foundation R1 Perceive and relate knowledge and
and work. artistic work for and analyze artistic work. personal experiences to
presentation. artistic endeavors.
4.VA.Cr1.A Brainstorm 4.VA.P1.A Analyze how 4.VA.R1.A Determine the 4.VA.Cn1.A Create art that
original approaches to an art traditional and emerging main idea of an image, communicates the cultural
or design problem. technologies have impacted and explain how it is traditions of one’s
the preservation and supported by key details community.
presentation of artwork.
Foundation P2
Develop and refine artistic
techniques and work for
4.VA.Cr1.B Collaboratively 4.VA.P2.A Analyze strategies 4.VA.R1.B Compare
set goals, and create artwork for exhibiting and preserving responses to a work of Foundation Cn2 Relate
that is meaningful and has a variety of artforms in both art before and after artistic ideas and works
purpose to the makers. traditional and emerging experimenting with with societal, cultural, and
presentation spaces. similar processes. historical context.
Foundation Cr2 Organize and Foundation P3 Convey and Foundation: R2 Interpret 4.VA.Cn2.A Through
develop artistic ideas and express meaning through the intent and meaning in observation, infer
work. presentation of artistic work. artistic work. information about time,
4.VA.Cr2.A Explore and 4.VA.P3.A Compare and 4.VA.R2.A Interpret art place, and culture in
invent art-making techniques contrast purposes of a by analyzing how which a work of art was
and approaches using variety of presentation context, relevant subject created.
developmentally appropriate spaces and the types of matter, and use of
craftsmanship experiences they provide. media shape meaning
while using appropriate
art vocabulary.
4.VA.Cr2.B Utilize and care Foundation R3 Apply
for materials, tools, and criteria to evaluate
equipment in a manner that artistic work.
prevents danger to oneself 4.VA.R3.A Apply one set
and others. of criteria to evaluate
more than one work of
4.VA.Cr2.C Document,
describe, and represent
community spaces and
Foundation Cr3 Refine and
complete artistic work.
4.VA.Cr3.A Revise artwork in
progress on the basis of
insights gained through peer

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