Nick Cave Lesson Plan
Nick Cave Lesson Plan
Nick Cave Lesson Plan
Students can build 3-D structures
Students can apply their understanding of noise making to art
Students can utilize the elements of art/design to create art
Current Benchmarks/Standards
Foundational Knowledge and Technique
A. Proper use of art materials
B. Understands and effectively uses elements and principles of art
C. Quality craftsmanship
Expression & Creativity
A. Effectively solve creative problem with innovation and inventiveness
B. Apply preliminaries, possibilities, and drafts in the creative problem
solving process
C. Effectively uses reflective thinking to self-assess for improving
technical and creative purposes
Art Analysis, History, and Culture
A. Effectively compare and contrast artwork
B. Effectively discuss purpose, meaning, connections, and style when
observing art
Resources: (Websites, Books, Music, etc)
Materials Needed:
Paper towel rolls, dried beans, rice, popcorn, pipe cleaners, elastic, Velcro, hot glue
guns, foam paper
Teacher will be discussing ideas and Students will present their work to the class
thoughts with students during the while talking about their work, how it works,
initial presentation (essential the choices they made, etc.
Teacher will be walking around
during working days, gauging
progress and helping in difficult