Nick Cave Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Title: Sound Art Course: MS Art

The Big Idea (Overall Concept): Time: Grade Level:
Art in Different Forms 2 Weeks 6th
Description of Lesson (Brief Summary):
Students will be introduced to the art and music making ways of Nick Cave. On the
first day of instruction, students will go over a presentation about Nick Caves
Soundsuits, and other cultures/cultural music (New Orleans, Hawaiian, Korean).
During the presentation, students will be asked to think about/talk about the
essential questions for the unit. Students will then begin sketching ideas of structure
building and how they can create noise with objects. Once sketches have been
generated and checked, students will begin production of their Sound Wearble.
Once completed with working, students will spend a class period presenting their
works, talking about it using art terms, and showing how they function.
National Common Art Standards:
VA:Cr2.1.6a Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and
approaches in making works of art
VA:Re7.2.6a Analyze ways that visual components and cultural associations
suggested by images influence ideas, emotions, and actions
VA:Cn11.1.6a Analyze how art reflects changing times, traditions, resources, and
cultural uses.

Enduring Understandings: Essential Questions:

Artists and designers experiment How do artists work?
with forms, structures, materials, How do artists learn from trial and
concepts, media, and artmaking error?
What is an image?
Visual imagery influences
understanding of and How do images influence our views of
responses to the world the world?
People develop ideas and How does art help us understand the
understandings of society, lives of people of different cultures?
culture, and history through How does art preserve aspects of life?
their interactions with and
analysis of art.

Technical Skills: 21st Century Skills:

Structure building, planning sound Creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination,
design innovation, personal expression

Students can build 3-D structures
Students can apply their understanding of noise making to art
Students can utilize the elements of art/design to create art
Current Benchmarks/Standards
Foundational Knowledge and Technique
A. Proper use of art materials
B. Understands and effectively uses elements and principles of art
C. Quality craftsmanship
Expression & Creativity
A. Effectively solve creative problem with innovation and inventiveness
B. Apply preliminaries, possibilities, and drafts in the creative problem
solving process
C. Effectively uses reflective thinking to self-assess for improving
technical and creative purposes
Art Analysis, History, and Culture
A. Effectively compare and contrast artwork
B. Effectively discuss purpose, meaning, connections, and style when
observing art
Resources: (Websites, Books, Music, etc)

Materials Needed:
Paper towel rolls, dried beans, rice, popcorn, pipe cleaners, elastic, Velcro, hot glue
guns, foam paper

Instruction (Day by Day):

Day 1: Sound Suit presentation & planning
Day 2: Supply pick/planning, begin initial builds
Day 3-7: Building days
Day 8: Presentation Day!

Evaluation: Formative Summative

Teacher will be discussing ideas and Students will present their work to the class
thoughts with students during the while talking about their work, how it works,
initial presentation (essential the choices they made, etc.
Teacher will be walking around
during working days, gauging
progress and helping in difficult

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