Photonics, A Short Course - Degiorgio
Photonics, A Short Course - Degiorgio
Photonics, A Short Course - Degiorgio
Vittorio Degiorgio
Ilaria Cristiani
A Short Course
Second Edition
Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics
Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics (ULNP) publishes authoritative texts covering
topics throughout pure and applied physics. Each title in the series is suitable as a basis for
undergraduate instruction, typically containing practice problems, worked examples, chapter
summaries, and suggestions for further reading.
The purpose of ULNP is to provide intriguing, absorbing books that will continue to be the
reader’s preferred reference throughout their academic career.
Series editors
Neil Ashby
Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
William Brantley
Professor, Furman University, Greenville, SC, USA
Matthew Deady
Professor, Bard College Physics Program, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, USA
Michael Fowler
Professor, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Morten Hjorth-Jensen
Professor, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Michael Inglis
Professor, SUNY Suffolk County Community College, Long Island, NY, USA
Heinz Klose
Professor Emeritus, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Helmy Sherif
Professor, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
A Short Course
Second Edition
Vittorio Degiorgio Ilaria Cristiani
Department of Electrical, Computer Department Electrical, Computer
and Biomedical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering
University of Pavia University of Pavia
Pavia Pavia
Italy Italy
Apart from a number of small corrections and updates, the main change with
respect to the first edition is that a set of problems is provided at the end of each
chapter, except the last one. The problems deal with numerical computations
designed to illustrate the magnitudes of important quantities, and are also meant to
reinforce the understanding of the material presented and to test the students’ ability
to apply theoretical formulas.
The invention of the laser in 1960 has brought new ideas and new methods to many
areas of science and technology. Starting from the consideration that, in a simplified
view, a light beam can be seen as a stream of energy quanta, known as photons, the
name “photonics” has been coined, in analogy to electronics, to indicate the gen-
eration and use of photon streams for engineering applications. The applications of
photonics are everywhere around us from long-distance communications to DVD
players, from industrial manufacturing to health-care, from lighting to image for-
mation and display.
Many university programs in electrical engineering and applied physics propose
courses on photonics. Our aim is to offer a concise, rigorous, updated book, that can
serve as a textbook for an advanced undergraduate course. We believe that the book
can be also useful for graduate students, professionals, and researchers who want to
understand the principles and the functions of photonic devices.
The description of photonic devices essentially consists in a treatment of the
interactions between optical waves and materials. When the interaction is
non-resonant, an approach using Maxwell’s equations and the macroscopic optical
vi Preface
We are especially indebted to Lee Carroll for providing us with many sugges-
tions that greatly improved the presentation. We also acknowledge useful conver-
sations with Antoniangelo Agnesi, Cosimo Lacava, Roberto Piazza, and Giancarlo
1 Electromagnetic Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Polarization of Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Paraxial Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4.1 Spherical Waves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4.2 Gaussian Spherical Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Diffraction Fresnel Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.6 Fraunhofer Diffraction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.6.1 Rectangular and Circular Apertures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.6.2 Periodical Transmission Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
x Contents
3 The Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.1 Conventional Light Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.2 Origins of the Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.3 Properties of Oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.4 Emission and Absorption of Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.4.1 Einstein Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.5 Optical Amplification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.6 Scheme and Characteristics of the Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
3.7 Rate Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.8 The Laser Cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.9 Solid-State and Gas Lasers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.10 Pulsed Lasers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
3.10.1 Q-Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
3.10.2 Mode-Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
3.11 Properties of Laser Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
3.11.1 Directionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
3.11.2 Monochromaticity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3.11.3 Spectrum of Laser Pulses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4 Modulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4.1 Linear Electro-Optic Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4.1.1 Phase Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
4.1.2 Amplitude Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
4.2 Quadratic Electro-Optic Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
4.2.1 Liquid Crystal Modulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
4.3 Acousto-Optic Effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
4.3.1 Acousto-Optic Modulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
4.3.2 Acousto-Optic Deflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Contents xi
8 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
8.1 Information and Communication Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
8.1.1 Optical Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
8.1.2 Optical Memories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
8.1.3 Integrated Photonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
xii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Chapter 1
Electromagnetic Optics
The typical nomenclature of electromagnetic waves is given in Table 1.1, along with
the wavelength ranges associated with the different spectral bands. The field of
Photonics covers the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet wavelength ranges.
The term “light” is born to indicate electromagnetic radiation having wavelength
within the interval 0.4–0.75 µm, which is the interval spanned by the radiation emitted
by the sun. As a result of biological adaptation, this is also the wavelength range to
which the retina of our eyes is sensitive. In contemporary scientific terminology, the
term “light” is also applied to infrared and ultraviolet radiation.
In this text ν expresses the frequency of light, and is measured in units of hertz (Hz).
Alternatively, ω = 2π ν, the angular frequency of light can be used, and is measured
in radians per second. The wavelength of light, expressed as λ, is usually measured
in micrometers/microns (1 µm = 10−6 m) or nanometers (1 nm = 10−9 m). The
speed of light in vacuum is expressed as c, and is related to the wavelength and
frequency by c = λν. In general, the International System (SI) of units will be used.
Appendix A gives the list of prefixes used to indicate multiples and submultiples of
the fundamental units.
Table 1.2 shows the wavelength ranges corresponding to different colors of visible
electromagnetic waves.
Historically, the nature of light has been subject to considerable debate. Some sci-
entists, like Huygens and Young, posited a “wave-like” nature of light, while others,
like Newton, proposed a “corpuscular” point of view. The highly successful descrip-
tion of light provided by Maxwell’s equations seemed to end the debate, by providing
a strong validation of the wave-like interpretation. However the controversy reopened
in the last part of the nineteenth century, because the wave-like interpretation was
inconsistent with experimental observations of certain phenomena such as the photo-
electric effect and the spectral radiance of blackbody emission. Planck and Einstein
clearly demonstrated that electromagnetic energy is emitted and absorbed in discrete
units, or fundamental quanta of energy, now called photons.
Quantum theory provides a unified view that combines both the wave-like and the
corpuscular aspects of light. Traditionally, textbooks discussing lasers and related
applications do not make full use of the quantum theory of light. Instead, they adopt an
intermediate approach by treating all wave propagation phenomena with Maxwell’s
1.1 Spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves 3
equations, and introducing light quanta only when discussing absorption and emis-
sion phenomena. This intermediate approach is also used in this book, as it is partic-
ularly suited to a concise introduction to Photonics.
Considering a monochromatic plane wave with frequency ν and wave vector k,
the corresponding photon is a quasi-particle without mass, with an energy of hν
and a momentum of hk/(2π ). The universal constant, h, called Planck constant,
has value 6.55 × 1034 J·s. Usually the photon energy is conveniently expressed in
units of electronvolt (eV): 1 eV is the energy acquired by an electron (electric charge
e = 1.6 × 10−19 C) when it is accelerated by a potential difference of 1 V, and so
1 eV = 1.6 × 10−19 J.
∇ · B = 0, (1.2)
∇ × B = εo μo , (1.3)
∇ ×E=− , (1.4)
where E is the electric field (measured in V/m), and B is the magnetic induction
(measured in T ). The constant εo = 8.854 × 10−12 F/m is called the dielectric
constant (or electric permittivity) of free space, and μo = 4π × 10−7 H/m is the
vacuum magnetic permeability.
Recalling a general property of differential operators:
∇ × (∇ × E) = ∇(∇ · E) − ∇ 2 E, (1.5)
taking the rotor of both members of (1.4), and using (1.1), it is found that:
∂(∇ × B)
∇ × (∇ × E) = −∇ 2 E = − . (1.6)
By using (1.3), one obtains a single equation, called the wave equation, in which
the unknown function is the electric field:
1 ∂ 2E
∇2E = , (1.7)
c2 ∂t 2
4 1 Electromagnetic Optics
SP = E × H, (1.8)
where H = B/μo is the magnetic field (units: A/m). The modulus of SP , which has
dimension W/m2 , represents the power per unit area transported by the electromag-
netic wave.
An important particular solution of (1.7) is the monochromatic plane wave:
SP = cεo E o2 cos2 (ωt − k · r + φ). (1.10)
Optical fields oscillate at very high frequencies. For instance, at the wavelength
λ = 1 µm, the corresponding oscillation period is T = λ/c = 3.3×10−15 s = 3.3 fs.
In most cases it is more significant to consider time averaged quantities instead of
instantaneous values. To this end, it is useful to recall a general property of sinusoidal
functions: given two functions oscillating at the same frequency, a(t) = A cos(ωt +
φ A ) and b(t) = B cos(ωt + φ B ), the time average of the product is:
a(t)b(t) = AB cos(φ A − φ B ). (1.11)
Using (1.11), it is found that the time-average of the modulus of SP , which is the
intensity of the wave, is given by:
εo E o2
I =c . (1.12)
1.2 Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum 5
As shown in (1.9), the electric field can be described by using complex exponen-
tials of the type E = Eo exp[−i(ωt − k · r + φ)] instead of real sinusoidal functions.
In this text the exponential notation will be often used to simplify the calculations. In
any case it should never be forgotten that only the real part of the complex exponential
corresponds to the real electric field.
E x2 E y2 Ex E y
+ 2
−2 cos φ = sin2 φ. (1.17)
E xo E yo E xo E yo
Equation (1.17) describes the trajectory of the endpoint of the vector E in the
plane x-y. The motion is periodic in time, with period T = 1/ν. In the general case,
the trajectory is an ellipse, as shown in Fig. 1.1, and the wave is said to be elliptically
polarized. In the particular case of φ = 0, the ellipse reduces to a straight line, i.e.,
the direction of the electric field vector does not change with time. The straight line
forms an angle α with the x axis, given by the relation tan(α) = E yo /E xo . Linear
polarization is also obtained when φ = π , in this case the polarization direction
forms an angle −α with the y axis.
In the case φ = ±π/2 and E xo = E yo , the endpoint of the vector E sketches out
a circle in one optical period, and so the wave is said to be circularly polarized. The
rotation of E can be clockwise, if φ = π/2, or anti-clockwise, if φ = −π/2.
6 1 Electromagnetic Optics
Fig. 1.1 Polarization of electromagnetic waves for different values of the phase shift between E x
and E y
(∇ 2 + k 2 )E(r) = 0 (1.18)
In real situations one never deals with ideal plane waves, but rather with collimated
beams, like those emitted by lasers. It is therefore useful to develop approximated
treatments applicable to light beams possessing a relatively small distribution of
wave vectors. Since the discussion will only concern the spatial properties of mono-
chromatic fields, the time-dependent term exp(−iωt) will be omitted from now on
in this chapter inside all the expressions involving the electric field.
Considering a light beam that travels along the z axis, and substituting the fol-
lowing expression for the electric field inside (1.18):
∂ 2U ∂ 2U ∂ 2U ∂U
+ + + 2ik = 0. (1.20)
∂x2 ∂ y2 ∂z 2 ∂z
∂ 2U ∂ 2U ∂U
+ + 2ik = 0. (1.22)
∂x2 ∂ y2 ∂z
= ik(cos α − 1)(U − Uo ).
If α is small, then the quantity cos α − 1 is also small with respect to 1. Therefore
it is demonstrated that:
|k(U − Uo )| < |kU |.
An important particular solution of the wave equation (1.7) is a wave with spherical
wavefronts, whose electric field, in scalar form, is expressed as:
E= exp(ik|r − ro |) (1.23)
|r − ro |
Fig. 1.3 Convention for the sign of the radius of curvature of the spherical wave
The radius of curvature can be positive or negative: the chosen convention (shown
in Fig. 1.3) being that positive R indicates a wavefront having convexity oriented
toward positive z, i.e. when the wave is diverging.
As will be shown in Chap. 3, the beam emitted by a laser can usually be described as
a spherical wave presenting a Gaussian amplitude distribution in the x-y plane. The
electric field of this Gaussian spherical wave is:
x 2 + y2 k(x 2 + y 2 )
U (x, y, z) = A(z)exp − exp i
w2 2R
k(x + y )
2 2
= A(z)exp i , (1.27)
where w is the distance from the z axis at which the field amplitude is reduced by a
factor 1/e. The parameter w can be called radius of the Gaussian wave.
10 1 Electromagnetic Optics
The quantity q appearing in the right-hand side of (1.27) is called the complex
radius of curvature. It is defined by the expression:
1 1 λ
= +i (1.28)
q R π w2
Equation (1.29) can be satisfied for all possible values of x and y provided that:
dq d A(z) A(z)
=1; =− . (1.30)
dz dz q(z)
A(z) qo
q(z) = qo + z − z o ; = . (1.31)
Ao q(z)
Having assigned U (xo , yo , 0), the field distribution at the generic coordinate z
is immediately derived by using the two conditions of (1.31) that describe how the
amplitude and the complex radius of curvature are modified during the propagation
along the z axis. Note that the propagation problem is solved through the algebraic
relations (1.31) without making use of the differential equation (1.22). It is found:
qo k(x 2 + y 2 )
U (x, y, z) = Ao exp i , (1.33)
qo + z 2(qo + z)
1.4 Paraxial Approximation 11
wo k(x 2 + y 2 )
U (x, y, z) = Ao exp [−iψ(z)]exp i , (1.34)
w(z) 2q(z)
iπ wo2
q(z) = z + qo = z − , (1.35)
2 2
λz z
w(z) = wo 1 + = wo 1 + , (1.36)
π wo2 zR
and λz z
ψ(z) = arctan = arctan . (1.37)
π wo2 zR
π wo2
zR = . (1.38)
The behavior of the beam radius w(z) is reported in Fig. 1.4. It is seen that the
Gaussian spherical wave has the minimum radius at the position (usually called
beam waist) in which its wavefront is planar. The Rayleigh length represents the
propagation distance at which the beam radius becomes larger than wo by a factor
2. The beam radius is slowly growing for z ≤ z R and tends to grow linearly as
Equation (1.34) indicates that the propagating Gaussian spherical wave acquires,
with respect to the plane wave, an additional phase delay of ψ(z) that, according to
(1.37), varies from −π/2 for z z R to π/2 for z
z R , as shown in Fig. 1.5.
By using (1.28) and (1.35) the z-dependence of the radius of curvature of the
wavefront is derived:
1 π wo2 2 zR2
R(z) = z + =z+ . (1.39)
z λ z
Since the beam radius grows proportionally to distance, most of the propagating
power is concentrated inside a cone having the aperture:
θo = . (1.41)
π wo
1.4 Paraxial Approximation 13
The angle θo is the divergence angle of the beam. Equation (1.41) expresses a
very general concept for wave propagation: the finite transversal size of the beam
is necessarily associated to an angular spread of the wave vector directions. Apart
from a numerical factor of the order of one, the divergence angle is given by the ratio
between wavelength and transversal size of the light beam. As it will be seen in the
following sections, the same result is found in the classical diffraction problem, in
which a plane wave crossing a screen with a circular aperture of radius D/2 generates
a beam with an angular spread ≈2λ/D.
To complete the discussion concerning the behavior at z
z R , (1.39) shows that
R(z) approaches the value of z, that is, it tends towards the value expected for a
spherical wave centered at z = 0.
The paraxial equation admits other beam-like solutions that, like the spherical
Gaussian wave, do not change their shape during free propagation. An interesting
family of such solutions is that of Hermite-Gauss spherical waves, whose amplitude,
in Cartesian coordinates, is the product of a Gaussian function times two Hermite
U (x, y, z) = Ao exp [−i(l + m + 1)ψ(z)]
k(x 2 + y 2 )
√ x √ y
exp i Hl 2 Hm 2 , (1.42)
2q(z) w(z) w(z)
Hn (ξ ) = exp(ξ 2 )(−1)n exp(−ξ 2 ). (1.43)
dξ n
The Hermite-Gaussian beam of order (0,0) is the simple Gaussian beam. As will
be seen in Chap. 3, the Hermite-Gaussian beams are useful to describe the field
distribution inside laser cavities.
To summarize, the treatment developed in this section has demonstrated that
Gaussian spherical waves have propagation properties similar to those of spherical
waves in the geometrical optics approach. However one important difference is that
all the formulas developed in this section include the effects due to diffraction.
The classical diffraction theory concerns the situation illustrated in the scheme of
Fig. 1.7. A monochromatic plane wave, with propagation vector k parallel to the z
axis is transmitted through an aperture Σ in an opaque screen laying on plane x-y. In
14 1 Electromagnetic Optics
order to exactly determine the spatial distribution of the electromagnetic field in the
semi-space beyond the screen, one should solve the wave equation with appropriate
boundary conditions. In most cases the exact calculations are too complicated, and
so approximate theories have to be developed. The simplest approach would be that
of geometrical optics: the electric field of the transmitted wave would be different
from zero only in the cylindrical region having axis parallel to z and the aperture Σ as
the basis. Since it is experimentally observed that the pattern of the transmitted wave
extends outside the simple shadow of the aperture, it is necessary to go beyond this
geometrical optics approach. The standard diffraction theory, put forward by Huy-
gens and successively elaborated by Fresnel and Kirchhoff, is an approximate theory
based on the following model. Each infinitesimal element of Σ generates a spherical
wave, having amplitude and phase determined by the incident field. The electric field
at an observation plane at distance z from the screen is given by the superposition of
all the spherical waves coming from the different infinitesimal elements composing
the aperture Σ. The phase of each spherical wave is fixed by the distance between
the considered surface element and the observation point. Note that the superposition
principle is direct consequence of the linearity of Maxwell equations.
The incident field is not necessarily a plane wave. It can be generally described by
a complex amplitude E i (xo , yo ), where xo , yo are the coordinates on the screen plane.
The diffracted field is given at point P(x, y, z) by the following surface integral:
i exp(ik|r − ro |)
E(r) = E i (ro ) cos θ d xo dyo , (1.45)
λ Σ |r − ro |
where the vectors r = (x, y, z) and ro represent, respectively, the position of P and
the position of the surface element d xo dyo . θ is the angle formed by the vector r − ro
with the z axis. Therefore:
cos θ = , (1.46)
(x − xo ) + (y − yo )2 + z 2
1.5 Diffraction Fresnel Approximation 15
(x − xo )2 + (y − yo )2
|r − ro | = (x − xo )2 + (y − yo )2 + z 2 = z 1+ .
The imaginary unit i placed in front of the integral (1.45) indicates that the spher-
ical wave coming from the generic surface element is phase-shifted by π/2 with
respect to the incident wave. Provided that the diffracted field is evaluated at an
observation point satisfying the condition z
λ, the integral (1.45) represents a
good approximation to the exact solution.
The integral (1.45) can be extended to the whole plane x-y by inserting a transmis-
sion function τ (xo , yo ), which takes the value 1 inside the aperture Σ and 0 outside.
The introduction of τ (xo , yo ) allows for generalizing the treatment to partially trans-
mitting screens and/or phase screens, in which case τ becomes a complex quantity
with a modulus taking intermediate values between 0 and 1.
The generalized diffraction integral is written as:
∞ ∞
i exp(ik|r − ro |)
E(r) = d xo τ (xo , yo )E i (ro ) cos θ dyo . (1.48)
λ −∞ −∞ |r − ro |
The integral (1.50) is a convolution of a complex Gaussian nucleus with the field
distribution present in the plane immediately after the screen.
The Fresnel approximation is valid provided that the first neglected term at the
exponent of the complex exponential is small compared to 2π :
k(x − xo )4
2π . (1.51)
4z 3
. (1.52)
However, it should be mentioned that the comparison of the Fresnel approximation
with exact numerical results shows a good agreement even in cases in which the
condition (1.52) is not fully satisfied.
The Fresnel approximation is now applied to describe the free propagation of a
Gaussian spherical wave. It is assumed that the wave has its waist on the plane z = 0.
This means that the radius of curvature of the wavefront is infinite at z = 0, and thus:
1/qo = iλ/(π wo2 ), where wo is the beam radius at z = 0. The field distribution at
z = 0 is:
k(xo2 + yo2 )
E i (xo , yo ) = Ao exp i . (1.53)
The field distribution at the generic plane z is derived by inserting (1.53) into
(1.50), and putting τ (xo , yo ) = 1. The diffraction integral is calculated by separating
the integration variables. The result is:
i exp(ikz)
E(x, y, z) = Ao J (x, z)J (y, z), (1.54)
∞ k(x − xo )2 kx 2
J (x, z) = exp i exp i o d xo . (1.55)
−∞ 2z 2qo
Recalling that:
∞ ∞
x2 (x − a)2 √
exp − 2 d x = exp − 2
d x = π w, (1.56)
−∞ w −∞ w
1.5 Diffraction Fresnel Approximation 17
This result, which exactly matches (1.33), is not surprising because the Fresnel
approximation of the diffraction integral is essentially equivalent to the paraxial
(xo2 + yo2 )
. (1.59)
For a circular aperture with diameter D, the maximum value of xo2 + yo2 is D 2 /4,
therefore the condition (1.59) becomes:
. (1.60)
In most practical cases it may be very difficult to satisfy such a condition. If, for
instance, λ = 0.6 µm, and D = 5 cm, then (1.60) requires z
3 km. This example
explains why the Fraunhofer approximation is also called the far-field approximation.
As it will be described in the next chapter, a converging lens can be used to bring
the far field into the lens focal plane. By exploiting this possibility, the Fraunhofer
approximation can be utilized in various applications.
18 1 Electromagnetic Optics
Apart from a multiplicative factor, the field distribution E(x, y, z) given by (1.61)
is the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the distribution at z = 0. The two
variables that are conjugated to xo , yo are: f x = x/(λz) and f y =y/(λz). These are
the components of the spatial frequency f, having modulus f = f x2 + f y2 .
In order to grasp the physical meaning of the quantity f, it should be recalled that
the field τ E i present immediately after the plane xo -yo can always be described as a
superposition of plane waves. As shown in Fig. 1.8, each plane wave is characterized
by a different vector k. The direction of k is determined by assigning the two angles αx
and α y , formed by k with the axes x and y. Once given αx and α y , the angle αz between
k and z may be calculated from the relation: cos2 αx + cos2 α y + cos2 αz = 1. For
every pair of values of αx and α y , there corresponds a spatial frequency f with
components f x = λ−1 cos αx e f y = λ−1 cos α y . The modulus of f is:
1 − cos2 αz sin αz
f = = . (1.62)
λ λ
The term “spatial frequency” comes from the fact that f −1 is the spacing (spatial
period) of the projected wavefronts on the plane xo -yo , as shown in Fig. 1.8. If the
plane wave propagates perpendicularly to z, αz = π/2 and f −1 = λ. If k is parallel
to z, αz = 0, and f −1 becomes infinite.
Equation (1.62) indicates that the plane wave characterized by αx and α y is repre-
sented on the plane z in the far field by the point x = f x λz and y = f y λz. In the case
where the field incident on the screen is a plane wave directed along z, E(x, y, z) is
simply the Fourier transform of the transmission function τ (xo , yo ).
1.6 Fraunhofer Diffraction 19
where r ect (x) is unitary inside the interval −0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 and is 0 elsewhere.
The transform of (1.63) is: F{τ (xo , yo )} = L x L y sin c(π L x f x ) sin c(π L y f y ) where
sinc(x) = sinx/x. By substitution into (1.61), it is found:
i exp(ikz) ik 2 x Lx yLy
E(x, y, z) = Ao exp (x + y 2 ) L x L y sinc π sinc π ,
λz 2z λz λz
where circ(ro /R) is equal to 1 inside the circle of radius R and 0 elsewhere. Using
(1.61), the diffracted field is found to be:
i exp(ikz) ik 2 J1 [r R/(λz)]
E(r ) = Ao exp r R2 , (1.66)
λz 2z r R/(λz)
1 + m cos (2π f o xo ) x y
o o
τ (xo , yo ) = r ect r ect , (1.67)
2 L L
where the parameter m is the modulation depth.
The Fourier transform of the fraction that appears in the right-hand member of
(1.67) is:
1 + m cos 2π f o xo 1 m m
F δ( f x , f y ) + δ( f x + f o , f y ) + δ( f x − f o , f y ),
2 2 4 4
where δ(x) is the Dirac delta function, which is infinite at x = 0 and zero elsewhere.
Recalling that the Fourier transform of the product of two functions is the convolution
of the two transforms, the far-field diffraction pattern is given by:
i L 2 exp(ikz) ik 2 yL
E(x, y, z) = Ao exp (x + y 2 ) sinc π
2λz 2z λz
xL m L m L
sinc π + sinc π (x + f o λz) + sinc π (x − f o λz) .
λz 2 λz 2 λz
z, with a distribution of k vectors arising from the diffracting effect due to the finite
size of the aperture. The lateral peaks, symmetrically positioned around the central
one, represent waves with propagation vectors laying in the x-z plane and forming
the angles ±λ/d with the z axis. These two waves constitute the diffraction order +1
and −1, respectively. The spatial separation between order 0 and order ±1 is f o λz,
which means that the angular separation is ± f o λ. The two first-order diffraction
peaks are broadened, like the central peak, because of the finite size of the aperture.
At this point it is easy to understand what happens if the transmission function
τ (xo , yo ) is a periodic function with a square profile instead of a sinusoidal profile.
The square profile contains, with decreasing amplitude, all the harmonics. As a
consequence, diffracted waves with orders higher than 1 are generated.
An other interesting case is that of a phase screen, having a transmission function
that is a complex function with unitary modulus and sinusoidal phase:
x y
m sin (2π f o xo ) o o
τ (xo , yo ) = exp i r ect r ect . (1.70)
2 L L
where Jq is the q-th order first-type Bessel function, and using the convolution
theorem, one finds:
1.6 Fraunhofer Diffraction 23
i L 2 exp(ikz) ik
E(x, y, z) = Ao exp (x 2 + y 2 ) sin c π
2λz 2z λz
m πL
Jq sin c (x − q f o λz) (1.72)
2 λz
Equation (1.72) shows that the sinusoidal phase profile presents, in principle, all
possible diffraction orders. The amplitude of the generic order q is determined by
the value of the corresponding Bessel function for the argument m/2. Note that the
transmitted beam (that is, the zero-th order) can be totally suppressed in the particular
case of m/2 coinciding with a zero of J0 .
As it will be seen in the next chapter, the diffraction from periodical transmission
profiles has important applications to spectral measurements performed by using
gratings. The Fraunhofer approximation allows calculating not only the geometrical
properties, but also the power partitioning over the various diffraction orders of the
1.1 Consider the plane electromagnetic wave whose electric field is given by the
expressions (in SI units) E x = 0, E y = 200 cos[12π × 1014 (t − z/c) + π/2], and
E z = 0. What are the frequency, wavelength, direction of motion, amplitude, initial
phase angle, and polarization of the wave?
1.2 Consider the plane electromagnetic wave in vacuum whose electric field is given
by the expression E = E o cos(ωt − kz). Assuming that the electric field amplitude
E o is 100 V/m, calculate the amplitude of the magnetic field Bo in units of Tesla and
the intensity I in units of W/m2 .
1.3 A plane electromagnetic wave propagating along the z axis has the √ following
electric field components: E x (t, z) = E o cos(ωt − kz), and E y (t, z) = 3E o cos
(ωt − kz). Determine the angle formed by its polarization direction with the x axis.
1.4 A Gaussian beam at wavelength λ = 0.63 µm has a radius at the beam waist
of wo = 0.5 mm. Calculate the beam radius w and the radius of curvature of the
wavefront at a distance of 5 m from the beam waist.
1.5 A plane electromagnetic wave has wavelength λ = 500 nm and a wave vector
k that lies in the x-z plane, forming an angle αx = 60◦ with the x axis. Determine
the spatial frequency of the phase pattern on the z = 0 plane.
1.6 A plane wave of wavelength λ = 500 nm illuminates a circular aperture having
diameter D = 100 µm. The diffraction pattern is observed on a screen placed at a
distance of 30 cm from the plane of the aperture. (i) check whether the condition for
Fraunhofer diffraction is satisfied; (ii) determine the position of the first zero of the
Airy function.
Chapter 2
Optical Components and Methods
Abstract In this chapter, after presenting Maxwell equations inside matter and
describing reflection and refraction processes, the interaction of optical waves with
simple optical components such as mirrors, prisms, and lenses is examined. The dif-
ferent methods for measuring the power spectrum of an optical beam are described
and compared in Sect. 2.3. In Sect. 2.4, after treating wave propagation in anisotropic
materials, the methods used for fixing or modifying the polarization state of an opti-
cal beam are presented. Finally, Sect. 2.5 introduces the important subject of optical
∇ ·D=ρ (2.1)
∇ ·B=0 (2.2)
∇ ×H=J+ (2.3)
∇ ×E=− , (2.4)
where D is the electric displacement vector (measured in units of C/m2 ). The quan-
tities ρ and J are, respectively, the electric charge density (C/m3 ) and the current
density (A/m2 ). Here the treatment is limited to dielectric media, in which there are
no free electric charges or currents, so that one can put J = ρ = 0.
The relations connecting D to E and B to H inside the medium become:
D = εo E + P (2.5)
B = μo (H + M). (2.6)
The new vectors P and M are, respectively, the unit-volume electric polar-
ization and the unit-volume magnetization inside the medium. In this book non-
ferromagnetic media are only considered, and so it is possible to simplify the treat-
ment by putting M = 0. The wave equation inside the medium is the following:
1 ∂ 2E ∂ 2P
∇2E = + μo . (2.7)
c2 ∂t 2 ∂t 2
In order to solve wave propagation problems, it is necessary to associate an equa-
tion relating P to E to (2.7). It is useful to recall what is the physical meaning of
P. The medium is a collection of positively charged nuclei and negatively-charged
bound electrons. Under the action of an electric field the electron clouds are slightly
displaced from their equilibrium position, so that a macroscopic electric dipole is
created. Limiting the discussion to the time-dependence, it is clear that the medium
response to the application of an electric field cannot be instantaneous. Therefore, a
convolution relation should be used:
P(r, t) = εo R(t − t )E(r, t )dt , (2.8)
The complex quantity E(r, ω) represents the weight of the component at angular
frequency ω. From a mathematical point of view, E(r, ω) is the Fourier transform
of E(r, t).
The inversion of (2.9) gives:
E(r, ω) = dt E(r, t)exp(iωt). (2.10)
Recalling that the Fourier transform of the convolution of two functions is the
product of their Fourier transforms, the Fourier transform of P(r, t) is expressed by:
1 c
u=√ = (2.14)
εo εr μo n
In the more general case, in which the relative magnetic permeability of the
material, μr , may be different from 1, it is found that n = εr μr .
Since the frequency of oscillation cannot change when the wave goes from one
medium to the other, the change of velocity is associated with a change of wavelength.
Specifically, if λ is the vacuum wavelength, then the wavelength inside a medium of
index of refraction n is: λ = λ/n. √
Since χ (ω) is frequency-dependent, also n(ω) = 1 + χ (ω) is frequency-
dependent. This phenomenon is called optical dispersion. As an example, over its
transparency window going from 0.35 to 2.3 µm, the index of refraction of the
borosilicate glass called BK7 decreases monotonically from 1.54 at 0.35 µm to
1.49 at 2.3 µm. This behavior is called normal dispersion. The dispersion is said to
be anomalous when the index of refraction increases as a function of wavelength.
As it will be seen in Chap. 6, the propagation of ultrashort light pulses is strongly
influenced by optical dispersion.
The electric field of the monochromatic plane wave inside the medium is still
given by (1.9). The only difference is that the modulus of the propagation vector is
now: ω ω ω
k= = 1 + χ = n, (2.16)
u c c
and (1.12) becomes:
εo n E o2
I =c . (2.17)
The propagation inside a medium with a real χ proceeds similarly to vacuum
propagation, the only difference being in the propagation velocity. However, if χ
is a complex quantity, then n is also complex, and can be written as: n = n +
in . Assuming that a monochromatic plane wave, traveling along z, enters into the
medium at z = 0, the electric field at the generic coordinate z is:
28 2 Optical Components and Methods
The intensity I (z), which is proportional to the square of the field modulus, is
given by:
I (z) = Io exp[−2(ω/c)n z] = Io exp(−αz), (2.19)
where Io is the intensity at z = 0. Equation (2.19) shows that, if n > 0, the wave
intensity decays exponentially during propagation with an attenuation coefficient,
α = 2(ω/c)n , proportional to the imaginary part of the refractive index. The atten-
uation may be due to absorption or to scattering.
In this section the laws of reflection and refraction are introduced and applied to
describe the behavior of different optical components, such as mirrors and lenses.
A monochromatic plane wave is incident at the planar boundary between two dielec-
tric media, characterized by refractive indices n 1 and n 2 . According to the geometry
shown in Fig. 2.1, the wave is coming from medium 1, and its wave-vector ki forms
an angle θi with the normal to the boundary. The planar boundary is taken to coin-
cide with the x-y plane, and ki lies on the y-z plane. The plane containing ki and
the normal to the planar boundary is known as the incidence plane. In the case of
Fig. 2.1, y-z is the incidence plane.
Part of the wave will be reflected and part will be transmitted. Let θr and θt
be the reflection and transmission angles, respectively. By imposing the continuity
conditions at the boundary for the tangential components of the electric and magnetic
fields, it is possible to calculate the direction and the complex amplitude of the
reflected and transmitted (also called refracted) waves.
It is useful to consider separately two different polarization states of the incident
wave: (a) a wave linearly polarized in a direction perpendicular to the incidence
plane, this is usually called σ case; (b) a wave linearly polarized in the incidence
plane, this is usually called π case. Any arbitrary polarization state of the incident
wave can always be described as a linear superposition of these two states.
• σ case.
Putting |ki | = ko n 1 , where ko = 2π/λ, the electric field of the incident wave is:
where x is the unit vector directed along x. The electric fields Er and Et of the
reflected and transmitted waves are written as:
Et = E t exp(−iωt + iko yn 2 sin θt + iko zn 2 cos θt )x. (2.22)
The continuity condition for the tangential component of the electric field at z = 0
In order to satisfy (2.23) for any y, the reflection and transmission angles should
satisfy the relations:
θi = θr , (2.24)
n 1 sin θi = n 2 sin θt . (2.25)
E i + Er = E t (2.26)
E i cos θi − Er cos θr = E t cos θt . (2.28)
The solution of the system of (2.26) and (2.28) can be presented in terms of the
transmission and reflection coefficients, τσ and ρσ , respectively:
If the incident beam is coming from medium 2, one can repeat the treatment
finding two new coefficients, τσ and ρσ , related to the previous ones as follows:
• π case.
Following a treatment similar to that of the σ case, it is found that:
If the beam arrives at the boundary from medium 2, it is found that the relations
between the coefficients τπ , ρπ and the coefficients τπ and ρπ are identical to those
of (2.31).
In the case of normal incidence, θi = θr = θt = 0, and ρσ coincides with ρπ :
n2 − n1
ρσ (θi = 0) = ρπ (θi = 0) = − . (2.34)
n2 + n1
If n 2 > n 1 , the field reflection coefficient is negative. This indicates that the phase
of Er is changed by π with respect to E i . If n 2 < n 1 , Er has the same phase as E i .
In order to derive how the incident power splits between transmission and reflec-
tion, it should be recalled that the power arriving on a generic surface Σ, is determined
as the time average of the flux of the Poynting vector through the surface. Projecting
the Poynting vector on the direction perpendicular to the surface, allows the following
expression for Pi to be given:
Pr |Er |2
R= = = |ρ|2 (2.37)
Pi |E i |2
Pt n 2 cos θt
T = = |τ |2 . (2.38)
Pi n 1 cos θi
tan θ B = (2.39)
sin θc = n 2 /n 1 (2.40)
n 2 n 21
cos θt = 1 − sin2 θt = 1 − 2 sin2 θi = i
sin2 θi − 1. (2.41)
n2 n 22
By substituting (2.41) into the expressions for ρ, it is seen that the field reflection
coefficient becomes complex. In the σ case, the phase φσ of ρσ is 0 for θi ≤ θc , and
grows from 0 to π in the interval θc ≤ θi ≤ π/2 according to the expression:
φσ sin2 θi − sin2 θc
tan = . (2.42)
2 cos θi
The most commonly used mirrors are made by depositing a thin metallic layer on a
glass substrate. It is therefore interesting to discuss the case in which medium 2 in
Fig. 2.1 is a metal. Metals contain electrons that are free to move inside the crystal.
In a simplified approach, the relative dielectric constant of the metal is written as
the sum of two terms, one due to bound electrons, ε , and the other related to free
electrons: σ
εm = ε + i , (2.44)
εo ω
1 + iωτ
σ (ω) = σ (0) . (2.45)
1 + ω2 τ 2
The quantity τ is a relaxation time that depends on the nature of the metal. The
zero-frequency conductivity is given by:
N e2 τ
σ (0) = , (2.46)
where N is the density of free electrons, m e is the electron mass, and e is the electron
34 2 Optical Components and Methods
The free electron gas inside the metal has a characteristic frequency of oscillation,
called the plasma frequency, related to σ (0) by the expression:
σ (0) N e2
ωp = = (2.47)
ε εo τ ε εo m e
Table 2.1 Complex index of refraction and normal-incidence reflectance for some metal surfaces
at three distinct wavelengths
Metal λ (nm) n n R
Silver 400 0.08 1.9 0.94
550 0.06 3.3 0.98
700 0.08 4.6 0.99
Aluminum 400 0.4 4.5 0.93
550 0.8 6 0.92
700 1.5 7 0.89
Gold 450 1.4 1.9 0.40
550 0.33 2.3 0.82
700 0.13 3.8 0.97
2.2 Reflection and Refraction 35
One problem with metallic mirrors is that the fraction of incident power that is not
reflected is absorbed. When reflecting high-intensity beams, such as those coming
from laser sources, the temperature rise due to this absorption may cause damage to
the metallic layer.
fields are the same if ρ12 = ρ23 . According to (2.34), this is equivalent to saying
that (n 2 /n 1 ) = (n 3 /n 2 ), or: n 2 = n 3 n 1 . This means that the intermediate layer
should have an index of refraction that is the geometric mean of n 1 and n 3 . The two
contributions have opposite sign if Δ = π , which implies d = λ/(4n 2 ). This means
that the layer thickness must be a quarter of the wavelength inside the medium.
The fact that the condition imposed on the layer thickness d is wavelength-
dependent indicates that there is a price to pay for eliminating reflection: the method
works exactly at only one specific wavelength. In other words this anti-reflection
coating is chromatic.
Instead of using the approximate expression given by (2.49), Er can be exactly
calculated by summing up an infinite number of multiple reflections or by writing the
boundary conditions at the two interfaces. The latter approach is the more convenient,
also because it can be more easily generalized to an arbitrary number of layers.
Consider first the interface 1–2; at left there are two waves, the incident wave
with field E i and the reflected wave with field Er , at right there is a wave leaving the
interface, with field E t and one arriving at the interface, with field Er . The boundary
conditions are:
E i + Er = E t + Er
E i − Er = (n 2 /n 1 )(E t + Er ). (2.50)
Taking into account that the wave crossing layer 2 acquires a phase shift of Δ/2,
the following boundary conditions are written for the interface 2–3:
exp(iΔ/2)E t + exp(−iΔ/2)Er = E t
exp(iΔ/2)E t + exp(−iΔ/2)Er = (n 3 /n 2 )E t . (2.51)
Equations (2.50) and (2.51) constitute a linear system of four equations in four
variables that can be exactly solved. The expression obtained for Er is:
Recalling that τ12 τ21 = 1 − ρ122 , it is immediately apparent that the conditions for
a vanishing Er derived from (2.52) coincide with those imposed by the approximate
expression (2.49).
Table 2.2 gives the index of refraction and the transparency window of several
dielectric materials. The index of refraction of the thin film depends not only on
the wavelength, but also on the preparation method, and so the values of n listed
in Table 2.2 should be only considered as indicative. The deposition of layers with
precisely controlled thickness is usually performed by vacuum evaporation methods.
In order to have an idea of the required thickness, consider the anti-reflection coating
of an air-glass surface. Taking λ = 550 nm, n 1 = 1 (air), and n 3 = 1.52 (glass), the
2.2 Reflection and Refraction 37
coating should be made with a material having n 2 = 1.52 = 1.23 and thickness
d = 550/(4n 2 ) = 112 nm. In practice, given the list of available materials in
Table 2.2, the best choice would be magnesium fluoride. A quarter-wave layer of
Mg F2 reduces the reflectance from 4 to 1.3 %.
By using more than one layer it is possible to cancel completely the reflectance
of the air-glass surface. For instance, the sequence of two quarter-wave layers √ with
refractive indices n 2 and n 2 , produces a vanishing reflectance if n 2 /n 2 = n 3 /n 1 .
Putting n 1 = 1 e n 3 = 1.52, one finds n 2 /n 2 = 1.23. Zero-reflectance is obtained
by choosing from Table 2.2 Zr O2 (n 2 = 2.00) and Al2 O3 (n 2 = 1.62).
Up to now normal incidence has been assumed. What happens if θi is different
from 0, as shown in Fig. 2.5? The phase difference between the first and the second
reflection becomes:
2π n 2 d 2π n 1 d 4π n 2 d
Δ = 2 − tgθt sinθi = cosθt , (2.53)
λ cosθt λ λ
A 1
ξ = ln + ln + ln (2.56)
nB 2N n1 n2
As mentioned in the previous section, beam splitters are semi-reflecting mirrors that
divide an optical beam into two parts propagating in different directions. In order to
understand the behavior of some optical systems utilizing beam splitters, it is useful
to know the phase relation between transmitted and reflected fields.
Let τ = τo exp(iφτ ) and ρ = ρo exp(iφρ ) be, respectively, the transmission and
reflection coefficients for the electric field. The actual value taken by these coefficients
depends on many parameters, such as the beam-splitter structure, the incidence angle,
and the wavelength of the incident beam. On the other hand, as will be shown, the
phase difference φτ − φρ is expressed by a general law.
The scheme of Fig. 2.7 shows a beam-splitter symmetrically illuminated on both
sides by two identical light beams having the same phase, polarization, incidence
angle, and intensity Io . Calling I1 and I2 the intensities of the two output beams and
assuming no losses, it should be expected, for symmetry reason, that I1 = I2 = Io .
Since the field E 1 at output 1 is the sum of two contributions, one coming from
reflection and the other from transmission, E 1 = ρ E o + τ E o , the intensity at output
1 is given by: I1 = |ρ + τ |2 Io . The condition I1 = Io is satisfied if:
|ρ + τ |2 = [τ τ ∗ + ρρ ∗ + 2Re(τρ ∗ )] = 1. (2.57)
A linearly polarized beam impinges on the glass-air planar boundary with an inci-
dence angle θi ≥ θc . Assume that the boundary coincides with the x-y plane, that the
propagation vector k1 of the incident beam lies in the y-z plane, and that the beam
is polarized along x as shown in Fig. 2.11a. Using the subscript 1 for glass and 2 for
air, the electric fields of the incident and transmitted waves can be written as:
it is found: k2z = ko n 2 2 − n 1 2 sin2 θi . If θi > θc , the term under square root is
negative, so that k2z becomes imaginary. Putting n 2 2 − n 1 2 sin2 θi = iΓ n 2 , where
Γ is a real quantity, it is found:
The condition of total internal reflection at the boundary between glass and air
does not imply that there is no electromagnetic field in the air beyond the glass.
Indeed Eq. (2.62) describes a wave, known as evanescent wave, running parallel to
the glass-air interface, with an amplitude that is an exponentially decreasing function
of the penetration distance z. The electromagnetic energy density inside medium 2,
being proportional to |E t |2 , is also exponentially decreasing with z, becoming smaller
by a factor e−1 at the distance:
1 λ
δ= = . (2.63)
2Γ ko n 2 4π n 1 2 sin2 θi − n 2 2
E i + Er = E t (2.64)
E i − Er = iγ E t , (2.65)
where γ = Γ n 2 /(n 1 cosθi ) is a real quantity. The solutions of (2.64) and (2.65) are:
2 1 − iγ
Et = Ei ; Er = Ei . (2.66)
1 + iγ 1 + iγ
44 2 Optical Components and Methods
E i + Er = E t + Er , (2.67)
E i − Er = iγ (E t − Er ), (2.68)
where E t and Er are the fields of the two evanescent waves, the first decaying as
a function of z and the second growing as a function of z. Similarly, the continuity
conditions at the second interface are:
exp[−d/(2δ)]E t − exp[d/(2δ)]Er = −(i/γ )E t . (2.70)
|E t |2 exp(−d/δ)
T = = 2 2 , (2.71)
|E i | 2
1 + exp(−d/δ) /2 + A 1 − exp(−d/δ)
T ≈ , (2.72)
1 + 4A
So far in this chapter only situations involving plane waves and plane boundaries have
been considered. In this section spherical boundaries are discussed, concentrating
the attention on the important optical component of the lens.
The lens, as shown in Fig. 2.12, is formed by joining two spherical caps made
of glass. The radii of curvature of the two surfaces, ρ1 and ρ2 , are conventionally
taken to be positive if the surfaces are convex. The thin-lens approximation consists
in assuming that the lens thickness is much smaller than the radii of curvature of the
two spherical surfaces. Neglecting reflections at the two surfaces, the effect of the
lens on the incident field E 1 is described by a transmission function τ f (x, y):
This transmission function has a unitary modulus and a phase that is locally
dependent on the glass thickness:
where n is the glass refractive index, Δ(x, y) is the lens thickness at the transversal
position (x, y), and Δo = Δ(0, 0) is the thickness on the optical axis.
The phase shift is the sum of two contributions, one due to the path inside the
glass, ko nΔ(x, y), and the other due to the path in air, ko [Δo − Δ(x, y)]. The lens
thickness at the generic point (x, y) is:
Δ(x, y) = Δo + ρ1 2 − (x 2 + y 2 ) − ρ1 + ρ2 2 − (x 2 + y 2 ) − ρ2 (2.75)
Fig. 2.12 Thin lens made of two glass caps with radii of curvature ρ1 and ρ2
46 2 Optical Components and Methods
Equation (2.75) can be simplified by assuming that the lens diameter is much
smaller than the radii of curvature of the two surfaces, so that:
x 2 + y2 x 2 + y2
ρ1 2 − (x 2 + y2) = ρ1 1− ≈ ρ1 1 − , (2.76)
ρ1 2 2ρ1 2
x 2 + y2
ρ2 2 − (x 2 + y 2 ) ≈ ρ2 1 − . (2.77)
2ρ2 2
In the power expansion of the square-root terms, only the first-order terms in
(x 2 + y 2 ) are kept. This is equivalent to approximate the spherical surface with
a paraboloidal surface, similarly to the paraxial approach used in Chap. 1 for the
description of spherical waves.
Inserting (2.76) and (2.77) into (2.75):
x 2 + y2 1 1
Δ(x, y) = Δo − + . (2.78)
2 ρ1 ρ2
Note that f has a sign: f > 0 means converging lens, f < 0 diverging lens. Since
f depends on n, and, in turn, n changes with wavelength, the lens focuses different
wavelengths to different distances, that is, it suffers from a chromatic aberration.
The spherical mirror is described similarly to the lens, the main difference being
that it works in reflection instead of transmission. The mirror shown in Fig. 2.13
has center in O and radius of curvature ρ. Consider a beam parallel to the optical
axis, incident at point P with an incidence angle α. The reflected beam intersects the
optical axis at point F. The distance of F from O is: O F = O P/(2cosα). Since O F
depends on α, parallel beams impinging on the mirror in different points produce
reflected beams crossing the optical axis at different positions. However, if only
beams traveling close to the optical axis are considered (i.e. where cosα ≈ 1), it
is found that O F ≈ O P/2 = ρ/2. Under this approximation, which is equivalent
to treating the surface as paraboloidal instead of spherical, it can be said that the
spherical mirror brings all parallel beams to converge at a single point a distance ρ/2
from the mirror surface. In other words, the mirror behaves in reflection just as a lens
2.2 Reflection and Refraction 47
having a focal length f = ρ/2. Note that the focal length of the spherical mirror
is independent of the wavelength. All large astronomical telescopes use parabolic
mirrors instead of lenses.
A spherical wave traveling along the z axis impinges on a thin lens located at the
plane z = 0. If R1 is the radius of curvature of the wavefront, then, under the paraxial
approximation, the electric field E 1 of the wave at z = 0 is given by:
Ao x 2 + y2
E 1 (x, y, 0) = exp iko . (2.81)
R1 2R1
1 1 1
= − . (2.82)
R2 R1 f
Relation (2.82) can also be interpreted in the following way: given a point-like
object P at distance R1 on the left, the lens creates a real image Q of P at distance
R2 on the right. This is the standard interpretation given by geometrical optics. If
P is on the optical axis, Q is also on the same axis. What happens if the point-like
object P is off-axis? Assigning to P the coordinates (xo , 0, R1 ), the electric field of
the spherical wave originated at P , evaluated at the lens plane z = 0, is now:
Ao o
E 1 (x, y, 0) = exp [(x − xo ) + y ] .
2 2
R1 2R1
Using again the relation E 2 = τ f E 1 , after some algebra the following expression
is found for E 2 :
Ao exp(iφ) iko f
E 2 (x, y, 0) = exp (x + x o )2 + y 2 , (2.84)
R1 2R2 R1 − f
where φ depends on xo and on the lens parameters, but not on x and y. Equation (2.84)
shows that the image of P is at point Q having coordinates [− f xo /(R1 − f ), 0, R2 ].
It can be said that the lens creates an image QQ of the segment PP . If R1 > f , the real
image is upside-down, with a magnification f /(R1 − f ). This approach is therefore
equivalent to the geometrical-optics treatment. The topic of image formation has
important applications but will not be further discussed in this text.
Another case to be considered is that of a plane wave having a propagation direc-
tion slightly tilted with respect to the optical axis. To simplify the discussion it is
assumed that the wave vector k is in the plane x-z, forming an angle α with x. At
z = 0 the incident field is expressed as E 1 = Ao exp(iko αx), where sin α has been
approximated as α. After using E 2 = τ f E 1 again, and applying some algebra, it is
found that:
E 2 (x, y, 0) = Ao exp(iφ)exp − (x − α f ) + y
2 2
If the wave impinging on the lens is a Gaussian spherical wave with a complex radius
of curvature of the wavefront q1 , then it can be immediately shown, by using (2.73)
and (2.79), that the transmitted wave is still a Gaussian spherical wave. The new
2.2 Reflection and Refraction 49
1 1 1
= − . (2.86)
q2 q1 f
Since the beam radius is unchanged by crossing the lens, w1 = w2 , one finds that
(2.86) coincides with (2.82). As an example, if f > 0 and E 1 describes a diverging
Gaussian wave with R1 > f , the transmitted Gaussian wave has a negative radius
of curvature of the wavefront, R2 < 0, and is, therefore, converging. There is a basic
difference between this case and the one treated in the previous section: the theory
of Gaussian waves accounts intrinsically for diffraction effects, such that the wave
converges to a finite-size beam spot.
Once q2 at z = 0 is assigned, it is possible to obtain the distance z f at which the
focused beam takes the minimum radius, and also the minimum radius w f , by using
relations 1.35 and 1.36. The results of the calculation are:
|R2 | w1
zf = , wf = . (2.87)
1 + [λ|R2 |/(π w1 )]
2 2
1 + [π w12 /(λ|R2 |)]2
The length 2z f R defines the field depth, that is, the interval of distance over which
the beam remains focused. As an example, putting f = 20 cm, w1 = 2 mm, λ =
0.5 µm (note that π w12 /(λ f ) is
1), one finds that w f = 16 µm and z f R = 1.6 mm.
From a mathematical point of view, the Gaussian spherical wave has an infinite
extension on the transversal plane. In reality, practical optical components have a
limited size, and so the tails of the Gaussian distribution are lost. The empirical
criterion for applying the theory of Gaussian waves is if the lost power is sufficiently
small. Considering a lens (or a mirror) with diameter d, the power fraction intercepted
by the lens is given by:
d/2 2
0 2πr exp(− 2r
)dr d2
Tf = ∞ = 1 − exp − 2 (2.90)
2r 2
0 2πr exp(− w2 )dr
Ru = MRi . (2.93)
Using refraction laws and the properties of lenses and mirrors discussed in the
preceding sections, the ABC D matrices of the components shown in Fig. 2.15 can
be written as follows.
2.2 Reflection and Refraction 51
• Free propagation
M= (2.94)
• Lens
1 0
M= −1 (2.95)
f 1
• Spherical mirror
1 0
M= −2 (2.98)
ρ 1
AD − BC = n 1 /n 2 . (2.99)
If the two media are the same, the determinant is equal to 1, as expected if the
optical element does not introduce losses.
An optical system made by a cascade of various elements is represented by a matrix
that is the ordered product of all the individual matrices describing each element.
The order is important because the matrix product is generally non-commutative.
By inserting (2.100), and the expression of τ f given by (2.79), into (2.101), one
∞ ∞
exp[2ik f + ik(n − 1)Δo ] ∞
E f (x f , y f , f ) = − d x o dy E (x
o i o o , y , − f ) dx
λ2 f 2 −∞ −∞ −∞
dy exp [(x − x f )2 + (y − y f )2 + (x − xo )2 + (y − yo )2 − x 2 − y 2 ] . (2.102)
−∞ 2f
Equation (2.103) represents a very important result: it states that the field dis-
tribution at the right-hand focal plane of the lens is the two-dimensional Fourier
transform of the distribution at the left-hand plane. Such a result is consistent with
the consideration, developed at the end of Sect. 2.2.9, that a biunique correspondence
exists between the propagation direction of the incident wave and points on the right
focal plane. In fact to perform the spatial Fourier transform of the field distribution
is the same as describing the field by a superposition of plane waves.
Equation (2.103) has a fundamental role in many optical processing techniques.
For instance, it suggests that spatial filtering of optical signals can be performed
by placing an appropriate filter at the right-hand focal plane, and reconstructing
the filtered signal with a second confocal lens. An example is shown in Fig. 2.16,
where a pinhole is used as a low-pass filter, i.e. a filter transmitting only low spatial
The electric field E(t) associated with a generic light beam can always be described,
as discussed in Sect. 2.1, as a weighted superposition of sinusoidal functions oscil-
lating at different frequencies. The Fourier transform of E(t) is the complex quantity
E(ω) (given by (2.10)) that represents the amplitude and the phase of the field com-
ponent at angular frequency ω.
The power spectrum of the light beam, S(ω), is defined as:
εo |E(ω)|2
S(ω) = c (2.104)
It should be noted that S(ω) does not contain any information on the phase of E(ω).
This means that the knowledge of S(ω) is not sufficient, in general, for reconstructing
the temporal behavior of E(t).
The usual method to measure the power spectrum of an optical signal is that of
collimating a sample beam and sending it through a dispersive system in order to
angularly separate the different frequency components. This method was introduced
by Newton, who first observed the spectrum of solar light through a glass prism.
Instead of using the dispersion properties of glass, angular separation can be gen-
erated by diffraction gratings, i.e. structures with periodic transmission functions.
Almost all modern commercial spectrometers are based on gratings. As will be seen,
there is another method, consisting of the use of a narrow-band tunable filter. This
method is conceptually similar to that used to measure the power spectrum of electri-
cal signals. In the optical case, the narrow-band filter is a Fabry-Perot interferometer.
An important parameter for assessing the performance of a spectrometer is the
frequency resolution δν, defined as the minimum frequency separation that can be
resolved by the spectrometer. Calling νo the central frequency of the signal to be
analyzed, the resolving power of the instrument at that frequency is calculated as:
νo λo
Pr = = , (2.105)
δν δλ
where λo = c/νo and δλ is the minimum wavelength separation that can be resolved.
When writing the right-hand member of (2.105), the assumption δν νo has been
made. In fact, by differentiating νλ = c around νo , it is obtained: λo dν − νo dλ = 0,
hence (2.105).
where α is the prism angle and n the refractive index of the glass.
What’s the minimum wavelength separation δλ that can be resolved? Clearly, this
depends on the minimum angular resolution. Even assuming that the incident beam
is monochromatic and perfectly collimated, the output beam will present an angular
spread due to diffraction. If L is the minimum size between prism size and incident
beam diameter, and λo is the wavelength of the incident beam, the angular spread
will be δθ ≈ λo /L. In order to resolve two different wavelengths, the difference in
their deflection angles should be larger than δθ . Therefore, the wavelength resolution
is given by:
δλ = δθ, (2.107)
The diffraction grating is an optical component that periodically modulates (in the
transversal direction) the amplitude or phase of an incident wave. The treatment
here is limited to linear gratings in which the diffracting elements consist of parallel
lines ruled on glass or metal. These gratings may be used either in transmission or
56 2 Optical Components and Methods
λz/d and has a width λz/L. This means that the resolving power of the grating is:
λz/d L
Pr = = = N, (2.110)
λz/L d
where L is the size of the grating, and N the number of illuminated slits. Note that N
coincides with L/d only if the collimated beam fully covers the grating surface. By
introducing the number of slits per unit length, f o = 1/d, N = f o L. Taking, e.g.,
f o = 103 mm−1 and L = 1 cm, the resolving power is 104 , one order of magnitude
larger than that of the dispersive prism. As shown by (2.109), the angular separation
between two wavelengths grows by increasing the diffraction order: for the order q,
the resolving power becomes Pr = q N . However, the fraction of diffracted optical
power in a given order decreases with the value of q.
A problem arising from the use of a grating in spectral analysis is an ambiguity
that can appear if the optical signal has a very broad wavelength spectrum. Indeed,
considering (2.109), it can be seen that the first-order diffraction of the wavelength
λ1 appears in the same direction as the second-order diffraction of the wavelength
λ1 /2. This means that there is an upper limit to the spectral width that can be unam-
biguously analyzed by the grating. For very broad spectra it is more convenient to
use a dispersing prism.
Instead of an amplitude grating, a phase grating can be used: this is discussed in
Sect. 1.6.2. Most of the properties of the amplitude grating are also shared by the
phase grating.
The description of the diffraction properties of gratings assumes that the diffracted
field is observed in the far field. Since, in order to have a good resolving power,
the grating size must be of the order of centimeters, far field means a distance of
kilometers, as discussed in Sect. 1.6. However, by exploiting the properties of lenses
(or spherical mirrors) discussed in Sect. 2.3, the far field can be brought to the focal
plane of a lens placed beyond the grating: this is the approach adopted by all practical
Reflection gratings are made by creating a linear alternation of reflecting and opaque
zones on a surface, as shown in Fig. 2.19.
In the case of the reflection grating, the diffractive effects are observed in the
backward direction. The directions of constructive interference are given by:
where q is 0, ±1, ±2, . . . and θi is the incidence angle. Inside (2.111) diffraction
angles are positive if the corresponding directions stay in the upper half-plane with
58 2 Optical Components and Methods
respect to the grating plane normal. The zeroth-order beam propagates at the angle
θ0 = −θi , corresponding to specular reflection, that is independent from λ.
In a transmission grating the diffraction lobe due to a single slit presents maximum
intensity in correspondence with the direction of incidence. As a consequence, the
largest fraction of diffracted power goes to order 0. This is useless from the point
of view of spectral analysis because the zeroth order is not dispersive. Similarly, in
the case of a reflection grating the largest fraction of diffracted power would appear
in specular reflection. Diffraction gratings can be optimized such that most of the
power goes into a certain diffraction order, q0 = 0, leading to a high diffraction
efficiency for that order. This is indeed possible by using a so-called blazed grating
(see Fig. 2.20), in which the reflecting elements are tilted by an angle θg with respect
to the grating plane, obtaining a sawtooth-like profile.
The specular reflection from the tilted elements appears in a direction forming
an angle θr = −(θi − θg ) + θg = (2θg − θi ) with the normal to the grating plane.
It is intuitive to expect that the maximum of the diffraction lobe associated to a
single reflecting element occurs in the direction of specular reflection relative to that
segment. By imposing that such direction coincides with that of the diffraction order
q0 , θqo = θr , the following relation is found:
θi + θqo
θg = . (2.112)
By substituting (2.112) inside (2.111):
Once λ and θi are fixed, (2.113) prescribes which is the value of θg to be chosen
in order to maximize the power diffracted at order qo .
There are two particularly interesting cases. The first corresponds to the Littrow
configuration, in which the incident beam arrives normally to the tilted elements,
θi = θg , so that (2.113) becomes:
qo λ = 2d sin θg . (2.114)
In this case θqo = θi , which means that the order qo propagates in the opposite
direction with respect to the incident beam. The grating behaves as a wavelength-
selective mirror, because it reflects only the wavelength that satisfies (2.114). As
an example, consider a grating with 1200 lines per millimeter used in the Littrow
configuration at the first order (qo = 1) for λ = 600 nm. Equation (2.114) gives
θg ≈ 21◦ . The back-reflected wavelength can be tuned by slightly rotating the grating,
in order to change the incidence angle.
The second interesting case is that of normal incidence. If θi = 0, θg = −θqo /2.
The condition of constructive interference is: qo λ = d sin (2θg ). This is the config-
uration utilized in standard spectrometers.
τ1 τ2 eiΔ/2
E t = E i τ1 τ2 eiΔ/2 [1 + ρ1 ρ2 eiΔ + (ρ1 ρ2 eiΔ )2 + · · · ] = E i , (2.115)
1 − ρ1 ρ2 eiΔ
where E i is the electric field of the incident wave, and Δ is the phase shift introduced
by the round-trip propagation between the two mirrors. If λ is the wavelength of
the incident wave and n√the refractive index√ of the medium that fills the cavity, Δ =
4π n L/λ. Putting ρ1 = R1 eiφ1 , ρ2 = R2 eiφ2 , |τ1 |2 = 1− R1 , and |τ2 |2 = 1− R2 ,
it is found:
|E t |2 1 + R1 R2 − R1 − R2
TF P = = √ , (2.116)
|E i |2 1 + R1 R2 − 2 R1 R2 cosδ
(1 − R)2
TF P = . (2.117)
1 + R 2 − 2Rcosδ
As shown in Fig. 2.22, TFP is a periodic function of the phase delay δ, and takes
the maximum value, Tmax = 1, when cosδ = 1, that is δ = 2qπ , q being a positive
integer. TFP is minimum when cosδ = −1, that is, δ = (2q + 1)π . The minimum
value is: Tmin = [(1 − R)/(1 + R)]2 . For instance, if R = 0.99, Tmin = 0.25 × 10−4 .
The ratio between Tmax and Tmin is the contrast factor F:
2.4 Spectral Analysis 61
Fig. 2.22 Transmittance of the Fabry-Perot interferometer as a function of the round-trip phase
shift δ, which is linearly related to the frequency of the light wave
Tmax 4R
F= =1+ . (2.118)
Tmin (1 − R)2
Since δ is linearly dependent on the frequency ν of the incident wave, the abscissa
scale in Fig. 2.22 can be considered as a frequency scale. As such the figure shows
that the interferometer is a periodic filter in frequency-space. The frequencies corre-
sponding to maximum transmission (resonance frequencies) are given by:
c φ1 + φ2
νq = (q − ). (2.119)
2n L 2π
The frequency distance between two consecutive transmission maxima, called
free spectral range, is:
Δν = νq+1 − νq = . (2.120)
2n L
An important parameter characterizing the performance of the interferometer is
the width at half-height, W , of the transmission peak, expressed in units of radians.
R is close to 1, the approximate expression of W derived from (2.117) is: W
If √
4/ F 2(1 − R). In frequency units, the peak width, δν, is derived by noting that
δν/Δν = W/(2π ). Therefore:
1− R
δν = Δν (2.121)
As an example, if R = 0.99, δν ≈ Δν/300. Taking L = 1 cm and n = 1, one
finds Δν = 15 GHz and δν = 50 MHz.
Equation (2.121) seems to suggest that, once fixed Δν, the resolving power of the
interferometer could be made arbitrarily large by choosing a value of R very close
to 1. However, when 1 − R is made very small, there are effects due to diffraction or
misalignment losses that become important. In practice, it is difficult to obtain values
of the ratio Δν/δν (usually called finesse of the Fabry-Perot interferometer) larger
than 300. The minimum achievable frequency resolution is of the order of 1 MHz.
The finding that a sequence of two highly reflecting mirrors could give rise to
a complete transmission of the beam power, when cosδ = 1, may appear rather
62 2 Optical Components and Methods
c c
νq = q = νq−1 = (q − 1) (2.122)
2L 2(L − δL)
L c λq
δL = = = . (2.123)
q 2νq 2
Therefore in order to scan a free spectral range it is sufficient to change the mirror
distance by half wavelength.
In practical cases, the scan is performed by attaching one of the mirrors to a
piezoceramic, and varying the ceramic thickness by the application of a slow voltage
ramp. The mirror displacement is proportional to the applied voltage, and therefore
changes linearly with time. In such a measurement, the time scale is transformed
into a frequency scale, and so the observed temporal dependence of the transmitted
power coincides with the spectral distribution of the incoming optical signal.
As an alternative approach, scanning of the resonant frequency can also be per-
formed by keeping L fixed and changing the refractive index of the medium inside
the Fabry-Perot cavity. This can be done by putting the interferometer inside a sealed
gas cell and sweeping the pressure.
When L is larger than a few centimeters, spherical mirrors are used instead of
plane mirrors. The advantage of this approach is that the alignment tolerance is less
critical, and diffraction losses are lower.
To avoid ambiguity in spectral analysis, the spectral width of the incoming beam
should be narrower than the free spectral range. This means that the Fabry-Perot
interferometer is useful only for narrow-band signals.
2.5 Waves in Anisotropic Media 63
From now on, unless otherwise specified, it will be assumed that the reference
system is the system of principal axes.
In the general case in which E has an arbitrary direction inside the anisotropic
medium, the vector D will not be parallel to E. Considering a monochromatic plane
wave with wave vector k, propagating inside an anisotropic medium, Maxwell’s
equations indicate that D and H are both perpendicular to k, whereas E is perpen-
dicular to H, but not, in general, to k. However, if E is directed along one of the
principal axes, E and D are parallel, but the relative permittivity will take different
values depending on the specific principal axis. Note that the polarization direction
inside an anisotropic medium is the direction of D, not of E.
64 2 Optical Components and Methods
x2 y2 z2
+ + = 1. (2.126)
n12 n22 n32
Consider the ellipse generated by intersecting the ellipsoid with the plane perpen-
dicular to k and containing the origin of the coordinate system, as shown in Fig. 2.23.
The two principal modes have polarization directions given by the ellipse axes. In
addition, if n a and n b are the lengths of the ellipse semi-axes, then the propagation
velocities of the two modes are c/n a and c/n b , respectively.
In the case of a uniaxial medium, by taking the symmetry axis parallel to z, and
putting n 1 = n 2 = n o , and n 3 = n e , (2.126) becomes:
x 2 + y2 z2
+ = 1. (2.127)
no2 ne 2
2.5 Waves in Anisotropic Media 65
From now on, the discussion is restricted to uniaxial media. It can be assumed
without loss of generality that k is in the plane x-z, forming an angle θ with the z
axis. The plane that is perpendicular to k and passes through the origin has equation:
xsinθ + zcosθ = 0. The intersection of this plane with the index ellipsoid gives an
ellipse that has one axis coincident with y, and the other one, placed in the x-z plane,
forming an angle θ with z. The length of the first semi-axis is n o . The length of the
second semi-axis, called n θ , satisfies the equation:
1 cos2 θ sin2 θ
= + (2.128)
n 2θ no2 ne 2
A generic plane wave with wave vector k can be described as the superposition of
an ordinary wave and an extraordinary wave. The former, polarized perpendicularly
to the plane defined by k and z, travels at velocity c/n o . The latter, polarized in the
plane defined by k and z, travels at velocity c/n θ . If θ = 0, then n θ = n o , that
is, for a wave propagating along the optical axis the medium behaves as though it
were isotropic. If θ = 90◦ , the extraordinary wave is polarized along z, and has a
propagation velocity c/n e .
For the ordinary wave, D has no components along z, therefore D is parallel to E,
and the Poynting vector is parallel to k. For the extraordinary wave, if 0 < θ < 90◦ ,
D has nonzero components along both z and x. Therefore D is not parallel to E. The
consequence is that the Poynting vector forms with k a non-zero angle, ψ, called
walk-off angle. ψ is given by the relation:
66 2 Optical Components and Methods
sin(2θ )n 2θ 1 1
tan ψ = − 2 (2.129)
2 ne 2 no
optical axis. The most common dichroic material, Polaroid, is composed of a parallel
arrangement of linear chains of conjugated polymers (see Fig. 2.24).
The optical axis coincides with the chain direction. The polymer presents high
electric conductivity along the chain and low conductivity across the chain. In a
grossly simplified description it behaves as a conductor if the applied electric field is
parallel to the optical axis, and as an insulator if the electric field is perpendicular to
the optical axis. In practice the component polarized perpendicularly to the chains
also suffers a non-negligible attenuation. Polarizers made of Polaroid are cheap,
but the selectivity is not very large (a typical value of the extinction ratio, defined
as the transmittance ratio between unwanted and wanted polarization state, could
be ≈1/500). Since absorption heats the material, high-intensity beams damage the
High-selectivity polarizers, having an extinction ratio about 105 , consist of a pair
of prisms made of a birefringent crystal, typically calcite. One of the most utilized
polarizers is the Glan–Thompson polarizer, shown in Fig. 2.25, which is made of two
calcite prisms cemented together by their long faces. The cement has a refractive
index intermediate between the ordinary and the extraordinary indices of calcite.
The optical axes of the calcite crystals are parallel and aligned perpendicular to the
incidence plane, that is, the plane of the figure. Light of arbitrary polarization is split
into two rays, experiencing different refractive indices; the π -polarized ordinary ray is
totally internally reflected from the calcite-cement interface, leaving the σ -polarized
extraordinary ray to be transmitted. The prism can therefore be used as a polarizing
beam splitter. Traditionally a resin called Canada balsam was used as the cement in
assembling these prisms, but this has largely been replaced by synthetic polymers.
The Glan-Thompson polarizer operates over a very wide wavelength range, from
350 nm to 2.3 µm. This type of polarizer can handle much higher optical powers
than the dichroic polarizers.
Thin plates made of a birefringent crystal are used to change the polarization state
of a light beam. The plate faces are parallel to the x-z plane, and the light beam
travels in the y direction, perpendicular to the optical axis z, as shown in Fig. 2.26.
If the incident beam is linearly polarized in the x direction (ordinary wave), then
the propagation across the plate does not modify the polarization state, but simply
introduces a phase shift Δφo = 2π n o d/λ, where d is the plate thickness. Similarly,
no modification of the polarization state occurs for the beam polarized along z,
which is phase-shifted by: Δφe = 2π n e d/λ. An input wave linearly polarized in an
arbitrary direction can be described as the sum of an ordinary and an extraordinary
wave. The two waves are initially in phase, but acquire, on crossing the plate, a phase
difference Δφ = 2π(n e − n o )d/λ. In general, the output polarization is elliptical.
An important particular case is a birefringent plate that gives a phase difference of
|Δφ| = π . This is known as a half-wave plate. When linearly-polarized light is
incident upon a half-wave plate, the emergent light is also linearly-polarized. If the
polarization direction of the incident light makes an angle α with the optical axis, then
the polarization direction of the emergent beam makes an angle −α with the same
axis, therefore the direction of polarization has been rotated through an angle 2α, as
shown in Fig. 2.27. A plate for which |Δφ| = π/2 is called a quarter-wave plate.
When linearly-polarized light is incident upon a quarter-wave plate, the emergent
light is in general elliptically polarized. If, however, α = π/4, the emergent light is
circularly polarized.
where x and y are unit vectors, directed along x and y, respectively. Equation (2.130)
can be written as:
E(z, t) = E o exp[−i(ωt − kz + φx )]V, (2.131)
where E o = E x 2 + E y 2 , and V is the Jones vector represented by the column
, (2.132)
eiφ sin α
For a circularly polarized wave, α = π/4 and φ = ±π/2. Therefore the Jones
vectors associated with clockwise and counter-clockwise circular polarization are
respectively given by:
1 1 1 1
√ ; √ . (2.134)
2 i 2 −i
The birefringent plate having optical axis directed along x introduces a phase
shift Δφ between the x and y components of the electric field, without modifying
the amplitude ratio E x /E y . It is represented by:
1 0
Tr = . (2.136)
0 exp(iΔφ)
The phase shift is given by Δφ = 2π(n e − n o )d/λ, where d is the plate thickness.
The half-wave plate corresponds to Δφ = π , and the quarter-wave plate to Δφ =
The polarization rotation matrix,
cosθ −sinθ
R(θ ) = , (2.137)
sinθ cosθ
represents an optical component that rotates the polarization direction. If the incident
wave is linearly polarized at an angle θ1 , the emergent wave is linearly polarized at
the angle θ2 = θ1 + θ .
It is important to take into account that Jones vectors and matrices change when
the coordinate system is changed. If a field is described by the vector V, once the
coordinate system is rotated by the angle θ , the same field is described by the new
vector V :
V = R(−θ )V. (2.138)
A polarizer having its optical axis that forms an angle θ with the x axis is repre-
sented by the matrix:
cos2 θ sinθ cosθ
Tpθ = R(θ )Tpx R(−θ ) = . (2.139)
sinθ cosθ sin2 θ
Similarly, the matrix describing an optical retarder (birefringent plate) having the
optical axis rotated by θ with respect to x is written as:
2.5 Waves in Anisotropic Media 71
If L is the thickness of the optically active medium, the phase delay between the
two circularly polarized waves is given by: φ = 2π L(n + −n − )/λ. The recombination
of the two emergent waves produces a linearly polarized beam (see Fig. 2.28) with a
polarization direction rotated with respect to that of the incident beam:
1 1 1 1
exp(−iθ ) + exp[i(θ − φ)]
2 i 2 −i
cos(θ − φ/2)
= exp(−iφ/2) . (2.142)
sin(θ − φ/2)
φ π(n + − n − )
ρ= = . (2.143)
2L λ
A typical optically active crystal is quartz. For propagation along the optical axis,
the rotatory power is 4 rad/cm at λ = 589 nm. Also disordered media containing
chiral molecules, as, for instance, sugar molecules, can show optical activity. For
an aqueous solution containing 0.1 g/cm3 of sugar, ρ = 10−2 rad/cm. The sugar
concentration can therefore be determined by measuring the rotatory power.
From a formal point of view, the optical activity can be explained only assuming
the presence of anti-symmetric off-diagonal terms inside the εi j matrix. Such a
presence would contradict the assertion that the matrix εi j is symmetric. However, it
can be shown that such a symmetry property applies only for spatially homogeneous
fields, that is, infinite wavelength fields. If λ is finite, the local value of D depends,
in general, on E and its spatial derivatives. At first order:
Di = εo εi j E j + iγi jm . (2.144)
∂ xm
which is the sum of a symmetric and an anti-symmetric term, the latter vanishing if
the modulus of k vanishes, that is, if the wavelength becomes infinite.
For an isotropic medium, (2.145) becomes:
where (E × k)i denotes the i-th component of the cross product, and γ is a scalar
quantity. Assuming k parallel to z, the D components along x and y, as derived from
(2.147), are:
Dx = εo [εr E x + iγ k E y ] (2.148)
D y = εo [εr E y − iγ k E x ]. (2.149)
These two equations show that a linear polarization cannot propagate unchanged
inside an optically active medium, due to the fact that E x generates D y , and viceversa.
Considering that the electric field of a right- (left-) circularly polarized beam is written
2.5 Waves in Anisotropic Media 73
These two equations show that circular polarization indeed represents a propaga-
tion mode inside the optically active
√ medium. The refractive indices seen by the two
circular polarizations are: n ± = εr ± γ k. Assuming that the second term under
square root is much smaller than the first one, putting k = nω/c and εr = n 2 ,
one obtains the approximate relation: n ± = n[1 ± γ k/(2)], and, consequently,
ρ = π γ k/(nλ).
There are various means to change the optical properties of a medium by applying
an external field. In this section the magneto-optic effect known as Faraday effect is
described. It consists in the induction of rotatory power through the application of
a static magnetic field. The effect is longitudinal, since the applied magnetic field
B is parallel to the propagation direction of the linearly-polarized optical wave. The
polarization direction is rotated by an angle θ = C V B L, where L is the propagation
length and C V is the Verdet constant. The sign of θ changes with the sign of B, but it
does not change by reversing the propagation direction. Therefore the rotation effect
is doubled if the beam travels back and forth inside the medium.
In the standard configuration of the Faraday rotator the medium has a cylindrical
shape and is placed inside a solenoid. The longitudinal magnetic field is created by
an electric current flowing into the solenoid.
In the presence of the magnetic field, the relation between D and E can be written,
similarly to (2.144), as:
π γB B
ρ = CV B = − . (2.153)
The big difference between a passive rotator, such as a quartz plate, and the Faraday
rotator is made clear by considering the situation in which the wave transmitted in
one direction is reflected back and retransmitted in the opposite direction. In the
case of the passive rotator there is no net polarization rotation because the rotation
generated in the forward path is canceled during the backward path, while in the
74 2 Optical Components and Methods
case of the Faraday rotator the effect is doubled. The Faraday rotator is said to be a
nonreciprocal device.
The Faraday effect can be found in gases, liquids, and solids. Since its microscopic
origin is connected to the Zeeman effect, the Verdet constant becomes larger when the
wavelength of the optical wave gets close to absorption lines. The most commonly
utilized materials are doped glasses and crystals, like YIG (yttrium iron garnet), TGG
(terbium gallium garnet) and TbAlG (terbium aluminum garnet). As an example, the
Verdet constant of TGG is: C V = −134 rad/(T · m) at λ = 633 nm, and becomes
−40 rad/(T · m) at λ = 1064 nm.
There are some ferromagnetic materials (containing Fe, Ni, Co) that exhibit large
values of C V , but they also have a very large absorption coefficient, so the Faraday
rotation can only be observed in reflection. They have an important application in
optical memories, as will be mentioned in Chap. 8.
An optical isolator is a device that transmits light in only one direction, thereby
preventing reflected light from returning back to the source. Isolators are utilized in
many laser applications, since back-reflected beams often have deleterious effects
on the operating conditions of optical devices.
A Faraday isolator may be constructed by placing a Faraday rotator between two
polarizers, as shown in Fig. 2.29. The optical axis of polarizer 1 is along x, the Faraday
cell rotates clockwise the polarization direction by π/4, the optical axis of polarizer
2 makes a π/4 angle with the x axis, so that the forward traveling wave is fully
transmitted by the device. If a portion of the transmitted wave is back-reflected by a
subsequent optical component, it travels inside the isolator in the backward direction.
Assuming that reflection does not alter the polarization state, the reflected beam is
fully transmitted by polarizer 2, and its polarization direction suffers a clockwise
rotation of π/4 by the Faraday cell. The backward beam becomes y-polarized, and
therefore is blocked by polarizer 1.
The behavior of the isolator can be mathematically described by Jones matrices.
Let Vi and Vu be the Jones vectors of the incident and emergent waves, respec-
tively, and call T1 , T2 , T3 , the matrices representing polarizer 1, Faraday rotator, and
polarizer 2, respectively. It is important to recall that all vectors and matrices must
be expressed with reference to the same x-y coordinate system. The output field is
related to the input field by the following expression:
Vu = T3 T2 T1 Vi
√ √ √
1/2 1/2 √2/2 −√ 2/2 10 1
= √
. (2.154)
1/2 1/2 2/2 2/2 00 0 2/2
As expected, the emergent wave is linearly polarized at π/4 with respect to the
x axis. The back-reflected beam crosses the sequence of devices in opposite order,
and is completely blocked by the isolator:
Vu = T1 T2 T3 Vu = . (2.155)
Note that T3 seems to have no role in the proposed scheme. In practice, however,
it may happen that back-reflection modifies the polarization state. In such a case the
role of polarizer 2 becomes important.
2.6 Waveguides
(∇ 2 + (n 1 ko )2 )E(r) = 0 (2.156)
(∇ 2 + (n 2 ko )2 )E(r) = 0, (2.157)
d2 A
+ [(n 2 ko )2 − β 2 ]A(x) = 0 (2.160)
Since the propagation constant of the guided wave must be intermediate between
n 2 ko and n 1 ko , the solution of (2.159) is a periodic function, A1 cos(γ1 x), and that
of (2.160) is an exponential function, A2 exp(−γ2 x), where the real quantities γ1 and
γ2 are given, respectively, by:
γ1 = n 1 2 ko 2 − β 2 , (2.161)
γ2 = β 2 − n 2 2 k o 2 (2.162)
By imposing the continuity of the field amplitude and its derivative at x = d/2,
it is found:
A1 cos(γ1 d/2) = A2 exp(−γ2 d/2), (2.163)
A1 γ1 sin(γ1 d/2) = A2 γ2 exp(−γ2 d/2). (2.164)
What has been calculated is the propagation constant of the fundamental mode. It
can be shown that the waveguide can support a discrete sequence of modes, whose
propagation constants are derived by generalizing (2.165) as follows:
tan(γ1 d/2 − mπ/2) = , (2.166)
where m = 0, 1, . . ..
Whereas a solution always exists for the fundamental mode, a value of the propa-
gation constant β1 of the m = 1 mode satisfying the condition n 2 ko ≤ β1 ≤ n 1 ko is
found only if the mode frequency ν is larger than the cut-off frequency νc given by:
νc = , (2.167)
2d n 1 2 − n 2 2
2.1 Given that the wavelength of a light signal in vacuum is 600 nm, what will it be
in a glass block having a refractive index n = 1.50?
2.2 A glass block having an index of 1.55 is coated with a layer of magnesium
fluoride of index 1.32. For light traveling in the glass, what is the total reflection
angle at the interface?
2.3 Yellow light from a sodium lamp (λ = 589 nm) traverses a tank of benzene (of
index 1.50), which is 30-m long, in a time τ1 . If it takes time τ2 for the light to pass
through the same tank when filled with carbon disulfide (of index 1.63), determine
the value of τ2 − τ1 .
2.4 Light having a vacuum wavelength of 600 nm, traveling in a glass (n = 1.48)
block, is incident at 45◦ on a glass-air interface. It is then totally internally reflected.
Determine the distance into the air at which the amplitude of the evanescent wave
has dropped to a value of 1/e of its maximum value at the interface.
2.5 A beam of light in air strikes the surface of a transparent material having an
index of refraction of 1.5 at an angle with the normal of 40◦ . The incident light has
component E-field amplitudes parallel and perpendicular to the plane-of-incidence of
10 and 20 V/m, respectively. Determine the corresponding reflected field amplitudes.
2.7 A Gaussian beam at wavelength λ = 0.63 µm having a spot size at the beam
waist of wo = 0.5 mm is to be focused to a spot size of 30 µm by a lens positioned
at a distance of 0.5 m from the beam waist. What focal length should the lens have?
2.9 A blazed reflection grating with pitch d = 1200 nm and blazing angle θg =
20◦ is used in the Littrow configuration. Determine which incident wavelength is
diffracted at second order in the backward direction.
2.11 Consider a light beam at λ = 589 nm traveling along the z-axis and linearly
polarized along the x-axis. The light beam crosses, in succession, a quarter-wave
plate and a polarizer. The optical axis of the quarter-wave plate is in the x-y plane,
forming an angle π/4 with the x-axis. The optical axis of the polarizer is parallel
to the y-axis. Write the Jones matrix of the quarter-wave plate in the x-y reference
frame, and calculate the fraction of the incident power that is transmitted by the
Abstract All the light sources utilized before the invention of the laser are based
on spontaneous emission processes from excited atoms. Since each atom emits in a
random direction with a random phase, conventional light sources are intrinsically
chaotic. The laser is a completely different light source, because it is based on stim-
ulated emission instead of spontaneous emission, which means that atoms emit in a
cooperative way, generating a monochromatic and collimated light beam. The funda-
mental ingredient for making a laser is the optical amplifier. A mechanism selecting
wavelength and direction is provided by the positive feedback that transforms the
amplifier into an oscillator. In this chapter, after shortly mentioning conventional
light sources, especially thermal sources, and after giving a brief historical introduc-
tion to the laser, the general scheme of the oscillator is first discussed. Successively,
by using an elementary treatment of the interaction between light and atoms, the
conditions under which a set of atoms can become an optical amplifier are derived.
After discussing the general laser scheme, the steady-state and pulsed behavior is
presented, together with a concise description of a few solid-state and gas lasers. The
chapter ends with a comparison between the laser and the conventional light source.
Conventional light sources, like flames, incandescent lamps, and electric discharge
lamps, operate by converting an input energy (chemical, thermal, and electrical,
respectively) to light. The light is emitted over the full solid angle, usually with
a very broad frequency spectrum, except for the case of low gas-pressure electric
discharge lamps. The main application of these sources is to provide illumination,
in substitution to the Sun.
It is of historical importance to discuss the emission of incandescent sources,
such as the Sun (which converts nuclear energy from fusion reactions into light), or
a common household tungsten-filament lamp. The study of the emission spectrum
from these incandescent sources and of its dependence on the absolute temperature T
has had a profound impact on modern physics. In the theoretical treatment proposed
during the nineteenth century, an ideal body consisting of a closed cavity kept in
thermal equilibrium at temperature T was considered, under the assumption that the
inner walls of the cavity could emit radiation at all possible frequencies. By using a
general thermodynamic argument, Kirchhoff demonstrated that the spectrum of the
“blackbody” radiation from such a cavity depends only on T , and is independent
of the nature of the material or the shape of the cavity. Defining ρ(ν, T )dν as the
density of electromagnetic energy inside the cavity in the frequency interval between
ν and ν + dν, a very strong inconsistency between predictions based on Maxwell
equations and experimental observations of ρ(ν, T ) was discovered. By making the
revolutionary assumption that the energy of the dipole oscillating at frequency ν can
only take discrete values that are multiples of the fundamental quantum hν, Planck
was able to provide the solution to this problem in 1901, obtaining the following
8π hν 3 1
ρ(ν, T ) = . (3.1)
c 3 exp(hν/k B T ) − 1
Besides the Boltzmann constant of k B = 1.38 × 10−23 J · K−1 , (3.1) contains the
new universal constant of h, called Planck constant, having value 6.55 × 10−34 J · s.
By making the derivative of (3.1), one finds that the frequency νm corresponding
to the maximum value of ρ(ν, T ) is proportional to T , following the approximate
relation: νm ≈ 5k B T /h.
Introducing the peak wavelength λm = c/νm , expressing λm in meters e T in
Kelvin, the following relation, usually called Wien’s law, is obtained:
Figure 3.1 shows the blackbody emission spectra of the Sun (5500 K) and a
tungsten-filament lamp (1500 K). In the first case the peak of the emission is in
the visible range, whereas in the second case a large portion of the emitted radiation
is in the infrared, indicating that the incandescent lamp is a low-efficiency source of
visible light.
Fig. 3.1 Blackbody emission spectra, as calculated for the Sun (T = 5500 K) and for a tungsten-
filament lamp (T = 1500 K). The two curves are normalized to the same maximum value
3.1 Conventional Light Sources 83
The electric-discharge lamp, also known as the fluorescent lamp, uses electron
collisions to generate the atomic excitation for light emission. Notwithstanding the
fact that the working temperature can be much lower, this approach provides a higher
conversion efficiency of electrical power to visible light power than incandescent
technology developed for integrated electronic circuits and devices. Normally every
type of laser emits one (or more) well-defined wavelengths that are characteristic
of the material used for amplification. A very important property of semiconductor
lasers is that they can be designed to work at a pre-selected wavelength, by tuning
the chemical composition of the active layer.
An oscillator is a device that generates a sinusoidal signal with a stable amplitude and
fixed frequency. The capability of producing oscillating electric fields at higher and
higher frequencies has played a basic role in the development of telecommunication
systems, of computers, and, in general, of all electronic instrumentation. The laser
is a device that extends the working principle of the electronic oscillator to opti-
cal frequencies. The analogy with the electronic device is conceptually important,
because it explains at first glance the different emission properties of a laser with
respect to traditional light sources. At the same time, the analogy immediately sug-
gests that lasers can play a very important role in the information and communication
In this section the general properties of oscillators are discussed, showing that an
oscillating output signal can be generated by a scheme involving the combination of
amplification with positive feedback. The discussion is developed generally, without
specifying the exact nature of the signal. The description of the optical amplifier and
the corresponding oscillator is deferred to the following sections.
In the block scheme presented in Fig. 3.2, the input and output signals Si e Su
may represent a displacement in the case of the mechanical oscillator, a voltage for
the electronic oscillator or an electric field for a microwave or optical oscillator. The
input signal Si goes through an amplifier with gain G. The fraction β of the amplifier
output is fed back and added to Si . Therefore, in the stationary regime, the output
signal Su is given by:
Su = G Si + βG 2 Si + β 2 G 3 Si + · · · (3.3)
Fig. 3.2 General scheme of the oscillator: amplifier with positive feedback
3.3 Properties of Oscillators 85
By assuming that |βG| < 1, the geometric series represented by (3.3) is conver-
gent. One obtains:
Su = Si . (3.4)
1 − βG
The quantity βG is called loop gain. The transfer function of the amplifier with
feedback, defined as the ratio between output and input, is given by:
Su G
T = = . (3.5)
Si 1 − βG
|G o |2
|G(ω)|2 = (3.7)
1 + (ω − ωo )2 τ 2
The function (3.7) is a Lorentzian (from Lorentz), and represents the effective
behavior of absorption (or gain) as a function of the angular frequency in most
practical cases. The quantity τ −1 is the half-width at half-height of the Lorentzian
Through substitution of (3.6) inside (3.5), one finds the transfer function of the
system with feedback:
Go G fo
T (ω) = = , (3.8)
1 + i(ω − ωo )τ − βG o 1 + i(ω − ωo )τ f
frequency corresponding to maximum loop gain can be different from ωo . If the loop
gain is larger than 1, the oscillation is triggered by the noise always present inside
a real-world loop: from amongst all the noise frequency components, the system
preferentially amplifies the component with angular frequency ωo .
The treatment developed thus far would indicate that the output signal Su is
continuously growing when the gain is above the threshold value G oth = β −1 .
This is clearly impossible, because it would violate energy conservation. Since the
supply power of the amplifier has a finite value, the output power must also have a
finite upper bound.
The steady-state value of Su can be derived using a treatment that includes nonlin-
ear effects. It is a general property of an amplifier that the gain must decrease when
the amplitude of the output signal becomes large. This effect is called saturation.
As shown qualitatively in Fig. 3.4, the gain G o must be a decreasing function of Su ,
going to 0 when Su becomes large.
The working operation of an oscillator is as follows: initially the oscillator is
designed to have a small-signal gain larger than β −1 . As long as Su grows through
successive amplifications within the loop, the gain G o (Su ) decreases: the stationary
state is reached when Su attains the saturation value Sus , in correspondence of which
the saturated loop gain is equal to 1. By looking at Fig. 3.4 it is evident that, if
Su < Sus the loop gain is >1 so that Su is growing toward the stationary value,
whereas, if Su > Sus , the loop gain becomes <1 so that Su is now decreasing
toward the stationary value. The conclusion is that the stable point of the oscillator
corresponds to the situation in which the saturated loop gain is equal to 1.
The general discussion of the preceding section shows that the essential ingredient
for building an optical oscillator is the optical amplifier. In this section an elementary
description of the interactions between atoms and light is presented, as a preliminary
step toward the treatment of the optical amplifier.
An atom is made of a nucleus with a positive electric charge at the center and a
surrounding electron cloud of negative electric charge. Viewing the atom as a micro-
scopic planetary system, its internal energy can be defined as the sum of the poten-
tial energy associated to the spatial distribution of electric charges plus the kinetic
energy of the electrons that are undergoing a rotational motion around the nucleus.
The configuration of the atom can be determined, at least in principle, by solving
the Schrödinger equation for the system. Quantum mechanics demonstrates that the
internal energy of the atom can take only discrete values, here called E 0 , E 1 , E 2 . . .
in increasing order, where E 0 is the energy of the equilibrium configuration (ground
state), and E j , with j > 0, is the energy of the j-th excited state. In an intuitive
model the excited state corresponds to one (or more) electrons having moved from
the equilibrium orbit to an outer, higher energy, orbit. The atom may make a transition
from its initial state to an upper excited state by absorbing a photon, or it may decay
from an excited state to a lower-energy state by emitting a photon, but all transitions
must satisfy the energy conservation relation:
Ei − Ek
νik = , (3.9)
where E i > E k . The atom in the state k can move to the state i by absorbing a
photon, only if it is illuminated by light having frequency νik . Analogously the atom
decaying from state i to state k emits a quantum of light at frequency νik . Each type of
atom has different energy levels, and so it has a different discrete set of characteristic
frequencies νik . It should be mentioned that not all atomic transitions are radiative,
i.e., are compatible with the absorption or emission of light. There are quantum
mechanical selection rules (not discussed here) that determine which transitions are
It is useful to have in mind the order of magnitude of the energy difference
for atomic transitions associated to visible light. Considering, as an example, light
88 3 The Laser
with a wavelength of λ = 0.5 µm, and frequency ν = c/λ = 6 × 1014 Hz, the
corresponding energy difference, calculated from (3.9), is 2.5 eV.
Consider a box containing Nt identical atoms per unit volume, illuminated by a
monochromatic wave with intensity I and frequency ν close to ν10 . If the intensity
is divided by the photon energy, it gives the photon flux Φ = I /(hν), which is the
number of photons crossing the unit area in the unit time.
A schematic of the different absorption and emission processes is illustrated in
Fig. 3.5. Some atoms will absorb a photon moving from the ground level 0 to level
1. The number of absorption processes per unit time and unit volume must be pro-
portional to the number of available photons and to the number of atoms on level 0.
Every absorption reduces by 1 the number of atoms on level 0, therefore:
d N0
− = σ01 (ν)Φ N0 , (3.10)
where N0 (t) is the number of atoms per unit volume on level 0 at time t, called the
population of level 0 at time t. The minus sign in front of the derivative inside (3.10)
indicates that absorption processes decrease the population of level 0.
The proportionality constant σ01 (ν), called absorption cross-section, represents
the probability of absorption of a photon by the atom, and has dimensions of an area.
Since the energy of the excited atomic levels is always defined with some spread,
σ01 (ν) is a function of ν that is peaked at ν10 , but has a non-zero broadening. It is
typically described by a Lorentzian function.
The excited atom goes back to the ground state by spontaneously emitting a pho-
ton. The spontaneous emission is spatially isotropic, and has a spectral distribution
identical to that of the absorption cross-section. It is important to point out that the
radiation spontaneously emitted by a given atom has no memory of the direction,
frequency or phase of the exciting radiation, and that it is uncorrelated with the
emission of other nearby atoms.
By assuming that at t = 0 there are some excited atoms on level 1, it is found
that the intensity of spontaneous emission decays exponentially with time. The time
constant τ10 , which is characteristic of the considered transition, is called lifetime
of the level 1. The reciprocal A10 = τ10 represents the decay probability from 1
3.4 Emission and Absorption of Light 89
to 0 per unit time. Considering that every spontaneous emission reduces the num-
ber N1 by 1, and that the number of spontaneous emission processes per unit time
and unit volume is given by A10 N1 , the decrease of the population of level 1 is
described by:
d N1
− = A10 N1 (3.11)
In 1917 Einstein demonstrated that the presence of quasi-resonant radiation at a
frequency close to ν10 stimulates the decay of the excited atom from state 1 to state 0.
In analogy with the absorption process, the number of stimulated emission
processes per unit time and unit volume can be written as:
d N1
− = σ10 (ν)Φ N1 , (3.12)
where σ10 (ν) is the stimulated emission cross-section, which, as shown in the next
section, coincides with the absorption cross-section.
If the atoms are at an absolute temperature of T , then the ratio between N1 and
N0 is given by the Boltzmann factor:
N1 hν10
= exp − . (3.13)
N0 kB T
As an example, for a transition in the red light region (hν10 = 2 eV) at room
temperature (T = 300 K), it is found: N1 /N0 = e−80 ≈ 10−35 . This means that the
probability of finding an excited atom is negligible, for a transition in the visible at
room temperature.
If all the atoms are in the lower energy state (i.e., the level 0), a quasi-resonant light
beam initially generates only absorption processes. If some fraction of the atoms are
in level 0, and the rest are in level 1, then a competition arises between absorption and
stimulated emission processes. If N0 > N1 , absorption prevails. However, if N0 <
N1 , then the number of generated photons overcomes the number of absorptions.
The condition of N0 < N1 is called the population inversion condition.
The important aspect of the stimulated emission process is that, in contrast to the
case of spontaneous emission, the emitted radiation has the same direction, polar-
ization, frequency and phase of the incident radiation. As such, a light beam having
a frequency close to ν10 experiences amplification after passing through a volume
containing a collection of atoms that are prepared in a state of population inversion.
In order to build an optical amplifier, it is necessary to find a means of creating and
maintaining a population inversion.
What happens if a set of two-level atoms is illuminated with a photon flux Φ at
frequency ν10 ? By combining (3.10), (3.11), and (3.12), and taking into account the
90 3 The Laser
The behavior of N1 (t) is shown in Fig. 3.6. The stabilization to the steady-state
response is governed by the time constant: τ = (A10 + 2σ01 Φ)−1 . The steady-state
values of N1 (t) and N0 (t), derived for t → ∞, are:
Nt 1 + A10 /(σ01 Φ)
N1s = , N0s = Nt . (3.16)
2 + A10 /(σ01 Φ) 2 + A10 /(σ01 Φ)
In presence of the flux Φ the set of atoms becomes less absorbing, because the
population of the ground state is reduced, and simultaneously there are stimulated
emission processes partially compensating absorption. In any case, N1s is always less
than N0s , but both stationary values tend to Nt /2 as Φ tends to infinity. Consequently,
when Φ → ∞, the material becomes completely transparent, because the number
of stimulated emission processes compensates for the absorption processes. The first
of relations (3.16) can be written as:
Nt 1
N1s = (3.17)
2 1 + Φs /Φ
where Φs = A10 /(2σ10 ) is the saturation flux for the considered transition.
In his 1917 article, Einstein not only introduced the new concept of stimulated emis-
sion, but also derived in a simple way the relations connecting emission and absorp-
tion processes. In this section the main steps of the treatment are reproduced.
Einstein considered a set of atoms inside a blackbody cavity at temperature T,
observing that, at thermal equilibrium, the number of atoms per unit time making
the transition from level 0 to level 1 must coincide with the number of atoms making
the opposite transition. The radiation thermally generated inside the cavity is not
at all monochromatic, but it presents a frequency spread comparable or even larger
than the bandwidth Δν10 of the absorption cross-section of the considered atomic
transition. In such cases, in order to express the number of absorption processes,
one should use, instead of (3.10) that refers to a monochromatic photon flux, the
following integral:
d N0
= −N0 σ01 (ν )φ(ν )dν , (3.18)
where φ(ν ) is now the incident flux per unit frequency. The total incident flux is
given by the integral:
Φ = φ(ν )dν (3.19)
Taking into account that N0 /N1 is given by (3.13), (3.22) gives a dependence of
ρ(ν) on temperature that, rather surprisingly, is different from the expression (3.1). At
this point, Einstein made the hypothesis that a third process must be occurring, which
he called stimulated emission. By expressing the number of stimulated emission
processes per unit time with a relation similar to that used for absorption processes,
(3.12) transforms into:
d N1
= −c−1 B10 φ(ν)N1 (3.23)
where B10 is the stimulated emission coefficient:
B10 = c σ10 (ν )dν (3.24)
The balance between absorption and emission, including now also stimulated
emission, becomes:
By taking into account (3.13), and comparing (3.26) with (3.1), the following
relations are obtained:
A10 8π ν10 2
B10 = B01 , = (3.27)
B01 c3
Note that the equality B10 = B01 implies that σ10 = σ01 .
Relations (3.27) show symmetry between absorption and stimulated emission
processes, and demonstrate that the spontaneous emission coefficient A10 is propor-
tional to B01 . The quantum-mechanical calculation, not discussed here, shows that
B01 is proportional to ν10 . As a consequence, A10 is proportional to the cube of the
frequency: this means that the spontaneous decay time τ10 = (A10 )−1 is much longer
for infrared transitions with respect to visible transitions, and becomes very short for
UV or soft X-ray transitions. As will be seen, very short decay times of the excited
level make it much more difficult to create and maintain a population inversion for
a given transition, and so it is comparatively difficult to build optical amplifiers and
lasers in the UV or soft X-ray region.
3.5 Optical Amplification 93
In this section it is described how to obtain optical amplification. It is clear from the
previous sections that it is impossible to obtain a steady-state population inversion on
the transition 0–1 using an approach dealing only with levels 0 and 1. The excitation
process must involve a third level.
Three-level system. The discussion starts by considering a three-level system, like
the one shown in Fig. 3.7. The scheme is the same as that used in the first laser; the
ruby laser. The aim is to obtain a population inversion between the ground level 0
and the excited level 1. In the jargon of Photonics the process producing population
inversion is called pumping process, and the amplifying medium is called active
medium. The idea is to pump with light resonant with the transition between level 0
and level 2. In presence of a photon flux Φ p (ν) at ν02 , absorption processes exciting
atoms to level 2 occur. The spontaneous decay from level 2 to level 1 populates
level 1. Intuitively, one could predict that population inversion can be obtained if the
spontaneous decay process from 2 to 1 is quicker than the process from 1 to 0. In
a regime of dynamic equilibrium, this does indeed create a “bottleneck” that favors
the growth of N1 .
The quantitative treatment of the three-level scheme is based on the so-called
rate equations. These describe the population dynamics by taking into account all
possible emission and absorption processes among the three levels:
d N1
= A21 N2 − A10 N1 (3.28)
d N2
= W02 p (N0 − N2 ) − (A20 + A21 )N2 , (3.29)
where A10 , A20 and A21 are spontaneous decay probabilities per unit time, and W02 p
is the probability per unit time of a transition from
level 0 to level 2 under the action
of the pump. Using (3.18), one finds: W02 p = σ02 (ν )φ p (ν )dν .
Fig. 3.7 Three- and four-level schemes. The vertical direction indicates increasing energy of the
atomic levels
94 3 The Laser
Since the sum of the three populations coincides with the total number of atoms
per unit volume Nt :
N0 + N1 + N2 = Nt , (3.30)
N0 can be eliminated from (3.29), so that a system of two equations with two unknown
functions is obtained. If W02 p is constant, then the system can be easily solved. Here
the discussion is limited to the steady-state solutions, obtained by putting all the
time-derivatives equal to 0.
The steady-state population inversion is given by:
In order to obtain amplification, Ns should be positive, which means that the sign
of the fraction appearing at right-hand side of (3.31) must be positive. For very large
values of the pump parameter, W02 p A20 + A21 , it is a necessary condition that
A21 > A10 , in agreement with the intuitive considerations mentioned above. It is
interesting to note that, if A21 A10 and simultaneously W02 p A20 + A21 , then
(3.31) reduces to Ns = Nt . This means that all the atoms have been excited to level
The condition Ns = 0 gives the threshold value of the pump parameter:
A20 + A21
W02 pth = A10 . (3.32)
A21 − A10
To avoid excessive values of W02 pth , systems in which A21 is much larger than
A10 are usually chosen. The first laser (i.e., the ruby laser) has the simple three-level
scheme, with A21 many orders of magnitude larger than A10 .
Four-level system. Optical amplification can be also achieved by using a four-level
scheme, illustrated in Fig. 3.7. In this scheme, the pump excites the atom from the
ground level to level 3; level 2 is then populated by the spontaneous decay from 3 to
2, and optical amplification occurs between 2 and 1, at a frequency ν21 . Intuitively
it can be expected that population inversion between 2 and 1 can be achieved, if the
spontaneous decay time from 3 to 2 is short, from 2 to 1 is long, and from 1 to 0 is
There is an important difference between the three- and four-level schemes. In
the three-level scheme, the amplifier exploits the transition 1 to 0, in which the lower
level is the ground level. As a consequence, in order to reach threshold, which means
zero population inversion, at least half of the atoms must be excited. In the four-level
scheme the amplifier exploits a transition between two excited states. This means
that, since level 1 is initially empty, a positive population inversion is technically
achieved when even only one atom is brought to level 2. As a result, the four-level
3.5 Optical Amplification 95
scheme requires much lower pump power with respect to the three-level scheme for
lasing, and so most practical lasers operate using a four-level scheme.
The dynamics of the four-level system is described by the following rate equations:
d N3
= W03 p (N0 − N3 ) − (A30 + A31 + A32 )N3 (3.33)
d N2
= A32 N3 − (A20 + A21 )N2 (3.34)
d N1
= A31 N3 + A21 N2 − A10 N1 , (3.35)
where W03 p = σ03 (ν )φ p (ν )dν .
The system (3.33)–(3.35) is completed by:
N0 + N1 + N2 + N3 = Nt . (3.36)
Again, the discussion is limited to the steady-state solutions, by putting all time
derivatives equal to 0. The steady-state population inversion is found to be:
(1 − C1 )W03 p
Ns = N2s − N1s = Nt , (3.37)
C2 + C3 W03 p
A31 A21 + A31 A20 + A32 A21
C1 = (3.38)
A10 A32
A31 A21 + A31 A20 + A32 A10 + 2 A10 A21 + 2 A10 A20
C3 = . (3.40)
A10 A32
As expected from intuitive considerations, the threshold pump parameter W03 pth is
equal to 0. The steady-state population inversion Ns becomes positive when C1 < 1.
In many practical cases A20 A21 and A31 A32 , so that the condition Ns > 0
simply reduces to: A21 < A10 .
Since the rate equations constitute a set of linear first-order differential equations,
one can determine analytically the complete time-dependent solutions, once the ini-
tial conditions are given. The important feature of these solutions is that they give
the response time of the atomic system τr . The atomic system can follow variations
of the pump power only if they happen on a time-scale that is not shorter than τr .
Optical amplifier. Consider the propagation of a monochromatic light beam, at
frequency ν close to ν21 , inside an amplifying medium made of four-level atoms.
96 3 The Laser
Assuming that the beam propagates along the z axis and that the amplifier extends
from z = 0 to z = L, the infinitesimal variation of the photon flux Φ over dz at z is
given by the following balance between stimulated emission and absorption:
where Φo is the input flux at z = 0, and g(ν) = σ (ν)(N2 − N1 ) is the gain per unit
length. The total gain, calculated as the ratio output to input, is:
G = e g(ν)L (3.43)
Note that (3.41) does not contain the contribution of spontaneous emission,
because spontaneous emission is spread over all directions and all frequencies within
the transition bandwidth. As such, it can be assumed that very few photons are spon-
taneously emitted along z at frequency ν. Spontaneous emission is an intrinsic noise
source for the optical amplifier. Concerning noise, the difference between the elec-
tronic amplifier and the optical amplifier is that for an electronic amplifier hν is
smaller than k B T (i.e. the noise is essentially thermal), while for the optical ampli-
fier hν is much larger than k B T , so that thermal noise is negligible.
Fig. 3.8 Laser configurations. Mirrors 1 and 3 are totally reflecting, the laser output comes from
mirror 2 that is partially transmitting
Because of the finite transverse dimensions of the active medium and mirrors,
a light beam that travels even slightly off-axis will leave the cavity region after a
given number of passes between the two mirrors. Therefore, in order to be amplified
by many passes, the laser beam must travel very closely along the cavity axis. This
results in a highly directional laser output.
The laser threshold condition corresponds to the situation in which the loop gain is
equal to 1. Introducing an idealized signal, E(t), into the cavity, and then determining
how the signal changes after a single one-loop pass, allows the loop gain to be
The calculation is performed by considering a Fabry-Perot cavity with a distance
L between mirrors, and an electric-field reflectivity of ρ1 and ρ2 for mirror-1 and
mirror-2, respectively. The amplifier is made of a material with refractive index n,
has a length l, and provides a gain G for the optical intensity (or photon flux). In
order to fully understand the behavior of the laser cavity it is necessary to consider
the light beam as a wave, possessing amplitude and phase, instead of a stream of
photons. Taking into account that the intensity is proportional to the modulus-square
of the field, and that a wave of angular frequency ω, traveling for a distance z in
a medium with index of refraction n, undergoes a phase shift of (ω/c)nz, then the
effect of the amplifier
√ is that of multiplying the electric field of the input wave by a
complex factor G exp[i(ω/c)nl]. By considering also the free propagation in air
over the distance L − l and the reflections on the two mirrors, the electric field E (t)
of the wave that has completed a round trip is given by:
Since the loop gain is a complex quantity, the threshold condition breaks down
into two conditions:
• The modulus of the loop gain must be equal to 1.
• The phase of the loop gain must be equal to 2qπ , where q is a positive integer.
c φ1 + φ2
νq = (q − ). (3.47)
2L 2π
This coincides with the relation (2.119), derived in Sect. 2.4.4 for the resonance
frequencies of the Fabry-Perot interferometer.
The frequency difference between two adjacent modes, Δν = νq+1 − νq , is:
Δν = . (3.48)
Fig. 3.9 Gain per unit length as a function of frequency. A set of auto-frequencies is also shown
The general discussion of Sect. 3.3 indicates that the steady-state behavior of the
oscillator above threshold is determined by the gain-saturation effects. In this section
a simple nonlinear laser model is discussed, in which saturation effects are included.
The model considers an amplifier working on a four-level scheme, inserted into
a Fabry-Perot cavity and operating on a single longitudinal mode. The treatment is
greatly simplified by assuming that the dynamic behavior of the laser is determined
by only two time-dependent quantities, the total number of photons inside the cavity,
Q(t), and the population of the upper laser level N2 (t). The implicit assumption is
that level 3 has a very fast spontaneous decay toward level 2, and level 1 is rapidly
decaying toward level 0, so that N1 is close to 0 and N2 can be taken to coincide with
the population inversion. The nonlinear equations expressing the balance between
gain and losses are the following:
dQ Q
= V B Q N2 − (3.49)
dt τc
d N2 N2
= W − B Q N2 − , (3.50)
dt τ
where B is proportional to the stimulated emission coefficient, V is the volume
occupied by the laser mode inside the active medium and W is the number of atoms
brought to level 2 by the pump per unit time and volume. W is proportional to the
pump power Pp . The time constant τ is the spontaneous decay time of level 2, and
τc represents the decay time of the photon number inside the cavity in absence of
pump. In general, τc , sometimes called photon lifetime of the laser cavity, depends
100 3 The Laser
on all cavity losses, including, besides the useful loss of the semi-transparent output
mirror, also losses due to diffraction, to misalignments and to defects of the optical
components. If the only important loss is due to the output mirror having reflectance
R, then τc is expressed as:
τc = . (3.51)
c(1 − R)
The two rate equations have a very simple meaning. Equation (3.49) indicates
that the total number of photons inside the cavity increases because of stimulated
emission, but decreases because of losses. Equation (3.50) says that the number of
atoms on the upper level N2 increases because of the pumping process, but decreases
because of the emission processes.
The steady-state solutions, Q s and N2s , are obtained by putting the time-
derivatives equal to 0. In general, nonlinear systems may admit more than one steady-
state solution. Indeed, in the case of (3.49) and (3.50), it is found that two solutions
Qs = 0
N2s = W τ, (3.52)
Q s = V τc (W − Wth )
N2s = (V Bτc )−1 , (3.53)
Wth = (V Bτ τc )−1 . (3.54)
completely used to populate the upper level of the atomic transition until the loop
gain inside the cavity approaches 1. Above threshold the fraction of pump power that
exceeds the threshold value is converted into laser power.
With the assumption that cavity losses are due only to the transmission through
the output mirror, the laser output power is given by:
Ps = hν . (3.55)
For the first laser, i.e., the ruby laser, η was of the order of 10−3 . As it will be seen,
there are lasers for which η can approach 0.5.
As a final comment to this section, it should be emphasized that the treatment has
implicitly assumed that the active medium is made of a dilute set of atoms. In other
words, the atoms are sufficiently far apart one from the other so that the energy level
structure of the isolated atom is not modified. Most existing lasers are consistent
with this assumption, but there are exceptions, the most important of which are
semiconductor lasers. In any case, even if some change in the structure of the rate
equations needs to be introduced, the main conclusions drawn from the discussion
of (3.49) and (3.50) remains largely valid for all types of lasers.
The two finite-size mirrors of the Fabry-Perot laser constitute an open cavity that
is intrinsically lossy, because of diffraction. A general property of optical cavities
is that there is a discrete number of possible field configurations, known as cavity
modes. In this section the discussion is limited to Fabry-Perot cavities made with
102 3 The Laser
spherical mirrors. A very remarkable result of the treatment is that, within the paraxial
approximation, the cavity modes are Gaussian spherical waves.
The cavity, as shown in Fig. 3.11, is made by two spherical mirrors at distance
L. The radii of curvature of the mirrors, called ρ1 and ρ2 , are considered positive if
the mirror concavity is directed inwards in the cavity. Gaussian spherical waves are
possible candidates as cavity modes because their shape is invariant in free propaga-
tion and in reflection from a spherical mirror, as discussed in Sect. 1.4.2. The general
condition ensuring that the wave reflected by a spherical mirror retraces back exactly
the incident wave is that the radius of curvature of the wavefront of the incident wave
coincides with the radius of curvature of the spherical mirror surface. If such a con-
dition can be satisfied for both mirrors, the Gaussian spherical wave is then reflected
back and forth between the two mirrors without a change in the transverse profile.
By assuming that the beam waist inside the cavity is at distance z m from mirror 1,
and recalling that the z-dependence of the radius of curvature of the wavefront is
given by (1.39), the two conditions are:
zR2 zR2
zm + = ρ1 ; L − z m + = ρ2 (3.57)
zm L − zm
The two unknown quantities inside (3.57) are z m and z R , or z m and wo , if one
recalls that wo is related to z R by (1.38). Introducing the two parameters g1 =
1 − L/ρ1 and g2 = 1 − L/ρ2 , the solutions of (3.57) are expressed as follows:
g2 (1 − g1 ) g1 g2 (1 − g1 g2 )
zm = L ; zR = L. (3.58)
g1 + g2 − 2g1 g2 g1 + g2 − 2g1 g2
Noting that, for a symmetrical cavity, g1 = g2 , one finds from (3.58) that z m =
L/2, which means that the waist of the Gaussian spherical wave is in the center of
the cavity.
3.8 The Laser Cavity 103
The beam radii w1 and w2 at the two mirrors are given by:
Lλ g2 Lλ g1
w1 2 = ; w2 2 = . (3.59)
π g1 (1 − g1 g2 ) π g2 (1 − g1 g2 )
Up to this point, only the spatial dependence of the mode was considered. The
second step is that of determining the resonance frequencies, by using the requirement
that the complete round-trip phase delay be a multiple of 2π . The calculation must
take into account that the Gaussian spherical wave acquires during propagation an
additional phase delay ψ(z), given by (1.37), with respect to the plane wave. The
resonance condition reads:
2π νq
2 L − ψ(z m ) + ψ(L − z m ) + (φ1 + φ2 ) = 2qπ, (3.60)
where q is a positive integer, and φ1 , φ2 are the phase shifts due to the reflections
from the mirrors. By combining (3.58) and (3.60), it is finally found:
φ 1 + φ2 arccos g1 g2 c
νq = q − + (3.61)
2π π 2L
If compared with (3.47), (3.61) shows that the Gaussian wave approach produces a
rigid shift of the resonance frequencies found with the plane wave treatment, keeping
unchanged the frequency difference between adjacent resonances.
Equation (3.61) gives real resonance frequencies only if the condition
0 ≤ g1 g2 ≤ 1 (3.62)
is satisfied.
The condition (3.62) can be conveniently displayed in the g1 –g2 plane, as shown
in Fig. 3.12. The shaded areas in the diagram of Fig. 3.12, in which the condition
(3.62) is fulfilled, correspond to stable cavities, and the clear areas, in which (3.62) is
violated, correspond to unstable cavities. Unstable cavities are very lossy, therefore
lasers normally use stable cavities.
It is instructive to discuss a numerical example. Considering a stable symmetric
cavity with g1√g2 = 0.5, the beam waist of the Gaussian wave, calculated from (3.58),
is: wo ≈ 1.1 Lλ/π. Therefore, the Gaussian wave emitted √ by such a laser cavity
has a divergence angle given by: θo = λ/(π wo ) ≈ 0.9 λ/π L. Taking, for instance,
λ = 500 nm and L = 10 cm, it is found: wo ≈ 0.14 mm and θo ≈ 1.14 × 10−3 rad.
It should be recalled that the full theory based on the paraxial approximation
predicts the existence of generalized Gaussian modes presenting a more complicated
transverse field distribution, as the Hermite-Gauss modes described in Sect. 1.4.2.
The presence of the higher-order transverse modes in the laser output is considered in
almost all cases a nuisance. It is a general fact that the higher-order transverse modes
extend farther out in the transverse direction and have more of their energy at greater
104 3 The Laser
Fig. 3.12 A g1 –g2 stability diagram for a general spherical laser cavity
distances from the axis than does the Gaussian mode. Suppose the transverse size
of a cavity is defined by a limiting aperture of diameter 2a, which can be the mirror
(or the laser rod) diameter or even an iris placed inside the cavity for mode-control
purpose. All the mode losses will increase as the aperture radius a is reduced toward
the mode size w. This loss will be larger for the higher-order modes because of their
larger transverse spread. The single-mode condition can be expressed by stating that
the quantity N F = a 2 /(λL), known as the Fresnel number of the cavity, should have
a value around 1. In the common terminology, a laser operating on a single transverse
mode, i.e., emitting a Gaussian wave, is said to work on the TEM00 mode, where
TEM stays for “transverse electromagnetic”.
It has been shown in the previous sections that it is possible to obtain optical ampli-
fication by exciting specific energy levels of atoms. Ions, which are atoms that have
lost or gained one or more electrons, can be also candidates for laser action.
Molecules have an internal energy due not only to their electronic structure, but
also to their vibrational and rotational motion. As predicted by quantum mechanics,
molecules present discrete vibrational and rotational energy levels, and can make
transitions among these levels by absorbing or emitting electromagnetic radiation.
While lasers based on electronic transitions emit in the visible or near infrared,
molecular lasers typically emit in the middle infrared, because the energy jumps
associated with vibrational and rotational transitions are of the order of 0.1 and
0.01 eV, respectively.
3.9 Solid-State and Gas Lasers 105
There are also lasers utilizing transitions that are both electronic and vibrational
(termed “vibronic”). These lasers are interesting because they can be tuned to emit
within a rather wide band of wavelengths.
In this section, only solid-state and gas lasers are considered. The descriptions of
semiconductor lasers and fiber-optic lasers are deferred to Chaps. 5 and 6, respec-
Solid-state lasers. The term solid-state laser indicates a laser using a dielectric crystal
(or a glass) doped with a small quantity of impurities as the active medium. The first
laser ever made (i.e., the ruby laser in 1960) was a solid-state laser. Ruby is a piece
of Al2 O3 crystal, in which a small fraction of Al 3+ ions are replaced by chromium
ions. In the ruby crystals used as active media the percentage of Cr2 O3 is typically
0.05 % by weight. The pure Al2 O3 crystal, called corundum, by itself is perfectly
transparent in the visible. It appears red when doped with chromium, because Cr 3+
ions have two absorption bands in the visible range, one in the green and the other
in the violet, as shown in the simplified scheme of Fig. 3.13.
The ruby laser is a three-level laser: level 0 is the ground level, level 1 is the
first excited level, level 2 is represented by the two absorption bands. The pump
power comes from a lamp, emitting light on a broad spectrum that includes the green
and violet wavelengths required to excite the chromium ions to level 2. Level 1 is
populated by spontaneous decay processes from level 2. The lifetime of level 2 is
of the order of picoseconds, while that of level 1 is of the order of milliseconds.
As shown in Sect. 3.5, it is possible to create population inversion between 1 and 0
under such conditions. The fact that level 2 is made by two relatively broad bands
instead of a sharp energy level is very helpful, because it ensures a larger absorption
of the broad-band light emitted by the lamp. The energy difference between excited
and ground level is E 1 − E 0 = 1.79 eV, corresponding to red light with wavelength
λ = 0.6943 µm.
The active medium is a cylindrical monocrystal with a length of a few centimeters
and diameter of a few millimeters. In the first laser the two end faces of the ruby
bar were made flat and parallel, and were coated with a thin silver layer, in order
to create cavity mirrors. The pump light was provided by a helical xenon flashtube
surrounding the active rod. The ruby laser has a high threshold power, a low efficiency
(typically, η ≈ 0.1 %), and exhibits large fluctuations in output power. Consequently,
although it is of historical and illustrative importance, the ruby laser is no longer used
in modern applications.
106 3 The Laser
Following the example of the ruby laser, many different solid-state lasers have
been developed, mainly by choosing active ions that belong to the transition metals
(in particular, Cr, Ti), or rare earths (in particular, Nd, Er, Yb). A common feature
of such ions is that they have excited levels with very long decay times, termed
metastable levels. These metastable levels make it easy to build up the population
inversion needed for optical amplification.
By doping the Al2 O3 crystal (which is also known as sapphire) with titanium
instead of chromium, a titanium-sapphire laser material can be produced. When
pumped by green light, this laser is tunable over a very broad wavelength range,
from 700 to 1000 nm, by exploiting a vibronic transition.
The most important solid-state laser is the neodymium laser, in which the host
medium is often a YAG (yttrium aluminium garnet, or Y2 Al5 O12 ) crystal, in which
some of the Y 3+ ions are replaced by N d 3+ ions. Besides YAG, other host media,
such as yttrium vanadate (Y V O4 ), can be used.
The simplified scheme of the energy levels of the ion N d 3+ in YAG is shown in
Fig. 3.14. The main difference with respect to the ruby laser is that the laser transition
involves two excited levels, that is, one deals with a four-level scheme. The two
absorption bands that play the role of level 3 are centered on the wavelengths 0.73
and 0.81 µm. These bands are coupled by a fast non-radiative decay (A32 ≈ 107 s−1 )
to level 2, which is the upper level of the laser transition. The spontaneous decay
time from 2 to 1 is of the order of hundreds of microseconds, much longer than
the spontaneous decay time from 1 to 0. The laser emission is in the infrared, at
λ = 1.064 µm. The structure of the Nd:YAG laser is similar to that of the ruby laser.
The Nd:YAG laser has a much lower threshold power and a much larger efficiency
(η around 1–3 %) when compared to the ruby laser. While the ruby laser can only
work as a pulsed laser, the Nd laser can operate both as a continuous wave (CW)
laser with output power up to hundreds of watts, and a pulsed laser with a pulse
repetition rate of 10–100 Hz. The half-height gain bandwidth is around 200 GHz,
and so the laser operates simultaneously on many longitudinal modes, when it has a
Fabry-Perot cavity with a length of a few centimeters.
In the early times of solid-state lasers, the pump light was provided by electric
discharge lamps. The modern trend is to use, instead of lamps, another laser, the
semiconductor laser. In the case of the Nd laser, the optimum pump source is the
AlGaAs semiconductor laser, which emits at 0.81 µm, and is in resonance with one
of the absorption lines of the N d 3+ ion. The important advantage in such a scheme
is that all the pump power can be used to create the population inversion, while less
than 50 % of the lamp pump power has a wavelength overlap that drives the excitation
from level 0 to level 3. Another important advantage is that the collimated light from
the semiconductor pump laser can be easily directed into the target laser medium.
This is not the case for discharge lamps, because they emit over the whole solid
angle, making it difficult to fully harness all the pump power available. Typically a
Nd laser pumped by a semiconductor laser has an output power of about 30 % the
input pump power.
The Nd laser is useful in a great many applications, including materials processing
(drilling, welding, marking of industrial products, etc.), optical radar, and biomedical
applications. It can also be used to create green laser light, through a process known
as second-harmonic generation, as it will be discussed in Chap. 7.
A useful property of rare earth ions (Nd, Er, Yb, etc.) is that they can provide
optical amplification even when randomly dispersed in a transparent glass matrix,
instead of a highly ordered crystal. A particularly important exploitation of this
property is represented by the development of fiber-optic amplifiers and oscillators,
as will be discussed in Chap. 6.
Gas lasers. Shortly after the invention of the ruby laser, it was shown that it is also
possible to have population inversion in a gaseous medium. Gas lasers are almost
always pumped using an electric discharge inside the active medium. The gas is
typically contained inside a capillary tube. If the voltage applied across the tube is
sufficiently large, a fraction of the gas atoms (or molecules) becomes ionized, and the
gas, which is an insulator at rest, becomes a conductor of electric current. The free
electrons, accelerated by the external electric field, collide with the atoms, generating
a great variety of excited states. By choosing the gas mixture and pressure correctly,
along with the value of the electric current density, laser oscillation can be achieved
in many gaseous media.
The first gas laser, which also was the first CW laser (Bell Telephone Laboratories,
1960), was the He-Ne laser, made using a transition between two excited levels of the
neon atom, emitting infrared radiation at 1.15 µm. The capillary tube is filled with a
mixture of helium and neon atoms, typically in the ratio 10 : 1, at a pressure around
one hundredth of an atmosphere. The helium atoms excited by electronic collisions
selectively transfer their excitation energy to neon atoms, generating population
inversion on certain neon transitions. Besides operating at 1.15 µm, the He-Ne laser
can emit at 0.633 and 3.39 µm. The most interesting wavelength for applications is
the red emission. Commercial He-Ne lasers typically have a cavity length between
10 and 100 cm, and an output power between 1 and 50 mW. The output beam has a
very stable pointing direction and a very small angular spread—the divergence angle
is typically 10−4 rad. The laser can be frequency-stabilized, in order to provide a
monochromatic beam with a linewidth of the order of 1 kHz. During a few decades
following its invention, the He-Ne laser was the laser of choice for those applications
requiring low power and high beam-stability, such as bar-code reading, telemetry,
108 3 The Laser
Some of the most important applications of lasers involve pulsed operation. There
are different methods of obtaining laser pulses. One method is to pulse the pump
driving the laser emission, as it is the case for excimer lasers. Another possibility is
to use an external switch that transmits the output of a CW laser for short periods of
time. Naturally, the minimum pulse duration that can be obtained with this approach
3.10 Pulsed Lasers 109
cannot be shorter than the switch response time, and the peak power of the pulse
cannot exceed the steady-state power of the CW laser. These limitations can be
overcome, as will be shown, by inserting an internal switch or modulator directly
into the laser cavity.
3.10.1 Q-Switching
The technique of “Q-switching” is used to generate short and powerful light pulses
from lasers that have an upper-level spontaneous decay time τ much longer than the
photon decay time of the laser cavity, i.e., τ τc .
The principle is as follows: an optical switch is inserted into the cavity, before one
of the mirrors. When the pump is switched on and the switch is closed introducing
extra losses, the population inversion can build up to a very high value, but does not
reach the oscillator threshold. When the population inversion reaches its peak value,
the switch is suddenly opened, and the loop gain of the cavity is almost instantly
boosted well above the oscillation threshold. This results in an extremely rapid build-
up of the photon number and a subsequent depletion of the population inversion by
stimulated emission. This process converts most of the pump energy stored by the
excited atoms into the emission of a short and powerful laser pulse.
The name Q-switching refers to the quality factor Q of the laser cavity, which is
a figure of merit quantifying the cavity losses, and is defined as:
Applying this general definition to the laser case, it is found that Q = ω21 τc . The
process above described changes suddenly the state of the laser cavity from large
losses (short τc , that is, low Q) to small losses (long τc , that is, high Q), hence the
name Q-switching.
The transient behavior following the switch-on operation at time t = 0 can be
derived by solving the two time-dependent rate Eqs. (3.49) and (3.50), with appro-
priate initial conditions. The initial number of excited atoms, N2 (0), is calculated
from (3.50) under the assumptions that (i) there are no photons in the cavity and (ii)
the time derivative is equal to 0. This gives: N2 (0) = W τ . If the initial number of
photons is actually set to zero, then the system cannot dynamically evolve. However,
in practice there are always some initial photons present in the cavity, due to sponta-
neous emission. A typical transient, obtained by choosing Q(0) = 1, is sketched in
Fig. 3.15. The upper curve shows that the pumping process makes the population of
the upper level to grow much larger than the threshold value when the optical switch
is closed. The cavity Q is switched on at t = 0. Then the number of photons begins
to grow, leading to a pulse with a characteristic half-height duration, τ p , of the order
of τc . As a result of the growth in photon number, the population of the upper state
will decrease from its initial value to a very low final value.
110 3 The Laser
Fig. 3.15 Time evolution of the population of the upper laser level (upper diagram) and of the
laser output power (lower diagram) in a Q-switched laser. The Q-switching operation is performed
at t = 0
In order to derive the order of magnitude of the peak power, it can be assumed
that the total number of photons inside the pulse coincides with the total number of
excited atoms at t = 0, V N2 (0), leading to a peak output power estimate of:
V Wτ
Ppeak = hν . (3.64)
Recalling that the steady-state output power Ps is given by (3.55), and assuming,
for simplicity, that W Wth , the ratio of peak power to steady-state power in the
emission is:
Ppeak τ
= . (3.65)
Ps τc
Equation (3.65) clearly shows that the Q-switching operation is only advantageous
for active media having a long spontaneous decay time of their excited levels, such
as solid-state and CO2 lasers. If one takes τ = 300 µs and τc = 10 ns for the case
of a Nd-YAG laser, then the power ratio can be up to 3 × 104 . A laser designed for
an average output power of 1 W can have a Q-switching pulse (sometimes called a
“giant pulse” in the literature) with a peak power of 30 kW.
The optical switch used in Q-switching can be realized exploiting the electro-optic
or acousto-optic effects later described in Chap. 4. Another interesting possibility,
3.10 Pulsed Lasers 111
3.10.2 Mode-Locking
E(t) = E k exp[−i(ωk t + φk )], (3.66)
where the amplitudes E k are real and time-independent. The laser intensity, which
is proportional to |E(t)|2 , is the sum of the intensities of the N modes plus the sum
of N (N − 1) interference terms, each having zero time-average. If the phases φk are
random and mutually uncorrelated, then the interference terms tend to cancel each
other, such that:
I (t) = Ik + ΔI (t), (3.67)
φk − φk−1 = φo , (3.68)
By calling m the integer number that takes all values in the interval −n ≤ m ≤ n,
assuming equal amplitudes, E m = E o , and using (3.68), (3.66) then becomes:
E(t) = E o exp{−i[(ωo + mΔω)t + mφo ]} = A(t)E o exp(−iωo t), (3.69)
A(t) = exp[−im(Δωt + φo )]. (3.70)
sin[(2n + 1)Δωt /2]
A(t ) = exp(−imΔωt ) = . (3.71)
sin(Δωt /2)
Fig. 3.16 Temporal behavior of the output intensity of a mode-locked laser in the case of an equal-
amplitude mode spectrum. In this numerical example 11 modes with a frequency separation of
100 MHz are considered
3.10 Pulsed Lasers 113
I p = N 2 Io = N I L , (3.73)
where Io is the intensity of one mode and I L = N Io is the average laser intensity.
It is important to note that the pulsed behavior is the consequence of an inter-
ference effect, As such, mode-locking does not change the average power of the
emission, it simply re-distributes the power non-uniformly in time. Therefore, the
energy contained in a single pulse must be equal to that of the integrated power
emitted by the CW laser over a period T . Consequently, the pulse duration τ p can
be determined from the following equality:
τ p I p = T N IL τp = . (3.74)
Recalling that T is the reciprocal of Δν and that N = Δν21 /Δν, the very important
result is found that τ p = (Δν21 )−1 , regardless of the cavity length. As an example,
the N d-Y AG laser has a typical gain bandwidth of 200 GHz, and so the minimum
pulse duration that can be obtained from mode-locked operation is 5 ps. For a Nd-
glass laser, the bandwidth is one order-of-magnitude broader than that of a N d-Y AG
laser, and so its minimum pulse duration is of the order of 500 fs. The pulse duration
can be reduced by another order of magnitude by mode-locking the Ti-sapphire laser.
The Fourier transform of the emitted field, E(ω), can be described as the product
of an infinite comb of Dirac delta functions with a rectangle function:
E(ω) = E o r ect 2 δ(ω − ωk ) (3.75)
where r ect (x) is a function which takes value 1 if −0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 and 0 if |x| > 0.5.
Recalling that the inverse Fourier transform of the product of two functions of ω is
the convolution of the two anti-transforms, and that the Fourier anti-transform of r ect
is the sinc function, it can be verified that the anti-transform of (3.75) is precisely
given by (3.69). The interesting aspect of this Fourier approach is that it allows for
a general treatment to the more realistic case of unequal mode amplitudes. Indeed
the typical situation would be that in which the amplitudes of E k are distributed
according to a bell-shaped function, with maximum at k = 0. By using a Gaussian
distribution, E(ω) can be expressed as:
(ωo − ωk )2
E(ω) = E o exp δ(ω − ωk ). (3.76)
Δω12 2
to the bandwidth. It should be noted that the secondary maxima that are present in the
intensity plot of Fig. 3.16 disappear when a Gaussian distribution of mode amplitudes
is used instead of the rectangle function.
Mode-locking can be achieved in various ways. One method is to internally mod-
ulate the losses of the laser at a frequency which is equal to the intermode frequency
spacing Δν. With this approach the laser behavior can be intuitively understood as
a self-adjusting process: if losses are minimal at times to , to + T , etc., in order to
maximize the efficiency the laser will prefer to emit pulses at to , to + T , etc., instead
of operating at constant intensity. The loss modulation can be obtained by inserting
into the laser cavity an electro-optic or acousto-optic modulator.
The description of the N -mode laser as a collection of N independent oscillators
is a rather rough approximation. In practice, even without any external intervention,
the modes are interacting because they are driven by emission from the same active
atoms. Generally speaking, the existence of interactions among the modes tends
to favor the process of mode-locking. What prevents the laser from spontaneously
operating in a mode-locked regime is the fact that real longitudinal modes are not
exactly equally spaced in frequency. The optical path appearing in (3.47) contains the
index of refraction of the active medium, which is a frequency-dependent quantity. As
a consequence, (3.47) should be viewed as an implicit expression for the resonance
frequencies of the laser cavity, producing a spacing that is slightly different for each
pair of adjacent modes. Only if the modulation depth exceeds a threshold value, the
amplitude (or phase) modulation forces the modes to become equally spaced and
locks the mode phases.
Mode-locking can also be achieved by passive methods. A frequently used
approach is to insert a saturable absorber in the cavity. Initially, the multimode laser
has random intensity fluctuations, but the saturable absorber selectively transmits
the fluctuations of high intensity, while absorbing those of low intensity. After many
passes through the cavity, only a single high-intensity pulse is formed. In this scheme,
it is essential to use a saturable absorber with a recovery time much shorter than the
period T . Semiconductor saturable-absorber mirrors (SESAMs) can also provide
passive mode-locking. Furthermore, as it will be explained in Chap. 7, spontaneous
mode-locking can be achieved in solid-state lasers by exploiting the nonlinear optical
behavior of the active medium. This method is called Kerr-lens mode locking.
Ultrashort pulses of high peak power can be obtained by simultaneously operat-
ing in the same laser cavity mode-locking and Q-switching. In such a situation the
obtained mode-locked train has an envelope that follows the time evolution of the
Q-switching pulse. As an example, Fig. 3.17 illustrates the result of an experiment
in which a passively mode-locked diode-pumped N d-Y V O4 laser is Q-switched
by an acousto-optic switch. The output train is made up of about 20 mode-locked
pulses, separated by a period of 5.6 ns corresponding to the cavity round trip time.
The measured width of the pulses was about 9 ps.
3.11 Properties of Laser Light 115
Fig. 3.17 Output intensity of a simultaneously mode-locked and Q-switched N d-Y V O4 laser
Laser light differs from the light emitted by conventional sources in many aspects.
The most relevant properties of laser emission are reviewed below.
3.11.1 Directionality
In many applications, such as writing and reading optical memories, a laser beam
is focused to a very small spot size. Using a lens with focal length f , the spot size
in the focal plane is approximated by w f ≈ θo f . Taking θo = 10−4 and f = 1 cm,
it is found that w f = 1 µm. This shows that the small divergence of a laser beam
enables the concentration of the output power to an area having the size of the optical
wavelength. This is useful for many applications. In the case of materials processing,
the intensity at focus can be easily large enough to strongly heat the material, and
locally produce melting or even vaporization.
3.11.2 Monochromaticity
The light emitted by conventional optical sources contains many frequency com-
ponents. Each component has a random phase, uncorrelated with that of the other
components. In the laser case, it is possible to have a multi-frequency emission in
which the phases of different frequency components are mutually correlated, as it has
been shown in Sect. 3.10.2. This is very important because it allows for the possibil-
ity of optical signals having a pre-determined time-dependent (and space-dependent)
amplitude and phase, analogous to what can be done in the range of radio-frequencies
or microwaves with an electronic function generator.
In this section the relation between pulse duration and spectral width is derived
by considering a specific pulse shape, that of the time-dependent field amplitude
described by a Gaussian function. Assuming that the intensity peak is at t = 0, the
electric field can be expressed as:
E(t) = Ao exp − exp(−iωo t), (3.77)
2τi 2
where ωo is the central frequency, and τi is the time delay at which the intensity is
reduced by a factor 1/e with respect to the peak value. The pulse duration τ p , defined
as the width at half-height of the intensity peak, is related to τi as follows:
τ p = 2 ln2τi = 1.67τi . (3.78)
Note that E(ω) is a real function, which means that all the frequency components
have the same phase. This type of optical pulse is known as a “transform-limited”
pulse. Equation (3.80) shows that the power spectrum of the Gaussian pulse, S p (ω) ∝
|E(ω)|2 , is also a Gaussian function. The Gaussian pulse, together with its power
spectrum, is illustrated in Fig. 3.18. The width at half-height of the power spectrum,
Δν p , satisfies the relation:
2 ln2
Δν p τ p = = 0.441. (3.81)
118 3 The Laser
3.7 Consider a Fabry-Perot cavity Nd-YAG laser, in which the Nd-YAG crystal has
length L = 2 cm and mirror 1 is totally reflecting. Assuming that the population
inversion inside the active medium is N2 − N1 = 1 × 1018 cm−3 , the stimulated
emission cross-section is σ21 = 3.5 × 10−19 cm2 , the loop gain is equal to 2, deter-
mine the reflectance of mirror 2.
Chapter 4
Abstract The application of an external field can modify the optical properties of a
material. By controlling the strength and frequency of the external field, the ampli-
tude, phase, or polarization of the optical beam can be controlled and modulated.
The most important modulation methods are those using electric fields, but both
acoustic fields and magnetic fields can be exploited. This chapter describes linear
and quadratic electro-optic effects, and explains the most common modulation and
switching schemes. Modulation methods based on liquid crystals are also briefly
discussed. The final part of the chapter is devoted to the acousto-optic effect and its
applications to amplitude modulation and to beam deflection.
The electro-optic effect is the change in the index of refraction due to an applied
electric field. If the refractive index change is proportional to the applied field, then
the effect is known as Pockels effect. If the index change is quadratically-dependent
on the applied field, then the effect is known as Kerr effect. As it will be seen, the
Pockels effect can exist only in crystalline materials, and is absent in amorphous
materials, such as glasses and fluids. In contrast, the Kerr effect is present in all
classes of materials.
In general, crystals are anisotropic media, in which D and P are related to the field
E by a second-rank tensor, as was seen in Chap. 2. In particular:
Pi (ω) = εo χij Ej (ω), (4.1)
Pi (ω) = εo (χij + χijk Ek )Ej (ω). (4.2)
A single index n can be introduced to replace the ij pair, using the following con-
vention: n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 corresponds to ij = 11, 22, 33, 23, 13, 12, respectively.
For instance, in this contracted notation, r123 becomes r63 and r333 becomes r33 . The
values of the refractive indices and of the non-zero electro-optic coefficients of some
typical crystals are reported in Table 4.1.
Crystals that have a symmetry supporting the Pockels effect also exhibit piezo-
electric effects. This means that they expand and contract under the application of
an external electric field. Piezoelectric effects are usually negligible for frequencies
of the applied field larger than some MHz.
Up to frequencies of the order of 1 THz, the induced polarization contains contri-
butions from the displacements of both ions and electrons. Above 1 THz, there are
only electronic contributions and coefficients are proportionally smaller. The values
reported in Table 4.1 refer to the frequency range between 1 MHz and 1 THz.
From a general point of view the wave propagation inside the electro-optic crystal
should be treated by inserting (4.2) into the wave equation (2.7). Since, as it has been
seen in Chap. 2, the propagation characteristics are fully described by means of the
index ellipsoid, the effect of the electric field is expressed most conveniently in terms
of changes of the index ellipsoid. In presence of E , (2.126) is modified as follows:
1 1 1
+ a1 x 2
+ + a2 y 2
+ + a3 z2
n12 n22 n32 (4.4)
+ 2a4 yz + 2a5 xz + 2a6 xy = 1,
an = rnk Ek (4.5)
x 2 + y2 z2
+ + 2r41 E1 yz + 2r52 E2 xz + 2r63 E3 yz = 1 (4.6)
no2 ne2
The effect of the additional terms is that of modifying the direction of the dielectric
axes and the length of the semi-axes. The modulator configurations described in the
following sections will deal with rather simple situations in which E is directed
along the optical axis z and the light beam propagates along a principal axis.
The phase of an optical wave can be electro-optically modulated. For this type of
application, the optical wave is linearly polarized in a direction that is parallel to
one of the principal axes of the crystal in presence of the external field, so that
its polarization state does not change during propagation. In order to illustrate the
method two specific situations are below discussed in some detail.
124 4 Modulators
P3 = εo (χ33 + χ333 E3 )E3 = εo (χ33 − ne4 r33 E3 )E3 (4.7)
Equation (4.7) indicates that the extraordinary index of refraction, ne = 1 + χ33 ,
is modified by the presence of E , and becomes:
ne4 r33 E3
ne = 1 + χ33 − ne4 r33 E3 = 1 + χ33 1 −
1 + χ33 (4.8)
r33 ne3 E3
≈ ne − ,
where, taking into account that ne4 r33 E3 is usually much smaller than 1 + χ33 , the
approximate expression is obtained by a truncated series expansion of the square
root term.
Calling L the crystal length, the phase delay caused by the Pockels effect is given
Modulation based on r63 . If an external field directed along the optical axis is
applied to a KDP-like crystal, then the P components, as derived from (4.2), are
given by:
where it has been taken into account that E1 = E2 = 0 and χ123 = χ213 . The
effective electric susceptibility is therefore described by the matrix:
⎛ ⎞
χ11 χ123 E3 0
⎝χ123 E χ11 0 ⎠. (4.12)
0 0 χ33
The presence of E3 generates off-diagonal terms which couple P1 with E2 and P2 with
E1 . In order to describe wave propagation inside the crystal the matrix (4.12) must be
diagonalized, by introducing a new set of principal axes x , y , z , and new diagonal
terms χ11 , χ , χ . Noting that the relation between P and E is not modified by the
22 33 3 3
presence of E3 , it can be shown that z must coincide with z, the plane x -y coincides
with x-y, and χ33 = χ . Since the expressions for P and P are symmetrical with
33 1 2
respect to the exchange of E1 with E2 , the angle between x and x must be 45◦ . The
result of the diagonalization is:
χ11 = χ11 − χ123 E3
χ22 = χ11 + χ123 E3 .
Equation (4.13) show that the rotation symmetry around the z axis is lost, because
= χ . The new refractive indices are:
χ11 22
n1 = 1 + χ11 ≈ n 1 + no r63 E3
no r63 E3
n2 = 1 + χ22 ≈ no 1 − ,
where χ123 has been substituted by −no4 r63 , and the approximation χ123 E3 1+χ11
has been made.
The scheme of a phase modulator exploiting the properties of the KDP crystal is
shown in Fig. 4.1. The crystal is a parallelepiped cut along the axes x , y , z, with E
directed along z, the optical wave travels along z and is linearly polarized in the x
direction. Since the external voltage is applied along the propagation direction, this
configuration requires transparent electrodes, which can be realized by depositing
thin semiconductor layers on the crystal faces. The incident wave propagates without
changing polarization, and acquires a phase delay determined by the value of n1 .
126 4 Modulators
Fig. 4.1 Phase modulator based on r63 . The incident optical wave propagates along the optical
axis, z, and is linearly polarized along x . The external field is applied along z
Taking Eo cos(ωo t) as the electric field of the incident wave, and assuming again
a sinusoidal applied voltage, the electric field of the wave traveling for a length L
inside the crystal is:
2π r63 no3
Ex (t) = Eo cos ωo t − no + Vo sin(ωm t) L . (4.15)
λ 2L
Equation (4.15) has the same form as (4.10), such that the two schemes are con-
ceptually equivalent. In practice, the first scheme can work with much lower applied
voltages, provided the aspect ratio d/L is made very small. A more detailed compar-
ison will be made after treating the amplitude modulation.
beam splitter D2 recombines the two beams at the two outputs A and B. Two identical
lithium niobate crystals are inserted in the upper and lower branches of the interfer-
ometer. The optical beams propagate through the crystals in a direction perpendicular
to the optical axis and are linearly polarized along the optical axis. Qualitatively the
behavior is as follows. If the upper and lower optical paths are identical, then there
is constructive interference at output A and destructive interference at output B. If
all the components are lossless, then the optical intensity at A, IA , coincides with the
input intensity, Io , and IB is zero. By applying an electric field to the upper crystal,
the index of refraction is changed, such that the wave traveling in the upper branch
will acquire an additional phase delay. As a consequence, the interferometer will be
unbalanced, and some part of the input intensity will appear at output B.
The electric field of the wave at the output A (or B), EA (EB ), is the sum of the
contributions coming from the upper and lower branch of the interferometer. Taking
Eo cos(ωo t) as the electric field of the incident wave, and considering all the phase
delays experienced by the beams propagating in the upper and lower branch of the
interferometer, the electric fields EA and EB of the two output beams are expressed
EA = [cos(ωo t − φ1 ) + cos(ωo t − φ2 )]
2 (4.16)
EB = [cos(ωo t − φ3 ) + cos(ωo t − φ4 )]
Calling φτ and φρ the phase delays in transmission and reflection due to the beam
splitters D1 and D2 , and φM the phase delay due to reflection at M1 and M2 , the phase
delays of (4.16) are expressed as:
φ1 = φτ + 2π Lup /λ + φρ + φM
φ2 = φρ + 2π Ldown /λ + φτ + φM
φ3 = φτ + 2π Lup /λ + φτ + φM
φ4 = φρ + 2π Ldown /λ + φρ + φM .
The upper and lower optical paths are given by: Lup = ne L+Lo , Ldown = ne L+Lo ,
respectively, where L is the length of the two crystals and Lo is the path in air. Taking
into account that φτ and φρ are related by (2.58), it is found that: φ1 − φ2 = Δφ,
and φ3 − φ4 = Δφ − π . Δφ is the phase delay caused by the Pockels effect, and is
given by (4.9).
The intensity IA (IB ) at output A(B) is proportional to the square of EA (EB ). Recall-
ing that:
α+β α−β
cosα + cosβ = 2cos cos
2 2
it is found that:
φ − φ Δφ
1 2
IA = Io cos2 = Io cos2 , (4.18)
2 2
128 4 Modulators
and φ − φ Δφ
3 4
IB = Io cos2 = Io sin2 . (4.19)
2 2
Equations (4.18) and (4.19) show that, if Δφ = ±π , then the whole input intensity
is transferred to output B. The applied voltage needed for a phase shift of π , known
as the half-wave voltage, is given by:
Vπ = . (4.20)
r33 Lne 3
IB π π Vm sin(ωm t)
= sin2 + . (4.21)
Io 4 2Vπ
IB 1 π V sin(ω t)
m m π Vm sin(ωm t)
= 1 + 2sin ≈ 1+ , (4.22)
Io 2 2Vπ 2 Vπ
obtaining a linear relation between applied voltage and output intensity. The ampli-
tude modulation used in optical communications operates around the inflexion point
of the curve IB versus V .
The intrinsic response time of the Pockels effect can be smaller than 10−11 s. The
limits to the speed of the device come from electrical capacitive effects: the crystal
behaves as a capacitor with capacity C, charged by a voltage generator with internal
resistance Rs (see Fig. 4.4). Therefore, if the modulation frequency ωm is larger than
(Rs C)−1 , then most of the applied voltage will be dropped across Rs instead of across
the crystal. Considering the problem in the time domain, the response time is given
by Rs C. Recalling that C = εo εr A/d, where A is the surface area, a quick calculation
shows that the typical response time is of the order of 1 ns.
A method to reduce the response time is to put a coil with inductance Lo and a
resistor Ro in parallel to the crystal, such that ωm 2 = (Lo C)−1 and Ro Rs . At
resonance, the impedance of the parallel Ro Lo C is equal to Ro , and so the applied
voltage is dropped almost completely across the crystal. The price to pay in this
configuration is that the device can operate only in a band of modulation frequencies
centered at ωm with a width Δω = (Ro C)−1 .
The modulation induced by the applied field is effective only if the transit time
of the optical wave through the crystal is smaller than the modulation period Tm =
2π/ωm . Indeed, instead of using (4.9), Δφ should be more generally calculated as:
2π r33 ne 3 L ωr33 ne 2 t+τd
Δφ = − E3 dz = − E3 (t )dt , (4.23)
2λ 0 2 t
where τd = Lne /c is the transit time through the crystal, and E3 (t ) is the instan-
taneously applied field. In the right-hand member of (4.23), the spatial integra-
tion has been substituted by a temporal integration by putting dt = ne dz/c. If
E3 = Eo sin(ωm t), Δφ is given by:
130 4 Modulators
ωr33 ne 2 τd Eo sin(ωm τd )
Δφ = − . (4.24)
2 ωm τd
In the limit ωm τd → 0, (4.24) coincides with (4.9). Assuming that the upper limit
to the modulation frequency is determined by the condition ωm τd = π/2, it is found
that the maximum value is: νmax = c/(4Lne ). By using a lithium niobate crystal long
1 cm, νmax = 3 GHz.
The lithium niobate modulators utilized inside optical communication systems are
integrated devices, in which the light beams travel inside embedded strip waveguides
fabricated by in-diffusing in the lithium niobate substrate a material (usually tita-
nium) that increases the extraordinary refractive index. A scheme of the integrated
modulator is shown in Fig. 4.5. The width of the waveguide is very small, typically
d = 5 µm, so that the half-wave voltage is reduced to about 1 V, as calculated from
(4.20) by assuming a waveguide length of a few centimeters. Light is coupled into
and out of the modulator by using optical fibers. The output capacitance is strongly
reduced in comparison with the bulk device, and so the response time is much faster.
Transit-time effects can be, in principle, eliminated by using the electrodes as a trans-
mission line in which the velocity of the traveling electrical signal matches that of
the light beam. Modulation speeds of several tens of GHz can be achieved with this
Modulation by birefringence variation. In order to perform an amplitude modu-
lation based on r63 , E is directed along z, and the optical wave travels along z, with
a linear polarization along x, as shown in Fig. 4.6. Since in this case the wave is
not polarized along a principal axis, its propagation has to be treated by separately
considering the two components of the electric field that are parallel to x and y and
travel inside the crystal with different velocities. If the electric field of the incident
wave is Ex = Eo cos(ωo t − kz), then the two components of the wave exiting the
crystal are:
Eo Eo
Ex = √ cos(ωo t − φx ) ; Ey = √ cos(ωo t − φy ). (4.25)
2 2
4.1 Linear Electro-Optic Effect 131
Fig. 4.6 Amplitude modulator based on r63 . The input wave is linearly polarized along x. The axis
of the output polarizer is along y
2π no3 r63 V
Δφ = φx − φy = , (4.26)
where V = LE3 is the applied voltage. The output wave is elliptically polarized,
that is, a modulation of the polarization is produced. In order to transform the device
into an amplitude modulator, it is sufficient to add a polarizer with the optical axis
parallel to y, as shown in Fig. 4.6. The electric field of the wave transmitted by the
polarizer is the sum of the projections of Ex and Ey on the y axis:
where φo = (φx + φy )/2. The ratio between output and input intensity is:
Iu Δφ πV
= sin2 = sin2 , (4.28)
Io 2 2Vπ
Vπ = (4.29)
2r63 no3
the electro-optic coefficient of KDP is much smaller than that of lithium niobate, has
a half-wave voltage of several kilovolts.
It is instructive to discuss the amplitude modulator of Fig. 4.6 by using the for-
malism of Jones matrices described in Sect. 2.5.2. Defining Vo as the Jones vector of
the input wave, Vu the vector of the output wave, T1 , T2 , T3 , the matrices describing
the input polarizer, the electro-optic crystal, and the output polarizer, respectively,
then Vu is given by:
Vu = T3 T2 T1 Vo
00 exp(−iΔφ) + 1/2 exp(−iΔφ) − 1/2 10 1
01 exp(−iΔφ) − 1 /2 exp(−iΔφ) + 1 /2 00 0 (4.30)
= .
exp(−iΔφ) − 1 /2
The ratio between output and input intensity is simply given by:
exp(−iΔφ) − 1 2
= = 1 − cos(Δφ) = sin2 Δφ , (4.31)
Io 2 2 2
The insertion of the quarter-wave plate has the effect of shifting the operating
point of the modulator to the inflexion point of the curve Iu /Io versus V . Note that in
the case of the interferometric amplitude modulator described in the previous section,
the same effect was obtained by applying a bias voltage equal to Vπ/2 (see Fig. 4.3).
A transverse modulation scheme could also be applied to the KDP modulator, as
shown in Fig. 4.7, where E is parallel to z, and the light beam propagates in the y
direction, with a linear polarization at 45◦ with z. The phase delay Δφ between the
x and z components is given by:
4.1 Linear Electro-Optic Effect 133
Fig. 4.7 Amplitude modulator based on r63 in a transverse scheme. The external electric field is
applied along z and the light beam propagates along y
2π L n3 r63 V
Δφ = φx − φz = no − ne + o , (4.35)
λ 2d
where d is the crystal thickness. Equation (4.35) shows that Δφ is non-zero even in
absence of E . This is obvious, because the light beam is not propagating along the
optical axis. However, the presence of the voltage-independent term complicates the
utilization of the transverse configuration.
The electro-optic methods described in this section are also utilized for the gen-
eration of ultrashort laser pulses. In the case of a Q-switched laser, a fast optical
switch can be realized by inserting into the cavity an electro-optic shutter that blocks
the laser beam when voltage is applied to the crystal and is suddenly opened by
removing the voltage. Electro-optic modulators can be used to drive a laser in the
mode-locking regime by intra-cavity modulation at a frequency ωm ≈ 2π Δν, where
Δν is the frequency difference between two adjacent longitudinal modes of the laser
Δn = nK E 2 , (4.36)
In general terms, the relation between P and E takes the following form:
⎛ ⎞
Pi = εo ⎝ χij Ej + χijkl Ek El Ej ⎠ (4.37)
j j,k,l
where n2e is proportional to the component χ3333 . For the wave traveling along y, but
polarized along x, the ordinary refractive index is:
o 2
no = n + nK E , (4.39)
where n2o is proportional to χ1133 . Therefore the two Kerr constants are generally
In solid media the Kerr effect is mainly connected with a displacement of electron
clouds, whereas in fluid media important contributions may come from the orientation
of anisotropic molecules. The electro-optic effects of electronic origin are usually
small, but have very short response times. In contrast, orientational Kerr effects can
be large, but have correspondingly long response times.
In absence of an applied field a liquid consisting of elongated molecules behaves
as an isotropic medium because the molecular orientations are completely random.
When an electric field is applied, the molecules tend to orient parallel to each other,
and the medium becomes uniaxial. If E is not very large, then the first-order theory
predicts that the change in refractive index is proportional to E 2 , and that nK o =
−nK e /2. For large E , the molecules become all parallel to the field, and the medium
Fig. 4.9 Optical switch based on a twisted nematic liquid crystal cell. The switch is open if there
is no applied voltage. The light beam is blocked if the liquid crystal molecules are forced to align
parallel to z by a sufficiently large voltage
possible to make an electro-optic switch or modulator using a very thin liquid crystal
When a nematic liquid crystal material comes into contact with a solid surface,
the molecules can become aligned either perpendicular to the surface (homeotropic
ordering) or parallel to the surface (homogeneous ordering), depending on the treat-
ment of the surface. In the case of homogeneous ordering, the orientation direction of
the molecules is selected by rubbing the surface along a particular direction before it
comes into contact with the liquid crystal. The molecules will take up an orientation
parallel to the direction of rubbing.
A typical example of electro-optic effects in liquid crystals is given by the cell
using a “twisted nematic liquid crystal”, as shown in Fig. 4.9. The liquid crystal
layer is closed inside a glass cell, in which opposing walls are treated to produce
a homogeneous ordering with orientations at right angles to each other. Thus the
molecular axis undergoes a gradual rotation across the cell, from 0◦ at one wall to
90◦ at the opposite wall. The twisted nematic phase obtained in this way has the same
rotatory power of a cholesteric phase. When a linearly polarized light beam travels
across the cell its polarization direction undergoes a 90◦ rotation. By applying a strong
enough electric field perpendicularly to the cell walls, the molecules are forced to
align homeotropically. In this state the light beam will travel across the cell without
changing its polarization. By inserting the cell between two crossed polarizers, an
electro-optic switch can then be constructed. With no applied voltage, the light beam
is transmitted through the second polarizer. When voltage is applied the direction
of polarization of the light traversing the cell is not rotated and hence cannot pass
4.2 Quadratic Electro-Optic Effect 137
through the second polarizer. The device operates with an applied voltage of a few
volts, but has long response times, since the electro-optic effect is based on molecular
rotations. The typical application is in the field of displays, as it will be discussed in
Chap. 8.
The acousto-optic effect is the change in the refractive index of a medium due to
the mechanical strains associated with the passage of an acoustic wave inside the
medium. The refractive index changes are caused by the photoelastic effect which
occurs in all materials under a mechanical stress.
Consider the case of a monochromatic plane wave of frequency νi and wave vector
ki , traveling in a medium in which an acoustic wave of frequency νs and wave vector
ks is present. Qualitatively the interaction between the light wave and the acoustic
wave can be described in the following way. The acoustic wave induces a periodic
variation of the refractive index, which constitutes a three-dimensional phase grating,
as shown in Fig. 4.10. The periodicity is given by the acoustic wavelength λs = us /νs ,
where us is the sound velocity. It is assumed that ks is parallel to the z axis, and that
ki lies in the y-z plane, forming an angle θ with the y-axis, as shown in Fig. 4.11.
Considering the acoustic wavefronts as partially reflecting surfaces, a diffracted beam
can be formed only if there is constructive interference among the reflections coming
from all the reflecting surfaces, similarly to the case of the multilayer mirror treated
in Sect. 2.2.4. It is clear from this approach that the diffracted beam, if it exists, will
have a wave vector kd forming an angle θ with the y-axis.
The condition for constructive interference is found to be:
ks λi
sinθ = = , (4.40)
2ki 2nλs
where n is the index of refraction of the medium in which the waves are propagating.
Once λi and ks are fixed, a diffracted beam is found only if the direction of the
incident beam satisfies (4.40).
In practice, the diffraction angle is small, as shown by the following example.
Consider a visible light beam at λi = 600 nm, and a sound wave of frequency
νs = 100 MHz. Assuming a sound velocity inside the medium of us = 3 × 103 m/s,
one finds λs = us /νs = 30 µm. If n = 1.5, (4.40) gives θ = 0.4◦ . This means that
the diffracted beam forms an angle α = 2θ = 0.8◦ with the incident beam.
Since the acoustic wavefronts are traveling at velocity us , one should expect that
the frequency of the diffracted beam be Doppler shifted with respect to that of the
incident beam by the amount:
(kd − ki ) · us
ΔνD = = νs . (4.41)
The mathematical treatment of the interaction between optical wave and acoustic
wave, both taken as plane monochromatic waves, is sketched-out in the following
section. A very important result is that the frequency νd and the wave vector kd of
the diffracted beam must satisfy the following conditions:
νd = νi ± νs , (4.42)
kd = ki ± ks . (4.43)
Fig. 4.12 Conservation of wave vectors in two cases. Upper part: a phonon is absorbed. Lower
part: a phonon is generated
is absorbed, and its energy and momentum are added to the diffracted photon. Vicev-
ersa, the minus sign applies when a phonon is generated. In the situation illustrated
in Fig. 4.11, the acoustic wave transfers energy and momentum to the optical wave,
and so the plus sign is chosen. Of course, if the acoustic wave is a stationary wave,
then both signs are present at the same time. In the following examples, it will be
assumed that the plus sign applies.
Since the frequency of the acoustic wave is many orders of magnitude smaller than
the optical frequency, νd is very close to νi . Therefore it is a very good approximation
to assume that the modulus of kd is equal to that of ki . As a consequence, the
triangles of Fig. 4.12 can be seen as isosceles, so that it is immediately verified that
sin θ = ks /(2ki ), as it has been already anticipated by the relation (4.40).
The treatment of the acousto-optic interaction develops similarly to that of the electro-
optic effect. The procedure is here outlined without detailed calculations, only report-
ing the final result.
The acoustic wave modifies the relation between E and P by introducing a strain-
dependent term. The propagation of the light wave in the presence of the acoustic
140 4 Modulators
field is described by inserting the modified relation into the wave equation, and by
assuming that a single diffracted beam is generated, as shown in Fig. 4.11.
The electric field of the incident monochromatic plane wave is given by:
The diffracted beam is also taken to be a monochromatic plane wave. Its electric
field is:
Ed = (Edo /2)exp[−i(ωd t − kd · r)] + c.c.
The general definition of the component Skl of the strain tensor is:
1 ∂uk ∂ul
Skl = + ,
2 ∂xl ∂xk
Pi = εo χij + fijkl Skl Ej , (4.45)
where fijkl is the acousto-optic tensor. It is usually more convenient to express the
equations in terms of the photoelastic tensor, pijkl , related to fijkl by:
Limiting the treatment to isotropic media, the relation between the acousto-optic
and the photoelastic parameters simplifies to: f = −n4 p. As a consequence, instead
of (4.45), the following expression can be used:
where S(r, t) = So exp[−i(ωs t − ks · r)] is now the amplitude of the strain wave.
Calculations are made in the stationary regime, such that the field amplitudes Eio and
Edo are taken as time-independent quantities. As the incident wave is propagating
inside the medium, its amplitude Eio decreases because some of the incident power is
transferred to the diffracted beam. Consequently, the amplitude of Edo grows from its
initial value of zero. In principle, the amplitude of the acoustic wave is also changed
4.3 Acousto-Optic Effect 141
by the interaction. However, the variation of acoustic power is negligible in all the
cases of practical interest.
By imposing the initial conditions of Eio (0) = Eo and Edo (0) = 0, the treatment
gives the following dependence of the field amplitudes on the propagation distance y:
π pn3
h= So . (4.48)
Taking L as the path-length inside the medium, the final result is that the ratio
between diffracted and incident intensity is given by:
Id π n pSo L
= sin2 (4.49)
Io 2λi
where ρm is the medium density, and further defining a figure of merit, M, that
summarizes the relevant material properties:
n6 p2
M= , (4.51)
ρm us 3
The acousto-optic effect can be used to generate a deflected beam in a controlled way,
without recurring to moving mirrors or prisms. Deflectors are useful in a variety of
applications, such as writing and reading operations with laser beams. Furthermore,
since the deflection angle depends on λi , the acousto-optic cell behaves similarly to
a dispersive prism, and can be used as a frequency filter.
As shown in the preceding section, the angle between the diffracted beam and the
incident beam is α = 2θ , where θ is given by (4.40). If θ is small, then sinθ
θ ,
λi λi
α = 2θ = = νs (4.53)
nλs nus
Equation (4.53) suggests that a scanning of the deflection angle can be achieved
by simply making a sweep of the acoustic frequency. If the sweep covers an interval
Δνs , then the corresponding variation of the deflection angle is:
4.3 Acousto-Optic Effect 143
Δα = Δνs . (4.54)
where τ = w/us is the transit time of the acoustic wave across the light beam. As
an example, if us = 1500 m/s (water), w = 5 mm, νs is swept from 80 to 125 MHz
(Δνs = 45 MHz), one finds: N = 150.
There is an important conceptual point that should be clarified. If both ki and
the direction of ks are kept fixed, then the condition (4.43), which graphically cor-
responds to the closure of the triangle in Fig. 4.12, does not give any degree of
freedom: diffraction is obtained at one acoustic frequency only. This would imply
that one would not get any diffracted beam during a sweep of the acoustic frequency,
except at that instant in which the acoustic wave vector satisfies the equality (4.43).
How can this problem be overcome? The key to the solution lies in the observa-
tion that the acoustic wave is not truly a plane wave. It is transversally limited to a
finite cross-section, and this results in a spread in the direction of ks , as depicted in
Fig. 4.13. Therefore, as νs is changed, it may still be possible to close the triangle
of wave vectors by exploiting a component of the acoustic wave that has a different
4.1 Consider the electro-optic amplitude modulator of Fig. 4.2, using a lithium nio-
bate crystal. The operating wavelength is λ = 1530 nm, the electro-optic crystal is
lithium niobate, the crystal length is L = 6 cm, the crystal thickness is d = 40 µm,
and the output intensity IB is equal to zero when no voltage is applied to the crystal. (i)
Calculate the value of the applied voltage Vπ required to obtain 100 % transmission
at input B; (ii) Calculate the upper limit to the modulation frequency, as determined
by the condition that the transit time of the light beam through the crystal be one
fifth of the modulation period.
4.2 Consider the electro-optic amplitude modulator of Fig. 4.2, using a lithium tanta-
late crystal. The operating wavelength is λ = 1550 nm, the crystal length is L = 4 cm,
the crystal thickness is d = 40 µm, and the output intensity IB is equal to zero when
no voltage is applied to the crystal. Assume that the applied voltage V is the sum
of a bias voltage Vo plus a signal voltage V1 . Calculate: (i) the value of Vo required
to bring the modulator in the linear regime; (ii) the upper limit to V1 , subject to the
condition that the maximum output intensity does not exceed the limit of 75 % of
the input intensity.
4.3 A light beam at λ = 1550 nm, linearly polarized along x, propagates along the
optical axis (the z axis) of a KDP crystal. A voltage V is applied to the crystal along
the z axis. After crossing the crystal the light beam goes through a sequence of a
quarter-wave plate, having the optical axis in the x-z plane forming an angle of 45◦
with the x axis, and of a polarizer, with optical axis along y. Calculate the value
of V required for a 100 % transmission of the incident beam through the sequence
4.4 An amplitude modulator based on the electro-optic Kerr effect can be made by
putting the Kerr cell in between two crossed polarizers, as in Fig. 4.6. The external
electric field E is applied transversally, and the incident light is linearly polarized at
45◦ to the electric field. Calculate the half-wave voltage Vπ/2 by assuming that the
wavelength of light is 600 nm, the path-length of the light beam inside the Kerr cell
is 5 cm, the distance between the two capacitor plates is 2 mm, and the electro-optic
material is liquid nitrobenzene (nK e − no = 2.6 × 10−18 m2 /V2 ).
4.5 A light beam at λ = 1500 nm goes through an acousto-optic cell made of flint
glass (us = 3 km/s, n = 1.95) in which an acoustic wave of frequency 200 MHz
is propagating. Calculate: (i) the wavelength difference between the diffracted wave
and the incident wave; (ii) the deflection angle of the diffracted wave.
4.6 A light beam at λ = 650 nm goes through an acousto-optic cell made of water
(n = 1.33, p = 0.31, us = 1500 m/s, ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ) having a square cross-
section. Calculate: (i) the frequency of the acoustic wave producing a deflection angle
of 2◦ ; (ii) the acoustic power required to transfer all the input power to the diffracted
Chapter 5
Semiconductor Devices
The lasers described in Chap. 3 are based on transitions among energy levels of
single atoms (or ions or molecules). In the case of semiconductor lasers the situation
is different because the involved energy levels belong to the whole crystal, and not
to a single atom.
In this section, a very simplified qualitative picture of the optical properties of
semiconductors is given, with the aim of offering an intuitive description of the
main processes involved in the interactions between a semiconductor crystal and
an optical wave. From a phenomenological point of view semiconductors are solids
whose electrical conductivity is typically intermediate between that of a metal and
that of an insulator. Their conductivity can significantly increase by increasing the
temperature or doping the material with impurities.
The atoms in a crystal lattice are strongly interacting. As a result, instead of
individual energy levels, energy bands belonging to the whole crystal are formed. In
the absence of external excitations, the bands are either fully occupied by electrons or
are totally unoccupied (except for the special case of metals). The highest-energy fully
occupied band is known as the valence band, while the lowest-energy unoccupied
band is called the conduction band. These two bands are separated by a forbidden
energy band, with bandgap energy E g . Values of E g for various semiconductors are
given in Table 5.1.
E = Ec + , (5.1)
8π 2 m c
where m c , called effective mass of the electron, is different from the free electron
mass m e because of the effect of the interactions with the ions of the crystal lattice. A
similar energy-momentum relation can be written for holes near the top of the valence
band. The illustration in Fig. 5.1 qualitatively shows the band structures of two semi-
conductors, Si and GaAs. In the case of Si, the minimum of the conduction band and
the maximum of the valence band do not occur at the same k value. A semiconduc-
tor that has such a band characteristic is called an indirect-bandgap semiconductor.
5.1 Optical Properties of Semiconductors 147
Values of λg are reported in Table 5.1. In the case of indirect-bandgap, the excited
electron quickly relaxes to the bottom of the conduction band, by making an intra-
band transition in which energy and momentum are exchanged with the crystal
lattice. At that point the electron-hole recombination is non-radiative, and involves
the creation of a phonon.
In an undoped semiconductor (usually called an “intrinsic” semiconductor), at
temperature T , there are always some electron-hole pairs, due to thermal excitation.
The electron concentration n i is equal to the hole concentration pi . Both concentra-
tions are small at room temperature, because k B T E g .
148 5 Semiconductor Devices
In an n-type semiconductor at low temperature electrons occupy all the energy states
of the valence band plus the lower energy states of the conduction band up to a
maximum level, E Fn , known as the Fermi energy. In a similar way, inside a p-type
semiconductor electrons occupy the energy levels up to a maximum level, E F p ,
known as the Fermi energy of the p-type semiconductor, which is located inside
the valence band. When a p-type and an n-type regions are brought into contact,
electrons diffuse from the n-region into the p-region, and holes diffuse in the opposite
direction. After a short transient period, in which recombination processes occur in a
narrow region on both sides of the junction, a steady-state is reached when this region,
known as the depletion-layer, is completely depleted of mobile charge carriers. A
5.2 Semiconductor Lasers 149
Fig. 5.2 Electron potential energy in an unpolarized (left) and directly polarized (right) p-n junction
double-layer of fixed charges, positive ions on the n-side and negative ions on the
p-side, creates an electric field that blocks further diffusion of majority carriers. A
positive potential difference between n-region and p-region is established, as shown
in Fig. 5.2. At steady-state the two Fermi energies are equalized, E Fn = E F p , in
analogy to what happens in hydrostatics when a liquid fills to the same level in a set
of communicating vases, regardless of their different shapes and volumes.
By applying a positive potential difference V between the p- and the n-regions,
an electric current i flows across the junction. The current-voltage characteristic of
the junction follows the law:
i = i s exp −1 , (5.3)
where i s is the inverse saturation current, and Vo = k B T /e. The inverse current is
small, but non-zero, because minority carriers (electrons in the p region and holes
in the n region) are always present at non-zero temperatures. The p-n junction acts
as a diode. Diodes are unidirectional devices that are used in electronics for voltage
rectification, logic circuits, and many other applications.
When the junction is forward-biased, that is V ≥ 0, the flow of majority carriers
across the junction produces large concentrations of both electrons and holes in the
depletion region, causing a high number of recombination processes to occur. If the
diode is fabricated from an indirect-bandgap semiconductor, like Si, then the energy
from the non-radiative recombination is transferred to the crystal lattice as vibra-
tional energy. If, however, the junction is made with a direct-bandgap material, then
the recombination is radiative, and the depletion region becomes a light emitter in a
wavelength range close to λg . At low current density, mainly spontaneous recombi-
nation processes occur. However, at large enough carrier concentrations, stimulated
electron-hole recombination processes become important, making optical amplifi-
cation possible.
As shown in Fig. 5.2, the forward bias makes the two Fermi levels unequal, E Fn
becomes larger than E F p . The difference ΔE F (J ) = E Fn − E F p grows as a function
of the current density J flowing across the junction. It is possible to have optical gain
150 5 Semiconductor Devices
ΔE F (J ) ≥ hν ≥ E g . (5.4)
Equation (5.4) can be seen as the condition for population inversion in the current-
injected semiconductor.
The first semiconductor laser was operated in 1962 using a Ga As p-n junction.
Since a junction in which the same material is used for both the p and the n sides
is called a homojunction, this laser is known as a homojunction laser. The light
emission was in the near infrared, at a wavelength close to λg = 0.85 µm. The basic
structure of the homojunction laser is shown in Fig. 5.3. The electric current flows
along the x axis. The active region is the depletion layer with a length of 0.2–0.5 mm
and a width, in the y direction, of 0.1–0.2 mm. The thickness of the active layer along
x is very small, typically around 1 µm.
The feedback needed for laser action inside the Fabry-Perot cavity is provided
by the reflections from the two parallel end faces, which are prepared by cleavage
along a crystal plane. Since the refractive index of a semiconductor is fairly large,
the refractive-index mismatch at the air-semiconductor interface gives a sufficiently
high reflectance without the need for reflective coatings of the end facets. As an
example, the refractive index of GaAs is n = 3.6, so that the reflectance from (2.34)
is R ≈ 30 %.
The homojunction laser was operated continuously at the liquid nitrogen tem-
perature (T = 77 K), with a threshold current density Jth ≈ 1 kA/cm2 . When T
is increased, more and more electrons can occupy energy states above Fermi lev-
els. This has the effect of reducing the optical gain. It can be shown that Jth grows
exponentially with T , according to the law:
Jth (T ) = Jth (To ) exp −1 . (5.5)
5.2 Semiconductor Lasers 151
At room temperature, Jth becomes of the order of 100 kA/cm2 . For such large
current densities, the junction is very quickly damaged, so that only pulsed opera-
tion is possible. A drawback of the homojunction laser is that the size of the laser
beam in the x direction is much larger than the thickness of the active region. As a
consequence, a large fraction of the beam power travels inside the p and n regions,
where it is absorbed. Another drawback is that the charge carriers injected inside
the depletion region quickly drift outside this region, so that only a small fraction is
available for stimulated electron-hole recombination.
The performance of the semiconductor laser was greatly improved by using a double
heterojunction, instead of the homojunction described in the preceding section. The
double-heterojunction laser has an active medium sandwiched between p and n
materials that differ from the active material. This laser was invented around 1970
by Alferov and Kroemer, who were awarded the Nobel prize for physics in the year
2000. As shown in Fig. 5.4, the active region p-GaAs is sandwiched between the
regions p-Ga1−x Al x As and n-Ga1−x Al x As, where x is the fraction of aluminum
atoms. Typically, x = 0.3. Such a structure has many positive features, as illustrated
in Fig. 5.5. The bandgap of the active layer (E g1 = 1.5 eV for GaAs) is smaller
than that of the cladding layers (E g2 = 1.8 eV for Ga0.7 Al0.3 As). Therefore, the
“wings” of the laser beam are not absorbed by the cladding regions. As a general
rule for III–V semiconductors, a change in composition that leads to an increase in
bandgap also results in a reduced refractive index. In fact, the refractive index of
Ga0.7 Al0.3 As is 3.4, smaller than that of GaAs, so that an optical waveguide effect
exists for the laser beam. An additional benefit of the double-heterojunction is that
the difference between the bandgaps of the two junctions creates an energy barrier
that increases the carrier concentration in the active region. By increasing the carrier
concentration, the optical gain increases.
By using the double-heterojunction structure, the room-temperature threshold cur-
rent density is reduced by two orders of magnitude with respect to the homojunction
structure, reaching a value Jth ≈ 0.5 kA/cm2 .
In order to form a double-heterostructure without introducing material strain, a
very important condition must be satisfied, namely that the lattice period of the active
layer must closely match that of the cladding layers. A mismatch gives rise to the
Fig. 5.5 Double heterojunction: a behavior of the energy bands; b transverse profile of the laser
beam; c refractive index profile
Fig. 5.6 Lattice constants of different semiconductors. Taken from Opensource Handbook of
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
same, the lattice periods of GaAs and AlAs coincide, and thus lattice-matching for
the GaAs/GaAlAs structure is very good. In the case of the quaternary compound
Ga1−x I n x As1−y Py , which is used for optical-communications lasers, the alloy can
be lattice-matched to cladding layers made of InP by choosing a specific y/x ratio.
It is found that the optimal value is y = 2.2 x.
Stripe geometry. Double-heterojunction lasers often use the so-called stripe-geometry
configuration shown in Fig. 5.7. By introducing an insulating oxide layer, current
from the positive electrode is constrained to flow in a narrow stripe. By reducing
the cross-section, the total current is correspondingly reduced for a given current
density. Another method to reduce the cross-section is that of creating a refractive
index profile that produces a confinement along the y-direction, as is the case for
both the “channeled substrate laser”, and “buried heterostructure laser” structures.
The size of the active region along y can be as small as a few µm, with a threshold
current, i th , around 10 mA and applied voltage of 1.5–2 V.
Distributed feedback. As it has been discussed in Sect. 3.6, a Fabry-Perot laser
can operate with more than one longitudinal mode. The actual number of oscillating
modes is determined by the ratio between the frequency band Δν L of the amplifier and
the distance Δν between two adjacent longitudinal modes. In several applications,
among which optical communications is the most important, emission at a single
frequency is necessary. Among the different methods to realize a single-mode semi-
conductor laser, the distributed feedback geometry is the most widely used. Figure 5.8
shows the scheme of a distributed feedback laser, also known as DFB laser, which
consists of an active medium in which a periodic thickness variation is introduced in
one of the cladding layers. The periodic corrugation provides optical feedback for the
laser oscillation, and the end facets are coated with antireflection coatings. The laser
behaves as an optical amplifier in which the forward and the backward beam have a
frequency-selective coupling. These two counter-propagating beams are efficiently
coupled to each other only if their wavelength is such that
λ = 2n eff Λ (5.6)
154 5 Semiconductor Devices
where Λ is the pitch of the periodic corrugation and n eff is an effective refractive
index. The exact value of n eff depends on specific details of the structure. The fab-
rication of a high-quality uniform grating is rather difficult, because the pitch has
submicron periodicity. For example, in the case of a 1550-nm InGaAsP laser with
n eff = 3.4, one finds that Λ = 0.23 µm.
Surface-emitting structure. The area of semiconductor lasers is in continuous evo-
lution, and many different types of structures have been tested. The semiconductor
lasers discussed so far are edge-emitting, i.e. they generate an optical beam prop-
agating parallel to the junction plane. However, in some cases, it is interesting to
have laser emission normal to the junction plane. Such lasers are known as vertical-
cavity surface-emitting lasers, or VCSELs. Compared to the edge-emitting laser,
the VCSEL has a much shorter length of active medium, and a much broader emit-
ting area. Since the single-pass gain is low, high-reflectivity mirrors must be used
to avoid high threshold currents. As shown in Fig. 5.9, such mirrors are made by
alternating several layers of two different semiconductors, following the multilayer
scheme described in Sect. 2.2.4. Due to the short length of the laser cavity, the spac-
Fig. 5.10 Active layer of a semiconductor laser made of a multiple quantum well, with a composi-
tion given by I n 0.5 Ga0.5 P/I n 0.5 Ga0.5−x Al x P. The plot represents the behavior of the Al fraction,
x, across the junction
ing of Δν between adjacent longitudinal modes is very large. Thus, if the frequency
of one mode coincides with the peak reflectivity of the multilayer mirrors, the two
adjacent modes fall outside the high-reflectivity band of the mirrors, and single-
longitudinal-mode operation is achieved. By limiting the diameter of the emission
area to 5–10 µm, a very low threshold current is obtained (i th ≈ 1 mA). Correspond-
ingly, the output power is also small, typically of the order of 1 mW. However, it is
possible to build large-area (300 µm diameter) VCSELs with output power of watts.
Multiple-quantum-well. A very interesting concept recently emerged in many dis-
tinct scientific and technological areas is the use of artificially tailored structures at
the nanoscale. It is beyond the scope of this text to explain the properties of nanostruc-
tured materials, but the important aspect is that electrons confined in nanostructures
have discrete energy levels, instead of continuous, with the energy of those levels
fixed by the geometry of the structure, following the rules of quantum mechanics. As
an example, Fig. 5.10 shows the nanostructured active layer of a semiconductor laser,
in which the active region consists of a number of alternating layers of narrow and
wide bandgap materials. The thickness of the narrow-bandgap layers (the “quantum
wells”) and that of the wide-bandgap barriers are both about 5 nm. A laser of this
type is known as a “multiple quantum well” (MQW) laser. MQW lasers are realized
in both edge-emitting and surface-emitting configurations. In general, they have a
very low threshold current density and a high efficiency. They also have a very stable
emission wavelength, not influenced by changes in electric current or temperature.
Laser emission has been obtained from many different III–V semiconductors.
Table 5.2 lists the most common semiconductor lasers. The trivalent atom can be
gallium or aluminum or indium. The pentavalent atom can be arsenic or phosphorus
or antimony (Sb) or nitrogen (N ). By using combinations of two trivalent atoms
and/or two pentavalent ones, the emission wavelength can be tuned, in some cases,
156 5 Semiconductor Devices
over a very broad range. This is a distinctive property of semiconductor lasers: solid-
state and gas lasers operate at discrete wavelengths fixed by the position of atomic or
ionic energy levels (with a few exceptions), but semiconductor lasers can be designed
to operate at essentially any wavelength in the visible and near infrared.
The wavelength range 0.62–0.85 µm is covered by devices using Ga1−x Al x As.
Since the lattice constant of Ga1−x Al x As does not depend on the fraction x of Al
atoms (see Fig. 5.6), heterojunctions containing any fraction of Al can be grown
epitaxially. A limit to using large values of x comes from the fact that the compound
acquires an indirect bandgap when x ≥ 0.7. Ga1−x Al x As lasers emitting at 0.81 µm
have an important application for pumping Nd-YAG lasers, as described in Sect. 3.9.
Optical-communication lasers, emitting around 1.31 or 1.55 µm are based on the
quaternary compound Ga1−x I n x As1−y Py grown on top of InP. By changing the
fractions x and y, it would be possible to cover a wide range of bandgap energies, from
0.4 to 2.2 eV. In practice, because of the mismatch in atomic sizes between gallium
and indium, and also between arsenic and phosphorus, only the range 0.7–1.4 eV
(λ = 0.88–1.76 µm) can be usefully covered. The Ga0.8 I n 0.2 As laser, emitting at
0.98 µm, has an important role as the pump of the fiber-optic amplifier described
in the following chapter. III-V semiconductors using nitrogen as the pentavalent
atom exhibit a large bandgap, and so can emit blue and violet light. In particular,
the wavelength range 0.37–0.50 µm is covered by the I n x Ga1−x N laser, which is
useful for a variety of applications, such as writing and reading Blu-ray optical discs.
By using II–V I semiconductors, lasers operating in the mid- and far-infrared
range of wavelengths can be made. Sources in this range of wavelengths are use-
ful for such applications as chemical sensing and trace-gas analysis. Since the laser
efficiency strongly decreases when the photon energy becomes comparable to k B T ,
all these devices work at cryogenic temperatures. The same wavelength range can
be covered much more efficiently by a new family of semiconductor lasers, termed
quantum cascade lasers (QCL), which make use of MQW structures in III–V semi-
conductors. It goes beyond the scope of this text to describe the physical mecha-
nism of QCLs, which is completely different from that of diode lasers. It suffices to
mention that the QCL can be designed to emit at any wavelength in the mid- and
far-infrared, through appropriate choice of the nanostructure. The QCL can operate
at room temperature as a continuous source or as a source of picosecond pulses.
5.2 Semiconductor Lasers 157
5.4.1 LEDs
The first visible LED, emitting at 710 nm, was demonstrated by Holonyak in
1962 using a GaAsP diode. After this realization the research concerning electro-
luminescent materials was extended to many different III–V semiconductors. An
important step was made in 1994 with the invention of the blue LED. Akasaki,
Amano, and Nakamura were awarded the Nobel prize in Physics in the year 2014
for this invention. The light emitted by an LED has a wavelength λg = hc/E g , and
a bandwidth Δλ given by:
160 5 Semiconductor Devices
2k B T λg 2
Δλ = (5.7)
As an example, an LED emitting 500-nm light at room temperature, has an emis-
sion bandwidth predicted by (5.7) of about 10 nm. Commercially available LEDs
cover the spectral range from the near ultraviolet to the near infrared, with wave-
lengths ranging from about 370 nm to 1.65 µm. As shown in Fig. 5.12, red-orange
LEDs use Ga Asx P1−x , and blue-green LEDs use I n 1−x Gax N . The emission wave-
length is tuned by changing the composition, which modifies the parameter of
x. Some LEDs even use indirect-bandgap semiconductors doped with impurities
although these offer lower efficiency.
The structure of a surface-emitting LED is shown in Fig. 5.13. Spontaneous emis-
sion radiates in all directions, but the downward-emitted light is absorbed, and the
extraction of the upward-emitted light is possible only over a limited solid angle.
The limitation to extraction efficiency is due to reflection from the semiconductor-air
interface. The spontaneous photons that reach this interface at an angle of incidence
larger than the limit angle θc are totally internally reflected. If the refractive index
of the semiconductor is 3.4, then this critical angle is just 17◦ , and so the extrac-
tion efficiency is very low. Various techniques can be used to increase the extraction
efficiency: the reflectance of the semiconductor-air interface can be reduced by an
anti-reflection coating, and the downward-emitted light can be recuperated by using
a transparent substrate associated to a highly-reflecting bottom surface.
An important parameter that characterizes a light source is the ratio between
emitted optical power and injected current. For a visible LED, this ratio is around
0.5 W/A. The overall LED efficiency, η, can be as large as 25 %. As a comparison,
the efficiency of an incandescent lamp is about 1 %. High efficiency also implies
less heat generation and less damage. The lifetime of an LED can reach 50,000 h of
continuous operation.
LEDs are currently used in a large variety of applications, some of which are
described in Chap. 8. When an LED replaces traditional lamps, then white light
emission is usually required. White light can be obtained by mixing the emissions
5.4 Electroluminescent Diodes 161
Fig. 5.13 Structure of a GaAsP LED. A layer of Te-doped n–Ga As0.6 P0.4 is grown on the substrate
n–Ga As. The double heterojunction is formed by superposing a layer of Zn-doped p–Ga As0.6 P0.4 .
The LED emits in the upward direction, while the downward emitted light is absorbed by the
5.4.2 OLEDs
cost displays with a low driving voltage, wide viewing angle, and high contrast and
color gamut. Polymer LEDs have the added benefit of offering the possibility for
printable and flexible displays. OLEDs are used to make self-luminous displays for
portable electronic devices such as cellular phones, digital cameras, and as a source of
backlighting for liquid-crystal displays. A recent development is the White Organic
Light-Emitting Diode (WOLED), in which red, green, and blue OLED materials are
sandwiched together. WOLEDs have potential for use in television technology and
architectural lighting.
5.5 Photodetectors
The photoelectric effect is the emission of an electron when a material absorbs energy
from a light beam. The emitted electrons are called photoelectrons. The effect was
discovered by Hertz in 1887 and explained by Einstein in 1905, for which he was
5.5 Photodetectors 163
awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921. The photoelectron is generated only if the photon
energy hν satisfies the condition:
hν ≥ E i , (5.8)
where E i is the ionization energy of the electron inside the material. In the case of
solids, E i is usually known as the “work function”. The excess energy, hν − E i ,
is transformed in kinetic energy of the photoelectron. The material can be a gas,
a liquid, or a solid. Considering isolated atoms in the ground state, low ionization
energies are found for elements belonging in the first column of the periodic table,
i.e. the alkali metals. This is not surprising because these elements have only one
electron in their outer electron shell. The cesium atom has the lowest binding energy
of E i = 3.8 eV. The highest binding energy is 24.5 eV for helium, a noble gas.
Equation (5.8) states that a photoelectron can only be generated if the wavelength of
the photon is below a threshold value given by:
λth = . (5.9)
For the cesium atom, λth = 327 nm, which is in the ultraviolet. While no isolated
atom emits photoelectrons under excitation from visible light, the situation is more
favorable for solids. The work function of solid cesium is 1.94 eV, corresponding to
a threshold wavelength of λth = 640 nm. Even lower values of the work function are
found for cesium compounds, such as cesium antimonide. The threshold wavelength
can reach a value of about 1.1 µm, extending the applicability of photoelectric
detectors to the near infrared.
Photoelectric cell. A photoelectric cell, also called a vacuum photodiode, can be
made by collecting the photoelectrons emitted by the photosensitive surface of a
negative electrode (photocathode) at a positive electrode (anode). The quantum effi-
ciency of the photosensitive surface layer, η, defined as the ratio between the number
of photoelectrons and the number of absorbed photons, can vary between 10−4 and
10−1 , depending on the incident wavelength and the nature of the surface layer. The
two electrodes are placed in a vacuum tube with a transparent window. An electric
current flows in a closed circuit configuration under illumination of the photocathode.
The photocurrent i ph is obtained by multiplying the electron charge by the number
of photoelectrons collected by the anode per second:
ηe P
i ph = , (5.10)
where P is the incident optical power. The sensitivity of the photoelectric cell is
expressed by the ratio i ph /P (Ampère/Watt). As an example, if hν = 2 eV (red
light) and η = 0.1, then the sensitivity is 50 mA/W.
164 5 Semiconductor Devices
the other, because m is not a fixed number, but a statistical variable with a Poisson
probability distribution.
When the optical power incident on the photocathode is so low that the number
of photoelectrons per unit time is less than τ −1 , the electric signal at the photomulti-
plier output appears as a discrete sequence of pulses. The experimental observation
of this discreteness has a great conceptual relevance, because it demonstrates that
electromagnetic energy is absorbed by matter in quantum steps.
where μe and μh are the electron and hole mobilities, respectively. When a semi-
conductor is illuminated with light of a sufficient photon energy, carriers in excess
of the equilibrium concentrations are generated. As a consequence, the conductiv-
ity increases by an amount that is proportional to the number of photogenerated
electron-hole pairs. Similarly to the photoelectric effect described in the previous
section, the photoconductivity has a threshold photon energy, and a corresponding
threshold wavelength, λth . For an intrinsic semiconductor, λth is determined by the
condition that the photon energy should be larger than the bandgap energy. Accord-
ing to the wavelength to be detected, different semiconductors, such as germanium,
silicon, lead sulfide, indium antimonide can be used. In the case of photoconductive
detectors operating at mid-infrared, low temperature operation is necessary, in order
to avoid that the thermal excitation of electron-hole pairs obscures the photoexcita-
tion. Instead of using small-bandgap semiconductors, the detection of mid-infrared
radiation is more frequently performed using doped photoconductors. As an example,
p-type germanium doped with Z n, cooled at 4 K, can detect mid-infrared radiation
up to wavelengths of about 40 µm.
Photodiodes. A very important category of photodetectors is represented by pho-
todiodes. A photodiode is a type of detector capable of converting light into either
current or voltage, depending upon the mode of operation. As discussed in Sect. 5.1,
a large internal electric field exists in the depletion layer of a p-n junction. If an
electron-hole pair is generated by photon absorption within this layer, then the two
charge carriers rapidly drift in opposite directions, the electron toward the n region
166 5 Semiconductor Devices
and the hole toward the p region. If the device is left in an open circuit configuration,
then an external potential appears between the p and n regions. This is known as
the photovoltaic effect. The usual way to operate the detector is to apply a reverse
voltage across the junction. The current-voltage characteristic expressed by (5.3), as
modified by photon absorption, becomes:
i = i s exp − 1 − i ph , (5.12)
λg , so that the photon energy is less than E g . The applied electric field induces a
decrease of E g , which is equivalent to an increase of λg , as shown in Fig. 5.16. If
the new value of E g is smaller or equal to the photon energy, then the modulated
semiconductor absorbs the light beam. Therefore a time-dependent electric field
induces an amplitude modulation of the optical field. Analogously, electro-absorption
switching can be realized.
Electro-absorption is different from the electro-optic effects described in Chap. 4,
because the effect of the applied field is to modify the imaginary part of the refractive
index, instead of the real part. The change of E g is rather small: typically, a field of
about 107 V/m is needed to induce a shift of bandgap energy of 20 meV.
An interesting aspect is that it is possible to design a monolithic structure in
which the electro-absorption modulator is integrated with a laser, to act as an external
modulator, or inside the laser cavity to act as an intra-cavity modulator for active
The electro-absorption modulators used in optical communications (at wave-
lengths around 1.55 µm) are based on the quaternary compounds InGaAsP or
InGaAlAs grown on an InP substrate. These modulators often have the form of a
waveguide, with the electric field applied in a direction perpendicular to the propa-
gation direction of the light beam. Multiple quantum well structures can be used to
obtain high modulation speed and large extinction ratios, with low drive voltages.
As an example, with a waveguided structure of length 1.5 mm and drive voltage of
11 V, an extinction ratio of 30 (about 15 dB) and a maximum modulation frequency
of 20 GHz can be obtained.
the active medium is 3.5, calculate: (i) the reflectance of the interfaces; (ii) the small-
signal gain coefficient g (cm−1 ) at threshold; (iii) the frequency separation between
two adjacent longitudinal modes of the cavity.
5.2 Consider a Gax I n 1−x N semiconductor laser. Assuming that the bandgap energy
E g is a linear function of the gallium fraction x and using the data of Table 5.1,
calculate the value of x to be chosen for obtaining an emission wavelength of 420 nm.
5.4 Calculate the bandwidth Δλ of the light emitted by a blue Ga0.45 I n 0.55 N LED
at room temperature, by assuming that the bandgap energy E g of the semiconductor
is a linear function of the gallium fraction x and using the data of Table 5.1.
Abstract This chapter describes the waveguiding properties of optical fibers, with
emphasis on the single-mode fibers used in optical communications. After examining
modal behavior and attenuation processes, the dispersive propagation of ultrashort
pulses is treated in some detail. A section is dedicated to the description of several
different types of fibers and their properties, followed by a presentation of some fiber
components, such as fiber couplers and fiber mirrors, which play an important role in
the setup of fiber sensors and active fiber devices. The last two sections specifically
deal with the active devices, such as fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers.
As discussed in Sect. 2.6, optical waveguides can confine an optical beam indefi-
nitely, avoiding diffraction effects. An optical fiber is a cylindrical waveguide of one
transparent material, clad by a second transparent material. It has important applica-
tions in many areas, primarily optical communications. The basic structure in shown
in Fig. 6.1. Both regions are typically made of glass, with the core glass having a
higher refractive index than the cladding. Within the frame of geometrical optics the
confinement effect can be explained by considering a ray which passes through the
center of the guide and is incident on the core-cladding interface at an angle larger
than the limit angle. The ray is then able to travel along the guide by means of a
sequence of total internal reflections.
The glasses used in optical fibers are made predominantly by silica, Si O2 , with
the addition of small amounts of other oxides, such as germania (GeO2 ) and alumina
(Al2 O3 ). Doping silica with germania or alumina raises the refractive index, and so
a silica-based optical fiber could be made from a germania-doped silica core with a
pure silica cladding. Silica is an ideal material because it can be purified to a high
degree to become extremely transparent.
The fabrication of optical fibers is a two-stage process. In the first stage, a vapor-
deposition method is used to make a cylindrical preform with the desired refractive
index profile and the relative core-cladding dimensions. The preform is a glass rod
with a diameter between 1 and 10 cm and roughly 1 m length. Glass fibers are
fabricated by pulling from the preform in a fiber-drawing tower. The fiber drawing
process, as illustrated in Fig. 6.2, begins by feeding the glass preform into the drawing
furnace. The drawing furnace softens the end of the preform to the melting point.
When the preform is heated close to the melting point, a thin fiber can be pulled
out of the bottom of the preform. During the pulling process, the fiber diameter is
held constant by automatically adjusting the pulling speed with a feedback system.
Fibers are pulled at a rate of 10–20 m/s. The pulling process preserves the transverse
refractive index profile of the preform, by simply shrinking the diameter from a
few centimeters to typically 125 µm. The fiber from a single preform can be many
kilometers long. Before the fiber is wound up, it usually receives a polymer coating
for mechanical and chemical protection.
where n o is the refractive index of the medium in which the fiber is immersed, and n 1
is the refractive index of the core glass. The transmitted beam hits the core-cladding
interface at an incidence angle π/2 − θt , and is totally reflected if this angle is larger
than the limit angle of arcsin(n 2 /n 1 ), where n 2 is the refractive index of the cladding
glass. The incident ray is trapped inside the fiber if θi ≤ θmax , where the maximum
acceptance angle θmax is determined by the condition:
The quantity n o sinθmax is known as the “numerical aperture” of the fiber, usually
designated as N A, the same symbol used for the numerical aperture of the lens.
Although the two definitions are somewhat different, the physical meaning is the
same: the numerical aperture is a measure of the light-gathering capacity of the
optical component. As an example, taking n 1 = 1.48, n 2 = 1.46, n o = 1, one finds
N A = 0.24. In this case the maximum acceptance angle is θmax = 14◦ .
From now on it will be always assumed that n o = 1. Sometimes it is also useful
to introduce the parameter Δ, defined as:
n12 − n22 n1 − n2
Δ= ≈ (6.4)
2n 1 2 n1
The optical fiber described in the preceding section is known as a “step-index fiber”,
because the refractive index profile presents an abrupt change at the core-cladding
interface. It is also possible to guide a light beam using a refractive index profile
that decreases smoothly inside the core from the center to the cladding. These fibers
are known as “graded-index” fibers. Their refractive index profile can be generally
expressed in the form:
n(r ) = n 2 + (n 1 − n 2 ) 1 − (r/a)γ , (6.5)
174 6 Optical Fibers
where a is the core radius and r is the radial distance. The validity of (6.5) is limited
to the interval 0 ≤ r ≤ a. If the exponent γ tends to infinity, (6.5) reproduces a
step-index profile. When γ = 2, there is a parabolic profile.
The propagation of optical waves along fibers must be treated, following the gen-
eral scheme outlined in Sect. 2.6, by using the Helmholtz equation and the boundary
conditions at the core-cladding interface. Since the geometry is two-dimensional,
the modes are characterized by two integer numbers, m and l. Using the cylindrical
coordinates z, r , and θ , the electric field of a generic mode, written in scalar form, is
given by:
where βlm is the propagation constant and Blm (r, θ ) is the transverse mode profile,
which is independent of the propagation distance z.
The main results of the theoretical treatment are summarized as follows. The
propagation properties are described by a set of so-called “linearly polarized” (L Plm )
modes, where an L Plm mode has m field amplitude maxima along the radial coordi-
nate and 2l maxima along the circumference. The lowest order mode, i.e. the L P01
mode, has a bell-shaped field amplitude distribution that is well approximated by a
Gaussian function:
B01 (r, θ ) = Bo exp − 2 , (6.7)
where w is known as the mode field radius. It has been seen in Sect. 1.4.2 that freely
propagating Gaussian waves have z-dependent parameters. In contrast, the Gaussian
wave propagating inside the fiber has constant radius and a fixed planar wavefront.
While there is always a solution for the fundamental mode L P01 , the existence
of higher-order modes depends on the fiber parameters. It is useful to introduce a
dimensionless parameter, V , known as the normalized frequency, defined as:
2πa 2 2πa
V = n1 − n22 = N A. (6.8)
λ λ
It can be shown that, if V is smaller than a critical value, Vc , then the fiber can
support only the fundamental mode. In the case of a “step-index” fiber, the critical
value is: Vc = 2.405. In the more general case of a profile following the law (6.5),
Vc is given by:
Vc = 2.405 1 + . (6.9)
N= (6.10)
At fixed fiber parameters, the condition V = Vc defines a cut-off wavelength:
2πa 2 2πa
λc = n1 − n22 = N A. (6.11)
Vc Vc
6.2 Attenuation
The beam propagation inside the optical fiber is unavoidably lossy, so that the optical
power decreases with the propagation distance z. Assuming linear losses, the optical
power decays following an exponential law:
where Po is is the power launched into the fiber and α is the attenuation coefficient,
already defined in Sect. 2.1. The unit commonly used to characterize loss in fibers is
decibel per kilometer (dB/km). Denoting by αo the attenuation coefficient measured
in dB/km, it is found:
10 Po
αo = log10 . (6.15)
z P(z)
If α is expressed in units of km−1 , then the numerical relation between the two
coefficients is:
From (6.15) it is found that the propagation distance at which the incident power
is halved, z 1/2 , is given by:
10 log10 2 3
z 1/2 = ≈ . (6.17)
αo αo
silica that are then frozen in, as the glass cools. Light scattering from submicroscopic
scatterers, known as Rayleigh scattering, gives a wavelength-dependent attenuation
coefficient that scales as λ−4 .
Silica glasses have an absorption band in the ultraviolet, due to electronic tran-
sitions, and absorption bands in the mid-infrared, due to vibrational transitions. At
wavelengths greater than about 1.6 µm, absorption losses become predominant with
respect to scattering losses. The combination of scattering and absorption losses gives
rise to the attenuation curve shown in Fig. 6.4, which has a minimum of ≈0.15 dB/km
at about 1.55 µm. Indeed, long-distance optical communication systems use semi-
conductor lasers emitting a 1.55 µm beam, as the carrier that is modulated and
transmitted through the optical fiber.
The attenuation curve of Fig. 6.4 also shows a secondary minimum around 1.3 µm,
due to the presence of an absorption peak at about 1.4 µm. This peak, due to vibra-
tional transitions of the O–H bond, occurs because of small quantities of water trapped
inside the glass during the fiber fabrication process. This absorption peak no longer
exists in recent fibers, because of improvements in the purification process. However,
several networks using fibers with water impurities are still installed and in use.
Historically, the first optical-communication experiments, operating at short dis-
tances, were performed at 850 nm. In optical-communication jargon, the wavelength
region around 850 nm was called the first attenuation window. The region around
1.3 µm is called the second attenuation window, and the one around 1.55 µm the
third attenuation window.
All the glasses made by different combinations of oxides offer similar infrared
absorption bands, so that the attenuation behavior shown in Fig. 6.4 is not much
changed by varying the oxide composition. It is, however, possible to shift the vibra-
tional absorption to longer wavelengths by using fluoride-based glasses instead of
oxides. The so-called “ZBLAN” glasses, made from a mixture of zirconium, barium,
lanthanum, aluminum, and sodium fluorides, offer attenuation minima around 3 µm.
The minimum value of the attenuation coefficient is one order of magnitude lower
than for silica glasses.
In addition to intrinsic losses, there are also fiber losses due to the departure
from the ideal straight line configuration. In a bent fiber, the incidence angles at the
core-cladding interface change, and so the condition of total internal reflection is no
longer satisfied, meaning that the optical power is only partially trapped inside the
fiber. In general, bending losses are larger for those modes that extend more into
the cladding. Typically bending losses become important when bend radii are of the
order of millimeters.
6.3 Dispersion
Optical dispersion, as defined in Sect. 2.1, is related to the dependence of the refractive
index of a material on the wavelength of the propagating beam. As discussed in
Sect. 6.1.2, a mode propagating in an optical fiber has an effective refractive index,
which is a type of weighted average between n 1 and n 2 . Since both materials are
dispersive, one might think that the dispersion of n eff is determined by that of the
core and cladding materials, to a first approximation. The situation, however, is more
complex, because the parameter V is changed by changing the wavelength. Therefore,
the transverse field distribution is modified. As a consequence the relative weighting
of n 1 and n 2 varies with λ. The conclusion is that the single-mode dispersion is
a combination of both a material effect and a waveguide effect. The waveguide
dispersion is very sensitive to the shape of the radial profile of the refractive index,
such that it may significantly change on going from a step-index to a graded-index
An intermodal dispersion occurs in multimode fibers, due to the differences in
effective refractive indices of the various modes. Even if the wavelength is the same,
the different modes have different propagation velocities. A single light pulse entering
an N -mode fiber is divided into N pulses, each traveling with a different velocity. At
the output a broadened pulse is observed, or, for a longer propagation, a sequence of
N separated pulses.
In this section, the discussion is focused on the propagation of short optical pulses in
single-mode fibers. Since a pulse can be viewed as the superposition of many waves
with different wavelengths, the fact that each wavelength travels with a different
velocity clearly modifies the time-dependent pulse-shape. As it has been shown in
Sect. 3.11.3, the shorter the pulse is in time, the wider its optical spectrum. Therefore,
one should expect that dispersion effects will be largest for the shortest pulses.
6.3 Dispersion 179
For simplicity, the term B01 (r ), which describes the transverse distribution of the
field amplitude and is invariant during the propagation, has been omitted.
The mathematical treatment of dispersive propagation becomes simpler if just one
specific pulse shape is considered, such as the Gaussian shape described by (3.77).
This has a Fourier transform given by (3.80).
In the frequency domain, the effect of propagation may be regarded as a frequency-
dependent phase delay, given by φ(ω, z) = β(ω)z. In this way, the Fourier transform
of the field at z is simply given by:
√ (ω − ωo )2
E(ω, z) = 2π τi Ao exp(iβo z)exp −(τi 2 − iβ2 z) + iβ1 z(ω − ωo ) .
180 6 Optical Fibers
By using (2.9), it is possible to return to the time domain, in order to recover the
expression for the time-dependent electric field at the generic coordinate z:
E(t, z) = E(ω, z)exp(−iωt)dω
2π −∞
Ao (t − β1 z)2 (1 + iβ2 z/τi 2 )
= exp[−i(ωo t − βo z)]exp −
1 − iβ2 z/τi2 2τi 2 (1 + β2 2 z 2 /τi 4 )
It is useful to separately highlight the behavior of the field amplitude and phase
by writing the electric field as:
Ao (t − β1 z)2
A(t, z) = exp − (6.27)
(1 + β2 2 z 2 /τi 4 )1/4 2τi 2 (1 + β2 2 z 2 /τi 4 )
(t − β1 z)2 zβ2 /τi 2 arctan(β2 z/τi 2 )
φ(t, z) = − . (6.28)
2τi 2 (1 + β2 z 2 /τi 4 )
2 2
Equation (6.27) shows that the time-dependent pulse amplitude remains Gaussian
during the dispersive propagation. The pulse intensity, I (z, t), proportional to the
modulus square of (6.27), reads:
Io (t − β1 z)2
I (t, z) = exp − , (6.29)
1 + (z/L D )2 τi 2 (1 + z 2 /L D 2 )
where Io is the peak intensity of the input pulse. Equation (6.29) contains the disper-
sion length L D , defined as:
τi 2
LD = (6.30)
|β2 |
u g = β1 −1 . (6.31)
6.3 Dispersion 181
dn e f f n g
β1 = ne f f + ω = , (6.32)
c dω c
where n g is called group refractive index. As is the case for most transparent materials,
the refractive index of silica glass, n gl , is an increasing function of ω. Although n e f f
does not coincide with n gl , its frequency-dependence is similar, so that the derivative
dn e f f /dω is positive. Therefore it can be quite generally said that the group velocity
is smaller than the phase velocity c/n e f f , according to (6.32).
Recalling that the pulse duration τ p is related to τi by (3.81), the law describing
the change of pulse duration upon propagation can be derived from (6.29):
τ p (z) = τ p (0) 1 + (6.33)
L D2
Equation (6.33) shows that L D represents the propagation distance above which
there is a significant increase of the pulse duration. While the pulse spectrum remains
unchanged during propagation, the pulse duration grows with z. As a consequence
the bandwidth-duration product is no longer given by (3.81), but becomes:
Δν p τ p (z) = 0.441 1 + (6.34)
L D2
Since a lossless propagation has been considered, the pulse energy must be con-
served. Indeed (6.29) shows that the intensity decreases in such a way as to keep the
product between peak intensity and pulse duration constant during propagation.
The quantity β2 is known as the “group velocity dispersion” (GVD) parameter, and
is usually measured in units of ps2 /km. At the optical-communication wavelength,
λ = 1.55 µm, it is found that β2 = −20 ps2 /km for a typical single-mode fiber. It is
instructive to numerically investigate the effect of pulse duration. For a 20-ps pulse,
(6.30) gives L D = 20 km. After
√ a propagation length of 20 km, the pulse duration
is increased by a factor of 2. For a 1-ps pulse, L D is much shorter, only 50 m.
Here, the pulse duration is increased by a factor of 400, after propagating 20 km.
This clearly shows that the stretching effect due to dispersion plays a very important
role for ultrashort pulses.
In the area of optical communications, it is customary to use the dispersion para-
meter D, instead of β2 . This is defined as:
dβ1 2π cβ2
D= =− 2 (6.35)
dλ λ
D is measured in units of ps/(nm km). It represents the group delay per wavelength
(in nm) and propagation length (in km). At λ = 1.55 µm, it is found that D =
17 ps/(nm km) for a typical single-mode fiber. The so-called “normal” group-velocity
182 6 Optical Fibers
In this section a review of the main types of fibers available is given. A first distinction
must be made between single-mode fibers and multimode fibers. As discussed in
Sect. 6.1.2, single-mode fibers have V ≈ 2 and a core diameter of ≈8 µm, for
transmission at 1.55 µm. Multimode fibers have a large V and core diameter typically
around 50 µm. The numerical value of the cladding diameter is not critical as long
as it is large enough to confine the fiber modes entirely. The cladding diameter of
single-mode fibers is usually standardized to 125 µm. Multimode fibers have a larger
N A, which makes it much easier to couple optical signals into the fibers. They are
also cheaper and can carry a higher optical power. Intermodal dispersion limits their
utility for pulse transmission to very short distances.
Low-dispersion fibers. Optical communications require low-dispersion fibers. There
are available fibers in which the zero-dispersion wavelength is shifted from 1.3 µm
to about 1.55 µm, by using the w-shaped profile shown in Fig. 6.6. In this type of
fiber, known as “dispersion shifted” (DS) fiber, the waveguide dispersion almost
exactly compensates the material dispersion at 1.55 µm, as shown in Fig. 6.7. Other
fibers, known as “dispersion-flattened” fibers, are designed to have a small non-zero
dispersion over a wide wavelength interval around 1.55 µm, as shown in Fig. 6.7. In
the area of optical communications, as it will be seen in Chap. 8, it is also important
6.4 Fiber Types 183
to have fibers with large normal dispersion (D ≈ −60 ps nm−1 km−1 ), available for
use in dispersion compensation. A short stretch of these fibers (known as “dispersion
compensating” DIS-CO) can compensate for the dispersion accumulated over a long
propagation span in an SMR fiber.
Polarization-maintaining fibers. An aspect of waveguiding that has not yet been
touched upon in this chapter is that of signal polarization. The fundamental mode
L P01 is a linearly polarized mode, but its polarization direction is completely arbitrary
as long as the fiber has perfect cylindrical symmetry about its axis. In fact, real fibers
invariably have some slight local asymmetry, either intrinsic or due to their environ-
ment, which creates a small birefringence varying randomly along their length. As
a result, the initial polarization is lost after some tens of meters, so that it becomes
impossible to predict the polarization state of the output signal. In the case of pulse
propagation, the random changes in the polarization can induce a pulse broadening.
This dispersion effect, known as “polarization-mode dispersion” (PMD), is usually
smaller than the GVD effect. For some applications it is desirable that fibers transmit
light without changing the polarization state. Such fibers are called “polarization-
maintaining” fibers. One possibility is to break the cylindrical symmetry of the fiber
by using an elliptical core. An alternative scheme is that of fabricating a preform that
184 6 Optical Fibers
contains two glass rods, inserted on the opposite sides of the fiber core, as shown
in Fig. 6.8. These rods are both made of a glass that is different from the cladding,
and so mechanical stress due to their different thermal expansion coefficients arises
inside the fiber structure during the cooling process. Because of stress-induced bire-
fringence, the fiber becomes strongly birefringent, so that a linear polarization state
parallel to one of the principal axes is transmitted without a change in polarization.
This type of fiber is sometime called “panda” fiber.
Microstructured fibers. A new family of fibers, called microstructured fibers, con-
tain cylindrical air holes running parallel to the fiber axis, as shown in Fig. 6.9. If
the holes are organized in a regular periodic pattern, then the fiber is also called
photonic-crystal fiber. These fibers are usually made of pure silica glass. Both the
hole diameter and the minimum distance between holes are of the order of the wave-
length of light. Microstructured fibers have higher losses and are more expensive than
standard fibers. However, they are interesting for various applications, because their
more complicated structure gives new degrees of freedom, offering performances
not accessible using standard fibers. Once λ is fixed, there is a very limited flexibility
regarding the choice of core diameter of standard single-mode fibers. In contrast,
microstructured fibers can be designed for single mode operation with a large mode-
area (mode diameter larger than 10 µm) or a very small mode-area (mode diameter
around 1 µm). Large mode-areas are interesting for transmitting high optical pow-
ers, whereas small mode-areas produce intensities high enough to enhance nonlinear
effects, such as the optical Kerr effect and other effects that will be described in the
following chapter. The dispersion properties of microstructured fibers can also be
6.4 Fiber Types 185
Several optical components can be made using fibers. They are useful for the manipu-
lation of optical signals that are already traveling inside fibers, so that all-fiber setups
can be realized. In this section attention is focused on two components, fiber couplers
and fiber mirrors.
Couplers. Fiber couplers can couple light from one or more input fibers to one or
more output fibers. Several fibers can be thermally fused, such that their cores come
into contact over a length of some centimeters, as shown in Fig. 6.10. When the
evanescent field of one fiber reaches the core of the other fiber, a fraction, F, of the
power traveling in the first fiber is coupled into the other. An optical signal coming
from fiber 1 can be progressively transferred to fiber 2. The power fraction that is
coupled into fiber 2 depends on the length of the coupler, L, according to the law:
λo = 2mnΛ, (6.37)
where m is an integer, Λ is the periodicity of the grating and n is the refractive index
of the core.
The maximum reflectivity is calculated using the same relations (2.55) and (2.56)
given in Sect. 2.2.4 for multilayer mirrors. By putting n 1 = n 2 = n B = n, and
n A = n + Δn inside (2.56), Rmax can be expressed as:
Rmax = tanh N2
, (6.38)
where N is the number of periods. The length, L, of the grating is typically of the
order of a few millimeters, and so N = L/Λ is of the order of 104 . Even if Δn is
small, a maximum reflectivity very close to 100 % can be obtained. As an example,
taking Δn = 2 × 10−4 , N = 4 × 104 , n = 1.5, it is found: Rmax = 99.99 %. The
reflection bandwidth is typically narrower than 1 nm.
Fiber Bragg gratings are fabricated by exploiting the photosensitivity of germania-
doped silica glasses to ultraviolet radiation. Radiation at a wavelength around 240 nm,
usually coming from an excimer laser, induces a permanent change of refractive index
in the core. The increase in refractive index due to UV illumination, Δn, is small,
typically about 10−4 . However, this can be enhanced by forcing molecular hydrogen
into the fiber core through a high-pressure low-temperature diffusion process. There
are various methods to obtain a spatially periodic illumination of the core. The method
shown in Fig. 6.11 uses a periodic phase mask, creating interference fringes with the
required periodicity.
Fiber Bragg gratings are used as mirrors for fiber lasers, as will be seen in Sect. 6.7.
They also have many applications in optical communication systems and in fiber
sensors, as will be seen in Chap. 8. A recent interesting development is that of “long
period gratings”, in which the modulation period is larger than the wavelength. Inside
these gratings there is a wavelength-selective transfer of optical power from core to
cladding. The power displaced into the cladding is ultimately dissipated, and so the
grating selectively suppresses certain wavelengths, acting as a filter.
Fiber gratings with a linear variation in the grating period (termed chirped grat-
ings) are particularly useful for dispersion compensation. In these gratings, the
Bragg wavelength varies with position, thereby broadening the reflected spectrum.
A chirped grating has the property of adding dispersion, because different wave-
lengths are reflected from the grating subject to different delays. In this way, it is
possible to achieve a very large group delay dispersion, sufficient for compensating
the dispersion of a long span of transmission fiber, in a short length of fiber grating.
An optical fiber can become the active medium for optical amplification, if the fiber
core is doped with rare-earth ions, such as N d 3+ , Pr 3+ , Er 3+ , and Y b3+ . A strong
motivation for the development of efficient fiber optical amplifiers came from the
area of optical communications. In the case of long-distance links the attenuation
due to fiber losses becomes large, and so it is necessary to periodically restore the
power level of the traveling optical signals. Fiber amplifiers offer the best physical
compatibility with fiber transmission systems.
Amplifiers based on erbium-doped fibers, which exhibit gain over a range of
wavelengths centered on 1550 nm, were developed in the late 1980s. An important
factor for the success of the erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) was the discov-
ery that relatively high concentrations of erbium could be incorporated without ion
clustering into the fiber core by co-doping with alumina.
The energy level scheme for the Er 3+ ion in silica glass is presented in Fig. 6.12.
By exploiting the long lifetime (about 12 ms) of the first excited level, optical gain
can be obtained for the transition between this excited level and the ground state.
The system then behaves like a three-level system, similar to that of the ruby laser
described in Sect. 3.9. Because the ions are incorporated into a disordered solid
matrix the energy levels are considerably broadened, and so the gain is spread over
a wavelength bandwidth of about 40 nm. The peak gain is obtained at 1530 nm, as
shown in Fig. 6.13.
Like the solid-state lasers described in Sect. 3.9, fiber amplifiers are optically
pumped. Because of the constraints of the fiber geometry, they are longitudinally
pumped, so that both pump and signal utilize the waveguiding effect of the fiber.
This ensures an excellent overlap of the two waves over the entire length of the
device, and allows the pump power to be completely absorbed and utilized.
188 6 Optical Fibers
Once the type of doped fiber and the pump power are chosen, the parameter to be
fixed is that of the length of the doped fiber, L. If the gain medium is too long, part of it
will not be pumped because the pump power will be totally absorbed before it reaches
the far end of the fiber. In a three-level system, such as an EDFA, the unexcited ions
that remain in the ground state absorb signal photons, so that the un-pumped regions
of the fiber have a detrimental effect on the amplifier performance. Considering that
too short an amplifier also does not use the pump power very efficiently, it is clear
that an optimum length for the fiber amplifier exists.
Typical parameters for an optical-communications amplifier are the following.
The concentration of erbium atoms is Nt ≈ 2 × 1024 m−3 , the pump power Pp =
10 − 20 mW, the stimulated emission cross-section σ = 8 × 10−25 m−2 , the
amplifier length L = 10–20 m. The power gain can be as large as 104 (40 dB), with
a conversion efficiency of 30–40 %.
The efficiency of the amplifier can be improved by using doubly-doped fibers
containing both Er 3+ and Y b3+ ions. In these fibers the pump power excites the
ytterbium ions, which have an absorption cross-section larger than that of erbium
ions. In a second step, there is a spontaneous transfer of excitation energy from
ytterbium to erbium, so that a population inversion is built up in the erbium ions.
This type of co-doping is mainly used for high-power amplifiers, with output power
in the range of watts.
The main factor that limited the development of high-power amplifiers in early
years was that the pump beam emitted by arrays of semiconductor lasers is spatially
multimodal. The coupling efficiency of these multimodal beams inside the small core
of the single-mode amplifying fiber is actually rather low. The problem is solved
by using fibers with a double cladding, known as “cladding-pumped” fibers. The
structure of these fibers is shown in Fig. 6.15. The signal to be amplified is confined
within the core, whereas the pump is confined within the undoped inner cladding.
Since the diameter of the inner cladding is much larger than that of the core, coupling
of pump power into the fiber is much easier. The pump power is continuously fed from
inner cladding to core, where it is absorbed, ensuring a high-efficiency operation.
The efficiency of power transfer from inner cladding to core is improved by using
an elliptical core.
In comparison with other optical-gain media, rare-earth doped-fibers have several
very useful characteristics. The combination of broad gain bandwidth, polarization-
independent gain, long lifetime of the excited level, and relatively large saturation
190 6 Optical Fibers
power ensures full transparency to all modulation formats. The EDFA offers the possi-
bility of simultaneous amplification of multiple signals at different wavelengths (like
the multiple channels in a wavelength-division-multiplexing optical-communication
system). There is also a low sensitivity of the EDFA gain to pump fluctuations
occurring on a time-scale shorter than the lifetime of the excited level τ10 . Another
important advantage is that the fiber geometry, with its large surface-to-volume ratio,
has a good efficiency for heat dissipation.
Using schemes similar to those of EDFAs, fiber amplifiers operating at various
near-infrared wavelengths can be made by doping silica fibers with N d (amplifi-
cation at 1.06 µ or 1.34 µm), or Y b (amplification in the range 1.05–1.12 µm).
Optical amplifiers using Pr -doped ZBLAN fibers have also been tested for opera-
tion in the wavelength interval 1.28–1.34 µm, where some of the existing optical-
communication systems operate.
A completely different family of fiber amplifiers is represented by Raman ampli-
fiers, which make use of the stimulated Raman scattering process. They will be
described in Chap. 7.
It is clear from the general discussion of Sect. 3.3 that the fiber amplifier can be
transformed into a laser by providing an optical feedback. The initial interest in fiber
lasers came from the optical-communications area, because it was thought possible
to use them as sources of high-repetition-rate pulse trains. Although the interest for
such an application quickly vanished, fiber lasers have reached a high degree of
reliability for use in many different areas.
Fiber lasers can operate both CW and pulsed. In comparison with solid-state
lasers, they have several advantages.
• When using a single-mode fiber, the output beam has a very smooth Gaussian
profile, therefore it can be focused to a very small focal spot, at variance with the
behavior of high-power semiconductor or N d-Y AG lasers.
• The very good coupling of pump power into the fiber gives high-efficiency oper-
6.7 Fiber Lasers 191
• The high surface-to-volume ratio of fiber structure provides an effective heat dis-
sipation mechanism, so cooling problems are greatly simplified.
CW fiber lasers are based on Fabry-Perot cavities (see Fig. 6.16b) with mirrors
made by fiber Bragg gratings. They use cladding pumped fibers in order to achieve
high efficiency. A particularly interesting fiber laser is the ytterbium laser. The Y b3+
ion behaves like a four-level system, is pumped at 915 nm and emits in the 1000–
1100 nm wavelength region. The emission wavelength is fixed by the peak reflectance
of the FBG mirrors. The Yb-fiber laser can provide high-power outputs (up to some
kilowatts). Because of its efficiency, compactness, and simplicity of cooling require-
ments, it is often used in industrial processes, such as marking, welding and precision
Pulsed fiber lasers can be built to operate in the Q-switching regime, generating
kilohertz-frequency trains of nanosecond pulses, or in the mode-locking regime.
Mode-locked fiber lasers are usually based on ring cavities (see Fig. 6.16a). The
pump beam is injected into the doped fiber by using a dichroic fiber coupler. Another
fiber coupler is then used to extract the output beam. The mode-locking behavior
is induced by inserting a modulator or a saturable absorber inside the ring. These
lasers can largely be based on telecom components, which have been developed for
reliable long-term operation and have a moderate cost. Mode-locked erbium-doped or
ytterbium-doped fiber lasers can generate trains of picosecond pulses with repetition
rates up to 20 GHz. The very large gain bandwidth achievable in an ytterbium-doped
fiber is capable of supporting pulses shorter than 20 fs.
6.1 A step-index fiber has a numerical aperture of 0.15, a core refractive index of
1.47 and a core diameter of 20 µm. Calculate (i) the maximum acceptance angle of
the fiber, (ii) the refractive index of the cladding, (iii) the approximate number of
modes with a wavelength of 800 nm that the fiber can carry.
192 6 Optical Fibers
where β1 = 4.90 × 10−9 s/m, β2 = −1 × 10−27 s2 /m. By assuming that the fiber
length is L = 50 km, calculate: (i) the time taken by the peak of the pulse to propagate
along the fiber; (ii) the pulse duration τ p (L) at the fiber output; (iii) the ratio r between
the output and input energy of the laser pulse; (iv) the ratio r = PL /P0 , where P0
and PL are the input and output peak power of the laser pulse, respectively.
6.6 Consider a step-index optical fiber with a core radius a = 4.5 µm and core
refractive index n 1 = 1.494. Assuming that the normalized frequency is V = 2.15
at λ = 1550 nm, calculate: (i) the cladding refractive index; (ii) the width w of the
fundamental mode; (iii) the wavelength at which the fiber ceases to be single-mode.
6.7 An erbium-doped fiber amplifier has length L = 10 m and a stimulated emission
cross section σ = 1.2 × 10−20 cm2 at λ = 1550 nm. Calculate the value of the
population inversion N2 − N1 required to attain a small signal gain of 20 dB.
6.8 Calculate pitch and length of a fiber Bragg grating having a reflectivity peak
Rmax = 0.995 at λ = 1500 nm, assuming that the core average refractive index is
n = 1.5 and that Δn = 2 × 10−4 .
6.9 Calculate the effective refractive index n e f f at λ = 1550 nm for a single-mode
optical fiber having a core radius a = 5 µm, core refractive index n 1 = 1.484,
cladding refractive index n 2 = 1.480, by assuming that n e f f = n 1 f 1 + n 2 f 2 ,
where f 1 and f 2 are the power fractions traveling inside the core and the cladding,
respectively. The profile of the single mode is given by the Gaussian function
exp[(x 2 + y 2 )/w2 ]. The value of n e f f should be given with 4 digits.
6.10 A transform-limited Gaussian laser pulse having duration τ p = 1 ps is cou-
pled into a single-mode optical fiber with a dispersion parameter β2 = 10 ps2 /km.
Calculate at which propagation distance the pulse duration is doubled.
Chapter 7
Nonlinear Optics
Abstract The field of nonlinear optics ranges from fundamental studies of the inter-
action of intense laser light with matter to applications such as frequency conversion,
non-resonant amplification, all-optical switching. The treatment developed in this
chapter restricts the attention to those topics that are of interest for applications, and
limits the notational complications to a minimum. Second-harmonic generation is
described in some detail in Sect. 7.2, because it is considered a case study for illus-
trating the mathematical approach and the experimental methods that are generally
utilized in nonlinear optics. Section 7.3 completes the description of second-order
effects with a concise treatment of parametric amplifiers and oscillators and of sum-
frequency generation. Section 7.4 is devoted to a review of the main phenomena
arising from the optical Kerr effect. The subject of Sect. 7.5 is stimulated Raman
scattering, with particular emphasis on applications based on optical-fiber devices.
Stimulated Brillouin scattering is described in Sect. 7.6.
7.1 Introduction
Nonlinear optics is the field of optics that considers phenomena occurring when the
response of a medium to an applied electromagnetic field is nonlinear with respect
to the amplitude of that field.
The proportionality relation between electric field and induced electric polariza-
tion that was introduced in Sect. 2.1 implies that a monochromatic field oscillating at
ω generates a polarization P also oscillating at ω. As a consequence, the propagation
of a wave across a transparent medium can change the spectrum by attenuating or
suppressing some frequency component, but cannot generate new frequencies.
Nonlinear optical effects become appreciable when the displacement of charges
from their equilibrium position inside the material becomes so large that the induced
dipole ceases to be proportional to the field amplitude E. This happens if the incident
field amplitude is not negligible in comparison with the internal field E i that holds the
charges together in the material. A typical value for E i is 1011 V/m, a figure attainable
with laser fields, whereas the electric-field amplitude of conventional optical sources
can reach at most 103 V/m. Nonlinear optics was born in the early 1960s immediately
after the first intense laser fields became available.
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 193
V. Degiorgio and I. Cristiani, Photonics, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20627-1_7
194 7 Nonlinear Optics
Consider a monochromatic plane wave having angular frequency ω and wave vector
kω propagating along the y axis inside a second-order nonlinear medium character-
ized by a nonlinear susceptibility χ (2) . During propagation a second-harmonic wave
will be generated, so that the total electric field of the waves traveling along y is:
E(y, t) = {E ω (y) exp[−i(ωt − kω y] + c.c.]}
+ {E 2ω (y) exp[−i(2ωt − k2ω y] + c.c.]}, (7.2)
where kω = (ω/c)n ω and k2ω = (2ω/c)n 2ω . Here n ω and n 2ω are, respectively,
the refractive indices experienced by the input beam, called sometimes the pump
beam, and by the second-harmonic beam during the propagation along the nonlinear
7.2 Second-Harmonic Generation 195
Note that the field described by (7.2) is a real quantity, because of the presence of
the complex conjugate terms. In the previous chapters many calculations have been
carried out by representing the real electric field in terms of a complex function,
whose real part is the field itself. Such an approach is justified only if the real field
and its complex representation satisfy the same propagation equations. This is true
as long as the equations are linear in the fields. The propagation equations treated in
this chapter contain nonlinear terms, and so it is mandatory to deal with real fields.
The equations describing the y-dependence of the amplitudes E ω and E 2ω are
derived as follows. First, by neglecting the cubic term inside (7.1), and inserting
(7.2) into (7.1), an expression for P(y, t) is found. This expression will contain
terms oscillating at ω, 2ω, 3ω, 4ω, and also time-independent terms. Considering
only those terms that oscillate at ω and 2ω, P(y, t) is given by:
εo χ (1) εo χ (1)
P(y, t) = E ω e−i(ωt−kω y) + c.c.] + E 2ω e−i(2ωt−k2ω y) + c.c.]
2 2
εo χ (2) 2 −2i(ωt−kω y) εo χ (2)
+ Eω e + c.c.] + E 2ω E ω∗ e−i(ωt−k2ω y+kω y) + c.c.]
4 4
As a second step, (7.2) and (7.3) are substituted inside the wave equation (2.7).
By separately considering all the terms oscillating respectively as exp(−iωt) and
exp(−2iωt), and further assuming that the terms containing the second-order deriv-
ative with respect to y can be neglected, the following two equations are obtained:
d E ω (y) ωχ (2)
=i E 2ω E ω∗ exp(iΔky), (7.4)
dy 2cn ω
d E 2ω (y) ωχ (2) 2
=i E exp(−iΔky), (7.5)
dy 2cn 2ω ω
where Δk = k2ω − 2kω . Taking the entrance face into the medium coincident with
the plane y = 0, the initial conditions are:
d Iω d I2ω
+ =0 (7.9)
dy dy
Equation (7.9) indicates that, during propagation into the lossless nonlinear
medium, there is a conservation of the overall optical power: the nonlinear medium
acts only as a catalyst, and so the second-harmonic generation (SHG) process simply
consists of an exchange of power between the two fields.
It is not possible to find an exact analytical solution to the system of (7.4) and
(7.5). However, an approximate solution is immediately found by assuming that the
amplitude of the generated second-harmonic wave is so weak that the amplitude
of the fundamental wave is negligibly reduced by the SHG process. If E ω (y) is
considered a constant, coinciding with E ω (0), then the solution of (7.5) is:
2(ωχ (2) )2 4
2 Δky
I2ω (y) = Iω2 (0)y 2 sin . (7.11)
c2 n 2ω n 2ω (Δk)2 2
Equation (7.11) shows that I2ω (y) is an oscillating function of y, at fixed Δk. This
means that there is a continuous exchange of power between pump and SH beam
during propagation. The first maximum of I2ω (y) occurs at the propagation distance
L c = π/Δk, known as the coherence length of second-harmonic generation. If the
propagation distance y exceeds L c , the SH power starts to decrease because the newly
generated SH contributions have an opposite phase with respect to those generated
for y < L c . It is important to note that the amplitude of the spatial oscillation gets
bigger and bigger as Δk decreases. Of course, if the SH power becomes large, the
approximation of no-pump-depletion is no longer applicable.
The conversion efficiency, η2ω , defined as the ratio between SH intensity at the
output and pump intensity at the input, is expressed as:
where L is the propagation length, and sinc(x) = sinx/x. The efficiency η2ω is
maximum if
n 2ω = n ω , (7.14)
i.e. the SH wave should travel at the same phase velocity as the pump wave, so that
all the contributions generated during propagation can add in phase.
In general terms, time-invariance and translational invariance (which means
monochromatic plane waves interacting in an infinitely extended crystal) impose
energy and momentum conservation among the interacting waves. Using the photon
concept, energy conservation is satisfied when two pump photons are converted into
one SH photon, and momentum conservation requires that the momentum of the gen-
erated SH photon is the sum of the momenta of the two annihilated pump photons.
Therefore the phase-matching condition can be seen as a momentum conservation
By assuming Δk = 0, (7.4) and (7.5) can be exactly solved, obtaining:
It is easy to verify that I2ω (L) + Iω (L) = Iω (0) for any L. Recalling that the
asymptotic limit of the hyperbolic tangent for L going to infinity is equal to 1,
198 7 Nonlinear Optics
(7.15) shows that the input intensity can be fully converted into the second-harmonic
intensity, provided that the propagation distance is sufficiently long (the crystal length
L should be much larger than L SH ). The behavior of the SH intensity as a function
of the propagation distance is illustrated in Fig. 7.2.
The first nonlinear optical experiment was performed in 1961 by Franken and
coworkers by using quartz as the nonlinear crystal. The pump was a ruby laser pulse
at λ = 0.6943 µm. A very weak second-harmonic signal at λ = 0.347 µm was
detected. In that experiment the conversion efficiency was very low, about 10−8 ,
because the phase-matching condition was not satisfied.
SHG becomes particularly efficient if the nonlinear crystal is placed inside the
laser cavity, as schematically shown in Fig. 7.3. Intra-cavity SHG represents a very
convenient method to generate coherent green and blue light starting from near
infrared solid-state lasers. As an example, 532-nm green light can be generated by
frequency-doubling of a neodymium laser in a Fabry-Perot cavity in which both
mirrors are totally reflecting at 1064 nm and the output mirror is totally transmitting
at 532 nm. Once fixed the gain in the active medium, the type of nonlinear crystal,
and the cavity structure, the only free design parameter is the length L of the crystal.
This is a typical optimum-coupling problem: if L is too small there is little second-
harmonic generation, if L is too large there are strong cavity losses.
Similarly to the case of the Pockels effect described in Chap. 4, second-order non-
linear optical interactions can occur only in non-centrosymmetric materials, that
7.2 Second-Harmonic Generation 199
is, in materials that do not display inversion symmetry. Since liquids, gases, amor-
phous solids (such as glass), and even many crystals do, in fact, display inversion
symmetry, χ (2) vanishes identically for such media, and consequently they cannot
produce second-order nonlinear optical interactions. Second-order optical materials
are intrinsically anisotropic, thus electric susceptibilities of any order are tensorial
quantities. The i-th cartesian component of the vector P is expressed as:
Pi = εo χi j E j + χi jk E j E k (7.18)
j=1 j,k=1
di jk = χi jk (7.19)
In the standard notation only two indices are used, by replacing the pair jk with one
index m running from 1 to 6. The following convention is used: m = 1 corresponds
to jk = 11, m = 2 to jk = 22, m = 3 to jk = 33, m = 4 to jk = 23, m = 5 to
jk = 13, and m = 6 to jk = 12. The nonlinear susceptibility tensor dim can then
be represented as a 3 × 6 matrix.
Crystalline structures are classified according to 32 distinct symmetry classes.
For each class it is possible to predict, using symmetry arguments, what tensor
components are non-zero. For instance, in the case of lithium niobate the non-zero
components are: d15 , d16 , d21 , d22 , d24 , d31 , d32 , and d33 .
In order to illustrate the basic aspects of nonlinear interactions, it is useful to
discuss some specific situations. Consider a pump beam propagating along the y
axis of a lithium niobate crystal. If the beam is an ordinary wave, linearly polarized
along x, the index m can only take the value 1, so that, among all the non-zero
components of dim , the only accessible ones are d21 and d31 . Since the propagation
is along y, the electric polarization cannot have a longitudinal component, so d21
does not play any role in the SHG process. The only surviving terms from the general
relation (7.18) are:
200 7 Nonlinear Optics
Table 7.1 Symmetry class, transparency window and nonlinear coefficients for some nonlinear
crystals at λ = 1064 nm
Crystal Class Window (µm) d (10−12 m/V)
Li N bO3 3m 0.35–5.20 d33 = 25.2, d31 = 4.6
d22 = 2.1
KT P mm2 0.35–4.50 d33 = 13.7, d31 = 6.5
d32 = 5.0
LBO mm2 0.16–2.30 d33 = 0.04, d31 = 0.85
d32 = 0.67
Lithium niobate (Li N bO3 ), potassium titanyl phosphate (K T i O P O4 ), known as KTP, lithium
triborate (Li B3 O5 ), known as LBO
2ω e
Δk = (n − n oω ) = 0. (7.21)
c 2ω
If the pump beam is linearly polarized along z, the only surviving terms from the
general relation (7.18) are:
In this case, both pump and SH fields are extraordinary waves, and the phase-
matching condition is:
2ω e
Δk = (n − n eω ) = 0. (7.23)
c 2ω
In order to prepare the description of the different phase-matching methods that
will be given in the next section, it is instructive to examine the properties of some
common nonlinear crystals—see Table 7.1.
Lithium niobate and KTP exhibit large nonlinear coefficients. LBO has smaller
coefficients, but its transparency window extends into the ultraviolet, and thus is the
best candidate to generate ultraviolet light by SHG.
7.2 Second-Harmonic Generation 201
The practical importance of nonlinear optics comes from the fact that the new fields
generated by nonlinear interactions can take up, in principle, all the optical power of
the incoming fields. However, as shown in the preceding section, this is possible only
if phase-matching is satisfied. Phase matching should be seen not only as a constraint
that limits the applicability of nonlinear effects, but also as an effective method to
select a single nonlinear interaction, from among many possible interactions. The
structure of the equations is greatly simplified if one defines a priori which interaction
will be phase-matched. According to this criterion, only those terms relevant for SHG
have been selected in writing (7.3).
Birefringence phase matching. Since the index of refraction of any medium changes
with ω, it is generally not possible to satisfy the phase-matching condition (7.23).
In contrast, condition (7.21) suggests the possibility of obtaining phase matching
by exploiting the crystal birefringence to compensate for material dispersion (see
Fig. 7.4). As an example, lithium niobate is a uniaxial crystal presenting negative
birefringence (n o > n e ), as indicated in Table 2.3. Taking into account that both
indices grow with ω, it can be shown that there is a frequency ω pm (corresponding to
a wavelength λ pm ≈ 1.1 µm), for which: n o (ω pm ) = n e (2ω pm ). In such a situation,
an ordinary input beam can be efficiently converted into an extraordinarily polarized
second-harmonic beam.
For a given crystal the condition n o (ω pm ) = n e (2ω pm ) can be at most satis-
fied for only one wavelength. There are, however, some degrees of freedom that
can be exploited to obtain tunable phase matching. One possibility is offered by the
consideration that the refractive index of the extraordinary beam can be varied con-
tinuously between n o and n e by changing the angle between kω and the optical axis,
as described by (2.128). Therefore, one can tune ω pm by rotating the crystal around
the axis perpendicular to the plane containing kω and the z axis. In this case there is,
however, a non-zero spatial walk-off of the second-harmonic beam with respect to
the fundamental beam, because the two Poynting vectors are no longer parallel (see
(2.129) in Chap. 2). Since the spatial overlap between the two beams decreases with
the propagation distance, the walk-off effect introduces a limitation of the crystal
length. Noting that the refractive indices are weakly dependent on temperature, it is
also possible to finely tune ω pm by varying T .
The method so far discussed, in which two ordinary photons at frequency ω are
converted into one extraordinary photon at frequency 2ω is known as type I phase
matching. Other degrees of freedom are added to the SH experiment if two pump
beams having the same frequency, but different directions or different polarization,
are considered. A particularly interesting method, known as type I I phase matching,
uses one ordinary and one extraordinary photon to generate the SH photon. The
phase-matching condition for this method is:
n oω + n eω = 2n e2ω . (7.24)
Equation (7.25) implies that Λ = 2L c . Note that, in the case of QPM, the momen-
tum of the SH photon is not equal to twice the momentum of the pump photon. The
difference is taken up by the periodically poled crystal.
An intuitive explanation of the QPM can be given as follows. In the presence
of a wavevector mismatch, the amplitude of the generated SH wave oscillates with
propagation distance, as shown in Fig. 7.2. If the period Λ of the alternation of the
optical axis is set equal to twice L c , then each time the SH amplitude is about to
begin to decrease because of the wavevector mismatch, a reversal of the sign of d33
occurs which allows the SH amplitude to grow monotonically.
Equation (7.25) indicates that phase matching can be achieved at any desired
frequency by appropriately choosing Λ. An important property of the periodical-
poling approach to phase-matching is also that it is effective with any nonlinear
crystal, irrespective of the fact that the material might be birefringent or not. The
technical problem is how to fabricate a periodically poled crystal. If the nonlinear
optical material is a ferroelectric crystal, as is the case for lithium niobate and KTP,
the orientation of the optical axis can be defined by a sufficiently strong static electric
field. Therefore, periodically poled structures can be fabricated by applying electric
fields with a sequence of electrodes of alternating polarity. Typically, electric fields
of the order of 20 kV/mm are applied, with a period that can be as small as 5 µm.
As an example, consider a second-harmonic-generation experiment using a
neodymium laser (λ = 1064 nm) and a KTP crystal. By putting 2d31 instead of χ (2)
inside (7.17), and taking d31 = 6.5 pm/V, it is found that, in order to obtain a reason-
able value for L S H , say 1 cm, it is necessary to have an input field E ω (0) ≈ 4.7 MV/m,
corresponding to a laser intensity of about 5 MW/cm2 . This can be obtained by
focusing the laser output or by coupling the laser beam into a nonlinear single-mode
waveguide. The required intensity is however reduced by a factor 16, if QPM is used
to exploit the larger coefficient of d33 instead of d31 .
Fig. 7.6 Optical scheme of an autocorrelator for the measurement of duration of ultrashort pulses
and obtaining:
λ pm dn oω dn e
Δω pm = − 2 2ω . (7.26)
L dω dω
E(y, t) = {E 1 (y) exp[−i(ω1 t − k1 y)] + c.c. + E 2 (y) exp[−i(ω2 t − k2 y)] + c.c.
+ E 3 (y) exp[−i(ω3 t − k3 y)] + c.c.} (7.28)
The nonlinear propagation equations, derived by using the same approach outlined
for SH generation, are:
d E 1 (y) ω1 χ (2)
=i E 3 E 2∗ exp(iΔky), (7.29)
dy 2cn 1
206 7 Nonlinear Optics
d E 2 (y) ω2 χ (2)
=i E 3 E 1∗ exp(iΔky), (7.30)
dy 2cn 2
d E 3 (y) ω3 χ (2)
=i E 1 E 2 exp(−iΔky), (7.31)
dy 2cn 3
where Δk = k3 − k1 − k2 .
The situation here considered is that of a high intensity ω3 beam, called pump,
and a low intensity ω1 beam, called signal. The generated ω2 beam is called idler.
Equations (7.29) and (7.30) can be analytically solved at phase matching by assuming
that the pump beam is not depleted by the DFG process, such that E 3 (y) is considered
as a constant, coinciding with E 3 (0). Fixing the initial conditions as E 1 (0) = 0 and
E 2 (0) = 0, the obtained solutions are:
Equation (7.32) shows that both fields grow monotonically as functions of the
propagation distance. Since the annihilation of a photon at ω3 simultaneously pro-
duces a photon at ω1 and a photon at ω2 , the two intensities I1 and I2 grow in a
parallel way: I1 (y) = (ω1 /ω2 )I2 (y) + I1 (0). As an example, consider the case of a
lithium niobate crystal pumped by a 532-nm beam having an intensity of 5 MW/cm2 ,
producing a field E 3 (0) = 4.1 × 106 V/m. Taking χ (2) = 10 pm/V, n 1 = n 2 = 2.2,
ν1 = 3 × 1014 Hz, it is found: g p = 0.6 cm−1 .
Recalling that an amplifier becomes an oscillator once a positive feedback is
provided, the parametric amplifier can be transformed into a parametric oscillator
by using an optical cavity (see Fig. 7.7). The initial seed for parametric oscillation
comes from parametric fluorescence, that is the process by which a “pump” photon at
frequency ω3 spontaneously breaks down into two photons at frequencies ω1 (signal)
and ω2 (idler). Potentially, parametric fluorescence can yield any pair of frequencies
that satisfy energy conservation, but the choice must also satisfy the phase-matching
condition. Tuning of the parametric oscillator is usually achieved by rotating the
crystal or, in a finer scale, by changing the operating temperature.
Sum-frequency generation. Considering a situation in which the phase-matching
condition is satisfied for the sum-frequency generation (SFG), and assuming again
that the pump at ω3 is not depleted, the two equations describing the evolution of the
signal field at ω1 and the sum field at ω2 = ω1 + ω3 are the following:
7.3 Parametric Effects 207
d E 1 (y) ω1 χ (2) ∗
=i E (0)E 2
dy 2cn 1 3
d E 2 (y) ω2 χ (2)
=i E 3 (0)E 1 . (7.34)
dy 2cn 2
Without loss of generality, one can put E 3 (0) = E 3∗ (0), and the solutions are:
1 ω1 ω2 (2)
g p = χ E 3 (0). (7.36)
2c n1n2
I2 (L) ω2 2
= sin (g p L). (7.37)
I1 (0) ω1
In the case in which all the input ω1 photons are converted into ω2 photons, the
conversion ratio has the maximum value ω2 /ω1 . This is larger than one, reflecting
the fact that the intensity of the converted beam is the sum of I1 (0) plus the intensity
(ω3 /ω1 )I1 (0) provided by the pump beam.
SFG can be useful for converting an infrared beam into a more easily detectable
visible beam, or for generating ultraviolet light by mixing visible and infrared light.
As a final comment to this section, it should be noted that the linear electro-
optic effect (Pockels effect) of Sect. 4.1 can be considered as a particular case of
frequency mixing, in which the external electric field E at frequency ωm plays
the role of the field E1 . Since ωm is negligibly small with respect to the optical
208 7 Nonlinear Optics
εo χ (1)
εo χ (3) 3 −3i(ωt−k y)
+ Eω Eω e + c.c. . (7.38)
Many different nonlinear phenomena can be generated by the third-order nonlin-
earity. Here the description will be limited to phenomena occurring when a single
beam at a single frequency and direction is incident on the nonlinear medium. Wave
mixing processes involving more than one incident frequency will not be discussed.
Third-harmonic generation. The electric polarization of (7.38) contains terms
oscillating at ω and at 3ω. Once the expression for P(y, t) is inserted into the wave
equation, the 3ω term will give rise to third-harmonic generation (THG). Formally,
one could expect a behavior of the THG conversion efficiency similar to that found
for SHG. However, the practical use of THG is rather limited because it is difficult to
find materials simultaneously having a large χ (3) , a transparency window including
both ω and 3ω, and also offering the possibility of phase matching. In practice, THG
is usually obtained through a cascade of two second-order processes.
Optical Kerr effect. Neglecting the 3ω term, (7.38) can be re-written as P(y, t) =
Pω exp[−i(ωt − kω y)] + c.c., where:
3χ (3)
Pω = εo χ (1) + |E ω |2 E ω = εo χe f f E ω , (7.39)
Equation (7.39) is similar to (4.37), which describes the Kerr effect. The big
difference is that, in this case, the change in the susceptibility of the medium is due
to the electric field of the propagating wave, whereas, in the case treated in Sect. 4.2,
the effect was induced by a “low-frequency” external field created by an electronic
7.4 Third-Order Effects 209
By using the relation between index of refraction and electric susceptibility, and
assuming that the nonlinear contribution is small in comparison with the linear one,
the effective refractive index is:
n eff = 1 + χeff ≈ n + n 2 |E ω |2 or n eff = n + n 2 I, (7.40)
where I is the intensity of the light beam and the nonlinear coefficient n 2 , measured
in m 2 /W , is given by:
3χ (3)
n2 = . (7.41)
4εo cn 2
Equation (7.40) expresses the optical Kerr effect. Values of n 2 are given in
Table 7.2 for three materials.
As already discussed for the Kerr effect in Sect. 4.2, a more detailed analysis
would show that an initially isotropic material becomes uniaxial in the presence
of a strong linearly polarized optical beam, with the direction of the optical axis
coinciding with the direction of the incident electric field. The index ellipsoid of the
isotropic medium, initially spherical, acquires an intensity-dependent deformation.
If the optical Kerr effect is only due to the displacement of electron clouds, the
induced birefringence almost instantaneously follows changes in the intensity of the
illuminating beam. Instead of considering a self-induced effect, one could imagine
a cross-induced situation, in which a high-intensity beam modulates a weak probe
beam through the optical Kerr effect, with a response time as short as the duration
of the pump pulse (less than 1 ps). By using the same schemes of Sect. 4.1, a very
fast amplitude- or phase-modulation could be achieved. In principle, this opens the
way to the realization of all-optical modulators and switches.
It is interesting to discuss a numerical example involving the common material
of silica glass, which has χ (3) = 1.8 × 10−22 m2 /V2 , corresponding to n 2 =
2.4 × 10−20 m2 /W, as reported in Table 7.2. A propagation along the distance
L inside the glass produces a nonlinear phase delay Δφ = (2π/λ)n 2 I L. Taking
L = 1 cm and λ = 1 µm, the light intensity required to induce a nonlinear phase
shift equal to π is: I = 2.1 × 1015 W/m2 . Such an intensity could be reached by
focusing a laser pulse with energy of 2 µJ and a duration of 1 ps into a focal spot of
diameter 30 µm. Such an optical switch is conceptually interesting from the point
Table 7.2 Two-photon absorption and Kerr coefficients for silica glass, silicon (Si) and gallium
arsenide (GaAs) at two distinct wavelengths
Material λ (nm) βa (cm/GW) n 2 (cm2 /W)
Silica glass 1064 2.4 × 10−16
Si 1540 0.8 0.45 × 10−13
GaAs 1540 10.2 1.59 × 10−13
210 7 Nonlinear Optics
of view of realizing all-optical logical circuits, but has little practical applicability,
because it is bulky and requires too large a pulse energy. However, the performance
can be greatly improved by using a material with a larger n 2 and confining the optical
beams inside a waveguide of small cross-section.
Two-photon absorption. In general terms, the third-order susceptibility can be a
complex quantity, written as: χ (3) = χ Re + iχ I(3)
m . In order to see the effect of the
imaginary part, consider a plane wave, with electric field (1/2)E(y) exp[−i(ωt −
ky)] + c.c., propagating through a medium with a Kerr nonlinearity. The equation
describing the evolution of the field as a function of y can be derived using the same
procedure as that adopted for the case of the second-order nonlinearity. The result is:
dE ω
= i 3χ (3) |E|2 E. (7.42)
dy c
Putting E(y) = A(y) exp[iφ(y)], where A(y) and φ(y) are real quantities, (7.42)
splits into the two equations:
dφ ω (3)
= 3χ Re A2 , (7.43)
dy c
dA ω (3)
= − 3χ I m A3 , (7.44)
dy c
describing the evolution of the nonlinear phase and of the field amplitude, respec-
tively. Recalling that the light intensity I is proportional to A2 , and multiplying both
sides of (7.44) by 2 A, it is found that I (y) satisfies the equation:
= −βa I 2 , (7.45)
3π χ I(3)
βa = , (7.46)
εo n 2 cλ
I (y) = , (7.47)
1 + βa Io y
2π L r 2
φ(r ) = n o + n 2 Io 1 − 2 2 , (7.49)
λ wo
By comparing (7.49) and (7.50), the focal length of the Kerr lens, f K , is found
to be:
fK = , (7.51)
4Io n 2 L
212 7 Nonlinear Optics
2π L
φ(t) = ωo t − [n + n 2 I (t)] (7.52)
dφ(t) 2π L d I
ωinst = = ωo − n2 , (7.53)
dt λo dt
sweeps from a value smaller than ωo at the pulse front, where d I /dt is positive, to
a value larger than ωo at the pulse tail.
In optical-communication systems, where short pulses propagate over long dis-
tances inside single-mode optical fibers, it is important to account for the effect of
SPM on the pulse shape. A nonlinear equation describing the pulse evolution along
the fiber can be derived from the wave equation by assuming that the pulse amplitude
A(y, t) is a slowly varying function of y and t (d A/dy
β1 A and d A/dt
ωo A),
7.4 Third-Order Effects 213
and truncating to the second order the power series expansion of the propagation
constant β, as expressed in (6.19). The nonlinear equation obtained is then:
∂A ∂A 1 ∂2 A
+ β1 + iβ2 2 = iγ |A|2 A, (7.54)
∂y ∂t 2 ∂t
and Aeff is the mode area. A typical value in the case of a single-mode silica fiber is:
γ = 2 W−1 km−1 .
In general the combined effect of dispersion and nonlinearity is for a broadening of
the pulse both in time and frequency. However, if β2 and n 2 have opposite signs, as is
the case for a nonlinear medium exhibiting positive n 2 and anomalous group-velocity
dispersion, it is possible to find a situation in which the two effects compensate each
other. A pulse that can propagate unchanged is known as a temporal optical soliton,
and has the form:
t − β1 y
As (y, t) = Aso sech expiκ y . (7.56)
Equation (7.56) describes a pulse traveling at the group velocity β1 −1 , with a peak
amplitude Aso and a duration τs that are mutually connected by the relation
|β2 |
Aso τs = , (7.57)
Note that the pulse duration τs can take any value, but the shorter the pulse the
higher the peak intensity should be, according to (7.57). The pulse energy required,
which is proportional to A2so τs , is inversely proportional to the pulse duration.
In principle, the pulse described by (7.56) could propagate without distortion for
an arbitrary propagation length, and so could be of great interest for long-distance
optical communications. However, the presence of effects that have been neglected
in the derivation of (7.54), such as fiber losses and third-order dispersion, strongly
diminishes the practical applications of solitons.
214 7 Nonlinear Optics
Iast ν 4 hνv
= exp − . (7.59)
Ist νst kB T
Since, typically, hνv is of the order of 0.1 eV, whereas k B T = 0.025 eV at room
temperature, spontaneous Raman scattering is dominated by Stokes emission.
In the case of spontaneous Raman scattering, the Stokes photon is emitted with
a random direction and a random phase. If the medium is simultaneously illumi-
nated by a pump beam at frequency ν p and a second beam at the Stokes frequency
νst = ν p − νv , then there is a finite probability that a stimulated Raman scattering
(SRS) process occurs, where the scattered Stokes photon is emitted with the same
k-vector and the same phase of the incident Stokes photon. The stimulated process
absorbs one photon from the pump, adds one photon to the Stokes field and, at the
same time, excites a molecular vibration. Therefore, stimulated Raman scattering
amplifies the field at νst at the expense of the pump power. Note that such an ampli-
fication method can be applied to beams of any frequency. In fact, provided that
the medium is transparent to both pump and Stokes frequencies, it is not required
that ν p and νst be coincident with internal resonances of the atomic system, as is
required for a standard light amplifier. To obtain Raman gain the pump field and the
Stokes field need not necessarily be collinear, but the maximum effect is obtained
in the collinear configuration, considering that the experiments are performed with
Gaussian beams of finite transversal size. In the following, the discussion is limited
to SRS processes occurring in single-mode optical fibers, where propagation of the
two fields is necessarily collinear.
Fiber Raman amplifier. In the case of silica glass, Raman scattering offers a broad
spectrum (see Fig. 7.9) centered around a shift of 13 THz, instead of a sharp line. This
shift corresponds to the vibrational frequency of the Si–O bond. The Raman peak is
broadened because glass is a disordered medium, and so the vibrational frequency of
the Si–O bond is somewhat dependent on the random local environment. Assuming
that a strong pump wave at frequency ν p and a weak Stokes wave at a frequency
νst ≈ ν p − 13 THz are launched into the fiber, the Stokes wave gets amplified
through SRS. Since both pump wave and Stokes wave will be fiber modes, their
transversal distribution is fixed during propagation (no diffraction!). Consequently,
only the dependence of the field amplitudes on the propagation distance y has to be
considered. The equation describing the evolution of the Stokes field is:
216 7 Nonlinear Optics
d E st 3ωst (3) ∗ α
=i χ E p E p E st − E st , (7.60)
dy cn s 2
where α is the loss coefficient. It is evident from the structure of the gain term in (7.60)
that stimulated Raman scattering is a third-order nonlinear process. A very important
property of SRS is that phase-matching is always satisfied because the momentum
difference between incident and scattered photon is taken up by the medium.
The equation describing the propagation of the optical power, Pst , as derived from
(7.60), is the following:
d Pst gR
= Pp Pst − α Pst , (7.61)
dy Ae f f
where Pp is the pump power, Aeff the area of the fiber mode, and g R the Raman-gain
coefficient, defined by:
12ωst n p (3)
gR = χ . (7.62)
εo c2 n st I m
Note that the Raman gain depends on the imaginary part of χ (3) . This is not
surprising because processes in which there is an exchange of energy between wave
and medium generally depend on the imaginary part of the electric susceptibility, as
has already been seen in the case of two-photon absorption.
Assuming no pump-depletion, i.e. a constant Pp , the integration of (7.61) gives
the Raman gain in a fiber of length L:
G = exp Pp − α L (7.63)
For instance, at λ = 1.55 µm, taking g R /Aeff = 3.2 × 10−3 m−1 W−1 , Pp = 2 W,
αo = 0.2 dB/km, which means α = 0.46 × 10−4 m−1 , L = 500 m, it is found a
Raman gain of about 25. Signal amplification by SRS is commonly used in optical
communication links.
So far only stationary beams have been considered. What happens with short
pulses? It is found that the Raman gain has a build-up time that is related to the
spontaneous decay time of molecular vibrations. The precise value depends on the
specific vibrational transition, but a typical value is ≈1 ps. Therefore, for pulses
shorter than about 1 ps, the Raman gain becomes smaller and is essentially negligible
for femtosecond pulses.
If only the pump beam is present at the fiber input, then spontaneous Raman scat-
tering provides a weak signal that can act as a seed for growth of the Stokes wave.
If the first Stokes wave becomes sufficiently powerful, then it can in turn generate
the second Stokes, and so on. As a consequence, a large fraction of the input power
can be transferred to the Raman lines. Furthermore, it should be noted that stimu-
lated Raman scattering may be either forward- or backward-propagating in the fiber.
7.5 Stimulated Raman Scattering 217
Fig. 7.10 Scheme of the Raman fiber laser based on a nested cavity. In a laser designed to emit the
third Stokes wave, all the FBGs have high reflectivity, except for the λs3 output coupler
Aeff α
Pcr ≈ 16 . (7.64)
ks ki
νs = = sin(α/2) (7.65)
2π u s π us
7.2 Calculate the second-harmonic conversion efficiency for type-I harmonic gen-
eration in a perfectly phase-matched 2-cm long KTP crystal with an incident beam
at λ = 1064 nm having an intensity of 3 MW/cm2 . (For KTP, n ω = n 2ω ≈ 1.8, and
χ (2) = 13 pm/V).
7.4 A parametric amplifier uses a 2-cm long KTP crystal (n 1 ≈ n 2 ≈ 1.77, χ (2) =
10 pm/V) to amplify light of wavelength 580 nm in a collinear wave configuration.
The pump wavelength is λ = 400 nm and its intensity is 4 MW/cm2 . Determine the
gain coefficient and the overall gain.
7.6 A 1540-nm 2-ns laser pulse impinges on a 1-mm thick GaAs plate. Assuming
a spot size of 0.2 mm and a two-photon absorption coefficient βa = 10.2 cm/GW,
calculate the transmittance of the plate for the two cases in which the pulse energy
is 1 mJ and 100 µJ.
7.7 A laser pulse at λo = 1064 nm propagating into an optical fiber excites a cascade
of stimulated Raman scattering processes. Assuming that the Raman frequency shift
is 13 THz, calculate the wavelength of the second Raman Stokes line, λs2 .
Chapter 8
Abstract This chapter concisely describes the most important applications of pho-
tonics, which are based on the optical methods and devices discussed in Chaps. 1–7.
Section 8.1 deals with the applications to information and communication technol-
ogy. After introducing the design principles of digital information transmission and
recording, the structure and properties of an optical communication link are pre-
sented. This is followed by a description of optical memories and of the prospects
of integrated photonics. Section 8.2 is dedicated to optical metrology and sensing,
including the optical radar, the laser gyroscope, and fiber-optic sensing of temper-
ature, strain, and electric current. The achievements and the potentialities of laser
materials processing are reviewed in Sect. 8.3, with some examples of the many
possible biomedical applications treated in Sect. 8.4. The last three sections concern
topics of very wide interest, with an impact on everyday life: displays, lighting and
photovoltaic energy conversion. In all of these, photonic methods and devices play
an increasingly important role, even if lasers are not directly involved.
Photonics pervades all the aspects of the information and communication technol-
ogy. Optical-fiber transmission of data, voice, and video is the basic technology for
long-haul communications and internet traffic, and is now also reaching individual
users directly via fiber-to-the-home broadband networks. Optical discs are used for
distributing digitally encoded music and films, and for storing large amounts of data.
Printing and photocopying machines rely on lasers. High-speed data processing will
benefit from the development of integrated photonic circuits in the near future.
Before describing specific applications, it is useful to discuss some general aspects
concerning digital information recording and transmission.
A written text is a combination of alphabetical and mathematical symbols. Each
symbol is identified by a sequence of 7 binary units, known as bits, allowing 27 = 128
combinations (ASCII code). As an example, a page of 2000 characters corresponds
to a sequence of 14000 bits, that is, 14 kb.
shift keying” (DPSK). Phase modulation formats allow for more than two phase
levels per single bit, and thus provide an increase in bit-rate, obtainable without
changing the physical structure of the link.
The existing links are using single-mode fibers of type SMR or DS. The effects of
optical dispersion can be compensated for by inserting DIS-CO fibers into the link.
These have a large dispersion parameter, D, with a sign opposite to that of SMR or
DS fibers. Another possibility for compensation is through the use of chirped fiber
Bragg gratings, which are specifically designed to provide a large dispersion with
the appropriate sign.
Since the optical signal is attenuated during propagation along the fiber, there
is a need for periodic signal regeneration. The amplification is usually provided by
the erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs), described in Sect. 6.6. Semiconductor
optical amplifiers (SOAs) can also be used for signal regeneration. These enjoy
different advantages and disadvantages with respect to EDFAs. The main advantages
are electrical pumping, small size, low cost, and a central wavelength that is selectable
through the choice of material. The main disadvantages are the low saturated output
power (which means limited linearity), the sensitivity to signal polarization and to
temperature, the high insertion loss, and high noise. In particular, since the gain
and refractive index of a SOA can evolve on the picosecond time scale, the amplified
pulse may be distorted in both amplitude and phase. In contrast, the gain dynamics of
EDFAs is slow, and so picosecond pulses are linearly amplified with a gain determined
only by the average pump power. As discussed in Sect. 7.6, signal regeneration can be
also performed using Raman fiber amplifiers, which are based on stimulated Raman
scattering. Raman fiber amplifiers can cover a very broad bandwidth. They are often
used in optical links, as amplifiers complementary to EDFAs.
At the receiver a photodetector, such as a p-i-n photodiode or an avalanche pho-
todiode, is used for optical-to-electrical conversion. The demodulation re-creates the
electrical bit stream used at the transmitter to modulate the optical carrier. In every
communication link there is some unavoidable noise added during transmission and
at the receiver, and this leads to errors. The performance of a digital communication
system is measured by the probability of error per bit, known as the “bit error rate”
224 8 Applications
(BER). The BER is required to be <10−9 , which means one wrong bit every billion
bits. All receivers need a certain minimum power to operate reliably. This power
level is known as the receiver sensitivity.
One way of increasing the transmission bandwidth of an optical link is to employ
the technique of “wavelength division multiplexing” (WDM). In this scheme, signals
with different carrier wavelengths are mixed together (i.e. multiplexed) and then
transmitted simultaneously down a fiber, according to the scheme shown in Fig. 8.2.
This technique increases the capacity of an optical fiber system without changing
the fiber and without increasing the bit rate in the single carrier. In order to minimize
cross-talk, the frequency separation between two adjacent carriers (called “channels”
in the optical-communication jargon) must be greater than the modulation bandwidth
used by a single channel. A typical situation is that of a 40-channel WDM system,
using 40 lasers, all operating in the C band, with a wavelength spacing of 0.8 nm
(corresponding to a frequency spacing of 100 GHz). If the bit rate of each channel
is kept around 10 Gb/s, then interference among different channels is negligible.
This system has the same capacity of a single channel that transmits at 400 Gb/s. At
present, WDM systems with a capacity of several Tb/s are available. WDM can play
an important role in a network where a number of users are connected to a central
hub. Each user is assigned a particular transmission wavelength. The individual
wavelength required by each user is isolated by using a narrow-band optical filter.
In an optical memory, data are stored in a digital format on an optical disc, and can be
read-out by a laser beam. An optical disc is a flat circular disc on which binary data
(bits) are encoded in the form of pits (binary value of 0, due to lack of reflection when
read) and lands (binary value of 1, due to a reflection when read) on a special material
on one of its flat surfaces. The diameter of a single pixel and the pixel separation
are about 1 µm. A laser source writes one bit of data at a time on the disc, typically
through a thermal mechanism. The pixels are written along a spiral developing from
an inner radius to an outer radius.
8.1 Information and Communication Technology 225
df = , (8.1)
where a is a numerical constant of the order of 1. The area used to record one bit of
information is 2d f 2 . If λ = 0.8 µm, it is possible to memorize 150 Mb over 1 cm2 .
The basic digital memory unit is the byte (B), which is equivalent to 8 bit. To give
an example of the used notation: 106 Byte = 1 MegaByte = 1 MB.
An important technical aspect concerning the design of optical disc readers is that
the distance between lens and disc surface must remain constant to within an accuracy
of the order of the Rayleigh length (a few microns). This requires a sophisticated
real-time active stabilization system.
The most common optical discs have the following properties.
Compact Disc. A Compact Disc (CD) uses a GaAlAs semiconductor laser, emitting
infrared light of 780 nm, for writing and reading. The laser beam is focused with an
objective that has a NA = 0.45–0.50. The size of the focal spot on the disc surface is
1.6 µm. The CD capacity is of 680 MB.
Digital Versatile Disc. A Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) uses a GaAlAs semiconductor
laser, emitting red light of 650 nm, for writing and reading. The laser beam is focused
with an objective that has a NA = 0.60–0.65. The size of the focal spot on the disc
226 8 Applications
surface is 1.1 µm. The DVD capacity is of 4.7 GB, and can be doubled by using both
disc surfaces.
Blu-Ray. A Blu-Ray disc uses a Ga I n N semiconductor laser, emitting light of
405 nm (notwithstanding the name of the disc, this is violet light!), for writing and
reading. The laser beam is focused with an objective that has a NA = 0.85. The size
of the focal spot on the disc surface is 0.48 µm. The DVD capacity is of 25 GB, and
can be doubled by using both disc surfaces.
The capacity of optical memories could be significantly increased by using “vol-
ume” storage instead of “surface” storage. Such a possibility is actively being inves-
tigated, but, at present, no commercial products are available.
Optical systems, as they have been described throughout this book, contain vari-
ous discrete elements, each made using different materials and technologies, with
dimensions several orders of magnitude larger than the wavelength of light. A major
challenge for the future will be the development of high-bandwidth, low energy con-
sumption optical circuits at low cost. This will be possible provided optical systems
evolve towards combining all devices and components for the generation, manipu-
lation, and detection of light onto a single substrate, i.e. a single “chip”. Such a chip
is the optical analogue of an electronic integrated circuit, and should possibly be
based on silicon, in order to exploit the technologies already available in microelec-
tronics. Silicon is abundant, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Since silicon is
transparent to light of wavelength larger than 1.15 µm, silicon integrated photonics
operates in the infrared. Photonic integration will play a key role in reducing cost,
space and power consumption, and improving flexibility and reliability.
An important application of integrated photonics would be that of realizing on-
chip processors for short-distance optical communications, i.e. the so-called “local
area networks” (LAN). Another very important area concerns optical interconnec-
tions, through transceivers, which are devices that convert electric signals into optical
signals and transport the optical signal from one device to another device. Optical
data transportation is immune from induction effects, and may also reduce energy
dissipation through Joule heating. Indeed, it is believed that a major obstacle for the
realization of next-generation supercomputers will be energy dissipation due to data
transfer among microprocessors and memories. To save energy, power-consuming
parts of the electrical interconnects should be replaced by optical interconnects.
Research and development in the field of silicon photonics is being very actively
pursued. Promising results have been obtained in the design and fabrication of pas-
sive components, such as waveguides, mirrors, and filters. Various types of silicon
modulators have also been tested. The main difficulties concern light amplification,
because electron-hole recombination is not radiative in bulk silicon, as discussed in
Chap. 5.
8.2 Optical Metrology and Sensing 227
To measure distances, light is emitted towards and reflected (or scattered) from an
object. Using the speed of light, and the measured time-of-flight (or phase delay)
of the reflected light, it is possible to calculate the distance between laser emitter
and target object. Different optical methods are available, depending on the range of
distances and on the required accuracy.
Optical radar. Distance measurement with a pulsed-laser radar is based on the time-
of-flight principle: the distance is determined from the time needed by a short light
pulse to travel from the sender to the object, and back. In a range from a few meters to
several hundred meters, this is the method of choice for determining distances. In the
case of pulsed laser radars, every measurement unambiguously corresponds to the
distance to a target object, even if multiple targets are hit by the laser beam. A laser
radar can process fast variations in distance without dynamic errors. This is necessary
for fast scanning of scenes with pronounced distance variations, or measurements of
rapidly changing distances. Laser diodes are generally employed as the light sources.
Fast and sensitive avalanche photodiodes (APD) provide the detectors.
The largest distance ever measured by an optical radar is the distance between the
Earth and the Moon, L EM , which is about 3.8 × 105 km, corresponding to a delay τ
of 2.5 s. Of course, L E M is not constant because the Moon’s orbit around the Earth
is elliptical. It is instructive to discuss the problems encountered in making such a
measurement. The direct signal due to back-scattering from the lunar surface is too
weak to be detected by the receiver, so it was necessary to place a high-reflectance
mirror on the Moon. A normal mirror would be of little use, because it cannot reflect
back in exactly the opposite direction, independently from the value of the incidence
angle. The mirror brought by the astronauts of the first Apollo mission in July 1969
consisted of a two-dimensional matrix of corner cubes (see Sect. 2.2.6), with an area
of As ≈ 1 m2 . Assuming that the laser beam has a divergence of θo = 10−4 rad,
and using (1.40) and (1.41), the radius of the illuminated area on the lunar surface
228 8 Applications
Such a small value would make the measurement difficult. However, the power
ratio of (8.2) can be increased by enlarging with a telescope the radius of the laser
Time-of-flight sensing in pulsed mode is the dominant technique for distances
longer than 50 m and is routinely used for many civilian applications of range sensing,
such as mapping and surveying.
An alternative approach to pulse illumination is to use amplitude modulated con-
tinuous light. In this case a phase shift in the modulation signal is measured between
the launched and the returned light, and the time-of-flight is determined by divid-
ing the phase shift by the modulation frequency ωm . The measurement may present
an ambiguity because the measured phase shift is a periodic function of the dis-
tance. This ambiguity can be eliminated by appropriately choosing the modulation
frequency or by measuring at more than one modulation frequency.
Interferometric method. The target is illuminated by a continuous laser beam,
exhibiting a very good amplitude and phase stability. The back-reflected beam is
superposed with a fraction of the incident beam using a Michelson interferome-
ter, as shown in Fig. 8.3. The light intensity at the detector is proportional to the
square modulus of the sum of the two fields. By using the same approach utilized
to describe the Mach-Zehnder interferometer in Sect. 4.1.2, it can be shown that the
output signal from the photodetector is proportional to cos2 (2π ΔL/λ), where ΔL
is the difference between the two arms of the interferometer. There is ambiguity in
such a result, because the addition of an arbitrary number of half-wavelengths to
8.2.2 Velocimetry
s= . (8.4)
2 sin(θ/2)
A particle suspended in the flowing fluid produces, when crossing the periodic
set of fringes, a scattered light intensity that is proportional, at each point to the
local light intensity. Therefore, the light intensity scattered by the flowing particle is
oscillating in time, with a period equal to the flight time between two consecutive
fringes (i.e. between an intensity maximum and the next intensity maximum). The
oscillation period is TD = s/u, where u is the velocity component in the direction
perpendicular to the fringe planes. Since TD is independent from the observation
direction, the scattered light signal can be collected with a large aperture lens. The
period TD is derived by analyzing the oscillations in the electric current output of
the photodetector. If the full velocity vector is needed, then the measurement must
involve three sets of fringes with different orientations.
Gyroscope. Rotation sensors, known as gyroscopes, are essential instruments for
aircraft navigation. Optical gyroscopes rely on the Sagnac effect, which consists
in a phase shift induced between two light beams traveling in opposite directions
round a circular path when the platform on which the optical components are fixed
is rotating about an axis perpendicular to the platform. In a single-mode ring laser
cavity, the two oppositely directed traveling beams have the same frequency, which
is inversely proportional to optical path length in a cavity round trip, as discussed
in Sect. 3.8. Thus any physical mechanism that causes the optical paths to differ for
the two beams, results in the oscillation frequency being different. To calculate the
expected phase shift, assume that the cavity is a circular ring of radius R. Neglecting
the correction due to the fact that part of the path may not be in air, if there is no
rotation the optical path corresponding to one turn is equal to 2π R for both beams.
Therefore both beams will return to the starting point in a time T = 2π R/c. If,
however, the ring is rotating in a clockwise direction at a rate Ω rad/s, the clockwise
beam will arrive at the starting point in a time T + longer than T because the optical
path is now 2π R plus the extra path ΔL = Ω RT + due to the platform rotation.
From the equation
2π R + ΔL
T+ = , (8.5)
and the similar one that can be written for T − , the round-trip time taken by the
counter-clockwise beam, the two round-trip times are derived as:
+ 2π R RΩ − 2π R RΩ
T = ≈ T 1+ ; T = ≈ T 1− , (8.6)
c − RΩ c c + RΩ c
c T+ − T− 2RΩ
ν+ − ν− = = , (8.7)
λ T λ
where λ is the unperturbed laser wavelength.
Thus by measuring the frequency difference, the rotation of the laser cavity (and
any vehicle to which it is mounted) can be determined. The ring laser gyroscope is
currently utilized in the inertial navigation systems of military aircrafts, commercial
airliners, ships and spacecrafts.
8.2 Optical Metrology and Sensing 233
Most optical sensors are based on the following principle: if the refractive index of
a material depends on an applied external field, then the amplitude of the external
field can be determined by measuring the change of phase delay suffered by a light
beam that is traveling across the material. Since the refractive index of a material
can depend on temperature or pressure or electric field (Pockels effect) or magnetic
field (Faraday effect), it becomes possible to design optical sensors measuring each
of these fields. Particularly interesting, because of their high sensitivity and design
simplicity are optical fiber sensors. In this section, a few examples are considered
with the aim of illustrating the possibilities of this approach.
Temperature and strain sensors. In principle, a measurement of phase delay
requires an interferometer, such as the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, described in
Chap. 4, or the Michelson interferometer, shown in Fig. 8.3. A much simpler scheme
can be utilized with optical fibers by exploiting the properties of the fiber Bragg
gratings (FBGs) described in Sect. 6.5. FBGs reflect only the wavelength of light
that corresponds exactly to the periodicity of the grating. The Bragg wavelength,
as expressed by (6.37), can be shifted by changing the grating period or the effec-
tive refractive index of the grating. Strain modifies the grating period. Temperature
variations affect both the refractive index and the grating period, but around room
temperature the effect of temperature on refractive index is about one order of mag-
nitude larger than that of thermal expansion (or contraction). The typical response
of the Bragg wavelength shift to strain is about 1 pm/µε in the near infrared. The
unit of strain is ε: 1 με corresponds to the elongation by 1 µm of a 1 m long fiber.
The typical temperature response is about 10 pm/◦ C. The Bragg sensor can be inter-
rogated by introducing a broadband light beam and monitoring the back-reflected
radiation with a spectrometer that includes an array of CMOS photodetectors, as
shown in Fig. 8.6. There are a number of situations where it is necessary to monitor
a parameter in many points along a length. Optical fibers can be installed over a
measurement path in a large structure, like a dam, a bridge, an aircraft to monitor the
spatial and temporal behavior of strain and temperature, with the fiber having several
FBGs spaced at intervals along its length. If each grating has a different pitch, then
it becomes possible to monitor the environment along the whole fiber because each
reflection can be recognized by its unique wavelength.
Temperature sensing distributed over a fiber length of several kilometers can also
be performed by sending a short laser pulse along the sensing fiber and detecting the
backscattered Raman light with high temporal resolution. The power ratio between
anti-Stokes and Stokes light, expressed by (7.59), depends on the fiber temperature,
but it is independent of the laser power, the launch conditions and the composition
of the fiber (provided no fluorescence occurs). The only correction required is a
small allowance for differences in the fibre attenuation at the Stokes and antiStokes
wavelengths, when long lengths of fiber are used. By using a pulsed semiconductor
laser emitting at 1550 nm (the minimum loss wavelength for silica fibers), the Stokes
and anti-Stokes lines are found around 1650 and 1450 nm, respectively. The temper-
ature distribution over a few tens of kilometers can be derived from the measured
power ratio with a spatial resolution of a few meters and a temperature resolution of
a few degrees Kelvin. Stimulated Brillouin scattering may also be used for distrib-
uted temperature sensing. The sensing capability here arises from the dependence
of the local acoustic velocity in glass on both strain and temperature. As shown by
(7.65), the Brillouin frequency shift is inversely proportional to the acoustic veloc-
ity. The technique is more complicated than the case of the Raman sensor, because
the measurement of the Brillouin frequency shift requires a pulsed pump and a
counter-propagating continuous-wave probe. Positional information is obtained by
a time-domain analysis of the fiber output.
Electric current sensor. This type of sensor is based on the Faraday rotation effect,
described in Sect. 2.5.4, which states that the polarization of light waves is rotated
when propagating along (or opposite to) a magnetic field inside a magneto-optic
material. The sensor uses the propagation of a linearly polarized optical beam in a
bulk material or in an optical fiber exhibiting a non-zero Verdet constant. Compared
with the bulk devices, the Verdet constant of optical fibers is quite small, but their
optical path length can be increased to compensate for this, by winding the fiber with
a large number of turns around the current conducting element. The intensity of the
electric current i is obtained by measuring the rotation angle θ and using (2.153):
θ = C V μo N i, (8.8)
where N is the number of turns and C V is the Verdet constant of the fiber. As an
example, considering a cable that carries a current of 1 kA, choosing a fiber with
C V = 4 rad(T · m)−1 and putting N = 20, it is found that θ ≈ 5.6◦ . An impor-
tant feature of this approach is that the optical measurement does not interfere with
the electric configuration of the circuit, as would be the case for a standard electro-
magnetic sensor. This fiber sensor, which can be made temperature and vibration
insensitive, is especially well fit to measuring the high currents present in the high-
voltage substations of power distribution systems.
8.3 Laser Materials Processing 235
When an intense laser beam is even partially absorbed by a material, the absorbed
energy goes into heating. The local temperature may become high enough to liq-
uefy or vaporize the material. The time it takes to raise the temperature can be so
short that material is melted or removed before the heat can diffuse out from the
point of beam contact. It is then possible to perform materials processing opera-
tions, such as cutting, welding, drilling, and marking. Essentially, all materials are
processable, metals, plastics, glass, semiconductors, textiles, leather and cardboard.
The materials processing market is the second most important photonic market, after
the information and communication technology.
Lasers are very versatile sources for materials processing. The main advantages
of the laser as a working tool are the following:
• Since there is no physical contact with the processed material, the laser tool does
not wear out, and there is also a reduced probability of a contamination.
• There is a variety of available laser wavelengths, and thus it is always possible to
find the appropriate wavelength of operation for any type of material.
• The beam intensity can be easily modulated spatially and temporally. This allows
the integration of monitoring and control systems based on intelligent photonic
sensing techniques.
• Laser fabrication is environmentally attractive because it reduces energy consump-
tion and chemical waste.
The laser sources most utilized for materials processing are the following; the
diode-pumped neodymium laser and the ytterbium fiber laser, both emitting in the
near infrared around λ = 1 µm, the CO2 laser and the Er-YAG laser, both emitting in
the mid infrared (9–10 µm), and the excimer laser, which emits in the ultraviolet. In
some applications where intense green, blue, or ultraviolet light is needed, the emis-
sion of a near infrared laser is frequency-doubled or tripled, by using the nonlinear
processes described in Chap. 7.
Laser materials processing covers a large variety of applications, including the
possibility of machining materials that would otherwise be very difficult to process
with conventional tools. In the following some of the most important applications
are briefly described.
• Solid-state and fiber lasers operating on a single transverse mode produce a
Gaussian beam that can be focused to the smallest of spot sizes. The huge power
densities associated with the small spot produce excellent cuts in thin and thick
metals, and deep penetration for welding applications. Lasers are widely used for
the process of scribing, in which a pulsed laser is used to drill a sequence of blind
holes along designed fracture lines. Examples are the scribing of silicon solar cells
and of ceramic substrates for the electronics industry. Laser cutting processes are
extensively used in the industrial production of plastics, fabrics, and paper.
• Multi-mode lasers offer scalability of powers up to tens of kilowatts, while still
maintaining a very good beam quality. The wide range of applications with these
236 8 Applications
lasers include cutting of thick automotive parts, heat treating industrial compo-
nents, welding titanium panels for aerospace industry, deep penetration welding
for ship building industry, and clean cutting of thick stainless steels.
• Marking is the process through which an industrial product is identified with a
code, a series number, a date, a producer name, and so on. Q-switched solid-
state and fiber lasers offer excellent performance in laser marking applications.
The ability to focus the pulse power to small spot sizes enables high-speed, high-
quality marking on metals and almost any kind of surface.
• Additive manufacturing, also called three-dimensional printing, is a new process
of making a three-dimensional solid object of virtually any shape from a computer-
aided-design (CAD) model. In this process, successive layers of material are laid
down in different shapes, and a high-power laser (a CO2 or an ytterbium fiber
laser) is used to sinter or melt powder granules of a material to create fully dense
solid structures.
The biomedical applications of photonics can be broadly divided into those based on
high-intensity processes, in which the laser beam melts or vaporizes the biological
material, and those based on low-intensity processes, in which the laser beam is a
diagnostic or manipulating tool. The interaction of light with biological materials
produces a variety of different effects. Thermal effects arise from the conversion of
the energy of absorbed light into heat through a combination of various non-radiative
processes. These do not show a strong wavelength dependence. For high-intensity
of illumination, the temperature at the laser spot on the biological tissue can become
large enough to cause melting or coagulation. Another effect, which can be induced
by ultraviolet light, is photoablation. Since the energy of an ultraviolet photon is larger
than the energy of some molecular bonds, cellular components can be decomposed,
and thus photofragmented species are released from the tissue. Thermal effects and
photoablation are the basis for laser surgery.
The area of biomedical applications of photonics, especially when the empha-
sis is on low-intensity processes, is now frequently called biophotonics. An effect
observed when molecular constituents of cells and tissues are excited to a vibrational-
electronic (vibronic) level by the absorption of a photon is fluorescent light emission.
Fluorescence is a process by which an excited molecule returns to the ground state in
two steps. Firstly, by quickly releasing in a non-radiative way its vibrational energy
and secondly by emitting a photon with an energy smaller than that of the absorbed
photon. Fluorescence has an important role in biophotonics, as a means to detect the
presence of specific molecular groups, or to monitor the interactions of a molecule
with its environment. Also, as will be discussed below, the main optical bioimaging
methods are based on fluorescence.
In some cases, instead of emitting a photon, the molecule excited to an upper
energy level uses its excitation energy to start a chemical reaction. Such a
8.4 Biomedical Applications 237
photochemical reaction is the basis, for example, of the procedure called photo-
dynamic therapy, in which light is used to activate a molecule (called photosensi-
tizer) that then triggers a chain of chemical reactions leading to the destruction of a
cancerous or diseased cell.
The use of photonics for diagnostics is important for biological research, and
may also lead to the development of easy-to-access, minimally invasive, low-cost
screening methods. One aim is to provide a means of early detection of diseases. As
an example, “in vivo” studies utilize optical-fiber endoscopy for the examination of
tissues inside the human body in order to spot the presence of tumors. Another topic
of biophotonic interest is trapping and manipulation of biological cells by using laser
Gaussian beams.
The following sections briefly treat the applications of photonics to ophtalmology
and bioimaging.
8.4.1 Ophtalmology
The first biomedical application of lasers, dating back to the early 1960s, was in
ophtalmology, concerning the cure of retinal detachment. This kind of treatment is
still widely utilized. Another very popular application is the correction of nearsight-
edness, or myopia.
Retinal detachment. The retina is a light-sensitive layer of tissue, positioned on the
inner surface of the eye. Light absorbed by the retina initiates a cascade of chemical
and electrical events that ultimately transmits electrical signals to the brain through
the optic nerve. A retinal detachment is a separation of the retina from the underlying
tissue within the eye. Retinal detachment is one of the leading causes of blindness.
Green laser light can travel through the eye lens and the vitreous humor without
being absorbed. The laser beam can be focused onto the retina, selectively treating
the desired area while leaving the surrounding tissues untouched. This approach
exploits the capability of the laser to perform the welding operation in a position
that is not accessible to a mechanical tool. Retinal detachment is treated by using an
argon laser (λ = 515 nm) or a frequency-doubled neodymium laser (λ = 532 nm).
These wavelengths are close to the sensitivity maximum of the eye, and thus are very
effectively absorbed by the retina.
Correction of myopia. Several visual defects, such as myopia or astigmatism, are
due to the fact that the eye lens does not correctly focus images at the retina position.
A cure for myopia involves using a laser to photo-ablate small sections of the cornea,
which is a thin layer of tissue covering the front of the eye, to correct its radius of
curvature so that light is less tightly focused through the eye lens and onto the retina.
The operation is performed by using an excimer laser, emitting ultraviolet light. In
this type of treatment, three main procedures are followed, known as photorefrac-
tive keratectomy (PRK), laser epithelial keratomileusis (LASEK), and laser in situ
keratectomy (LASIK).
238 8 Applications
8.4.2 Bioimaging
Some recently developed optical methods can be applied to the observation of a wide
range of biological objects at high resolution.
Fluorescence. In addition to traditional optical microscopy, bioimaging methods
based on fluorescence have become increasingly important. A number of cellular con-
stituents fluoresce when excited by visible light. This fluorescence is called endoge-
nous fluorescence. When no endogenous fluorophores are present, as it happens, for
instance, with DNA, labeling of biological structures with exogenous fluorophores
is needed for bioimaging. A very important fluorophore is the green fluorescent
protein (GFP) which is not naturally present in most cells, but can be generated in
situ by a specific biochemical method. The GFP has a major excitation peak at a
wavelength of 395 nm and a minor one at 475 nm. Its emission peak is at 509 nm,
which is in the lower green portion of the visible spectrum. By using different flu-
orophores specifically targeting different parts of the cell and by optically filtering
the fluorescent emission, it is possible to visualize separately the different parts of
a specimen. By using a scanning optical microscope full three-dimensional images
can be reconstructed.
High-resolution fluorescence. Further increased spatial resolution can be obtained
by two recently developed nonlinear optical methods, known as two-photon confocal
microscopy and stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy. In two-photon
microscopy a fluorophore is excited by simultaneously absorbing two photons, each
one having half of the energy required to bring the molecule to its excited state. Two
photon absorption, mentioned in Sect. 7.4, is a nonlinear process with a small cross-
section. Since the transition probability for simultaneous two-photon absorption is
proportional to the square of the instantaneous light intensity, as shown by (7.45),
a train of mode-locked ultrashort laser pulses with a large peak power (≈50 kW)
and a low average power is utilized. The average power must be kept very low to
minimize any thermal damage of the biological specimen. In two-photon microscopy
the excitation beam is tightly focused, and thus the region outside the focus has little
chance to be excited. This eliminates out-of-focus fluorescence, so that the excitation
8.4 Biomedical Applications 239
region is strongly localized. The whole sample can be sectioned by scanning the
focal point. Two-photon microscopy can use a near-infrared-wavelength laser as
the excitation source and produce fluorescence in the visible range. Using infrared
photons instead of ultraviolet or blue photons gives the advantages of less photo-
damage, and better penetration into the sample. The spatial resolution can be smaller
than the size of the focal region of the exciting beam. STED functions by deactivating
the fluorescence of specific regions of the sample while leaving a center focal spot
active to emit fluorescence. This is achieved by using a double-laser design, with a
doughnut shaped depletion beam. By the STED method a spatial resolution of the
order of 10 nm can be attained.
Endoscopy. An endoscope is a medical imaging device inserted into the patient’s
body to get a clear view of the inside. Endoscopy is a great medical breakthrough
because it helps to reduce diagnostic surgeries. In a fiber-optic endoscope light is
guided to the area under investigation by non-coherent fibre optic bundles (bundles
where the optical fibres are not lined up at both ends). The image is transmitted back
by a coherent fibre optic bundle (a bundle where the optical fibres are lined up at
both ends of the fibre so that an image can be transmitted).
Optical coherence tomography. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a reflec-
tion imaging technique similar to ultrasound imaging. A light beam (usually in the
near infrared) is back-scattered from the biological tissue under study, in order to pro-
duce an image. OCT is based on an interferometric scheme similar to that illustrated
in Fig. 8.3. In general terms, the phase relation between successive wavefronts of the
optical signal is maintained within a distance known as “coherence length”, lc , which
is given by the velocity of light divided by the bandwidth Δνs of the source. The
interferometer produces a well-defined interference pattern only if the path-length
difference between reference beam and back-scattered beam is within the coherence
length. In the case of OCT the source bandwidth is very broad, so that lc ≈ 1 µm.
By scanning the path-length of the reference beam, an interference signal appears
only in those positions corresponding to path differences within lc . The interference
pattern contains the information about the refractive index variation of the sample,
which thus non-invasively provides the optical image.
Liquid crystal displays (LCD) are found in a variety of electronic devices, including
cell phones, tablets, laptop computers, computer monitors, TV screens and digital
watches. As a consumer technology, LCD has been in widespread use since the early
1970s when it first appeared in digital watches.
Images in an electronic display are made up of pixels, which are the smallest
distinct element in an image. In color displays the pixel is made of three subpixels,
red, green and blue, which can form any color, when added together at different levels
of intensities. Each individual pixel (or subpixel) is made-up of a light source and an
240 8 Applications
electronic valve which can turn the light on, off, or to some intermediate level. The
light valve consists of a thin liquid crystal film, sandwiched between two crossed
polarizers. The orientation of the liquid crystal molecules is controlled within each
pixel by applying an electric field. To this end, transparent electrodes are patterned
on the glass plates of the liquid crystal cell. The electrodes are made of a thin layer
of indium tin oxide, a semiconductor that has a good electric conductivity and, at
the same time, is transparent to visible light. In the case of the twisted-nematic cell
described in Chap. 4, the pixel is bright in absence of applied field, and becomes
opaque when the liquid crystal molecules are forced to align parallel to the applied
In the case of simple displays, like those of digital watches or pocket calculators,
each pixel is driven separately. In the case of television screens, a matrix connection
is built: on a side of the liquid crystal panel all horizontal lines are interconnected,
whereas at the opposite side the vertical lines are interconnected, in such a way to
select a specific pixel by crossing an horizontal line with a vertical line.
At present there are two common methods of back-lighting in LCD flat panels:
cold-cathode fluorescent lamp and LED. Fluorescent lamps used to be the most
widespread method of back-lighting for LCD TVs, and consists of a series of tubes
laid horizontally down the screen. LED backlighting is now very common and has
been in use in TVs since 2004.
It is a general property of displays based on polarized light that the viewing angle
is limited. Viewing angle relates to how well you can see a display image when
looked at from the side of the display. The lateral visibility is greatly improved by
using the so-called in-plane switching (IPS), instead of the twisted nematic approach.
In IPS the molecular alignment and the orienting electric field are in the plane of the
LEDs are currently used in a large variety of applications, such as displays, street
lights, automotive lighting, ambient lighting, light sources for robotic vision, remote
control units, and so on.
LEDs have an important role in displays. They are used for three-color back-
lighting liquid crystals displays (see Sect. 8.5), and also for directly producing images
in the giant displays at sports stadium, for instance. In those mega-screens, the images
must be very bright, in order to be clearly seen even in presence of full sunlight. A
pixel inside a mega-screen is about 1 cm in size and includes tens of LEDs of the three
fundamental colors. The brightness and color of each pixel are fixed by controlling
the bias voltage of all the LEDs making-up the pixel. High brightness LEDs or
solid-state lasers are also used for projection displays.
Displays made of organic light-emitting diodes, also known as OLEDs, are now
finding more and more uses. Whereas OLED screens were initially limited to the
displays of certain cell phones and car radios, they are now entering into the TV
8.6 LED Applications 241
A photovoltaic cell is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly
into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. The working principle is exactly the same
as that described for photodiodes in Sect. 5.5.2. A photon absorbed in the depletion
layer of a p-n junction generates an electron-hole pair. The migration of the photo-
generated carriers produces an open-circuit voltage difference across the junction, or
a closed-circuit electric current without being attached to any external voltage source.
The energy of solar light can therefore be converted directly into electrical energy.
The electric signal obtained is continuous, but can be converted into an alternating
signal by an inverter. Solar cells were first tested on satellites that were launched in
the late 1950s. The tests were very successful, but the cost of those early devices
made their utilization for civilian electrical energy generation unpractical.
The motivations for a massive development of electricity generation based on
solar energy conversion are quite obvious: (i) the worldwide energy consumption is
continuously growing; (ii) at present about 70 % of electrical energy is produced by
242 8 Applications
burning fossil fuels, and this should be lowered because of environmental problems
and also, on a long-term basis, because hydrocarbons are a non-renewable source
of energy; (iii) solar energy is abundant and is available everywhere on the Earth’s
surface, so that, in principle, each country (even each community) could become
self-sufficient in the production of photovoltaic electrical energy.
The first issue to be discussed in efficient conversion is the selection of the semi-
conductor material, bearing in mind that the incident photon is absorbed only if its
energy hν is larger than the bandgap energy E g . Silicon, exhibiting E g = 1.11 eV
(see Table 5.1), can absorb all visible wavelengths. However, if a visible photon is
absorbed by silicon, the fraction of photon energy exceeding 1.11 eV is lost to elec-
tric conversion, it goes into vibrational energy and is finally dissipated as thermal
Defining the conversion efficiency η as the ratio between the generated electric
power and the incident optical power, and considering that visible (solar) photons
cover the energy range 1.8–3.1 eV, the upper limit of η for a silicon cell is 30 %. A
higher efficiency can be obtained using GaAs cells. By a stack of photovoltaic cells
made with different semiconductors of decreasing E g in such a way to cover the
whole solar spectrum, the upper limit to η would become 68 %, but at the price of a
large increase in cost.
Currently, solar cells are produced from monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline
silicon, and gallium arsenide (i.e., III–V solar cells). Although existing monocrys-
talline or polycrystalline silicon solar cells are economical, their photoelectric con-
version efficiencies only range between 15 and 20 %. By comparison, III–V solar
cells possess a conversion efficiency ranging between 40 and 50 %, but are more
expensive. Typically the semiconductor thickness required to absorb 90 % of the
incident power is about 30 µm. Second generation solar cells use thin-film technol-
ogy, which gives a lower efficiency, but is considerably cheaper. Thin-film solar cells
can employ not only crystalline silicon, but also amorphous silicon.
Another technology in use is that of a high concentration photovoltaic module,
in which the size of the photosensitive area is reduced by concentrating the incident
solar power with a lens. Systems containing large-area concentration lenses and small
III–V solar cells have been successfully tested.
Similarly to the case of light-emitting diodes, where organic compounds can sub-
stitute inorganic semiconductors, photovoltaic cells made of organic photovoltaics
based on semiconducting polymers can be prepared. This may represent a poten-
tially inexpensive means of generating electricity directly from sunlight. However,
at present, the conversion efficiency is lower than that of semiconductor solar cells.
The main attraction of organic photovoltaics is that they can be printed at high speeds
onto large areas of thin, flexible plastic substrate using roll-to-roll processing tech-
niques. This creates the prospect of being able to coat every roof and other suitable
building surface with photovoltaic materials at extremely low cost. Research is ongo-
ing to find organic compounds with a broad absorption spectrum and a sufficiently
long chemical stability.
Appendix A
System of Units and Relevant Physical
The international system of units (SI) is used in this book. The three fundamental
units are meter (m), second (s) and kilogram (kg). A prefix can be added to each unit
to change its magnitude by multiples of 10. A list of prefixes is given in Table A.1.
In engineering it is common to make use of decibel units, abbreviated as dB. Any
ratio R can be converted into decibels through the general definition
Table A.2 lists the values of the physical constants that appear more frequently
throughout the book.
Appendix B
List of Acronyms
Several acronyms are used throughout the book. Each acronym is defined the first
time it appears in a chapter. In any case, to offer a further help to the reader, acronyms
are listed here in alphabetical order (Table B.1).
B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, Wiley Interscience,
2nd ed. 2007.
R. S. Quimby, Photonics and Lasers: An Introduction, Wiley Interscience, 2006.
J-M. Liu, Photonic Devices, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
J. Wilson and J. Hawkes, Optoelectronics, Prentice Hall, 3rd ed. 1998.
Concerning Chaps. 1 and 2
E. Hecht, Optics, Addison-Wesley, 4th ed. 2002.
R. Guenther, Modern Optics, Wiley, 1990.
M. V. Klein and T. E. Furtak, Optics, Wiley, 2nd ed. 1986.
J. W. Goodman, Introduction to Fourier Optics, Roberts, 3rd ed. 2005.
Concerning Chaps. 3–5
A. Yariv, Quantum Electronics, Wiley, 1989.
O. Svelto, Principles of Lasers, Springer Verlag, 5th ed. 2010.
W. Koechner and M. Bass, Solid-State Lasers: A Graduate Text, Springer Verlag,
L. A. Coldren, S. W. Corzine, and M. L. Mashanovitch, Diode Lasers and Photonic
Integrated Circuits, Wiley, 2012.
S. Donati, Photodetectors, Prentice Hall, 2000.
Concerning Chaps. 6–8
J. Hecht, Understanding Fiber Optics, Prentice Hall, 5th ed. 2005.
R. W. Boyd, Nonlinear Optics, Academic Press, 2nd ed. 2003.
G. I. Stegeman and R. A. Stegeman, Nonlinear Optics, Wiley, 2012.
G. P. Agrawal, Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Academic Press, 5th ed. 2013.
G. P. Agrawal, Fiber-Optic Communication Systems, Wiley Interscience, 2010.
S. Donati, Electro-optical Instrumentation, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River,
W. M. Steen and J. Mazumder, Laser Material Processing, Springer, 4th ed. 2010.
M. H. Niemz, Laser-Tissue Interactions, Springer, 4th ed. 2011.
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 247
V. Degiorgio and I. Cristiani, Photonics, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20627-1
A Circular polarization, 5, 69
Absorption cross-section, 88 Corner cube, 41, 227
Acousto-optic deflection, 142
Acousto-optic effect, 137
Acousto-optic filter, 142 D
ADP, 122 3D printing, 236
Airy function, 20, 47 DFB laser, 153, 222
Amplitude modulation, 129, 130, 168, 222 Dielectric constant, 3
acousto-optic, 141 Difference-frequency generation, 205
electro-optic, 128 Diffraction gratings, 55
Anti-reflection coating, 36, 159 blazed, 58
Argon laser, 237 Diffraction theory
Artificial retina, 238 Fraunhofer approximation, 17, 52
Attenuation coefficient, 28, 176 Fresnel approximation, 15
Autocorrelation function, 204 Dirac delta function, 21, 91, 113
Avalanche breakdown, 167 Dispersive prism
Avalanche photodiode, 167, 223, 227 resolving power, 55
Distributed feedback laser, 153
Divergence angle, 13, 103, 115, 227
B Doppler effect, 138, 230
Beam splitter, 40, 126 DVD, 225
Biophotonics, 236
Birefringence, 66, 183, 201
Birefringence phase matching, 201 E
Bit error rate, 223 EDFA, 187, 223
Blackbody, 82, 91 Electric permittivity, 27, 63
Blu-ray disc, 226 Electric susceptibility, 26, 121, 199
Bolometer, 162 Electro-absorption modulators, 167
Bragg wavelength, 186, 233 Electro-optic coefficients, 122
Brewster angle, 31, 32 Electro-optic effect, 121
Brillouin scattering, 218, 234 Electro-optic modulators
half-wave voltage, 128
KDP, 125, 132
C lithium niobate, 130
Calcite, 66, 67 response time, 129
Cat’s eye, 42 Electro-optic switch, 128
Charge-coupled device (CCD), 167, 229 liquid crystal, 136
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 249
V. Degiorgio and I. Cristiani, Photonics, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20627-1
250 Index
Fabry-Perot interferometer, 59, 98 Laser
Faraday effect, 73, 233, 234 carbon dioxide, 108, 110, 235
Fiber Bragg grating, 186, 191, 217, 233 divergence, 103
chirped, 187, 223 efficiency, 101
Fiber lasers, 190 Er-YAG, 235
ytterbium, 235 excimer, 108, 235
Fiber Raman laser, 217 Fabry-Perot cavity, 96, 99, 101, 150,
Fluorescence, 236, 238 191
Focal length, 46, 211 four-level, 106
Franz-Keldish effect, 167 gas, 107
Fraunhofer diffraction, 17, 56 Helium-Neon, 107
Fresnel diffraction, 15, 52 linewidth, 116
Fresnel number, 104 longitudinal modes, 98
loop gain, 97
neodymium, 106, 107, 110, 198, 235
ring cavity, 96, 191
Gaussian spherical waves, 9, 48, 102
complex radius of curvature, 10 ruby, 101, 105
focalization, 49 solid-state, 105
radius of curvature of the wavefront, 11 three-level, 105
Germanium, 165 threshold condition, 97
Group velocity, 180 titanium sapphire, 106, 113
transverse modes, 103
unstable cavity, 103, 212
H Laser Doppler velocimetry, 231
Half-wave plate, 68 Laser gyroscope, 232
Helmholtz equation, 6, 76, 174 Laser pulses
Hermite-Gauss spherical waves, 13, 103 transform-limited, 118
Laser velocimetry, 230
Lead sulfide, 165
I Lens, 45, 51, 52
Index ellipsoid, 64, 123 converging, 46
Index of refraction, 27 diverging, 46
anisotropic materials, 64, 122 Light-emitting diode (LED), 159, 240, 241
dielectric materials, 36 AlGaN, 241
metals, 34
GaAsP, 159, 160
Indium antimonide, 165
InGaN, 160
In-plane switching, 240
white, 161
Iridescence, 40
Light scattering, 176, 214, 218
Limit angle, 32, 171, 173
J Liquid crystals, 135, 239
Jones matrices, 68, 132 Lithium niobate, 122, 124, 199, 200, 206
Lithium tantalate, 122
Lithium triborate (LBO), 200
K Littrow configuration, 59
KDP, 122, 123 Loop gain, 85, 98
Kerr constant, 133 Lorentzian function, 88
Index 251
M polarization-maintaining, 183
Mach-Zehnder interferometer, 126, 228, 233 single mode, 175, 182
Magnesium fluoride, 37, 39 SMR, 223
Magneto-optic effect, 73, 225 step-index, 173, 174
Maser, 83 ZBLAN, 190
Matrix optics, 50 zero-dispersion wavelength, 182
Maxwell equations, 3, 25 Optical fiber sensors, 233
Michelson interferometer, 233 Optical isolator, 74, 188
Mode-locking, 111, 133, 142, 158, 191 Optical Kerr effect, 134, 209
Kerr-lens, 114, 212 Optical radar, 158, 227
Multilayer mirror, 38, 154, 186 Optical soliton, 213
Multiple quantum well, 155, 168 Optical waveguides, 76, 130, 151, 171
propagation constant, 77
silicon, 226
N single-mode, 78
Neodymium laser, 107, 156, 198, 237 Oscillator, 84
Nonlinear optical materials, 200 parametric, 206
Numerical aperture
lens, 47, 225
optical fiber, 173 P
Parametric interactions, 205
Paraxial approximation, 8, 17, 46, 103
O Paraxial equation, 7, 10
OLED, 159, 240 Phase gratings, 57, 137
Optical activity, 71 Phase matching, 197, 205
Optical amplifier Phase modulation, 123, 222
erbium-doped fiber, 187, 223 Phonon, 138, 147
parametric, 205 Photoablation, 236
Raman fiber, 223 Photodetectors
semiconductor, 159, 223 germanium, 165
Optical coherence tomography, 239 photoconductive, 165
Optical communications, 177, 222 photoelectric, 163
Optical dispersion, 27, 178, 213 silicon, 165
Optical fiber Photodiodes, 165
attenuation coefficient, 176 p-i-n, 166, 223
cladding pumped, 189, 191 Photoelastic effect, 137
couplers, 185 Photoelastic tensor, 140
current sensor, 234 Photoelectric cell, 163
DIS-CO, 223 Photomultiplier tube, 164
dispersion, 178 Photon, 3, 138, 146, 197, 206
dispersion length, 180 Photonic crystals, 40
DS, 182, 223 Photovoltaic effect, 166, 241
erbium-doped amplifier, 187 Piezoelectric effect, 123
graded-index, 173 Pixel, 167, 222, 224, 239, 240
group velocity, 180 Plasma frequency, 34
intermodal dispersion, 178 Plastic optical fibers, 185
microstructured, 184 Pockels effect, 121, 124, 199, 207, 233
multimode, 182 Polarizers
normalized frequency, 174 Glan–Thompson, 67
numerical aperture, 173 Polaroid, 67
photonic-crystal, 184 Polaroid, 67
plastic, 185 Population inversion, 89
PMD, 183 Potassium niobate, 122
252 Index
Walk-off angle, 65, 201 ZBLAN glasses, 177
Wave equation, 3, 26, 195 Zinc sulfide, 39
Wavelength division multiplexing, 224
WOLED, 162