The Great Road in The Hollow Earth, Edited by Allen Mackey

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Note: This text has been extracted from the SubGenius Foundation's
sequel to the best-selling tome, The Book of the SubGenius, which is
called Revelation X: The Bob Apocryphon, Hidden Teachings and
Deuterocanonical Texts of J. R. Bob Dobbs, by the SubGenius
Foundation. Well, it is actually part of the unpublished "Outtakes" for
that book, which were later published online (1995). This one is from
"Mutantis" (Revelation X Apocrypha 6), which can be found on the
website for The SubGenius Foundation.

"The Great Road" (Extract from "Mutantis"

--Revelation X Out-Takes).

This may disappoint those who were looking for a more 'elevated,'
high-faluting meaning to life, but HONESTLY: ISN'T THAT
ENOUGH? If it's not, then that's probably because you haven't had
the full-gospel OOZSQUIRT.

And you probably haven't, because the Conspiracy has been watering
down our bloodline, and hence our capacity for Slack Awareness, ever
since we created the Conspiracy in Mutantis in 80,000,000 B. C.
That's right, we created the Conspiracy. Hideously ironic, but true.
Did you really think that something as fiendishly insidious as the Con
could have been devised by NORMALS?? We didn't mean to do it...
we were SET UP by an even BIGGER Conspiracy! Nevertheless, it's
up to "Bob" and us to destroy it, and it's up to you to start--by rooting
and burning it out of yourself.

We're here to make sure you GET that full-gospel Oozsquirt that you
are owed!
"Now that we are on the Highway of Slack, where there's no longer a speed limit,
we may go as fast as we'd like. But we have to pay "Bob" a toll. It cost "Bob," the
first Upright "Bob," and his monks and monsters, a mighty pile to build that

--Dr. Philo Drummond, Road Sermon #576 (1979)

But the most compelling evidence of the glory that was Antiquitum is
The Great Road--something you won't be told about in the controlled
media! (Present company excluded.) Seismic sonar techniques have
revealed, miles beneath the planet's surface, a gigantic, globe-
spanning "ribbon" around the Earth, made of solid stone. Thousands
of meters wide and hundreds thick, it encircles the planet
horizontally, at the equator, and vertically, around the poles. The
Mobil Oil geologists who discovered it originally thought it was a
tremendous wall that had flopped over onto its side... until they found
bi-Cyclopean "traffic lights" at the two intersections (located beneath
the jungles of equatorial Ecuador and an ocean trench off the
southern coast of Malaysia). This 'road,' with intricate interlocking
joints and hinges allowing it to swell and contract with the 'breathing'
of the Earth, had obviously been constructed by an extremely
advanced civilization. Most astounding, however, is that the artifact
predates not only the dinosaurs but even the vertebrates--yet it seems
to be inscribed over its entire length with gargantuan designs of some
impenetrable C'thulhuvian occult significance! As yet, the seismo-
photographs reveal only tantalizing hints of these pictures,
hieroglyphs, or whatever they are. Was "God" an astronaut? A
cartoonist? Is the Earth itself just some... logo?

After the Elder Gods went into self-imposed hibernation following

their Dream Wars, a more degenerate race occupied the Grid System:
the Deros or Supersonic Nazi Hell Creatures from Beneath the
Hollow Earth. Still under their clumsy demonic management today,
the Grid System malfunctions constantly, causing random space-time
warps around the surface of the planet. Both the Deros from the
caverns, and the UFO-riding "Greys" from the star Sirius, take
advantage of these space-time 'portals' not only to broadcast their
insidious silent radio mind control rays into the minds of innocent
humans and SubGeniuses, but also to physically materialize and carry
out abductions and impregnations--all in collusion with the U. S.

Commentary: So there you have it. The ONLY reference in all of the
Hollow Earth literature--fictional to metafictional--to anything that
even resembles this passage on "The Great Road"--and yet it is true.
It is only from some very obscure documents of the Cthulhu Mythos
that I have a (ahem) deeper (ahem) understanding of the subject. It
appears that the proto-Aztec civilization called "Old Ones" (K'n-yani)
by Lovecraft and Zelia Bishop in "The Mound" were indeed
responsible for much of the interior modifications to the planet Earth
in its infancy. That included them building things like the "Great
Road" and the Elder Cities called Leen, Muun, and Thaar. They dwell
in a vast subterranean realm called K'n-yan, and indeed are the same
as the "Elder Gods" of Richard S. Shaver.

Editor, Allen Mackey, late 2017.

Let it be heard:

Cao Nandoses, plai ghe-tuh! CHOK-TA!

End transmission.

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