Miracle of Perio Plastic Surgery: Treatment For Esthetic Smile

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Case Report

Miracle of perio plastic surgery: Treatment

for esthetic smile

Ruchi Srivastava, Pushpendra Kumar Verma, Thakur Prasad Chaturvedi, Adit Srivastava, Pramod Yadav1
Department of Dentistry, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 1Department of Preventive and Community
Dentistry, Sardar Patel Postgraduate Institute of Dental and Medical Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

A smile expresses a feeling of joy, affection, courtesy, self-confidence, and kindness.
The harmony of a smile is determined mostly by the teeth, but also the gingiva plays an
important role. The shape, size, and color of gums affect the smile and overall appearance
of an individual. The appearance of unesthetic anterior teeth or gums may have a significant
psychological and emotional impact on the patient. Gingival pigmentation occurs in all races
of mankind. The clinical melanin pigmentation and excessive gingival display are of major
esthetic concern for many people, especially when it is visible while smiling. Here is a case
report describing a successful management of a 22-year-old female patient with gummy
smile and dark unpleasant gingiva. This problem was resolved by simply removing the
excess of gingival tissues with a crown lengthening procedure involving gingivectomy and
the depigmentation of dark gums was done with scalpel surgery technique, simultaneously.
Both these procedures ultimately produced a satisfactory esthetic result to the patient.

Key words: Crown lengthening procedure, depigmentation, gingivectomy, gummy smile,

scalpel technique.

INTRODUCTION mobile upper lip, or a short upper lip. In these patients,

orthognathic surgery can be performed, but this requires
The harmony of a smile is determined mostly by the teeth, hospitalization and entails significant discomfort. When it
but also the gingiva plays an important role in esthetics. The is due to intraoral reasons then this problem can be resolved
shape, size, and color of gums affect the smile and overall by simply removing the gingiva, via precisely planned
appearance of an individual. The patients with gummy incisions which often produces satisfactory esthetic results.
smile combined with black/brown discoloration of gingival This exposure of clinical crown by gingival tissue excision
tissue often demand for cosmetic therapy. The excessive is known as crown lengthening. In the presence of a good
gingival display may be due to many etiologies which include crown-to-root ratio, esthetic crown lengthening can provide
extraoral etiology such as vertical maxillary excess, hyper an appropriate proportion of the anterior teeth.[1] Normally;
the gingival margin is 1 mm coronal to the cement-enamel
Address for correspondence:
junction (CEJ). If it is greater, then the clinical crown is
Dr. Pushpendra Kumar Verma, Faculty of Dental sciences, Institute shorter than the anatomical crown and so, crown lengthening
of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005, procedure is required. When a crown lengthening procedure
Uttar Pradesh, India. is planned, the biological width needs to be considered
E-mail: pushpendrakgmc@gmail.com and not encroached upon, as this may lead to periodontal
Access this article online breakdown. [2] The biological width is defined as the
Quick Response Code: dimension of the soft tissue, which is attached to the portion
Website: of tooth coronal to the crest of alveolar bone.[3] Garguilo
www.srmjrds.in et al.,[4] and Ingber et al.,[5] established that the biologic
width, calculated by addition of the linear measurement
DOI: of the connective tissue and epithelial attachment, and
quoted as 2.04 mm. The color of the gingiva is determined
by several factors, namely number and size of the blood
SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences | Vol. 4 | Issue 3 | July-September 2013
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Srivastava, et al.: Treatment for esthetic smile

vessels, epithelial thickness, quantity of keratinization, outline the CEJ so that root surface will not be visible after
and pigments within the gingival epithelium.[6] Melanin surgery. Normally, the gingival margin is 1 mm coronal to the
pigmentation is frequently caused by melanin deposition by CEJ. If it is greater, then the clinical crown is shorter than
active melanocytes located mainly in the basal layer of the the anatomical crown and a crown lengthening procedure
oral epithelium. Brown or dark pigmentation or discoloration is required. Therefore, we planned our surgical procedure by
of the gingival tissue is however considered as multifaceted excising 2-3 mm of gingival tissue from the gingival margin in
etiology, including genetic factors,[7] tobacco use,[8] systemic order to maintain sufficient esthetics in the anterior region and
disorders, or a variety of local and systemic factors. Clinical avoid the appearance of a long clinical crown postoperatively.
melanin pigmentation is completely benign and does not The thick, fibrous gingival tissue was excised with a 15 no.
present a medical problem, although this hyperpigmentation blade, following a scalloped pattern around the gingival
needs to be removed for esthetic reasons. margin [Figures 2, 3, and 4]. This was followed by a second
incision into the intracrevicular sulcus. Subsequently, the
CASE REPORT gingivectomy was completed and after this gingival epithelium
or partial thickness flap was excised for depigmentation using
A 22-year-old female patient came to the Faculty of Dental scalpel technique [Figure 5]. Care was taken to remove all
Sciences, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu the remnants of melanin pigment as thoroughly as possible
University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, with the complaint by scraping with scalpel blade. The marginal gingiva was
of excessive gingival display and dark gums in maxillary also very thin and thus some remnants were left in order to
anterior region while smiling [Figure 1]. Careful clinical and prevent gingival recession. Finally a coe-pak was placed over
radiographic evaluations were performed prior to plan any the wound area and oral hygiene instructions were given.
treatment. Extraoral examination revealed no significant Postoperative analgesics and antibiotics were prescribed. After
findings. Her smile line extended to first premolar and 10 days coe-pak was removed and there was no postoperative
approximately 3 mm of excessive gingival tissue was observed complication and healing was satisfactory. After 6 months
on the maxillary anterior teeth on smiling. The treatment a well-epithelialized gingiva appeared, which was pink and
plan included esthetic crown lengthening by gingivectomy pleasant [Figure 6]. The patient was followed-up till 1 year
procedure and for depigmentation a scalpel technique was with no evidence of repigmentation.
planned. Patient’s medical history was reviewed to rule out
any local or systemic diseases. The surgical technique was DISCUSSION
explained to the patient and informed consent was obtained.
Preparation of the patient included scaling and root planing The primary goal of esthetic dental treatment is the
of the entire dentition and oral hygiene instructions. restoration of natural, healthy, and esthetic appearance.
An evaluation of clinical and anatomic crown lengths in
Surgical technique patients with a high lip line is important because incomplete
First of all, the clinical crown length was measured with help anatomical crown exposure may be the principle factor in the
of a UNC-15 probe from teeth 13-23 [Figure 1]. The gingival esthetics of a case. The appearance of healthy gingiva is an
tissue was of thick biotype and had an adequate attached essential component of a pleasing smile.[9] Ideally the smile
gingiva. After local anesthesia (2% lidocaine with 1:80,000 should expose minimal gingiva, the gingival contour should
epinephrine), bleeding points were created from 13-23 with be symmetrical and in harmony with the upper lip. In order
a pocket marker. The purpose of creating bleeding point is to to maintain periodontal health, there should be 2-3 mm of

Figure 1: Preoperative gingival excess Figure 2: Incision

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Srivastava, et al.: Treatment for esthetic smile

Figure 3: After gingivectomy

Figure 4: Excised tissue

Figure 6: Postoperative after 6 months

Figure 5: After depigmentation

attached gingiva.[10,11] In our case, adequate attached gingiva The key to success is a three-dimensional analysis of the
was present and so gingival excision was considered as the clinical objectives associated with the osseous component of
treatment of choice. Periodontal crown lengthening is carried the proposed crown lengthening surgery. The first dimension
for various esthetics and restorative issues such as short teeth, is the occluso-apical dimension, the second is the mesiodistal
excessive gingival display, uneven gingival contour, and to dimension, and the third is the buccolingual dimension.
provide a ‘ferrule’ for post crown provision.[12] In order to However, there was a dramatic improvement in the esthetics
avoid pathological changes, to predict treatment results of the above mentioned case with concomitant lengthening
more precisely, it is necessary to keep gingival biological of the teeth and reduction of the gingival pigmentation.
width unaltered. Authors of wound healing investigations
have reported that an average of 3 mm of supragingival soft CONCLUSION
tissue will rebound coronal to the alveolar crest and can take
a minimum of 3 months to complete vertical growth.­[13] Different treatment modalities have been employed by
So one must be aware that osseous resection could affect different clinicians to enhance esthetics. The treatment
periodontal stability and may pose a contraindication to plan depends on a number of factors, including the
crown lengthening therapy. Our case also described a most level of alveolar bone crest, the height and thickness of
attached gingiva and the patient’s need for interdisciplinary
popular technique, scalpel technique for depigmentation.
treatment. In the above case patient’s acceptance of the
The results obtained till 6 months posttreatment suggested
procedure was good and results were excellent as perceived
excellent results. However, a long-term follow-up is required
by the patient.
to study repigmentation patterns and durability. Above all
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Srivastava, et al.: Treatment for esthetic smile

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How to cite this article: Srivastava R, Verma PK, Chaturvedi TP,
Srivastava A, Yadav P. Miracle of perio plastic surgery: Treatment for
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared
attached gingiva. Arch Environ Health 1983;38:375-8.

SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences | Vol. 4 | Issue 3 | July-September 2013

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