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1-According to law you must eject a guest in which of the following situations?

Select all that

A=Guest is on the premises for the purpose of illegal drugs
B=it has come to your attention that the guest has a weapon
C= Guest is rated yellow
D=You suspect the guest is engaging in prostitution
E=Guest is intent on causing a fight

2-What is the statement defines duty of care?

A=Servers must not serve a guest to the point of intoxication
B=Servers must take reasonable,positive steps to protect others….
C=Servers must take steps to stop an intoxicated guest from driving
D= All of above

3-Who grants licances for the sale and service of alcohol in Ontario?

4-Which serving technique would be the most effective in preventing intoxaction?

A=keep the guest relaxed and happy
B=listen to the guest’s problems
C=Monitor the number of drinks you serve each guest
D=all of above

5-Civil Liabilty means which of the following?

A=You should have to pay damages
B=….. charges could be laid and you could be convicted
C= ……have to pay fines issued by board of trade
6=To be acceptable,identification must meet which of the following criteria?
A=Be issued by the government
B=Include the person’s photo
C=Inclide the person’s birth date
D= all of above

7=Camilla had her last drink just before leaving the bar.She has a 60 minute drive home. Will
the alcohol from her last drink have hit her brain before she gets home?

8=Which one of the following guests is likely to have the fastest-rising BAC
A=A small 120 lb woman
B=Large 180 lb man
C=Guest who drinks on regular basis
D=Guest who is relaxed and playing darts with his friends

9=Which of the following are signs of intoxication?

A=Flushed.red face
B=Loss of inhibitions
C=Influe eyes
D=All of above

10-Cristiano and Benedita brought a nice bottle of white wine to have with their dinner at a
BYOW restaurant but only drank half.They ask the restaurant to re-cork the bottle. Can the
restaurant re-cork the bottle and send it home with Cristiano and Benedita?
11-What is a good way to determine how much your guest is drinking.Select all that apply.?
A=use different glasses for non alcoholic drinks
B=…..together guest in their party
C=…the guest is bill for the number of drinks served
D=Count the number of drinks a guest consumes

12-Which of the following teamwork strategies would be the most useful in controlling the
number of drinks served to a guest ?
A=having the table server check the door-control stamp on the guest’s hand
B=Having a buddy system to rely on in emergencies
C=….a system so you can communicate with co-workers about ….alcohol consumption
D=Creating a team which goes from table to table counting drinks

13-On a normal night(not New Year’s Eve).It is illegal to still be serving alcohol after which of
these times?
A=12 am
B=1 am
D=3 am

14-Serving an underage guest can lead to

A=charges by the poloce
B=charges by the alcohol gaming commission of Ontario
C=Liquer licence suspension or cancellation
D=all of above

15-Who may legally be denied entry to a licensed establishment?

A=Underage persons if stated in house policy
B=Intoxicated persons
C=Anyone driving after the bar has reached its legal maximum
D=all of above

16-Which of the following is true

A=dark beer has more alcohol than light beer
b-Coffee speeds up the sobering process
c=Hangovers are caused by cheap liquor
d-Alcohol depressed the nervous system

17=Which of the following are ways to identify that an ID has been tampered with ? Select all
that apply.
A=Folds and bends on the ID
B=changing numbers on the date of birth especially by the year
C=clear and polish that covers any scratches changes made
D=a faded picture

18=the person who has responsibility and control over the premises,the guests and the
activities conducted on the premises is called what ?

19=which of the following statements is true

A=A BAC chart is only way to find out how much a person can safely drink
b-if the alcohol content is higher than a standart drink,BAC…..will need to be adjusted
c=….and gender do not make a difference when …. a guest’s BAC level
d=Impairment begins with the third begins
20=Ciaran has been drinking and playing trivia with a couple of friends for about three hours
and has four drinks.
On the way to the washroom he stops to engage in a loud conversation with some strangers on
the way.Which sign of intoxication is he exhibiting ?
A=loss of self control & inhibitions
B=….caution, memory
C=Coordination and balance
d-changing vital signs& physical appearance

21= an individual can be found civilly liable

A=under the provisions of the Liquor Licance Act
b-…finding of Negligence
c=……Occupuer’s Liability Act

22=BAC stands for

A=blood alcohol concentration
23=Which of the following activities might,depending on the case, cause the Alcohol and
Gaming Commision of Ontario to revoke a licence?
A=Carrying only one brand of non alcoholic beverage
B=repeatedly serving minors.
C=…..list food prices and descriptions in the menu
D=only selling beer and wine

24=Which of the following not a standart drink

A=12 ounch bottle of beer with 7% alcohol
B=1.5 ounch of spirits with 40% alcohol
C=…… red wine12% alcohol
D=All of above
25=Jane is tending bar at the Legion Hall for a family reunion of about 100 people. There is no
table service for alcohol.Can Jade be held responsible for monitoring the amount of alcohol
served to each of the quests?

26=Thinking about your role as a responsible server,why is it important to understand what a

standart drink is ?
A= to know what kind of glass to use
B=to help your team purchase alcohol
C=to determine how much alcohol a guest has consumed
D=to mix drinks more accurately

27=after stop service time,all acholol must be cleared from the table within :
A=15 min.

28=Which of the following guests wouldyou most likely consider sober?

A=Mana is having difficulty counting her change
B=Adam is unable sit straight in his car.
C=….about his Europan vocation in great detail
D=….offering to buy a round of drunks for strangers at the next

29=In an expenenced or regular drinker, the blood alcohol concentration rises far more slowly
than in a new or occasional drinker since a great tolerance for alcohol lowers a person’s BAC.

30=You should fill out an incident report for both serious things such as a guest becoming
violent or a fight breaking out as well as for things like refusing service to an intoxicated guest
or a minor presenting a false ID selection.

31=the owner,manager,server,bartender,and door person can each be held legally and

personally responsible for an intoxicated customer who injures themselves or someone else.

32= Aban is 25 years old and has been working as a bartender at a trendy bar for about three
years.A young woman sitting at the bar had three drinks in under an hour.Aban refuses to serve
her any more drinks and she gets angry and leaves.
After leaving the club the young woman runs a red light and hits another car.No one is killed
but the driver of the other car has head trauma and several broken bones.Can Aban potentially
be held civilly and criminally liable ?
A=Yes because he over served her and did not stop her from ….
C=No because he refused further service when the thought she was becoming intoxicated.

33=Andela is working the door at a university hangout.She thinks Randy seems underage. He
shows her his ID but she is not sure.it is valid.Does Andela have to let Randy in ?

34=Carly is the manager at restaurant in a fashionable area of town.Town of the guests at table
seven had have had a little too much to drink but they are regular customers who spend a lot
of money at the restaurant.Allie the server tells Carly that she tried to refuse service but one of
the guests is insisting on another raund of drinks
Carly tells Allie to serve the last round and then make sure the guests leave in a cab.The guests
are sent home in cabs but when exiting the cab one guest trips and hits hit head on the
pavement.He is taken to the hospital with fairly serious damage to his head and face.Who can
be held responsible?
A=……Carly since she told Allie to keep serving after Allie wanted to stop service
B=Only Allie since she is the one who served the alcohol
C=both carly and allie.

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