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According to the Department of Information Technology of Olivarez

College and other team. A new automated enrollment system was anticipated
and approved by the administrator., according to the source the enrollment
system will automatically get the student’s information, will easily access and
hassle-free enrollment, this is for student exclusive of any pending back subject
whereas for students with pending back subject, they should meet the selected
person for assessment.

According to Engr. Hediki Hashimoto a Japanese volunteer headed the

creation and conceptualization of the system. The Automated Enrollment System
of Samar State University aims for an accurate, user friendly, efficient system
that can help both the student and personnel for fast data processing of
enrollment. The information technology faculty from the College of Engineering
and Arts and Sciences assisted him. The system that is web based uses PHP
programming language with data stored in My SQL is run through the intranet of
SSU.A dry-run for this automated enrolment was done last summer and the first
semester of this school year. Offices affected with the automation were the
registrar, cashier, accounting, and the Colleges of Education, Engineering, Arts
and Sciences, Industrial Technology, Nursing and Graduate Studies. Feedbacks
from the students were formulated when the first semester started. Over 75 % of
them say that the automation process of enrollment was better compared with
the old system. With the good result of the dry run the automated enrolment
system will be finally implemented this 2ndsemester.In this study, they have used
PHP as for their programming language and they store data using My SQL. As
for the proponents they will use VB.net for their data base and Visual Basic 6.0
for their programming language. And another difference is that they are only
automated and the system only runs through the intranet of the university. This
means that they can’t access the records using the Internet and outside the
The only similarities that the proponents have encountered here is that the
university formulated a powerful database that will hold huge number of data and
can retrieve and track student transactions. This is one of the goals of the
proposed system that the proponents will be developing.
According to the group of IT of FEU, online automated to system is very
efficient and easy to manage during enrolment system. The System is
established and assured to work as Stand-alone application, LAN-Based or
Internet-based with numerous loading capabilities by means of single installation
only. If storing of information data is the most important goal of school, it works
competently over and over the internet involving and users at the same time.
The goal of the school is to improve the enrolment process and to lessen the
errors during enrolment process.
According to Jeremiah T. Sta Cruz their developer of Saint John
Academy Dinalupihan, Bataan, online enrolment system will be planned for the
utilize of staff to facilitate them to create information required by different people
in a fastest and easiest way. Computer is commonly used by all corporation and
organization and one of this is Online Enrollment System. Online enrolment
System serves as a very important part of a school for effortless and wellsituated
way of enrolling.
According to Bacala, Mariel Reaño, Esmeralda Mr. Paulino Gatpandan.
The Online Enrolment System was proposed in substitute of the Manual
Enrolment System of the organization for it to have an structured flow of
transaction and competent of work especially to the administrators of Cavite
Maritime Institute. It helps to retrieve and track all the necessary information from
the students. It helps handle all the records of the students. Thus, for the
administrator and other authorized personnel should be able to lessen their
workloads and errors.
Ebenezer Montessori Christian School, Inc. The study aims provide a
system that will serve their Registrar accurately and with efficiency in matters
related to their enrollment. Objective of Information Technology is to help
humanity from doing loads of work over time. By having computerized system,
the cost during enrollment will be cut down and much effort will be reduced.
The project involves a series of studies that covers all the requirements of
creating a computerized enrollment system
Liceo de Cagayan University. The study meant at creating a system that
would give a further opportunity for enrolling and that would give back for the
schools be short of manpower and time-consuming system. The database of the
system is the db Enrollment. It has several tables and stores information such as
student’s academic records, secretary’s files and records, class schedules,
subjects, curricula and other essential data needed in the system. The
proposed system caters freshmen and transferees that contain some information
just like: subject evaluation, viewing of curriculum, and update profile. The
system helps the management to lessens the enrollment time and work load as
well, and minimizes errors and redundancy.
According to Jefels (2010), Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) is important in primary education because it enables kids to search for the
information they need and to organize what they have found. As children
progress through the school system, they become increasingly responsible for
their own learning. Many believe that ICT needs to be better integrated into
curriculums so all schools produce computer literate, independent learners.
ICT is a global phenomenon, and children who are computer literate at an
early stage of their lives might deal better with the modern world. A sound
knowledge of ICT makes it much easier for children to find and organize
information. An Office for Standards in Education funded study (2009) that took
place between 2005 and 2008 identified good practices in the teaching of ICT.
Although the ICT curriculum was sometimes poorly balanced, its use contributed
to children doing better in some subject areas. The study also found that the
primary school children spent as much time on computers as the curriculum
allowed. Primary school children who do well in ICT spend a lot of time going
over the same ground rather than progressing. The Ofsted study (2009) found
that in more than half the primary schools they visited, children did well in ICT.
However, earlier work found that in more than half the primary schools they
visited, children did well in ICT. However, earlier work found that children did
better in schools where the computing resources were good, but had lower levels
of achievement when resources were fewer.
According to the study of the group of Abrogar (2009), one major factor in
growth in information and communication technology (ICT) is what industry
insiders call "peopleware" - or the human component of the industry. Peopleware
has become a classic on building effective development teams. More than
hardware and software, peopleware completes the equation, which spells the
success of ICT and ICT enabled enterprises in the country. Peopleware is a
term used to refer to one of the three core aspects of computer technology, the
other two being hardware and software. Peopleware can refer to anything that
has to do with the role of people in the development or use of computer software
and hardware systems, including such issues as developer productivity,
teamwork, group dynamics, the psychology of programming, project
management, organizational factors, human interface design, and humanmachine-
According to a student info system (SIS) online enrolment system for
education establishments helps to manage student data. Student information
systems of De La Salle University is the first one that I have heard using an
Online Enrollment system .It provide capabilities for entering student test and
managing many other student-related data needs in a school, college or
university. Also known as student information management system (SIMS, SIM),
student records system (SRS), student management system (SMS), campus
management system (CMS) or school management system (SMS).
According to Carel W. Villanueva of Metropolitan Computer Times, a
well-known architect; and contractor Gilbert Yugave stated their opinions about
the importance of computer: substantial man-hours are saved, errors are
lessened and productivity is increased by 60%.
According to UNO-R Bacolod, AIMS enchances their enrollment system.
The Academic Information Management System or AIMS has enhanced the
enrollment system and academic record keeping of the University of Negros
Occidental Recoletos in Bacolod City. AIMS have greatly improved the school’s
information technology infrastructure. UNO-R students ad their parents can view
the academic records online while enrollment procedures has been reduced to
only 30 minutes or so with corresponding accounts due within 5 days. School
notices and announcements may be read online.
According to Far Eastern University, they decided to automate the
enrollment system in two phases: (1) the development of a system for enrollment
and student’s records for Phase 1 and; (2) the integration of the students’
financial records. They reviewed organizational structures, assigned people to
support groups and asked faculty advisers and staff for training.
The local literature stated above is related to each other because with the
usage of computer they can save time and errors were lessened because of less
paperworks. The systems were done with the help of computer that has
database and the ability store records among students who uses enrollment
Foreign Literature
The on-line student enrollment system enables students to enroll into their
subjects prior to the commencement of their semesters. This enrollment system
not only allows international students to enroll through internet without traveling
to the campus but also incorporates the business rules. These business rules
cover a wide range of regulations and policy such as subject pre-requisite,
student’s payment status, course coordinator’s decision and the correspondence
of students’ seniority to the intended enrolling subjects. Besides business rules,
the system also incorporates various notification mechanisms like Short
Messaging Service (SMS)and E-mail. XML is used to store business rules and
this allows the portability system interface to wider range of devices such as
Personal Device Assistant (PDA). The interface auto-detects the user’s device
either PC/laptop or much smaller screen device such as PDA. In short, the
enrolment system backend engine runs based on the business rules and frontend
engine runs to provide high satisfaction user experience. With the business
and user interface, the system is able to run the workflow of the student
enrolment from the online enrolment form to approval workflow cycle running in
parallel with the notification capability.
According to Ford Apache is a powerful web server designed with a
modular architecture to be both efficient and portable. It is extremely flexible,
offering the ability for a sing server to support multiple websites as virtual hosts
and to act as web proxy. Apache includes standard modules for caching, to
supports SSL/TLS connections, various authentication and authorization
mechanisms, and filtering system. There are many add-on modules that extend
Apache’s functionality providing features, such as templating engines, embedded
interpreters for many scripting languages, and HTTP interfaces to systems such
as the Subversion control system.
This packet reference summarizes Apache’s command-line option and the
configuration directives for the modules in the standard distribution. It covers
Apache version 2.2.9, but most information is applicable to any version of
Apache 2. For comprehensive information, the scale of which is beyond the
scope of a small guide such as this, the Apache documentation website should
be your next point of referral.
Apache is normally run as a system daemon or service, with a parent
process or thread supervising a number of child processes or threads that
perform the request processing. A part from certain core feature, most
functionality is implemented by modules, which may be either statically linked
into the server dynamically loaded on startup.
Operating systems vary in how they implement features such as
networking and multiprocessing. Apache version 2.0 introduced Multi Processing
Modules (MPMs) to provide networking and scheduling models tailored to
particular operating system and usage patterns. MPMs use the native features of
the operating system and provide scheduling using processes, threads, or a mix
of the two. Apache uses only a single MPM at any time, and it must be statically
compiled into the server
According to Pouncey I., York R.. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a
language designed for describing the appearance of documents written in a
markup language such as HTML. With CSS you can control the color the text,
the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and
laid out, what background images or colors are used, and a variety of other visual
effects. One of the major benefits is that the same CSS can be used by more
than one page, meaning that the style of an entire website can be adjusted
without having to change page individually.
The most common use for CSS is to style web pages, and in combination
with HTML or XHTML (which is used to describe content) and JavaScript (which
is used to add interactivity to a site). CSS is a very powerful tool. In the early
days of the Web, nine different proposals were made to the World Wide Web
Consortium, the main standards organization for the Web which is more
commonly known as the W3C, for a style sheet language to help separate the
visual appearance of a document from its content. In 1994, Cascading HTML
Style Sheets was proposed by Hakon Wium Lie, now CTO of Opera Software,
but at the time he was working at CERN with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert
Cailliau, the two men invented the World Wide Web. CHSS become CSS
because CSS can be applied to more than just HTML, and in December 1996 the
CSS level 1 Recommendation was published.
Since then, there more CSS specifications have been published by the W3C.
CSS2 became a recommendation in 1998, with CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 currently
existing as candidate recommendations.
Although CSS 3 is still under development, CSS 2.1 is likely to become a
fully fledged recommendation in the near future and is well supported by all
modern browsers. By using CSS for the presentation of a document, you can
substantially reduce the amount of time you spend composing not only a single
document but an entire website. As you’ll discover, CSS is much more versatile
than the styling mechanisms provided by HTML alone. The versatility of CSS,
when harnessed effectively, can reduce the amount of hard disk space that a
website occupies, as well as the amount of bandwidth required to transmit that
website from the server to the browser.
According to Holzner S., et al, (2009). jQuery is an open-source
JavaScript kit for building Web applications so dynamic they jump off the page.
Filled with special controls like calendars and the folders, and special effects like
wipes and fade-ins, jQuery is gaining popularity rapidly.
Perhaps most important, jQuery gives you excellent support for Ajax
applications. Ajax is what allows you to access a Web server from a browser
without a page refresh-that is, there’s no blinking, no flicker when you download
data behind the scenes with Ajax; you just download the data and then you can
display it in a Web page using dynamic HTML techniques. No fuss no muss- and
the end result is an application that looks more like a desktop application that a
Web application.
With Ajax, the user can do something in a browser page, and the result of
their action appears instantly, updated immediately in the browser window,
without affecting the other contents of the window.
jQuery an open-source JavaScript kit for building web application so
dynamic, they jump off the page. Filled with special controls like calendars and
tab folders, and special effect like wipes and fade-in, jQuery is gaining popularity
rapidly. Specialized in letting you select element in a page and it does better than
any wrapped sets of elements at the same time.
jQuery is a JavaScript library full of tools ready to be used – which means
that it’s prewritten JavaScript, ready for you to put to work in your own Web
pages. In this book, you get a guided tour of what makes jQuery so popular.
jQuery specializes in letting you select elements in a page, and it does
that well than any other JavaScript library. You’ll see how to create wrapped sets
of elements in jQuery, so you can handle multiple elements at the same time.
You’ll also see how to manipulate wrapped sets of elements by changing their
appearance, style, visibility, and even their HTML.
jQuery also comes packed with super-power-full utility functions, such as
functions that let you determine which browser the user has and what its
capabilities are. jQuery provides many utility functions and you’ll get a look at the
best ones in this book.
jQuery is known for its visual effects, which include slick-looking wipes, in
which a sheet of color wipes over an element, and fades, in which an element
and its background fade from view.
According to King T. Reese MySQL is open in every sense of the term. Its
SQL dialect uses ANSIS SQL2 as its foundation. The database engine runs on
countless platforms, including Windows 2000, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, and
Solaris. If no binary is available for your platform, you have access to the source
to compile to that platform.
MySQL has an API for just about any programming language. Specifically,
you can write database applications those applications that access MySQL in C,
C++, Eiffel, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, and Tcl.
MySQL supports several different character sets, including ISO-8859-1,
Big5, and Shift-JIS. It also supports sorting for different character sets and can
be customized easily. Error message can be provided in different languages as
MySQL compares well with other free database engines. It blows them
away, however in terms of performance. In fact, mSQL does not compare with
MySQL on any level. InstantDB compares reasonably on a feature level, but
MySQL is still much faster. PostgreSQL has some cool SQL3 features, but it
carries the bloat of commercial database engines. If you are looking at low-cost
database engines and are using advanced SQL3 features, you probably want
Like many applications, MySQL has a test suite that verifies that a newly
compiled system does indeed support all the features it is supposed to support
without breaking. The MySQL team calls it test suite “crash-me” because one of
its features is to try to crash MySQL.
Somewhere along the way, someone noticed that crash-me was a
portable program. Not only could it work on different operating systems, but you
could use it to test different database engines. Since that discovery, crash-me
has evolved from a simple test suite into a comparison program. The tests
encompass all of standard SQL as well as extensions offered by many servers.
In addition, the program tests the reliability of the server under stress. A complete
test run gives a through picture of the capabilities of the database engine being
MySQL is a relational database management system. It includes not only
a server process to manage databases, but also tools for accessing the database
and building application against that database.
The Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to read and write to
MySQL databases. Using SQL, you can search for, enter, modify, or delete data.
SQL is the most fundamental tool you will need for your interactions with MySQL.
Even if you are using some application or graphical user interface to access the
database, somewhere under the hood that application is generating SQL.
SQL is a sort of “natural” language. In other words, an SQL statement
should read – at least on the surface – like a sentence of English text. This
approach has both benefits and drawbacks, but the end result is a language
unlike traditional programming languages such as C, Java, or Perl.
According to Holzner , PHP stand for “PHP” Hypertext Preprocessor”, but
it is also known around the world for its original name, Personal Home Page. It’s
the server side programming language that’s taken the web world by storm -
PHP is far and away the most popular programming language for use on Web
servers. That’s the idea behind PHP: being able to do some easy programming
on the Web server, creating everything from online database to guest books,
from customer schedulers to chat rooms, from file uploading tools to shopping
carts. It’s all possible with PHP.
Where did PHP come from? PHP users are sometimes started to learn
that PHP has been around for quite some time; it was created by Rasmus
Lerdorf in 1994 (Rasmus wanted a way of logging who was looking at his online
resume). PHP got such a good reputation that by 1995 it was available for use by
other people, and the PHP revolution was underway.
PHP at that time was called Personal Home Page, or Personal Home
Page Tools. At that time, as you might expect, PHP was very simple, and could
be used to create Web page hit counters, guest books, and the like. The 1995
version of PHP was called PHP/FI Version 2.
In time, Rasmus added support for interfacing with Mini SQL (mSQL), and
PHP/FI started growing at an astonishing rate as more people contributed code
to it. There was a real need for an easy Web server programming language then,
and the number of PHP pages just kept growing. In 1996, PHP/FI was already
being used by about 15,000 Web page. In 1997, that number grew to more than
Today, PHP is everywhere you look on the Web, with an estimated 100
million PHP pages (it’s hard to get accurate statistics-if you do a search on
Google for PHP, for example, you get an astounding estimated 2,7400,00,000
hits). PHP is still true to its original name: Personal Home Page, because it gives
you the easiest way to make you Web pages come alive on the server. But PHP
has also become a very professional language, suitable for top-notch sites.
According to Delisle M. PhpMyAdmin is an open source web interface
that handles the administration of MySQL. It can perform various tasks such as
creating, modifying, or deleting databases, tables, columns, or rows. It can also
execute SQL statements or manage users and their permission. When it comes
to exploiting PhpMyAdmin to its full potential, even experienced developers and
system administrators search for tutorials to accomplish their tasks.
PhpMyAdmin is a web application written in PHP; it contains XHTML,
CSS, and JavaScript client code. This application provides a complete web
interface for administering MySQL database, and is widely recognized as the
leading application in this field.
Being open source since its birth, it has enjoyed support from numerous
developers and translators worldwide. The project is currently hosted at
SourceForge.net and developed using their facilities by the PhpMyAdmin team.
Host providers everywhere are showing their trust in PhpMyAdmin by installing it
on their servers. The popular cPanel (a website control application) contains
PhpMyAdmin. In addition, we can install our own copy of PhpMyAdmin on our
web server as long as our provider’s server satisfies with the minimum
The goal of PhpMyAdmin is to offer a complete web-based management
of MySQL servers and data, and to keep us with MySQL and web standards
evolution. While the product is always evolving, it supports all standard
operations along with extra features.
PhpMyAdmin offers features that cover basic MySQL database and table
operations. It also has an internal system that maintains metadata supports
advanced feature. Finally, system administrators can manage users and
privileges from PhpMyAdmin. It is important to note that PhpMyAdmin’s choice of
available operations depends on the rights the user has on a specific MySQL
India’s higher education system is the third largest in the world. The most
significant governing organization at tertiary level is the University Grants
Commission. Which enforces its principles, advises the government, and lend a
hand to organize between the centre and the state? Official recognition for higher
learning is overseen by 12 independent institutions recognized by the University
Grants Commission. As of 2009, India has 2 central university 215 state
universities, 100 deemeduniversities, 5 institutions established and carrying
out under the state act, and 13 institutes which are of national importance. Other
institutions include 16000 colleges, including 1800 exclusive women’s colleges,
functioning under these universities and organizations.
Long Beach City College Switches Online Enrollment System Kopf, David. Southern
California community college Long Beach City College has using with a new Cognos-
enrollment management system that was planned by Irvine, Californian based
services firm e2e Analytix .Prior to installing the new system. The school has two main
campuses and numerous satellites that maintain nine schools and 34 departments,
its enrollment via manual spreadsheets. There is no reporting, continuity, or ordinary
and with extensive error corrections, the school’s enrollment institute budgeting and
scheduling took up to three months to collect, support, and put into action.
School tapped e2e Analytix, which specializes in higher education, to propose a online
enrollment management system. Enrollment management was a exclusive relevance
according to Dan Galuppo, Director of professional services, but the consequence
data collection, consolidation, work flow, and calculations to help LBCC enrollment staff
faster, accessible and more conversant decisions.
According to the Dean of LBCC Ms. Linda Umbdenstock, the new system
provides flexible and useful model development and the solution significantly reduced
the quantity of time to process, combine and apply forecasts. It provided real-time
cost and cost scheduling per semester.
According to Support, Mr. Kerian Greenaway According to Support, Mr. Kerian
Greenaway Coordinator of Admission the system . Edith Cowan University (ECU) at this
there are more than 5, 000 new enrolling students, which has been made easier with
enrolment system. This has permitted ECU to considerably re-design its business
The system is known as the Edith Cowan University Web Enrolment System, and
usual firm copy enrolment. offers proximity and usefulness of course enrolment via the
In terms of enrolment, the student has time to manage of enrolling in a week period,
which allows for any little problems in the system, if the student not able to get online.
also formerly faced difficulties with organization student enrolment management, as
were disseminated across numerous locations, so there was a desire for enhanced
and organizing of student information. International students enjoy easy enrolment
with enhanced time efficiency.
According to Robert John G.and Riceo, Vincent Joel T. of Veritas Parochial School
Pascual enrollment system is developed to help both the old and new students ,to enroll
in a
more well-organized way with no waiting long hours just to fill up forms, that most of the
become redundant, or to wait in line and pay your fees . It is with the Enrollment System
VPS that this new method of enrollment may be achieved. This new variety of system
the student with new options for enrolling. Just by logging on to their website the student
generate his new account for the existing year he is to be enrolled in. All the student has
to do
is to fill up certain forms that do not take more than a few minutes to finish. Then the
will be saved and stored in the school database for upcoming references of the student.
According to Whitten, Bently, Ho, they stated their reason on Why does
computerization help? Saying computer amplifies the potential of the information system
increasing efficiency, reducing errors, and increasing effectiveness.
According to James A. O’Brien, “There are many kinds of information system in the
real world”. All of them use hardware, software, network, and people resources to
data resources into information products. Some are simple manual information systems
where people use simple things such as pencil and paper, or even machines such as
calculators and typewritters.
Today’s technology is influenced by computers. Everywhere you go and everything
you do can be manipulated through computer transactions. Other fields incorporated
computers in their processes, computerization. As Alcuaz said, “The advent of computer
technical automation has drastically change the appearance of today’s offices.” But with
computer technology growing rapidly, the changes continue everyday in offices around
The use of computer technology is continuously evolving because technology doesn’t
stop unless human kind is satisfied. Based on the foreign literature, computers are very
tool. Nowadays they can make work easier and efficient.
Bagahay, Edalie G. et.al on their study: “A proposed enrollment system and records
management system for B.U. College Registrar”, developed enrollment system and
management system of Bicol University Registrar Office. The objective of the study is to
design on effective and efficient computer based system that will provide an increase in
of service to the clientele. Problems are lack of equipment, delay in the submission of
and data errors produced of manual system.
Bacala, Mariel et..al “Online enrollment system for Cavite Maritime Institute
Dasmariñas, Cavite”, stated that the online Enrollment system was proposed in
of the Manual Enrollment System of the institution to have an organized flow of
and an ease of work especially to the administrators of Cavite Maritime Institute.
In the study of Paaño, Aileen P. et.al, “National Training Program Computer-Based
Information System of Aquinas University of Legazpi”, aimed to provide a more effective
information system and more accurate and efficient process of doing the system and
procedures of NSTP. The researchers of the stidy used the software development life
and employed an input-process-output theory and the open system theory.
Aldou, Irene G. “Management Information System for the Department of Tourism
Regional Office No. 5”, created a system that replaced manual system to computerized
information system.
Man continuously searches for improvement regarding on the way of life. Through the
advancement in Science and Technology, computers were introduced which set forth a
generation in technology and computers.
Patrick, H.H “online student enrollment system”, Swinburne University of Technology,
Sarawak Campus Malaysia. This study aims to allow student Administrators to make
queries, notification mechanism, minimize human errors and service oriented
among students.
Governor Andres Pascual College, a software development and IT service firm
implemented its catalyst integrated web platform to provide content management,
processing, marketing, and interactive community function to the two rice schools. This
allows the user to know the contecnt management, transaction processing, marketing,
interactive community functions of a software development.
A Management Information System (MIS) is a system or process that provides the
information necessary to manage an organization effectively. MIS and the information it
generates are generally considered essential components of prudent and reasonable
business decisions.
The importance of maintaining a consistent approach to the development, use, and
review of MIS systems within the institution must be an ongoing concern to both bank
management and OCC examiners. MIS should have a clearly defined framework of
guidelines, policies or practices, standards, and procedures for the organization. These
be followed throughout the institution in the development, maintenance, and use of all
The only similarities that the proponents have encountered here is that they use a very
powerful database that will hold a very large number of data and can keep track of the
students records and transactions. This is one of the goals of the proposed system that
proponents will be developing.


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