Possibility of Sea Water As A Greener Material in Concrete
Possibility of Sea Water As A Greener Material in Concrete
Possibility of Sea Water As A Greener Material in Concrete
Technical Proceedings ISSN 1656-7757, September 28-30, 2011 Makati City, Philippines
ABSTRACT: In the near future, fresh (tap) water will be very difficult to get and scarce. It is
said that in 2025 half of the mankind will live in the areas where fresh (tap) water is not
enough. Also, UN and WMO are predicting 5 billion people will be in short of even
drinking water. Also, in the present, there are some areas where sea water or chloride
contained water are used as mixing water with or without intension.
The authors believe that the possibilities of using sea water as mixing water in concrete
should be investigated seriously.
In this paper, the authors would like to show various possibilities of using sea water as
mixing water in RC members.
The possibilities are shown as follows;
1. Mixed with pozzolanic materials (Blast furnace slag powder, Fly ash, etc.) expecting to
fix the free chloride ion.
2. Mixed with corrosion inhibitor.
3. Reinforced with stainless steel or corrosion resistant reinforcement.
4. Others.
KEYWORDS: sea water; blast furnace slag; corrosion; stainless steel; hydration products;
Besides shown in the introduction, the authors have investigated chloride attack in marine
environment. In these investigations, the authors compared durability of concrete with OPC
and BFS cement and mixed with fresh water and sea water. The results (the authors will
show the research in the later chapter) showed "the difference of durability between the
concrete mixed with fresh (tap) water and mixed with sea water is not so much, but the
difference between the concrete with OPC and BFS cement is very large. Also, the BFS
cement concrete mixed with sea water showed better durability than the OPC concrete mixed
with fresh (tap) water."
Inspired by the fact, the authors believe there are various possibilities of using sea water as
mixing water from the point of concrete technology.
50th ASEP Anniversary International Convention & Exposition, “Safer, Smarter & Greener”
Technical Proceedings ISSN 1656-7757, September 28-30, 2011 Makati City, Philippines
In 1969, around 200 specimens were manufactured to examine the effect of sea water as
mixing water and exposed in tidal zone in Yokosuka, Japan. The followings show the
specimens, materials, test results and considerations [1].
2.1.1 Materials
As cements, Ordinary Portland cement, High Early Strength cement, Moderate cement, Blast
Furnace Slag cement and Aluminate cement were used. Also, the amounts of SO3 were
changed. Some cements contained 2% more SO3 than the others.
As mixing water, fresh water and sea water were used. The chemical components of sea
water are shown in Table 1.
River gravel was used for coarse aggregate, and the maximum size was 25mm. Also, river
sand was used as fine aggregate.
The used steel bars were 9mm diameter round bars which were conformed to the Japan
Industrial Standard. The steel bars were treated by 2% ammonium citrate to be no rust and
shiny surface.
2.1.3 Curing
The specimens were de-molded one day after casting, except specimens with aluminate
cement in that case they were de-molded 4 days after casting. After de-molding, the
specimens were cured in under water (21 degree) until 7 days old after casting. Then the
specimens were exposed in tidal condition.
Compressive strengths were measured at the ages of 7days (only for high early strength
cement concrete), 28days, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years and 20 years. The tests were performed
according to Japan Industrial standards. In a same condition, 3 specimens were tested and the
test data were averaged.
Corroded areas of steel bars were measured using a planimeter and percentages against steel
bars’ surfaces were calculated. For each conditions 3 to 5 steel bars were tested and the
values were averaged.
50th ASEP Anniversary International Convention & Exposition, “Safer, Smarter & Greener”
Technical Proceedings ISSN 1656-7757, September 28-30, 2011 Makati City, Philippines
Corrosion depths of steel bars were measured at the ages of 20 years using a thickness gauge.
The compressive ratio was defined as the ratio between the compressive strength of concrete
mixed with sea water and that mixed with fresh water. The time dependent changes of the
compressive strength ratios were shown in Fig. 1. From this figure, the ratios were
somewhere between 0.9 to 1.1, and the influence of mixing water was not so much.
The time dependent changes of corroded areas were shown in Fig.3. As shown from this
figure, the influence of the kind of cement is much larger than those of mixing water. Also, it
is clearly recognized that the influence of mixing water is negligible.
The corrosion resistant ability of BFS cement can be recognized far better than those of OPC,
HSC and moderate cement even mixed with sea water.
The corrosion depths after 20 years’ exposure are shown in Fig.4. As shown from this figure,
the influence of the kind of cement is larger than that of mixing water. The corrosion depths
with BFS are less than the others’ no matter the kind of mixing water.
2.4 Conclusions
From this 20 years’ exposure test, the kind of mixing water has little influence on the strength
and corrosion. Especially about corrosion, the specimens with BFS is far better than with
OPC, HSC and moderate cement notwithstanding the kind of mixing water. So, in tidal zone,
there is possibility use sea water as mixing water, considering the kind of cement.
50th ASEP Anniversary International Convention & Exposition, “Safer, Smarter & Greener”
Technical Proceedings ISSN 1656-7757, September 28-30, 2011 Makati City, Philippines
Moderate Freshwater 25 6.5 4.8 52.4 37.0 152 290 7742 1264 2.9 -
Sea water 25 4.6 4.0 53.1 36.0 154 290 720 1280 2.9 -
BFS Freshwater 25 3.5 3.0 52.4 37.0 152 290 738 1258 2.9 -
Sea water 25 4.0 3.8 53.1 36.0 154 290 716 1274 2.9 -
BFS+SO3 Freshwater 25 4.2 3.8 54.8 37.0 159 290 729 1242 2.9 -
Sea water 25 4.7 4.1 55.5 36.0 161 290 708 1258 2.9 -
Aluminate Freshwater 25 6.3 3.1 52.1 37.0 151 290 737 1256 2.9 20
Sea water 25 5.1 3.5 52.8 36.0 153 290 716 1272 2.9 -
Figure 2. Time dependent changes of compressive strength ratios (mixed with sea
water/mixed with fresh water)
50th ASEP Anniversary International Convention & Exposition, “Safer, Smarter & Greener”
Technical Proceedings ISSN 1656-7757, September 28-30, 2011 Makati City, Philippines
50th ASEP Anniversary International Convention & Exposition, “Safer, Smarter & Greener”
Technical Proceedings ISSN 1656-7757, September 28-30, 2011 Makati City, Philippines
It is reported that the NO2-/Cl- ratio is over 0.82, the steel bars can be protected from
corrosion, and the surface of the steel bars are passivated.
In the case of the mix proportions shown in Fig.2, the chloride contents are around 2.74
kg/m3 and 77.2mol/m3. This is calculated by the water content (160kg/m3) and chloride
concentration of the used sea water (17100ppm).
Also, same kind of corrosion inhibitor contains 35% Ca(NO2)2 in the solution. The
manufacturer showed the properties of concrete (strength, setting time, etc.) have no problem
adding the inhibitor up to 20l/m3, and it means 4.9kg/m3 and 106.5mol/m3. Then the NO2-/Cl-
ratios can be up to 1.38.
It means there is a good possibility using sea water as mixing water with corrosion inhibitor.
Figure 5. Recomended value of JSCE and experimental result value of critical chloride ion
concentration of stainless steel bars
Clim: threshold chloride ion concentration of stainless steel bars
50th ASEP Anniversary International Convention & Exposition, “Safer, Smarter & Greener”
Technical Proceedings ISSN 1656-7757, September 28-30, 2011 Makati City, Philippines
As shown in Chapter 2, BFS has an advantage in using sea water as mixing water. So in this
chapter, the reaction ratios, pore volumes and compressive strength of early ages are shown
in the case of BFS with sea water and fresh water.
The results of slag reaction ratio tests of BFS cement (Type C) mixing with sea water and
fresh (tap) water are shown in Fig. 6. Specimens were prepared with BFS cement paste
whose replacement ratio of BFS to OPC was 70% and water cement ratio was 0.5. Size of the
specimens was 10×10×40 mm and pre-curing was carried out for 24 hours. At a set time, the
specimens were crushed to prepare the powder specimens passing through the 150μm sieve
for the each chemical analysis.
Mixing with sea water raises the BFS reaction ratio compared to mixing with fresh (tap)
water for the entire period. The increasing has the largest value at 1st day, since then, reduced
and remained.
The results of mercury intrusion porosimetry of BFS cement mixing with sea water and fresh
(tap) water are shown in Fig.7. Total pore volume was decreased by mixing with sea water
compared to data of 1st day. BFS reaction ratio with sea water was lager than that of fresh
(tap) water . Therefore, total pore volume with sea water decreased compared to fresh (tap)
Figure 6. Influence of mixing with sea water on slag reaction ratio on BFS cement
Figure 7. Influence of mixing with sea water on pore volume on BFS cement
50th ASEP Anniversary International Convention & Exposition, “Safer, Smarter & Greener”
Technical Proceedings ISSN 1656-7757, September 28-30, 2011 Makati City, Philippines
The results of compressive strength tests of BFS cement mixing with sea water and fresh
(tap) water are shown in Fig. 8. BFS cement was strengthened in entire period by mixing
with sea water. Strength depends on the micropore structure; accordingly, the representative
index is the total pore volume and the pore diameter. It is concluded that mixing with sea
water decreases the amount of pores, and then strength of BFS cement with sea water was
Figure .8 Influence of mixing with sea water on compressive strength on BFS cement
In this chapter, the reaction ratios, pore volumes and compressive strength of early ages are
shown in the case of BFS with sea water and fresh water as curing water.
The results of slag reaction ratio tests of BFS cement (Type C) curing with sea water and
fresh (tap) water are shown in Fig. 9. Specimens were prepared with same condition as
chapter 5.
Curing with sea water raises the BFS reaction ratio compared to curing with fresh (tap) water
after 7th day. The BFS reaction ratio cured with sea water was increasing after 7th day while
that with fresh (tap) water remained after 7th day.
The results of mercury intrusion porosimetry of BFS cement curing with sea water and fresh
(tap) water are shown in Fig.10. Total pore volume was decreased by curing with sea water
compared with fresh (tap) water. BFS reaction ratio with sea water was lager than that of
fresh (tap) water. Therefore, total pore volume with sea water decreased compared to fresh
(tap) water. WW: Underwater curing after mixing with fresh (tap) water
WS: Seawater curing after mixing with fresh (tap) water
50th ASEP Anniversary International Convention & Exposition, “Safer, Smarter & Greener”
Technical Proceedings ISSN 1656-7757, September 28-30, 2011 Makati City, Philippines
The results of compressive strength tests of BFS cement curng with sea water and fresh (tap)
water are shown in Fig. 11. The compressive strength with sea water was slightly larger than
that with fresh (tap) water. Strength depends on the micropore structure; accordingly, the
representative index is the total pore volume and the pore diameter. It is concluded that
curing with sea water decreases the amount of pores, and then strength of BFS cement with
sea water was increased.
The investigations about the long-term compressive strength (after 91st day) and hydration
properties with sea water could be needed, in order to apply the sea water as curing water in
an effective way.
Figure 11 Influence of curing with sea water on compressive strength on BFS cement
From the test results and discussions shown above. The authors are confident to safely use
sea water as mixing water. The countermeasures of using sea water as mixing water are as
1) Use BFS cement or other blended cement instead of OPC
2) Use corrosion inhibitor.
3) Reinforced with stainless steel or corrosion resistant reinforcement.
Nowadays, the design method is changing to “Performance based design”, so if the
performance in the expected life can be proved over the required level, the concrete mixed
with sea water can be used.
Of course, there are some problems which need more research.
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures, Design,
2007(in Japanese).
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Concrete Library 112, “Recommendations for design and
construction of concrete structures using epoxy-coated reinforcing steel bars”, 2003(in Japanese).
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Concrete Library 130, “Recommendations for design and
construction of concrete structures using stainless steel bars (Draft)”, 2008 (in Japanese).
T. Fukute, K. Yamamoto, H. Hamada: Study on the Durability of Concrete Mixed with Sea water,
Report of the Port and Harbour Research Institute, Vol.29, No.3, 1990 (in Japanese).
50th ASEP Anniversary International Convention & Exposition, “Safer, Smarter & Greener”
Technical Proceedings ISSN 1656-7757, September 28-30, 2011 Makati City, Philippines
Author One is the professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan since 1995. E-mail
Author Two is the master course student of Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan since 2009. E-mail
Author Three is the assistant professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan since 2007. E-mail
Author Four is the worker of Nippon Steel & Sumikin Stainless Steel Corporation. E-mail