Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management 2nd Ed
Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management 2nd Ed
Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management 2nd Ed
and Management
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Atlas of EEG,
Seizure Semiology,
and Management
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Preface • vii
Acknowledgments • ix
1. Introduction to EEG • 1
2. Basic Science of EEG • 6
3. EEG Technology • 30
4. Clinical EEG • 80
5. Seizure Semiology • 235
6. Differential Diagnosis • 252
7. Seizure Management • 269
8. Samples and Case Discussions • 305
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It has been five years since the original edition of this book. Science and clinical practice have
moved on at a rapid pace, with advances in technology, clinical understanding, and diagnostic strat-
egies. In this second edition, Dr. Abou-Khalil and I have substantially expanded and updated the
material in the text, we have added a major section on seizure management, and we have expanded
the section on case studies. We recognize that the busy clinician not only wants a guide to evalu-
ation and diagnosis, but also a guide to medical and non-medical management of disorders. Note
that management strategies come and go and evolve, so this material must be supplemented by
current literature and scientific data.
This book covers the basics of EEG including basic science, technology, performance, interpre-
tation, seizure semiology, differential diagnosis, and seizure management. This book concentrates
on areas that are the specific domain of the authors, inpatient and outpatient EEG and epilepsy,
mainly in adults. While there is some discussion of pediatric EEG, intraoperative monitoring, and
advanced techniques, these sections are limited and are not the principal focus of this work.
The authors chose to adhere mainly to the older and more widely used seizure and epilepsy
classification schemes rather than the less widely used yet thoughtful schemes that are in develop-
ment. However, this edition includes presentation of the most recent recommended classification
schemes. It should be noted that these schemes are not fully developed and are not universally
accepted. In an effort to keep this work at a manageable size, the authors have had to be selective,
and as a result have omitted or limited discussion of some clinical and electrophysiological entities.
The information contained in this work is distilled from many years of clinical experience and
many scientific papers. In this concise text, it was impossible to list all of these valuable works.
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The author would like to extend his sincere appreciation to technicians involved in the performance
of these studies. Also, numerous colleagues have provided material as well as feedback on the first
edition of this text. Special thanks are extended to my son, Karl C. Misulis for extensive work on
the digital imaging, and Riki Rager R. EEG T., B.S., FASET for help with the technical portions
of this text. The author would like to extend great appreciation to colleague, coauthor, and friend,
Dr. Bassel Abou-Khalil, who contributed substantially not only to his authored chapters but also to
much of the rest of the manuscript.
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Karl E Misulis
Electroencephalography (EEG) is an invaluable tool A recent proposal suggested that one unprovoked
for evaluating patients for suspected seizures and seizure is sufficient if there is also evidence of endur-
encephalopathy. While the study of EEG itself can be ing seizure tendency such as epileptiform activity on
exhaustive, as clinicians, we need to keep EEG in its the EEG (Fisher et al., 2005). This proposal has been
supportive role. As such, the study of EEG must nec- controversial and the authors favor the definition that
essarily be performed on a solid foundation of clinical requires at least two seizures.
neurology and basic neuroscience.
2 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
This classification includes somatotopic distribution meaning that they could be widely distributed in one
of the seizure manifestations and evolution of these hemisphere and possibly originating in subcortical
manifestations over the course of the seizure (Lüders structures. Generalized seizures were defined as “orig-
et al., 1998). This classification will not be used in inating at some point within, and rapidly engaging,
this book. bilaterally distributed networks,” which do not neces-
The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) sarily include the entire cortex (Berg et al., 2010a,b).
has classified epilepsy syndromes into types sum- Not included in this classification are non-epileptic
marized in Table 1-3. The classification of epilepsies seizures previously termed pseudoseizures. A major
still has two major subdivisions, localization-related task of the clinician and EEG-reader is the differentia-
(partial or focal being accepted synonyms), and gen- tion of epilepsy from non-epileptic events such as psy-
eralized. Most patients will have only partial-onset chogenic non-epileptic seizures, cardiac arrhythmia,
seizures or only generalized onset seizures, and be vasovagal syncope, orthostatic hypotension, transient
classified into one of these two categories. There is a ischemic attacks (TIA), and other conditions. This is
small group of patients with epilepsy who have both discussed in depth in Chapter 6.
partial-onset and generalized onset seizures. They are
classified in a third category of epilepsies and syn- Semiology
dromes undetermined as to whether they are focal or
generalized. Also classified into that category are sub- Semiology is a non-medical term meaning the study
jects who do not have enough evidence for the type of signs and symbols, which in our context means the
of seizure onset. symptoms and signs of seizures. The semiology of sei-
The classifications of seizures and epilepsies are zures of different localizations is discussed in detail in
evolving. The most recent revision of the seizure Chapter 5. A brief summary is provided in Tables 1-4
classification proposed by the International League and 1-5.
Against Epilepsy has maintained the major division of Semiology in these tables refers to primary gener-
seizures based on onset being generalized or partial, alized seizures (Table 1-4) and partial-onset seizures
but has recommended replacing the term “partial” without generalization (Table 1-5). Partial-onset sei-
with “focal”. Focal seizures were acknowledged to zures with secondary generalization are more com-
originate within networks limited to one hemisphere, plex and are discussed in Chapter 5.
Adapted from the Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy, 1989. Proposal for revised
classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes. Epilepsia 30, 389–399.
4 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
see patients in whom the documented reason for It is performed most commonly for the following
referral is dizziness or headache. Unless there is more indications:
to the story, these are inappropriate reasons for per- • Differentiation of epileptic seizures from
forming an EEG. non-epileptic seizures;
On the other hand, some epileptic syndromes • Classification of seizure type to assist treatment.
are likely under-diagnosed. Non-convulsive seizures, • Localization of the epileptogenic zone in the
including non-convulsive status epilepticus, may be presurgical evaluation of patients with drug-
incorrectly assumed to be metabolic encephalopathy, resistant seizures;
drug intoxication, or critical illness encephalopathy.
Similarly, episodic focal deficits may be assumed to Less common indications for video EEG include:
be transient ischemic attacks (TIA) yet are ultimately • Quantification of seizures, particularly when
diagnosed as partial seizures. In these patients a posi- seizures are very frequent and often missed by the
tive motor component may be subtle or the history patient.
merely incomplete. • Quantification of response to treatment.
• Studying seizure precipitants particularly in reflex
EEG-Video Monitoring epilepsy.
• Documentation of ictal and interictal discharges
EEG-video monitoring refers to prolonged EEG during circadian rhythms.
with simultaneous video recording, intended to cap- • Evaluating the clinical correlate of EEG dis-
ture clinical events. It allows the correlation of brain charges which are unclear as to whether they are
electrical activity with clinical manifestations. ictal or interictal.
Karl E Misulis
Basic Science of EEG 7
Depolarization Electrotonic
Electrotonic Conduction from sodium depolarization
channel opening
Depolarization of a segment of membrane results in
activation of sodium channels. These allow the influx
of sodium down its electrical and chemical gradient. b
The influx continues until the channel closes in a
Electrotonic decay of
time-dependent manner. After the channel is closed, depolarization
it cannot be opened until a fixed period has elapsed
(i.e., the refractory period).
Depolarization of one segment of membrane Membrane distance
results in depolarization of adjacent membrane by elec-
trotonic conduction (see Figure 2-2). The depolarization Figure 2-2: Electrotonic Conduction.
spreads but decays along the length of the membrane. a: Lipid bilayer membrane with sodium channel that is
opened, resulting in depolarization not only at that site but
If the electrotonic depolarization of the membrane is
downstream by electrotonic conduction. b: Graph of expo-
sufficient, an action potential can develop at a locus nential decay in depolarization as a function of distance.
distant from the region of primary depolarization.
8 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
constant, which is a measure of how long it takes for Excitatory transmitters such as acetylcholine and
potentials to decay across a membrane; a longer time glutamate produce depolarization by opening of
constant results in longer duration of depolarizations. sodium and/or calcium channels. The depolarization
Time constant is dependent on a number of factors, can be recorded intracellularly as an excitatory post-
but a major factor is membrane conductance. synaptic potential (EPSP).
Inhibitory transmitters such as gamma-
Time Constant aminobutyric acid (GABA) produce opening of
potassium and/or chloride channels which results in
Time constant is a term used both in membrane physi- loss of excitability not so much by hyperpolarization
ology and in basic electronics. In electronics, time of the membrane, but rather by clamping of the mem-
constant describes the results of a step change in volt- brane potential near the equilibrium potential for
age input on an otherwise electrically stable system. these ions, which is far from threshold. For example,
This is discussed in detail later. In membrane physiol- the depolarization that would normally be produced
ogy, time constant is a measure of the decay of poten- by the opening of sodium channels is blunted by the
tial change of an otherwise stable resting membrane action of inhibitory transmitters essentially locking
potential. the membrane potential near the equilibrium poten-
For an RC circuit, or for a biological system mod- tial for potassium. The potential produced is the
eled as such, the time constant is the time to achieve inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP).
1–1/e of the difference between the old and new
applied voltages, where e is the natural logarithm base. Action Potential
Since e is approximately 2.7, the value of this formula
is approximately 0.63 or 63%. So the time constant is The action potential is due to regenerative opening
the time to achieve approximately 63% of the differ- of sodium channels. The channel opening results in
ence between the new and old voltages.. depolarization of adjacent membrane, which then
The time constant is the product of the resistance causes sodium channels in these areas to open, thereby
and the capacitance across the membrane. perpetuating the depolarization. The channels close in
a time-dependent fashion.
TC = R × C The difference between an action potential and
an excitatory postsynaptic potential is that with an
where TC is time constant, R is resistance to charge action potential the opening of the sodium channels
flow, and C is capacitance of the membrane. results in further depolarization and thereby further
The resistance is the inverse of conductance, opening of more sodium channels, as a regenerative
where conductance is dependent on the number of cycle (see Figure 2-3). The process is regenerative
ion channels that are open. The number of ion chan- until terminated by time and changing conductance
nels is dependent on a number of factors, including to not only sodium but also other ions (e.g., potas-
numbers of channels, current membrane potential, sium and calcium)
and time. Most channels open at certain potential and
close after a certain time. More open channels and
longer open times make for increased conductance, ELECTRONICS
which by inverse is reduced resistance, which by for-
mula is reduced time constant. Basic science of electronics is important not only
for an understanding of how neurophysiological
Postsynaptic Potentials equipment works, but also for understanding how
the patient becomes an integral part of the circuitry.
Postsynaptic potentials are created by the release This understanding can help to minimize artifact and
of neurotransmitter onto the postsynaptic mem- improve the quality of studies.
brane. Transmitters modulate the conductance to The conceptual parallel between electrical circuits
ions on the postsynaptic membrane to produce and biologic circuits is of more than passing interest
their effects. to neurophysiologists. The general physical properties
Basic Science of EEG 9
Circuit Elements
a – b
– – –
4+ 3+
– –
a I b I a
No resistance, resulting Energy dissipation
in high current, short across resistor, lower
circuit current. b c
– –
Figure 2-6: Resistors. –
a: A conductor connects the terminals of a battery. Current
will flow from the positive terminal to the negative terminal – – – – – – –
through the conductor. Electrons are flowing in the oppo- – –
site direction. The magnitude of current will quickly destroy
the battery. b: A resistor is inserted into the conductor cir-
cuit. This reduces the current flow by an amount that is pro- Figure 2-7: Capacitor.
portional to the resistance of the resistor. a: Simple circuit of a battery charging a capacitor. When the
battery is switched on, electrons flow from the negative ter-
minal and onto the lower plate of the capacitor. Electrons
or current. In addition to resistors as part of elec- leave the upper plate and travel through the conductor to
the positive terminal of the battery. The departure of the
tronic circuits, biologic tissues have a resistance to
electrons from the upper plate produces positive-charged
charge flow. holes. b: Close-up of the capacitor during the charging
When current flows through resistors, there is phase. Electrons accumulate on the lower plate and depart
a voltage drop across the resistor which refers to the from the upper plate. c: When the battery is switched off
energy dissipated. Some resistors are purely designed while the terminals of the capacitor are connected, electrons
flow off the lower plate and onto the upper plate. The moti-
for current regulation, whereas other circuit elements
vation for the electron movement is the charge separation
incorporate resistance as a mechanism to produce across the plates of the capacitor.
heat or light. For example, a modern incandescent
bulb uses a high resistance filament to generate light,
although only about 5% of the energy is dissipated as the capacitor is equal and opposite to that of the
light, the rest is dissipated as heat. power supply.
When the power supply is switched off, the only
Capacitors potential difference in the circuit is across the capaci-
tor. Electrons flow from the negative-charged plate
Capacitors are composed of plates of conducting through the connecting conductor and onto the
material separated by non-conducting material (see positive-charged plate, completing the circuit.
Figure 2-7). Therefore, current cannot flow directly Capacitors alter the frequency response of elec-
through a capacitor, although capacitive current can tronic circuits and additionally are used for a variety
flow. Capacitive current is virtual current through the of electronic applications requiring pulsed current—
capacitor. The capacity or capacitance is a measure of such as strobe lights and detonators. The former are
the ability of the capacitor to store energy by separa- used routinely in EEG labs, the latter are not.
tion of charge producing an electric field.
When the power supply is turned on, electrons Inductors
flow and build up on one plate of the capacitor.
Because of repulsive effect on electrons on the other Inductors are simply a coil of conducting wire (see
plate, electrons stream off this plate to the positive Figure 2-8). They capitalize on the general property
end of the power supply, leaving a positive charge. of conductors to build up a magnetic field around
Eventually, the potential developed across the capaci- them when current flows. As electrons flow through
tor is sufficient to oppose the flow of current, and net a straight conductor, a weak magnetic field is created.
electron flow stops. At this point, the charge across This field is large enough to be detected by sensitive
12 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 2-9: Inductor Theory.
Inductor leads
Axis of magnetic field a: Circuit diagram of a power supply (V), inductor, and
current (I) flowing through the circuit. Electrons flowing
through the inductor coil produce a magnetic field. b: Graph
Figure 2-8: Inductor. of the response to a step in voltage (V). The current builds up
Diagram of an inductor coil. The coil of wire results in the but more slowly than expected because some of the energy of
magnetic fields being in effectively the same direction, pro- the current flow is used to generate the magnetic field.
ducing summation of the fields. This makes for a powerful
field that is dependent on the amount of current flowing
through the coiled wire and the number of turns of the coil. Inductors are especially important for radios and a
variety of equipment in which flow of current through
a circuit needs to be controlled. But the biggest impli-
equipment but not typically enough to significantly cation of inductors for neurophysiology purposes is
influence the flow of current. However, when the con- stray inductance. This is unintentional inductance, due
ducting wire is coiled, the magnetic fields from mul- to the presence of wires all around us. While they may
tiple coils are summed, so the magnetic field can be not have all of the turns and tight structure of a com-
substantial. mercial inductor, they can produce sufficient induc-
One use of an inducting coil is as an electromag- tance to cause stray current flow and thereby noise in
net, where a constant current through the coil creates our sensitive neurophysiologic equipment. If all cur-
a stable magnetic field with north and south poles, rent was direct current (DC), so there was little or no
just like a permanent magnet. If there is an iron core change in voltage, this would not be a huge issue, but
in the middle of the coil, then the magnetic field is since line power is alternating current (AC), by defi-
even stronger. However, in the context of neurophysi- nition voltage is swinging from positive to negative
ological equipment, inductors are important for the and back at 50 or 60 Hz, depending on the frequency
effect this magnetic field has on the flowing current. of oscillation of line power. This means that the con-
Consider a power supply connected to an inductor stantly changing magnetic field is causing fluctuating
(Figure 2-9). When the power supply is switched on, current to be induced in conductors of your systems.
current begins to flow but there is a delay in develop- This might be in the microvolt range, but this is more
ment of maximal current. As the magnetic field builds than enough to cause artifact in electrode leads that
up, there is a lag in current until the field is maximally routinely measure these levels of electrical activity.
developed. At that point, the impedance abates and
current freely flows. This is because the energy is Semiconductors
taken from the system in creating the magnetic field.
The energy stored in the magnetic field is reclaimed Semiconductors are so called because they semi-
when the power supply is switched off. In this case, the conduct—they conduct better than non-conductors
current ceases to flow from the battery, and the mag- but less well than conductors. They are composed of
netic field begins to collapse, but this collapse in mag- a non-conducting material that has a few atoms of
netic field causes current to flow through the system, in conducting material intermixed. The base material is
the same direction as it initially did during the charg- usually silicon or germanium and the atoms inserted
ing phase (see Figure 2-9). The production of electric within the base material are often arsenic or gallium.
current by a changing magnetic field is induction. This is doping, and the type of the intermixed material
Basic Science of EEG 13
4+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 4+ Diodes
equipment is for manufacture of transistors. The uni- voltage of the controlling side, so a small amount of
directional conduction used for diodes is the founda- voltage change in the controlling side alters the cur-
tion for transistor theory. rent flowing due to a much larger voltage on the
controlled side. For most transistors of this type, the
Transistors amplification is linear over a large range of input volt-
ages, and the set amplification for each amplifier stage
Transistors are typically composed of three layers of is about 9x.
semiconductors. One of the most common types is Amplifiers are created by using transistors in
the junction bipolar transistor, shown in Figure 2-12. series, to achieve the massive amplification needed to
With no applied voltage, junction potentials develop bring the electrophysiological signal into magnitude
at the NP junctions. The left side of the circuit is the at which it can be used by the attached electrophysi-
controlling side and the right side is the controlled ological equipment.
side. The left side may be the biological voltage of the
patient, and the right side is the rest of the amplifier
circuitry. Circuit Laws
The upper NP junction is reverse biased, and nor-
mally electrons would not flow. The lower PN junc- Overview
tion is forward biased, and current can flow on the
controlling side. When voltage is applied to the con- The basic laws that govern electric circuits are many, but
trolled side, this alters the potential developed at the the most important are:
upper PN junction, resulting in allowance of current • Ohm’s law;
flow. The voltage applied by the EEG machine’s power • Kirchhoff ’s current law;
supply to the controlled side is much larger than the • Kirchhoff ’s voltage law.
Ohm’s Law
Ohm’s law says that for any resistive circuit, the volt-
+ age is equal to the current times the resistance,
V = I × R.
V R Kirchhoff’s Current Law
a b
R1 V R1 R1
R2 V R2
Figure 2-15: Kirchhoff ’s Voltage Law.
a: The sum of the voltage sources and drops in a circuit loop
is zero. b: Kirchhoff ’s voltage law applies to all circuit loops, Figure 2-16: Resistors in Series.
including each of the smaller loops in this diagram and the The total resistance of two resistors in series is equal to the
large loop encompassing both batteries and both resistors. sum of the individual resistances.
Basic Science of EEG 17
is that the total equivalent resistance is the sum of the The greater the resistance, the less the conduc-
individual resistances, and this is correct. tance. If there are two or more routes of conductance,
Expressed mathematically: then each route increases the overall conductance.
The total conductance is equal to the sum of the indi-
RT = Σ Ri vidual conductances. Or:
Amplifier Theory Transistors
Amplifiers do nothing other than increase the mag- Transistors are the most important implementation
nitude of an electric signal. When placed together of semiconductors. Almost all amplifiers use transis-
in various arrangements, transistors can produce tors as a foundation of amplification. Tubes are still
enhanced amplification or can alter the configuration used in some older equipment, but offer no significant
of the signal. advantages with many disadvantages.
The essentials of amplification with transistors
was described above. The biological signal is applied
Amplifier Circuits
to the controlling side and a higher-voltage repre-
Amplifier circuits have two ends, which can be sentation of the signal emanates from the controlled
termed input and output. Alternative names are con- side. Since the amplification needed for computer
trolling and controlled. The input side of the ampli- input is many orders of magnitude greater than
fier receives the biological signal. The output of the most biologic signals, multiple stages are required
amplifier is the enhanced representation of the sig- for amplification. For purposes of discussion, each
nal. This wording is chosen carefully, because it is amplifier stage provides approximately 10x amplifi-
not really just turning up the volume of the signal, cation so that a gain of 1000x requires 3 stages (10 ×
but rather measuring the signal, then using a power 10 × 10 = 103 = 1000). However, in reality, amplifica-
source to drive the output to look like the input tion is closer to 9x.
Amplifiers historically used tubes but currently Single-ended versus Differential Amplifiers
use transistors as their device for controlling and
multiplying signal. In either case, the device is a con- Single-ended amplifiers are the elementary ampli-
trolling device—the input signal controls passage of fying circuits created by the use of transistors (see
electricity through the unit. Figure 2-18). These consist of a transistor with the
a Single-ended amplifier
ref ref
b Differential amplifier
V1 10x
V1-V2 difference
ref ref
Frequency composition of the signal can be altered by There are three basic types of filters:
the three basic filter types: • Passive filters;
• High-frequency filter (HFF); • Active filters;
• Low-frequency filter (LFF); • Digital filters.
• 60-Hertz (or notch) filter.
Passive filters are described in detail because they
The HFF attenuates the higher frequencies, whereas show the mechanism of filters. However, most fil-
the LFF attenuates the lower frequencies. The 60-Hz ters in modern EEG equipment are active or digital.
filter attenuates frequencies around 60-Hz. The Passive filters are so called because they modify the
mechanism of this, however, is complicated. There is signal without use of an exogenous power source.
not a precise cut-off, but rather a decay in amplitude Active filters use transistors and a power supply to fil-
of these frequencies near the selected set frequency. ter the signal. Digital filters are calculations performed
This decay is called the roll-off. The signal drops off by on the digital data created from an analog signal.
a certain amount per octave of frequency, Therefore, The basic construction of the passive filter is the
the filter effect is described by the filter type, the RC circuit (resistor-capacitor circuit; see Figure 2-20).
cut-off frequency, and the roll-off. The RC circuit is a resistor and a capacitor in series
The 60-Hz filter is essentially an HFF and an LFF with a power supply. Current flows through the con-
combined, with a maximal attenuation at 60-Hz. ductor in the direction from the positive side of the
However, frequencies slightly faster and slower than power supply to the negative side. We are speaking of
60-Hz are also attenuated to a lesser extent, and there positive current, which is an electrical convention. In
may be some phase changes, though these changes are reality, current is electrons flowing from the negative
usually clinically insignificant. end of the power supply to the positive end. The effect
Filters are often used to remove artifacts from of the RC circuit can be best seen if meters are placed
EEG signals. Some artifacts have frequencies different across the resistor and capacitor and a measurement
from most EEG frequencies of interest. of current is made.
Meters applied to the circuit will show a potential
Common artifacts are: difference, which in the case of resistor is the voltage
• Electrical artifact; drop—a term which indicates that the applied voltage
• Cardiac (EKG); of the power supply is attenuated by passage through
• Muscle (EMG);
• Tongue movement (glossokinetic);
• Eye movement; I
• Sweat;
• Head movement; R1
• Respiratory movement.
C Vm
What does this have to do with filters? The RC band of interest. For example, if the low-frequency
circuit is the simplest filter. Looking at the single step filter setting is high, then delta activity will not only
voltage just presented, the voltage measured across be reduced in amplitude, but differentiated, making a
the capacitor looks like the signal voltage but with faster component that was not in the original signal.
the high-frequency component filtered out—you can Similarly, if a high-frequency filter is set too low, spike
see what the signal voltage was, but not how fast it got activity will be blunted, perhaps giving the appear-
there. In contrast, the voltage measured across the resis- ance of a normal physiological potential of lower fre-
tor looks like a differential (dV/dt) of the signal voltage quency, again not part of the original biological signal.
(V). We can see the positive change in potential as the A 60-Hz filter can also attenuate spikes, though with
pulse starts and the negative change as the pulse stops, modern equipment, this is not as problematic as it
but we cannot see the plateau in voltage; essentially, the once was.
low frequency component has been filtered out. Phase shift occurs when a rhythm is passed
Rule: For the RC circuit, the voltage across the through a filter. The most common manifestation of
capacitor looks like a high-frequency filter signal and this is a phase lead; this is when the rhythm appears
the voltage across the resistor looks like a low-frequency to move ahead in time, due to a differentiating effect
filter signal. of the filter system. Consider a sine wave as shown in
This is a demonstration of passive filters, and the Figure 2-23.
simplest version—the RC circuit. Active and digital The original signal wave is shown on top, with
filters work in a similar fashion, but their physical peak positivity 1/4 cycle from the beginning (i.e.,
function is greatly different. 90 degrees). The wave is differentiated to filter out the
low frequencies. This is like the low-frequency filter.
Filters in Practice Every point of the lower wave is dV/dt, or the change
in voltage over time; dV/dt is most positive during
Passive filters, such as the RC circuit as just one exam- the rising phase of the native wave, most negative dur-
ple, have greater importance in generation of noise ing the falling phase of the native wave, and zero at
and distortion of signal than in equipment design. the flat points—peak positivity and negativity of the
The electrode leads have inherent resistance and native wave. When the points of peak positivity are
the proximity of the leads and other wires provides highlighted by dots to show a marker of the cycle of
capacitance. Therefore, unintentional RC circuits
can distort the signal voltage arising from the brain in
unpredictable and changing ways. Peak Peak
Active filters are circuits involving semicon-
ductors that amplify and attenuate the signal in a
frequency-dependent fashion. Though the exact Signal (V)
function is not presented here, suffice it to say that
frequency-dependent amplification involves feedback
Peak Peak
circuits that attenuate certain frequencies, and the
Filtered signal
active filters are not constrained by the high- versus (dV/dt)
low-frequency filtering function—specific frequency
bands can be accentuated or attenuated.
Digital filters are calculations performed on the
digitized data. The calculations can be of many types,
including smoothing across multiple data points, often Figure 2-23: Phase Shift.
with weighting, and attenuation of specific frequen- Filters not only alter the frequency response of the signal
cies. Digital filtering is performed on the digitized but can also produce a phase shift, where the peaks of the
data after analog amplification and analog-to-digital waves are not simultaneous with those of the input signal.
conversion. In this example, a filter has caused a phase-lead, where the
filtered signal is ¼ cycle or 90 degrees ahead of the native
Signal distortion occurs when the filtering process signal.
alters the appearance of signals within the frequency
Basic Science of EEG 23
the wave, you can see that the filtered wave is 1/4 cycle deviations in the quality or placement of electrodes
or 90 degrees ahead of the native wave. can greatly alter the recording. At times, electrodes
Phase shift is not important for most EEG appli- are considered to be mere junctures, connections in
cations. However, spikes may appear earlier because the circuit comprising the brain and EEG equipment.
of this phase-shifting effect, though this small effect However, the electrode and it’s interface with the
is not clinically important. Note that phase shift can scalp does have the ability to store and modify electri-
occur with digital filters as well as with analog filters. cal signal.
Filters are set to default values when the EEG Electrodes are connected to the scalp with a conduct-
machine is started. The most commonly used default ing gel, which serves a malleable extension of the elec-
values are: trode. Without this extension, any minor movement
of the head would result in mechanical disturbance
• Low-frequency filter = 1 Hz; of the electrode-scalp interface, producing electrical
• High-frequency filter = 70 Hz; artifact.
• 60-Hz filter = off. For most purposes, electrode basics are critical to
day-to-day performance of EEG.
The LFF may be decreased to better see some slow
Some important technical requirements of electrodes
activity, though most physiologic and pathologic slow
and electrode placement are as follows:
activity is seen well with default settings. The LFF is
increased if there is slow activity that at least partially • Electrodes of the same type and manufacturer;
obscures the recording, including specifically sweat • Equal lead length;
artifact. Unfortunately, increasing the LFF may also • Equal electrode impedances;
attenuate and thereby obscure some slow activity of • Leads are not in proximity to other devices;
clinical interest such as focal or generalized slowing. • Leads are not coiled.
The HFF is almost never increased. Reduction
of the HFF is usually done to attenuate fast activity, Electrodes should all be of good condition and be of
which can obscure the recording. This can include the same type and from the same manufacturer.
electrical artifact and muscle activity (EMG). The
former is best dealt with by the 60-Hz filter as well Electrode Theory
as improving the recording situation. Unfortunately,
lowering the HFF may attenuate and blunt some The electrode-amplifier interface is crucial to the
physiologic fast activity such as epileptiform dis- understanding of electrode theory. A circuit diagram
charges. This means that the epileptiform activity falls can be drawn that encompasses some of the essentials
into the noise of the recording. of the patient-electrode-amplifier interface.
The 60-Hz filter is most commonly needed when Referring to Figure 2-24, the signal voltage (Vs)
performing EEGs in the ICU or other portable is generated by the brain and conducted to the scalp.
position. In the office laboratory, this filter is rarely The electrode resistance (Re) is really impedance,
needed. In the hospital laboratory, the filter should which indicates frequency-dependent resistance.
not be needed, but this is not always realistic. The current flows from these electrodes through the
leads and to the input of the amplifier. The input
Electrodes of the amplifier is high-resistance, which results in
little charge being required in order to detect a volt-
Overview age. Therefore, the input resistance (Rin) should be
much larger than Re and the resistance of the body
Electrodes are often given an afterthought in the per- from which the recording is made. Again, while
formance of EEG, however, electrode properties are we are speaking of resistance, impedance is a more
a critical part of the EEG system, and even minor accurate term.
24 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Needle Electrodes
Needle electrodes are seldom used for EEG, being
used mainly for EMG. Fixation of scalp electrodes
VS is so good that needle electrodes for EEG are all but
C Rin
Intracerebral Electrodes
Figure 2-24: Electrode Theory. Subdural strips and depth electrodes are commonly
Top: Diagram of the electrode-amplifier interface. VS is the used for presurgical monitoring of patients with epi-
signal voltage from the body. Re is the electrode resistance. lepsy. Subdural strips are metallic electrodes that are
Rin is the input resistance of the amplifier. The signal voltage similar to those used for scalp recordings. The direct
is equal to the sum of voltages across the electrode (Re) and
the input resistance of the amplifier (Rin). Bottom: Same continuity of the electrode metal with the brain tis-
diagram as in A, but a small capacitance (C) is inserted into sue is less important than the field of recording. The
the circuit. This capacitance is created by proximity of the exposed area of metal is less than with scalp elec-
electrode leads and electrodes. trodes, so that the field of recording is more restricted.
Depth electrodes are inserted within the brain tis-
sue to a specified target. The exposed area on depth
In the second diagram, there is a small capaci- electrodes is extremely small, again restricting the
tor between the electrode leads. This is not a struc- recording field of view.
tural capacitor but rather is due to proximity of the
leads. This capacitance, along with the resistance of
the electrode-patient interface, creates an RC circuit Analog-to-Digital Conversion and
that can modify the recorded signal. The effect of this Digital Data Manipulation
capacitance is to distort the incoming signal, essen- The analog signal recorded from the brain is ampli-
tially acting as a filter. fied to increase the size of the signal so that there is
The signal seen by the amplifier is the most faithful sufficient signal to obscure noise introduced from the
representation of the input from the brain when all of conduction from head box to the analog-to-digital
the technical requirements for electrodes noted above converter. Subsequently, the analog signal is con-
are met and when the effects of noise-causing errors verted to digital format using an analog-to-digital
have been minimized. converter (ADC). The ADC performs analysis on the
analog signal, sampling the signal at specified times
Electrode Composition and making measurements. Analog-to-digital conver-
sion was discussed above, with Figure 2-19 illustrating
Electrodes are composed of a variety of metals. While the concept.
silver and gold have been traditionally used, a variety The frequency of sampling is dependent on the
of other metals are used. Electrodes are reversible or hardware, but generally, most electrophysiological
irreversible. Reversible electrodes include the typical equipment samples fast enough to have a good repre-
silver chloride electrodes. Reversible electrodes have sentation of time-dependent changes in the biologi-
easy bidirectional chemical reactions accounting for cal signal. The sample is taken in a microsecond, then
the movement of charge. Non-reversible electrodes the converter waits until it is time to sample again.
have difficulty with electron flow in one direction, Most ADC devices use the same converting circuitry
Basic Science of EEG 25
to sample more than one channel, so a sample is taken scratch, using assembly language. More commonly,
from channel 0, then channel 1, then channel 2, and so they are written in high-level languages that rely on
on. When the ADC has converted the complete list, it small sub-applications (applets) or runtime-routines
waits until the next time. The interval between samples for performance of the elementary processes of input
is the intersample interval, or ISI. This is sometimes and drawing, for example.
called the dwell time, although this is a misleading The displays required for the interpretation of
term and should be discarded. The number of samples EEG are generally higher resolution than most budget
per second is the sampling rate, not the sampling fre- displays. The reader is encouraged to spend the extra
quency, the latter being wrong because this is a descrip- money for larger and higher resolution displays. This
tion of amount per unit time and not frequency. greatly improves the ease and accuracy of interpretation.
In practice, the time resolution (sampling rate)
and voltage resolution (amplitude of voltage thresh- Standards
old levels) is so good that the reconstructed wave-
form would be virtually indistinguishable from the Overview
native waveform, and not a rough approximation as
in Figure 2-19. Standards for performance of EEG are established by
The digital data is able to be manipulated in a routine clinical practice and by published recommen-
way that is impossible with analog data. Filters have dations. Many of the technical aspects have already
already been discussed, and most of this discussion been discussed. Chapter 3 presents filter settings,
centered on analog filters. Digital filters are calcula- amplifier gain, display settings, performance of activa-
tions performed on the digital data. tion methods, documentation, and storage.
• Remove high frequencies; There are routine minimum standards that which
• Remove low frequencies; should be met and are outlined in Table 2-3. Special
• Remove specific frequencies, such as 60-Hz line comment about some of the elements is deserved.
power artifact; Duration of recording: While 20 minutes is the
• Identify amount of specific frequency bands minimum for most patients, diagnostic sensitivity is
(power spectral analysis); served by longer recordings, even of 30–60 minutes.
• Identify potentials that might be epileptiform Also, if a patient appears to be approaching some
activity (spike detection); event, then continued recording is certainly needed.
• Identifying sleep stages (particularly for sleep Technicians need to be sensitive to the clinical
studies, not discussed here). situation.
Activation methods: Photic stimulation is per-
These calculations are not perfect. Frequency and formed on most patients. Hyperventilation (HV) has
timing distortion can occur, including phase shifts. a number of contraindications discussed elsewhere,
but separate from that, HV is not performed on intu-
Digital Displays bated patients.
Filter and gain: Standard settings are used initially,
Computer displays are most commonly used. Paper but these may have to be adjusted to achieve a quality
records are considered obsolete and as such are not recording. In general, this is discouraged since adjust-
discussed in detail. Modern machines display the ing these may alter the recording so that an incorrect
EEG data on a computer screen. clinical interpretation is rendered.
The mechanisms to show data on the screen are Electrode impedance: A wide range of electrode
part of computer operating systems, and the pro- impedances is proposed, but in general the impedances
gramming consists of calculations then telling the should be as similar as possible. Similar impedances
computer what you want the picture on the screen are more important than low impedances. Similarly,
to look like. Few modern programs are written from it is not always possible to maintain impedances less
26 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
than 5 kohm, so in that circumstance at least we should as originating in defined nuclei, but in general, the
have the impedances approximately equal. electrical potentials represent the summed electrical
Qualified technologist and physician: What serves as activity from a substantial number of neurons.
qualified for technician and physician can be debated, EEG recorded from the scalp is generated by the
but comprehensive training and practical experience cerebral cortex, with the portion of the cortex adja-
are essential. The training and experience of the prac- cent to the skull being the greatest contributor.
titioner are more important than the paper board cer-
tification. One could pass neurophysiology boards by Cortical Potentials
reading texts, but this would not suffice as adequate
interactive training. Most cortical efferents are oriented perpendicular to
Standard montages are discussed in this text. Most the cortical surface. The gyration of the cortex results
digital machines allow for changing the montage dur- in only a fraction of the cortical efferents being ori-
ing review. ented perpendicular to the scalp. Therefore, those
Recording storage: The recordings are to be kept, but neurons would be expected to have a disparate contri-
most states do not give specific guidelines for mainte- bution to the surface-recorded EEG. Electrical activ-
nance of the records. Each lab should consult regula- ity at the large cortical neurons produces dipoles that
tions in effect at their locations. But in the absence of are summed to generate the scalp EEG. It is thought
defined regulations, the following would be reasonable: that summated excitatory postsynaptic potentials
(EPSPs) and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
• Keep reports indefinitely; (IPSPs) are responsible for most of the EEG activity
• Keep digital recordings of adults for at least recorded at the scalp. Surprisingly, action potentials
10 years; probably have a lesser contribution to the EEG. The
• Keep digital recordings of children until they longer duration of postsynaptic potentials is more in
reach 21 years of age. line with the duration of most scalp recorded EEG
activity, while action potentials are too short.
EEG activity is due to charge movement in neuronal Scalp electrodes are unable to see all of the elec-
membranes. It is attractive to think of EEG activity trical activity of the brain. Synchronous activity
Basic Science of EEG 27
Attenuation and Suppression circuit loops between the cortex and thalamus. This
type of abnormality is reported in conditions affecting
Attenuation and suppression are sometimes used both cortical and subcortical structures, as well as in a
interchangeably, but they are slightly different. number of toxic/metabolic encephalopathies, and in
Attenuation refers to reduction in the amplitude of deep midline lesions. In the latter situation, general-
the EEG; this says nothing about the frequency com- ized bisynchronous slow activity may be referred to
position. Suppression is also lower amplitude but is as a projected rhythm.
typically very low in amplitude and often is associated
with a loss of faster frequencies. Generalized Asynchronous Slow Activity
neuronal exhaustion but rather by this mechanism of Spikes and sharp waves are occasionally surface
inactivation. There may be membrane effects inde- positive. In neonates, positive spikes and sharp waves
pendent of active inhibition to terminate seizures, yet may have a particular significance due to association
the exact mechanisms of seizure termination are still with intraventricular hemorrhage.
under study.
Spikes and Sharp Waves
There is a grey zone between interictal activity and
Sustained depolarization of a neuron can result in ictal activity. Repetitive discharge on the crest of
multiple action potentials on the crest of the depo- the PDS may be prolonged to produce a seizure. In
larization. If one neuron is activated by this burst, addition, a prolonged discharge of one neuron may
there will likely be no neurologic symptoms and the then entrain a group of adjacent neurons to depo-
discharge will not be recorded from scalp electrodes. larize and repetitively discharge, thereby producing
However, if there is synchronous activation of multi- expansion of the region of epileptogenic activity and
ple neurons, this can be recorded on scalp electrodes prolongation of the discharge to duration which is
as a surface negative spike or sharp wave. clearly ictal.
Karl E Misulis
EEG Technology 31
a b
F3 C3 P3
Fp1 G Fp2
Fp1 F7 T3 T5 O1
F7 F3 Fz F4 F8
T3 C3 Cz C4 T4
T5 P3 Pz P4 T6
O1 O2
• Lay the tape from Fpz to Oz through T3. FP1 distance anterior to O1. Measure in the same
is 10% of this distance from Fpz, F7 is 20% of manner for Fp2, F8, O2, and T6 over the right
this distance posterior to Fp1. O1 is 10% of this hemisphere.
distance anterior to Oz, and T5 is 20% of this • Lay the tape from Fp1 to O1 through C3. F3 is half
the distance between Fp1 and C3. P3 is half the
distance between C3 and O1. Repeat for the right
side, with the tape from Fp2 to O2 through C4.
F4 is half the distance between Fp2 and C4, and
P4 is half the distance between C4 and O2.
• Lay the tape from F7 to F8 through Fz, F3, and F4
Anterior temporal to ensure that the distance between the electrodes is
Inferior frontal
equal. Then lay the tape from T5 to T6 through Pz,
P3, and P4 to ensure equal interelectrode distances.
The following are the new and old names for the • Clean dead skin and dirt from the region, using
revised 10-20 system: the cotton-tipped applicator and a skin-prep gel.
• T7 = T3; • Scoop some conductive gel into the electrode.
• T8 = T4; • Place the electrode in position over the skin.
• P7 = T5; • Put a 2"x2" gauze pad over the electrode and push
• P8 = T6. it firmly onto the head, providing a seal, which
prevents the electrode from falling off the scalp.
Applying Electrodes The electrodes are attached to the scalp using gel,
which is a malleable extension of the electrode. The
Which to Use: Gel or Collodion gel serves to maximize skin contact and allow for fixa-
tion on the skin, which minimizes the effect of small
Electrodes are placed by either paste or collodion.
amounts of movement. The gel lowers the impedance
Paste is commonly used for routine short-duration
of the electrode-skin interface.
EEG recordings. Collodion is also sometimes used
Removal of gel-fixed electrodes is easy. The gauze
for routine recording, but is more commonly used for
pads are pulled off, then the electrodes are gently pulled
long-term recordings such as inpatient and ambulatory
off, tilting them to release the vacuum effect. Then, the
monitoring and sleep studies. Collodion takes longer
gel left on the scalp can be largely removed by rubbing
to apply and remove, so that paste is preferentially
with a warm, wet washcloth. After the patient washes
used for routine recording. Before application of elec-
the hair that evening, all traces of the recording are gone.
trodes by either method, the skin must be prepared.
Application of Electrodes with Collodion
Application of Electrodes Using Gel • Prepare the head at the electrode positions as
• Locate the positions for electrodes using the mentioned for electrode gel.
10-20 electrode placement system. • Place the electrode on the scalp.
• Separate strands of hair over the electrode positions • Place a piece of gauze soaked with collodion over
using the wooden end of a cotton-tipped applicator. the electrode.
EEG Technology 35
Nasopharyngeal Electrodes surgery through burr holes. The strips allow for a
To record from the mesial-basal temporal cortex, detailed map of the recorded electrical activity. The
nasopharyngeal electrodes were used in the past, but strips are typically in an array on a small sheet, so
are now much less frequently used. These electrodes there is spatial coverage over the cortical surface.
can be irritating and increasingly so with the passage of Subdural strip electrodes should only be used by
time. In addition, they are unstable and are likely to be physicians trained and experienced in placement and
dislodged with casual movement, as well as by move- interpretation, and only as part of a comprehensive
ment with a seizure. They are certainly not appropriate epilepsy intervention program.
for long-term monitoring beyond a few hours.
Depth Electrodes
Supraorbital Electrodes Depth electrodes are used to localize seizure foci
For patients with suspected orbitofrontal seizure ori- for surgery. A depth electrode consists of an array of
gin, supraorbital electrodes may enhance the record- electrodes on a single barrel that is inserted into the
ing of epileptiform activity and ictal onsets from the brain, usually in the temporal lobe. There are mul-
anterior orbitofrontal cortex. It should be noted, tiple electrode contacts on the side of the electrode
however, that supraorbital electrodes will frequently array, so superficial and deep electrical activity can be
record anterior temporal discharges. Therefore, the recorded. The electrodes are placed stereotactically
interpretation of activity originating in the supraor- on the basis of imaging, scalp, or subdural EEG data,
bital electrodes will depend on the field of this activity. and/or clinical suspicion.
Only trained and experienced epileptologists
Needle Electrodes should use depth electrodes, and these are used
Needle electrodes offer no advantages over conven- almost exclusively for preoperative evaluation.
tional surface electrodes and should not be used for
routine studies unless recording cannot be accom- Physiologic Monitoring
plished any other way. The risk of infection to the
patient and technician is unacceptably high. It is often important to monitor physiological param-
eters in conjunction with the EEG (see Table 3-2).
Nasoethmoidal Electrodes Electrocardiogram (EKG) is the most important and
Nasoethmoidal electrodes are impractical as they needs to be monitored in all patients. One reason is that
require placement by an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) EKG artifact often appears on EEGs and could result
specialist. They are seldom used in routine practice. in confusion regarding the origin of some sharp poten-
tials. Additional electrodes for physiological monitor-
Invasive Electrodes ing need to be used predominantly in neonatal EEGs,
in brain death recordings, and in select situations, par-
Invasive electrodes are used almost exclusively for ticularly for intensive care unit (ICU) recordings. They
presurgical evaluation. include, but are not restricted to the following:
EEG technologists should be encouraged to be pro- marker in the middle of the page is eye opening with
active and creative, adding electrodes as needed. For the expected attenuation of the background. Two sec-
example, if the patient has right arm jerks and EEG onds later, there is onset of eye blink.
potentials that may possibly be linked to these, the Movement of the globe creates slow activity that is
tech could add an electrode over the right arm, which easily identifiable as ocular in origin when eye blink is
would help the electroencephalographer in identify- vertical. However, lateral eye movements and roving
ing a consistent relationship between the two. gaze can easily be confused with pathologic frontal
slow activity (see Figure 3-8). Lateral and vertical con-
EKG Electrodes jugate eye movements produce disparate deflections
EKG electrodes are almost always placed for routine on the eye leads, so that slow activity on the EEG can
EEG, but especially are useful during long-term EEG definitively be determined to be cerebral or ocular.
monitoring and sleep studies. EKG monitoring is
particularly helpful for patients having routine EEG EMG Electrodes
when there are sharp transients that might be EKG EMG is a frequent contaminant of EEG recordings, espe-
or slow transients that may be pulse artifact (see cially in temporal leads. EMG artifact may be mistaken
Figure 3-6). Because of the common cardiac and vas-
cular contamination of the recordings, routine EKG Fp1-A1
lead placement is certainly reasonable, as long as ade-
quate channels remain available for EEG electrodes.
Eye Movement Electrodes
Eye movement artifact is common due to the polar-
ization of the globe. The globe can be considered to
be a dipole, with the corneal region positive com-
pared to the posterior retinal region. The recorded P3-A1
Respiratory Monitoring
Respiratory monitoring can be performed in a num-
E2 E1 ber of ways. One is by chest transducer, essentially a
b E4
strain gauge around the chest recording chest excur-
Right sions. Airflow can be measured by a detector near the
E1- E2 nares, but this has a greater possibility of disturbing
the patient. Airflow meters can be used on intubated
Down patients, but this is seldom clinically indicated.
E3 - E4
a b
Fp1 G Fp2
9 13
1 5
F7 F3 Fz F4 F8
10 2 17 6 14
A1 T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 A2
11 3 18 7 15
T5 P3 Pz P4 T6
4 8
O1 O2 12 16
c d
1 1 2
2 3 4 5 11 3 4 12
6 7 8 9 10 11 6 14
13 5
12 13 14 15 15 7 8 16
16 9 10
Figure 3-10: Montages.
Common montages used in clinical practice: a: Electrode placement terminology, b: Longitudinal bipolar, c: Transverse
bipolar, d: Referential
• Pattern of electrode connections should be made Recommended montages for routine use in adults
as simple as possible and the montages easily and children after the neonatal period are shown in
comprehended. Table 3-3. Additional channels are used when avail-
• Bipolar electrode connections should run in a able and needed. The additional channels may be
straight unbroken line with equal interelectrode used for EKG, eye movements, respirations, or EMG.
distances. The ipsilateral ear reference (Ipsi) can be replaced
• Display of more anterior electrodes generally should with the linked reference (LE) if there is prominent
be placed above those of more posterior location. EKG artifact from one or both ear references. The
• At least some common montages should be used EKG artifact tends to be of opposite polarity on the
between studies for ease of comparison. two sides, and linking the ears will usually attenuate
it or eliminate it.
In addition, some recommendations that most labs
adhere to include:
• Display of left-sided electrodes generally
should be placed above those of right-sided Localization of an abnormal potential depends on
electrodes. spatial mapping using the electrode positions and
• Although 16 channels are considered minimum, applied montages discussed above. Here, we will
montages should be used employing the maxi- discuss montages and localization in more detail.
mum number of channels of the machine. Modern EEG equipment allows for changing of
• Three classes of montages should be used: montage on the fly, and allows for review of the same
• Longitudinal bipolar; epoch in multiple montages for comparison. This
• Transverse bipolar; is only part of the post-processing that can be per-
• Referential. formed on digital EEG recordings.
• If sufficient channels are available, polygraphic
channels are desirable. EKG is most commonly Referential Montages
recorded, but EMG and respiratory monitoring In referential montages, a single reference or two ref-
can be of value. erences (as in linked ear reference recordings) will
EEG Technology 41
be in the second input of each channel, while active contaminated. Therefore, the average reference is not
electrodes are in the first input. In the ideal situation ideal for examining generalized spike-and-wave dis-
where the reference is neutral, potentials of interest charges and other generalized abnormalities. The ipsi-
are compared by amplitude, the largest amplitude lateral ear reference, or linked ear reference, is optimal
reflecting the center of the field. However, references for evaluation of generalized discharges, which tend to
are frequently not neutral, hence the importance of have the lowest amplitude in the temporal periphery.
considering more suitable references. With digital The ear reference is not suitable for temporal lobe dis-
EEG recordings, this task is facilitated, as the same charges since the ear can be considered a lateral-basal
potential can be examined with a variety of refer- temporal electrode. It is frequently involved in tempo-
ences. Thoughtful consideration of the most appro- ral lobe discharges. The average reference will usually
priate reference is necessary. be a more appropriate reference for studying tempo-
The average reference is derived from averaging ral lobe activity. However, if the temporal lobe activ-
the activity of all electrodes (except frontopolar and ity has a wide field, the average reference could also
anterior temporal, which are subject to large eye become contaminated. Using the midline electrodes
movement artifacts). Assuming that no large field (Cz, Fz or Pz) is useful, particularly for evaluating
synchronous activity is present, there is cancella- ictal activity if the ictal discharge has not involved the
tion based on cerebral activity being out of phase in midline. In particular, if the discharge field is ante-
different channels. The average reference is ideal for rior, Pz could be sufficiently distant to be neutral. In
any focal abnormality. However, when discharges contrast, if the ictal discharge is predominately pos-
have a wide field, the average reference may become terior, then Fz would be more appropriate. In some
42 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
instances, the average reference can be manipulated to Localization of Potentials in a Bipolar Montage
become neutral by removing affected electrodes from In a bipolar montage, localization is accomplished by
the average reference. identification of reversal of polarity. Below are several
Laplacian referential montage is excellent for iden- situations and the expected pattern with each.
tifying focal gradients by using a unique reference for
each electrode, weighted by surrounding electrodes. • Potential is present in a single electrode: In this situ-
The Laplacian montage is excellent for pointing out ation, there will be reversal of polarity between
small focal potentials with a steep gradient, but is not the two channels that have this electrode in com-
appropriate for displaying generalized activity. mon. (see Figure 3-11)
• Two electrodes involved, both contained within a
Localization in a Referential Montage chain of electrodes, and not involving the ends of
Localization in a referential montage is dependent on the chain: The channel that compares the two
amplitude, assuming the presence of a neutral refer- affected electrodes would show cancellation.
ence. The channel containing the highest amplitude The reversal of polarity will be seen across that
will represent the location at the center of the field. channel. One can state that there is a reversal of
Unfortunately, there is no ideal reference that is polarity across a zone of equipotentiality between
always neutral. For very focal discharges, the average electrodes B and C. The two channels showing
reference is very suitable, because the contribution of a deflection will be mirror images of each other,
the focal discharge to the average is greatly diluted by again with equal amplitude of opposite polarity.
the uninvolved electrodes. (see Figure 3-12)
• Two electrodes, unequally involved, each contained
Bipolar Montages within the chain, with the ends of the chain not
Bipolar montages are composed of chains linking involved: There will be reversal of polarity seen
adjacent electrodes. These chains are either longitu- between the two channels that contain the most
dinal or transverse. They may also be in an arc, circle, affected electrode. The potential will also be
or semicircle. The longitudinal bipolar montage (also seen in the channel containing the less affected
called “double banana” because of the appearance on electrode and the unaffected electrode adjacent to
a montage diagram) can be organized in several ways. it. The amplitude in the channel with the largest
It is a general (but not universally followed) conven-
tion that anterior should be ahead of posterior and
left ahead of right. Besides the example displayed in A-B
the table (see Table 3-3), one acceptable alternative
arrangement is left temporal, left parasagittal, midline, B-C
right parasagittal, right temporal; another arrange- 100 100
ment is left temporal, right temporal, left parasagittal, 100
right parasagittal, midline. There are relatively fewer C-D
potential permutations in the arrangement of trans- D-ref
verse bipolar montage. D-E
Localization of EEG activity in bipolar montages E-ref
is by reversal of polarity (see discussion below) and
is optimally accomplished when the center of the Figure 3-11: Referential Versus Bipolar
field is within the center of the chain. As a result, EEG Montages—Example A.
Referential recording on the left and corresponding bipolar
activity centered in the frontal or occipital pole is not recording on the right. Electrode C is the only electrode
optimally assessed by either the longitudinal bipolar affected by the discharge. The number is a measure of ampli-
or transverse bipolar montage. This is where a circum- tude. The bipolar recording shows reversal of polarity at C,
ferential montage may be useful. In a circumferential the electrode in common between the second and third
montage, the frontopolar and occipital electrodes are channels on the right. Note that the B-C and C-D are mirror
images, and the amplitude of the deflection is similar but of
at the center of the anterior and posterior semicircular opposite polarity.
EEG Technology 43
100 D-E
E-ref 100
Figure 3-13: Referential Versus Bipolar
Montages—Example C.
This illustrates how EEG is an arithmetic operation. The Figure 3-15: End of Chain
reversal of polarity at C indicates that the highest voltage is Phenomenon—Example D2.
at C. The finding of a lower amplitude at B-C than C-D sug- End of chain phenomenon. The potential originates in the
gests that there is involvement of B. posterior end of the chain.
44 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
100 100 40
A-ref A1 A2
A-B 100 80
100 B1 B2
B-ref 100
B-C 100 40
C1 C2
C-ref 100
D1 D2
D-ref 100 E2
Figure 3-19: Localization With a Referential Montage.
Referential recording. To the left are left electrodes and to
Figure 3-16: End of Chain—Example E. the right are right-sided electrodes. Figure 3-20 is the bipolar
The source leads have equal potentials at the end of chain. recording corresponding to the above referential montage.
Therefore, the bipolar montage shows a response that might
not be obviously end-of-chain..
identical. The right is a potential referential recording
that could correspond to the bipolar recording.
Which of these two possibilities is most likely?
100 In these examples, the distribution shown in
50 Figure 3-18 is less likely than that of Figure 3-17,
50 because the Figure 3-18 distribution assumes that
B-C 50 three electrodes are all equally affected, an unlikely
Although a bipolar montage can be used to
C-D suspect asymmetries in widespread activity, these
D-ref asymmetries have to be confirmed in a referential
D-E montage. The main reason for this is that each bipo-
E-ref lar channel is an arithmetic subtraction of adjacent
active electrodes. There will be a low amplitude if
Figure 3-17: Localization. adjacent electrodes are equally affected. The pres-
Left: bipolar recording, Right: referential recording of same ence of a high amplitude signal depends on a sharp
gradient between adjacent electrodes. Fortunately,
most potentials have the highest gradients near the
center of the field, but this is not always the case. An
electrical bridge due to electrode paste smear will
50 produce a very low amplitude that could be misin-
terpreted as attenuation of activity in that region.
50 50 The examples in Figures 3-19, 3-20, and 3-21 illustrate
these concepts.
Special Considerations
D-E Average versus Ear Reference: Contamination of
E-ref 100 the Average
Many laboratories use average montages with few
ear-reference montages; however, there are some spe-
Figure 3-18: Localization. cial considerations when the average is contaminated
Left: bipolar recording.Right: referential recording of the
same potential. by activity prominent in the record. The example
in Figure 3-22 shows the posterior dominant alpha,
EEG Technology 45
Figures 3-24 through 3-26 show this for a real patient. hospital records pertaining to the study, particularly
For the LB montage, this end of chain phenomenon the designation of indication.
is at the frontopolar and occipital regions. In the TB
So the technician needs to verify the following:
montage, the end of chain affects especially the tempo-
ral region. • Identity of the patient;
The patient recorded in Figure 3-24 has a right • Correctness of the study;
frontal discharge that is seen on LB montage, but pre- • Particulars of the study so that the clinical
cise localization is difficult. Ear-reference montage question can best be answered.
for the same epoch (Figure 3-25) shows better local-
ization. Bipolar montage across the frontal region On the recording as sent to the reading physician, the fol-
(Figure 3-26) is best able to localize the discharge. lowing information needs to be attached.
• Name;
Running the Test • Age;
• Identification number of the patient;
Initiation of the Test
• Index number of the recording;
Patient Identification and Study Verification • Time and date of the recording;
The patient is identified just as for any hospital or • Clinical reason for the study;
office procedure, using clinic or hospital documenta- • Time of the last seizure, if appropriate;
tion, arm-band if available, and check-in ID if not. • Ordering clinician;
The study is also verified, since it is possible that • Current medications;
the wrong study has been scheduled. The technician • Sedative medications used;
can verify the study intent by review of the office of • Name of the technician;
EEG Technology 47
Figure 3-24: LB Montage.
Right frontal discharge but precise localization is difficult.
• Technical summary, including activation methods visualization of electrocerebral potentials. When two
and artifacts; electrodes are electrically connected by conductive
• Technician’s observations, including regions of gel/paste, they act as a single large electrode. Even in
particular interest. referential recordings they are a problem, limiting the
sharpness of localization.
Pretest Calibration and Testing
Pretest calibration and testing should be fairly stan- Square-wave Calibration
dard and includes the components discussed below. Square-wave calibration (see Figure 3-27) produces
The study reader should review the results of this cali- a typical appearance that can be compared visually
bration and testing since errors are not always noticed from channel to channel. One or more channels that
by the technician and errors can have significant have distorted waves from square-wave calibration are
effects on interpretation. an indication of either errant settings or equipment
failure. Square-wave calibration is performed before
Impedance Testing and after the study.
Electrode impedance should be at least 100 ohms and A square-wave pulse is delivered from a wave-
usually no more than 5 kohm. Sometimes, impedance form generator into each amplifier input. This pulse
cannot be kept within this window, so if the imped- is 50μV in amplitude and is alternated on and off at 1
ance has to be higher than 5 kohm, then the impedance second intervals. The wave does not appear precisely
should at least be approximately equal for the elec- square because of the effects of the preset default
trodes. Excessively high impedance indicates that there filters.
is a problem with the leads or fixation of the leads to the The low-frequency filter (LFF) transforms the
scalp. High electrode impedance increases noise. plateau of the signal pulse into an exponential decay.
Excessively low impedance usually indicates The rapidity of the decay depends on the filter setting.
smear between the electrodes, and would impair The lower frequency the setting, the slower the decay.
EEG Technology 49
Figure 3-28: Biocal.
Biocal performed prior to a study. Same patient as in Figure 3-27.
is readily visible. Representative electrodes need to be During recording, the technicians typically also
touched, not necessarily each one. select a variety of montages, except during prolonged
recordings, so they can identify potentials of interest
Montage Selection to bring to the attention of the readers.
however, this should be discouraged, because this will Digital displays depend on resolution of the monitors,
also attenuate physiological sharp activity. graphics cards, and acquisition and review software,
The 60-Hertz or “Notch” filter attenuates spe- but in general, the display time is adjusted so that the
cifically line power, 60-Hz in the United States and display looks roughly similar to a paper display. For
Canada and 50-Hz in the United Kingdom. The 60-Hz a typical 19" monitor, this means display of approxi-
filter is not needed for most patients in office practice, mately 10 seconds of EEG on one screen, with part of
because the office laboratories are electrically pro- the display taken up by other data elements. But since
tected. However, in a hospital or especially ICU set- display sizes are not standard, we cannot give fixed
ting, the filter may be required in order for line artifact recommendations on display time.
to not obscure the recording. The filter should not Display time may be altered in a few circum-
be used to correct focal 60-Hz artifact, which is most stances. Display time can be shortened substantially
likely related to focally increased electrode imped- if the reader is comparing timings with very short dif-
ance. Focal 60-Hz artifact should prompt the technol- ferences (e.g. spike onset from one hemisphere or the
ogist to perform an electrode impedance check and other). Display time can be lengthened if the reader
correct electrode impedances. is concentrating on EEG features such as sleep stage,
Digital filters accomplish the same tasks as analog where overview of much longer times is warranted.
filters, and are essentially calculations performed on Page rate is the rate at which the pages change. If
the arrays of data. we were to change pages at a rate concordant with
the number of seconds displayed on the screen, the
Sensitivities study would be reviewed at native speed. Reviewing
each EEG at acquisition real-time speed would be
Amplifier sensitivity is initially set to 7 μV/mm. impossible for most of us, so we page through digi-
Increased sensitivity is used with low-voltage record- tal EEGs faster than acquisition. Many readers review
ings, most common in elderly patients in the awake the EEGs at approximately twice acquisition speed.
state, and in pathological states of electrocerebral sup- Faster speeds than this may increase the risk of miss-
pression. The sensitivity is increased to 2 μV/mm for ing transients or other subtle abnormalities. We are
brain death studies. Reduced sensitivity is used for also commonly stepping back in study time to replay
patients with high-voltage EEGs, such as in children, an event or region of interest, often with a change in
especially in the sleeping state, and when there are montage and/or sensitivity.
high amplitude transients such as seizure discharges.
Sensitivities on reading need to be selected Annotation
with care. Reduction in sensitivity to better view a
high-amplitude event may make lower-amplitude Important events must be noted using annotations that
components invisible, such as a small spike compo- are available on all modern EEG devices. Technicians
nent or notch. This effect is especially notable with need to be familiar with how to create and edit annota-
seizure discharges—a reduction in sensitivity to view tions and must know the preferences on the part of the
the discharges may appear to accentuate postictal reading physicians for documentation of annotation.
suppression because the sensitivity is not returned to
Among the observations that should be noted are:
default levels.
• Apparent state changes;
Display Time and Page Rate • Beginning and ending of activation procedures
and comments about the performance, e.g. good
The concept of display time is new to digital record- effort on hyperventilation or not;
ings. Traditional paper EEG recordings used a paper • Clinical events that might be seizures. The techni-
speed of 30 mm/sec; this gave an x-axis resolution cian will likely note the beginning and ending and
that allowed for adequate visual interpretation of the later will have to create more detailed notes about
spectrum of frequencies of routine EEG, just as the the event, appearance, etc.
standard sensitivities gave a y-axis scale that allowed • Response to stimuli from the technician. Our
for detection of most of the range of EEG amplitudes. technicians usually assess responsiveness with a
52 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
spectrum of stimuli ranging from sternal rub to response from the stimulus might be misinterpreted
questions assessing mental status. as electro-cerebral response.
• EEG findings that the technician has noted and
wants to bring to particular attention of the read- Provocation of Seizures
ing physician. Provocation of seizures by means other than activa-
• Artifacts identified by the technician and noted at tion methods is controversial to some clinicians, since
least the first time or two, e.g. ventilator, IV pump, they might see this as intellectually dishonest when
or other artifact of the ICU. Similarly, electrical used to elicit non-epileptic seizures. However, this is
transients that are typical of a medical setting, an important tool to help diagnose epileptic as well
such as nearby machinery turning on and off, as non-epileptic events, and the diagnostic yield cer-
should be noted if visible to the technician on the tainly justifies the procedure in select circumstances.
record. The implications of event misdiagnosis can be much
more important.
Patient Behaviors during the Test Mechanisms to provoke seizures include:
As part of the annotation, patient behaviors are docu- • Asking the patient what provokes the event, then
mented, so even if the study does not include a video re-creating that as best as possible in the lab; for
component, the reading physician knows the clinical example, standing quickly, eating or drinking, and
observations. For example, a low voltage fast back- listening to particular music have been described
ground has different implications in an unresponsive by patients as evoking clinical seizures, and these
patient versus one who is awake. were all tested in our laboratory during EEG
Clinical seizures are described in detail in the recording.
annotations, including onset and offset. Not only • Induction techniques such as hyperventila-
is a description of the seizure itself important, but tion and photic stimulation, which can trigger
also the postictal period. This is of particular use in epileptic seizures, can also be used to trigger
differentiating epileptic seizures from non-epileptic non-epileptic events. Suggestion can also be used,
events. though deception should generally be avoided in
Movement artifact deserves a description in clinical practice.
the technician’s annotations (e.g., tremor or dys- • The technician might remark that signs of an
kinesias versus agitated delirium versus clinical impending seizure are appearing. While a clinical
seizures). event in response to suggestion does not rule out
genuine epileptic events, this does at least make
Testing Patients during Events the argument for a psychological component and
favor non-epileptic events. The use of suggestion
Stimulation is controversial.
Technicians assess the responsiveness and mental sta- • Some laboratories have used injections of
tus of the patient during the study. For awake patients, intravenous saline to induce clinical seizures, but
this usually includes noting the response to questions this is done rarely and then only under rigorous
such as name and location, and some additional cog- conditions. This should be used as a last resort for
nitive responses (e.g., “Name a red fruit”). diagnosis, if ever.
For encephalopathic patients, responses to verbal
stimuli are noted, as are responses to tactile stimu- Activation Procedures
lation if there is no response to verbal stimulation.
For severe encephalopathy and coma, response to Photic Stimulation
sternal rub or similar is essential. The annotation of Photic stimulation is produced by a bright strobe,
the stimulus not only allows the reading physician to which is placed in front of the patient with the eyes
know when an alerting response might happen but closed. The flashes are bright enough to illuminate the
also lessens the likelihood that the mechano-electric retina even through closed eye lids.
EEG Technology 53
The stimulation protocols are programmed into sleep deprivation is still considered a physiologic acti-
most modern EEG machines, but one typical proto- vation method.
col is the following:
Artifact Identification and Management
• Train duration of 10 seconds;
• Interval between trains of 10 seconds; Artifacts are discussed in detail, but in general, the
• Initial flash rate of 3/sec. technician should note not only epileptiform and
response events on the record but also sources of
Higher flash rates are subsequently delivered up to potential artifact. Some of the common artifacts that
30/sec. deserve annotation on the record include:
Abnormal EEG activity elicited by a specific fre-
quency should be identified by the technologist, and • Swallowing;
subsequently that particular frequency should be • Chewing;
repeated at the end of the photic stimulation session, • Talking;
to verify that the response was not coincidental. • IV pump;
For safety reasons, it is not advisable to precipi- • Ventilator;
tate a full-fledged generalized tonic-clonic seizure • Nurse working with patient;
with photic stimulation. If a clear photoparoxysmal • Tremor;
response appears, the technologist should abort the • Other patient movement.
stimulation train before a seizure develops. If a con-
sistent photoparoxysmal response is noted at two to This list is not comprehensive, but is representative of
three consecutive frequencies, then stimulation can be the types of artifacts the technician should note.
resumed from the highest frequency to establish the
upper limit of the photosensitivity frequency range. Termination of the Test
Storage is usually on optical disc for archive with • Look for changes in state.
recordings kept on the computers for a variable length • Synthesize an impression that places the EEG
of time. We recommend maintaining a record available findings in the context of the clinical snapshot.
for on-demand online viewing at least until the physi-
cians have reviewed the record and seen that patient. This section discusses some specifics of the basic
For hospitalized patients who may have a series of interpretation of EEG.
recordings, maintaining the recordings online for as
long as the patient is in the hospital is warranted. EEG Analysis
Archive is through a number of mechanisms, and
many facilities keep two copies, one local and one Terminology
remote. This is similar to data handling of patients’
Rhythmic: term used to describe ongoing EEG activ-
electronic medical records.
ity composed of recurring waves of equal duration.
The waves need not be identical, but they usually
resemble each other. Cerebral activity is never per-
ROUTINE EEG REVIEW fect, and slight variation should be allowed. For exam-
ple, the activity in Figure 3-29 is rhythmic, but some
Overview individual waves are slightly shorter or longer than
others, as demonstrated in Figure 3-30.
EEG performance and interpretation should be a system- Rhythm: EEG activity composed of recurring
atic process, with the following elements: waves of equal duration. A rhythm is often character-
• Understand the clinical snapshot of the patient, ized by its frequency.
including reason for the study, age, and condi- Frequency: the number of waves of a specified
tions that affect interpretation. rhythm per second, or 1/wavelength. Frequency is
• Review the study for background patterns in the measured in Hertz or Hz, meaning cycles per second.
context of state. Wavelength is measured in milliseconds or seconds.
• Look for transients and rhythms that may be Frequency can be applied to single waves as well as to a
abnormal. rhythm. If applied to a single wave, inferred frequency
• Assess response to stimulation and activation is 1/wavelength. Most digital EEG manufacturers will
methods. provide automatic calculation of frequency by marking
the margins of a wave. For a rhythm, the frequency will moderately frequent, very frequent, or almost con-
express how many waves will fit in one second. In the tinuous. However, it may be most useful to indicate
example, nine waves can be counted between the two the estimated percentage of time that the activity is
1-second lines (Figure 3-30). The frequency can also be present.
derived with the formula: frequency = 1/wavelength. Transient: a wave or combination of waves that
The duration of the average wave is 111 msec or 0.111 sec. stands out from the surrounding background. A tran-
The frequency is 1/0.111= 9 Hz. For frequency determi- sient can be normal or abnormal.
nation of fast activity, the measurement can be made Complex: combination of 2 or more waves.
more reliably by counting waves contained in one sec- This combination will usually be consistent when
ond, because of slight variation in wavelength duration. the complex recurs. Figures 3-33 and 3-34 show a
Regular: applies to activity that is uniform, with polyspike-and-wave complex that includes a series
individual waves having fairly consistent shape, in of 3 spikes followed by a high voltage slow wave.
addition to fairly consistent duration. Thus activity Figures 3-35 and 3-36 show a series of spike-and-wave
that is regular will also be rhythmic. Most rhythmic complexes, demonstrating that complexes look fairly
activity will also be regular. This is sometimes referred consistent when they recur.
to as “monomorphic.”
Irregular: activity that is not uniform (see
Figure 3-31). It is in theory possible for rhythmic
activity to be irregular, but that is uncommon.
Arrhythmic: term used to describe ongoing EEG
activity composed of waves of unequal duration.
Figure 3-32 shows an example of arrhythmic activity.
In this activity, individual wave components have dif-
fering wavelengths. Arrhythmic activity is also irregu-
lar. Note that individual waves not only have unequal
duration, but also unequal shape and unequal ampli-
tude. This is often called “polymorphic.”
Figure 3-33: Complex Rhythm.
Activity such as shown in Figure 3-32 can be
A complex is a combination of two or more waves, The fast
continuous or intermittent. If the activity is inter- polyspike complex has a following slow wave.
mittent, it can be described as rare, occasional,
Frequency = 1/wavelength (measured in seconds)
Asynchronous: describes transients or other activ- side. The tracing in Figure 3-41 shows both indepen-
ity that is seen in several regions, but not simultane- dent and bisynchronous discharges.
ously. Independent is often applied to a more extreme Synchronous activity can be in phase, indicating
situation where discharges occur at different times in a perfect correspondence in time, or out of phase,
two or more regions, or on the two sides. The circled indicating a small delay on one side in comparison
discharges in Figure 3-40 are occurring independently with the other. When there is a horizontal dipole,
on the two sides and in different regions on the same with negativity in one region and positivity in
another, the discharge is out of phase in these two
Second half-
First half-
169 mcV
223 mcV
Slow Waves
Slow wave transients can be in the theta or delta range
and stand out from the background (see Table 3-5).
Focal slow transients can be a sign of focal central ner-
vous system (CNS) damage or reversible dysfunction
(see Chapter 1). Focal slow activity can occasionally
First phase- Third phase- be the only abnormality seen in association with focal
initial positivity positivity epilepsy.
• Inappropriate response to stimuli; marks all the seizures, as well as suspected ictal dis-
• EEG correlates to changes in state or behavior. charges. The electroencephalographer reviews these
segments first, analyzing both the EEG discharges
It is often best to proceed with one uninterrupted
and the clinical seizure semiology. In addition, the
rapid review of the recording before returning to it for
electroencephalographer will usually review the
a more detailed and in-depth assessment. The reason
spike detections and time samples.
for this is that there may be a prominent abnormality
later in the recording that would alter the approach to
Guidelines to Clinical Interpretation
the interpretation of the preceding part of the study.
Clinical interpretation of EEG should take into
account not only the EEG recording but also the clini-
Review of Video EEG
cal information that was provided. Unfortunately, this
Video EEG is initially reviewed by the technician.
information can be quite limited, thus restricting the
It is unrealistic for the neurophysiologist to review
utility of the interpretation. As with all neurophysio-
every second of the video EEG, but the epochs
logic interpretations, the EEG report represents a type
reviewed include the ones thought to be of interest
of consultation. Therefore, the impression should not
to the technician and ones that were noted by the
only be descriptive but also clinically useful.
event marker. In our institution, a spike and seizure
detection program identifies suspected seizures An EEG report impression could read:
as well as spikes and sharp waves. In addition, the
• “Abnormal study because of generalized asyn-
patient and patient’s family are instructed to push
chronous irregular theta and delta activity.”
an event marker button, which leaves a mark on the
EEG recording. The technologist reviews all the Such an interpretation may not be useful to the refer-
patient events and computer seizure detections, and ring clinician.
Figure 3-47: Sharp Wave.
Sharp wave without an associated slow wave. Even though it
has small slow wave, it is not called a sharp-and-slow-wave state changes, and presence and absence of normal
complex unless the slow wave has a high amplitude (often and abnormal rhythms or transients. Any epilepti-
higher than the sharp wave). form and focal abnormalities, abnormal responses, or
absence of response should be described. The clinical
The impression should include a summary of the interpretation may need to be tailored to the question
key findings as well as a clinical interpretation. These asked. For example, if the clinical question is “rule out
could be divided into two paragraphs, as below status epilepticus,” it would be helpful for the clinical
interpretation to add “there was no seizure activity.”
• EEG Diagnosis: “Abnormal study because of gen- Epilepsy monitoring unit reports follow the same
eralized asynchronous irregular theta and delta guidelines. In our center, the report includes, in addi-
activity. No focal findings were seen.” tion to identifying information, the following:
• Clinical Interpretation: “This EEG consistent with
a generalized encephalopathy, but is not specific • A preamble summarizing the background infor-
as to etiology.” mation and the reason for the study;
• A description of the baseline EEG (this is like a stan-
The impression is not a substitute for a description dard EEG with hyperventilation and photic stimula-
of the record. The body of the report would include tion, performed within the first day of admission);
a description of the record, including background, • A daily description of clinical seizures and their
electrographic correlate;
• A daily description of the interictal abnormalities;
• EEG diagnosis summarizing the key abnormali-
ties, starting with ictal discharges (focusing on
localization at onset), then interictal discharges,
then non-epileptiform abnormalities;
• Clinical interpretation. In this section, the clinical
seizure description is provided first, with a state-
ment about the localizing and lateralizing value
of the seizure signs, then a statement about how
the semiology agrees (or not) with the EEG ictal
onset and other EEG abnormalities, and then a
summary synthesis of all the findings, to provide
a seizure diagnosis, classification, lateralization,
Figure 3-48: Spike-wave Complex.
Repetitive spike-wave complexes. and localization, together with the degree of
certainty of these determinations.
64 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
of academic institutions, but with improvements in medication selection. However, when seizures do not
technology, video EEG is available in most hospitals respond to initial therapy, doubts arise regarding the
and in some office practices. certainty of the epilepsy diagnosis or the certainty
Brief video EEG is typically performed in the hos- of the epilepsy classification. The most solid clinical
pital or office for one or more hours, usually lasting up diagnosis requires the ability to witness and analyze
to a working day. The video is captured along with the a typical seizure and its EEG correlate. The technol-
EEG. We prefer to use two monitors, with video on ogy of video EEG allows the capturing of events and
one and EEG on the other, but this is not universally provides the ability to replay seizures an unlimited
available. Modern EEG software generally supports number of times for detailed analysis of the clinical
dual monitor display. signs and the corresponding EEG changes.
Long-term video EEG is typically performed in the
epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU). However, long-term The main indications for video EEG monitoring are:
EEG can also be performed in some sleep labs and is • Diagnosis of atypical seizures or spells of unknown
often performed in hospital rooms, or in the ICU. nature. The need for video EEG could arise
Long-term EEG recording without video is often per- because events are atypical for seizures, because
formed in office and hospitals that do not have video there has been absence of evidence for epilepsy
recording capability. While these studies are often by history and by tests, because there has been
helpful, video should be used if available, and the cost no response to antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy,
of acquisition of video capability is quite reasonable. or because a patient with known epilepsy started
Ambulatory EEG can be a good option for offices having new “different” spells.
that do not have easy access to long-term inpatient • Accurate classification of seizures for optimal choice of
monitoring or for patients who do not have seizures in medical therapy. This situation applies to individu-
the EMU but only in their normal outpatient environ- als with documented epilepsy in whom there may
ment. We have used ambulatory EEG for many years, be incomplete or contradictory clinical and EEG
but the lack of good clinical-EEG correlation afforded data for classification purposes. An example of this
by inpatient study makes the latter preferable. There would include an adolescent with staring spells and
are home video-EEG devices, but we have no experi- an EEG that shows both focal and generalized dis-
ence with these systems. charges. The seizures could represent generalized
absence seizures, in which case the most appropri-
Clinical Indications for Video EEG ate therapy could be ethosuximide or complex
partial seizures, in which case ethosuximide would
Video EEG is used for direct correlation of clini-
be ineffective and a medication more appropriate
cal events with EEG. This is especially of use when
for partial seizures could be best suited.
patients are having events that might be seizures. It is
• Localization of the epileptogenic focus for possible
also helpful for patients with abnormal EEG in whom
surgical resection. There is evidence to suggest
the electroencephalographer needs to visualize the
that after failure of two antiepileptic drugs, the
clinical appearance (i.e., does the patient have a clini-
chances of seizure freedom with another agent
cal correlate to a finding on EEG?).
decreases markedly. Patients refractory to medical
Prolonged video EEG monitoring was developed
therapy should be investigated for the presence of
for more direct evaluation of seizures. The 20-minute
a surgically remediable epileptic syndrome.
“routine” EEG is only an indirect assessment in
patients with seizures and spells of an unknown
nature. Aside from select syndromes, such as child- Additional indications for video EEG monitoring
hood absence epilepsy and benign epilepsy with cen- include:
trotemporal spikes, the interictal EEG is often normal • Quantification of seizures. Although this tends to
in patients with epilepsy. be a research application, it could be clinically
If the diagnosis of epilepsy was assured clini- useful in counting frequent seizures that can be
cally, treatment could proceed without the need for easily counted on EEG, for example generalized
EEG evidence, but the EEG is still of assistance in absence seizures.
66 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
• Quantification of response to treatment. This is also of epilepsy surgery. This is a definitive epilepsy diag-
frequently a research application, but has clinical nostic procedure for most patients with refractory
application for checking the efficacy of therapy of epilepsy. It is seldom needed for patients with pri-
absence seizures in childhood absence epilepsy. mary generalized epilepsy. The sensitivity of inpatient
In this syndrome, seizures are frequent, and monitoring is increased by longer term recordings—
the response can be quantified with a 24-hour up to several days—and by withdrawal of AEDs.
monitoring study. Withdrawal of especially levetiracetam and valproate
• Studying seizure precipitants described in the may reveal discharges that may not be seen otherwise.
history. Short-term video EEG is most appropriate for
• Reflex epilepsy: video EEG monitoring can easily patients with episodes that are frequent enough to
record seizures if the reflex precipitant can be have a reasonable expectation of being experienced
reproduced. during a recording of 8 hours or less. These are usually
• Self-induction: some patients have resistant patients admitted for spells of uncertain etiology.
seizures because of auto-induction. Video EEG Ambulatory EEG is most appropriate for patients
monitoring can document the occurrence of with episodes that may be induced by events in the
auto-induction in this situation. patient’s usual daily life. While some equipment does
• Situational factors: when situational factors are allow for a video component of the recording when
reported to precipitate seizures, they may poten- the patient is in bed or otherwise stationary, most
tially be reproduced in the setting of the epilepsy ambulatory EEG is electrocerebral-only. This means
monitoring unit. that the detailed character of the clinical event cannot
• Documentation of ictal and interictal discharges dur- be determined from the recording. Also, very subtle
ing circadian rhythms. This is frequently a research events can easily be missed, especially since much
application. sharp activity can be presumed to be artifact without
• Clinical correlate of EEG discharge. Some patients a clinical correlate.
have EEG discharges that could be ictal in nature.
The presence or absence of clinical changes may Methods
be necessary for counseling regarding driving or
other restrictions. Simultaneous video with the Inpatient Long-term EEG Monitoring
EEG allows testing and demonstration of changes
in responsiveness or cognitive functions in con- This is performed in a fixed epilepsy monitoring unit.
junction with the EEG discharge. In this setting, the most up-to-date equipment uses
• Transitory cognitive impairment. This is pre- cameras fixed in the patient rooms. Two cameras
dominantly a research application. Very sensitive with different angles and zoom settings are possible
testing has allowed the demonstration of subtle but not mandatory. The electrodes attached to the
dysfunction in association with interictal epilepti- patient’s head are connected to a head box. Signals are
form discharges. amplified and transmitted through a cable to a com-
• Finding interictal evidence for epilepsy. This application puter that records the digitized EEG signal. The video
does not necessarily require the video component. signal is similarly digitized and synchronized.
Most epilepsy monitoring units currently use
seizure and spike detection paradigms. These are
EEG Monitoring Choices extremely helpful for identifying seizures that
patients are not aware of, but they have a very high
Possible choices for video EEG monitoring include: false-positive detection rate so that every detection
• Inpatient long-term video EEG monitoring; has to be reviewed to determine its validity.
• Inpatient short-term video-EEG monitoring; Patients are typically admitted for several days. If
• Ambulatory EEG monitoring. they have been on anti-epileptic drugs, these drugs
are reduced or discontinued in order to facilitate
Inpatient long-term video EEG is most appropriate for the recording of seizures. Some medications have
patients who are being evaluated for the possibility to be withdrawn carefully, as they can be associated
EEG Technology 67
with particularly severe withdrawal seizures. This may be needed to resolve the conflict and to increase
in particular has been demonstrated for carbamaze- certainty.
pine. Identification of seizures can be performed in Some patients have independent left and right
several ways. temporal seizure onsets, and these patients may still
be candidates for surgery if more than 80% of seizures
Most video EEG units include:
arise in one focus, or if only clinically insignificant
• An event marker button that the patient or seizures arise on one side and all clinically significant
patient’s family can push in the event of a seizure; seizures arise on the other. In these more complicated
• Automatic seizure detection program; cases, a larger number of seizures may be needed for
• Seizure log/diary kept by the patient/family/ accurate classification.
caretaker; In some patients with independent interictal epi-
• Screening the EEG or video. leptiform discharges arising on both sides, a particular
cluster of seizures may come from one of the two foci.
Some manufacturers offer density spectral array dis- In these patients, seizures cannot be recorded solely
play that could identify periods in which changes are from a single cluster. Repeat monitoring at a different
suspicious and warrant review for possible seizures. point in time may be advisable to record a separate
This can markedly facilitate the review of EEG for cluster of seizures.
possible seizures.
Using a combination of all of the above, long-term Monitoring for Differentiation of Epileptic from
video EEG monitoring in the EMU is successful in Non-epileptic Spells
the vast majority of patients in recording epileptic sei-
zures for analysis. If the purpose of monitoring is to determine whether
a seizure is epileptic or non-epileptic, the recording of
Repeated Admissions a highly typical non-epileptic seizure could be suffi-
cient for the purposes of monitoring. However, there
Occasionally, admission has to be repeated. If a sec- are potential pitfalls, and one should be extremely
ond admission fails to record seizures, the approach careful in the analysis of data. For many patients,
to video EEG monitoring may have to be modified. recording additional seizures is advisable and con-
One of the factors that contributes to the failure of tinuing to record until anti-epileptic drugs have
video EEG monitoring is the elimination of daily life been cleared would provide further assurance. Some
stressors when the patients are admitted. These stress- patients may have had epilepsy but new spells may be
ors may be necessary to precipitate seizures. non-epileptic. The recording of a characteristic new
Some patients have cyclical seizure patterns and spell that is non-epileptic does not necessarily elimi-
the video EEG monitoring session would have the nate the possibility of persistent controlled epilepsy.
highest yield if scheduled at the next expected cycle. Non-epileptic seizures are often provoked early
This is most commonly encountered in women with with suggestion, whereas epileptic seizures will often
catamenial epilepsy in whom seizures are most likely appear at a latency, as anti-epileptic drugs are cleared.
just before or during the menstrual period. In other Some patients may erroneously identify an event as a
women, seizures are also more likely around the time typical seizure because they do not know what hap-
of ovulation. Even men may have cyclical seizure pre- pens during a typical event. Not only can some patients
cipitation, and the video EEG monitoring could have with epilepsy be suggested to have a non-epileptic
a higher yield taking these into consideration. event, but others may spontaneously have an atypical
psychogenic event in the charged environment. It is
Monitoring for Presurgical Localization essential for a patient’s family member to identify an
event as typical. If typical events are recorded and are
If video EEG monitoring is scheduled for the purpose deemed psychogenic and nothing different happens
of presurgical seizure localization, then recording of after anti-epileptic drugs have been essentially com-
three to six seizures is usually required. In the pres- pletely cleared, then the possibility of pure psychogenic
ence of conflicting data, a larger number of seizures seizures is most likely. One can be most secure in this
68 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
diagnosis when the onset of episodes is recent and it sleep deprivation may be less effective. In patients
can be clearly confirmed that no events other than typi- whose seizures are predominately in sleep, particularly
cal recorded ones have occurred in the past. The use of patients with frontal lobe epilepsy, sleep deprivation is
other suggestion techniques has been controversial. useful only in as far as making seizures more likely with
In particular, the element of deception that could be the next session of sleep. It is best in these instances to
involved has been deemed unethical by many. alternate sleep deprivation and full night’s sleep. Using
Also, caution should be exercised because some sleep deprivation on consecutive nights and days may
patients with epilepsy are suggestible and may be not be justified or fruitful. If an ictal single-photon
driven to have events that they don’t normally have. emission computed tomography (SPECT) is planned
Even patients with non-epileptic seizures may have during the session of video EEG monitoring, sleep
typical attacks with suggestion. Hence, the verifica- deprivation at night can be followed by allowing the
tion with family members that recorded attacks are patient to sleep during the daytime when the ictal
typical of historical ones is essential. SPECT injection is possible. This is most useful for
patients whose seizures typically occur in sleep.
Monitoring for Classification of Seizure Type If a patient or family has noted a possible provok-
ing experience, then this should be reproduced in the
If the purpose of the video EEG monitoring is to clas- EMU as much as possible. For example, rare patients
sify the seizure type, then recording of a single seizure have seizures induced by reading, music, smells, or
may be sufficient if that recorded seizure has a clear other experiences.
focal onset and seizure semiology that agrees with Withdrawal of AEDs is able to unmask some dis-
the EEG localization. In other instances, however, charges that would be not seen with certain AEDs
one cannot be so certain with a single recorded sei- (e.g. levetiracetam, valproate, and benzodiazepines).
zure. In some patients, the seizure onset may appear In addition, withdrawal of AEDs can result in a greater
generalized but the clinical seizure pattern may sug- tendency to have the seizure spread over the cortex,
gest a focal origin. In these instances, it may become making it easier to see on scalp EEG.
necessary to record more than one event, in addition
to interictal epileptiform activity. Observation during the Study
• Determine if the patient has recollection for items During hyperventilation, a common EEG
given during the spell, or for events that occurred response is generalized bisynchronous delta activity
during the spell. that is totally normal, particularly for younger chil-
dren (Epstein et al., 1994; Lum et al., 2002). However,
The authors suggest that the patient’s ability to follow a rare pattern of absence seizures involve 3-Hz delta
commands and to name items be tested at baseline. activity without coexistent spikes. Because of this
Should a suspicious ictal EEG activity appear or any pattern, it is also advisable to test patients who have
behavioral changes occur that are suggestive of a sei- a sustained generalized 3-Hz delta activity during
zure, then the patient should be given a command, hyperventilation, to determine if responsiveness
the response to which can be assessed visually upon is altered. A definite diagnosis of absence seizures
video review. For example, the patient could be asked is not possible without demonstrating a clinical
to point to the ceiling, touch his/her nose, or clap alteration.
his/her hands. The patient can then be given items to
name and to remember.
One study used a sentence from the Boston End of the Study
Diagnostic Aphasic Battery, “I heard him speak over
When Should the Study End?
the radio last night,” to assess reading abilities postic-
The video EEG monitoring study ends once a suf-
tally (Privitera et al., 1991). Patients with left temporal
ficient number of seizures have been recorded and
seizures usually required more than one minute from
the patient has been stabilized. In patients who
the termination of the seizure to read the sentence
develop a cluster of seizures or who have generalized
correctly. Patients with right temporal lobe seizures
tonic-clonic seizures during the monitoring session,
were able to read the sentence within one minute
one day without seizures would be advisable before
from seizure termination.
discharge. Certainly, the safety of discharge also
When the patient has fully recovered, memory can
depends on many individual factors, such as whether
be tested by asking for items given during the seizure
the patient lives alone and how far the patient lives
as well as for events during a seizure. For example, it is
from the medical center or from an emergency depart-
not uncommon for patients with right temporal lobe
ment. A patient who lives alone requires a greater evi-
seizures to produce spontaneous sentences (often
dence of stability prior to discharge.
with a twinge of fear) and respond almost normally to
commands or other verbal stimuli. Once the seizure
is over, it is quite common for these patients not to Medications upon Discharge
remember the conversation. The admission to the epilepsy monitoring unit pres-
ents an opportunity to make medication changes for
Testing during Hyperventilation many patients. For patients with documented epi-
lepsy, the admission could be an opportunity to with-
Testing is sometimes useful to identify whether a draw a medication such as carbamazepine that would
seizure has occurred or the EEG discharge was sub- be difficult to withdraw on outpatient basis. The inpa-
clinical/asymptomatic. In patients with generalized tient setting allows a faster withdrawal and treatment
absence seizures, it is recognized that even a single of consequences with intravenous or p.o. medications
spike-and-wave discharge is usually associated with a on an as-needed basis.
neurological change when sufficiently sensitive test- For patients with non-epileptic psychogenic sei-
ing is used. However, the degree of gross alteration zures and no evidence of epilepsy, it is most appro-
of responsiveness and awareness varies tremendously priate to discontinue anti-epileptic drugs prior
between patients such that some patients have no to discharge. As a component of the treatment of
gross detectable change. Testing patients’ responsive- patients with non-epileptic seizures, withdrawal of
ness during generalized spike-and-wave discharges anti-epileptic drugs helps remove the ambiguity
should be routine when the EEG technologist is pres- about the diagnosis so that effective treatment can be
ent during the baseline EEG or a session of short-term pursued, with psychotherapy or psychiatric medica-
monitoring. tions as needed.
70 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Short-term Video EEG Monitoring stressors. Most commonly, this technology is applied
without the video component. In the absence of
This form of video EEG monitoring is performed for video, interpretation of ambulatory EEG presents
2 to 8 hours on either outpatient or inpatient basis. many challenges. It is well-known that artifact can
This form of monitoring avoids the need for hospital imitate any EEG abnormality, and without knowing
admission. It is the preferred form of monitoring for the concomitant behavior one cannot exclude the
children and adults who have very frequent attacks or possibility that movement or other patterns of muscle
for patients in whom attacks can be reliably precipi- activity and behavior could be responsible. Similarly,
tated. For example, a variety of reflex epilepsies can be EEG discharge can be misread as movement or
diagnosed on outpatient video EEG. Examples could other artifact without video or other observational
include photosensitive epilepsy, startle epilepsy, correlate.
reading epilepsy, eating epilepsy, and musicogenic Ambulatory EEG alone would be most helpful
epilepsy. in major attacks that involve loss of consciousness
If the short-term video monitoring session fails to or complete loss of awareness. In these instances,
record an attack despite the use of appropriate activa- the persistence of a normal EEG strongly suggests a
tion techniques, then prolonged inpatient monitoring non-epileptic etiology. Ambulatory EEG becomes
could be performed. It is often impractical and inap- less appropriate for subtle events, in particular events
propriate to make medication changes in short-term that do not involve alteration of awareness.
video monitoring sessions. An exception could be The use of video in conjunction with ambulatory
the individual who reports that missing a single dose EEG is provided by some manufacturers. This con-
of medication reliably brings on attacks, or the indi- comitant video use is possible when the patient is
vidual who has only very mild events that would not stationary, for example working at a desk, sitting on
present a risk. a sofa, or sleeping.
Ambulatory EEG has the advantage of keeping the Clearly, diagnostic video EEG studies may not need
patient in an environment that includes the usual special electrode use. However, additional electrodes
besides the 10-20 system may be very useful for local- Technicians create the technical noted based on
ization purposes. Electrodes can be added from the this initial review. This is an aide to the reading phy-
10-10 system as needed, depending on the specific sician, guiding where to look in a long recording for
suspected localization. Methodology for special elec- abnormal electrocerebral activity or clinical events.
trodes was discussed previously, but the utility of The video is reviewed for every seizure starting
some of these is briefly reviewed here. approximately 30 seconds before the reported seizure
onset. The first clinical change is noted. The analysis
• Nasopharyngeal electrodes: Mostly to record from of the seizure should focus on early manifestations,
the medial-basal temporal cortex. particularly ones that have lateralizing or localizing
• Sphenoidal electrodes: Especially helpful for value. While the video is reviewed, a cursor points
temporal lobe foci that cannot be identified out the exact timing of every clinical feature in rela-
otherwise. Sometimes, sphenoidal are the only tion to the EEG (see Figure 3-52). The vertical line on
extracranial electrodes to show the discharge. the figure demonstrates the exact time on EEG cor-
• Supraorbital electrodes: For suspected orbitofron- responding to the video image.
tal seizure origin. Figure 3-53 provides an example of annotations
• Foramen ovale electrodes: For discharges from the entered on the EEG to describe clinical as well as
medial-basal temporal lobe. EEG features during a seizure. These annotations can
be exported to the EEG report with their correspond-
EEG Review by Technologist ing times.
Clinical annotations are entered at the cursor, mak-
Review by the technicians is performed daily on ing sure that the timing corresponds (see Figure 3-53).
patients admitted for prolonged monitoring. The The end of the clinical seizure is also annotated. In
review includes evaluation of burst detections. Any some cases, it is of value to review postictal manifesta-
potentially abnormal pages are reviewed for character- tions, particularly the presence of aphasia. After anno-
ization. Density spectral array (DSA) is reviewed for tating the clinical manifestations, the EEGer should
change in spectral power, which may suggest a seizure review the corresponding EEG, focusing on the initial
(Figures 3-50, 3-51). Clinical seizures as documented EEG changes. The EEG recording is annotated with
by staff, patient, and/or family are reviewed in detail. description of EEG features/patterns according to the
72 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
time of occurrence of each feature. Annotation should recorded should be avoided. Of course, patient safety
include features of known clinical value, for example 5 is always a higher priority than an EMU recording.
Hz or faster rhythmic activity in a temporal electrode
within 30 seconds of seizure onset, which would favor Falls during seizures:
a mesial temporal origin. Seizure termination should Falls during seizures are uncommon, but significant
also be annotated. These annotations can be exported head or other bodily injury can occur (Noe and
to the report with their timing. Drazkowski, 2009). In addition, falls in the hospital
setting are a particular concern for patients’ safety. If
Safety in the Epilepsy the patient has significant ataxia or other issues that
Monitoring Unit predispose to falls, fall-prevention protocols are avail-
able in most hospitals.
Safety in the EMU is a major concern not only because
the patients are on the clinicians’ territory and under Postictal Psychosis
their personal care, but also because frequently Postictal psychosis is uncommon but is occasionally
patients are provoked to have seizures through activa- seen and has been an occasional cause of postictal
tion procedures and withdrawal of AEDs. In addition, injury (Kanemoto et al., 2012). Patients with epilepsy
some potential risks, such as falls, are of particular have an increased risk of psychological difficulties
sensitivity to health care institutions, so we must be even independent of the seizures themselves, but psy-
sensitive to the risks without being so overprotective chosis around the time of seizure is of particular con-
as to lower patient satisfaction or reduce the diagnos- cern. Medications such as olanzapine are used when
tic sensitivity of the study. needed, but the potential for exacerbation of seizures
Events can be separated into epileptic and with some of the neuroleptics has to be considered.
non-epileptic events. They are considered individually.
Ictal Cardiac Asystole
Epileptic Serious Events Cardiac arrhythmias and asystole can occur anywhere
in the hospital, including the epilepsy monitoring
Severe seizures: unit, but patients with epilepsy are more likely to have
Seizures are usually not associated with serious injury, sudden cardiac death. Arrhythmia including asystole
but they can be. After withdrawal of AEDs, seizures associated with a seizure—ictal cardiac asystole—is
are not only more frequent but are more likely to be uncommon but needs to be considered and evaluated
prolonged and more severe. by cardiac rhythm recording along with other physi-
ological monitoring. Incidence is far less than 1% of
Status epilepticus (SE): patients evaluated in the EMU (Marynissen et al.,
SE is more likely after withdrawal of AEDs, but 2012). Ictal asystole can occur not only with general-
is probably not increased by activation methods. ized seizures but also with partial seizures (Agostini
Standard therapy for status epilepticus should be et al., 2012).
available with rapid access to clinicians who can acti-
vate the protocols. Vanderbilt University Hospital Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)
has a protocol for SE that is reproduced in Chapter 7. SUDEP is sudden death in patients with epilepsy,
EMUs should have protocols for the management of which is felt to be usually related to a seizure but not
severe seizures and SE. always—the patient may have sudden death with-
out a clinical seizure. Cause is not entirely under-
Aspiration: stood and may be multifactorial. Cardiac arrhythmia
Aspiration is a common risk with seizures, especially and apnea are two prominent possibilities, along
generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Maintenance of with autonomic and other central causes (Moseley
adequate airway and suctioning as needed are war- et al., 2012).
ranted. However, if patients have partial seizures or While SUDEP is not preventable, therapeutic
other seizures for which aspiration risk is not high, treatment with AEDs is felt to reduce the risk (Surges
then manipulating the patient during a seizure being and Sander, 2012).
74 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Scenario A: A patient with a psychogenic seizure not support an epileptic nature for these attacks.
and normal EEG However, since most simple partial seizures are not
associated with scalp EEG changes, the possibility of
EEG Diagnosis:
simple partial seizures is not ruled out.
• This EEG is normal in waking, drowsiness,
and sleep. Scenario D: No spells and normal EEG
• There is no EEG change in association with one EEG Diagnosis: This is a normal 3-day video EEG
typical spell, other than muscle and movement study
artifact. Clinical Interpretation: No events were recorded. This
normal study fails to provide support for the diagno-
Clinical Interpretation: This study recorded one of the sis of epilepsy but cannot rule it out, particularly in
patient’s typical spells. The main features were (men- the absence of recorded attacks.
tion the most prominent features, stressing the ones
that point to a psychogenic origin). There were no
Scenario E: No spells but with interictal epilepti-
associated EEG changes other than muscle and move-
form discharges and slow activity
ment artifact (if present). By both EEG and clinical
criteria this spell was non-epileptic, most probably EEG Diagnosis: This 4-hour video EEG study is
psychogenic in nature. In addition, due to the absence abnormal because of
of interictal EEG abnormalities, this study fails to pro- • Frequent left anterior temporal epileptiform
vide support for coexistent epilepsy. discharges;
• Left anterior temporal intermittent irregular delta
Scenario B: Psychogenic seizure plus epileptiform activity
abnormalities on the EEG
EEG Diagnosis: Clinical Interpretation: This study is most consistent
with the interictal expression of partial epilepsy with
• Frequent sharp waves recorded from the left a left anterior temporal potential epileptogenic zone.
temporal lobe.
• Intermittent irregular slow wave activity recorded
Scenario F: Examples of recorded seizures with
from the left temporal lobe.
totally congruent data.
• There were no EEG changes (other than muscle
and movement artifact) in association with one of EEG Diagnosis: This 7-day video EEG study recorded:
the patient’s typical spells. • Two ictal discharges associated with clinical
seizures. Both had a focal onset in the left infer-
Clinical Interpretation: This study recorded one of omesial temporal region.
the patient’s typical spells. Its main clinical features • Occasional left inferomesial temporal or left
were. . . . The EEG showed no change (other than inferomesial temporal predominant sharp waves,
muscle and movement artifact). By both clinical and which became extremely frequent during sleep.
EEG characteristics this spell was non-epileptic, and • Occasional left temporal intermittent rhythmic
most probably psychogenic in origin. delta activity (TIRDA).
On the other hand, the interictal EEG recorded • Intermittent left temporal irregular theta/delta
left temporal sharp waves and suggested potential epi- activity.
leptogenicity in the left temporal region.
Clinical Interpretation: This study recorded 2 complex
Scenario C: Predominantly subjective episodes or partial seizures. The clinical onset was with cessation
spells without definite altered awareness or respon- of normal activity, blank stare, chewing and swallow-
siveness with a normal EEG. ing movements, which favor a temporal involvement.
Clinical Interpretation: This study recorded two epi- Postictally after the first event, the patient was found
sodes that were predominantly subjective. There to be aphasic for almost 2–3 minutes, which favors
were no associated EEG changes. This study does a left temporal localization. This localization was
EEG Technology 77
supported by the ictal EEG onset and interictal epi- (F3>Fp1,F7,C3); 10 of the seizures started with
leptiform and slow activity that was left inferomesial transitional sharp waves.
temporal or inferomesial temporal predominant. • Frequent high frequency beta bursts recorded
In summary, this study is diagnostic of partial epi- from the same region as above.
lepsy with confident localization of the epileptogenic • Interictal epileptiform discharges from the left
zone to the left inferomesial temporal region with frontal or frontotemporal region.
excellent convergence of clinical seizure pattern, ictal • Irregular delta activity recorded from the left
EEG, interictal epileptiform activity, and slow wave frontal region.
Clinical Interpretation: This 4-day video EEG study
Scenario G: Example of fairly congruent data, less recorded 15 complex partial seizures, 6 secondarily
definitive generalized. The seizures included early head turn-
Example 1. Left lateral temporal ing to the left, hypermotor automatisms of the left
extremities, while the right side was motionless or
EEG Diagnosis: This 3-day video EEG monitoring is posturing, and, in transition to generalization, adver-
abnormal because of: sive head turning to the right, and asymmetrical tonic
• At least 16 ictal discharges with associated posturing (with figure of 4). The clinical features
clinical seizures. All ictal discharges started with strongly favor a left lateralization. The initial hyper-
theta activity in the left temporal region (at T7, motor activity may suggest frontal lobe involvement.
T1>P7, F7). A left frontal localization was supported by the ictal
• Bursts of left temporal rhythmic sharp activity in EEG onset and by the interictal epileptiform and slow
sleep (F7>T7>Fp1) lasting up to 10 seconds, with activity, which were consistently left frontal.
some evolution raising the possibility of subclini- In summary, this study is diagnostic of partial epi-
cal ictal discharges. lepsy, with strong evidence of a left frontal epilepto-
• Very frequent left temporal epileptiform dis- genic zone.
charges (T7 or F7 predominance).
• Left temporal intermittent irregular slow activity.
Clinical Interpretation: This 3-day video EEG study TO KNOW
recorded 16 of patient’s typical complex partial sei-
zures. Their main characteristics were sudden crying/ This discussion is not intended to be a comprehensive
moaning, appearing restless and scared, mild right technical manual but rather a guideline as to what the
facial twitching, head turn to the left, and bilateral EEG reader expects.
limb automatisms. The early head turning to the left
and right facial twitching at onset may favor a left Training and Expertise
lateral temporal localization. This localization is sup-
ported by the ictal onset and interictal epileptiform There is a national shortage of qualified EEG tech-
and slow activity. nologists and quite few training programs. Even the
In summary, this study is diagnostic of partial epi- programs that do exist produce small numbers of
lepsy with a probable left epileptogenic zone in the technologists. Therefore, many EEGs are performed
left lateral temporal region. by technicians who are at various stages of training
and experience, from novices to those eligible for
Example 2. Left frontal ABRET registry to those who are registered to those
who are qualified and experienced educators.
EEG Diagnosis: This 3-day video EEG study is abnormal EEG labs should be supervised by a registered EEG
because of: technologist, or at the very least an individual who is
• Fifteen ictal discharges associated with clinical eligible for ABRET certification. New technicians who
seizures, 6 of which secondary generalized. All have not gone through teaching programs should be
15 seizures started from the left frontal region supervised by a certified or eligible technologist.
78 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Digital EEGs are usually stored on central servers EEG machines and reading workstations are
and interpreted at workstations. Archiving the record- repositories and/or portals of personal medical
ings is performed in accordance with regulations. information. Therefore, standard security measures
Archiving is sometimes done by the technologists should be followed, just as for a workstation or
but sometimes by Information Systems (IS) or other device with an electronic medical record or PACS
support staff. system.
Karl E Misulis
TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS EEG can be abnormal in two ways. First, there are
some potentials that can be definitively abnormal.
Interpretation of clinical EEG begins with identifica- Second, some potentials are abnormal only in the
tion of the clinical state and events, and then identi- context of baseline EEG activity and patient charac-
fying the EEG correlates to those states and events. teristics and state.
For most patients, diagnosis can be accomplished by Non-epileptiform activity includes focal and
a routine EEG, but for some with uncommon events generalized slowing, and other abnormalities of
which need to be captured, prolonged recording is background activity. Interictal abnormalities include
needed. Table 4-1 describes some common clinical isolated spikes and sharp waves which also can be
states and events, and table 4-2 describes some com- focal or generalized. Ictal activity is associated with
mon EEG events. These and additional entities are clinical seizure activity and is usually repetitive spikes,
subsequently discussed in the text. again focal or generalized, although focal slowing or
suppression or focal rhythmic activity of almost any
frequency can be ictal activity.
NORMAL EEG The normal EEG is more difficult to specify than
the normal EMG or Nerve Conduction Study. There
are certainly specific rhythms that are expected at
Clinical EEG is performed in the office or hospital different ages and states of patients, but in addition,
setting, and is performed prior to long-term video there are specific patterns that are independent of
EEG monitoring. The recordings are of only a small quantitative frequency analysis.
epoch, 20 minutes or so, therefore, it is very possible
The normal EEG can be defined by:
to miss epileptiform abnormalities on a recording
of this duration. Encephalopathy is more difficult to • Frequency composition;
miss, unless the entirety of the recording was made in • Topographic organization of the activity—left/
the drowsy or sleeping state. right, front/back, asymmetry, interhemispheric
Normal EEG will be discussed first, followed synchrony;
by a discussion of artifacts and electrocerebral • State—including wake/sleep, tense/relaxed;
abnormalities. • Effect of activation methods on the EEG.
Clinical EEG 81
Table 4-1 Clinical Events
Term Definition
Epileptic seizure Episodes of change in neurologic behavior due to abnormal neuronal
activity in the brain
Psychogenic non-epileptic Episodic neurologic events that can resemble epileptic seizures but which
seizure are due to psychological issues rather than due to a change in neuronal
activity in the brain.
Non-epileptic event Episode of neurologic abnormality which can resemble epileptic seizure
but is not primarily due to epileptic discharge. E.g. clonic syncope.
The normal EEG across ages is typically symmetric, wakefulness and attenuates with eye opening and dis-
though not synchronous across the hemispheres, and appears as the patient falls into drowsiness and sleep.
has a spatial and frequency distribution that is appro-
priate for the patient’s age. Normal variants are often
Low Voltage Fast
age-dependent, as are some normal EEG patterns.
Some individuals have a very low-voltage posterior
rhythm that it is nearly invisible, and a low-voltage fast
Normal Adult EEG background is seen. Similarly, patients who have dif-
ficulty relaxing may never get into the relaxed wake-
Normal Waking Backgrounds fulness that allows for the posterior dominant alpha
rhythm. Absent of this posterior rhythm is not abnor-
A variety of background rhythms will be seen in EEGs,
mal unless unilateral.
many of which are distinctly abnormal. Sleep rhythms
will be discussed later. The following patterns can be
seen in the awake state and are distinctly normal. Sleep-wake Cycle
Waking State
Normal Posterior Dominant Rhythm Routine EEG (Figure 4-1) usually begins with the
The occipital leads show rhythm in the alpha range. patient awake with the eyes closed. The technician
Frontal and central leads show faster activity. The asks the patient to open and close the eyes to assess
posterior dominant alpha is present in relaxed the posterior background rhythm and its reactivity.
Table 4-2 EEG Events
Term Definition
Spike Sharp transient with a duration of 25–70 msec.
Sharp waive Sharp transient with a duration of 70–200 msec.
Slow wave Individual waves in the theta (4–13 Hz) or delta (< 4 Hz) range.
Sharply-contoured slow wave Sharp transient with a duration > 200 msec.
Epileptiform discharge Episodic waves or complexes that stand out from the background
and suggest predisposition to epilepsy.
Spike-wave complex Spike followed by a slow wave.
Posterior dominant rhythm A rhythm from the occipital region that is composed of one fairly
narrow band of dominant frequency. Waves of other frequencies
may be superimposed on this posterior rhythm
82 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
541 540
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
Figure 4-1: Normal Waking EEG. Figure 4-2: Normal Waking EEG with Eye Opening.
Normal waking EEG using the longitudinal bipolar (LB) There is attenuation of the posterior rhythm with eye open-
montage. Posterior-dominant alpha rhythm, with eye blinks ing. This is the same patient as in Figure 4-1.
anteriorly, is seen.
more prominent vertex waves, and K-complexes, which of the record. Stage 3 sleep is not commonly seen in
are longer polyphasic vertex waves often associated with routine office EEG.
spindle activity. There is complete loss of the posterior Stage 4: Delta activity predominates in stage 4
dominant alpha rhythm. Since vertex waves may appear sleep, which now comprises more than 50% of the
in drowsiness and sleep stage 1B, the main differentiat- record. Vertex waves and sleep spindles are often
ing feature of stage 2 is the appearance of sleep spindles. absent. Stage 4 sleep is rarely seen on routine office
Delta begins to appear at this stage. EEG.
Figure 4-3 shows an example of stage 2 sleep from REM: Rapid eye movement sleep is characterized
the same patients as shown above for the waking by a low-voltage fast background. Superficially, this
records. pattern may resemble drowsiness, but is differenti-
Stage 3: Stage 3 sleep is characterized by more delta ated by rapid eye movements, hypotonia on sub-
and fewer faster frequencies. Delta comprises 20–50% mental EMG, and irregular respiratory rate.
Table 4-4 Sleep Stages
Stage Features
Wake Posterior dominant rhythm of 8.5–11 Hz.
Desynchronized background.
Stage 1a (drowsiness) Reduction in muscle artifact.
Anterior widening of the field of the posterior dominant rhythm.
Slow horizontal eye movements (SEM)
Stage 1b Attenuation of the PDR.
Appearance of theta activity.
Vertex waves may appear.
Stage 2 Loss of the PDR.
Sleep spindles.
Vertex waves and K-complexes.
Stage 3 More delta activity (20–50% of EEG).
Fewer vertex waves and spindles.
Spindles become more anterior and slower in frequency.
Stage 4 Prominent delta (>50% of EEG).
Vertex waves and spindles are few to none.
REM Low-voltage fast background.
Rapid eye movements.
84 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
649 patients may progress to stage 3 then 4. The progres-
sion to stage 4 does not occur with each cycle. There
are three to five cycles in a night’s sleep. REM sleep
occurs after at least one sleep cycle, and is of increased
4 duration with later cycles.
Activation Methods
Activation methodology and response is discussed
in Chapter 3 in the sections on EEG Methodology and
Routine EEG Review. The responses to these activa-
tion are revisited here.
12 Photic Stimulation
13 Responses to photic stimulation can be normal,
abnormal, or artifactual. Table 4-5 presents the photic
stimulation responses that may be encountered.
Not presented in Table 4-5 is induction of
non-epileptic seizures by photic stimulation. Photic
stimulation can induce both epileptic and non-epileptic
Figure 4-3: Stage 2 Sleep. seizures.
The background is composed of a mixture of frequen-
cies with sleep spindles and vertex waves. This is the same
patient as in the previous two figures. Referential montage. Visual Evoked Response
The visual evoked response is also sometimes termed
the photic evoked response and is a positive-predominant
Progression of sleep stages: Waking, drowsiness, wave seen from the occipital region approximately
and stage 2 sleep are commonly seen in routine 100 msec after each flash (see Figure 4-4). This is seen
office EEG. The progression is from waking to stage at slower flash frequencies, usually less than 5/sec.
1A to stage 1B to stage 2. With prolonged recordings, With increasing flash frequency, the VER disappears
flash stimulus in susceptible individuals. Repeated temporal lobe epilepsy). While some patients will
contraction of these muscles produces EMG activity have already noticed that there is photic trigger
that is time-locked to the stimulus, and recorded typi- of their seizures, this is not always the case. Some
cally from the frontal leads. patients with photosensitivity have never had a
The main issue with the photomyoclonic response spontaneous seizure.
is in differentiation of this from photoparoxysmal The discharge is usually activated by a band of
response. Some general guidelines are discussed in flash frequencies rather than by the entirety of the
Table 4-6. flash procedure. Identification of photoparoxysmal
response is generally by the following criteria:
Photoparoxysmal Response
The photoparoxysmal response (Figure 4-7) is • Activated by a band of flash rates;
a marker for seizure tendency, and most often • Does not begin with the first flash in the train;
noted with generalized epilepsies. Less commonly, • Frequency is not time-locked to the stimulus;
photosensitivity is noted with partial epilepsy • May outlast the photic stimulation train or stop
(occipital lobe epilepsy, and even less commonly before the end of the train.
The photoparoxysmal response is always interpreted from the retina. The ERG is often seen in the fronto-
as abnormal. It has been suggested that the best cor- polar electrodes as well, at high gains, when there is a
relation with epilepsy occurs if the discharge out- paucity of electrocerebral activity.
lasts the stimulus train, however this has not been
consistently noted. Hyperventilation
Hyperventilation is used predominantly to activate
Photoelectric Artifact the 3-per-second spike and wave discharge of absence
The photoelectric artifact is non-cerebral and not seizures. Patients with untreated childhood absence
EMG. The potential is generated by the electrode-gel epilepsy will almost always have these discharges with
complex. The artifact is often contaminating insecure hyperventilation. In some patients, the discharges are
leads with high impedance, so there is not equal rep- only seen during hyperventilation.
resentation across the forehead, and loss of common The normal response to hyperventilation is gener-
mode rejection. alized slow activity, both synchronous and asynchro-
Light produces changes in the electrode, which nous. In adults, there is mostly appearance of theta
disturb subtle junction potentials between the elec- range activity. The slow activity is more prominent in
trode and gel. This potential is detected mostly in the children than in adults and also more prominent and
frontal electrodes, which are directly illuminated and persistent in patients with hypoglycemia (Figure 4-8).
can be misinterpreted as a rhythmic spike potential Hyperventilation is performed for 3 minutes on
with a frequency equal to the frequency of photic routine testing, and should be performed for 5 min-
stimulation. utes if there is a strong suspicion of absence seizures.
With solid electrode placement and fixation this Hyperventilation is not performed in elderly patients
artifact is minimized. and in those with significant vascular disease, since
It may be difficult to distinguish from the electro- there may be resultant vasospasm and decreased cere-
retinogram (ERG) activity that records potentials bral perfusion.
88 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Stimulus-Sensitive Epilepsies
Photic-induced epilepsy is not common but photic
stimulation is presented during almost all EEGs, perhaps
Fp1-F3 even during studies where this is not the clinical ques-
tion. However, there are other stimulus-sensitive epilep-
sies that which should be considered (see Table 4-7).
F3-C3 Musicogenic epilepsy is quite rare and likely
under-diagnosed, as are stimulus-sensitive epilepsies
in general (Maguire, 2012). The association with the
music stimulus is often not obvious and when the
diagnosis is made, there is usually a long history of
neurologic evaluation without the stimulus sensitiv-
ity being identified. If a patient reports possible musi-
cogenic epilepsy, the appropriate stimulus should be
Figure 4-8: Hyperventilation.
Top: Normal EEG epoch. Bottom: Hyperventilation, with used if needed (Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenité, 2012).
enhanced slow activity. Reading epilepsy is also rare but when suspected
should be tested in the lab. These patients often have
seizures when they are not reading and even sleep-
Sleep Deprivation ing, so the stimulus association is often not obvious.
Sleep deprivation increases the possibility of see- In this modern age of digital communication, cases
ing epileptiform activity in some patients, and also of reading epilepsy induced by the omnipresent text
increases the chance of obtaining sleep. Sleep depri- messaging may make this diagnosis more evident
vation increases the yield of epileptiform discharges (Watson et al., 2012).
beyond that expected from sleep alone, and there- Occasionally, patients with seizures may have
fore is considered a separate physiologic activation spikes triggered by auditory or tactile stimulation as
well as visual stimulation. This is particularly com- can be triggered, with non-epileptic events predom-
mon in patients who have anoxic encephalopathy but inating (Khan et al., 2009). Regardless of whether
can occur even if patients present with seizures not the events are non-epileptic or epileptic, there is
triggered by stimulus (Fernández-Torre et al., 2010). certainly diagnostic utility to having them revealed
Another example of sensory-sensitive epilepsy is on study.
associated with tooth brushing.
Effects of Aging
Reactivity to External Stimuli
Reactivity to external stimuli during EEG is used not Aging results in some defined changes in EEG activity:
only to induce seizures but in this context refers to deter-
• Decreased voltage of the posterior dominant
mining if the EEG exhibits reactivity separately from
epileptiform discharge. During routine EEG, patients
• Slight decrease in frequency of the posterior
are often asked questions to determine level of con-
dominant rhythm;
sciousness and roughly determine cognitive function. In
• Increased theta and delta on spectral analysis;
patients with hypoxic encephalopathy, lack of reactivity
• Increased beta activity;
of the EEG can be a poor prognostic sign in the appro-
• Decreased magnitude of the responses to photic
priate context—e.g., freedom from sedatives and time
from hypothermia (Rossetti et al., 2010; Rossetti et al.,
• Decreased slowing in response to
2012). Reactivity in a comatose patient is tested usually
by presenting an expectedly painful stimulus, speaking
to the patient even though a response is not expected, The PDR slows slightly with normal aging, but remains
and making a loud unexpected sound, e.g., clap. at least the minimum 8–8.5 Hz. Slowing to less than
Reactivity in other conditions is also tested if a this is abnormal and consistent with encephalopathy.
good waking record is not obtained, for the purpose The increased theta and delta with spectral analy-
of not only testing reactivity but also inducing a sis is difficult to see with visual inspection. A small
change of state of the sleep-wake cycle. amount of temporal theta is occasionally seen, and is
discussed in a subsequent page.
Placebo Infusion
Saline infusion during EEG has been used to both Normal Pediatric EEG
induce clinical events and to terminate documented
non-epileptic events. This was discussed in Chapter 3 Overview
in greater detail, but is seldom used in clinical practice
for ethical reasons. However, there is no doubt that this The EEG in children is superficially similar to that in
can be an effective technique and some clinicians use adults in that there is a posterior dominant rhythm
this as a technique of last resort (Wassmer et al., 2003). that is attenuated and eventually replaced by slower
activity in drowsiness and sleep. There are important
Suggestions to Induce Seizures differences, which are age and state dependent. Note
Suggestions to induce seizures are commonly used, that this book concentrates on adult EEG, which is
although some have objected to an air of deception the arena of the authors, so discussion of pediatric
that characterizes these suggestions. This was dis- EEG is limited and basic.
cussed in depth in Chapter 3. Technician suggestions
Among these differences are:
are effective but are sometimes complicated to inter-
pret; for example, patients without non-epileptic sei- • Frequency and appearance of the posterior domi-
zures might have one to suggestion even though they nant rhythm;
usually have epileptic events. • Posterior slow waves of youth;
Hypnosis had been studied in adults and chil- • Response to hyperventilation;
dren in the potential to induce seizures. With a hyp- • Vertex waves appear higher voltage and sharper;
notic suggestion to have a seizure during video EEG • Sleep spindles are often prolonged and higher
monitoring, both epileptic and non-epileptic events voltage.
90 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
neonates commonly recorded (about 22 weeks) have The sharp contours of these bursts, along with
a very discontinuous pattern, meaning that there are the quite low voltage of the interburst epochs, can
alternating periods of low-voltage activity punctuated cause the appearance to resemble pathological
by bursts of high voltage mixed-frequency activity, burst-suppression. This is differentiated chiefly by
which commonly includes sharp waves. This can look knowledge of age of the patient and clinical condition.
similar to a burst-suppression pattern in an adult with
severe encephalopathy or sedation. 29–31 Weeks Conceptional Age
With maturation, the periods of low voltage The discontinuous pattern persists, but there are
activity become shorter and have greater activity changes, with the interburst intervals becoming
during this time. Therefore the bursts become more
frequent and the difference between the bursts and
interburst epochs are much less pronounced as the F3-C3
child approaches 38 weeks conceptional age—the
discontinuity is quite modest at that point. As the C3-P3
child approaches 38–40 weeks conceptional age,
sleep-wake cycles become more obvious.
EMG activity is a reliable indicator of state begin-
ning at this age range, whereas it was not in younger
prematures; low amplitude EMG is seen in REM
sleep. Multifocal sharp transients disappear and are
replaced with frontal sharp transients that are of 4
higher amplitude. 2
Reactivity of the EEG is more prominent than 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
in younger ages, with attenuation of the background Age (years)
with stimulation, and often a change of state.
Figure 4-11: Maturation of the Posterior Dominant
38–40 Weeks Conceptional Age Rhythm.
Change in the frequency of the posterior dominant rhythm
These are considered term infants, and the EEG pat- with age.
tern is considered normal term EEG (Figure 4-10).
Clinical EEG 93
Posterior Slow Waves of Youth Posterior slow waves of youth are augmented by
hyperventilation, as shown in Figure 4-13. This is from
There are slow waves superimposed on and inter- the same patients as Figure 4-12.
mixed with the normal posterior waking background, Posterior slow waves of youth are considered
referred to as slow waves of youth. These could poten- normal. They are differentiated from pathologic slow
tially be confused with abnormal slow potentials indi- waves by the following features:
cating encephalopathy, especially in the young child
with a posterior rhythm in the theta range. Posterior • Otherwise normal background;
slow waves may have an episodic occurrence or may • Appearance in wake and light sleep but disappear
be seen sequentially. They are usually notched, sug- later in sleep;
gesting that several alpha waves have merged to form • Reactivity to eye opening—attenuated.
them. They are not usually confused with epilepti-
form activity, although the sequence of an alpha wave They become less evident with growth, and are not
followed by a slow wave occasionally suggests a sharp seen after 30 years of age.
and slow wave complex.
In addition to posterior slow waves, there is Hyperventilation
more theta anteriorly in young children than in
adults, and this, also, should not be interpreted as Hyperventilation produces a greater reactive slow-
abnormal. ing in children than adults. In young children, the
Neurophysiologists who are not accustomed to inter- magnitude and synchronicity of the slowing can be
pretation of children’s EEGs often misinterpret normal mistaken for seizure activity (see Figure 4-14). This is
slow activity as pathological slow activity, indicative of particularly true if there is a notched appearance to the
encephalopathy. Therefore, consideration must be made rhythm, a common occurrence when the slow activity
to age as well as the state of the patient (Figure 4-12). is superimposed on faster underlying rhythms.
Drowsiness Vertex Waves
Vertex waves (Figure 4-15) are not present at birth, but
One pattern of drowsiness seen in early childhood is that begin to appear at about 5 months of age. By 2 years of
of generalized bisynchronous high voltage slow waves, age they are prominent in stage 2 sleep, sharp in con-
often appearing abruptly. This pattern referred to a hyp- figuration, and high amplitude. They can be so promi-
nagogic hypersynchrony. It becomes less frequent with nent as to be confused with epileptiform activity.
advancing age, and is no longer seen by adolescence. While there is room for a lot of experience and
judgment in differentiation of juvenile vertex activity
Sleep Patterns from epileptiform activity, some general features of
vertex waves are:
Sleep should be obtained when the clinical question
is seizures, since interictal discharges (and sometimes • Prominence during sleep without any signs of
ictal discharges) are more common in sleep. For some abnormal vertex activity during the awake state;
patients, abnormal electrical activity is only seen in • Disappearance of the activity during deeper
sleep. There is effectively no difference between sedated stages of sleep;
sleep and natural sleep. Chloral hydrate a commonly • Association of the activity with spindles;
used sedative since it has a wide safety margin and this • K-complexes that have a vertex component simi-
agent does not produce the prominent drug-induced lar to the waves in question.
beta activity that is typical of benzodiazepines and bar-
biturates. However, this is considered conscious seda- Regarding these guidelines, prominence in sleep
tion and requires monitoring of vital signs. without a waking correlate is different from augmen-
The sleep records of children and adults are more tation during sleep. Occasionally, interictal or ictal
alike than the waking records. However, there are activity will appear during sleep when there is no sign
maturational changes in children. In addition, sleep during the awake state. However, total absence during
activity of children can be particularly sharp and high the awake state with prominence during light sleep is
in voltage. not impossible but is unexpected.
Clinical EEG 95
Disappearance during deeper sleep cannot be relied synchronous. By 2 years of age, the general appearance
on in most routine office studies, because sleep beyond of the sleep spindles is the same as in adults.
stage 2 is rarely obtained. Video-monitoring for longer
time would be required to capture all sleep stages. Cone Waves
Association with spindles is a good clue to the These high voltage occipital cone-shaped waves may
identity of vertex activity, although even this is imper- be seen in the occipital regions in infancy.
fect, since high-frequency rhythmic epileptiform
activity can occasionally be seen. This pattern is most
Variants and Transients
common in younger patients, so the chance occur-
rence of vertex epileptiform plus central alpha-range
rhythmic activity has to be quite uncommon.
K-complexes (Figure 4-16) are the fusion of a ver- Variants and normal transients are a frequent accompa-
tex with a sleep spindle. If K-complexes are seen and niment to an otherwise typical EEG (see Tables 4-10,
the vertex component has the same general appear- 4-11, and 4-12). Unfortunately, they can be confused with
ance as the midline waves under question, the activity epileptiform or other abnormal EEG activity. This sec-
is most likely to be vertex than epileptiform. tion describes some of the more important transients
and variants that are certainly not considered pathologic.
Sleep Spindles
Sleep spindles (Figure 4-17) are also not present at birth, 14 & 6 Positive Spikes
but begin to appear consistently at about 2 months. The
early sleep spindles are often prolonged and have an 14 & 6 positive spikes are sharply contoured positive
appearance different from adult spindles, in that that waveforms seen mainly in the posterior temporal region,
they have a sharp negative peak and rounded base. They but have a widespread distribution (see Figure 4-18).
are also frequently asynchronous or asymmetrical. After They appear predominantly in drowsiness and light
18 months of age, the majority of spindles should be sleep. The appearance is of a train of waves at about 14
or 6/sec, although both frequencies may not be seen in Figure 4-19). The duration is less than 50 msec with
the same recording epoch or in the same patient. A pro- an amplitude usually less than 50 μV (but they may
longed recording may be needed to see both frequencies. look larger in long-distance derivations). They may
The 6/sec pattern predominates in younger children, be monophasic, biphasic, and occasionally polypha-
whereas the 14/sec predominates in older children. sic. They may also have a small after-going slow wave.
Reports have associated the 14 & 6 pattern with BSSS are usually differentiated from epileptiform
a variety of pathologic conditions, but these associa- spikes by small amplitude, short duration, tendency to
tions are weak and the incidence is not clearly dif- shift from side to side, occasional oblique dipole with
ferent from the general population (Drury, 1989). negativity in one hemisphere and positivity in another
Therefore, this should be considered to be a normal hemisphere, and otherwise normal EEG background.
variant if the rest of the recording is otherwise nor- However, the most reliable distinguishing feature is
mal. Its presence should be mentioned in the body of disappearance in deep sleep, while true epileptiform
the report, and should probably be mentioned in the discharges are usually increased in deeper sleep. BSSS
impression for later consideration. is also called small sharp spikes (SSS) and benign epi-
Metabolic encephalopathies, such as hepatic fail- leptiform transients of sleep (BETS).
ure, may have an increased incidence of 14 & 6, but
the background is abnormal with slowing and often Lambda Waves
triphasic waves.
Lambda waves are positive waves that are pres-
BSSS (Benign Sporadic Sleep Spikes) ent when viewing a scene or complex image (see
Figure 4-20). The waves are blocked by eye closure.
Benign sporadic sleep spikes are very small spike-like These waves resemble POSTs. This pattern is seen in
potentials that occur in the temporal or frontotem- the waking state from the occipital region. The pat-
poral regions during drowsiness and light sleep (see tern is completely normal. The lambda waves may
Figure 4-20: Lambda waves.
Positive lambda-shaped waves are seen posteriorly.
Clinical EEG 101
be mistaken for occipital spikes; however, their posi- especially if the spindle component has a fast appear-
tive polarity and blocking with eye closure make this ance. Careful inspection of the record usually allows
clearly not epileptiform. the reader to dissect out the vertex and spindle com-
Lambda waves indicate visual exploration. Their ponents of the wave.
label comes from their resemblance to the Greek low-
ercase letter lambda (λ). Lambda waves are normal Mu
and should be commented on in the body of the report
but need not be mentioned in the interpretation. Mu rhythm (Figure 4-22) is seen in the waking state,
and is a negative arch-shaped rhythm of about 8–10
Mittens Hz. The potentials are most prominent at C3 and C4.
Mu activity is often sharp. Its sharpness and ampli-
Mittens are seen only in sleep and consist of a partially tude are increased in the presence of a skull defect
fused vertex wave and sleep spindle. The last wave of over the central region. In drowsiness, the Mu rhythm
the spindle is superimposed on the rising phase of the may be broken up into fragments that can easily be
vertex wave (see Figure 4-21). This voltage summation over-interpreted as abnormal epileptiform activity.
gives the last spindle wave a faster and higher ampli- Mu is very often asymmetric or even unilateral. The
tude appearance, which may simulate a spike. Mittens absence of Mu activity on one side is not abnormal,
are seen only in sleep. unless there is very frequent Mu activity on one side
The name comes from the appearance of a hand and none on the other side. The key to identification of
mitten, the thumb being the fused spindle wave and Mu rhythm is blocking by movement of the contralat-
the hand being the vertex wave. Mittens are nor- eral arm. Even contemplating movement can produce
mal, but can be confused with a spike-wave pattern, this change.
Figure 4-21: Mittens.
Typical mittens are seen near the middle of the tracing.
102 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Phantom Spike-Waves POSTS are not seen in every patient and have no
diagnostic significance, unless they appear only from
These low voltage 6 Hz spike-and-wave discharges one hemisphere. Even in this circumstance, asymmet-
can be single or in brief trains and occur typically in ric POSTS are unlikely to be the only abnormality on
drowsiness. The classical benign variant has biposte- the EEG.
rior predominance, particularly at Pz. They tend to
occur mostly in young women. Figure 4-23 shows
phantom spike-waves with reversal of polarity at Pz. Rhythmic Midtemporal Theta of Drowsiness
This pattern is normal, but may be more likely in some is typically notched. The sub-harmonic can be mis-
patients with structural lesions. interpreted as a slow background in the theta range.
Differentiation of slow alpha variant (Figure 4-26)
from a pathologically slow background can be made
Slow Alpha Variant by the following features:
The posterior dominant rhythm in most adults is 8.5–
11 Hz. In some patients, there can be a sub-harmonic of • Notched appearance of the rhythm;
the posterior rhythm at 4–5 Hz. The slower frequency • Attenuation of the rhythm with eye opening.
• Stereotypic appearance of the background of
the slow alpha variant as opposed to polymor-
Fp1-F3 phic appearance of pathologic slow activity of
• Appearance of normal frequency of the posterior
dominant rhythm elsewhere in the recording,
sometimes intermixed with the slow variant.
C3-P3 • Normal frontal and cerebral activity with slow
alpha variant as opposed to slowing associated
with encephalopathy.
F4 - C4
P4 - O2
Subclinical rhythmic electrographic discharge of
Fp1 - F7
adults (SREDA) is rhythmic sharp activity that
F7 - T3 appears in some older patients in the awake state
T3 - T5 (Figures 4-28a through 4-28d). Typically, periodic
T5 - O1 sharply contoured waves evolve into a rhythmic theta
Fp2 - F8 pattern.
F8 - T4
Although SREDA resembles an ictal discharge,
there is no clinical change during the discharge.
T4 - T6
a Fp1-F3
C4-P4 50 μV
1 sec
Figure 4-28a: SREDA—1 of 4.
This sequence of images (4-28a–4-28d) shows evolution of SREDA.
106 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
b Fp1-F3
Cz-Pz 50 μV
1 sec
Figure 4-28b: SREDA—2 of 4.
c Fp1-F3
Cz-Pz 50 μV
1 sec
Figure 4-28c: SREDA—3 of 4.
d Fp1-F3
Fp2-F4 50 μV
1 sec
Figure 4-28d: SREDA—4 of 4.
Clinical EEG 107
to be the third brain idling rhythm, besides these eye results in potentials that can be recorded from
other two. anterior leads. These potentials can occasionally be
mistaken for frontal lobe activity.
Non-cerebral Potentials Vertical eye movements: Downward gaze results
in the positive cornea moving away from the fron-
Artifacts can be biological or electrical. Unfortunately,
tal lobe, so negativity is seen in frontal leads. The
electrical artifacts can predispose to enhanced per-
reverse is true for upward gaze. Since the eyes move
ception of biological artifacts.
up and down together, the potentials from the
Biological two sides are synchronous. Of course, one must
remember the possibility of a prosthetic eye, pro-
Biological artifacts are generated by the body, but not ducing unilateral eye movement artifact. Certain
by the brain. They can be confused with electrocer- vertical eye movements have characteristic patterns,
ebral activity, and if so are frequently interpreted as including eye blinks, eye opening, eye closure, eye
slowing or spikes. fluttering.
Eye closures: Eye closure results in Bell’s phenom-
Eye Movement enon, an upward deviation of the eyes (Figure 4-30).
The eye is electrically charged with the cornea posi- This will be associated with a positive deflection in
tive relative to the fundus, so any movement of the the frontopolar electrodes. In addition, eye closure is
108 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
associated with appearance of the posterior dominant With eye blinks there is a negative potential that fol-
rhythm. lows the initial deep positive potential in the frontopolar
Eye blink: An eye blink causes the same positive electrodes. Eye blink can be more repetitive and have the
potential in the frontopolar regions, but the sub- appearance of frontal slow or sharp activity (Figure 4-32).
sequent eye opening causes a negative deflection Eye flutter can produce artifact that is even faster than
(Figure 4-31). The subsequent negative deflection dis- normal eye blink and can be mistaken for epileptiform
tinguishes an eye blink from mere eye closure. activity or for fast frontal beta activity (Figure 4-33).
Figure 4-31: Eye Blink.
Prominent eye blink potentials are of ocular origin, not cerebral.
Figure 4-33: Eye Flutter produces rapid frontal electrical activity resembling beta. muscle artifact shows that
this is movement-related, however.
frontopolar electrodes is eye movement artifact seizing, or have other reasons for increased tone of
until proven otherwise. scalp muscles. EMG is often prominent from the
• Pathologic frontal slow activity tends to be associ- temporal leads. Frontal and occipital leads may also
ated with a slow background, with activity in the be prominently involved, whereas midline electrodes
theta and/or delta range. A normal background will usually be least affected. EMG artifact consists
will suggest that slow activity restricted to the of short needle-like spikes, which may occur in such
frontal region most likely represents eye move- frequency that they become confluent and give an
ment artifact. appearance that resembles noise.
• Patients with marked vertical eye movements will
often have prominent lateral eye movements as Some guidelines for differentiating EMG from epilep-
well, which can be easily recognized. tiform spikes are as follows:
• EMG is very fast, much faster than spikes.
Eye movement monitoring: Eye movement monitoring Activity recorded at the scalp that is shorter than
was discussed in detail in Chapter 3 can be facilitated 20 msec is highly unlikely to be epileptiform
by an arrangement similar to that shown in Figure 4-38. activity.
Figures 4-39 and 4-40 show the placement of leads • EMG spikes are not followed by a slow wave.
for differentiation of eye movements from frontal • EMG is prominent in the waking state, and disap-
cerebral activity: pears with sleep.
• EMG spikes recur at a rate that is much faster
Muscle Artifact than would be seen with repetitive spikes.
EMG activity frequently contaminates EEG record- • EMG is attenuated by asking the patient to relax
ings, and this is prominent when patients are tense, the jaw, open the mouth, or other maneuver.
Clinical EEG 111
Figure 4-41 shows a typical appearance of muscle arti- • Glossokinetic artifact usually disappears in
fact. Occasionally, muscle artifact is more restricted, drowsiness and light sleep.
and may even arise from a single motor unit, particu- • Glossokinetic artifact is associated with activities
larly in the midtemporal region (see Figure 4-42). such as speaking, chewing, swallowing.
Although muscle artifact can be filtered using • Glossokinetic artifact is often concurrent with
the high-frequency filter, the unfiltered EEG should EMG artifact of the frontalis and temporalis
always be viewed first. The high-frequency filter may muscles
distort the appearance of muscle artifact such that it
starts to appear cerebral in origin. Figure 4-43 pro- If there is still doubt about identification, then elec-
vides an example. trodes can be placed below the eyes. The patient is
asked to make lingual movements such as “la la la”
Glossokinetic Artifact and the potentials observed, glossokinetic artifact
The tongue is polarized, with the tip negative in shows higher voltage at the infraorbital electrodes
comparison to the back. Movement of the tongue than at the frontopolar electrodes. Cerebral activity
is common in the waking state, and can occasion- will be higher in voltage in the frontopolar electrodes.
ally be mistaken for pathologic frontal slow activ- Identification of glossokinetic artifact is much better
ity. This is potentially even more problematic in a if the technician recognizes the problem and is able to
comatose patient who is having tongue movements. perform these maneuvers during the study.
Glossokinetic artifact can be differentiated from slow Combinations of muscle and glossokinetic arti-
activity in the following ways: fact produce very characteristic patterns. Some are
112 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
displayed in Figures 4-44, 4-45, and 4-46. The patient Mistaking this discharge for seizure would be
is a young woman who had episodes of tongue click- most likely if the behavior is not observed, as with
ing after arousal. The slow waves between the bursts long-term outpatient monitoring, where limited
are glossokinetic potentials. The EMG bursts are behavioral information is available.
related to temporalis muscle contraction. Figure 4-47
is the same epoch with different filter settings, and the EKG Artifact
non-epileptiform character is more evident. Electrocardiogram (EKG) artifact is seen mainly on
referential montages (see Figure 4-49). Increased
Toothbrush Artifact inter-electrode distance predisposes to EKG artifact.
During long-term monitoring a variety of artifacts are Differentiation from electrocerebral artifact is most
evident. When the patient is observed in the video unit, obvious if a special EKG channel is recorded, but
behavioral correlates are obvious. In the absence of obser- even in the absence of this, the regular nature of the
vation, the potentials shown in Figure 4-48 with brushing QRS complex and the distribution of the sharp activ-
of teeth could be misinterpreted as seizure activity. ity make the source evident.
Clinical EEG 113
can be mistaken for a spike discharge and is termed
a an electrode pop (Figure 4-51). The appearance is of
a brief spike, followed by a gradual decay to base-
E1 - A1 Down line. During the spike, the responsiveness of the
E2 - A2 Fp2 Fp1
E2 E1
b E4
E1 - E2
E3 - E4 Down
Figure 4-38: Eye Movement Monitoring.
Placement of eye leads can reveal not only eye movement Figure 4-39: Electrode Positions for Monitoring Eye
and differentiate from cerebral activity but also indicate Movements.
direction of movement. a: Vertical movement detection. Infraorbital (IO) electrodes in conjunction with frontopolar
b: Horizontal movement detection. (Fp) leads are helpful for characterization of eye movements.
Clinical EEG 115
Figure 4-53 shows the right parasagittal portion of attachment. However, movement sufficient to disturb
the longitudinal bipolar montage. Midway through this the connection results in charge movement between
epoch, the air bed is unplugged and the high-frequency the electrode and gel and scalp, which is recorded as
activity disappears. The focal nature of the 60 Hz arti- EEG (Figure 4-56). Differential amplification does
fact raises the possibility of high impedance at P4. not remove this artifact because the lead artifact
Focal 60 Hz artifact should always raise the pos- affects the recording from a single electrode.
sibility of focal high impedance (Figure 4-54). In this Movement artifact is also produced by movement
example the very fast activity at C4 without appearance of the leads. A small amount of current flows through
in other leads suggests that this is not electrocerebral. the electrode leads, and while this current is miniscule
compared to most electrical circuits, there is resis-
Phone Artifact
tance of the leads and capacitance between the leads.
Telephones commonly ring, especially when patients
Movement of the leads results in disturbance of the
are being monitored or examined. Figure 4-55 is an
capacitance. The built-up charge can dissipate with loss
example of the electrical artifact of the ringing of a
of the capacitance, and this too is recorded as EEG.
phone. The stereotypic rhythmic activity lasting just
a few seconds is the ringing of the phone.
How to Avoid Environmental and Machine
Movement Artifact Artifacts
Movement artifact is due to disturbance of the elec- Electrical artifact, including machine and 60-Hz poten-
trodes and/or leads. Electrode gel is a malleable tials, can be minimized by the following:
extension of the electrode, and minor head move- • Recording in an electrically quiet environment,
ment produces little effect on the electrode-gel-scalp certainly not possible for patients in the ICU;
Clinical EEG 117
Slow Abnormalities
Slowing can be generalized or focal or regional. Focal
slowing is easier to identify than generalized slowing,
P3-A1 since comparison of the slowing with normal back-
ground facilitates recognition. Generalized slowing
must be distinguished from normal slow activity such
as drowsiness or sedation.
Figure 4-49: EKG Artifact.
Focal slowing is most commonly seen with struc-
Artifact caused by cardiac electrical activity with an interval
of approximately 1/sec. tural lesions. Generalized slowing is most commonly
seen with encephalopathy.
Clinical EEG 121
Figure 4-50: Pulse Artifact, which is most Apparent in Channels 7 and 8. Note EKG at the Bottom of the Page.
Regional slowing is uncommon, and usually mani- hence the name polymorphic delta activity (PDA).
fests as intermittent rhythmic delta activity. Although In general, the area of the slow activity is overlying
this might be considered focal, it is bihemispheric, so the location of the structural lesion, but the anatomic
should be considered regional. correlation is not always exact.
Figure 4-51: Electrode Pop.
This potential is focal at C4, with no involvement in any other electrode. Electrode impedance measurements obtained at the
beginning of the study indicate that C4 impedance was elevated at 9K.
122 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
• Trauma—contusion or hematoma;
• Epileptic focus—irregular slow activity may be
F4-C4 associated with an epileptic focus in the absence
of structural lesion;
C4-P4 • Transient focal abnormality may be seen in
migraine, ischemia, or postictal dysfunction after
a focal seizure.
70 μv 1 sec
Unfortunately, one cannot usually be definitive about
the etiology of the slow activity from the appearance.
Figure 4-53: 60 Hz Artifact.
While additional historical information may help the
The electric air pump on the bed was the source of this arti-
fact. When unplugged, the artifact disappeared. analysis, the diagnosis of focal structural lesions rests
largely with imaging studies.
Clinical EEG 123
One form of focal slow activity, temporal intermit- predominantly in the theta or delta range. It usually
tent rhythmic delta activity (TIRDA), has a strong indicates encephalopathy. Slow activity in the theta
association with seizure activity (see Figure 4-58). range indicates mild or moderate encephalopathy,
whereas slow activity in the delta range means more
Generalized Asynchronous Slow Activity severe encephalopathy.
Expected normal background for age influences
Generalized asynchronous slow activity (Figures 4-59 the interpretation of the slow activity, since slow
and 4-60) is extremely non-specific. It can be activity is normally present in drowsiness and sleep
1 Fp1-F3
2 F3-C3
3 C3-P3
4 P3-01
5 Fp2-F4
6 F4-C4
7 C4-P4
8 P4-O2
9 Fp1-F7
10 F7-T3
11 T3-T5
12 T5-01
13 Fp2-F8
14 F8-T4
15 T4-T6
16 T6-O2
17 X3-X4
at all ages and in the awake state in children. In these The differential diagnosis includes:
situations, there should be caution in interpretation • Metabolic encephalopathies;
of slow activity—we should only read it as abnormal • Degenerative disorders and other conditions
if the pattern is inconsistent with any normal stage of affecting cortical and subcortical gray matter;
the sleep-wake cycle. • Deep midline tumors;
• Normal.
Generalized or Regional Bisynchronous Slow
Activity FIRDA is normal in drowsiness and with hyperventi-
lation at any age and in waking in children.
Bisynchronous slow activity can be generalized or Children have intermittent rhythmic delta activ-
regional. Even when it is generalized, it usually predom- ity that tends to be centered over the occipital region
inates in one region of the brain. This type of activity is rather than the frontal region, hence occipital inter-
often, but not always, rhythmic and intermittent. The mittent rhythmic delta activity (OIRDA).
most important is frontal intermittent rhythmic delta Some neurophysiologists prefer the term PIRDA
activity (FIRDA) (Figure 4-61) and occipital intermit- for posterior-IRDA, finding the acronym OIRDA
tent rhythmic delta activity (OIRDA) (Figure 4-62). hard to pronounce. The clinical implications of
FIRDA is rhythmic activity in the delta range that OIRDA in children are considered identical to those
is synchronous on the two sides. This is either lim- of FIRDA in adults. However, OIRDA was reported
ited to the frontal region or generalized with frontal to be associated with epilepsy in children, particu-
predominance. The frequency is most often about larly generalized epilepsy. There may be subtle spikes
2.5–3 Hz. It can be seen in a wide variety of condi- embedded in the occipital rhythmic activity in chil-
tions, but more commonly is due to diffuse cerebral dren with childhood absence epilepsy. Generalized
dysfunction than due to deep structural lesions. absence and generalized tonic-clonic seizures were
more likely in children with OIRDA than in control Slowing superimposed on an otherwise normal
subjects. background is a common finding and may be seen in
patients with mild cognitive changes and in vascular
Generalized Synchronous Slow Activity disease. However, this is not a specific pattern and
should not be interpreted as such.
Slowing of the waking posterior dominant rhythm Slowing of the background replacing normal back-
(Figure 4-63) is change of the posterior alpha-range ground activity suggests moderate encephalopathy.
activity to less than 8.5 Hz. Slowing to less than this The neurophysiologist must ensure that the patient is
level is almost always abnormal in adults. The most in the awake state, in this circumstance, to differenti-
common degree of slowing is in the theta range, with ate encephalopathy from a drowsy pattern. When the
slowing in the 6.5–8 Hz range. Slowing to less than technician knows that the clinical question is enceph-
this is associated with higher levels of disorganization alopathy, the patient should be stimulated to gain a
of the background. Interpretation is non-specific, but good waking record, if possible, and notation made if
generally is due to encephalopathy or dementia. this cannot be achieved.
Clinical EEG 129
system. When this is ruled out, focal suppression is in amplitude but with a pattern that looks like the
usually due to one of the following: rest of the brain if the gain is increased.
• Cortical defects usually cause abnormalities
• Focal cortical dysfunction; in frequency of adjacent tissue, resulting in a
• Extracranial mass lesion; spread of suppression or slowing across adjacent
• Intracranial mass lesion. areas, whereas extra-cerebral lesions result in
normal potentials from cortex not underlying
Focal cortical dysfunction is the cause of prime
the defect.
importance to the neurologist; however, it may be
• Cortical defects are more likely to be associated
difficult to distinguish from loss of signal due to
with superimposed epileptiform abnormalities.
non-cerebral mass lesion. Extracranial mass lesion
such as scalp hematoma can result in attenuation
of the background. Similarly, intracranial hemato-
Generalized Attenuation/Suppression
mas such as subdural hematoma may also result in
The term suppression is a more severe attenuation,
attenuation of the background over the area of the
and is usually used to indicate complete or almost
complete disappearance of EEG activity. Generalized
Differentiation of cortical from extra-cerebral
attenuation or suppression of the background can
suppression can be difficult, but some general
happen because of three reasons:
guidelines exist:
• Cortical defects result in disturbance of the • Decreased synchronicity of cortical activity;
background rhythms with a tendency to slowing, • Decreased cortical activity;
whereas extra-cerebral causes result in reduction • Excessive fluid or tissue overlying the cortex.
132 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Decreased synchronicity of cortical activity may potential differences between electrodes and attenu-
occur in an awake, alert state, and is rarely abnormal; it ates the recorded potential at the scalp. The same
is often seen in anxious individuals. One normal vari- shunting of potential differences may occur with elec-
ant seen in a small proportion of adults is a low volt- trode gel smear on the scalp (often called salt bridge
age background that looks suppressed (Figure 4-67). or electrical bridge).
However, a low voltage EEG would be abnormal in
children and adolescents. Electrocerebral Inactivity (ECI)
Generalized decreased cortical activity can occur Electrocerebral inactivity (ECI) or isoelectric EEG rep-
with generalized cortical injury or transient dysfunc- resents absence of electrocerebral activity. The defini-
tion. Examples of generalized cortical injury include tion of ECI is one with no cerebral activity over 2 μV.
hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), or degen- This is often called electrocerebral silence (ECS) and
erative conditions such as advanced Huntington’s was so in the first edition of this text. In general ECI
disease; examples of transient dysfunction include is a better term because this indicates perceived lack
drug-induced coma or postictal state after a general- of electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. ECS uses
ized tonic-clonic seizure. Figure 4-68 shows marked the word silence which has an audio root, although
suppression from pentobarbital coma. Figure 4-69 the term silent sometimes means absence of motion.
shows marked suppression and periodic complexes Isoelectric has been widely used but brain death
due to hypoxic encephalopathy. recordings are never isoelectric (having no electrical
Excessive fluid or tissue overlying the cortex is charge or potential difference) and if they appeared
more likely an explanation for focal rather than gen- that way then there is something wrong with the
eralized attenuation. Examples include subdural recording system.
hematoma or scalp edema. With subdural hematoma,
The technical requirements of an ECI EEG are:
the attenuation is most pronounced with bipolar
recordings: there is cortical activity, but the conduct- • Electrodes >10 cm apart
ing ability of the subdural fluid results in reduction of • Electrode impedance >100Ω, <10,000Ω;
• Hypothermia, drug intoxication, shock must be However, a variety of rhythmic activities can be due
excluded; to machine artifact, movement artifact, or muscle
• Record should be >30 min long at a sensitivity of artifact. The EEG technologist may need to discon-
2μV/mm; nect non-essential equipment, reposition the patient,
• Physiological monitoring must include EKG. pad respirator tubes with towels, or move electrodes.
Other physiological monitoring such as respira- ECI not necessarily equivalent to brain death.
tion and EMG is very helpful. The criteria for determination of brain death include
EEG as a confirmatory test if the other criteria are met
(see Figure 4-70). An ECI EEG indicates neocortical
The background will look totally flat at a sensitivity of
death and is supportive of the diagnosis of brain death
7 μV/mm., except for artifact However, at a sensitivity
in conjunction with the appropriate exam findings, if
of 2 μV/mm, the recording is never perfectly flat, and
performed in accordance with accepted technical
if it appears to be, either the gain needs to be increased
guidelines in the appropriate clinical situation.
or there is an electrical problem in the recording sys-
tem. The residual activity more than 2 μV in the EEG
should be proven to be of artifactual origin. In fact, Increase in EEG Activity
artifacts are a major problem in interpretation. The
artifact most commonly encountered is EKG artifact, Focal Increase in EEG Activity
which may take on a variable appearance at the scalp. Focal increase in EEG activity is most often the result
Demonstrating perfect correlation with EKG channel of a skull defect (Figure 4-71). Since the skull filters
is usually sufficient to prove the activity is not cere- fast activity, the presence of a defect is most likely to
bral. The same is true for artifact due to respiration. cause increased fast beta activity, as well as increased
sharpness of less fast activity (sharpness represents frequency filter is used. This can be differentiated
a higher frequency component of that activity). from cerebral fast activity by asking the patient to
Specific rhythms can become more prominent with relax and open the mouth.
skull defects in specific regions. For example, if the Excessive beta activity should be interpreted as a
skull defect is over the central region, Mu activity minor abnormality, and the report should mention
may be exaggerated, and if the skull defect is over the that a common cause is sedative medication. The
temporal region, a third rhythm could become more neurophysiologists should not make this absolute
prominent. The EEG activity over skull defects in determination without full knowledge of the patient,
these areas is often referred to as a breach rhythm. It is of course.
not clear that this should necessarily be considered an The patient recorded in Figure 4-72 has been
abnormality. It is rather an expected effect of a skull treated with clonazepam and has some generalized
defect. slowing as well as excessive beta activity. Excess beta,
by itself, is commented on in the interpretation, but
Generalized Increase in EEG Activity is interpreted as a minor abnormality without other
Excessive Fast Activity pathologic implications. Excess beta in one region
Excessive fast activity is most commonly seen in usually means a skull defect and is interpreted as
patients receiving sedatives such as barbiturates or clearly abnormal.
benzodiazepines. Chloral hydrate usually produces
less excessive beta activity. Excessive Slow Activity
EMG activity from scalp muscles can appear as This has been discussed above in the section Slow
fast activity if its voltage is low, and when the high Abnormalities.
136 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Periodic Lateralized Epileptiform Discharges metabolic disturbance who also have a chronic struc-
(PLEDs) tural lesion (especially in the setting of alcohol with-
drawal). PLEDs can also occur in the setting of chronic
PLEDs are periodic discharges that are lateralized epilepsy. Therefore, PLEDs are not specific for a partic-
to one hemisphere (Figure 4-73). This will include ular diagnosis. PLEDs in the temporal or frontotempo-
discharges that are focal, as well as others that affect ral area can be a sign of herpes encephalitis.
one whole hemisphere. Some involvement of the The majority of patients with PLEDs have clini-
other hemisphere is not unacceptable. Even though cal seizures. However, there is a controversy over
the term PLEDs excludes bihemispheric synchro- whether PLEDs themselves are ictal. The prevailing
nous periodic discharges, PLEDs can occur indepen- opinion is that PLEDs are not ictal, because more typ-
dently in the two hemispheres, in which case they are ical rhythmic ictal discharges are sometimes recorded
termed biPLEDs. PLEDs are usually high in ampli- in patients with PLEDs. However, there are patients
tude, at 100–300 μV. Lower voltage PLEDs can be with PLEDs who have myoclonic jerks synchronous
difficult to identify in the background. The discharge with the discharges, suggesting that they may be ictal
may be simple or complex, with additional sharp and in some instances (see Figure 4-74).
slow components superimposed on the waveform. In Some features have been suggested that, if present,
general, PLEDs are diagnosed only if they are present increase the odds that PLEDs are ictal. These features
throughout the routine 20-minute EEG recording. include:
PLEDs are most often the result of acute structural
lesion, such as stroke, acute infection, or rapidly growing • Fast rhythmic activity with the periodic complexes;
brain tumor (for example, glioblastoma multiforme). • Short interval between discharges; and
However, PLEDs can also occur in patients with acute • Absence of background between discharges.
Figure 4-74: Right Face Twitching in the Same Patient as in the Previous Figure.
Generalized Periodic Discharges recording. Stimuli can evoke the periodic discharges,
as in the recording in Figure 4-78 from the same
These are bilateral discharges that may be prevalent patient. Bursts are evoked by clapping.
in one part of the brain, usually anteriorly. They are
often classified as short-interval or long-interval peri- Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE)
odic discharges. Short-interval periodic discharges Long-term periodic discharges have intervals of more
have a periodicity of 0.5–3 per second. They are than 4 seconds between discharges. They are more
more common and less specific than long-interval specific with respect to etiology, particularly when
discharges. The main underlying conditions include the clinical history is incorporated. Associated con-
metabolic disturbances (for example, triphasic ditions include some toxic encephalopathies, such as
waves with hepatic encephalopathy), anoxic injury, with baclofen overdose and PCP or ketamine effect,
toxic encephalopathy, Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, and anoxic injury, or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
non-convulsive status epilepticus. Clinical correlation (SSPE). When long-interval periodic discharges are
is always required. seen in the setting of a dementing illness in a child
who also has myoclonic jerks, they are fairly specific
Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease for SSPE (Figures 4-79 and 4-80). In this condition,
In Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD), the majority of the interval between complexes becomes progres-
patients will develop periodic discharges in the first sively shorter with disease progression.
3 months of the disease (Figure 4-75). Figure 4-76
shows a second case of CJD—a 69-year-old with Anoxic Encephalopathy
sporadic CJD. Anoxia can produce a variety of EEG features;
The periodic pattern is not always seen in the among these are periodic discharges, which in
patients, as shown for the same patient on the earlier this case are fairly synchronous between the
recording in Figure 4-77. The periodic discharges evi- hemispheres, although the slowing is markedly
dent later in the course are not obvious in this earlier asynchronous.
Clinical EEG 139
70 μv
C4-P4 1 sec
Fz-Cz 70 μv
1 sec
Figure 4-81 is from a 9-year-old male who had specific for any particular etiology. The most com-
anoxic encephalopathy due to choking on a ball. mon causes are hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
and medication-induced.
Burst-suppression Pattern The burst-suppression pattern (Figure 4-82)
consists of epochs of relative flattening of the
The burst-suppression pattern is sometimes called the background (suppression), alternating with
suppression-burst pattern since the duration of the epochs of mixed frequency EEG activity (bursts).
suppression is usually greater than the duration of The bursts usually have a polymorphic appear-
the burst. This pattern is seen mainly in patients with ance, but may contain high-voltage epileptiform
severe encephalopathy, although the pattern is not activity, especially in some patients who are placed
Fp1-F3 5
F3-C3 6
C3-P3 7
P3-O1 8
70 μv
12 1 sec
F4-C4 70 μV
1 sec
Figure 4-77: CJD, Case #2, 3 Weeks Prior to the Recording Shown in Figure 4-76.
The periodic discharges evident later in the course are not obvious in this earlier recording.
C4-P4 70 μV
P4-O2 1 sec
70 μV
O2-A2 2 sec
Figure 4-79: SSPE.
Typical generalized periodic discharges in a child with SSPE. The interval between periodic complexes is 5–7 seconds
(Courtesy of Dr. Ivo Drury).
70 μV
P4-O2 2 sec
can be the presence of tendon reflexes, the presence with documentation of examinations for BD before
of primitive responses to nociceptive stimulation, or and after this period (see Table 4-15 for a summary of
the response of the muscle to electrical stimulation of the criteria, but this is not comprehensive).
motor nerves. Details of the determination of brain death are
The original guidelines for determination of BD best outlined as published by Wijdicks et al. (2010).
indicate that there should be a period of observation, This document is available from multiple sources
Figure 4-84: Alpha Coma.
The EEG is dominated by alpha activity, which is non-reactive in a patient in coma due to anoxia.
144 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 4-85: Spindle Coma.
The EEG in a comatose patient shows spindle-like activity.
including online. This publications even includes a evidence of cerebral or brainstem activity may have
helpful checklist. evidence of EEG activity but otherwise fulfill the clin-
BD should usually be established by clinical find- ical criteria for BD. The literature is not clear on what
ings alone, if possible. Some patients with no clinical to do in this situation.
Guidelines for Determination of Brain Death in protocol for the test differs from routine hospital or
Children even intensive care unit EEG (see Table 4-16).
The 1981 President’s Commission did not make specific
recommendations for the determination of BD in chil- Brain Death Studies in Adults
dren. The only specific comment recommended “cau- BD studies should be performed in the period of
tion in children under the age of five years.” The Task observation between two extensive neurologic exami-
Force for Brain Death in Children (1987) subsequently
nations. All of the above recommendations should be
provided recommendations that are increasingly used.
followed. All physiologic parameters set forth by the
In 2011, a successor to this task force published revised
guidelines (Nakagawa et al., 2011). These recommen- President’s Commission should be followed regard-
dations are too extensive to be repeated here and are ing temperature, blood pressure, and absence of seda-
not within the scope of this book, so the reader is tive and neuromuscular blockers (see Figure 4-86).
referred to these references for details. Suffice it to say
that the recommendations for children, especially the
very young, are more stringent than for adults. But the Brain Death Studies in Children
essentials of EEG performance are similar. BD studies in children are performed in the same
manner as BD studies in adults. More physiologic
EEG for Brain Death monitoring is often required in children’s stud-
ies, however. Because of small body size, respira-
EEG is one of the recognized confirmatory tests for tory movement artifact is relatively greater, and a
brain death in children and adults. However, the chest-wall sensor is desirable. An EKG channel is
Figure 4-86: Isoelectric EEG.
Sensitivity = 2 μV/mm
important for adult studies but is even more impor- 2013). In this same study, treatment of the seizures did
tant for BD studies in children; at high sensitivities, not improve outcome.
EKG artifact can be the predominant potential in
the record.
Years of study on prognostic significance of EEG, The EEG helps to provide support for the clinical diag-
clinical findings, and biomarkers have been com- nosis of epilepsy but should generally not be the basis
plicated by the increasingly widespread use of ther- for that diagnosis in the absence of clinical information.
apeutic hypothermia. The prognostic implications
The EEG has a role in all of the following:
after hypothermia do not necessarily still apply.
EEG is seldom performed during the cooled phase, • Help diagnose epilepsy;
but is done after rewarming; a richer background • Help diagnose status epilepticus;
and reactivity indicates a better prognosis (Kawai • Help classify the epilepsy and epileptic
et al., 2011). syndrome;
Continuous EEG recording in patients during and • Help localize the epileptogenic zone;
after therapeutic hypothermia showed that poor out- • Help predict seizure recurrence after a first
come was predicted by seizures, non-reactive back- unprovoked seizure or after anti-epileptic drug
ground, and epileptiform discharges (Crepeau et al., withdrawal;
Clinical EEG 147
• Help follow response to therapy in one specific look epileptiform but be normal for the conceptional
form of epilepsy, idiopathic generalized epilepsy age. Or, an apparent generalized seizure in an older
with absence seizures. In this situation, improve- adult may be associated with focal sharp waves, sug-
ment in seizure control is reflected with decreased gesting secondary generalization of a focal epilepsy
epileptiform discharges on EEG. due to a structural lesion.
• Infrequently, provide evidence for the etiology of
epilepsy. The EEG is generally non-specific with Discharges Associated with Epilepsy
respect to etiology.
In the routine 20- to 30-minute EEG, it is most likely
EEG Analysis in Patients with that only interictal abnormalities will be seen. These
Suspected Epilepsy are the abnormalities most often sought in routine
EEGs for epilepsy. Interictal abnormalities that are
When potentials are found that are suspicious for specific for epilepsy are termed epileptiform. It is gen-
interictal or ictal activity, there is a sequence of ques- erally suggested that the term epileptiform be reserved
tions to be considered in analysis: for interictal discharges associated with epilepsy,
while ictal EEG findings are termed seizure patterns or
• Is the discharge cerebral or artifactual? ictal patterns (see Table 4-17). Seizure patterns are only
• If the discharge is cerebral—is the discharge infrequently seen in the routine EEG. One notable
normal or abnormal? exception to that are ictal discharges associated with
• If the discharge is abnormal—is the discharge absence seizures. Absence seizures are almost reliably
specific for epilepsy, i.e., epileptiform? precipitated with hyperventilation in the untreated
• If the discharge is epileptiform—is the discharge child with childhood absence epilepsy.
focal or generalized? Focal spike or sharp waves without clinical sei-
• If the discharge is focal—what is the field of the zures is occasionally seen when an EEG is performed
discharge? for a non-epileptiform indication such as behavioral
disorder, developmental delay, or perhaps even an
This sequence of steps can seem simple, but when inappropriate indication (see Table 4-18). It is pos-
faced especially with a difficult interpretation, consid- sible that the patient may have seizures that are not
eration of basic analysis can be helpful. For example, noticed by observers, so evaluation in the epilepsy
multifocal sharp transients in a premature infant may monitoring unit (EMU) may be necessary. However,
we should avoid placing individuals on AEDs unless after-going slow wave. Spikes and sharp waves should
there is a clear indication, so we treat the patient, be differentiated from the background and not just
not the EEG. Report of such an EEG might read a higher voltage or sharper, but otherwise similar to
something like: surrounding rhythmic activity. The great majority of
sharp waves and spikes are surface negative. They gen-
Abnormal study because of epileptiform activ- erally have a field that includes more than one elec-
ity arising from the right temporal lobe. In the trode. They should be different from what is expected
appropriate clinical situation, this would be as physiologic activity in the particular field and state
supportive of a partial seizure disorder, how- of alertness. Not all the above features have to be
ever, the presence of this pattern does not present, however, the more features present, the more
mean that the patient is having seizures. confident one can be of the "epileptiform nature." (see
Figure 4-87).
Epileptiform Discharges Even though spikes and sharp waves usually have
after-going slow waves, the term spike-and-wave com-
These include spikes and sharp waves and combinations plex is usually reserved for the situation where the
of these with slow waves (see Chapter 3). By definition, slow wave is very prominent, often higher in voltage
spikes are shorter than 70 milliseconds, whereas sharp than the spike.
waves are 70–200 milliseconds in duration. Other epilep-
tiform discharges include spike-and-wave complexes, Ictal versus Interictal Epileptiform Discharges
slow spike-and-wave complexes, sharp-and-slow-wave Ictal discharges are usually not merely repetition of
complexes, multiple-spike complexes (or poly- interictal discharges and will generally have an appear-
spike complexes), multiple-spike-and-slow-wave ance different from multiple interictal discharges. One
complexes (or polyspike-and-slow-wave com- exception to this fairly clear differentiation between
plexes), multiple-sharp-wave complexes, and ictal and interictal discharges is generalized absence
multiple-sharp-and-slow-wave complexes. seizures. The distinction between interictal and ictal
Many EEG waves have a sharp appearance, but discharges is not always clear-cut. For example, in
they are only called spikes or sharp waves if they sat- patients with generalized absence seizures it has been
isfy a number of features, including a relatively high demonstrated that a subtle alteration of responsive-
voltage compared to the background, an asymmet- ness occurs even with a single spike-and-wave dis-
ric temporal appearance of the wave typically with a charge, if responsiveness is tested with sensitive tools.
shorter first half and a longer and higher voltage sec- On the other hand, generalized spike-and-wave dis-
ond half, a biphasic or polyphasic morphology, and charges that are shorter than 3 seconds are generally
Clinical EEG 149
a b c d
e f g
h i j
not appreciated by family members, particularly in epilepsy, and consistent left occipital spikes suggest
the absence of motor accompaniments. Therefore, left occipital lobe epilepsy.
for practical purposes, one could state that bursts of Two independent spike or sharp wave foci still
generalized spike-and-wave discharges are ictal if they suggest partial epilepsy in most instances. However,
last more than 3 seconds, or if they are associated with if the discharges are frontal or central, they can be
clear clinical changes. consistent with generalized epilepsy. In generalized
Another pattern that can be ictal or “interictal” is epilepsy, “fragments” of generalized epileptiform dis-
that of paroxysmal fast activity noted in patients with charges could be noted, particularly in sleep, in the
symptomatic generalized epilepsy, particularly those frontal or central regions (see Figures 4-91 and 4-92).
with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. In these patients, As a rule, patients with generalized epilepsy will have
the paroxysmal fast activity (or generalized polyspike generalized epileptiform discharges as well as these
activity) can be associated with generalized tonic sei- “fragments.”
zures or could be totally asymptomatic. Occasionally, When there are two or more independent foci,
such discharges cause arousal as their only clinical the localization of the epileptogenic focus becomes
manifestation. less certain. Many patients will still have a single ictal
Compare Figure 4-88 with the ictal discharge from focus, i.e., seizures may start in a single location even
the same patient in Figure 4-89. though interictal epileptiform activity is bilateral or
even multifocal (Figure 4-93). However, patients with
Types of Epilepsy Associated with Specific EEG independent foci are more likely to have independent
Patterns seizure onsets than those with single consistent foci
(Figure 4-94).
Focal Spikes and Sharp Waves
Focal spikes or sharp waves generally suggest focal 3Hz Generalized Spike-and-Wave Discharges
or partial epilepsy, particularly if there is a single and (range 2.5–4Hz)
consistent localization (Figure 4-90). For example, These discharges suggest generalized epilepsy. If they
consistent right anterior temporal spikes or sharp are noted in rhythmic, regular, synchronous, and sym-
waves suggest right anterior-mesial temporal lobe metrical trains, then they are strongly suggestive of the
150 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
presence of typical absence seizures. Typical absence based on the frequency of discharges in waking and
seizures generally correspond to normal intelligence not in sleep. Slow spike-and-wave discharges are sug-
and normal neurological status. As mentioned above, gestive of symptomatic generalized epilepsy such as
duration of 3 seconds or more is usually needed for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. They are associated with
seizures to be noticed by observers. Occasionally, brain damage, and clinically correlated with atypical
however, the presence of motor manifestations in absence seizures. Atypical absence seizures are clini-
these seizures can make shorter discharges associated cally very similar to typical absence seizures except
with clinically detectable seizures. In sleep, general- that they may have a lesser alteration of conscious-
ized spike-and-wave discharges tend to become irreg- ness or responsiveness with them, may have a slower
ular and longer in duration. In addition, with sleep onset and a more gradual termination, as well as more
there is frequently a change in morphology to gener- prominent motor features. Slow spike-and-wave dis-
alized polyspike-and-wave discharges. Therefore, the charges are more often asymmetrical and may be asso-
appearance of these discharges in sleep cannot predict ciated with focal epileptiform and non-epileptiform
the appearance in waking (see Figures 4-95 and 4-96). abnormalities.
seen in association with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, to termination. The end of the seizure is sometimes
but also with other generalized idiopathic epilep- clear-cut and at other times not. The postictal slow
sies, even in the absence of myoclonic seizures. Fast activity can occasionally be difficult to distinguish
spike-and-wave discharges tend to be irregular and from the rhythmic ictal activity towards the end of the
tend to occur in clusters. These clusters can be asso- seizure, which can also be in the delta range.
ciated with myoclonic seizures or could be subclini- Focal ictal discharges (Figures 4-99 and 4-100)
cal/interictal. In juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, they are may start with voltage attenuation. If this attenuation
most likely to be recorded after arousal, particularly is focal, it has a localizing value. At other times, the
following sleep deprivation. attenuation is diffuse and less useful. The presence
of high-frequency beta range activity at seizure onset
Focal Ictal Discharges suggests neocortical involvement.
Ictal discharges in association with partial epilepsy Hippocampal seizures will typically start in the
typically involve rhythmic activity that evolves in fre- theta range, and infrequently in the alpha range.
quency, morphology, voltage, and distribution, during Seizure onset in the delta range may suggest that
its course. Although it is most common for discharges the center of seizure activity is at some distance
to gradually decrease in frequency between their from where the delta activity is recorded. In the
onset and their termination, it is not at all uncom- case of temporal lobe epilepsy, a theta discharge in
mon for frequency to fluctuate, increasing and then the anterior-mesial temporal region should be seen
decreasing. However, toward the end of the seizure within 30 seconds of ictal onset. If not, the temporal
there is almost always a reduction in frequency prior localization is less than certain.
Clinical EEG 153
Figure 4-93: Independent Left and Right Temporal Sharp Waves, but a Single Ictal Focus.
Independent left and right temporal sharp waves (A & B) but consistent left temporal seizure onsets (C&D) in a 46-year-old
man with intractable complex partial seizures since age 5 and left hippocampal sclerosis.
Clinical EEG 155
Figure 4-94: Independent Left and Right Temporal Sharp Waves and Independent Left and Right Foci.
Independent left and right temporal sharp waves in a 34-year-old woman with intractable complex partial seizures proven to
start independently in the right and left temporal regions.
appearance of postictal slow activity as well as activa-
tion of epileptiform discharges.
waves will typically have a higher voltage anteriorly at
F7 or F8. If T1/T2 electrodes are used, they may have
the highest field or the highest amplitude. If sphenoidal
electrodes are used, they often have the highest ampli-
tude. There are some patients who have discharges only
recorded from the sphenoidal electrodes (Figure 4-102).
Approximately one-third of patients with tem-
poral lobe epilepsy have independent bitemporal
discharges, particularly in sleep. It is very common
that during sleep the field of epileptiform discharges
widens and mirror foci appear. If unilateral focal
spike activity is seen in waking and an independent
contralateral discharge is noted only in sleep, the wak-
ing activity is the most reliable for localization of the
seizure focus. In REM sleep there is also a narrowing
Figure 4-100: Focal Ictal Discharge. of the field and attenuation of mirror foci. Therefore,
Left fronto-temporal ictal discharge displayed on com- in patients with bilateral independent epileptiform
pressed EEG (60-second segments), showing evolution discharges, those interictal epileptiform discharges
with increasing amplitude, decreasing frequency, widening recorded in waking or REM sleep are the most reliable
field, and then abrupt termination (arrow). Postictal slow for localization. Most patients with bitemporal inde-
activity can be seen at F7 and T7.
pendent epileptiform discharges will still have unilat-
eral seizure onsets, but they have a higher chance of
activity may be the only EEG abnormality in some independent bitemporal seizure onsets than patients
patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. This is typi- with unilateral epileptiform discharges.
cally recorded from the anterior midtemporal region. If ictal discharges are unilateral, the side with the
TIRDA (see above) is strongly suggestive of temporal highest frequency of epileptiform discharges is typi-
potential epileptogenicity. Spikes-and-sharp waves cally the side of seizure onset. A small proportion of
are typically activated in drowsiness and sleep and patients may have generalized spike-and-wave dis-
also increase after the occurrence of seizures, particu- charges. This is not unexpected, as a high proportion
larly after the occurrence of secondarily generalized of patients may have a family history of epilepsy as
tonic-clonic seizures. As a result, in patients whose well as a history of febrile convulsions early in life. The
EEGs are repeatedly normal, one should try to obtain generalized spike-and-wave discharges are suspected
an EEG shortly after a seizure. This can help with the to be an inherited EEG trait.
Figure 4-102: Focal Sharp Waves and Slow Activity in the Left Sphenoidal Electrode.
The focal epileptiform and slow activity is limited to the left sphenoidal electrode in a patient with left temporal lobe epilepsy.
Temporal simple partial seizures (Figure 4-103) onset (Figure 4-104). If sphenoidal electrodes are used,
are most often not associated with EEG changes. at least 5 Hz rhythmic activity noted in one sphenoidal
If they are, the EEG changes tend to be subtle and electrode within 30 seconds of seizure onset is strongly
quite focal. supportive of lateralization and localization. In second-
Complex partial seizures, on the other hand, are arily generalized tonic-clonic seizures of temporal lobe
almost always associated with a clear-cut ictal dis- origin, the same EEG changes are seen early on, but the
charge. In mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, the ictal dis- ictal discharge becomes generalized with extensive and
charge is in the theta range at onset or shortly after diffuse muscle artifact masking the EEG.
Figure 4-105: Interictal Sharp Wave (Top) and Ictal Discharge (Bottom) in a Patient with Lateral Temporal
Lobe Epilepsy with Auditory Aura.
Clinical EEG 161
Posterior Temporal Lobe Epilepsy activity and ictal onset may be falsely localized. Some
In posterior temporal lobe epilepsy, the interictal epi- patients with posterior temporal lobe epilepsy may
leptiform discharges tend to have predominance in have only anterior-inferomesial temporal sharp waves,
the posterior or midtemporal electrodes, and not in or both posterior temporal and anterior-inferomesial
the anterior temporal region or the sphenoidal elec- temporal epileptiform activity. In these patients, ictal
trodes (see Figures 4-106a, 4-106b, and 4-107). The discharges may also appear to be anterior-mesial tem-
field may involve the parietal or occipital electrodes. poral. In patients with posterior temporal lesions, such
Ictal discharge onset also tends to predominate in false localization historically resulted in leaving the
the posterior temporal region and not involve the sphe- lesion and resecting the anterior temporal and hippo-
noidal electrodes. However, interictal epileptiform campal regions, with poor surgical results.
162 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
The ictal onset appears to be typical of anterior- It is not uncommon for secondary bilateral syn-
inferomesial temporal lobe epilepsy. The patient in chrony to occur in frontal epilepsy. This is to be dis-
Figure 4-106 became seizure-free with lesionectomy, tinguished from primary bilateral synchrony seen in
without removal of the anterior and mesial temporal generalized epilepsy. Secondary bilateral synchrony
structures. is where focal spikes or sharp waves lead to bilateral
Figure 4-114: Typical Interictal Epileptiform Activity in a Patient with Benign Rolandic Epilepsy.
The EEG was normal in waking (left), but very frequent independent left and right mid-posterior temporal sharp waves were
activated in sleep, with associated frontal positivity (arrow).
Benign Rolandic Epilepsy or Benign Epilepsy with be typical absence seizures. In such instances, it may
Centrotemporal Spikes (BECTS) be somewhat difficult to identify the specific clinical
In this condition, epileptiform discharges have a syndrome, as to whether it is benign rolandic epilepsy
typical appearance with broad blunt sharp waves or childhood absence epilepsy.
(Figure 4-114). The classical field is with negativity in
the central and mid-temporal regions and positivity Benign Epilepsy with Occipital Paroxysms
bifrontally. However, there are very frequent variants In benign epilepsy with occipital paroxysms, high
to this field distribution. The discharges are commonly voltage spike-and-wave discharges or sharp waves are
more posterior, involving posterior temporal and recorded over the occipital and posterior temporal
parietal regions. Some patients may have coexistent regions unilaterally or bilaterally, synchronously or
occipital lobe discharges. Marked activation of epilep- independently (Figure 4-116). They tend to occur in
tiform activity in sleep is typical. It is quite common repetitive trains at times. They are typically blocked
for discharges to be recorded independently on the by eye opening and enhanced by eye closure. They
two sides in sleep. Awake recordings may completely may coexist with centrotemporal or generalized
miss the epileptiform activity, hence sleep is essential. spike-and-wave discharges.
Ictal recordings are very rare in this condition. In fact,
seizures are often a rare occurrence despite the high Signs associated with Epileptiform Discharges
incidence of interictal epileptiform discharges.
In patients with benign rolandic epilepsy, there is The clinical signs associated with epileptiform dis-
an increased incidence of generalized spike-and-wave charges span a wide range (Table 4-19). Some of the
discharges. In fact, in some patients, there may even most common are discussed here:
Clinical EEG 167
Focal motor activity: Simple partial seizures can Oroalimentary automatisms: Oral automatisms can
present with focal jerking, especially of face and/or include lip smacking and chewing.
arm. This is simple positive motor phenomena.
Adversive maneuvering is less common, but is charac- Generalized Seizure Activity
terized by turning to the side opposite the discharge.
Language disturbance: Speech arrest can occur, Seizure Patterns
with an abrupt loss of speech while talking. Other
movements can develop on top of this. Less common Generalized seizures have their origin in the circuits
is ictal jargon, where there is spontaneous speech that that are responsible for cortical-subcortical asso-
is unintelligible. ciations. A such, there is not a single focus, so these
Loss of responsiveness: Generalized and partial sei- seizures are unlikely to be due to a structural lesion.
zures can manifest as disturbance of responsiveness. These are primary-generalized seizures rather than
Absence epilepsy is the prototypic disorder with no secondarily generalized seizures.
response to command during a seizure but response
delayed until after the seizure. Generalized seizures come in several important types,
Fear and ictal language: Ictal fear can present with a including:
series of statements of alarm which, unlike jargon, are • Absence;
easily understandable. • Atypical absence;
Contralateral posturing: Posturing may be so sub- • Tonic-clonic;
tle as to be not noticed. The posturing can resemble • Myoclonic.
adversive maneuvering but with posturing of limbs
and head. Absence seizures are staring spells without loss of
Autonomic symptoms: Autonomic symptoms can postural tone. This is associated with the 3-per-second
accompany a seizure with motor manifestations or spike-wave pattern.
be isolated symptoms of seizures (Moseley et al., Atypical absence seizures include the
2012). Autonomic symptoms can be almost anything Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. There is loss of aware-
in the arena, but ones of greatest importance include ness. The differentiation from absence is mostly by
tachyarrhythmias, bradyarrhythmias, hyperventila- EEG where the discharge is slower, about 2.5/sec. In
tion, episodic abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, contrast with absence, there is slower loss of aware-
flushing of the skin, and even sexual symptoms. ness and more gradual recovery.
Clinical EEG 169
Tonic-clonic seizures are one of a family of motor is maximal over the midline frontal region, and is
seizures that also includes tonic and clonic seizures. minimal in the temporal and occipital regions. The
EEG pattern is spike-wave of a variety of frequencies. individual waves consist of a spike, double spike, or
Myoclonic seizures include juvenile myoclonic polyspike component and a following slow wave.
epilepsy. In addition, there is benign myoclonus and Patients who show the polyspike complex are more
myoclonus associated with metabolic disorders. likely to exhibit myoclonus.
The EEG activity associated with generalized sei- Hyperventilation provokes the 3-per-second
zures comes in four common patterns, although some spike wave complex. If absence epilepsy is consid-
less common patterns do occur. ered, then hyperventilation should be performed for
5 minutes rather than the usual 3 minutes. Children
with absence epilepsy are typically identified by the
EEG Patterns observer as symptomatic if the discharge lasts longer
The common patterns are: than 5 seconds. The technician should ask a question
during the discharge and note the timing and type of
• 3-per-second spike-wave; subsequent response.
• Slow spike-wave (about 2.5/sec)
• Fast spike-wave (about 5/sec); Fast Spike-Wave Pattern
• Fast polyspike-wave (about 6-7/sec). The fast spike-wave complex is seen in primary gen-
eralized epilepsies and correlated with generalized
3-per-Second Spike-Wave Pattern tonic-clonic seizures with or without myoclonus (see
The 3-per-second spike-wave pattern (Figure 4-117) Figures 4-118 and 4-119). Absence seizures are rare.
is typically seen in patients with absence epilepsy,
although other seizure types may be seen, including Slow Spike-Wave Pattern
generalized tonic-clonic seizures. The discharge is The slow spike-wave complex (Figure 4-120) has a
synchronous from the two hemispheres and begins frequency of 2.5/sec or less. The morphology is less
with discharge at about 4/sec then slows to about 2.5 stereotyped than the 3-per-sec spike-wave complex.
during the duration of the discharge. The discharge The duration of the slow spike is usually more than
70 msec, which technically makes it a sharp wave. The of LGS. Akinetic seizures show the slow spike-wave
complex is generalized and synchronous across both complex throughout the seizure. Tonic seizures occur
hemispheres, with the highest amplitude in the mid- in LGS and are characterized by rapid spike activity
line frontal region. During sleep, the slow spike-wave or desynchronization rather than the slow spike-wave
complex may be continuous, but this is thought to complex.
be activation of interictal activity during sleep rather
than status epilepticus. Hypsarrhythmia
The slow spike-wave complex is often associated Hypsarrhythmia is a pattern that is usually easily
with the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS). The term recognizable by the experienced neurophysiolo-
petit-mal variant is misleading and should not be used. gist (Figures 4-121, 4-122, and 4-123). The pattern
The slow-spike-wave pattern in LGS is often an inter- is characterized by high voltage bursts of theta and
ictal pattern but may be ictal. Since the patients have delta waves with multifocal sharp waves superim-
a mixed seizure disorder, ictal patterns may be other posed. The bursts are separated by periods of rela-
than the slow spike-wave complex. Atonic seizures tive suppression. In some circumstances, flattening
shows generalized spikes during the myoclonus, fol- of the EEG may be an ictal sign, indicating that
lowed by the slow spike-wave complex during the there has been sudden desynchronization of the
atonic phase. Atonic seizures are most characteristic record.
172 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 4-121: Hypsarrhythmia.
EEG shows high voltage slow disorganized background with multifocal spikes and periods of relative attenuation
150 μV
Hypsarrhythmia is seen particularly in patients The complex is composed of brief trains of small
with infantile spasms. Patients with symmetric spike-wave complexes, distributed evenly over both
hypsarrhythmia seldom have structural lesions, hemispheres, with either a frontal or occipital pre-
whereas patients with asymmetric or unilateral dominance, as described. They are most commonly
hypsarrhythmia are more likely to be associated with seen during the waking and drowsy states, and disap-
structural lesions. pear with sleep.
The sample shown in Figures 4-124 and 4-125 is
6-per-Second (Phantom) Spike-Wave from a 10-year-old female. The spikes reverse at Pz.
6 Hz spike-and-wave discharges recorded in the posterior
head region can be a normal variant, seen predominantly
Absence Seizures
in young women. This has been termed FOLD (referring
to preponderance in Females, Occipital predominance, Overview
Low-voltage, and occurrence in Drowsiness). Absence seizures are among the most common
6Hz spike-and-wave discharges that are anterior observed in clinical practice. Children may show these
in localization are more likely associated with epi- seizures on routine examination or during a routine
lepsy. These have been termed WHAM (referring to
Waking, High voltage, Anterior localization, and Male
predominance). T5 - P3
The term petit-mal variant is misleading and complex. Atonic seizures show generalized spikes dur-
should not be used. ing the myoclonus, followed by the slow spike-wave
complex during the atonic phase. Atonic seizures are
Atypical Absence Seizure Presentation most characteristic of LGS. Akinetic seizures show
Atypical absence seizures usually begin in early child- the slow spike-wave complex throughout the seizure.
hood, under the age of 6 years, and continue into Tonic seizures occur in LGS and are characterized by
adult life. Not all patients have the Lennox-Gastaut rapid spike activity or desynchronization rather than
syndrome. Cause can be genetic or due to perinatal the slow spike-wave complex.
insult. The atypical absence seizures should be differ- Treatment is often difficult with incomplete
entiated from typical absence and from daydreaming response to monotherapy. AEDs most commonly used
and inattention. Other differential diagnoses include are valproate, lamotrigine, felbamate, and topiramate.
complex partial seizures, although these are unusual
to have onset in early childhood. EEG of Atypical Absence Seizures
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) is a severe epi- The EEG in patients with atypical absence seizures is
lepsy characterized by mixed seizures including atypi- characterized by slow spike-wave pattern. The slow
cal absence, atonic, tonic, and myoclonic. Seizures have spike-wave complex has a frequency of 2.5/sec or less.
onset usually before the age of 4 years. Development The morphology is less stereotyped than the 3-per-sec
is usually abnormal, with intellectual impairment and spike-wave complex. The duration of the slow spike is
behavioral abnormalities. Cause can be genetic or due usually more than 70 msec, which technically makes
to a variety of perinatal insults. Seizures persist into it a sharp wave. The background is also often abnor-
adult life. The slow-spike-wave pattern in LGS is often mal, in contradistinction to absence, with slowing and
an interictal pattern but may be ictal. disorganization.
Since the patients have a mixed seizure disorder, The complex is generalized and synchronous
ictal patterns may be other than the slow spike-wave across both hemispheres, with the highest amplitude
178 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
in the midline frontal region. During sleep, the slow For example, Figure 4-133 shows the onset of a gen-
spike-wave complex may be continuous, but this is eralized tonic-clonic seizure in a patient with juvenile
thought to be activation of interictal activity during myoclonic epilepsy.
sleep rather than status epilepticus. In patients with generalized absence and general-
ized tonic-clonic seizures, absence seizures may sec-
Patient #1 ondarily evolve into tonic-clonic seizures.
Figure 4-130 shows the slow spike-wave pattern typi-
cal of atypical absence seizures. Figure 4-131 is a sec- Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure Presentation
ond epoch from the same patient. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures are characterized by
shaking and tonic contraction of the extremities. The
Patient #2 discharge is most commonly fast spike-wave, but can
The slow spike-wave pattern can look similar to the also be 3-per-second spike-wave or polyspike-wave.
3-per-second spike wave pattern, with the main differ- The generalized tonic-clonic seizure shown in these
entiating features being slower frequency, disorgani- Figures is primarily generalized, but tonic-clonic sei-
zation, and abnormal background, the latter of which zures can also be secondarily generalized from a par-
is the most helpful in clinical practice (Figure 4-132). tial seizure. In this circumstance, the focal onset may
or may not be seen clinically.
Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures
discharges are visible initially, with major motor common along with shoulder abduction and hip flex-
movements, the EEG can be obscured by EMG and ion. The seizure may start with a myoclonic jerk. They
movement. usually start in sleep and drowsiness.
Tonic seizures may be followed by atypical
absence, resulting in what appears to be a more
Evolution of a Tonic-Clonic Seizure
prolonged postictal state. This has been termed a
EEGs from three patients with generalized tonic
tonic-absence seizure.
clonic seizures are shown to demonstrate the initial
evolution of the discharge. The first (Figure 4-136a
EEG of Generalized Tonic Seizure
and 4-136b) is from a patient previously discussed
The EEG shows a fast spike pattern that shows evolu-
with JME. The other two are from different patients
tionary changes (Figures 4-139 and 4-140).
showing patterns of evolution (Figures 4-137
The EEG epoch in Figure 4-141 is not associated
and 4-138)
with overt clinical changes. This demonstrates slow
spike-and-wave activity. This is a characteristic find-
Generalized Tonic Seizures ing in the EEG of patients with Lennox-Gastaut
Generalized tonic seizures are brief episodes of
increase in tone, lasting only a few seconds to about Tonic-Absence Seizures
1 minute. The manifestation can be an increase in neck
tone or upward eye deviation, but may be more severe Tonic-absence seizures are characterized by tonic
with marked increase in tone of the axial and appen- activity followed by inattentiveness or impaired
dicular muscles. Neck and trunk flexion are most responsiveness. These usually occur in symptomatic
180 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
generalized epilepsy. Patients usually have tonic sei- tonic portion of the activity is longer and slower
zures without the prolonged absence. than myoclonus, with a contraction that is slightly
The patient is a 17-year-old with seizures since sustained.
infancy, following meningitis at 7 months of age. The epoch in Figure 4-142 was recorded using
The seizure is characterized by a brief tonic phase the longitudinal-bipolar montage; Figure 4-143 is the
followed immediately by the absence phase. The same epoch presented in an ear reference montage.
Clinical EEG 181
Atonic seizures are episodes of loss of tone. They Generalized myoclonic seizures last a fraction of a sec-
most commonly begin in childhood and continue ond. They vary in severity from mild with barely visible
into adult life. These seizures can vary in manifesta- twitch to severe with massive myoclonus associated
tion from subtle drooping of the head to a massive with falling. The myoclonic jerk may involve the whole
loss of tone with falling. They are more common in body, or the upper extremities, or the head alone.
children. They are associated with drop attacks. Drop Although they are usually bilateral, they could be uni-
attacks can be due to tonic seizures as well, and the lateral with shifting lateralization. Myoclonic seizures
distinction of the two can be difficult without direct are not associated with loss of consciousness because of
observation. their very brief duration. They often occur in clusters,
Myoclonic atonic seizures (Figure 4-144) have and patients occasionally report some disruption of
a brief myoclonic component to an atonic seizure. consciousness with a cluster of closely spaced seizures.
These seizures are commonly part of the syndrome of
myoclonic astatic epilepsy, also referred to as Doose’s Subsets of myoclonic seizures include:
syndrome. In these seizures, a myoclonic jerk precedes • Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
the loss of tone. The seizures are very brief with rapid • Myoclonic-atonic seizure..
recovery. However, injuries are not uncommon with a • Myoclonic seizures with developmental delay.
fall from loss of tone.
Atonic seizures can be induced by stimuli and The EEG in Figure 4-145 is of a 16-month-old patient
activities, such as eating. This is a form of reflex with developmental delay. The seizures are character-
epilepsy. ized by neck flexion and arm extension. The EEG of
Fp1 - F3
F3 - C3
C3 - P3
P3 - 01
Fp2 - F4
F4 - C4
C4 - P4
P4 - O2
Fp1 - F7
F7 - T3
T3 - T5
T5 - 01
Fp2 - F8
F8 - T4
T4 - T6
T6 - 02
this patient shows high-voltage discharges; note the The arms may sometimes elevate slightly during the
calibration signal, which indicates 200 μV. jerking (Bureau and Tassinari, 2005a,b).
Figure 4-146 is another discharge from the same The EEG in myoclonic-absence shows a 3-per-
patient. This is a longer duration discharge, again second spike-wave pattern, which may have a spike-
associated with myoclonus. wave or polyspike-wave appearance. The discharge
Primary reading epilepsy is characterized by sei- and the symptoms are usually symmetric. Motor
zures occurring exclusively in association with read- activity is synchronous with the discharge.
ing, as differentiated from secondary reading epilepsy, Consciousness is variably impaired, and some
where patients may have spontaneous seizures of dif- patients can retain the ability to continue some simple
fering types. This is shown in the section on Simple normal activities.
Partial Seizures. The seizures often are myoclonic Myoclonic absences are seen as an isolated entity
movements of the jaw. and also in association with developmental delay
The classification of seizures in primary reading and ataxia. The seizures are difficult to control.
epilepsy is uncertain, but the seizures in reading epi- Valproate and/or ethosuximide are commonly used.
lepsy seem to respond to the same agents effective in Alternatives include lamotrigine, levetiracetam, and
generalized myoclonic seizures. topiramate.
Myoclonic-absence seizures are rare and mainly occur Epileptic spasms have a characteristic appearance.
in childhood, with a mean onset of about 7 years of They have gone by a number of names including
age. Episodes are characterized by rhythmic myo- infantile spasms. Epileptic spasms is presently a pre-
clonic jerks, most prominently of the upper arms and ferred term but historically referred to similar epi-
shoulders. The head and/or legs can also be involved. sodes outside the infantile age group.
Clinical EEG 189
West syndrome is the combination of infantile The child has subtle infantile spasms with movements
spasms and mental retardation. The term is some- including neck flexion and elevation of the arms.
times used as a synonym for infantile spasms itself. EEG prior to onset showed high-voltage slow
activity, with multifocal spikes. At seizure onset,
there is generalized attenuation with high-frequency
Case: Infantile Spasms in a Patient with
(beta-range) activity. After several seconds, the EEG
returns to the prior pattern.
These recordings (Figures 4-147 through 4-148d)
are all from the same patient in the same recording
session. This is a 2-year-old with lissencephaly and Focal Epileptiform Activity and
uncontrolled seizures. The baseline-interictal record- Partial-Onset Seizures
ing shows disorganized, high-voltage activity with
multifocal sharp waves and spikes, many followed by Overview
brief generalized attenuation.
The first frame (Figure 4-148a) shows disorga- Focal epileptiform discharges are the interictal hall-
nized high-voltage background with multifocal sharp mark of partial epilepsy. They include spikes, sharp
waves. A brief spasm is shown near the middle of the waves, and combinations of the above with slow
recording, with high-voltage, high-frequency activity waves. By definition, spikes last less than 70 msec,
followed by suppression. The background returns to whereas sharp waves last 70 msec to 200 msec. When
near baseline by the end of this frame (Figure 4-148d). recorded from the scalp, discharges shorter than
20 msec are unlikely to be cerebral or epileptiform.
A number of features help distinguish between epi-
Case: Child with Perinatal Asphyxia leptiform and non-epileptiform sharp activity. All
Figure 4-149 shows the EEG of a 9-month-old with a these features may not be present at once, but the
history of perinatal asphyxia and developmental delay. more features there are, the more confident one can
190 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 4-147: Interictal Background from the same Patient as in the subsequent figures.
be of the epileptiform nature of the discharges. These it is still possible that there is a single seizure focus.
features include: For example, it is also not unusual for epileptiform
discharges to be bitemporal independent, while sei-
• A high-voltage, a biphasic or polyphasic morphol- zures arise only in one temporal lobe. The interictal
ogy with a primarily negative polarity, epileptiform discharge focus on the side opposite the
• An asymmetric appearance, typically with a seizure focus is frequently referred to as mirror focus.
steeper first phase, and an after-going slow wave. Although the side of greater epileptiform activity
generally turns out to be the seizure focus, there are
exceptions to this rule. At times, interictal epilepti-
In addition, epileptiform discharges usually: form discharges are temporal when the ictal seizure
• Arise from an abnormal background, focus is extratemporal. One potential explanation
• Stand out from normal rhythmic activity occur- may be that sharp waves arising in the seizure focus
ring in their area, and are invisible on EEG due to dipole orientation.
• Have a consistent identifiable field that cannot be Spikes and sharp waves may correspond to a focal
explained by artifact. structural lesion that could be evident on routine
imaging, or visible only on pathological examination.
A spike or sharp wave seen only from a single elec- However, they may also be seen without underlying
trode should be interpreted with caution. It is highly structural abnormality. This is particularly true for epi-
unusual for an epileptiform discharge to be noted in leptiform discharges arising outside the seizure focus.
a single electrode in an adult individual. If the field Truly epileptiform discharges may be seen in the
involves a neighboring electrode even slightly, there absence of epilepsy. This is most likely in children,
would be greater confidence in calling the epilepti- and is particularly true for occipital and rolandic
form discharge. spikes, as well as for generalized epileptiform activity.
With this in mind, a single spike or sharp wave in In addition, there are a number of benign variants that
a recording should not be reported as indicative of have a sharp configuration, but have no clinical signif-
epilepsy. If the conformation is worrisome, comment icance. These include physiologic activity with sharp
should be made in the interpretation, and re-study configuration (such as K-complexes, positive occipi-
should be considered. tal sharp transients of sleep, Mu activity), and benign
Interictal epileptiform discharges are recorded in variants such as sporadic spikes of sleep (also called
approximately 50% of first EEGs. However, the yield small sharp spikes [SSS] or benign epileptiform tran-
increases to approximately 90% with repeated or pro- sients of sleep [BETS]), 14- and 6-Hz positive spikes,
longed recordings in patients with well-documented and wicket spikes.
epilepsy. The likelihood of recording discharges The appearance of ictal discharges is dependent
varies with the epileptic syndrome and the seizure predominantly on the seizure type and on the seizure
type. In partial epilepsy, the location and orientation localization. Seizures of focal onset may be remain
of the cortex generating discharges is important in focal or may become widespread or secondarily gen-
determining whether discharges appear on record- eralized. At times, the initial focal onset is invisible,
ings. For example, discharges generated by medial because its localization makes it invisible to scalp elec-
frontal cortex may be invisible on EEG because the trodes and because secondary generalization occurs
dipole orientation is parallel to the surface. Other very quickly.
discharges partially generated in fissures may have Simple partial seizures can arise in any lobe.
such a dipole orientation that both negative and pos- However, due to the limited field of cortical involve-
itive ends of the dipole are seen. This is referred to ment in this seizure type, simple partial seizures
as a horizontal dipole. It is very common in benign are not associated with EEG changes in 60–80% of
rolandic epilepsy. instances. When EEG changes are seen, they may be
Interictal epileptiform discharges generally corre- focal rhythmic activity with a narrow field or peri-
spond well to the ictal seizure focus, particularly when odic sharp activity. Complex partial seizures are most
they have a single consistent field. When the interic- likely to arise in the temporal and frontal lobes, but
tal epileptiform discharges are bilateral or multifocal, may also arise in the parietal and occipital lobe.
194 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Presented here are examples of seizures of differ- origin is most likely in the post-central primary sen-
ent focal origins. sory cortex. Less common symptoms include vertigo
and inability of localizing a limb in space. The seizure
Temporal Lobe Focus may be sensory, may progress to involve focal motor
Temporal lobe focus is the most common source of activity or tonic posturing, or may become complex
focal seizures. Patients with seizures of temporal lobe partial with immobile staring or automatisms. Parietal
origin often have auras that may be isolated (simple lobe seizures frequently spread to the temporal lobe
partial seizures) or may progress to complex partial or to the frontal lobe to produce manifestation typical
seizure. Just as isolated simple partial seizures often of these lobes.
have no EEG correlate, it is common for the first EEG
change to be seen late in the aura or in transition to Occipital Lobe Focus
the complex partial phase. Occipital foci usually produce a visual aura, which
Patients with a temporal lobe focus may have sim- may be an elementary visual sensation or com-
ple partial or complex partial seizures. These seizure plex hallucinations. Visual illusions may also be
types may coexist in the same patient. noted. Seizure progression will depend on seizure
spread. Ictal blindness may occur. Occipital lobe
Frontal Lobe Focus
seizures may spread to the temporal lobe or to the
Auras of frontal lobe origin are most commonly a
frontal lobe to produce manifestations typical of
non-specific cephalic sensation. Seizures may have a
these lobes.
variety of clinical features, depending on the site of
origin in the frontal lobe. Primary motor cortex focus
Case: Temporal Lobe Focus with Simple Partial and
results in simple partial seizures with focal clonic or
Complex Partial Seizures
tonic motor activity. Supplementary motor cortex
This patient is a 24-year-old female with intrac-
activity also produces simple partial seizures associ-
table simple partial and complex partial seizures.
ated with posturing. Cingulate and orbitofrontal foci
In childhood, she had been diagnosed as having
produce complex partial seizures.
meningitis and encephalitis on separate occa-
Parietal Lobe Focus sions. She became seizure-free after right tem-
The most common aura with a parietal lobe focus poral lobectomy, and is off AEDs. The EEG
is a sensory aura. If there is a march to the aura, the (Figure 4-150) shows right temporal lobe focus,
Figure 4-150: Complex Partial Seizure (CPS) and Simple Partial Seizure (SPS) with Right Temporal Focus.
Clinical EEG 195
01 - T5
T5 - T3
T3 - F7
F7 - Sp1
Sp1 - Sp2
Sp2 - F8
F8 - T4
T4 - T6
T6 - O2
Fp1 - F3
F3 - C3
C3 - P3
Fp2 - F4
F4 - C4
C4 - P4
Sp1 - Pz
Sp2 - Pz
which is seen best with special electrodes includ- Simple Partial Seizures
ing sphenoidal electrodes and additional temporal
scalp electrodes. Overview
The subsequent EEG (Figure 4-151) shows a Simple partial seizure is characterized by focal sharp
simple partial seizure. Note the restricted field of activity that is usually most prominent in the cen-
the discharge. The next EEG (Figure 4-152) shows tral region. Interictal abnormalities are common
a complex partial seizure in the same patient. and usually are sharp, although focal slowing can
Note the wider field of spread. MRI (Figure 4-153) occur, especially in patients with focal structural
shows prominent right hippocampal sclerosis lesions. Ictal discharge consists of repetitive spiking
with atrophy and increased signal intensity on this from the focus, although focal slowing can also be
T2-weighted image. seen. The sharp component of the discharge may be
O1 - T5
T5 - T3
T3 - F7
F7 - Sp1
Sp1 - Sp2
Sp2 - F8
F8 - T4
T4 - T6
T6 - O2
Fp1 - F3
F3 -C3
C3 - P3
Fp2 - F4
F4 - C4
C4 - P4
Sp1 - Pz
Sp2 - Pz
subtle or missing if the epileptiform activity is gen- Subjective Simple Partial Seizure
erated in a portion of the cortex deep to the scalp. Not all seizures are characterized by visible seizure
Partial seizures can spread throughout the activity.
hemispheres resulting in a generalized seizure.
Secondary-generalized seizures may have a focal Simple Partial Seizure in a 24-Year-Old with
onset that can be detected clinically, but this is not Hippocampal Sclerosis
always the case. The generalization may occur so In this example, the patient reports subjective symp-
quickly that the focal onset can only be determined toms. This is a 24-year-old female with seizures since
by EEG, and not by clinical appearance. age 7 years. This is the same patient described above
Clinical Appearance for complex partial seizures. The seizures begin with
Simple Partial Adversive Seizure an epigastric sensation of butterflies in the stomach.
An 18-year-old male with right occipito-parietal She has isolated subjective seizures. In addition, she
angiomatosis has simple partial adversive seizures. has complex partial seizures with staring, oroalimen-
He had previously had seizure surgery in this region tary automatisms, and right arm dystonic posturing.
12 years ago. He recently had recurrence of seizures. Figure 4-157 shows the interictal activity seen in this
EEG (Figure 4-154) shows prominent muscle patient. The EEG epoch in Figure 4-158 shows the
artifact in the left hemisphere and right frontal deriva- seizure onset. The MRI (Figure 4-159) shows another
tions. There is also rhythmic activity in the right fron- view of the right hippocampal sclerosis.
tocentral region. This first Figure is LB montage, but
the localization is easiest to see on the average deriva- Simple Partial Seizure with Clearly-Defined
tion shown after this. Focus at C3
Figure 4-155 is the Ave montage with the same This is a 6-year-old left-handed male with tuberous
EEG epoch. Localization is easier on this montage. sclerosis and seizures since 2 months of age. Seizures
Note that the artifact is more left-sided (frontotem- include flexion of the right arm with extension of the
poral), whereas the ictal discharge is predominantly fingers and sometimes fisting beside the ear.
right-sided. Figure 4-156 is the LB montage again, The EEG (Figure 4-160) shows a clearly defined
with a 20-second window rather than a 15 second win- focus maximal at C3. This would be a rolandic local-
dow, and is at a lower sensitivity. ization, although not benign rolandic epilepsy.
Clinical EEG 197
Secondary Reading Epilepsy Three years following surgery, she noted that her
This is a 27-year-old female with a prior history of mouth jumped while she was reading, both aloud and
complex partial seizures of left temporal origin, which silently.
became controlled with left temporal lobectomy. EEG (Figures 4-161 and 4-162) shows subtle find-
Subsequently, she developed recurrence of rare com- ings of a discharge at about C3 in association with the
plex partial seizures that were controlled with AED. facial jerks.
01 - T5
T5 - T3
T3 - F7
F7 - Sp1
Sp1 - Sp2
Sp2 - F8
F8 - T4
T4 - T6
T6 - O2
Fp1 - F3
F3 - C3
C3 - P3
Fp2 - F4
F4 - C4
C4 - P4
Sp1 - Pz
Sp2 - Pz
935 960
a Fp1-F3
temporal region (or elsewhere). The interictal activity complex partial seizures. The Figures that follow show
is not associated with behavioral change, by definition. the results of focal seizures of varying localization.
Ictal discharge may be repetitive spike activity with
disturbance of the EEG background. Alternatively, Sphenoidal Electrodes
the spike component may not been seen in scalp elec- Sphenoidal electrodes are used for assessment of the
trodes, so there may be either no abnormal recording mesial temporal region. In Figure 4-168, the discharge
or repetitive slowing, associated with the seizure. is seen well on sphenoidal derivation; however, it is
virtually invisible with routine scalp electrodes.
Use of Special Electrodes for Complex Partial
Seizures Foramen Ovale Electrodes
Special electrodes are occasionally needed in order The example in Figure 4-169 is of a patient with
to precisely localize spike discharges in patients with complex partial seizures who has independent left
b Fp1-F3
Figure 4-168: Complex Partial Seizures with Focus seen well on Sphenoidal Electrodes.
Clinical EEG 211
The EEG (Figure 4-171) shows a focus in the left repetitive activity and obscuration of the background
lateral temporal lobe. The same discharge evolves into (Figure 4-177b). The seizure continues with increased
sustained seizure activity (Figure 4-172). frequency of the repetitive activity (Figure 4-177c).
The seizure continues with slowing of the dis-
Complex Partial with Secondary Generalization charge with continued disorganization of the back-
This is a 26 year-old female with intractable seizures ground (4-177d). The termination of the seizure
since age 17 (Figures 7-173 through 4-175). The sei- and postictal period are characterized by slow-down
zures start with inability to understand language. The of the epileptiform activity and postictal slowing
CPS include early head turning to the left. There is (Figure 4-177e).
late head turning to the right with secondary general-
ization. She was found to have a left temporal cavern- Complex partial seizures with right temporal
ous angioma, as shown on the MRI slice. lobe focus.
The MRI (Figure 4-176) from this patient shows a Well-formed ictal language and partially preserved
cavernous angioma in the left temporal region, which responsiveness in the presence of oroalimentary
correlates well with the localization of the EEG. automatisms suggest non-dominant temporal lobe
origin. In this example, the patient appears to have
CPS with Postictal Aphasia preserved responsiveness, but has no memory of
This patient with complex partial seizures has a focus the event.
in the left temporal area. She loses awareness during This patient has a right temporal lobe focus and
the seizure and has decreased responsiveness. After the shows preserved responsiveness during the seizure
event, there is postictal aphasia (Figure 4-177a). The (Figure 4-178a). Figure 4-178b shows a continuation
seizure develops with increased frequency of the of the seizure activity.
Gelastic Seizures
This section concentrates on findings that are spe-
Gelastic seizures are characterized by episodes of cific for children. Many of the abnormalities already
laughter, which can be very similar to spontane- described affect children as well as adults, but detailed
ous laughter. However, the timing and onset of the description will not be presented here.
generalized since pathways facilitating generalization the frequency slows to 0.5–3/sec. The appearance can
are not fully developed. be smooth or sharp. Associated seizures are clonic,
Focal discharges are usually central, right or left. myoclonic, or subtle, and as such this is an ictal pat-
Differentiation from normal sharp transients is usu- tern. The most common cause is perinatal asphyxia,
ally by a consistent localization of pathologic sharp often with a poor prognosis. The decrease in frequency
waves and occurrence of abnormal sharp activity in can have the appearance of dropping to a harmonic of
trains; normal sharp transients do not occur in trains. an original frequency.
Trains of discharges can have an unimpressive sharp Seizures in neonates, as in older patients, occa-
component so that they appear like a run of fast activ- sionally are associated with no EEG abnormality on
ity in the alpha or theta range, but rhythmic activity scalp recording. In these circumstances, the genera-
in neonates is not normal, helping with differentiation tor is likely subcortical or at least not involving cortex
from normal activity. Differentiation of rhythmic fast close to the scalp where the electrodes are. Seizures of
activity from a normal delta brush is by absence of subcortical origin in neonates usually indicate severe
the underlying delta wave and longer duration of the damage with the failure of cortical projection being a
rhythmic train with seizure activity (Figure 4-182). manifestation of this damage.
Focal discharges often correlate with focal sei-
zures, but the correlation between discharge loca- Background Abnormality
tion and clinical motor manifestation is not as good
as in older children and adults. Also, focal discharges State changes might not be seen during the 20 minutes
in neonates do not have as strong a correlation with of a routine EEG, but in long-duration recordings, if
focal structural lesion as in older individuals. Most there are not changes in state, then this is abnormal.
epileptiform discharges are surface-negative, as in Excessive slow activity is difficult to identify in
older individuals. Surface-positive discharges are seen neonates since delta is such a prominent part of the
in some infants with intracerebral hemorrhage, but record. Abnormal delta tends to be unilateral or dif-
this correlation is far from highly sensitive or specific. fuse whereas normal delta is symmetrically regional
Multifocal discharges are differentiated from (e.g., anterior). Abnormal delta tends to not respond
normal multifocal sharp transients by an otherwise to stimulation with attenuation, but this lack of reac-
abnormal background, occurrence of the discharges tivity is normal in very young prematures.
in trains, and associated clinical seizures. The seizures Amplitude asymmetries are abnormal if at least
may be subtle but are usually clonic. 50% and consistent. Usually there are differences in
Pseudo-beta-alpha-theta-delta is descriptive pattern frequency composition associated with amplitude
of a discharge that starts at high frequency and slows. asymmetry as well. Note that both intracranial and
Beginning frequency is usually at least 8–12/sec and extracranial pathology can result in amplitude asym-
metry; for example, subdural hematoma and scalp
hematoma can both produce attenuation of EEG over
the affected area.
A low-voltage EEG is usually abnormal in
non-REM sleep and usually indicates a global abnor-
C3-O1 mality in cortical function. Note that REM sleep
might be associated with a low-voltage background,
so recording of non-REM sleep is important. Also,
bilateral subdural hematomas can produce symmetric
attenuation, and therefore may be missed on EEG.
C4-O2 Isoelectric EEG can be a confirmatory test for
brain death in neonates, but there are special consid-
erations concerning diagnosis of brain death in neo-
nates, as discussed above.
Figure 4-182: Rhythmic Discharge in a Neonate. Burst-suppression can be difficult to differentiate
from a normal discontinuous pattern. Implication is
Clinical EEG 229
usually a global cerebral process such as anoxia. Burst these on EEG bases alone difficult if not impossible in
suppression is differentiated from a normal discontin- some circumstances (Dan and Boyd, 2006).
uous pattern, usually by knowledge of conceptional
age with an expectation of the degree of discontinu- Epileptic Encephalopathies
ity, reactivity of the background if the patient is old
enough, and clinical information. Young children may develop progressive encepha-
We frequently observe a disconnect in appear- lopathies associated with epileptic and/or myoclonic
ance of the EEG and clinical appearance of prema- seizures. These have been classified by ILAE as epi-
ture infants. Pre-term infants can manifest markedly leptic encephalopathies (Khan and Al Baradie, 2012).
abnormal neurologic exam with little or no abnormal- In general, they tend to be refractory to many AEDs.
ity in EEG and vice versa. Suffice it to say that the EEG Some of the most important types are discussed in
and the examination are evaluated independently and Table 4-21.
then interpreted in concert.
Abnormalities Dependent on Maturation This patient shows clonic activity typical of frontal
lobe focal seizure activity. Figure 4-183 shows the
Maturation of the EEG requires that the EEG reader’s EEG. In this case, it is difficult to determine whether
expectation of background change commensurate this is generalized or focal in onset since the initial dis-
with the age of the patient. Posterior slow waves of charge seems bilateral.
youth are normal in a child through early adult life,
but similar waves in middle or advanced age are likely Frontal Absence
physiologically different and pathologic. A discon-
tinuous pattern is still seen in a normal term infant, to Absence seizures have occasionally been demon-
a certain extent, but would be distinctly abnormal at strated to originate in the frontal lobe, as determined
6 months of age. by depth EEG or other methods while the EEG was
Certain EEG rhythms can look remarkably simi- indistinguishable from generalized-onset absence sei-
lar yet be of totally different implication depending zures (Figure 4-184a).
on age. Sleep spindles in young children can be pro- The example is from a 8-year-old female with a
longed yet are normal when they first appear. Almost history of prematurity with congenital left hemipare-
identical patterns in pre-term infants are not sleep sis, as well as seizures. The seizures are characterized
spindles and can represent an ictal pattern. by altered responsiveness, decreased tone, and head
A markedly discontinuous pattern is normal nodding and blinking for a few seconds. The EEG
in a very premature infant but in an older child was usually consistent with generalized absence sei-
or adult an almost identical appearance can be a zures; however, MRI (Figure 4-184b) showed a dys-
burst-suppression pattern, indicative of severe cere- plastic right hemisphere. Ictal PET (Figure 4-184c)
bral dysfunction. Similarly, this burst suppression pat- revealed right frontal hypermetabolism, suggesting
tern can be due to cerebral destructive process or to that the seizure originated in the abnormal right
medication-induced coma, with distinction between frontal lobe.
230 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Critical Care Monitoring Data have indicated some prognostic factors that have
been relied on for years. However, with the advent
Continuous critical care monitoring is increasingly and widespread use of therapeutic hypothermia, the
used for a variety of indications. The most com- specificity of some of these indicators has been ques-
mon are post-CPR encephalopathy and seizure tioned. EEG is part of the neurological evaluation,
monitoring. which certainly includes detailed examination and
Post-CPR encephalopathy: Encephalopathy after sometimes additional labs, such as neuron specific
CPR is a common reason for neurologic consultation. enolase. While routine EEG can be helpful, bedside
a Fp1 - F3
F3 - C3
C3 - P3
P3 - O1
Fp2 - F4
F4 - C4
C4 - P4
P4 - O2
of these non-convulsive seizures in this population called. The dependence of non-EEG lab staff for
is facilitated by longer recordings, and bedside EEG critical care monitoring, especially outside academic
monitoring can be particularly helpful for this. We medical centers, creates the need for training for
believe that non-convulsive seizures in the hospital these individuals.
are significantly under-diagnosed. EEG findings in some of the common disor-
Role of non-EEG staff in critical care monitor- ders seen with critical monitoring are discussed in
ing: Continuous critical care EEG monitoring usu- Tables 4-22 and 4-23.
ally depends on critical care nursing to maintain the
electrodes during ICU care and even to perform a Intra-operative Monitoring
provisional interpretation of the recordings. If there
are abnormalities that deserve further review, than Intra-operative monitoring is not a focus of this
a physician trained in EEG interpretation must be text but is used by our institutions especially
during seizure surgery. So part of the discussion surgical margins for determination of recommended
on invasive electrodes pertains to intra-operative extent of resection to optimize se 4-180c izure control.
monitoring. EEG monitoring during carotid surgery has been
Mapping of epileptic foci is the most common used to determine the effectiveness of blood flow and
intraoperative monitoring performed by our insti- hence maintenance of cerebral circulation during
tutions. This includes assessment of EEG near the clamping and shunting for carotid surgery.
236 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
2. With somatosensory or special sensory When simple partial seizures are purely subjective
symptoms they may be called isolated auras. The new ILAE pro-
3. With autonomic symptoms posal suggested dividing these seizures as either having
4. With psychic symptoms observable motor or autonomic components or only
B. Complex partial seizures (with impairment involving subjective sensory or psychic phenomena.
of consciousness) The clinical manifestations of simple partial sei-
1. With simple partial onset followed by zures depend on the brain region involved in the ictal
impairment of consciousness discharge. This brain region may or may not be the
2. With impairment of consciousness epileptogenic zone; at times the clinical manifesta-
at onset tions reflect seizure spread to adjacent or even distant
C. Partial seizures evolving to secondarily regions. Despite that, seizure manifestations may
generalized seizures have important lateralizing and localizing value. Focal
1. Simple partial seizures evolving to gener- clonic or tonic motor activity, somatosensory experi-
alized seizures ences, visual auras, and auditory auras have value in
2. Complex partial seizures evolving to localization and lateralization of the epileptogenic
generalized seizures zone. However, some auras such as odd feeling in the
3. Simple partial seizures evolving to head or generalized body tingling are non-specific
complex partial seizures evolving to with respect to localization.
generalized seizures
II. Generalized Seizures (Convulsive or
Complex Partial Seizures
A. Absence seizures Complex partial seizures involve altered conscious-
1. Typical absence seizures ness during the seizure, ranging from subtle confu-
2. Atypical absence seizures sion to complete loss of contact. There may be some
B. Myoclonic seizures recollection of events or total amnesia. Complex par-
C. Clonic seizures tial seizures may start with loss of awareness, or may
D. Tonic seizures have a simple partial onset. The most recent ILAE rec-
E. Tonic-clonic seizures ommended revisions suggest replacing the term com-
F. Atonic seizures plex partial seizure with focal seizure with impairment of
III. Unclassified Epileptic Seizures consciousness or awareness (Berg et al, 2010). However,
the term complex partial seizure is still widely used.
PARTIAL It is not always possible to tell if a seizure is simple
partial or complex partial, since decreased ability to
Simple Partial Seizures respond verbally may be due to aphasia or motor inhi-
These are associated with preserved consciousness bition, as well as altered awareness. Complex partial
throughout the seizure. The most recent recom- seizures may manifest only with altered awareness/ con-
mendations of the International League Against fusion, or may include motor activity, most commonly
Epilepsy (ILAE) Commission on Classification and automatisms. Complex partial seizures may arise from
Terminology suggest replacing the term simple partial any brain region, but they most often originate in the
seizure with focal seizures without impairment of con- temporal lobe, followed by the frontal lobe. The manifes-
sciousness or awareness (Berg et al, 2010). However, the tations of complex partial seizures can vary with lobe of
term "simple partial" is still widely used. origin, as will be discussed later.
contralateral hemisphere. If motor activity involves be accompanied by loss of consciousness. These sei-
the lower extremity, this suggests mesial localiza- zures tend to be brief in duration, tend to cluster,
tion, while facial involvement suggests inferior frontal and tend to be predominantly nocturnal, arising out
localization. of sleep. The posturing of the extremities is predom-
Seizures originating in the supplementary sen- inantly proximal, while the hands and fingers or feet
sorimotor area tend to be asymmetrical tonic or and toes seem to be free. Patients will frequently
postural seizures. They are characterized by postur- wiggle the distal extremities. There is often a vocal-
ing that can affect one limb, two limbs, or all four ization of moaning or groaning and the patient
extremities. If the seizure origin is in the supple- reports being unable to breathe. Supplementary
mentary motor area, they will usually be simple sensorimotor seizures are occasionally precipitated
partial seizures, with no alteration of consciousness. by startle, most commonly by unexpected auditory
Supplementary motor seizures are a notable excep- stimuli, less often by unexpected somatosensory
tion to the rule that bilateral seizure activity should stimuli.
240 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Seizures originating in the supplementary senso- gelastic seizures are usually not associated with emo-
rimotor area may occasionally manifest with inhibi- tion, while temporal gelastic seizures seem to be. The
tion of movement. There may be ictal paralysis or gelastic seizures of frontal cingulate and hypothalamic
just inhibition of motion without paralysis, with loss origin may have preserved awareness, while those of
of ability to move or speak. These seizures are usually temporal origin are associated with altered awareness
simple partial or may start as simple partial seizures after the initial sense of mirth. Frontal gelastic seizures
with later altered awareness. The ictal paralysis may be may be accompanied by hypermotor manifestations
followed by positive motor (tonic or clonic) activity in or tonic posturing.
the same affected extremity, or may be accompanied Seizures originating in the anterior-mesial frontal
by positive motor activity in a different body part on region at times imitate absence seizures through rapid
the same side. The ictal inhibition is presumed second- secondary bilateral synchrony. These seizures are fre-
ary to seizure activity in a negative motor area, often quently referred to as frontal absences. They can clini-
seen adjacent to the supplementary sensorimotor area. cally be characterized by altered responsiveness and
Since the seizure origin is in the mesial frontal cor- arrest of activity for a few seconds with rapid return to
tex, there is often no recorded interictal or ictal EEG baseline, with minimal postictal manifestations. Such
activity due to the unfavorable dipole orientation. seizures can be totally indistinguishable from gener-
These seizures are frequently misdiagnosed as psycho- alized absence seizures, except for the presence of a
genic. The correct diagnosis is reached upon observa- frontal lesion, and at times the presence of consistent
tion of evolution to secondary generalized tonic-clonic asymmetry on EEG. Frontal lobe origin seizures can
seizure activity after the withdrawal of anti-epileptic imitate a variety of other generalized seizure types,
drug therapy in the epilepsy monitoring unit. including generalized tonic, generalized atonic, and
Bizarre complex partial seizures have been ascribed generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Frontal lobe sei-
to seizure origin in the cingulate gyrus or orbitofrontal zures are recognized to have a more rapid spread to
region, but they may also arise in other regions of the the contralateral hemisphere. This is partly why fall-
frontal lobe and even outside the frontal lobe, usually ing (drop attacks) and incontinence seem more likely
manifesting after spread to the cingulate gyrus or orbi- with frontal lobe seizures.
tofrontal region. Such seizures are frequently character- Seizures originating in the frontal operculum are
ized by frenetic gestural automatisms (also referred to characterized by hypersalivation, oral-facial apraxia,
as hypermotor behavior) that are often bilateral, unless and at times facial clonic activity.
there is associated contralateral posturing. These Seizures originating in the dorsolateral frontal lobe
automatisms can be bizarre and can be associated with may manifest with tonic posturing of the extremities
bizarre vocalizations and verbalizations, including and versive eye and head deviation. The head devia-
expletives. These seizures tend to be short and associ- tion preceding secondary generalization is contralat-
ated with only brief postictal manifestations, unless eral, but early head turning can be in either direction.
there is spread to the temporal lobe. The presence of The lateralizing value of signs in frontal lobe sei-
unilateral posturing and rotation along the body axis, zures may be less than with temporal lobe seizures,
such as with turning prone, favor a mesial frontal ori- due to the propensity for rapid contralateral spread
gin, while severe agitation favors an orbitofrontal local- and contralateral hemisphere activation.
ization. Again, the clinical features and the frequent It is important to recognize that seizures originat-
absence of interictal epileptiform activity, as well as ing in the frontal lobe, particularly in the orbitofrontal
absence or artifact masking of rhythmic ictal EEG region, may manifest after propagating to the tempo-
activity, have frequently resulted in the misdiagnosis of ral lobe, with semiology typical of mesial temporal
psychogenic seizure events. lobe seizures.
Gelastic seizures, which are short seizures char-
acterized by sudden unprovoked laughter, are best Temporal
known as a seizure type originating from hypo-
thalamic hamartomas. However, they may also be Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common
seen with frontal cingulate as well as mesial-basal symptomatic/cryptogenic partial epilepsy. The charac-
temporal seizure origin. Frontal and hypothalamic teristic manifestations of temporal lobe seizures have
Seizure Semiology 241
long been recognized. However, the advent of video aura are more likely with right temporal foci, but this
EEG monitoring and its use in presurgical evaluation is only a trend. Whereas viscerosensory auras are gen-
have had a great impact on the understanding of tem- erally more common in mesial TLE associated with
poral lobe seizure semiology. Temporal lobe epilepsy hippocampal sclerosis, experiential auras and deja vu
is often refractory to medical therapy, and is often ame- in particular are more common in the benign familial
nable to surgical treatment. The surgical outcome is temporal lobe epilepsy syndrome.
dependent on accurate localization of the epileptogenic Multiple sequential auras in the same seizure
zone. The analysis of clinical semiology in patients who suggest a non-dominant localization most often
were seizure-free after temporal lobectomy versus those temporal. Chills and goosebumps are more com-
still experiencing seizures has helped to identify mani- mon with left temporal foci, and if they are unilat-
festations characteristic of temporal lobe origin, and eral, they are usually ipsilateral to the seizure focus.
those that suggest extratemporal localization. In addi- Olfactory and gustatory auras are uncommon
tion, specific seizure manifestations were analyzed for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy auras. They are asso-
their lateralizing and localizing value within the tempo- ciated with mesial temporal tumors. An auditory
ral lobe (see Figure 5-1). aura is very suggestive of lateral temporal origin.
This can be a positive (buzzing or ringing sound)
Seizure Aura or negative symptom (loss of hearing). The audi-
Most patients with TLE report a seizure aura. This is tory aura is a hallmark of an autosomal dominant
particularly true in mesial TLE, by far the largest TLE form of temporal lobe epilepsy. Cephalic auras
group. In a selected patient group with proven mesial (non-specific sensation in the head) are more likely
temporal lobe origin, more than 90% of patients extratemporal. The same is true of somatosensory
reported an aura. The most common was an epigastric and visual auras. Absence of an aura is more likely
aura. Although no aura is totally specific for temporal with bitemporal epilepsy.
lobe seizures, some are very strongly associated with
a temporal lobe origin, particularly viscerosensory Motor Manifestations
(such as epigastric sensation) and experiential or psy- The complex partial phase of mesial temporal lobe
chic auras (such as “deja-vu”). Both of these types of seizures usually starts with motor arrest or motionless
staring, oro-alimentary automatisms, or non-specific ictal activation in the contralateral putamen. There is
extremity automatisms. evidence that there is a spectrum of posturing, with
Oro-alimentary automatisms, mainly lip smack- classical dystonic posturing at one extreme, and sim-
ing, chewing, and swallowing movements, are sug- ple immobility of an extremity at the other, including
gestive of temporal lobe involvement. However, they subtle posturing without a clear demonstrated rota-
are not specific for temporal lobe epilepsy. They may tory component in between. Dystonic posturing has
reflect the spread of seizure activity to the temporal a strong lateralizing value in temporal lobe epilepsy.
lobe from other locations, and can also be seen in a However, as with any other manifestations, late occur-
more subtle form in absence seizures, or postictally in rence could represent activation of the contralateral
a variety of seizure types. side and may therefore have a lesser value.
Spitting and drinking automatisms suggest right Head turning in temporal lobe epilepsy has been
temporal localization. the subject of great controversy. Current evidence sug-
Automatisms with preserved responsiveness also gests that early head turning, particularly that associ-
favor right temporal localization. ated with dystonic posturing, tends to be ipsilateral to
Extremity automatisms are less specific and can the focus. Its mechanism is not well defined. Some have
be seen in temporal as well as extratemporal epi- suggested it could represent neglect of the contralateral
lepsy. However, the progression of these automa- hemisphere. However, in many instances the early head
tisms is more gradual in temporal lobe epilepsy. In turning is of a tonic nature, which raises the possibility
extratemporal epilepsy, they tend to have an abrupt of a motor drive, possibly from the basal ganglia. In one
bilateral onset and a frenzied character. The most study, the occurrence of head turning within 30 seconds
common upper extremity automatisms are manipu- of seizure onset, in association with dystonic postur-
lative, involving interaction with the environment, ing and not leading to secondarily generalization, has
for example picking on clothing or bedsheets or been strictly ipsilateral to the temporal seizure focus
fumbling with objects. Manipulative automatisms (Fakhoury and Abou-Khalil, 1995). Late head turning,
in of themselves have no lateralizing value. However, on the other hand, is more likely to be contralateral.
the extremity contralateral to the side of the focus Head turning that leads to secondary generalization can
is often involved in dystonic posturing or immo- have a tonic or clonic character and has been termed
bility and may therefore not demonstrate automa- “versive” or “adversive”. Versive head turning is almost
tisms. In this instance, manipulative automatisms always contralateral to the seizure focus. However, an
will predominate in the extremity ipsilateral to the ipsilateral versive head turn has been noted towards the
seizure focus. This may lead to confusion for the end of secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures in
inexperienced observer, who may interpret repeti- some patients (Wyllie et al., 1986).
tive automatisms as clonic activity. The less common
non-manipulative upper extremity automatisms Language Manifestations
involve rhythmic repetitive motions that are either Language manifestations are potentially very valu-
distal (milking, pill rolling, grasping, fist clenching, able in lateralizing temporal lobe seizure origin (Gabr
or opening–closing motions) or proximal (often with et al., 1989).
a circulatory character like waving or stirring). These Ictal speech arrest does not seem to have lateral-
automatisms tend to be contralateral and often pre- izing value. It may be due to disruption of language
cede dystonic posturing (Lee et al., 2006; Kelemen mechanisms, to loss of awareness/responsiveness, or
et al., 2010). to a positive or negative motor effect. There is a sug-
Seizures originating in the temporal pole often gestion, however, that in temporal simple partial sei-
manifest with hypermotor activity, similar to what is zures a speech arrest could represent aphasia and may
seen in orbitofrontal complex partial seizures. This is thus be lateralizing to the dominant temporal lobe.
related to seizure spread to the orbitofrontal region Well-formed ictal language strongly suggests a
(Wang et al., 2008; Vaugier et al., 2009). non-dominant right temporal lobe focus. This is not
Defined in the strictest manner, dystonic posturing true, however, of single words or non-verbal vocaliza-
is an unnatural position that includes a rotatory com- tions. The well-formed ictal language in some patients
ponent. Dystonic posturing has been associated with with right temporal lobe seizures has a tinge of fear.
Seizure Semiology 243
For example, it is not uncommon for patients to utter and clonic activity are most often contralateral to
“I’m sick, I’m sick,” or “I’m going to die, don’t let me seizure origin. Occasionally, however, they can be
die.” In most instances, however, the patient does not falsely lateralizing if there is contralateral seizure
remember these utterances, and fear may not be a spread prior to generalization.
known component of the semiology.
Ictal jargon is rare but has been associated with Postictal manifestations:
dominant temporal lobe foci. It may reflect a par- • Postictal cough has been found predominantly
tial disruption of language mechanisms, as seen in following right temporal seizures.
chronic Wernicke’s aphasia. • Postictal nose wiping tends to be performed with
Global aphasia may occur in association with local- the hand ipsilateral to the seizure focus.
ized simple partial seizures restricted in the tempo- • Postictal urinary urgency suggests a right tempo-
ral lobe, including the basal temporal language area. ral localization.
Chronic temporal lobe lesions do not produce global
aphasia. However, acute electrical stimulation of
None of the above signs is sufficient in isolation.
Wernicke’s area and basal temporal language area does
However, the combination of several signs and
produce global aphasia, perhaps because compensatory
symptoms can be a powerful tool in localizing
mechanisms have not had the chance to be activated.
and lateralizing temporal lobe epilepsy. The addi-
Global aphasia in simple partial seizures therefore
tion of semiological information unquestionably
could be consistent with a temporal localization.
enhances the localizing ability of the presurgical
Postictal aphasia is strongly associated with a left
dominant temporal localization. In one study, all
patients with right temporal seizures were able to cor-
rectly read a test sentence within one minute of sei- Parietal
zure termination, while patients with dominant left
temporal foci had disruption of reading for more than The parietal lobe is the next most likely source of sei-
one minute. In patients with atypical language rep- zures after the temporal and frontal lobe.
resentation, the lateralizing significance of language Aura: The best recognized manifestation of pari-
dysfunction has to be reinterpreted. etal lobe origin is a sensory aura, particularly if there is
an associated march. The sensation can be described
Other manifestations as numbness, tingling, pins and needles, burning, or
pain. It can also be nondescript.
A variety of other ictal manifestations may have Sensory march is strongly suggestive of a post-central,
lateralizing value: primary sensory cortex involvement. This is lateralized
• Ictal vomiting has been associated with contralaterally to the ictal discharge.
right-sided foci. However, this is not uniform, Sensory aura without march can originate in
and vomiting may also be a manifestation of the second sensory area, which is located over the
extratemporal foci. parietal operculum. The sensory manifestations
• Ictal spitting, ictal flatulence, and ictal drinking from the second sensory area are most often con-
are more common with right temporal foci. tralateral, but they are occasionally ipsilateral or
• Unilateral eye blinking tends to be ipsilateral to bilateral.
seizure origin. Ictal vocalization has limited speci- Vertigo, difficulty localizing body position in
ficity with respect to localization or lateralization. space, sensation that a body part is moving, or that
• Focal facial motor activity early in the seizure an extremity is absent are other less common sensory
favors a lateral neocortical origin (Foldvary auras that suggest a parietal lobe origin.
et al, 1997). Focal weakness has also been described with
• Transition to secondary generalization. The parietal foci. Seizures with focal weakness have been
motor manifestations during transition to sec- referred to as focal inhibitory motor seizures or focal
ondary generalization can be very valuable in lat- atonic seizures (Abou-Khalil et al., 1995). They fre-
eralization. Versive head turning, tonic posturing, quently have a preceding sensory aura.
244 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Seizures without parietal lobe symptoms: Most progression of ictal manifestations. For example, the
patients with parietal lobe epilepsy have no pari- eye deviation that is seen with occipital lobe origin
etal lobe symptoms, but rather manifestations tends to be much slower than that noted with frontal
resulting from spread to occipital, temporal, or lobe origin.
frontal lobe. Some studies suggest that manifestations of
seizures originating in the occipital lobe are most
Common manifestations with frontal lobe propaga- commonly related to seizure spread to the tem-
tion include: poral or frontal lobe. Seizure spread to the tempo-
• Contralateral tonic posturing; ral lobe commonly manifests with oroalimentary
• Focal clonic activity; automatisms, while seizure spread to the frontal
• Generalized asymmetrical tonic posturing; lobe may produce asymmetrical tonic posturing.
• Head and eye deviation, described in almost 50% Secondary generalization is common with frontal
of patients. lobe propagation.
types that seem to develop over time, including so mild in clinical manifestations is that they involve a
complex partial seizures, non-gelastic simple partial restricted bilateral frontoreticular network.
seizures, generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and some
other generalized seizure types, such as atonic and Generalized Absence Seizures
tonic seizures and epileptic spasms.
There are also rare reports of seizures starting in These seizures can occur in a variety of epileptic
cerebellar gangliogliomas, usually in infants (Harvey syndromes, particularly childhood absence epi-
et al, 1996; Chae et al., 2001). These seizures are char- lepsy and juvenile absence epilepsy (Hirsch and
acterized by hemifacial twitching ipsilateral to the Panayiotopoulos, 2005). These seizures are character-
lesion, and at times contralateral head and eye devia- ized by sudden onset without any aura, brief duration,
tion or contralateral nystagmus. typically less than 15 seconds, and sudden termina-
tion without any postictal state. Typical generalized
absence seizures are associated with generalized
GENERALIZED 2.5–4 Hz spike-and-wave activity (see Figure 5-2).
Typically, there is suspension of awareness and
Generalized-onset seizures start simultaneously in arrest of activity during the episodes, but some motor
both hemispheres. They vary considerably in sever- manifestations are quite common. Absence seizures
ity of clinical manifestations (see Table 5-2). At one with altered awareness or responsiveness only are
extreme are generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and at sometimes called simple absence seizures. When there
the other are generalized absence seizures. The reason is associated motor activity or autonomic manifesta-
that generalized absence seizures are generalized yet tions, absence seizures are sometimes referred to as
complex absence seizures (to be distinguished from When there is some preservation of awareness but
complex partial seizures). loss of responsiveness, patients may describe some
Simple automatisms are the most common, par- subjective experiences that could erroneously suggest
ticularly perseverative automatisms. Automatisms an aura. For example, lightheadedness or spaciness
may include fumbling with an object that the patient may be reported. In addition, some patients report
was holding, rubbing a body part, or mouth move- confusion after the seizure. This usually reflects the
ments such as licking lips. Automatisms are more effect of missing parts of a conversation rather than
likely with longer duration of absence seizure activity. true confusion.
Myoclonus is the next most common motor mani-
festation. This includes blinking and subtle twitching Atypical Absence Seizures
of fingers.
Tonic features may occur, with up-rolling of the This variant of generalized absence seizures
eyes and slight stiffening of the neck with neck exten- tends to occur in symptomatic generalized epi-
sion, though this is mild. lepsy, such as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. The
Atonic components can also be seen, with slight main distinction between typical and atypical
decrease of tone and slumping, again to a mild degree. absence seizures is electrographic, as the latter
Autonomic manifestations may occur, includ- have a slower frequency of less than 2.5 Hz (see
ing pupillary dilation, piloerection, and infrequently, Figure 5-3). Clinical distinctive features reported
incontinence. At times, consciousness is partially pre- are a slower loss of awareness and a more gradual
served. This is more likely to occur in adults who have recovery, as well as perhaps more prominent motor
had persistent absence seizures from childhood. manifestations.
Seizure Semiology 247
Generalized Absence Seizures with Eyelid they could be unilateral with shifting lateralization.
Myoclonia Myoclonic seizures are not associated with loss of
consciousness because of their very brief duration.
These seizures occur predominantly in women, as They often occur in clusters, and patients occasionally
part of an epileptic syndrome. In this syndrome, report some disruption of consciousness with a clus-
eyelid myoclonia may occur with or without associ- ter of closely spaced seizures.
ated spike-and-wave activity (Caraballo et al., 2009). Generalized myoclonic seizures are to be distin-
Women with this condition are usually photosensi- guished from non-epileptic myoclonus, which can
tive and also have eye closure sensitivity. originate at any level of the central nervous system.
These seizures associated with the typical 2.5–3.5 Hz These seizures, characterized by rhythmic clonic
spike-and-wave discharge differ from absence seizures jerking, start with loss of consciousness. They are
by the presence of a very prominent clonic activity at the infrequent. They are seen in children with severe
same frequency as the spike-and-wave discharges. The myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (Dravet syndrome)
seizures in this syndrome tend to be harder to control. and patients with progressive myoclonic epilepsies.
Generalized myoclonic seizures last a fraction of a Generalized-onset tonic-clonic seizures do not have an
second (see Figure 5-4). They vary in severity from aura, although they may be preceded by a prodrome
mild with barely visible twitch to severe with massive (sometimes prolonged feeling of being seizure-prone).
myoclonus associated with falling. The myoclonic jerk The onset is abrupt, with loss of consciousness, then
may involve the whole body, or the upper extremities generalized tonic contraction. In patients with juve-
or the head alone. Although they are usually bilateral, nile myoclonic epilepsy, it is common for generalized
248 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 5-4: Generalized spike-and-wave activity in a patient with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. The reference
is linked ears.
tonic-clonic seizures to start with repetitive myoclonic with stertorous respiration. Postictal confusion and sleep
jerks (then called clonic-tonic-clonic seizures). Generalized are common. The postictal manifestations are similar to
tonic-clonic seizures may also evolve from generalized what is noted with secondarily generalized seizures. See
absence seizures. The tonic phase may be symmetrical, Figures 5-5a through 5-5d for the EEG appearance of a
but asymmetries may be seen. In particular, versive head generalized tonic-clonic seizure.
turning is common, and may change direction from one The duration of the postictal period can be from
seizure to the other. Versive head turning alone does not minutes to hours; however, a postictal period of days
mean that the seizure onset was focal (Niaz et al, 1999; is not expected and other pathology has to be con-
Chin and Miller, 2004). The tonic phase may show evo- sidered. Prolonged generalized tonic-clonic seizures,
lution from flexion to extension. The eyes are usually half even if masked by paralytics, can cause neuronal dam-
open and the mouth is open. A loud vocalization may age, so failure to improve following a prolonged sei-
result from contraction of the diaphragm and contracted zure can be of concern for sustained damage.
glottis. Cyanosis is most likely to occur during the tonic
phase of the seizure. Clonic activity evolves from the Generalized Tonic Seizures
tonic phase, initially with high frequency, but progress-
ing to lower frequency and larger amplitude. After the These seizures occur most often in neurologically
jerking stops, the individual is limp and unresponsive, impaired individuals. They are more likely to occur
Seizure Semiology 249
Figure 5-5c: Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure (tonic phase evolving to clonic activity with pauses in muscle
out of sleep. They are characterized by sudden loss Generalized Atonic Seizures
of consciousness with generalized tonic posturing
that may be asymmetric, with turning to one side. These seizures can vary in manifestation from subtle
The pattern of muscle involvement may evolve, drooping of the head to a massive loss of tone with
producing a change in body and limb position falling. They are more common in children. They are
over the course of the seizure. The tonic contrac- associated with drop attacks. Drop attacks can be due
tion may end with one or more pauses that result to tonic seizures as well, and the distinction of the two
in a few clonic jerks. The posturing/stiffening can be difficult without direct observation.
can be generalized and massive or minimal, mani- Generalized atonic seizures are associated with
festing only with eye opening or with slight neck brief loss of consciousness. The duration is usually
extension. not more than a few seconds. More prolonged atonic
Tonic seizures can be abrupt or can manifest with seizures are seen in association with Lennox-Gastaut
slow posturing. The most common pattern of gener- syndrome and related epilepsies.
alized tonic seizure posturing involves flexion of the
trunk and extension of the extremities with abduction Myoclonic-Atonic Seizures
at the shoulders. There may be associated vocaliza-
tion, particularly with the massive and abrupt gener- These seizures are commonly part of the syndrome of
alized tonic seizures. myoclonic astatic epilepsy, also referred to as Doose’s
Generalized tonic seizures are typically quite syndrome. In these seizures, a myoclonic jerk pre-
brief but may have a postictal state with a duration cedes the loss of tone. The seizures are very brief with
and severity that are disproportionate to their dura- rapid recovery. However, injuries are not uncommon
tion. This may be because tonic seizures may be fol- with a fall from loss of tone.
lowed by atypical absence, referred to as tonic-absence
seizures (Shih and Hirsch, 2003). Negative Epileptic Myoclonus
These seizures can be difficult to distinguish from
partial-onset seizures of frontal or parietal origin. Just as asterixis resembles non-epileptic myoclonus,
but with momentary loss of tone rather than momen-
Epileptic Spasms tary contraction, negative epileptic myoclonus is
associated with very brief loss of tone that may not
Epileptic spasms is the term now recommended to be appreciated unless the affected extremities are
replace infantile spasms, because these seizures may elevated or engaged in other activity.
occur after infancy (Goldstein and Slomski, 2008;
Ramgopal et al., 2012). Epileptic spasms are shorter Generalized-Onset Seizures with Focal
than generalized tonic seizures but longer than gen- Evolution
eralized myoclonic seizures. The intensity of con-
traction is greater in the middle of the spasm than Just as focal onset seizures may secondarily generalize,
at onset or termination, while the contraction seen generalized-onset seizures rarely evolve to become
with tonic seizures is more likely to be sustained. focal (Williamson et al., 2009). This focal evolution
The classic epileptic spasm involves flexion of the can occur with generalized myoclonic or generalized
neck and trunk with arm abduction. These seizures absence seizures. Such seizures most often manifest
typically occur in clusters, with a seizure every few with prolonged staring and arrest of activity, at times
seconds to a minute, and demonstrate increasing with subtle automatisms. Focal clonic activity may
then decreasing intensity over the course of the also occur. Postictal confusion is common and results
cluster. in misdiagnosis as complex partial seizures.
Clinical Presentations
SEIZURES (PNES) A major role of epilepsy monitoring units is the dif-
ferentiation of epileptic seizures from PNES, and
PNES are emotionally-triggered attacks that resemble video-EEG monitoring has helped analyze the semi-
seizures, but are not associated with epileptic seizure ology of nonepileptic seizures. The spectrum of clini-
activity. Approximately 20% of patients present- cal presentations of non-epileptic seizures is almost as
ing to an epilepsy center with intractable epilepsy broad as that of epileptic seizures. PNES semiology can
are found to have nonepileptic seizures. The term be classified in three categories: PNES with generalized
nonepileptic seizures is preferable to the term pseudo- shaking, PNES with minor motor activity, PNES with
seizures. Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) or motionless unresponsiveness or collapse (Groppel
Differential Diagnosis 253
et al., 2000; Meierkord et al., 1991; Selwa et al., 2000). was the most common pattern (Kramer et al., 1995).
Generalized shaking is the most common manifesta- Although there are many features that PNES have in
tion of PNES in adults and adolescents. Staring spells common with epileptic seizures, there are some dif-
can occur as well, with clinical features that could be ferentiating features (Szabó et al., 2012; DeToledo and
mistaken for absence or complex partial seizures. In Ramsay, 1996; Gates et al., 1985; Avbersek and Sisodiya,
children, prolonged staring and unresponsiveness 2010; Chung et al., 2006; Azar et al., 2008).
254 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Clinical features that may suggest PNES as opposed of how epileptic seizures and nonepileptic seizures
to generalized tonic-clonic seizure include: can manifest. Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) has
• Responsiveness during a generalized convulsive even been placed in patients in whom PNES was ulti-
seizure; mately documented (Arain et al., 2011). Video-EEG
• Seizure usually precipitated by suggestion; monitoring with recording of typical attacks is cru-
• Forward pelvic thrusting; cial for the definitive diagnosis of PNES.
• Large amplitude side-to-side head movements. Suggestion may help trigger PNES; hyperventi-
• Asynchronous or alternating jerking of the two lation and photic stimulation are preferred sugges-
sides (as opposed to synchronous jerking); tion techniques, since they are usually standard for
• Absence of whole-body rigidity before general- all patients. If other suggestion methods are used,
ized jerking. they should not involve patient deception. It is also
• Seizure can be terminated by the examiner by important to keep in mind that some individuals are
non-pharmacological means such as suggestion suggestible and suggestion may precipitate atypical
• Abrupt termination of the seizure, without a events. Family members have to view the recorded
postictal period; events and verify that they are typical for recorded
• Eyes closed during an event, particularly if there attacks.
is reistance to eye opening (DeToledo and It is important to keep in mind that some epileptic
Ramsay, 1996). seizures may have no scalp EEG correlate; examples
• Shallow rapid respiration (as opposed to sterto- include cingulate or orbitofrontal complex partial
rous respiration) seizures, supplementary motor seizures, and motor
simple partial seizures. It is often necessary to record
No single clinical feature is sufficient for diagnosis; multiple attacks to evaluate if events are stereotyped.
combination of features increases their value. Many of Frontal lobe seizures tend to be very stereotyped. In
the above clinical features are reported in frontal lobe addition, they may demonstrate increased severity in
complex partial seizures; PNES tend to be prolonged association with AED withdrawal. Secondary gen-
in duration, while frontal complex partial seizures are eralization is usually definitive proof that the initial
short in duration (Saygi et al., 1992). manifestations are epileptic.
PNES usually do not start out of sleep. Seizures Urinary incontinence has been considered by
that clearly arise out of sleep are usually epilep- some to be a differentiating feature between epilep-
tic. However, PNES may arise out of a waking state tic and non-epileptic events, but this is not the case
by EEG while the patient clinically appears asleep if one depends on history; urinary incontinence has
(pseudosleep). no significant differentiating value between epileptic,
nonepileptic, and syncopal events (Brigo et al., 2013;
Peguero et al., 1995 ).
Other features that favor PNES include: Tongue biting occurs more commonly with
• Discontinuous clinical seizure activity. epileptic generalized tonic-clonic seizures, but is
• Prolonged seizure duration (pseudostatus epilep- also frequently reported by patients with PNES
ticus is common in patients with PNES) (Peguero et al., 1995). Epileptic seizures are associ-
• Eye fluttering ated with biting the side of the tongue, while PNES
• Dramatic vocalizations of choking, gagging or are more likely to be associated with biting the tip
gasping of the tongue or the lip (DeToledo and Ramsay,
• Stuttering 1996).
• Weeping and other emotional display
• Excessive variability in seizure manifestations
EEG Manifestations
Despite these general guidelines, experienced neu- EEG during nonepileptic seizure is normal, although
rophysiologists are commonly wrong in clinical muscle and movement artifact may obscure the
diagnosis of seizures because of the broad spectrum recording. Evaluation of the recording may depend
Differential Diagnosis 255
Figure 6-1: EEG with a Non-Epileptic Seizure. Top shows baseline EEG, Bottom shows EEG during non-
epileptic seizure.
The last epoch of EEG (Figure 6-6) shows the end Termination of the seizure is associated with restora-
of the seizure, where the amplitude of the activity tion of the normal background.
reduces until normal background returns. There is not Observation of the same seizure at a slower time
background slowing or attenuation, although reduc- base (Figure 6-7) shows the monorhythmic charac-
tion in amplitude results in appearance of attenuation, ter of the clinical seizure, quite different from the
especially if gain was reduced during the episode. appearance of an epileptic seizure.
Differential Diagnosis 257
been called “convulsive syncope”, but the myoclonus even to experienced clinicians. EEG can help dif-
is of brainstem origin, not cortical in origin. In addi- ferentiation. In both types of spells, the EEG
tion to myoclonus, patients with syncope may have becomes suppressed and, depending on duration,
posturing, head turning, lateral or upward eye devia- virtually flat.
tion, or oral automatisms.
Some differentiating features are: Cough Syncope
• Syncope can be triggered by certain activities, During prolonged coughing, intrathoracic and
unexpected with seizures. Examples include intra-abdominal pressures are transmitted via the
intense pain, intense emotion, standing for great veins to the intracranial compartment, causing
prolonged periods of time in hot crowded places, transient elevated intracranial pressure. The resulting
sudden standing from sitting or lying position, reduction of cerebral perfusion pressure may cause a
urination, defecation, cough. In addition, pres- critical impairment of cerebral blood flow (CBF).
ence of dehydration, known heart disease and During coughing, patients show a transient cere-
prior syncope should favor syncope. bral circulatory arrest, which coincides with loss of
• Syncope often has warning presyncopal sensa- consciousness. EEG shows slowing and attenuation
tion, such as nausea, cold sweat, lightheadedness, (see Figure 6-8).
graying of vision, sounds becoming more distant, Obstructive airway disease seems to be a prerequi-
different from common seizure auras. site to build up the intrathoracic and intracranial pres-
• The myoclonus associated with syncope is of much sures to a degree sufficient to compromise CBF and
shorter duration (usually less than 15 seconds) than cause cough syncope.
tonic-clonic activity (usually longer than 15 seconds)
• Prominent pallor described by witnesses favors
syncope although it may also be an autonomic OTHER DISORDERS MISTAKEN FOR
manifestation of some seizures. SEIZURES
• Seizures result in postictal confusion or lethargy, Movement Disorders
not expected with syncope. However, if the fall
from syncope results in concussion, there could Some movement disorders can have sufficient fast
be more confusion than expected. components that they might be confused with seizure
• Recollection of loss of consciousness favors activity. This is especially true for myoclonus but also
syncope (Crompton and Berkovic, 2009). for others including dyskinesias and hemiballismus.
Breath-holding spells can be frightening to parents, Myoclonic seizures, seen in a number of epilep-
and can be mistaken for seizures or even cardiac tic syndromes, particularly juvenile myoclonic
arrest. There are two types of breath-holding: cya- epilepsy ( JME), are generated in the cortex, and
notic and pallid. usually associated with an electrical discharge at
Cyanotic breath-holding spells are characterized the scalp. However, myoclonus can also be non-
by a brief cry, followed by apnea in end-expiration. epileptic, and can be generated at any level of the
The child becomes cyanotic and unconscious central nervous system. Essential myoclonus is epi-
because of hypoxia. A few minutes later, the child sodic jerking not associated with other epileptic or
awakens. degenerative disease. There are either no other neu-
Pallid breath-holding spells are characterized by rologic signs, or there may be dystonia or tremor.
little or no cry, followed by asystole, resulting in the Inheritance can be dominant or sporadic. The dom-
pallid appearance. The child is pale and lifeless. The inant essential myoclonus usually presents before
child becomes awake and normal color in minutes. the age of 20 years. The movements disappear in
Diagnosis of breath-holding spells depends sleep. Treatment of benign myoclonus is usually not
on observation, and the spells can be frightening, needed.
Differential Diagnosis 261
Figure 6-8: Cough Syncope.
lasting minutes to hours. They are not precipitated Paroxysmal nocturnal dystonia
by movement, but can be brought on by a variety of
factors such as stress, fatigue, excitement, alcohol, or Paroxysmal nocturnal dystonia is episodic abnormal
caffeine. This condition does not usually respond to movements and postures in sleep. These were thought
antiepileptic drugs. to be a movement disorder as they were not associ-
ated with scalp EEG changes. However, investigation
Hemiballismus with intracranial electrodes has indicated that these
are indeed mesial frontal seizures.
Hemiballismus is violent movements of one side of
the body. The movements are most marked in the Sleep disorders
proximal muscles. The flailing of the limbs can result
in injury to the patient. Parasomnias
Hemiballismus is due to damage to the subthalamic
nucleus, with stroke being the most common cause. Parasomnias are disorders of sleep characterized by
Hemiballismus can be mistaken for seizure activ- “undesirable physical events or experiences that occur
ity, but can be differentiated by preservation of con- during entry into sleep, within sleep, or during arous-
sciousness and movement of the affected side, normal als from sleep”. [Thorpy, 2012; American Academy of
EEG during the movement, and irregular appearance Sleep Medicine, 2005.] They can be subdivided into
of the movements. disorders of arousal from non-REM sleep, parasom-
nias associated with REM sleep, and other parasom-
Hyperekplexia nias. (see Table 6-3).
In general, parasomnias tend to occur in younger
Hyperekplexia is characterized by exaggeration of star- patients, children and young adults. Some have a
tle reflexes (Crompton and Berkovic, 2009). The exag- familial basis. Parasomnias can be mistaken for sei-
gerated startle can be mistaken for a startle-evoked zures, particularly frontal lobe seizures which often
seizure. Hyperekplexia is an inherited disorder, most arise out of sleep. Differentiation depends on careful
often with an autosomal dominant transmission. history and observation. Video EEG monitoring can
aid in the differential diagnosis, although this is sel- are frightening dreams, the details of which are
dom needed. recalled, an important distinguishing feature from
Arousal parasomnias: Sleep walking, sleep terror, sleep terror. Nightmares often result in awakening
and confusional arousals are arousal parasomnias from sleep with anxiety. Upon awakening there is
that occur with partial awakening out of slow wave full alertness, with no confusion or disorientation,
sleep, the deepest non-REM sleep, usually within 1 unlike the case with night terrors. While single
to 3 hours after sleep onset. With all arousal parasom- nightmares are common in normal individuals,
nias, the child usually has no memory of the events. recurrent nightmares represent a disorder. REM
These parasomnias cause concern in family members. behavior disorder is motor activity during dream-
With sleep walking, patients are found to be walking ing. The physiology is thought to be pathological
around or standing. The eyes are open and there may absence of normal sleep paralysis that should be
be partial responsiveness. When the patient is stimu- present during REM. The behavior can be quite
lated, arousal is often accompanied by confusion violent, including punching, kicking, and running
and disorientation for a brief time. With confusional movements. REM behavior disorder is more likely
arousals the child may be found seated in bed with in the second half of the night when REM is more
eyes open, appearing alert, but unresponsive. Again, if prevalent. It is more common after age 50 years, with
awakened, the child will be confused and frightened. strong male predominance. It may be seen in some
Sleep terrors have more extreme manifestations, with normal patients, particularly as a transient effect of
screaming, crying, facial expression of terror, agita- some medications or medication withdrawal. When
tion, and thrashing. There is often associated sweat- it is a chronic disorder it is more common in some
ing, tachycardia and tachypnea. The duration is a few neurologic disorders, particularly Dementia with
minutes, and the patient then goes back to sleep. Sleep Lewy Bodies and Parkinson’s disease.
terrors are more common in children, and become
less prevalent with increasing age. The distinction of REM behavior disorder from fron-
tal lobe seizures is based on the following features:
The distinction between arousal parasomnias and • The age at onset of REM behavior disorder is usu-
nocturnal frontal lobe seizures is based on the follow- ally over 50, later than usual for nocturnal frontal
ing clinical features (Tinuper et al., 2012): lobe epilepsy
• Arousal parasomnias tend to have an earlier age • The REM behavior disorder episodes occur in
at onset than nocturnal frontal lobe seizures, and association with dreams, usually in the second
tend to resolve with increasing age, unlike frontal half of the night. Frontal lobe seizures occur at
lobe seizures. any time during sleep.
• Arousal parasomnias typically occur once in a • The patients remember their dreams, and the
night, infrequently, while frontal lobe seizures are behaviors in sleep are consistent with dream
more frequent, often with several in one night. content.
• Arousal parasomnias last several minutes, while • After arousal from REM behavior disorder, the
frontal lobe seizures usually last less than one patient is lucid and oriented.
• Episodes in arousal disorders can vary in clinical Sleep talking is a common disorder which affects
manifestations, while frontal lobe seizures are normal people and is increased in incidence with cer-
very stereotyped. tain disorders. In older adults, dementia is commonly
• Posturing is not usually present in arousal para- associated with development of sleep talking. Sleep
somnias, while common in nocturnal frontal lobe talking occurs most frequently in Dementia with
complex partial seizures. Lewy Bodies, where it also tends to be loud (Honda
et al., 2013). Sleep talking is seldom confused with sei-
REM parasomnias arise out of REM sleep zure activity in the absence of other symptoms.
and include nightmares and REM behavior dis- Other parasomnias include a large number of
order. These are more likely in the last half of the conditions only some of which are potentially con-
night when REM sleep predominates. Nightmares fused with seizures. Enuresis is seldom confused
264 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
with seizure activity, although this, along with find- Migraine and Migraine Equivalent
ing blood on a pillow, make the thoughtful patients
or parents have concern over unobserved nocturnal Migraine can rarely cause episodic symptoms that
seizure activity. These findings are not commonly due can be mistaken for seizure activity (Carreño, 2008;
to seizure in the absence of other manifestations. Kossoff and Andermann, 2010).
In startle syndrome, the alerting response is enhanced. but it is unlikely that this could be confused with
This can be present in some patients for unknown rea- seizure activity.
sons, can be inherited, or can be acquired due to CNS Tiagabine is an uncommonly used AED, espe-
disease. cially for partial seizures. Some patients treated with
Hyperekplexia was discussed briefly above and tiagabine may develop episodes of altered respon-
is an inherited disorder in which there is exagger- siveness and awareness, lasting up to hours. It is not
ated startle. An unexpected even relatively minor totally clear if this is an encephalopathy or a type
stimulus results in transient stiffness followed by of nonconvulsive status epilepticus of the absence
a fall. Hyperekplexia has to be distinguished from variety. Recent reports have shown generalized slow
epilepsy. activity in association with the encephalopathy.
Startle-induced seizures occur in some epilepsies, Reduction in dose of the tiagabine results in disap-
particularly frontal lobe epilepsy originating in the pearance or decreased severity of the episodes (Azar
supplementary motor area. Stimulation induces sei- et al., 2013).
zure activity with a startle-like stiffening of the body.
In contrast to other startle conditions, there is an elec- Transient ischemic attacks
trographic discharge evident with this (Dreissen and
Tijssen, 2012). Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) are a result of
focal transient cerebral ischemia. The main features
that help distinguish them from seizures are:
Peak toxicity of AEDs
• Chorea is associated with maintained ability to
Patients taking AEDs may misinterpret symptoms of move the limbs, even during the episode of invol-
peak level toxicity as seizures. This is more likely with untary limb movement.
some AEDs, particularly those acting on the sodium • TIAs usually manifest with loss of function,
channel. Symptoms may include blurred vision, while seizures usually manifest with positive
double vision, dizziness, unsteadiness, and confu- manifestations. For example, TIAs involving
sion. These manifestations can be distinguished from motor cortex or motor pathways usually mani-
seizures by fest with weakness, while seizures involving
motor cortex most often manifest with tonic,
• Longer duration (usually longer than 10 clonic, or myoclonic activity. Rarely, TIAs
minutes). with high-grade stenosis or occlusion of the
• Manifestations of blurred vision or double vision internal carotid artery present with limb shak-
unlikely during seizures. ing (Persoon et al, 2010). One feature that could
• The symptoms are temporally related to AED distinguish “limb shaking TIAs from seizures is
intake. precipitation by changing to upright position or
• The symptoms are more likely with taking the by exercise. On the other hand, rarely seizures
AED on an empty stomach and less likely if the also may manifest with focal weakness or
AED is taken with food. paralysis (Abou-Khalil et al, 1995).
• The symptoms subside with reducing or dividing • Somatosensory TIAs are more likely to mani-
the dose, or after switching to an extended release fest with sensory loss, while somatosensory
preparation. seizures are more likely to cause paresthesias,
burning or pain. A sensory Jacksonian march
Drug-induced Encephalopathy is suggestive of seizure activity, although
s sensory march may also be seen with
Encephalopathy is the most common cause for migraine. The sensory march of migraine is
neurological consultations in most hospitals. much slower
Patients have confusion, memory loss, or other • TIAs usually last longer than seizures. Most
cognitive deficits. Occasional patients may have seizures last less than 2 minutes, while most TIAs
myoclonic activity and others may have tremor, are longer than 5 minutes.
268 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Transient global amnesia lasts hours, but recovers within 24 hours of onset.
Older individuals are more likely to be affected.
Transient global amnesia is an episode of memory Single isolated attacks occur in most instances, but
loss without impairment of other cognitive func- attacks may repeat in a minority of individuals. The
tion. Affected subjects do not forget their identity pathophysiology of transient global amnesia is not
and are still able to engage in complex activities totally clear and may be different in different indi-
during the attacks. Transient global amnesia usually viduals (Hunter, 2011).
270 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
No Yes
managed by self-help guidelines (e.g., avoid sleep this guideline in patients with infrequent seizures.
deprivation, alcohol binges, and certain medications). For these patients it is best for the initial target dose
In these patients AEDs may not be needed. However, to be a “middle of the road” dose. Below are the rec-
unlike with BECTS, this is a relatively small propor- ommended initial treatment options, depending on
tion of the JME patient population. seizure classification.
Table 7-1 Anti-epileptic Drugs
Drug Clinical use
Carbamazepine Partial-onset, generalized tonic-clonic (may aggrevate myoclonic and absence
(Tegretol) seizures),
Clobazam (Onfi) Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
Clonazepam (Klonopin) Lennox-Gastaut (absence type, atonic, and myoclonic seizures) as adjunctive
or monotherapy.
Ethosuximide Absence
Ezogabine (Potiga) Partial-onset seizures in adults as adjunctive therapy.
Felbamate (Felbatol) Partial-onset seizures in adults.
Only for highly refractory cases.
Adjunctive therapy for generalized seizures in children with Lennox-Gastaut
Gabapentin (Neurontin) Adjunctive therapy for partial-onset seizures.
Lacosamide (Vimpat) Adjunctive therapy for partial-onset seizures.
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) Adjunctive therapy for partial-onset, primary generalized tonic-clonic, gener-
alized seizures of Lennox-Gastaut.
Monotherapy for partial-onset seizures.
Levetiracetam (Keppra) Adjunctive therapy for partial-onset seizures, myoclonic seizures of JME,
primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures in patients with idiopathic general-
ized epilepsy.
Initial monotherapy for partial-onset and primary generalized tonic-clonic
Methsuximide Absence seizures refractory to other AEDs.
(Celontin) May be used as adjunctive therapy for partial-onset seizures resistant to other
Oxcarbazepine Partial seizures as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy in adults and children.
Phenobarbital Broad range of seizures except absence.
Phenytoin (Dilantin) Tonic-clonic, partial-onset, post-operative seizures (May aggravate myoclonic
and absence seizures).
Primidone (Mysoline) Broad range of seizures including primary generalized tonic-clonic,
partial-onset seizures. Used alone or in combination.
May also be effective for myoclonic seizures.
Pregabalin (Lyrica) Partial-onset seizures in adults as adjunctive therapy.
Rufinamide (Banzel) Lennox-Gastaut
Tiagabine (Gabitril) Partial-onset seizures as adjunctive therapy
Topiramate (Topamax) Adjunctive therapy or initial monotherapy for partial-onset or primary gener-
alized tonic clonic seizures.
Adjunctive therapy for seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Valproate (Depakote, Broad range of seizures including partial-onset seizures as well as
Depakene, Depacon iv) generalized-onset seizures (including absence).
Vigabatrin (Sabril) Adjunctive therapy for adults with refractory partial-onset seizures, who have
tried several alternatives and in whom the potential benefits outweigh the
potential loss of peripheral vision.
Zonisamide (Zonegran) Partial-onset and generalized-onset seizures in adults as adjunctive therapy.
Monotherapy fo partial-onset seizures supported by recent study.
272 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
balancing efficacy and tolerability (Marson et al., 2 years old. Also more common in children are rash
2007). Topiramate also requires a slow titration, and it from lamotrigine, and behavioral effects of some
has important cognitive potential adverse effects. As a medications such as phenobarbital and levetiracetam.
result, it is usually not a first-choice treatment, unless On the other hand, children under 13 do not seem at
there is comorbidity such as migraine and obesity. risk of aplastic anemia from felbamate.
When rapid onset of action is needed, the new AEDs Older age predisposes to hyponatremia from
to be considered as first-line treatment are levetirace- carbamazepine and particularly oxcarbazepine.
tam and oxcarbazepine. Seniors also are more likely to experience the com-
mon adverse effects of somnolence and ataxia. Also,
Generalized seniors are more likely to be on multiple drugs,
hence a predisposition to drug-drug interactions.
Absence seizures: Ethosuximide is the drug of choice Lastly, seniors are more likely to have reduced
for initiating therapy in most patients with general- hepatic and renal clearance, requiring consideration
ized absence seizures. If the patient has coexistent in dosing. In general, lamotrigine and gabapentin
generalized tonic-clonic or myoclonic seizures, then are better tolerated in the elderly than carbamaze-
valproate is a better choice. Lamotrigine was found pine (Rowan et al., 2005). However, administering
to be less effective than ethosuximide and valpro- carbamazepine in an extended release preparation
ate for absence seizures in a large comparative trial improves its tolerability.
(Glauser et al., 2010). Nevertheless, it is an impor-
tant option in a woman of childbearing potential Pregnancy and Childbearing Potential
(due to valproate teratogenicity) or in a man with
comorbidities that prohibit the use of valproate Many patients taking anti-epileptic drugs are women
(such as obesity). of childbearing age. While many of these are taking
Idiopathic generalized epilepsy with generalized the medications for epileptic indications, a consider-
tonic-clonic seizures: Valproate appears to be the most able number are taking them for other uses, includ-
effective agent and is the drug of choice for men, but ing migraine prophylaxis and psychiatric indications.
because of the risk of birth defects and other develop- When a woman considers pregnancy or becomes
mental abnormalities, lamotrigine and levetiracetam pregnant, cessation of medications is considered, but
are preferable first-choice options for women with this is potentially unsafe when AEDs are given for
childbearing potential. epilepsy; there are considerable risks to the mother
Generalized myoclonic seizures: Valproate is as well as potential deleterious effects of uncontrolled
likely the most effective agent as monotherapy. seizures to the fetus. In addition, by the time the
Levetiracetam is approved for adjunctive therapy but patient is found to be pregnant, much of the terato-
may also be effective in monotherapy. Other agents genicity on major organs has already taken effect, so
have weaker evidence for efficacy and no FDA indi- cessation of the AED at that point does not protect
cation. Lamotrigine may be effective in some indi- against major organ birth defects.
viduals, but may also exacerbate myoclonic seizures To lower the incidence of birth defects in women
in others. Topiramate, zonisamide and benzodiaz- with epilepsy and to optimize pregnancy outcome,
epines may also be effective in some individuals (see it is essential to have a discussion of changes in AED
Table 7-2). therapy prior to planned pregnancy. While there is
debate about which AEDs are safest, there are AEDs
Considerations in Therapy to be avoided. The FDA has a classification that pro-
vides a general guideline regarding safety in preg-
Age nancy (see Table 7-3).
Age plays a complex role in drug selection, mainly FDA pregnancy classification:
in relation to medication tolerability and safety. The • Category A: Safe in humans—studies have failed
best-known age-related association is hepatic fail- to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in the first
ure with valproate, most common in children under trimester of pregnancy.
Seizure Management 273
Phenobarbital FDA – – –
Primidone FDA – + –
Phenytoin FDA – – –
Methsuximide + – FDA – –
Ethosuximide – – FDA – –
Clonazepam + + FDA-A FDA-A FDA-A
Carbamazepine FDA – – –
Valproate FDA-M ++ FDA-M ++ ++
Vigabatrin* FDA-A – – – –
Felbamate FDA- A/MC + – – FDA- A
Gabapentin FDA- A – – – –
Lamotrigine FDA- MC/A FDA- A + +/– FDA- A
++ MI
Topiramate FDA- MI/A FDA- A +/– + FDA- A
Tiagabine FDA- A – – – –
Levetiracetam FDA- A FDA- A + FDA-A +/–
++ MI
Oxcarbazepine FDA- MI/A – – – –
Zonisamide FDA- A + + + +
++ MI
Pregabalin FDA- A – – – –
Lacosamide FDA- A – – – –
Rufinamide + – – – FDA– A
Clobazam + + + + FDA– A
Ezogabine FDA- A – – – –
Perampanel FDA- A – – – –
FDA = FDA-approved indication without specification as to adjunctive versus monotherapy indication.
FDA-A = FDA-approved indication for adjunctive therapy
FDA-MI = FDA-approved indication for initial monotherapy
FDA-MC = FDA-approved indication for monotherapy conversion
FDA-M = FDA-approved indication for monotherapy without specification as to initial monotherapy or conversion to monotherapy
++ = class 1–3 evidence of efficacy
++ MI = class 1–3 evidence of efficacy as initial monotherapy
+ class 4 evidence of efficacy
+/– inconsistent evidence of efficacy (some reports suggests lack of efficacy or exacerbation)
* Also approved for infantile spasms
Most but not all AEDs are assigned a pregnancy cat- trimester and safe for use later in pregnancy, once
egory. Some of the older drugs do not have catego- major organs have formed, but more recent data dem-
ries assigned by the FDA because of differences in onstrate adverse cognitive and behavioral adverse
the approval process. Some have been stated to have effects, and support avoiding valproate at all stages of
a pregnancy category by investigators on the basis of pregnancy if possible (Meador et al., 2013).
recent findings, but these categories will typically not The North American AED Pregnancy Registry
be found on published prescribing information. Note organized through Massachusetts General Hospital
that all AEDs with a pregnancy category are in either (MGH) is a massive database of patients exposed to
category C or D. AEDs for seizures as well as non-epileptic indications.
No drug is without risk during pregnancy, and no Patients continue to be enrolled, so physicians of all
drug consistently provides perfect seizure control. specialties using these drugs on women of childbear-
But in general the authors prefer to use lamotrigine, ing potential should advise patients to enroll in the
levetiracetam, or oxcarbazepine during pregnancy. registry if they become pregnant. Recent data just
Valproate is associated with a dose-dependent released from the registry compares AEDs for risk
increased risk of birth defects. It was once believed of birth defects (Hernández-Díaz et al., 2012). Note
that valproate was problematic mainly during the first that many AEDs have very limited experience in
Seizure Management 275
monotherapy, so that their safety in pregnancy cannot supplementation at prenatal doses for women with
yet be concluded. For example, there were no malfor- any reasonable risk of pregnancy, particularly those
mations in the zonisamide monotherapy group, but who are actively trying to get pregnant.
there were only 90 pregnancies on zonisamide mono-
therapy at the time of reporting. During Pregnancy
Management is much more complex when the patient
Before Pregnancy presents after she is already pregnant. All of the same
Managing AEDs in a woman with childbearing poten- factors discussed above will be considered, but there
tial should be proactive when at all possible, and is a sense of concern that a substantial portion of
there should be counseling prior to pregnancy. There the risk of major malformations has already been
should be discussion as to which medications are the experienced, so while medications may need to be
most appropriate for the seizure type, which AEDs changed, in some respects damage has already been
place the fetus at higher risk for defects, and what the done. In addition, a trial off AEDs during pregnancy
risk of seizures is for the fetus. Because of the imper- is riskier than before pregnancy. Simplification of
fect data and complexity of the decision-making AED polytherapy would still be appropriate. In addi-
process, each case must be individualized, and the tion, patients who become pregnant on valproate
ultimate decision is made by the patient and physician should be changed to an alternative agent if possible.
together. There should certainly be an effort to reduce Although exposure to valproate in the beginning of
the medication load in women taking multiple AEDs. pregnancy is associated with risk of major malforma-
If the patient has pure absence or pure subjective sim- tion, later exposure also can result in lower IQ and
ple partial seizures, withdrawal of seizure medications other developmental abnormalities (Meador et al.,
can be considered. If a patient is on valproate, then a 2012; Meador et al., 2013).
change to an alternative, such as lamotrigine, should All patients who are pregnant should be on mul-
be considered. tivitamin supplementation, including prenatal doses
of folate.
Some examples follow: AED blood levels have to be monitored more
• A 19-year-old woman with absence epilepsy has closely during pregnancy than before, because of
been seizure-free on ethosuximide for two years. changes in metabolism and volume of distribu-
She has never had another type of seizure besides tion. In particular, lamotrigine level is lowered by
generalized absence. After discussion with the estrogen in the second trimester, with a higher risk
physician, she decides to discontinue ethosuxi- of breakthrough seizures, so the dose usually has to
mide before pregnancy. She is not expected to be increased. Following delivery, the dose has to be
develop any seizures that would be dangerous to decreased. It is recommended that the dose is brought
the child. She decided to remain off the drug even back to what it was before pregnancy in two steps: half
if absence seizures recur. the reduction the day of delivery and the other half
• A 25-year-old woman with generalized after one week.
tonic-clonic seizures is well controlled on
valproate, given for both seizures and migraines. Comorbid Conditions
Considering the high risk of birth defects and
cognitive as well as developmental risks of Numerous comorbid conditions alter potential AED
valproate, it was recommended that she should selection and dose management. Some comorbid
switch to another AED. After discussion with conditions are effectively treated with certain AEDs,
the physician, she transitions off valproate to which makes these AEDs preferable. AEDs with
lamotrigine. FDA-approved non-epileptic indications include:
• Lamotrigine for maintenance for bipolar the efficacy of treatment or makes the cost of therapy
disorder; substantially higher.
• Clonazepam for panic attacks;
• Carbamazepine for trigeminal neuralgia; Epileptic Syndrome and Genetics
• Gabapentin for postherpetic neuralgia and rest-
less leg syndrome (for gabapentin enacarbil); At present, the seizure type is the main predictor of
• Pregabalin for diabetic peripheral neuropathy, response, and epileptic syndrome plays limited role.
postherpetic neuralgia, and fibromyalgia. There are only rare exceptions. For example, autoso-
mal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy responds
In addition, several AEDs are used without official particularly well to carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine.
FDA indication in the treatment of headaches (par- However, there are also instances where the epileptic syn-
ticularly gabapentin), insomnia (gabapentin and drome diagnosis makes a particular AED undesirable. For
pregabalin), restless leg syndrome (gabapentin and example, lamotrigine and other sodium channel-blocking
pregabalin), and essential tremor (primidone and AEDs are known to aggravate severe myoclonic epilepsy
topiramate). On the other hand, some comorbid con- of infancy (Dravet syndrome). Phenytoin is contrain-
ditions can be exacerbated by certain AEDs, which dicated in progressive myoclonic epilepsies because it
makes them less desirable. For example, patients with can worsen progressive ataxia and cause dementia. It is
obesity should avoid valproate, carbamazepine, and expected that genetics and syndrome diagnosis will have
pregabalin, which can cause weight gain. Topiramate a greater role in medication selection in the future, as the
and zonisamide, which can cause weight loss, could pathophysiology of epilepsy is better understood.
then be favored. Topiramate and zonisamide are
relatively contraindicated in individuals with kidney Adverse Effects
stones. Patients with psychosis should avoid topira-
mate, zonisamide, and levetiracetam. While we can- Adverse effects can be easily accessed by online refer-
not be complete in this discussion, below are some ences. These include as well as
general guidelines. product-specific websites. Note that there are some
Migraine: the coexistence of epilepsy and migraine common reported adverse effects, including dizziness,
is common. Topiramate and valproate both have FDA gait difficulty, nausea, headache, rash, and somnolence.
indications for migraine and could be considered if Comparing the frequency of these symptoms in patients
the frequency of migraine attacks justifies prophylac- treated with active drug compared with patients treated
tic therapy. with placebo can give us a good indication of how often
Bipolar disorder: valproate and lamotrigine have these can be attributed to the drug. In addition, there are
FDA indications for bipolar disorder. The former often numerous adverse effects listed for which there is
would be favored for predominant mania and the no clear cause-and-effect relationship with the AED.
latter for predominant depression. Carbamazepine,
oxcarbazepine, and topiramate have also been used
off-label for bipolar disorder. Dosing for First-line Therapy
Hepatic insufficiency: Valproate and other agents
The dosing for first-line therapy is described for most
with principal hepatic metabolism should be avoided
common used AEDs in Figures 7-12 to 7-19. It is essen-
if possible. If used, dose adjustment is needed.
tial to be familiar with the pharmacokinetics of AEDs
Renal insufficiency: Renal insufficiency reduces
for best use, and particularly for dosing schedule
the clearance of many drugs with renal elimination,
(see Table 7-4).
so that lower doses have to be used. In addition,
patients on hemodialysis may need to be redosed
after dialysis. Drug-Level Monitoring
Chemotherapy and immune modulators: Some che-
motherapeutic agents and anti-rejection medications AED levels are measureable for most AEDs. AED
have their metabolism altered by enzyme-inducing serum levels should only assist in clinical decision
AEDs. For some of these medications, this reduces making, and should not be the primary basis for
Seizure Management 277
dosing decisions. A “therapeutic range” has been sug- • Verifying stability of AED level for phenytoin,
gested for some AEDs. This is best established for the which has non-linear kinetics. The phenytoin
old AEDs phenytoin, carbamazepine, and valproate, level can fluctuate widely with a small change in
and is also helpful for lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine. dose or small change in absorption.
The range is only a useful guide, and a value outside • After a breakthrough seizure occurs, to determine
the range should not be the only reason to change the if the breakthrough seizure was related to a drop
dose. Routine AED levels are not necessary. in the serum level.
• To help explain lack of AED efficacy at what appears
to be a high dose. A low level despite a high dose
AED levels are most helpful in the following situations: may indicate that the patient is a high metabolizer
• As a reference value once a clinically effective or is not compliant. A low level may encourage
dose has been reached. repeating the measurements to verify stability. Large
• Verifying that the AED level is within the effective variability may suggest inconsistent compliance. If
range for a patient with infrequent seizures, for the patient is compliant, a low level indicates room
whom ascertainment of effective seizure control for further increases in dosing if needed for seizure
may take a very long time. In this case, the neurolo- control, even at the maximal dose recommended
gist would aim for a level in the middle of the range. in the prescribing information. Undetectable levels
• Monitoring phenytoin level during titration in a despite a high dose suggest non-compliance.
patient with difficult to control seizures. Because • To help explain appearance of adverse effects at a
of non-linear kinetics, the level may increase relatively low dose. A high level may suggest that
excessively with a small increment in the dose. the patient is a slow metabolizer and a lower dose
The level may need to be checked intermittently may be indicated.
during the process of titration. At a serum level • To watch for pharmacokinetic interactions after
near 20 mcg/ml, additional titration may result in introduction of another medication that may
toxicity. affect the baseline AED.
278 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
• To monitor AED level during pregnancy, which is with very infrequent seizures. In such a case, it may
known to reduce some AED levels. take a very long time to determine if the treatment has
• To monitor stability of AED level when switching been successful. It is then recommended to titrate to a
to a different formulation or a different brand. middle-range dose or a middle-range level.
If the seizures are not controlled on what would nor-
For highly protein-bound AEDs such as phenytoin mally be a reasonable target dose, then measurement
and valproate, the protein-free portion is respon- of the level can determine whether there is room to
sible for efficacy and toxicity. When these AEDs are increase the dose further. Toxicity is usually determined
used in monotherapy in an otherwise healthy indi- by clinical symptoms rather than levels. However, if
vidual, the total serum level is a good predictor of the the drug level is significantly higher than the published
protein-free level. However, measuring protein-free upper limit of “therapeutic range,” then further increase
levels will be important in states that may change in dose is likely not warranted. On the other hand, if
the proportion of binding, such that the total level is good seizure control is achieved by a level that is some-
no longer a predictor of the protein-free level. These what higher than the “therapeutic range” yet there are
clinical situations include low protein states such as no symptoms or signs of toxicity, then the dose should
renal failure, hepatic failure, malnutrition, and old usually not be reduced despite the high level.
age, pregnancy, or concomitant use of phenytoin If a patient has loss of seizure control, one of the
and valproate, with resultant competition for protein possible reasons is reduction in blood level, either due
binding. Phenytoin and valproate are both approxi- to missing doses or change in metabolism. Missing
mately 90% protein-bound. Protein-binding of val- doses is a major cause of reduced drug level. Altered
proate can be saturated at high doses, at which point metabolism can be from exposure to a new drug (e.g.,
the free level may be much higher than predicted by antibiotic) or alcohol.
the total serum level. Some drugs have non-linear kinetics, so small
AED levels should generally assist therapy rather changes in dose can produce large changes in levels.
than direct it. With some exceptions, it is generally Phenytoin is currently the only AED with non-linear
not appropriate to drive the AED dose to achieve a kinetics. At low levels, small dose changes produce
level in the “therapeutic range,” because the definition small changes in level, whereas at higher levels (e.g.,
of the therapeutic range is arbitrary to a certain extent. mid-to-high therapeutic) small dose changes can
If there is a good clinical response, then measurement produce large changes in level. As phenytoin is being
of the level can show what an effective level is for that pushed to maximal therapeutic levels, careful moni-
patient. One exception to the above rule is the patient toring of the level is warranted (see Table 7-5).
Second-line Therapy with another medication (Beghi et al., 2003; Kwan
and Brodie, 2000b). From a commonsense perspec-
If an AED is not tolerated, it should be replaced with tive, replacement monotherapy is the best choice if
another. However, if an AED trial fails due to lack of the first AED was completely ineffective. However, if
efficacy, there are more options. Before an AED trial the first AED was partially effective, adding a second
has been declared a failure, it is important to review a AED may be a better consideration. Replacing the
number of questions: first AED usually requires first adding the new AED
before withdrawing the old one. It is acceptable and
• Has the medication been titrated to the maxi- sometimes advantageous to reduce the dose of the first
mum tolerated dose? AED as the new AED is titrated. An overnight switch
• Has the patient been compliant with the is possible for some AEDs, provided the doses are not
medication? high. An overnight switch has been well tested for car-
• Are the breakthrough seizures provoked by factors bamazepine to oxcarbazepine conversion using a 2 to
that can be corrected, such as sleep deprivation, 3 dose ratio, provided the dose of carbamazepine is
alcohol or drug abuse, or concomitant use of a 800 mg or less. Based on some similarity in properties
medication known to reduce the seizure threshold? and mechanism (but without supportive published
evidence), one of the authors also switches gabapen-
If it is determined that the AED has truly failed due tin to pregabalin using a 6 to 1 ratio (if the gabapentin
to lack of efficacy, the physician can choose to replace dose is 1800 mg or less), and topiramate to zonisamide
it with another AED in monotherapy or add another (using a 1 to 1 ratio for a dose of 200 mg or less).
AED. Studies do not show a difference in efficacy All AEDs are FDA approved for adjunctive ther-
and side effects between these two options, although apy. Table 7-6 outlines the pharmacokinetic proper-
there is a slight trend favoring adjunctive therapy ties of AEDs that are not candidates for initial therapy.
Adding a new AED to an old one should consider affect valproate or warfarin levels, which are markedly
interactions between the two AEDs. The interaction affected by carbamazepine.
can be pharmacokinetic (for example, a change in the Valproate is a hepatic enzyme inhibitor and mark-
serum level of the old drug as the new one is added) edly reduces the metabolism of lamotrigine and
or pharmacodynamic (no change in the level of the rufinamide, so that titration rates and target dose
old AED, but increased toxicity because of additive of these latter medications is considerably reduced
adverse experiences, for example). Some pharma- in the presence of valproate. If valproate is added to
codynamic interactions are favorable, with evidence lamotrigine or rufinamide, the doses of these medi-
of synergy. Such beneficial additive effects are best cations have to be reduced by at least 50% to prevent
demonstrated for the combination of lamotrigine toxicity. Felbamate is also an important inhibitor of
and valproate. Another combination that seems to liver enzymes, so that doses of several AEDs have to
be particularly helpful is that of lamotrigine and leve- be reduced in conjunction with its addition. Valproate
tiracetam, but it has less support in the literature. In and felbamate both inhibit the clearance and cause
general, there is a suggestion that an AED combina- accumulation of carbamazepine epoxide, which is a
tion with different mechanisms may be more effica- metabolite of carbamazepine responsible for some
cious than a combination of two AEDs with the same important carbamazepine toxic adverse effects.
mechanism (see Table 7-7). For the recommended Awareness of this interaction is important since toxic-
AEDs as second- and third-line therapy, please refer ity may occur in the presence of low carbamazepine
to Table 7-8. levels. Carbamazepine epoxide levels must be mea-
sured upon request and sent to a central laboratory.
Drug Interactions Several AEDs are selective inhibitors of specific liver
enzymes. For example, oxcarbazepine can inhibit the
Pharmacokinetic interaction implies that the addition liver enzyme responsible for phenytoin metabolism
of an AED to another results in a change in serum and can produce an elevation of phenytoin level.
level. Factors that make a drug more likely to interact Another type of interaction is competition for pro-
are enzyme induction or inhibition, liver metabolism, tein binding, which can play a role in AEDs that are
and high protein binding. Table 7-9 shows the poten- highly protein bound. In particular, the competition
tial of AEDs to interact based on these properties. of phenytoin and valproate for protein binding is clini-
The most common pharmacokinetic interactions cally relevant because therapeutic decisions are often
are a result of enzyme induction resulting in increased made based on total serum levels, when it is the free
clearance and lower serum level, or enzyme inhibition levels that determine efficacy and toxicity. For example,
resulting in decreased clearance with resulting accu- in the presence of valproate competing for protein
mulation and increased serum level. binding, the protein-free portion of phenytoin may rise
Some AEDs such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, from 10% to 30%. A phenytoin total level of 15 mcg/ml
and phenobarbital produce profound and wide- may be associated with severe toxicity because the
spread enzyme induction and result in reduced levels free level is 4.5 mcg/ml, equivalent to a total level of
of other AEDs that are metabolized by the liver. The 45 mcg/ml in an individual with the expected 10%
greater the liver metabolism of an AED, the more it unbound fraction. Thus when valproate and pheny-
is affected by enzyme inducers. This is why it can be toin are used together, free levels should be measured
very difficult to achieve a therapeutic level of valpro- if needed for therapeutic decisions. Tiagabine is also
ate in the presence of carbamazepine or phenytoin. highly protein bound, but because of its low dose and
The increased metabolism can also increase the pro- small concentration, it is less likely to affect phenytoin
duction of toxic metabolites that mediate some types or valproate protein binding. In addition, tiagabine dos-
of valproate toxicity. Other AEDs have more modest ing is almost never based on its serum level.
and more selective enzyme induction. For example, Pharmacodynamic interactions do not involve
oxcarbazepine enzyme induction is more specific a change in serum concentration of involved AEDs.
for hepatic enzymes responsible for the metabolism They are most often related to the additive toxicity
of some calcium antagonists, oral contraceptives, of AEDs that have the same mechanism of action.
and cyclosporin. However, oxcarbazepine does not Pharmacodynamic interactions are often seen when
Seizure Management 281
Binding SV2A
calcium channels
Phenobarbital X X X
Primidone X X
Phenytoin X
Methsuximide X? X
Ethosuximide X
Clonazepam X
and clobazam
Carbamazepine X
Valproate X X X
Felbamate X X X X NMDA receptor
Gabapentin X
Lamotrigine X X
Topiramate X X X Kainate and AMPA
Receptor antagonism
Tiagabine X Inhibition of GABA
Levetiracetam X
Oxcarbazepine X
Zonisamide X X X
Pregabalin X
Lacosamide X Selective enhancing
of slow inactivation of
voltage-gated sodium
Rufinamide X
Vigabatrin X Irreversible inhibition of
GABA transaminase
Ezogabine X
Perampanel X Selective noncompetitive
antagonism of the AMPA
282 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
combining AEDs that act on the sodium channel. with the oldest AEDs. The enzyme-inducing AEDs
For example, dizziness, blurred vision, diplopia, may reduce the efficacy of many medications metabo-
and unsteadiness are often seen when combining lized by the liver, such as warfarin, oral contraceptives,
lamotrigine, lacosamide, carbamazepine, or oxcar- many chemotherapeutic agents, etc. Similarly, AED
bazepine. Thus mechanism of action is currently more levels are affected by inducers or inhibitors of their
relevant to tolerability than to efficacy of AEDs. metabolism. Carbamazepine and phenytoin levels can
be elevated by many non-AED medications. The long
AED–non-AED Interactions list of agents that inhibit carbamazepine metabolism
and result in carbamazepine accumulation includes
Interactions between AED and non-AED medica- cimetidine, diltiazem, erythromycin, clarithromycin,
tions are potentially bidirectional and are most likely fluoxetine, isoniazid, propoxyphene, ketoconazole
Seizure Management 283
(and related agents), verapamil, and grapefruit juice. Success of AED Therapy
Oxcarbazepine, which is related to carbamazepine, is
not subject to this type of interaction. Effectiveness of medical therapy is strongly depen-
One important interaction is between estrogen, dent on epilepsy syndrome and underlying pathol-
an inducer of glucuronidation, and AEDs that are ogy. Patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy are
metabolized by glucuronidation. Lamotrigine is the much more likely to have complete seizure control
most susceptible, but valproate and oxcarbazepine are than patients with partial epilepsy or symptomatic
also affected to a lesser degree. Estrogen-containing generalized epilepsy. For those with partial epilepsy,
oral contraceptives can reduce the lamotrigine serum specific lesions such as hippocampal sclerosis or dual
level considerably, with associated increase in seizure pathology are associated with a lower chance of sei-
frequency. zure control.
284 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
First monotherapy
Second monotherapy or
adjunctive therapy
Consider/evaluate for
epilepsy surgery for TLE
with hippocampal sclerosis Yes, proceed with epilepsy
or lesional partial epilepsy surgery after presurgical
with well-defined and evaluation
resectable epileptogenic
AED withdrawal is more likely to be successful in: • Patients with a normal EEG as compared to those
• Patients with idiopathic epilepsy as compared to with abnormal EEG;
those with symptomatic epilepsy; • Patients with partial seizures who became
• Patients with epilepsy onset in adolescence as seizure-free quickly as compared to those who
compared to epilepsy starting in childhood; needed more than 5 years to become seizure-free;
286 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
• Adults with shorter duration of active epilepsy for epilepsy surgery evaluation. Evaluation for epi-
and a longer duration of seizure remission as lepsy surgery is not appropriate for patients who are
opposed to adults with longer duration of active non-compliant with medications and have not truly
epilepsy and shorter seizure remission; failed medical therapy. Evaluation for epilepsy surgery
• Patients with normal psychiatric examination as should only be for patients with disabling seizures; it
compared to those with abnormal psychiatric should not be pursued in patients who have subjective
examination; simple partial seizures as their only seizure type.
• Patients with normal IQ as compared to those
with IQ less than 70; Presurgical Evaluation and Planning
• Patients with normal MRI as compared to patients
with MRI showing hippocampal sclerosis. Detailed presurgical evaluation should be per-
formed in specialized epilepsy centers with trained
Abrupt discontinuation of AEDs is never a good idea. personnel, equipment, and experience in epilepsy
Severe seizures may occur during withdrawal of some surgery. Good results are largely the product of
AEDs, particularly benzodiazepines, carbamazepine, good subject selection. The best candidates for
and oxcarbazepine. It is generally best to withdraw epilepsy surgery are subjects with temporal lobe
medications slowly. epilepsy due to hippocampal sclerosis and patients
with partial epilepsy and an underlying focal epilep-
togenic lesion.
EPILEPSY The presurgical evaluation aims to:
• Localize the epileptogenic zone. The epilepto-
Partial epilepsies are much more likely than general- genic zone is defined as the zone whose resection
ized epilepsies to be drug-resistant. These patients is necessary and sufficient to eliminate seizures. It
are the most likely to benefit from surgical therapy. cannot be directly measured. Much of the exten-
Surgical approaches include temporal lobectomy, sive presurgical evaluation is an attempt to make
selective amygdalohippocampectomy, lesionectomy, the best estimate of this zone. The tests available
hemispherectomy, multiple subpial transection, and to us in the presurgical evaluation measure other
corpus callosotomy. “zones” that can help estimate the epileptogenic
Patients with generalized epilepsy are usually not zone (see Table 7-10)
candidates for resective (curative) surgical therapy. • Determine if surgery puts any cerebral functions
However, some non-pharmacological treatments can at risk.
be helpful. Dietary therapy is an effective treatment • Identify patients who need additional testing,
for patients able to comply with this therapy. Vagal including invasive EEG, either because the
nerve stimulation (VNS) has been used mainly for epileptogenic zone is not well-defined or because
partial onset seizures, but there is evidence to suggest eloquent cortex may be at risk from surgery.
that VNS can be helpful for idiopathic and symptom-
atic generalized epilepsies. The presurgical evaluation always includes video EEG
monitoring (which records interictal and ictal EEG
Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy and video of clinical seizures) and magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI). MRI cannot be performed on
When to Do Surgery patients with some implanted devices such as auto-
mated implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD)
Failure of medical therapy is an indication for con- and pacemakers. If MRI cannot be done, state-of-
sideration of epilepsy surgery. Generally, medical the-art brain CT (computed tomography) can show
therapy is considered to have failed if there is no sei- most large structural lesions. However, brain CT usu-
zure control by two appropriate and tolerated drugs ally misses important lesions such as hippocampal
used at therapeutic doses. In actuality, most patients sclerosis, cortical dysplasia, and small basal temporal
have failed many more AEDs by the time they present mass lesions (due to bone streak artifact).
Seizure Management 287
Table 7-10 Terms for Regions Pertaining to Localization of the Epileptogenic Zone, and Tests
That Help Identify These Regions
Zone Significance Tests that define zone
Ictal onset zone or Zone in which seizures are originating. This Ictal EEG onset; ictal SPECT
pacemaker zone zone is always contained in the epileptogenic
zone, but may be smaller than the epilepto-
genic zone.
Epileptogenic Lesion causing epilepsy; some lesions are MRI; etiologic factors, age at risk
lesion unlikely to be epileptogenic (for example, factor/injury may suggest associa-
arachnoid cyst or venous angioma). Lesions tion with specific pathology
may be multiple.
Irritative zone Zone in which interictal epileptiform Interictal epileptiform discharges
discharges originate. This is often larger than on EEG or MEG
the epileptogenic zone
Symptomatogenic Zone that produces the first ictal clinical Seizure description; analysis of sei-
zone manifestations. This may be within or outside zure semiology recorded on video
the first brain region along the path of seizure
propagation to produce signs and symptoms.
Functional deficit Zone responsible for functional deficits. Physical examination; interictal
zone Functional deficit can vary depending on test slow activity or attenuation on
used. Using certain tests such as FDG, it can EEG; PET; neuropsychological
be much larger than the epileptogenic zone. testing; Wada test
Other tests that are commonly included in (during awake surgery) or extraoperative (involving
the presurgical evaluation are positron emission electrical stimulation and evoked potential recordings
tomography (PET) with fluorodeoxyglucose from implanted subdural electrodes).
(FDG) and neuropsychological testing. A Wada After the epileptogenic zone has been localized,
test is indicated for patients with temporal lobe the appropriate surgery depends on its location,
epilepsy who may require resection of the hippo- relationship to eloquent cortex, and the presumed
campus. The Wada test may be skipped if there underlying pathology (see Figure 7-9). Invasive
is right hippocampal sclerosis. In complex cases EEG recordings may be needed when the localiza-
where localization is not clear, additional testing tion of the epileptogenic zone is not confident after
may include ictal single photon emission com- non-invasive evaluation. This can be pursued only if
puted tomography (SPECT), magnetoencephalog- there is a hypothesis regarding the localization.
raphy (MEG), and invasive EEG with implanted
intracranial electrodes (see Figure 7-3). Figures 7-4 Surgical Procedures
though 7-8 identify the elements of the presurgical
evaluation in a few scenarios. Surgical procedures are summarized in Table 7-12.
When eloquent cortex may be at risk from epi-
lepsy surgery, localization of cortical functions is indi- Outcomes of Surgery
cated (see Table 7-11). Non-invasive testing should
be obtained first, and may be sufficient. However, The outcome of epilepsy surgery depends on careful
Wada test may be needed if localization of memory selection of patients and thoughtful localization of
is indicated, and electrical stimulation mapping may the epileptogenic zone. Epilepsy surgery can be very
be necessary if it seems that eloquent cortex is at risk. effective in certain groups of patients. Patients with
Electrical stimulation mapping can be intraoperative mesial temporal lobe epilepsy generally fare better
288 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Tests that can localize cortical functions and may replace the Wada test
for determination of language dominance
fMRI-this is most widely available, but not feasible or less useful in
individuals who are claustrophobic, have vascular malformations, or have
sources of MRI artifact
MEG-less widely available than fMRI, equally useful to localize cortical
than patients with neocortical foci, and patients with be simplified and dose could be reduced in seizure-free
small well-defined epileptogenic lesions fare better patients. However, there is a risk of seizure recurrence
than those without lesion. Up to two-thirds of patients after AED withdrawal. Such recurrence is less com-
with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy are seizure-free at mon after temporal lobe surgery for mesial temporal
2 years [Spencer et al., 2005]. While neocortical epi- lobe epilepsy than surgery for neocortical epilepsy. It
lepsy has a lower response rate, it is still about 50% is also less common in children than adults. In fact,
(Cascino et al., 1993). Other improvements besides recurrence is predicted by older age at surgery and
seizure control include improved quality of life. longer duration of epilepsy before surgery. Recurrent
However, epilepsy surgery also has risks, particularly seizures may be harder to control in patients taken
verbal memory loss after dominant temporal lobe epi- off AEDs after neocortical epilepsy surgery than after
lepsy surgery. mesial temporal lobe epilepsy surgery.
AED therapy is usually continued for at least 1 to VNS is approved for adjunctive therapy for partial
2 years after surgery. However, the AED regimen can onset seizures in adults and adolescents 12 years of
Seizure Management 289
Figure 7-4: Scenario of a Single Discrete Structural Lesion with known Epileptic Potential.
age and older (VNS Study Group, 1995). In addition, the greater chance of seizure freedom with epilepsy
there is more recent approval for selected patients surgery, patients are advised to consider it first if they
with refractory depression. Improvement in sei- are felt to be good candidates. There are reports of
zure control with VNS seems to increase over time. VNS being helpful in patients with refractory gener-
However, less than 10% are seizure-free. Because of alized epilepsy, although this is not an FDA-approved
indication. As with many epilepsy therapies, VNS was beneath the left clavicle. The stimulator settings are
tested in and approved for partial-onset seizures, but adjusted as needed based on seizure control and
its clinical utility extends beyond FDA indications. adverse effects. The default stimulation cycle is stim-
The electrodes are placed on the left vagus nerve ulation for 30 seconds followed by 5 minutes of no
and the stimulator is usually placed subcutaneously stimulation. Adjustment usually involves increasing
Scenario of case with misleading information –what the current intensity, but other parameters can also
to do when presurgical tests disagree be adjusted (see Figure 7-10).
Presurgical evaluation includes In addition to cyclical stimulation, single VNS
Video-EEG monitoring in the EMU to record at least 6 seizures. stimulation cycles can be generated on demand with
Brain MRI using chronic epilepsy protocol
Brain FDG PET scan
magnet activation. The magnet-activated current
Neuropsychological testing can be programmed with different parameters from
Wada test if temporal localization is possible
Consider Visual fields only if considering resection that includes
the recurrent output current. Patients can initiate
visual pathways on-demand stimulation with the magnet if they expe-
Consider language fMRI if may be dominant
Additional noninvasive testing such as ictal/interictal SPECT and
rience an aura, or a family member or caregiver can
magnetoencephalography are usually considered to resolve initiate the on-demand stimulation at the beginning
incongruent data
of a seizure. Magnet activation is more likely to be
Invasive EEG with subdural grids is considered only if the helpful at the onset of a seizure and less likely to help
epileptogenic zone is well lateralized but insufficiently
localized. Depth electrodes if there is evidence
after the seizure has progressed. In addition, the mag-
that the epileptogenic zone may invole deep structures that net can turn the stimulator off by holding it or taping
cannot be covered with subdural grid electrodes. it over the stimulator.
One VNS side effect to be expected is voice change
Figure 7-8: Scenario of Case with Misleading or hoarseness. This improves over time. Individuals
Information—What to do when presurgical Tests
who sing or speak in public may want to turn off the
Dietary therapy, which was popular many years ago, Low Glycemic Index Diet
was often forgotten during the explosion of newer The low glycemic index diet is another low-
AEDs, but has regained some interest with the real- carbohydrate diet that is a bit more permissive, in
ization that the new AEDs are not the miracle drugs that it allows carbohydrates with low glycemic index
we might have hoped for. (meaning they will not raise blood glucose). It has
also shown seizure reduction in children with refrac-
tory seizures (Muzykewicz et al., 2009).
Ketogenic Diet
Ketogenic diet is a high-fat low-carbohydrate diet with
some sustained caloric restriction. It is often initiated Immune Therapies Directed to the
with fasting. This diet has been shown to be effective Underlying Pathology
for a substantial minority of patients, with about 10% There is increasing recognition that some forms of
seizure-free and 40–50% or greater reduction in sei- epilepsy are immune in nature, and immunological
zure frequency (Vining et al., 1998). These results are therapy may be effective in these disorders. Steroids
remarkable since this diet is tried in patients who have may be particularly effective in epilepsy associated
failed most available therapies, and the ketogenic diet with Hashimotos’s encephalopathy, also referred to as
Seizure Management 293
Counseling long auras that allow them time to get off the road
before the altered awareness. These leniencies are not
Counseling for patients with epilepsy is complex, without risk and merit careful discussion between
with specific recommendations depending on the clinician and patient and total awareness of the
specific clinical issue. laws in their locale. The pattern of purely nocturnal
sleep-related seizures or pure simple partial seizures
Driving and Other Safety Issues must have been established for at least 6 months in
order to remove restrictions.
Common sense dictates that patients who have sei- Recreational activities such as swimming, hik-
zures, arrhythmia with syncope, and other medical ing, and climbing have risks to both people with epi-
conditions that interfere with mental activities and lepsy and those without. In general, risky activities
neurologic functioning should not be driving, work- become riskier in the presence of epilepsy. A deci-
ing with heavy moving machinery, working at unpro- sion has to be made individually, considering a num-
tected heights, or performing other risky duties. ber of factors including patient age, type of seizures,
Driving is only one part of the discussion of safety. frequency of seizures, and neurologic functioning.
The period of seizure-freedom before a patient can
drive varies between states, from 3 months to 1 year. Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)
Also, there are differences between states concern-
ing whether the patient must surrender the driver’s The risk of sudden unexplained death is increased in
license or just not drive, and whether the physician epilepsy, more than 20 times that of controls when con-
must report patients with uncontrolled seizures to the sidering the age group of 20–40 years. SUDEP is most
state. So physicians must be familiar with laws in their often in the setting of a seizure, usually a generalized
state. In addition, some businesses have restrictions tonic-clonic seizure. There is evidence that complete
on activities that are more stringent than the state law seizure control essentially eliminates the risk of SUDEP.
for driving. Breakthrough seizures related to poor compliance are a
Some states allow exceptions to the driving restric- risk factor for SUDEP. Most neurologists do not discuss
tion for people with purely nocturnal seizures, or sim- SUDEP with their patients so as not to cause undue
ple partial seizures that do not interfere with ability anxiety. However, bereaved family members feel that
to drive (for example, isolated auras) or patients with patients should have been counseled about SUDEP
Seizure Management 295
risk, and that fear of SUDEP would have improved com- few forms of epilepsy. While there are few instances
pliance. Physicians should consider counseling select where epilepsy genetics predict AED efficacy, obtain-
patients who are at high risk of SUDEP due to frequent ing a genetic diagnosis can be very valuable for clo-
uncontrolled generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Patients sure and to avoid unnecessary continued search for
with mild seizures and patients with well-controlled epi- an etiology. An underlying genetic etiology is often
lepsy need not be educated about SUDEP. evident without specific genetic testing. Most com-
monly, patients are interested to know the risk of
Inheritance epilepsy in their children, or parents may want to
know the risk of having another affected child. Most
Many epilepsies have a genetic basis or a genetic genetic epilepsy syndromes, such as juvenile myo-
component. Genetic tests are available for only a clonic epilepsy, are polygenic and the risk of epilepsy
296 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
in a child is less than 6–7%. However, epilepsy is 2 minutes. For complex partial seizures, treatment
monogenic in some families, with higher associated should start after 10–15 minutes.
risk in offspring. Convulsive status epilepticus includes status epi-
lepticus with tonic or clonic motor manifestations,
whether generalized or focal. Non-convulsive status
STATUS EPILEPTICUS epilepticus includes complex partial status epilepticus
without tonic-clonic motor activity and absence status
Status epilepticus is commonly encountered in a busy epilepticus. Subjective simple partial status epilepticus
emergency room or neurology practice and treatment is usually considered separately and is often referred
should be rapid and aggressive. Status epilepticus is to as aura continua. Generalized convulsive status epi-
defined as seizure activity continuing for 30 minutes or lepticus is a medical emergency requiring immediate
recurrent seizures without recovery between events. treatment. While non-convulsive status epilepticus is
However, since there is risk of neuronal damage with a lesser emergency, it also requires prompt therapy.
increasing seizure duration, aggressive treatment is
warranted and should not wait for the 30-minute Diagnosis
definition. Acute therapy of generalized convulsive
seizure activity should start within 5 minutes, based EEG is performed as soon as possible on patients
on the finding that generalized tonic-clonic activ- with suspected status epilepticus. This is for confir-
ity that stops spontaneously rarely lasts longer than mation of the diagnosis, characterization of the ictal
Seizure Management 297
discharge pattern, and monitoring of response to (Alldredge et al., 2001; Silbergleit et al., 2012). This
treatment. Confirmation of the diagnosis is particu- can stop the seizure activity in more than half of
larly important since it is common for psychogenic patients. Alternatively, if the patient has a history of
non-epileptic events to present as clinical status prolonged seizures, the caregivers may administer
epilepticus. rectal diazepam, which can be helpful even though it
Continuous EEG monitoring of patients with sta- is FDA approved for seizure clusters rather than status
tus epilepticus should be performed when possible. epilepticus. Use of rectal diazepam before emergency
The possibility of persistent electrical seizure activity room arrival was associated with shorter duration
should always be considered in a patient with con- of status epilepticus, even if status was still ongoing
vulsive status epilepticus who does not wake up after upon arrival.
motor activity stops. Figures 7-11a through 7-11c show suggested pro-
In a patient without prior known epilepsy, iden- tocols for treatment of status epilepticus, based on
tification of the cause of the status epilepticus usu- Vanderbilt protocols. As shown in the figures, ben-
ally requires imaging with MRI or CT, blood tests zodiazepines and fosphenytoin are cornerstones
(glucose and electrolytes), and sometimes lumbar for treatment of generalized tonic clonic status
puncture (LP) for possibility of CNS infection. epilepticus.
However, imaging and LP should be performed Complex partial status epilepticus can be treated
only after convulsive status epilepticus has been with the same initial medications (but a lower dose
controlled. of lorazepam), but if additional therapy is needed,
non-sedating intravenous AEDs should be used
Treatment preferentially.
Generalized absence status epilepticus can be
Treatment of the status epilepticus can begin before treated with IV lorazepam and valproate.
hospitalization, with paramedics administering loraz- Generalized myoclonic status epilepticus can be
epam 2–4 mg IV or midazolam 10 mg IM (dosing treated with IV lorazepam, IV valproate, and/or IV
for adults and children weighing more than 40 kg) levetiracetam.
298 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
15-60 minutes
After 60 minutes
EEG in progress if patient has not woken up
Identify etiology of status (CT or MRI +/– LP if indicated) and develop appropriate
treatment plan
Treat hyperthermia if present
Beside glucose for patients still seizing
Check phenytoin level
Maintenance AEDs if indicated
15-60 minutes
Fosphenytoin 20 mg/kg IV
Levetiracetam 20 mg/Kg IV
Valproate 20 mg/Kg IV
Lacosamide 400 mg IV
Late treatment
-Extended release
preparations provide
Increase to 200 mg bid x steadier levels
100 mg bid for immediate 3 days then 300 mg bid as -Use bid dosing
release or 200 mg Qhs for initial target dose. The -Consider tid dosing for
extended release dose can be increased by immediate release
preparation 100-200 mg every 3 days preparations
as needed - Little therapeutic
benefits, toxicity expected
after a level of 12 mcg/ml
-Lacosamide is better
tolerated and doses
higher than 400 mg per
Increase by 100 mg every day are more likely to be
one to two weeks as successful when used in
50 mg bid or 100 mg Qhs needed until seizures are conjuction with non-
x 1 week controlled, adverse sodium-channel AEDs
then 100 mg bid effects appear, or a dose -Tolerability may be
of 600 mg per day is helped by TID dosing and
reached. by removal of sodium
channel AEDs when
higher doses are needed
for seizure control.
–Extended release
preparation provide
steadier levels
–Use bid dosing to
–Increase by 250 mg as optimize seizure control
500 mg Qhs using the
needed. in drug-resistant patients
extended release
–Avoid a dose higher than –Consider tid dosing for
preparation or 250 mg
1000 mg per day in a delayed release
bid for the delayed
woman of childbearing preparation
release preparation
potential. –Little benefit and
increased risk of toxicity
is expected beyond a
serum level of 100 mcg/
Karl E Misulis
306 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 8-6: Alpha Coma.
Samples and Case Discussions 309
Figure 8-7: Alpha-theta Coma.
Alpha-theta coma with bifrontal ictal activity. Note the onset of the eye
blinks after eye opening with dramatic attenuation of
38-year-old who had a cardiac arrest (Figure 8-7). He the posterior dominant rhythm.
was unresponsive to voice but had spontaneous eye
opening. He had extensor posturing to stimulation. The Generalized Polyspike-and-Wave
EEG shows generalized frontally dominant alpha-theta
activity, not reactive to passive eye opening and closure. 38-year-old male with past epilepsy, extensive burn
injuries, and recurrent seizures in the hospital
Periodic Discharges with Anoxia (Figures 8-10a and 8-10 b). EEG showed frequent gen-
eralized polyspike-and-wave discharges consistent
56-year-old with witnessed tonic-clonic jerking with generalized epilepsy.
after cardiac arrest (see the series of EEGs shown in
Figures 8-8a through 8-8d). The EEG showed con- Rhythmic Midtemporal Theta of Drowsiness
tinuously evolving pattern and frequency, with abrupt
termination of rhythmic EEG activity with attenu- Rhythmic midtemporal theta of drowsiness is seen in
ation followed by periodic activity. The evolution is this otherwise normal EEG (Figure 8-11). This can be
consistent with an ictal pattern. However, the anoxic easily misread as pathological, especially with unilat-
etiology implies a poor prognosis. eral appearance especially at onset.
17-year-old with anger outbursts (Figure 8-9). 44-year-old woman with cirrhosis with hepatic failure,
Repetitive eye blinks and eye flutter may be confused and declining mental status (Figures 8-12a through
310 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 8-8: (Continued)
312 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 8-12: (Continued)
316 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
amplitude disorganized slow background with no video EEG monitoring. Her EEG was previously
posterior rhythm, consistent with hypsarrhythmia. interpreted by a general neurologist as showing right
and left midtemporal spikes and an electrographic sei-
Wicket Spikes zure from the left temporal area. The EEG recording
in Figure 8-16 shows wicket patterns from both tem-
75-year-old woman with spells that were determined poral regions, but predominant on the left. The higher
to be non-epileptic when evaluated with inpatient voltage sharply contoured waves are components of
Samples and Case Discussions 317
Figure 8-14: (Continued)
Figure 8-15: Hypsarrhythmia.
Samples and Case Discussions 319
Figure 8-15: (Continued)
a monorhythmic activity that waxes and wanes in its EEG showed increased beta activity and fragments of
voltage, but does not evolve in frequency. mu rhythm at C3, suggesting breach rhythm. The CT
scan confirmed the presence of a skull defect. There had
Breach Rhythm been no mention of craniotomy in his hospital notes,
but a search of the records determined that he had had
77-year-old man with altered mental status (Figures 8-17a craniotomy for placement of cortical stimulating elec-
through 8-17c). He had old right thalamic stroke. The trode to relieve thalamic pain syndrome.
Generalized Tonic-clonic Seizures activated with arousal and stimulation. The MRI
shows typical increased left posterior and right frontal
21-year-old man with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy has cortical ribbon signal on diffusion MRI images. The
generalized tonic-clonic seizures with no aura; he may finding is absent in the FLAIR MRI. The autopsy con-
stare before the motor activity (Figures 8-18a and 8-18b). firmed the diagnosis of prion disease with the charac-
He also has myoclonic jerks, mostly in the am. The gen- teristics of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
eralized tonic-clonic seizure started with generalized,
frontally dominant, polyspikes and spike-and-wave dis- Cough Syncope
charge initially at 9 Hz then 3–6 Hz. The activity evolved
to approximately 10 Hz rhythmic activity in transition to 48-year-old man with obesity and spells of unclear
the generalized tonic-clonic seizure. nature that were determined to be non-epileptic
(Figures 8-21a and 8-21b). He had an episode of brief
Burst Suppression multifocal myoclonus and altered responsiveness
after persistent cough in the setting of hyperventila-
36-year-old woman with severe closed head injury in tion. The EEG showed generalized slow activity then
pentobarbital coma for increased intracranial pressure generalized attenuation, followed by slow activity
(Figure 8-19). CT showed multiple areas of intracranial then recovery of normal EEG rhythms. The findings
hemorrhage with increasing surrounding edema. EEG represent an episode of cough syncope.
showed a burst suppression pattern. The bursts consisted
of generalized irregular theta and delta activity lasting Pentobarbital Coma
2 to 4 seconds. Suppression periods ranged between
30 seconds to 4.5 minutes by the end of the recording. 24-year-old male with severe traumatic brain injury
from motorcycle accident (Figures 8-22a and 8-22b).
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease CT showed right frontal intraparenchymal hemor-
rhage, diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural
74-year-old man with rapidly progressive demen- hematoma along the falx, extensive intraventricular
tia (Figures 8-20a through 8-20c). The EEG showed hemorrhage predominantly on the left, right to left
intermittent left hemisphere periodic discharges midline shift, and uncal herniation. He was placed in
322 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 8-20: (Continued)
pentobarbital coma for treatment of increased intra- through 8-23c). He has left hemiplegia, can only use
cranial pressure. The EEG segments show the effect of the right arm. CT shows right frontal and right tem-
deepening pentobarbital coma, with increasing dura- poral encephalomalacia, diffuse enlargement of the
tion of interburst intervals, until complete suppression. ventricular system, and a ventriculoperitoneal shunt
entering from a left parietal approach.
Polymorphic Delta Activity The EEG shows polymorphic delta activity as
well as a sharp wave in the right posterior quadrant,
19-year-old man with severe traumatic brain injury, the presumed epileptogenic zone. In this case the
daily complex partial seizures, and occasional second- polymorphic delta activity is more related to func-
arily generalized tonic-conic seizures (Figures 8-23a tional (focal epilepsy) than structural lesion.
Samples and Case Discussions 325
and 8-25b). Examination showed bilateral resting and Attenuation with Subdural Hematoma
postural tremor, worse with stressful discussions. He
also had a mild head tremor and chin tremor. EEG Patient with subdural hematoma with signs on CT of
was obtained because of episodes of unresponsive- acute and chronic blood (Figures 8-26a and 8-26b).
ness. The EEG above shows tremor artifact in the left The EEG shows attenuation over the left hemisphere.
posterior head region. The loss of faster frequencies is evident on this side.
Figure 8-23: (Continued)
The patient is being evaluated for epilepsy This is a 42-year-old woman with seizures since
(Figure 8-27). During photic stimulation, a promi- age 15 (Figure 8-28a). The EEG was done one day
nent photic driving response is seen. Because of the after the police found her wandering the street
very regular activity that is time-locked to the stimu- in complex partial status epilepticus or postictal
lus, and the abrupt termination at the end of photic confusion. The EEG showed irregular delta-theta
stimulation, this should not be confused with epilep- activity in the right hemisphere, with midtemporal
tiform discharge. and posterior temporal predominance. There was
Figure 8-27: Photic Driving Response.
also attenuation of posterior dominant rhythm on She is described as being in the awake but confused
the right. state, so she is not deeply asleep. This pattern is too
CT brain shows right temporal encephalomalacia slow for simple drowsiness. Slowing of the back-
(Figure 8-28b). The slowing on the EEG is likely a com- ground can be seen in patients with infections and
bination of this structural lesion plus postictal slowing. multiple metabolic abnormalities, however, the
findings are not specific. The interpretation of the
Excess Beta Activity recording should reflect the non-specific nature of
the results.
An adult female is being evaluated for syncope
(Figure 8-29). This patient has excessive beta activity, PLEDs
which in this case was due to clonazepam, a benzodi-
azepine. Barbiturates also typically produce excessive An adult female is being evaluated for mental sta-
beta activity. This is commented on in the report, but tus changes associated with fever and seizures
not interpreted as a specific abnormality. (Figure 8-31). This EEG shows periodic lateralized
epileptiform discharges (PLEDs). These are typi-
Encephalopathy cally seen in patients with herpes encephalitis, as
in this patient. However, they can also be seen with
An adult female is being evaluated for mental sta- stroke and other destructive lesions. The etiology
tus changes (Figure 8-30). The pattern shows of PLEDs cannot be determined without clinical
symmetric slowing consistent with encephalopathy. information.
Figure 8-31: PLEDs.
334 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
speculate as to the type of seizure, however, with there Focal Attenuation in a Patient with
being no motor activity associated with this discharge, Right Hemisphere Stroke
absence seizure is the clinical interpretation. Drowsy
burst should not have the sharp component and does This patient has had a large right hemisphere
not grow as this discharge does. Non-epileptic seizure infarction and subsequently had seizures. EEG
is behavioral symptoms without EEG correlate, dif- (Figure 8-36a) shows signs of the focal damage
ferent from this presentation. Non-epileptic seizures while the MRI (Figure 8-36b) shows typical signs of
may have movement artifact, but the appearance acute-subacute infarction. Review of the EEG shows
and distribution of this discharge indicates that it is frontal activity that is attenuated over the right hemi-
electrocerebral. sphere. However, it would be easy to assume that
the left side with the higher amplitude slowing is the
more abnormal side.
Figure 8-35: OIRDA.
Samples and Case Discussions 337
This is a 26-year-old left handed/ambidex- EEG (Figure 8-38a) showed rhythmic dis-
trous man who had seizure onset at 24 years with charge seen best on sphenoidal electrode on the
complex partial seizures. Seizures are described left, indicating inferomesial temporal region discharge.
as hot flash, staring, lip smacking, clenching of Consecutive EEG page (Figure 8-38b) shows spread
the fist. Duration is 15–30 sec. Seizure frequency of the seizure activity in the left temporal region to
is about one per week. He had failed gabapentin, involve T1, F7, and T7. But the discharge maintains
oxcarbazepine, oxcarbazepine + levetiracetam predominance at Sp1.
combination. Neuropsychological testing: low average intel-
EMU seizure description is of a motionless stare lectual range, consistent with educational attain-
followed by lip smacking and right finger extension ment and demographic history. Verbal IQ was 80
movements. (9th percentile), and performance IQ was 88 (21st
MRI (Figures 8-37a and 8-37b) showed a cavern- percentile). He had low performance on language
ous malformation in the left temporal region seen skills overall. Testing showed bilateral prefron-
well on coronal and axial T2 sequences. tal weaknesses with weaknesses in visuospatial
338 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
processing. Wada test results were left hemisphere Scenario B: Single Discrete Structural
dominance for language, bilateral memory (passed Lesion with Incongruous EEG Results
memory testing with left and right amobarbital
injections). This patient has a discrepancy between location of
Stereotactic resection through a transcortical the structural lesion on MRI and the EEG localiza-
approach was successful. MRI (Figure 8-39) shows tion. MRI shows a posterior temporal region of
surgical results. He was seizure-free off AEDs at abnormality but EEG suggests anterior temporal
2.5 years follow-up. ictal onset.
Figure 8-43a: EEG—Ictal Onset.
Ictal onset discharge was in the right temporal region with right inferomesial temporal predominance, Sp2 > F8 > T8.
Complex partial seizures usually had no aura; sei- EMU recording showed seizures characterized
zures mostly started with loss of awareness, a deep by motionless staring, early head turning to the left,
stare, and automatisms including rubbing of the legs right arm dystonic posturing, automatisms of the
and smacking of the lips. left arm, occasional oro-alimentary automatisms,
and postictal aphasia. She also had versive head carbamazepine withdrawal, but there was no recur-
deviation to the right in transition to secondary rence after the dose was increased.
Frequency of the simple partial seizures was once
Scenario E: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Without a
every 2–3 days, frequency of the complex partial sei-
Defined Structural Lesion
zures was one every 1.5 weeks. Secondary generalized
seizures were rare, with the last one more than a year This is a 25-year-old right-handed woman with epi-
prior to evaluation. lepsy since age 5 years.
She was on carbamazepine, zonisamide, and pre-
gabalin. She had failed phenytoin, phenobarbital, a
primidone, valproate, gabapentin, levetiracetam, topi-
ramate, lamotrigine, and clonazepam.
EEG (Figure 8-45a) showed ictal discharge in the
left temporal region with left inferomesial temporal pre-
dominance. The ictal field widened during the course.
Interictal activity was sharp waves in the left tem-
poral region with greatest prominence in the region of
Sp1 and lesser in F7 and T7 (Figure 8-45b).
MRI brain (Figure 8-46a) showed atrophy and
increased T2 signal in the left hippocampus.
FDG-PET (Figure 8-46b) showed left temporal
hypometabolism, greatest in the left mesial-basal tem-
poral region.
Operative result was excellent. MRI (Figure 8-46c)
showed the region of the transcortical left selec-
tive amygdalohippocampectomy. Patient was free
Figure 8-44a: MRI Brain—Coronal T2.
of complex partial seizures and auras at 5 years of
MRI brain showed marked atrophy of the right hippocampus.
follow-up. She had one complex partial seizure during
Samples and Case Discussions 345
Figure 8-44b: FDG-PET Brain.
FDG-PET showed decreased FDG uptake in the right mesial temporal region (arrows).
She had complex partial seizures described as hav- without focal postictal deficits. Has no recollection of
ing no warning, characterized by gagging, picking these events. Duration less than 1 minute.
with right arm, able to speak in sentences although EMU recorded seizures showed key features
usually inappropriate. Afterward has brief confusion including bilateral paddling movement of the lower
extremities and left gaze deviation, along with
arrhythmic arm shaking and a motionless stare. May
have well-formed verbal automatisms (would say “I
am fine, I am fine”).
Seizure frequency for complex partial seizures was
about 6 per month; secondarily generalized seizures
had only occurred twice in her life.. Medical therapy
at the time of presentation was levetiracetam, topira-
mate, and pregabalin. She had previously failed val-
proate and gabapentin.
Interictal EEG (Figure 8-47a) shows sharp waves
in the right frontotemporal region, greatest around F8
and Fp2 and less at T8 and P8.
EEG at ictal onset (Figure 8-47b) is character-
Figure 8-44c: MRI Brain Post-operative. ized by voltage attenuation immediately after a
Right transcortical selective amygdalohippocampectomy
was performed with good surgical result as shown on MRI.
high voltage sharp wave that resembles interictal
sharp waves.
346 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 8-46b: FDG-PET.
348 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 8-47a: EEG—Interictal.
Interictal sharp waves are right frontotemporal, F8, Fp2 > T8 > P8. There is irregular slow activity in the same distribution.
Figure 8-47b: EEG—Ictal.
EEG at ictal onset is characterized by voltage attenuation immediately after a high voltage sharp wave that resembles inter-
ictal sharp waves.
Samples and Case Discussions 349
Figure 8-48b: FDG-PET.
FDG-PET showed no asymmetry.
350 Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Figure 8-48c: Ictal SPECT.
Ictal SPECT showed right lateral temporal increased blood flow, different from the interictal baseline.
shows the ictal center, whereas the white line sur- Clinical outcome was excellent with her free of com-
rounds the next most affected electrodes. plex partial seizures at 5 years follow-up. She remains on
Right temporal lobectomy was performed with seizure medications, not being willing to take the risk of
good surgical results (Figure 8-48f). seizure recurrence with AED withdrawal.
Samples and Case Discussions 351
Figure 8-48d: Magnetoencephalography
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) showed epileptiform activity sources centered predominantly over the mid-posterior
lateral temporal region.
e f
354 Appendix: References and Glossary
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Circuit loop: One closed loop of a circuit, ignoring the other
Glossary potential connections and loops in the circuit.
14 & 6 positive spikes: Positive spikes mainly in the posterior Clonic: Series of phasic contractions, usually producing
temporal region, especially in drowsiness and light shaking.
sleep. Considered normal if there are no other Complex: Combination of 2 or more waves.
abnormalities. Complex partial seizure: Partial (focal) seizure which is
Absence: Seizure characterized by a brief lapse of conscious- associated with loss of awareness. As opposed to
ness without major motor activity. Associated with simple partial seizure.
the 3-per-second spike-wave complex. Conductance: Quality of a material to conduct charge. In
Alpha rhythm: EEG rhythm in the frequency range of 8–13 the case of electricity, it represents the ability of the
Hz. normal when a posterior rhythm in a waking material to allow the flow of electrons. In the case of
state. Abnormal when seen anteriorly in a coma. biologic membranes, conductance indicated by the
Amplifier: Electronic device that increases the amplitude of ability of ions to pass through the membrane.
an electronic signal. Usually composed of transistors Conductor: Material that easily conducts current by
as well as other circuit elements allowing the flow of electrons. This requires atomic
Analog: Data as a continuously variable value, as opposed structure to mobilization of electrons.
to digital. Cone wave: High voltage occipital cone-shaped waves, in
Analog-to-digital converter: Electronic device that converts infants.
an analog signal (continuously variable voltage) into Current: Movement of electrons in a circuit. By convention,
a digital signal (sequence of data bits representing direction of current is in the flow of positive charge,
the data). but since current is carried by negatively charged
Arrhythmic: Term used to describe ongoing EEG activity electrons, current direction is opposite to the flow of
composed of waves of unequal duration. electrons.
Asynchronous: Describes transients or other activity that is Delta rhythm: EEG rhythm of less than 4 Hz. Seen normally
seen in several regions, but not simultaneously. in sleep but can also be seen with encephalopathy,
Atonic: Loss of tone. Atonic seizures are associated with focal structural lesion, and in children.
loss of tone rather than muscle contraction. Digital: Data as an array of digits, regardless of base. While
Aura: Subjective sensation that precedes a seizure. we display data in base 10, computers fundamentally
Benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS): operate in base 2, with combinations to create longer
Another term for Rolandic epilepsy. digital words.
360 Appendix: References and Glossary
Diode: Device made by layering two pieces of semiconduc- Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: Severe epilepsy with mixed
tor. Conducts in one direction. seizures.
Discharge: Electrical potential burst recorded on EEG. Mitten: EEG potential formed from partial fusion of a ver-
Dravet syndrome: Eponymic name for severe myoclonic tex wave and spindle wave. The thumb of the mitten is
epilepsy of infancy. a spindle wave and the hand is the vertex wave.
Epileptic seizure: Episode of change in neurologic behavior Mu rhythm: Normal negative rhythmic potentials.
due to abnormal neuronal activity in the brain. Myoclonic: Sudden positive or negative motor symptoms,
Epilepsy: Recurrent episodes of seizure activity typically such as a brief jerk of a muscle.
associated with abnormal EEG rhythms. Narcolepsy: Disorder of recurrent attacks of daytime
Epileptiform discharge: Episodic waves or complexes that sleep attacks, often also with episodes of paralysis
stand out from the background and suggest a predis- (cataplexy).
position to epilepsy. Non-conductor: Material that does not conduct current. Has
Fast alpha variant: Posterior rhythm that is 16–20 Hz rather atomic structure that does not allow for free flow of
than 8.5–10 Hz, essentially a harmonic of the normal electrons from atom to atom.
posterior dominant rhythm. Notch filter: Archaic term for a 60 Hz filter—refers to a
Frequency: The number of waves of a specified rhythm per “notch” seen in the power spectrum produced by the
second, or 1/wavelength. Frequency is measured in filter.
Hertz or Hz, meaning cycles per second. Wavelength Obstructive sleep apnea: Disorder that produces periods of
is measured in milliseconds or seconds. apnea because of failure to maintain a patent airway
Frontal intermittent rhythmic delta activity (FIRDA): when asleep
Rhythmic delta from the anterior regions, especially Occipital intermittent rhythmic delta activity (OIRDA):
in patients with diffuse or metabolic disorders. Abnormal episodic delta activity seen especially in
Ictal discharge: EEG discharge that is associated with a children from the posterior regions. Usually seen
seizure. with diffuse and metabolic conditions. Childhood
Impedance: Measure of the effective resistance of a circuit correlate of FIRDA.
where voltages are changing. While typically used to Ohm’s law: For any resistive circuit, current is positively
describe AC circuits, it also applies to other chang- correlated with voltage and negatively correlated
ing voltages. Due to resistance of the elements plus with resistance. Or voltage is equal to current times
effects of inductance and capacitance on current flow. resistance.
Inductance: Measure of the induction capacity of an Open time: The time that an ion channel stays open after
inductor. being activated. Ion channels generally close after a
Induction: Production of current in a conductor by a chang- brief time, regardless of what happens to the mem-
ing magnetic field. brane potential.
Inductor: Circuit element composed of a wire winding so Periodic: Term used to describe transients or complexes
that the magnetic fields from movement of current that recur, but with intervening activity between
flow sum to form larger magnetic field. them.
Interictal: Between seizures. Used to describe a pattern on Periodic lateral epileptiform discharges (PLEDs): Discharges
EEG that is seen between clinical seizures. from one hemisphere or locus at a rhythm that is
Interictal discharge: EEG discharge that is seen in patients often about 1/sec. Seen especially with destructive
with seizures, yet the discharge it not, itself, a seizure. lesions.
Irregular rhythm: Activity that is not uniform. It is in theory Photoconvulsive response: Electrical seizure activity pro-
possible for rhythmic activity to be irregular, but that duced by photic stimulation.
is uncommon. Photoelectric artifact: Artifact seen during photic stimula-
K-complex: Fusion of a vertex wave with a sleep spindle. tion where the electrodes are directly activated by the
Seen mainly in stage 2 sleep and with partial arousal. light flashes.
Kirchhoff ’s current law: For any node, the sum of the cur- Photomyoclonic response: Electrical manifestation of an
rents flowing into the node is equal to the currents involuntary contraction of frontal muscles during
flowing out. photic stimulation.
Kirchhoff ’s voltage law: For any resistive circuit loop, the Positive sharp transients of sleep (POSTS): Positive potential
sum of the voltage sources is equal to the sum of with a maximum at O1 and O2, seen during light sleep.
voltage drops. Posterior dominant rhythm: Rhythm from the occipital
Lambda wave: Occipital positive waves created by visual region that is composed of a narrow band of a domi-
exploration. nant frequency, usually in the alpha range in adults.
Appendix: References and Glossary 361
Posterior slow wave of youth: Slow waves in the occipital Sharply contoured slow wave: Transient that has a duration
region in waking state, mainly of young children. longer than a sharp wave but has a subjectively sharp
Postictal: Referring to the time after a seizure, such as post- appearance and stands out from the background.
ictal EEG appearance or clinical state. Simple partial seizure: Partial (focal) seizure with no
Power: A measure of the ability to do work, for example, the disturbance of consciousness, as opposed to complex
energy of a power supply or of brain electrical activity. partial seizure.
Power spectrum: Distribution of energy across different Sleep spindle: Brief run of repetitive waves in the 11–14 Hz
frequent components. range. Are usually of 1–2 sec duration. Seen in light
Power supply: Circuit element that imparts energy to elec- sleep.
trons, causing them to move down a potential gradient. Slow alpha variant: Posterior alpha rhythm in waking state
Primary generalized seizure: Seizure that is generalized from which is a sub-harmonic of the normal posterior
the onset, as opposed to secondarily generalized alpha.
seizure. Spatial distribution. The electrodes involved with a
Psychogenic non-epileptic seizure: Episodic neurologic events discharge and the degree of their involvement deter-
that can resemble epileptic seizures but that are due mines the field.
to psychological issues rather than due to a change in Spike: Transient with a duration of 25–70 mg that is often
neuronal activity in the brain. epileptiform. Not all spikes are epileptiform, and
Rectifier: Device that converts AC into DC current. some are normal. Spikes must stand out from the
Rectify: Convert AC into DC current. Most modern circuits background to be interpreted. Not all potentials with
may use AC line power but many of the electronics this duration are spikes.
are powered by DC. Spike-wave complex: Spike followed by a slow wave.
Regular rhythm: Applies to activity that is uniform, with Startle: Jerking body movements due to a stimulus.
individual waves having fairly consistent shape, in Stevens-Johnson syndrome: Skin and mucous membrane
addition to fairly consistent duration. necrosis that can develop from some medications.
Resistance: The degree to which a material opposes the Synchronous: Occurring in two regions simultaneously.
passage of electric current. Dissipates the energy in Syncope: Loss of consciousness due to insufficient cerebral
another form, usually heat. blood flow.
Resistor: Circuit element that opposes the passage of Theta rhythm: EEG rhythm in the 4–7 Hz range. Normal
current, dissipates the energy usually in the form of in drowsiness at all ages and waking in young
heat. children. Also seen in encephalopathy, focal
Rhythm: EEG activity composed of recurring waves of structural lesion.
equal duration. A rhythm is often characterized by its Third rhythm: Rhythmic temporal activity in the waking
frequency. state. Normal.
Rhythmic: Term used to describe ongoing EEG activity Tonic: Increase in tone, in context of a seizure, steady
composed of recurring waves of equal duration. contraction.
Rhythmic midtemporal theta of drowsiness: Trains of Transient: A wave or combination of waves that stands out
charply-contoured waves in the theta range from the from the surrounding background.
temporal region in the drowsy state. Transistor: Semiconductor device that is able to amplify or
Rolandic epilepsy: Disorder of children with epilepsy with a rectify electrical current.
focus in the centro-temporal region. Vertex wave: Negative potential with a maximum near Cz.
Secondarily generalized seizure: Generalized seizure that has Occurs in stage 2 sleep and during arousal.
a focal onset. Voltage: Potential difference that is an electromotive force
Seizure: Sudden attack that is usually due to abnormal for circuits.
rhythmic discharge of neurons. Voltage drop: Reduction in voltage across a resistor or other
Semiconductor: Material that has conductivity better than a circuit element. This indicates the reduction in energy
non-conductor but less than a conductor. A key ele- associated with the electrons across this element.
ment to diodes and transistors. Voltage-gated: Voltage-gated ion channels open in response
Semiology: Study of signs of seizures. to a change in transmembrane voltage of the cell.
Sharp wave: Transient with a duration of 70–200 mg that West syndrome: Infantile spasms plus mental retardation.
is often epileptiform, although some sharp waves are Wicket spikes: Sharply contoured waves from the temporal
normal or if abnormal are not epileptiform. Must region during drowsiness and light sleep.
stand out from the background; not every wave of
this window of duration is a sharp wave.
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364 Index
cavernous malformations 212, 289, 337, 339 left temporal focus 77, 203–12, 220, 243
cephalic auras 194, 238, 241 right temporal focus 212
cerebellar seizures 245 secondary generalization 204–9, 212,
chemotherapy 276 222–26
chewing artifact 118, 119 semiology 237
children status epilepticus 296, 299
absence epilepsy see absence seizures surgery 230, 286–88, 336–51
AEDs 272, 276 vagus nerve stimulation 284, 288–92
age-related changes 99, 229 computed tomography (CT) 286
brain death 145–46 conceptional age 90–92, 227
breath-holding 260 conductance/conductors 8, 9–10, 17
epileptic encephalopathies 229 cone waves 96
epileptic (infantile) spasms 173, 188–89 confusion 237, 246, 248, 251, 260, 263
febrile seizures 269 consciousness, decreased
hypsarrhythmia 171–73, 312, 334 simple vs complex partial seizures 2, 237
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy 88, 152, 247–48, syncope 259–60
269–70 see also absence seizures
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome see Lennox-Gastaut corpus callosotomy 293
syndrome (LGS) cortical dysfunction 131, 132
neonates 29, 90–92, 227–29 see also encephalopathy
normal rhythms 89–96 cortical potentials 26
OIRDA 127–28, 336 cortical stimulation 295
remission 284 corticosteroids 292–93
rolandic epilepsy 60, 166, 200, 269 cough syncope 260, 321
Sandifer syndrome 264–65 counseling 275, 294–96
sleep disorders 262, 263, 264 Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD) 138
sleep patterns 94–96 critical care monitoring 231–33
SSPE 138 cyanotic breath-holding spells 260
chloral hydrate 94 cyclical seizure patterns 67
chorea 261
cingulate gyrus 240 dacrystic seizures 244
circumferential montages 41, 42 data protection 79
classification of seizures 2–3, 236–37 data storage 26, 54, 79
clinical governance 293 death
clinical signs and symptoms see semiology brain death 134, 141–46, 228
clonic activity 1, 235, 237 SUDEP 73, 294–95
clonic seizures 247 déjà vu 236, 241
see also tonic-clonic seizures delta brushes 92
clonic-tonic-clonic seizures 248 delta rhythm 60, 83
collodion used in electrode placement 34–35 FIRDA 127
coma 140 focal slowing (polymorphic delta) 28, 121–23,
EEG patterns 133, 140, 305, 309, 321–24 324, 330–32
reactivity testing 89 generalized slowing 123, 129
complex absence seizures 245–46 ictal discharges 152
see also absence seizures in neonates 228
complex activity 55 OIRDA 127–28, 336
complex partial seizures (psychomotor seizures) TIRDA 123, 153
AEDs 270–72, 282 dementia 129, 138, 263, 321
case reports 194–95, 336–51 density spectral array 71
classification 2, 237 depolarization
EEG patterns 159, 195, 200–203 of cell membranes 6–8
encephalopathy following 231–32 paroxysmal depolarization shift 28–29
frontal focus 194, 215 depth electrodes 24, 36
366 Index
low glycemic index diet 292 muscle artifact (EMG artifact) 37–38, 61, 74, 110–11, 135
low-voltage EEG 132 muscular signs and symptoms see motor signs and
fast rhythm 81 symptoms
in neonates 228 musicogenic epilepsy 88
myoclonic activity 235, 246
machine artifact 52, 115 eyelid myoclonia 247
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 286, 291 myoclonic encephalopathy 230
magnetoencephalography (MEG) 291 myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (Dravet syndrome) 230, 276
management myoclonic seizures 187–88
case reports 336–51 juvenile myoclonic epilepsy 88, 152, 247–48, 269–70
counseling 275, 294–96 management 272, 276, 282
diet 292 myoclonic-absence 174, 188, 247
immunotherapy 292–93 myoclonic-atonic 187, 251
investigational therapies 295 negative epileptic myoclonus 251
role of video-EEG 65, 66 semiology 4, 247, 251
vagus nerve stimulation 284, 288–92 status epilepticus 297
see also anti-epileptic drugs; surgery myoclonus, non-epileptic 260
manipulative automatisms 236, 242 nocturnal 261, 264
membrane theory 6–8 in syncope 259–61
memory testing
postictal 69 nasoethmoidal electrodes 36
presurgical 287, 291 nasopharyngeal electrodes 33, 36
mesial centro-parietal seizures 203–4 needle electrodes 24, 36
mesial frontal lobe seizures (supplementary motor negative epileptic myoclonus 251
seizures) 162, 199, 238, 239–40, 269 neocortical epilepsy 160
mesial temporal lobe epilepsy 158, 159, 241 surgery 287–88, 293
methods see test procedures neonates 29, 90–92, 227–29
methsuximide 271 neurotransmitters 8
midazolam 297 nightmares 263
midline discharges 199 nocturnal enuresis 263–64
migraine 259, 264, 276 nocturnal myoclonus 261, 264
mirror focus 193 non-conductors 10
mittens 101 non-epileptic seizures 3, 81, 252–69
monitoring epilepsy misdiagnosed as 240
AED levels 275, 276–78 provocation by suggestion 52, 67–68, 89, 254
during EEG 36–38, 90 video-EEG 75, 76
intra-operative 230, 233–34 withdrawal of AEDs 69
see also video monitoring non-epileptiform activity 27–28, 117, 254–59
montages 38–40, 50, 75 amplitude changes 28, 129–35, 327, 336
localization of abnormalities 40–46 in coma 133, 140, 305, 309, 321–24
motor signs and symptoms 1, 235 compared with epileptiform 60–61, 189–93
absence seizures 245–46 in ECI/brain death 132–34, 141–46
frontal lobe seizures 238–40 generalized 28, 123–29, 131–33, 134–35
generalized seizures 247–51 in neonates 228–29
insular seizures 244 periodic patterns 136–40
occipital lobe seizures 244 slowing 27, 28, 117, 120–29, 228
parietal lobe seizures 243 spikes and sharp waves 60–61, 148, 193
partial seizures 168 non-kinesigenic dyskinesia 261
secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures 238 normal EEGs 80–81
temporal lobe seizures 241–42, 243 adult 81–85, 87
movement artifact (lead movement) 116 age-related changes 89
movement disorders 260–62, 264, 326–27 awake rhythms 81–82, 92–93
movement during dreaming (REM behavior disorder) 262 children 89–96
mu rhythm 59, 101 sleep rhythms 82–84, 90–92, 94–96
370 Index
synchronous discharges 56, 57, 128–29, 163 management 272, 275, 282
syncope 259–60 secondary generalized 159, 178, 222–26, 237–38
cough syncope 260, 321 semiology 4, 237–38, 247–48
tonic seizures 2, 171, 177, 179, 248–51
technical staff toothbrush artifact 112
roles and responsibilities 46–48, 51–52, 53, 63, 78 topiramate 270, 271, 272, 276
training 26, 77–78 dosing protocols 303
telephone artifact 116 trace discontinu 91
temporal intermittent rhythmic delta activity (TIRDA) training of staff 26, 77–78
123, 153 transients 55, 57, 60–61, 98
temporal lobe electrodes 33, 35–36, 158, 159, 160, 202–3 see also individual patterns
temporal lobe epilepsy 194 transistors 13, 18
case reports 336–51 transverse bipolar (TB) montages 40, 41
EEG patterns 152–62, 194–95, 200–12 treatment see management
left lobe focus 77, 203–12, 220, 243 tremor 255–59, 326–27
propagation from parietal lobe 244 trigeminal nerve stimulation 295
reference electrodes 41
right lobe focus 212 unresponsiveness 168
secondary generalization 159, 212, 222–26, 243 see also absence seizures
semiology 4, 194, 240–43
surgery 287–88, 289, 290, 293 vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) 284, 288–92
temporal relationships of discharge activity 56–57 valproate 271, 272, 276, 278, 280
temporal summation of potentials 7–8 dosing protocols 303
10–10 electrode placement system 33 in pregnancy 274, 275
10–20 electrode placement system 30–32, 34 versive head turning
teratogenicity of AEDs 272–75 frontal lobe seizures 240
test procedures 51–53 temporal lobe seizures 242
long-term video-EEG 66–69 tonic-clonic seizures 238, 248
short-term video EEG 70 vertebrobasilar insufficiency 259
see also analysis and review of data; posttest procedures vertex waves 83, 94–96
thalamic stimulation 295 video monitoring (EEG-video) 5, 64–73, 286
therapeutic drug monitoring 275, 276–78 analysis 62–63, 71–73, 74–77
theta rhythm 60, 90 safety in the EMU 73–74
ictal discharges 152 vigabatrin 271
rhythmic midtemporal theta of drowsiness 102–3, 309 violence 266
slowing 123, 129 visual auras 194, 244
third rhythm 59, 105–7 visual evoked potential (VEP) testing 85
3Hz generalized spike-and-wave patterns 149–50, 169, 174 visual evoked response (VER) 64, 84–85
tiagabine 269, 271, 280 voltage-gated ion channels 6
time constant 8 vomiting 243
TIRDA (temporal intermittent rhythmic delta activity)
123, 153 Wada testing 287, 291
tongue biting 238, 254 wakefulness, normal 81–82
tongue movement artifact 111–12, 117 in children 92–93
tonic-absence seizures 179–80, 251 variants/transients 98, 99–101, 101, 103–5, 105–7
tonic activity 1, 235 West syndrome 189, 230
absence seizures 246 WHAM 6-Hz spike-and-wave discharges 173
frontal lobe seizures 238–39 wicket spikes 105, 316
partial seizures 168 women
secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizures 238 catamenial epilepsy 67
temporal lobe seizures 242 pregnancy and AEDs 272–75
tonic-clonic seizures 2, 168, 169
EEG patterns 170, 178–79, 222–26, 321 zonisamide 271, 272, 276