SAMA Drawings Examples

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SAMA Block Diagrams

Diagram Description I/O

Proportional Integrative and Derivative
Control In 1 = process variable (analog)
This fumction execute the proportional,
derivative and integral function based on Outputs
the process variable to determine the
control output. Set point is entered by Out 1 = control output (analog)
the operator accessing its faceplate at the

High alarm block. Inputs

In 1 = value to be evaluated (analog)
Compares the In 1 with a set value X.
If (In1) > X then (Out1) = 1 Outputs
If (In1) < X then (Out1) = 0 Out 1 = result of the comparison
Low alarm block. Inputs
In 1 = value to be evaluated (analog)
Compares the In 1 with a set value X.
If (In1) < X then (Out1) = 1 Outputs
If (In1) > X then (Out1) = 0 Out 1 = result of the comparison

INQU 5024 1 of 9 E. Velázquez

SAMA Block Diagrams

Diagram Description I/O

High High alarm block. Inputs
In 1 = value to be evaluated (analog)
Compares the In 1 with a set value X.
If (In1) > X then (Out1) = 1 Outputs
If (In1) < X then (Out1) = 0 Out 1 = result of the comparison
Low Low alarm block. Inputs
In 1 = value to be evaluated (analog)
Compares the In 1 with a set value X.
If (In1) < X then (Out1) = 1 Outputs
If (In1) > X then (Out1) = 0 Out 1 = result of the comparison
Totalizer block Inputs
In 1 = value to be totalized (analog)
Performs the totalization of a rate In 2 = totalizer reset (discrete)
variable entered and compare this
totalization (Q) with a set value. Outputs
If Q > X then (Out1) = 1 Out 1 = result of the comparison
If Q < X then (Out1) = 0 (discrete)
The total accumulation is reset with In 1
is set to 1

INQU 5024 2 of 9 E. Velázquez

SAMA Block Diagrams

Diagram Description I/O

Real Time Clock block Inputs
This function has no input
This function has a real time clock with
the actual time of the day. It compares Outputs
the actual time (T) with a set time (X). Out 1 = result of the comparison
If T = X then (Out 1) = 1 (discrete)
If T ≠ X then (Out 1) = 0
Time ON Delay block Inputs
In 1 = value to be delayed (discrete)
This timer generates a delay on the Outputs
transition from OFF to ON on the Out 1 = delayed signal (discrete)
output signal regarding the input signal.

(Out 1) will be ON, X seconds after In 1

changes to ON.

(Out 1 will be OFF inmediatelly In 1

changes to OFF
Time OFF Delay block Inputs
In 1 = value to be delayed (discrete)
This timer generates a delay on the Outputs
transition from ON to OFF on the output Out 1 = delayed signal (discrete)
signal regarding the input signal.

(Out 1 will be ON inmediatelly In 1

changes to ON

(Out 1) will be OFF, X seconds after In 1

changes to OFF.

INQU 5024 3 of 9 E. Velázquez

SAMA Block Diagrams

Diagram Description I/O

Addition block Inputs
In 1 = value to be added. (analog)
This block performs the aritmetical In 2 = value to be added. (analog)
addition of the input signals. In 3 = value to be added. (analog)
(Out 1) = (In 1) + (In 2) + (In3) Out 1 = added value (analog)

INQU 5024 4 of 9 E. Velázquez

SAMA Block Diagrams

Diagram Description I/O

Analog Connection Line Input
This line is used to connect any analog In 1 = the value to be transmitted
output to any analog input in order to (analog)
communicate the value from one block Output
to the other. Out 1 = same as In 1
Discrete Connection Line Input
This line is used to connect any discrete In 1 = the value to be transmitted
output to any discrete input in order to (discrete)
communicate the value from one block Output
to the other. Out 1 = same as In 1
Out Cross Reference block Input
In 1 = the value to be referenced on
This cross reference is used to link one other logic area ( discrete or analog)
logic segment to other logic segment. It Output
is important to use a precise and unique This block has no output
tag or description. The Out cross
references should have an In Cross
reference to establish the link.
In Cross Reference block Input
This block has no input
This cross reference is used to link one
logic segment to other logic segment. It Output
is important to use a precise and unique Out 1 = the value to be referenced
tag or description. The In cross from other logic area ( discrete or
references should have an Out Cross analog)
reference to establish the link.

INQU 5024 5 of 9 E. Velázquez

SAMA Block Diagrams

Diagram Description I/O

Field Input block Input
This block is used to enter a field value This block has no imput
form one input instrument to the logic Output
segment. An instrument tag should be Out 1 = the field value adquired
documented at the block. (analog or discrete)
Field Output block Input
This block is used to provide a field In 1 = the value to be sent to the field
value to an instrument from the logic instrument. ( analog or discrete)
segment. An instrument tag should be Output
documented at the block. This block has no output

INQU 5024 6 of 9 E. Velázquez

SAMA Block Diagrams

Diagram Description I/O

Motor Block Inputs
This block is used to control electric In 1 = start comand pulse (discrete)
motors for pumps or mixers applications. In 2 = stop comand pulse (discrete)
The Out 1 will be 1 if a logic 1 pulse is In 3 = interlock ( discrete)
received at In 1 (start) unles In 3 In 4 = status feeback (discrete)
(interlock) is active. Out 1 will remain In 5 = auto feedback (discrete)
active until a pulse is received on In 2
(stop). Out 1 will remain active unless Outputs
the In 4 (status feedback) is not received Out 1 = motor output signal (discrete)
within a predetermined delay time. If Out 2 = fail status indication (discrete)
the status feedback is not received, Out 1
will change to off and Out 2 (fail) will be
active. In 5 ( Auto feedback) will work
as block enable. If In 5 ( Auto feedback)
is not received the block will not
Valve Block Inputs
This block is used to control discrete In 1 = open comand pulse (discrete)
valves. The Out 1 will be 1 if a logic 1 In 2 = close comand pulse (discrete)
pulse is received at In 1 (open) unless In In 3 = interlock ( discrete)
3 (interlock) is active. Out 1 will remain In 4 = open confirm feeback (discrete)
active until a pulse is received on In 2 In 5 = close confirm feedback
(close). If after a predetemined time the (discrete)
In 4 (open confirm) is not receved after
Out 1 is set to 1, Out 2 ( fail) will be 1. Outputs
If after a predetermined time the In 5 Out 1 = valve output signal (discrete)
(close confirm) is not received after the Out 2 = fail status indication (discrete)
Out 1 is set to 0, Out 2 (fail) will be 1.

INQU 5024 7 of 9 E. Velázquez

SAMA Block Diagrams

Diagram Description I/O

AND Block Inputs
This block is used to evaluate the logic In 1 = variable to evaluate (discrete)
relation AND from the two inputs. Out 1 In 2 = variable to evaluate (discrete)
will be 1 if both inputs, In 1 and In 2 are
1. If any of the inputs or both are 0 the Output
Out 1 will be 0 Out 1 = logic result of the evaluation
In 1 In 2 Out 1
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1

OR Block Inputs
This block is used to evaluate the logic In 1 = variable to evaluate (discrete)
relation OR from the two inputs. Out 1 In 2 = variable to evaluate (discrete)
will be 1 if any input1, In 1 and In 2 is 1.
If both inputs are 0 the Out 1 will be 0 Output
Out 1 = logic result of the evaluation
In 1 In 2 Out 1 (discrete)
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1

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SAMA Block Diagrams

Diagram Description I/O

NOT Block Inputs
This block is used to invert the logic In 1 = variable to evaluate (discrete)
status of the imput. If In 1 = 0 the Out 1
is 1, if In 1 = 1 then the Out 1 = 0 Output
Out 1 = logic result of the evaluation
In 1 Out 1 (discrete)
0 1
1 0

INQU 5024 9 of 9 E. Velázquez

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