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D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.



D-300 / D-500 / D-700

D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)


Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part of this document is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.


This document describes minimum required details for the successfull interfacing of the D-500/700 family
units to 3rd party Modbus and Modbus-TCP/IP based applications.
Follow carefully advices given in the document. These are often good practices for the installation of
genset control units which reduce future issues.
For all technical queries please contact Datakom at below e-mail address:


This document will apply to both Modbus through RS-485 and Modbus-TCP/IP communications.


500-USER D-500 D-700 User Manual
500-Ethernet Configuration Ethernet Configuration Guide for D-500 D-700
500-GSM Configuration GSM Configuration Guide for D-500 D-700



01 10.07.2012 MH First issue, firmware version 2.8
02 01.10.2012 MH Updated for firmware version 3.2
03 10.09.2015 MH Updated for firmware version 5.6 and D-300 product


CAUTION: Potential risk of injury or death.

WARNING: Potential risk of malfunction or material damage.

ATTENTION: Useful hints for the understanding of device operation.

D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)


The Modbus communication is widely used in the connection of industrial control units to various
management systems for remote monitoring and control. It has begun the basic industry standard in the
last decades.

D-series units offer the possibility of MODBUS communication through below carriers:
-RS485 serial port, with adjustable baud rate between 2400 and 115200 bauds
-RS232 serial port, with adjustable baud rate between 2400 and 57600/115200 bauds
-MODBUS-TCP/IP through Ethernet port (10/100Mb)
-MODBUS-TCP/IP through GSM-GPRS modem. (85kb/s)

Detailed description about the MODBUS protocol is found in the document “Modicon Modbus Protocol
Reference Guide”. This document may be downloaded at: www.modbus.org/docs/PI_MBUS_300.pdf

Detailed description about the MODBUS-TCP/IP protocol is found in the document “MODBUS
APPLICATION PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION”. This document may be downloaded at:

The MODBUS properties of the unit are:

-Data transfer mode: RTU
-Serial data: selectable baud rate, 8 bit data, no parity, 1 bit stop
-Modbus-TCP/IP: Ethernet 10/100Mb or GPRS Class 12.
-Supported functions:
-Function 3 (Read multiple registers)
-Function 6 (Write single register)
-Function 16 (Write multiple registers)

Each register consists of 2 bytes (16 bits). A larger data structure will contain multiple registers.


The Modbus communications requires a slave address to be assigned to each device in the Modbus
network. This address ranges between 1 and 240 and allows the addressing of different slave devices in
the same network.

Each device in the same RS-485 serial network must be

assigned a different slave address. Otherwise the Modbus
communications will not be performed.

Devices using Modbus-TCP/IP with different IP or port

addresses may use any slave address. It is advised to set
these slave addresses to the default setting which is 1.

D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)

Parameters required for RS-485/232 Modbus operation

Modbus Slave Address: may be set between 1 and 240

RS-485 Enable: must be set to 1 (or checkbox enabled)
RS-485 Baud Rate: selectable between 2400 and 115200 bauds. All devices in the same network must
use the same Baud Rate.

The complete RS-485 and RS-232 port specifications are found in the D-500/700 User Manual.
Selecting a higher baud rate will allow faster communication, but will reduce the communication distance.
Selecting a lower baud rate will increase the communication distance, but will cause slower response
Typically 9600 bauds will allow 1200m distance with special balanced 120 ohms low capacitance cable.

Parameters required for Modbus-TCP/IP through Ethernet port

Modbus Slave Address: may be set between 1 and 240. If only one unit is available in the same IP
address, it is advised to keep the default address (1).
Ethernet Enable: This parameter should be set to 1 (or checked) in order to enable the ethernet port.
Modbus TCP/IP Port: The usual setting is 502. However the unit is able to work on any port address.
User IP Mask: There are 3 mask registers available. The use of the registers are emphasized in the D-
500/700 User Manual. Please set the first mask as for the proper operation.
Ethernet Network IP: May be left as for automatic address claim or set to a value in order to claim
a defined address.
Ethernet Gateway IP: Should be set in accordance with your local switch configuration.
Ethernet Subnet Mask: Should be set in accordance with your local switch configuration.

The complete Ethernet port specifications are found in the D-500/700 User Manual.
Please rewiev the document Ethernet Configuration Guide for D-500/700 for more details about the
ethernet port setup.

Parameters required for Modbus-TCP/IP through GSM_GPRS Modem

Modbus Slave Address: may be set between 1 and 240. If only one unit is available in the same IP
address, it is advised to keep the default address (1).
Modem Selection: Internal or external following your configuration.
Modem Baud Rate: Selectable only for external modem. 115200 bauds advised. Selecting a lower baud
rate will slow down communication between the controller and the modem.
GPRS Connection Enable: This parameter should be set to 1 (or checked).
Modbus TCP/IP Port: Set this value to 80.
User IP Mask: There are 3 mask registers available. The use of the registers are emphasized in the D-
500/700 User Manual. Please set the first mask as for the proper operation.

D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)

address Modbus-TCP/IP

Modem Modem
Selection Baud Rate

port enable RS-485
Baud Rate

D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)

User IP

port enable

Ethernet IP

gateway IP



D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)


The function 03 (read multiple registers) will be used for data reading. The MODBUS master will send a
query. The answer will be one of the below:
-A response containing the requested data
-An exceptional response indicating a read error.

The maximum number of registers read in one message is 16. If more registers are requested, the
unit will send only the first 16 registers.

The query message specifies the starting register and quantity of registers to be read. The
message structure is below:

Byte Description Value

0 Controller address 1 to 240
1 Function code 3
2 Starting address high See below the description of available registers
3 Starting address low
4 Number of registers high always 0
5 Number of registers low max 10h (16 decimal)
6 CRC low byte See below for the checksum calculation
7 CRC high byte

Here is the sequence to read 16 registers starting from address 20h (32 decimal):
01 03 00 20 00 10 45 CC (each byte is expressed as 2 hexadecimal characters)

The checksum value in the above message may be used for the verification of checksum
calculation algorithm.

The normal response will be:

Byte Description Value
0 Controller address same as in the query
1 Function code 3
2 Data lenght in bytes (L) number of registers * 2
3 High byte of 1st register
4 Low byte of 1st register
5 High byte of 2nd register
6 Low byte of 2nd register
L+1 High byte of the last register
L+2 Low byte of the last register
L+3 CRC low byte See below for the checksum calculation
L+4 CRC high byte

The exceptional response will be:

Byte Description Value
0 Controller address same as in the query
1 Function code 131 (function code + 128)
2 Exception code 2 (illegal address)
3 CRC low byte See below for the checksum calculation
4 CRC high byte

D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)


The function 06 (write single register) and the function 16 (write multiple registers) are used for data
The MODBUS master will send a query containing data to be written. The answer will be one of the below:
-A normal response confirming successful write,
-An exceptional response indicating a write error.

Only some of the available registers are authorized to be written. An attempt to write a write protected
register will result to the exceptional response.

The query message specifies the register address and data. The message structure is below:

Byte Description Value

0 Controller address 1 to 240
1 Function code 6
2 Register address high See below the description of available registers
3 Register address low
4 Data high byte
5 Data low byte
6 CRC low byte See below for the checksum calculation
7 CRC high byte

Here is the sequence to write the value 0010h to the register 40h (64 decimal):
01 06 00 40 00 10 89 D2 (each byte is expressed as 2 hexadecimal characters)

The checksum value in the above message may be used for the verification of checksum calculation

The normal response will be the same as the query:

Byte Description Value
0 Controller address 1 to 240
1 Function code 6
2 Register address high See below the description of available registers
3 Register address low
4 Data high byte
5 Data low byte
6 CRC low byte See below for the checksum calculation
7 CRC high byte

The exceptional response will be:

Byte Description Value
0 Controller address same as in the query
1 Function code 134 (function code + 128)
2 Exception code 2 (illegal address)
10 (write protection)
3 CRC low byte See below for the checksum calculation
4 CRC high byte

D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)


The function 06 (write single register) and the function 16 (write multiple registers) are used for data
The MODBUS master will send a query containing data to be written. The answer will be one of the below:
-A normal response confirming successful write,
-An exceptional response indicating a write error.

Only some of the available registers are authorized to be written. An attempt to write a write protected
register will result to the exceptional response.

The query message specifies the register address and data. The message structure is below:

Byte Description Value

0 Controller address 1 to 240
1 Function code 16
2 Starting address high See below the description of available registers
3 Starting address low
4 Number of registers high always 0
5 Number of registers low max ??
6 Data lenght in bytes (L) number of registers * 2
7 High byte of 1st register
8 Low byte of 1st register
9 High byte of 2nd register
10 Low byte of 2nd register
L+5 High byte of the last register
L+6 Low byte of the last register
L+7 CRC low byte See below for the checksum calculation
L+8 CRC high byte

The normal response is below:

Byte Description Value
0 Controller address 1 to 240
1 Function code 16
2 Starting address high See below the description of available registers
3 Starting address low
4 Number of registers high always 0
5 Number of registers low max ??
6 CRC low byte See below for the checksum calculation
7 CRC high byte

The exceptional response will be:

Byte Description Value
0 Controller address same as in the query
1 Function code 144 (function code + 128)
2 Exception code 2 (illegal address)
10 (write protection)
3 CRC low byte See below for the checksum calculation
4 CRC high byte

D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)


Here is a procedure for generating a CRC:

1) Load a 16–bit register with FFFF hex (all 1’s). Call this the CRC register.

2) Exclusive OR the first 8–bit byte of the message (the function code byte) with the low–order byte of the
16–bit CRC register, putting the result in the CRC register.

3) Shift the CRC register one bit to the right (toward the LSB), zero–filling the MSB. Extract and examine
the LSB. The LSB is the least significant bit of the CRC before the shift operation.

4) If the LSB is 1: Exclusive OR the CRC register with the polynomial value A001 hex.

5) Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until 8 shifts have been performed. Thus, a complete 8–bit byte will be processed.

6) Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for the next 8–bit byte of the message. Continue doing this until all bytes have
been processed.

7) The final contents of the CRC register is the CRC value.

8) Place the CRC into the message such that the low byte is transmitted first. The algorithm should give
the correct CRC for below messages:
01 03 00 20 00 10 45 CC
01 06 00 40 00 10 89 D2

Error codes
Only 3 error codes are used:
01: illegal function code
02: illegal address
10: write protection (attempt to write a read_only register)

Data types
Each register consists of 16 bits (2 bytes)
If the data type is a byte, only the low byte will contain valid data. High byte is don’t care.
For data type longer than 16 bits, consecutive registers are used. The least significant register
comes first.


16bit variables: These variables are stored in a single register. Bit_0 denotes the LSB and bit 15 denotes
the MSB.

32 bit variables: These variables are stored in 2 consecutive registers. The high order 16 bits are in the
first register and the low order 16 bits are in the second register

Bit arrays: Arrays larger than 16 bits are stored in multiple registers. The LSB of the first register is bit_0.
The MSB of the first register is bit_15. The LSB of the second register is bit_16. The MSB of the second
register is bit_31, and so on.

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D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)



(decimal) SIZE
8193 W 16bit x10 Pushbutton simulation
BIT 0.Simulate Stop button
BIT 1.Simulate Manual button (D700)
BIT 1.Simulate Run button (D500)
BIT 2.Simulate Auto button
BIT 3.Simulate Test button
BIT 4.Simulate Run button (D700)
BIT 5.Simulate GCB button
BIT 6.Simulate MCB button
BIT 7.Simulate Menu+ button
BIT 8.Simulate Menu- button
BIT 9.Simulate Up button
BIT10.Simulate Down button
BIT14.Button Long pressed
BIT15.Button Very Long Pressed
8194 W 16bit x1 Select channel for harmonic analysis and scopemeter display
00:Mains voltage L1
01:Mains voltage L2
02:Mains voltage L3
03:Genset voltage L1
04:Genset voltage L2
05:Genset voltage L3
06:Mains voltage L1-L2
07:Mains voltage L2-L3
08:Mains voltage L3-L1
09:Genset voltage L1-L2
10:Genset voltage L2-L3
11:Genset voltage L3-L1
12:Mains current L1
13:Mains current L2
14:Mains current L3
15:Genset current L1
16:Genset current L2
17:Genset current L3
18:Mains neutral current
19:Genset neutral current
8210 W 16bit x1 If the value of “14536d” is written to this register, the unit will get
a hard reset.
10240 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L1 voltage
10242 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L2 voltage
10244 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L3voltage
10246 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L1 voltage
10248 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L2 voltage
10250 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L3 voltage
10252 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L1-L2 voltage
10254 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L2-L3 voltage
10256 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L3-L1voltage
10258 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L1-L2 voltage
10260 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L2-L3 voltage
10262 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L3-L1 voltage
10264 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L1 current
10266 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L2 current
10268 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L3 current

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(decimal) SIZE
10270 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L1 current
10272 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L2 current
10274 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L3 current
10276 R 32bit x10 Mains neutral current
10278 R 32bit x10 Genset neutral current
10280 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L1 active power
10282 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L2active power
10284 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L3active power
10286 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L1 active power
10288 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L2 active power
10290 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L3 active power
10292 R 32bit x10 Mains total active power
10294 R 32bit x10 Genset total active power
10296 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L1 reactive power
10298 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L2reactive power
10300 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L3reactive power
10302 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L1 reactive power
10304 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L2 reactive power
10306 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L3 reactive power
10308 R 32bit x10 Mains total reactive power
10310 R 32bit x10 Genset total reactive power
10312 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L1 apparent power
10314 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L2apparent power
10316 R 32bit x10 Mains phase L3apparent power
10318 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L1 apparent power
10320 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L2 apparent power
10322 R 32bit x10 Genset phase L3 apparent power
10324 R 32bit x10 Mains total apparent power
10326 R 32bit x10 Genset total apparent power
10328 R 16bit x10 Mains phase L1 power factor
10329 R 16bit x10 Mains phase L2power factor
10330 R 16bit x10 Mains phase L3power factor
10331 R 16bit x10 Genset phase L1 power factor
10332 R 16bit x10 Genset phase L2 power factor
10333 R 16bit x10 Genset phase L3 power factor
10334 R 16bit x10 Mains total power factor
10335 R 16bit x10 Genset total power factor
10336 R 16bit - -
10337 R 16bit - -
10338 R 16bit x100 Mains frequency
10339 R 16bit x100 Genset frequency
10340 R 16bit x100 Charge Input voltage
10341 R 16bit x100 Battery voltage
10342 R 16bit - -
10343 R 16bit x100 Charge Input_2 voltage
10344 R 16bit x100 Battery_2 voltage
10345 R 16bit x1 Analog input 1 ohm value
10346 R 16bit x1 Analog input 2 ohm value
10347 R 16bit x1 Analog input 3 ohm value
10348 R 16bit x1 Analog input 4 ohm value
10349 R 16bit x1 Analog input 5 ohm value
10350 R 16bit x1 Analog input 6 ohm value
10351 R 16bit x1 Analog input 7 reading
10352 R 16bit x1 Analog input 8 reading

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D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)


(decimal) SIZE
10353-60 R 16bit - -
10361 R 16bit x10 Oil pressure in bars (multiply by 14.50 to for psi)
10362 R 16bit x10 Engine temp in °C (multiply by 1.8 then add 32 for °F)
10363 R 16bit x10 Fuel level in %
10364 R 16bit x10 Oil temp in °C (multiply by 1.8 then add 32 for °F)
10365 R 16bit x10 Canopy temp in °C (multiply by 1.8 then add 32 for °F)
10366 R 16bit x10 Ambient temp in °C (multiply by 1.8 then add 32 for °F)
10367 R 16bit x10 Oil pressure_2 in bars (multiply by 14.50 for psi)
10368 R 16bit x10 Engine temp_2 in °C (multiply by 1.8 then add 32 for °F)
10369 R 16bit x10 Fuel level_2 in %
10370 R 16bit x10 Oil temp_2 in °C (multiply by 1.8 then add 32 to convert to °F)
10371 R 16bit x10 Canopy temp_2 in °C (multiply by 1.8 then add 32 for °F)
10372 R 16bit x10 Ambient temp_2 in °C (multiply by 1.8 then add 32 for °F)
10373-74 R 32bit - On board digital input statuses. Each input is defined by 2 bits.
10375 R 16bit x1 Magnetic pickup input reading (rpm)
10376 R 16bit x1 Engine rpm
10377 R 32bit x10 Genset average voltage
10379 R 32bit x10 Genset average current
10381 R 32bit x10 Mains average voltage
10383 R 32bit x10 Mains average current
10385 R 16bit x100 Minimum battery voltage, measured during cranking.
10386 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s Total Harmonic Distortion level
10387 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s fundamental level
10388 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 03 level
10389 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 05 level
10390 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 07 level
10391 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 09 level
10392 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 11 level
10393 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 13 level
10394 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 15 level
10395 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 17 level
10396 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 19 level
10397 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 21 level
10398 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 23 level
10399 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 25 level
10400 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 27 level
10401 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 29 level
10402 R 16bit x100 Selected channel’s harmonic 31 level
10403 R 16bit x1 Selected channel for harmonic analysis and scopemeter display
00:Mains voltage L1 10:Genset voltage L2-L3
01:Mains voltage L2 11:Genset voltage L3-L1
02:Mains voltage L3 12:Mains current L1
03:Genset voltage L1 13:Mains current L2
04:Genset voltage L2 14:Mains current L3
05:Genset voltage L3 15:Genset current L1
06:Mains voltage L1-L2 16:Genset current L2
07:Mains voltage L2-L3 17:Genset current L3
08:Mains voltage L3-L1 18:Mains neutral current
09:Genset voltage L1-L2 19:Genset neutral current
10404- R 16bit x1 Scopemeter dataof the channel selected by register 10403.
10503 Each register represents one point in the X axis of the
scopemeter. The complete waveform is represented at 100
horizontal points. The register value is a signed integer.

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D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)


(decimal) SIZE
10504- R 256bit - Shutdown alarm bits. Bit definitions are given at the end of the
10519 document.
10520- R 256bit - Loaddump alarm bits. Bit definitions are given at the end of the
10535 document.
10536- R 256bit - Warning alarm bits. Bit definitions are given at the end of the
10551 document.
10594 R 32 bit Latitude from GPS/GSM
10596 R 32 bit Longitude from GPS/GSM
10598 R 32 bit Altitude from GPS/GSM
10604 R 16bit - Unit operation status 13= master genset on load,
0= genset at rest 14= peak lopping
1= wait before fuel 15= power exporting
2= engine preheat 16= slave genset on load
3= wait oil flash off 17= synchronizing back to
4=crank rest mains
5=cranking 18= load transfer to mains
6= engine run idle speed 19= mains cb activation
7= engine heating 20= mains cb timer
8= running off load 21= stop with cooldown
9= synchronizing to mains 22= cooling down
10= load transfer to genset 23= engine stop idle speed
11= gen cb activation 24= immediate stop
12= genset cb timer 25= engine stopping
10605 R 16bit - Unit mode
1= STOP mode
2= MANUAL mode (D700)
2= RUN mode (D500)
4= AUTO mode
8= TEST mode
10606 R 16bit x1 Genset operation timer. In various wait statuses, the genset
operation status will change at the expiration of this timer.
10607 R 16bit x10 GOV control output %
10608 R 16bit x10 AVR control output %
10609 R 16bit - Device identity information. (0xD300, 0xD500, 0xD700....)
10610 R 16bit - Device hardware version information
10611 R 16bit - Device software version information
10616 R 32bit x1 Counter: number of genset runs
10618 R 32bit x1 Counter: number of genset cranks
10620 R 32bit x1 Counter: number of genset on load
10622 R 32bit x100 Counter: engine hours run
10624 R 32bit x100 Counter: engine hours since last service
10626 R 32bit x100 Counter: engine days since last service
10628 R 32bit x10 Counter: genset total active energy (kWh)
10630 R 32bit x10 Counter: genset total inductive reactive energy (kVArh-ind)
10632 R 32bit x10 Counter: genset total capacitive reactive energy (kVArh-cap)
10634 R 32bit x100 Counter: remaining engine hours to service-1
10636 R 32bit x100 Counter: remaining engine days to service-1
10638 R 32bit x100 Counter: remaining engine hours to service-2
10640 R 32bit x100 Counter: remaining engine days to service-2
10642 R 32bit x100 Counter: remaining engine hours to service-3
10644 R 32bit x100 Counter: remaining engine days to service-3
10646 R 32bit - GPRS IP as 4 bytes
10648- R 8192 - Graphic LCD display buffer
11159 bit

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D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)


(decimal) SIZE
11160- R 64bit - Led status bits. Each led is defined by 2 bits.
11163 00: led off
01: led on
10: quick falsh
11: slow flash
11164- R 48bit - Digital output status bits. Inluding 32 extension outputs.
11167- R 32bit - Extension digital input status bits.
11172 R 16bit x100 Minimum battery_2 voltage, measured during cranking.
11173 R 16bit x10 Battery Charge Current
11174 R 16bit x10 Battery Charge Current of battery 2
11555 R 224 bit - These array of flags indicate activity status of various functions
within the controller. The list of function flags is given at the end
of this document.

11569 R 32bit x10 Counter: mains total active energy (kWh)

11571 R 32bit x10 Counter: mains total inductive reactive energy (kVArh-ind)
11573 R 32bit x10 Counter: mains total capacitive reactive energy (kVArh-cap)
11575 R 32bit x10 Counter: total export active energy (kWh)
11577 R 32bit x10 Counter: fuel counter

11680 R 32bit x10 Flowmeter

11682 R 16bit x1 Ethernet reset counter
11683 R 16bit x1 Ethernet TCP/IP packet counter
11684- R 48bit - Ethernet MAC address
11687- R 96bit - Controller Unique ID
11693- R 128bit - Modem IMEI number

11555 R 32bit x10 Counter: mains total active energy (kWh)

11557 R 32bit x10 Counter: mains total inductive reactive energy (kVArh-ind)
11559 R 32bit x10 Counter: mains total capacitive reactive energy (kVArh-cap)
11561 R 32bit x10 Counter: total export active energy (kWh)
11555 R 32bit x10 Counter: fuel counter
11680 R 32bit x10 Flowmeter
11682 R 16bit x1 Ethernet reset counter
11683 R 16bit x1 Ethernet TCP/IP packet counter
11684- R 48bit - Ethernet MAC address
11687- R 96bit - Controller Unique ID
11693- R 128bit - Modem IMEI number

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(decimal) SIZE
11175 R 32bit x10 Multi genset total active power
11177 R 32bit x10 Multi genset total reactive power
11374 R 16bit x10 Multi genset average active power load %
11375 R 16bit x10 Multi genset average reactive power load %
11376 R 16bit x10 Multi genset average power factor
11377 R 16bit x10 Multi genset speed correction %
11378 R 16bit x10 Multi genset voltage correction %

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094: Sender 7 Open Circ.

000....007: On-board digital input alarms 095: Sender 8 Open Circ.
008....047: Extension input alarms 096: Low Battery Voltage
048: Genset Low Frequency 097: High Battery Voltage
049:Genset High Frequency 098: Fail To Start
050: Genset Low RPM 099: Fail To Stop
051: Genset High RPM 100: Low Charge Volt
052: Genset Low Voltage 101: J1939 ECU Error
053: Genset High Voltage 102: High Air Inlet Temp
054: Low Oil Pressure 103: Low Coolant Level
055: High Oil Pressure 104: Voltage Unbalance
056: Low Engine Temp. 105: Current Unbalance
057: High Engine Temp. 106: Over Current
058: Low Fuel Level 107: Over Load
059: High Fuel Level 108: Reverse Power
060: Low Oil Temp 109: Gen Phase Order Fail
061: High Oil Temp 110: Mains Phase Order Fail
062: Low Canopy Temp 111: Gen CB Fail To Close
063: High Canopy Temp 112: Gen CB Fail To Open
064: Low Ambient Temp 113: Mains CB Fail ToClose
065: High Ambient Temp 114: Mains CB Fail To Open
066: Sender 1 Low Level 115: Device Address Fail
067: Sender 2 Low Level 116: Comm. Bus Error
068: Sender 3 Low Level 117: Excitation Lost
069: Sender 4 Low Level 118: Service 1 Request
070: Sender 5 Low Level 119: Service 2 Request
071: Sender 6 Low Level 120: Service 3 Request
072: Sender 7 Low Level 121: G59: No Mains Freq.
073: Sender 8 Low Level 122: G59: Mains Freq Fail
074: Sender 1 High Level 123: G59: Mains ReversePow
075: Sender 2 High Level 124: G59: R.o.c.o.f. df/dt
076: Sender 3 High Level 125: G59: Vector Shift
077: Sender 4 High Level 126: NVM Function Failure
078: Sender 5 High Level 127: Communication Lost
079: Sender 6 High Level 128: Synchronization Fail
080: Sender 7 High Level 129: Loss Of Pick-Up Sign
081: Sender 8 High Level 130: Unit Not Tested!
082: Oil Pressure Snd Open 131: Wrong Expansion Order
083: Engine Temp. Snd Open 132: Busbar Voltage Fail
084: Fuel Level Snd Open 133: Busbar Freq. Fail
085: Oil Temp Snd Open 134: Min Genset NotReached
086: Canopy Temp Snd Open 135: DeadBus Volt Exceeded
087: Ambient Temp Snd Open 136: Insuff. StartUp Power
088: Sender 1 Open Circ. 137: Fuel Pump Failure
089: Sender 2 Open Circ. 138: Unit Locked!
090: Sender 3 Open Circ. 139: EEprom Write Fault
091: Sender 4 Open Circ. 140: Low Battery-2 Voltage
092: Sender 5 Open Circ. 141: High Battery-2 Volt.
093: Sender 6 Open Circ. 142....255: Reserved Alarms

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D-300 / 500 / 700 Modbus Application Manual V5.6 (25.04.2016)


000: Fuel 057: Manual Mode
001: Horn 058: Off Mode
002: Crank 059: Not In Auto
003: Stop Solenoid 060: Genset At Rest
004: Genset Contactor 061: Waiting Before Fuel
005: Mains Contactor 062: Preheating
006: Idle Speed 063: Waiting Oil Flash Off
007: Preheat 064: Engine Heating
008: Alternate Crank 065: Synchronizing
009: Fuel Main Winding 066: Cooling Down
010: Genset Close Pulse 067: Stopping
011: Genset Open Pulse 068: Protections Disabled
012: Genset UV Coil 069: Remote Start Input
013: Mains Close Pulse 070: Disable Auto Start
014: Mains Open Pulse 071: Force to Start
015: Mains UV Coil 072: AutoRestoreInhibited
016: Flashing Relay 073: Gen.LoadingInhibited
017: Gas Solenoid 074: Inp.Expansion1Mounted
018: Fuel Pump Control 075: Inp.Expansion2Mounted
019: Choke 076: Out.Expansion1Mounted
020: Block Heater 077: Out.Expansion2Mounted
021: Coolant Cooler 078: Master Unit
022: Coolant Heater 079: Multi Gen. Remote Start
023: Fan Control 080: Remote Control Out 1
024: Air Flap Control 081: Remote Control Out 2
025: Canopy Fan Control 082: Remote Control Out 3
026: Ambient Fan Control 083: Remote Control Out 4
027: Remote Start Output 084: Remote Control Out 5
028: Genset Ready 085: Remote Control Out 6
029: Bus Bar Contactor 086: Remote Control Out 7
030: Bus Bar Close Pulse 087: Remote Control Out 8
031: Bus Bar Open Pulse 088: Remote Control Out 9
032: Bus Bar UV Coil 089: Remote Control Out 10
033: Load Shedding 090: Remote Control Out 11
034: Load Add 091: Remote Control Out 12
035: Load Substract 092: Remote Control Out 13
036: Service 1 Request 093: Remote Control Out 14
037: Service 2 Request 094: Remote Control Out 15
038: Service 3 Request 095: Remote Control Out 16
039: Mains Ph.Order Fail 096: Multi Load Add Out 1
040: Genset Ph.Order Fail 097: Multi Load Subst. Out 1
041: Auto Ready 098: Multi Load Add Out 2
042: Weekly Schedule On 099: Multi Load Subst. Out 2
043: Exerciser On 100: Multi Load Add Out 3
044: Mains Fail 101:Multi Load Subst. Out 3
045: Pgm Mode Active 102:Multi Load Add Out 4
046: Engine Running 103:Multi Load Subst. Out 4
047: Genset Voltage Ok! 104:Multi Load Add Out 5
048: Alarm Check Enable 105:Multi Load Subst. Out 5
049: Oil Pressure Ok! 106:Heavy Duty Active
050: Shutdown Alarm 107:ECU Power On
051: Loaddump Alarm 108:Battery Charge Run
052: Warning Alarm 109:Fire Circuit PS Active
053: Shutdown or Loaddump 110:Pre-transfer Delay
054: Shutdown or Loaddump or Warning 111: Secondary Volt Freq.
055: Test Mode 112...223: Unused flag
056: Auto Mode

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