Instructional Design Project

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1. Instructional Designers-Laura Donahue, Melissa Rogers, Kimberly Judson

2. Client Information
● Name: Chelsey Brightman
● Title: 2nd Grade Teacher
● Organization: Arnco-Sargent Elementary School
● Email Address:
● Needs: Mrs. Brightman has students who still struggle with money. The
students are not able to identify all coins and their values; therefore, they
● can not state the value of a set of coins. Her students struggle to add and
subtract with money and complete math word problems. Mrs. Brightman
would like a course that is designed for students to complete
independently at home to re-teach and reinforce money skills.
3. Target Audience
● Target Audience: 2nd Grade Students
● General Characteristics: 18 students; 7 girls and 11 boys. Three students
are Hispanic, one student is biracial,and the rest of the students in the
class are white. Of the class 78% qualify for the free/reduced lunch
program. One student is above grade level in reading, five students are
on grade level, and twelve students are below grade level in reading.
● Relevant knowledge, skills, and experience: The students have been
taught to add and subtract including how to regroup when needed. The
students are able to follow directions and complete most assignments with
some support. The students have been exposed to coins and their value
in first grade. Since identifying and valuing coins was not a standard in
first grade, the students are not competent at this skill at this time.
4. Instructional Objectives
Common Core State Standard: 2.MD.8 Solve word problems involving dollar
bills, half dollar, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using $ and ¢
Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
● Objective (Module 1)-Coins and Their Value
○ Identify and state the value of the penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and
○ State the value of each coin
○ State the value of a set of money and be able to count on to a given

● Objective (Module 2)- Addition and Subtraction with Money

○ Use the values of the coins to add and subtract
○ Complete and record addition and subtraction problems making
sure that the numbers are lined up correctly
○ Use the $ and ¢ symbols appropriately
○ Read and solve word problems involving money
● Objective (Module 3) - Real-World Math
○ Solve real-world problems using understanding of addition and
subtraction to determine the amount owed and the amount of
○ Determine if the amount of money given is enough to make a
○ Determine the amount of change that should be given
5. Instructional Strategies and Tools
● Instructional approach and justification-
● Motivational strategies
● Assessment strategies
● Development tools

6. Course Outline

Module 1: Coins and Their Value

Content Description: This module will provide an introduction to coins and

their values. The students will be able to:

Identify the penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and half-


Match the coin with its correct value

State the value of a set of coins

Count on to an existing coin

Media Objects (original) Introduction and welcome video created with


Media Objectives (external) Online Games

Online Songs

Practice or Assessment Google form to assess the students’ progress

Module 2: Adding and Subtracting Coins

Content Description: This module will allow students to practice adding

and subtracting coins. The students will be able to:

Line up and add/subtract two digit money problems

Solve addition/subtraction word problems

Media Objects (original) Use flipsnack to show students how to line up the
two digit problems correctly

Media Objectives (external) Online games

Practice or Assessment Assessment using Google Forms

Module 3: Real-World Math

Content Description: This module will enable students to solve real-world

problems using their understanding of addition and
subtraction to determine the amount they owe and
the amount of change they will receive. Students
will be able to:

Determine if they have enough money to make a


Determine the amount of change they should get

from the purchase

Media Objects (original) Powtoon - to show an example of a character having

to solve real-world problems using money

Media Objectives (external) Online games

Practice or Assessment Assessment using Google Forms

7. References

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