Global Human Resources Management and Organizational Development

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Global Human Resources Management and

Organizational Development
Often one of a company's most expensive assets is its human capital, the human resources of
the organization. The management of your human resources focuses on:

 Recruitment and selection of employees who can succeed at their jobs and who will stay
with your organization, and
 Making sure that employees' abilities are optimally nurtured and developed so that the
company can receive an optimal return on the investment made in these employees.

Recruitment and Selection

This is particularly challenging in a global organization where one of your biggest challenges
will be finding, retaining and developing a superior global workforce. ITAP knows how to
identify the "success factors" of a position…which is a key to identification of superior
candidates. Successful companies know what the jobs entail and seek to hire those candidates
who can be more successful/effective with the lowest amount of support. Well written job
descriptions, andcompetency models that clearly delineate success behaviors make for
effective selection and hiring. Understanding cultural differences in the recruitment process, the
selection of candidates and what motivates employees in various cultures is crucial to the
success of global organizations.

Targeted Interview Techniques

In addition ITAP can support your selection process using and teaching you to use Behavior
Event Interviewing (BEI) or Targeted Interview (TI) techniques. While not difficult to learn, they
are far more effective at identifying exactly what capabilities particular candidates could bring to
your organization. This is particularly important when recruiting and selecting across cultures.

Assimilating New Employees

In this competitive environment for attracting good global talent, companies need to pay
particular attention to the perception of the company on the part of candidates and new hires. A
well thought out and extensive assimilation process often makes new employees more likely to
stay. This process should start before the offer is made, and many companies have
assimilation plans for at least the initial six months on the job. This is especially important in
group and relationship cultures as it helps the new employees feel welcomed into the group
and gives them time and structure to establish relationships that will be important to the
employee as well as anchor their loyalty to the company. ITAP can support your development
of an effective onboarding or assimilation process.

Developing Your Employees - Global Workforce Development

Helping your employees recognize that they work in a multi-cultural environment or a global
environment is an official reminder that there is an expectation that they will attend to cultural
differences. ITAP's extensive experience in workforce development can focus on this need.
General awareness programs are a good start. In addition, ITAP can provide specific programs
targeted to functional needs (global marketing, or global e-learning development, and/or on
culture-specific needs, such as Understanding you Chinese Employees or Presenting to
Japanese Audiences.

Localizing Your Employee Handbook and Job Descriptions

The meaning of job titles and job responsibilities vary across cultures. ITAP can help you
localize these - make them appropriate for various geographies in which these positions are
located. ITAP has depth and breadth of experience in developing global employees.

Performance Management
Cultures with a preference for Certainty (prefer to know the structure/rules rather than handle
ambiguity) prefer competency based performance systems. Communicating exactly what is
expected and defining the levels of behaviors and assessing employees all against the same
criteria feels more fair to many employees. Performance systems that depend on manager
discretion can be viewed as "favoritism" and "unfair."

Global Leadership Selection and Retention

If you know what it is that differentiates successful employees (their competency / behaviors)
recruiting (external) and selecting (internal) against these competencies reduces the need for
development (as you hire those who already have the needed skills) and benefits employees
by recognizing those who already have the skills necessary to succeed.

The global leadership competencies required for success include:

 The flexibility to work and manage across cultures

 The ability to be the voice of the local culture to home office while being the voice of
home office to the local employees
 Understanding of and ability to adapt to cultural differences as they impact business

If you want your global leaders to succeed and stay, ITAP can help you:

 Define the behaviors associated with the actual success factors in YOUR company
 Identify internal and external candidates who already have those success factors
 Provide accurate, reliable and detailed selection/recruitment data
 Provide detailed developmental reports
 Accurately assess and match role (job-demand) and individual (capability supply)

Global Succession Management and Development

Companies demand talent development / succession management to retain top talent and stay
competitive. Linking both to a leadership competency model leverages investments,
communicates expectations, and rewards (and retains) deserving talent. ITAP helps clients:

 Define Leadership and Management competencies

 Develop Succession processes
 Assess talent
 Identify areas for individual development

Strategic HR
Unless your HR professionals have a thorough knowledge of global business, what it takes to
establish companies in new geographies and the needs of the local workers in country, you
need the help that ITAP can give. We can be your local arm by temporarily outsourcing your
start-up HR in new geographies.

Since a company's strategy will impact its employees, you need HR support that understands
the global landscape, everything from the recruitment and hiring techniques used in other
countries, to the establishment of contracts, and compensation and benefits packages. ITAP's
strategic partners can support global companies in 200 countries around the world.

Globalizing the HR Function: HR Staff Development

As companies globalize, their HR departments need to understand the challenges of working in
and serving a global organization. ITAP can provide:

 Consulting behind the scenes for HR professionals to support them as they serve the
needs of their global organizations
 Web content HR professionals can use to sell to, train or explain about and be a better
global business partner
 Certification for HR professionals in the administration and use of ITAP tools and
 Act as temporary staff to supplement the capabilities of the existing professionals

Change Management
The development of your organization and, particularly, how you manage change impacts the
success of your business. Managing change and growth across cultures and geographies
requires specific knowledge of the impact of change and growth needs in particular cultures.

ITAP understands the cultural nuances of change in many cultures and can support your
organization in collecting and analyzing data on work culture and employee climate surveys to
assure responses are culturally appropriate. Our understanding of cross-border change
initiatives can greatly reduce the usual issues created by change initiatives and address
culturally specific issues relating to such cultural dimensions as Need for Certainty. 

Companies that institute either small or large scale change need to attend to the needs of the
employees before, during and after this process. ITAP can support the Change process
throughout its life cycle. We can:
 Facilitate the charter of change implementation teams
 Provide consulting on employee communications
 Design and deliver cross-cultural training for multi-cultural or virtual implementation
 Provide change team leader support and data/information from assessment results
 Provide the organization with data on the impact of the change.

e-StrategyMapper™ creates a strategy map for business and helps organizations manage the
strategy implementation through a Balanced Score Card and strategic action plans.
Organizations can benefit from the StrategyMapper output to prioritize investments and their
change initiatives, as well as putting figures to targets and preparing appropriate action plans.

Action Learning
Imagine selecting "talent to watch" and assigning them an as yet unsolved business problem.
Give them some parameters about expected outcomes, timeframes, and how to collect
information - and watch them learn. One learning coach and monthly measuring their learnings
(using the Action Learning Team Process Questionnaire™) insures they:

 learn about cross-functional issues

 meet people from all over the company
 get into" the day to day issues these people face.

Well defined action learning projects can resolve seemingly insurmountable business issues,
develop and challenge talent, and cost nowhere near what a month at business school would
Role of Strategic Global Human
Resource Management
Posted: Sep 17, 2009 | Comments: 0 | Views: 6,500 |
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The dramatic and discontinuous changes taking place in the global environment have
contributed to the evolution of traditional multinational corporations (MNCs) into global
organisations that are more of a network nature (Gimeno & Woo 1996, Wolf 1997, Galunic
& Rodan 1998, Westney 1999). The global network form of organizing roles and activities
infuses into the firm a heightened need for cross-functional interdependence, which in turn,
can increase role ambiguity for a human resource manager (Grimm & Smith 1997).
On the one hand, an important function of a global human resource manager is to shape a
culture of developing external linkages (i.e., to local organisations and critical stakeholders)
for a global organisation. On the other hand, it is vital the global human resource manager
facilitates the integration of internal functional (i.e., international human resource
management) and crossfunctional (i.e., global marketing, R&D and operations) relationships
within the various competency centres of the global organisation (Mudambi & Helper 1998).
Moreover, the expanded number of relationships needed in both the internal and external
global network settings further increases the complexity of establishing an appropriate global
human resource system (Zucker 1987).
There is a body of academic research employing network analysis to examine the structural
and relational aspects of global strategy implementation. Network analysis is a well
established theory used in a variety of situations in the business literature. While at the same
time, the strategic human resource aspects of creating and maintaining global organisations
and networking processes have, curiously, been neglected in the past research in the strategic
international human resource management (i.e., SIHRM) literature.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework for flexible modes of
strategic human resource management within a global network organisation configuration. A
model of the SGHRM system, developed from a combined knowledge-based view and
relational contracting theoretical perspectives, is proposed for empirical research and
practical use in global organisations. In addition, specific barriers and competencies,
associated with role transformation of human resource managers in global organisational
networks, are identified. In conclusion, practical implications of the SGHRM system for
assignments in global organisations, as well as various approaches and challenges to the
empirical research of SGHRM systems, are discussed.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Global Village
Nov 22, 2001 - © Agha Sadarrudin

What Is the Global Village?

The global village is a term that reflects the state of businesses in our world. The rise of
multinational and transnational corporations places new requirements on human resources
managers. For instance, human resources must ensure that the appropriate mix of employees
in terms of knowledge, skills, and cultural adaptability are available to handle global

In order for human resources to meet this goal, they must train individuals to meet the
challenges of the global village. First of all, there must be means for these workers to gain a
working knowledge of the language of the country in which they will work. Understanding
the language cannot be overstated. There have been too many examples of embarrassing
situations and lost business because executives or lower-level managers were unprepared.
Product names ormarketing strategies have translated poorly in some foreign countries.
Accordingly, before any organization sends any employee ' overseas, human resources should
ensure that the employee can handle the language.

Language requirements are also going to extend into communication programs for
employees. When we go abroad, for instance, searching for people with specific skills, we
may be bringing into an organization someone who speaks very little English. Accordingly,
we will be required to assist these individuals in learning English as a foreign language - or
go even further! That is, while our foreign-born employees may learn English as a second
language, it is advantageous for HRM to assure that any communication provided be
understood. To achieve that outcome, companies have moved toward multilingual
communications. That is, anything transmitted to employees should appear in more than one
language to help the message get through. While there are no hard-and-fast rules in sending
such messages, it appears safe to say that such a message should be transmitted in the
languages that employees speak to assure adequate coverage.

In addition to the language, human resources must also ensure that workers going overseas

understand the host country's culture. All countries have different values, morals, customs,
and laws. Accordingly, people going to another country must have exposure to those cultural
issues before they can be expected to commence working. It is also equally important
for Human Resource Managersto understand how the host society will react to one of these
mobile employees. For example, although U.S. laws guard against employers discriminating
against individuals on the basis of such factors as race or religion, similar laws do not exist in
all other countries. Consequently, cultural considerations are critical to the success of any
global business.
The copyright of the article Global Village in Human Resource Management is owned by
Agha Sadarrudin. Permission to republish Global Village in print or online must be granted
by the author in writing.
Some research findings allow us to group countries according to such cultural variables as
status differentiation, societal uncertainty, and assertiveness. These variables indicate a
country's means of dealing with its people and how the people see themselves. For example,
in an individualistic society, people are primarily concerned with their own family. On the
contrary, in a collective society (the opposite of individualistic), people care for all
individuals who are part of their group. Thus, a strongly individualistic U.S. manager may not
work well if sent to a Pacific Rim country where collectivism dominates. Accordingly,
flexibility and adaptability are key components for managers going abroad. It will be critical,
then, for those in human resources to have an understanding "of the working conditions and
social systems globally so that they can counsel management on decisions and issues crossing
national frontiers."

HRM must also develop mechanisms that will help multicultural individuals work together.
As background, language, custom, or age differences become more prevalent, there are
indications that employee conflict will increase. HRM must make every effort to acclimate
different groups to each oilier, finding ways to build teams and thus reduce conflict.

The copyright of the article Global Village in Human Resource Management is owned by

Agha Sadarrudin. Permission to republish Global Village in print or online must be granted
by the author in writing.
Posted: Jun 05, 2010 | Comments: 0 | Views: 5,183 |

As we enter a new millennium, the effects of internationalization now known as globalization
are everywhere apparent. This has played a major role in sustaining the economic expansion
of the global economy in the second half of the 20thcentury. Globalization is seemingly
shrinking the planet as barriers to trade are dismantled, transport and communications costs
fall, and global production systems are formed and managed by giant multinational
Globalization can be defined as the ongoing economic, technological, social, and political
integration of the world that began after the Second World War. There are several dimensions
to this dynamic process, including the increased internationalization of economic markets as
reflected, for example, in trade and financial capital flows. The primary objective of this
paper is to present a conceptual framework for strategic management of human resources as a
response to the growing interaction of globalization and business performance. The rapid
integration of the world economy through increased trade and investment, which has been
fueled by new technologies, the spread of information and the growing importance of
knowledge-based industries, provides the potential for opening up new avenues for human

Three central arguments made in this article are:

1. That a great deal of evidence has accrued to suggest that changes taking place in the global
business environment often are not accompanied by complementary changes in human
resource management practices leading to a situation whereby the failure of some firms is due
to the mismanagement of people rather than to problems with technical systems.

2.This is because organizations have achieved relatively low levels of effectiveness in

implementing Strategic Human Resource Management practices.

3.That in order to manage employees for competitive edge in a period of globalization,

human resource personnel must possess competencies relevant for effective implementation
of such strategic HRM policies and training.


The coming of the 21 century poses distinctive HRM challenges to business especially those
operating across national boundaries as multinational or global enterprise. Competing in
global markets entail many factors and centralization of its human resource practices is
certainly vital to improve global competitiveness and empower employees for global
assignments. To achieve success in global marketplace, the challenge of all businesses
regardless of their size is to understand global corporate cultural differences and invest in
human resources. There are certain human resource management issues that are particular for
the global enterprise. The key issues involve staffing policies selecting and retaining talented
employee, training and development whilst encouraging employees to be innovative and
creative, culture barriers, and legal frame work. Others issues include understanding the
challenges of living and working overseas, performance  appraisals from a  distance,  training
and management development, compensation packages, and labor relations and organized
labor laws.


The world has undergone a dramatic change over the last few decades, the forces of
globalization; technological changes have greatly changed the business environment.
Organizations were required to respond in a strategic manner to the changes taking place in
order to survive and progress. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) involves a
set of internally consistent policies and practices designed and implemented to ensure that a
firm's human capital contribute to the achievement of its business objectives. Strategic
human resources management is largely about integration and adaptation. Its concern is to
ensure that:
1. Human Resources (HR) management is fully integrated with the strategy and the strategic
needs of the firm.

2. HR policies cohere both across policy areas and across hierarchies.

3. HR practices are adjusted, accepted, and used by line managers and employees as part of
their everyday work. SHRM practices are macro-oriented, proactive and long term focused in
nature; views human resources as assets or investments not expenses; implementation of
SHRM practices bears linkage to organizational performance; and focusing on the alignment
of human resources with firm strategy as a means of gaining competitive advantage.

The role of people in the implementation of strategic responses has a significant bearing on
the success rate. It is therefore imperative for organization to look at the human issues
involved before implementation of any strategic responses. At this connection the question is:
How can organizations effectively adopt, implement and maximize HRM practices for valued
firm level outcomes? That is, how can firms increase the probability that they will adopt and
then effectively implement appropriate HRM practices? Insuring that members of the HRM
personnel have the appropriate human capital or competencies has been suggested as one way
to increase the likelihood of effective implementation of HRM practices .The future HR
professional will need four basic competencies to become partners in the strategic
management process. These include business competence, professional and technical
knowledge, integration competence and ability to manage change.


HR professional competence describes the state-of-the-art HR knowledge, expertise and
skill relevant for performing excellently within a traditional HR functional department such
as recruitment and selection, training, compensation, etc. This competence insures that
technical HR knowledge is both present and used within a firm.
Business-related competence refers to the amount of business experience HR personnel have
had outside the functional HR specialty. These capabilities should facilitate the selection and
implementation of HRM policies and practices that fit the unique characteristics of a firm
including its size, strategy, structure, and culture .In other words, these competencies will
enable the HR staff to know the company's business and understand its economic and
financial capabilities necessary for making logical decisions that support the company's
strategic plan based on the most accurate information possible.
The human resource function faces many challenges during the globalization process,
including creating global mind-set within the HR group, creating practices that will be
consistently applied in different locations/offices while also maintaining the various local
cultures and practices, and communicating consistent corporate culture across the entire
organization. To meet these challenges, organizations need to consider the HR function not as
just an administrative service but as a strategic business.
The following is derived from the framework as mentioned above:

1. Human resource managers may have achieved higher levels of HR professional 

competencies and lower levels of business related competencies.

 2. The incidence of implementing strategic HR practices is lower in organizations especially

in the developing countries.

 3. Both HR professional competence and knowledge of the business (business related
competence) significantly contribute to the extent of implementing SHRM Practices.

 4. Managerial competencies are significantly related to organizational performance.

 5. The extent of implementing SHRM practices contribute significantly to firm level

 6. The relationship between SHRM and organizational performance is affected by

organizational context variables (firm size, level of technology and union coverage).
It may be pertinent to point out here that the six propositions derived from the framework are
particularly relevant for giving insights into the HRM challenges facing organizations in the
new era globalization. In other words, these propositions will help us organize thought on the
level of readiness (and otherwise) of organizations in response to the challenges of the global
business environment. For example, if HR personnel especially in developing countries
demonstrates higher levels of HR professional competence relative to the business-related
competence (as found in the literature), it would be important to set right this wrong as a
stepping stone for succeeding in global business. This is because to succeed in the new era of
globalization, the human factor is central. That is why it is necessary for HR personnel to
prove themselves beyond reasonable doubt that they are capable of playing key roles in
enhancing the status of the HR department (Barney & Wright) must possess a thorough
understanding of busines and also act as important influences in the level of integration
between HR management and organizational strategy (Golden & Ramanujam).
Firms competing in a global market place, and organizations are to survive and prosper in the
modern world of rapid change, they need to be more flexible, faster-moving and faster-
learning than before. For that firms are implementing special global training programs, the
reason for doing to avoid lost business due to cultural insensitivity, improving job satisfaction
and retention of overseas staff and enabling a newly assigned employee to communicate with
colleagues abroad. Providing training for employees not only helps them develop their skills
and knowledge, but it is also motivational and a building block to organisational success.
Global training programs opt for prepackaged programs. (Gary Dessler).

 • Executive Etiquette for Global Transactions: This program prepares managers for

conducting business globally by training them in business etiquette in other cultures.
 • Cross Cultural Technology Transfer: This program shows how cultural values affect
perceptions of technology and technical learning.
 • International Protocol and Presentation: This program shows the correct way to handle
people with tact and diplomacy in countries around the world.
 • Language Training: Language training delivered by certified instructors, usually
determined by the learner's needs.
This article summarizes the interaction of globalization and business performance especially
with a flavor of the challenges from the perspectives of human resources. This article
presents a framework for Strategic Human Resource Management as a response to prepare
organizations for the challenges of globalization. It has been observed that by and large
organizations have achieved relatively low levels of effectiveness in implementing Strategic
Human Resource Management (SHRM) practices (Huselid, et al.). The rampant pace of global
competition, the speeds of technological developments, rapidly changing demographics, and
the incredible increase in information technology have resulted in a business environment
that changes day to day, hour to hour. To remain competitive in such a dynamic
environment, businesses must continually improve their human resource management
systems and organizational changes. If the propositions outlined above are supported, then
the real challenge for organizations in the era of globalization is to pay particular emphasis to
strengthening their human resources by upgrading the relevant competencies. Addressing
these issues is a necessary step towards facing the challenges of globalization in to the next
A Survey of Role of HRM in
Globalization Arena
Posted: Jun 30, 2010 |
Comments: 0 | Views: 184 |
 With the passage of time and with the development of industries, various organizations came
to existence that satisfied the ever increasing society's needs, and privatization started which
meant private companies were responsible for same affairs and this has created many
organizational problems the solution of which requires a global comprehensive and scientific
view of management .

On the other hand, organizations need innovative managers who can utilize new managerial
techniques compatible with their country's culture and sincerely accept that human resources
are their greatest capital, and can continue the growth and excellence of their organizations in
spite of the difficulties and nard conditions that exist in today's world.

A manager can coordinate different parts of an organization to achieve overall objectives and
the organization strategy when coupled with the development of his managerial abilities is
able to bring different aspects of his life under control and has gained self-innovative
management, otherwise to expect correct and successful management actions would be a
wrong expectation .

This view, perhaps, would take us beyond the importance of HRMD and enable us to take
steps towards a better future and excellence of organizations in our societies.

 Managements Development in globalization

Today, in spite of the emergence of different managerial styles and the publication of
different books and articles on this subject and also the impact of scientific management on
industrial and post-industrial revolution, it is very common to see that managers of different
sectors are the experts who are educated and experienced in one special technical filed but
have no necessary knowledge on management science which causes duty overlapping and
sometimes irrelevant activities and lack of specialization and chaos(Eghtedari,2003,13). This
difficulty shows lack of right definition and correct identification of manager and
management in the society.

According toVon Dran, "Seminars and workshops teaching these competencies will create
employees a new appreciation for their own skills and those of their co-workers" (Von Dran,
1988, 51). As new skills are learned, managers and staff will each be in a position to make
decisions based on good judgment and the education that they have received whether it be in
a formal institution or not (ibid.,25)

Of course in the meanwhile one should not forget the difference between education, training
and development. In general, education is 'mind preparation' and is carried out remote from
the actual work area, training is the systematic development of the attitude, knowledge, skill
pattern required by a person to perform a given task or job adequately and development is
'the growth of the individual in terms of ability, understanding and awareness'.

From time to time meet special needs arising from technical, legislative, and knowledge need
changes. Meeting these needs is achieved via the 'training loop'.(Sloman, 2003, 34)

Now we can understand the importance of management development concept in order to

reach the pinnacle of organizational excellence and progression. Organization can move
forward through this path to enhance productivity, profitability and even decrease employee
turnover. Thus, considering what was said, we can define management development as:

 Better business fit in terms of aims/objectives, values and ethics

 Enhances career development strategies
 Enhances co-operation and integration at planning/operational levels
 Enhances decision making processes – making them more informed, such as
forecasting, change management
For those who do not have basic knowledge of management or for personal and or political
reason or occupational situation do not give importance to it, there hasn't been any
consideration for appropriate recognition of this science, definition, and the design of
managerial procedures for different sectors and the study toward the development of this
filed. Of course, considering the nature of the profession and  different management elements
that affect it, the possibility of reaching specific  definition and appropriate recognition, and
determination of the type and characteristics of activities and the extent of authority at
different levels and to materialize and determine manager's performance are not as easy as
other professions.(Alvani,2005,15)

Now the discussion of management development perhaps is more involved in this type of
difficulties. Thus, perhaps one can state the following comprehensive definition as:

"Management development is the process of improving one or several aspects of an

organization's management which is intended to improve manager's effectiveness through
training and to enhance their required abilities and skills to play an effective role in the
organization, therefore, training is the most important factor of management development,
especially HRM."

Human Resources, the fundamental necessities of organizational growth and excellence

The collection of scientific products shows that from the simplest tools to the most advanced
and complex technologies are the products of innovation and creativity of the scholars who
worked hard to create them based on their knowledge and whose knowledge and work
experience greatly helped them promote human thought, thus, human resources are the main
capital and assets of nations and they are referred to as main active factors and natural and
material resources are considered more as subordinate factors, nevertheless, the role of
human resources, not only at organizational level but generally from one small economic unit
level to national level has extended(Ivancevich,1977,59). Managers and planners of the
organizations that are well known for their long-term planning and being future oriented are
well aware of the role of human resources in growth and development. Deep thinking
managers know well that organization means a group of employees with different interests,
thoughts, feelings, knowledge and physical conditions and without them the organization
would not have a real existence. This organizational life continuity and its development
depend on some contexts such as innovation, creativity and development and can lead to the
increasing penetration of the organization into the society. Materialization of such conditions
would depend on different factors the most important of which is human resources and its
undeniable and special role, thus, if the best managerial strategy and newest technology are
implemented in the organization but the organization does not have appropriate human
resources strategy then it would never produce a desirable production at the output level.
Human resources are always highly regarded by critics and experts in this area. The
importance of this issue originates from the fact that nowadays the role of intangible assets
which are the results of an organization's human resources efforts is undeniable in the
improvement of overall organizational productivity. Experts have announced that from
Microsoft's $344 bullion worth of intangible and tangible assets $294 bullion is intangible

Competitive edge or competitive advantage that is achieved through proper management of

human resources undoubtedly is unique, thus, attempt should be made to prevent human
resources units from being on the margin and positive attitude towards human resources
should always be maintained by the executives of organizations and agencies, because quality
improvement, organizational performance, profit enhancement and customer orientation are
all considered to be the results of human resources management.

The necessity of training in human resources managements

With the emphasis on the fact that human resources management manages various human
capitals in the organization. One can hope that new issues such as international human
resources management, electronic human resources management enter the world of
management literature by which a great breakthrough in the arena of organizational
excellence will be offered (Dixon,1994,100). There also should be an emphasis on apt
implementation of the four required skills for human resources managers and experts namely
decision making skills, interpersonal skills, technical skills, and leadership skills
(Feizi,2005,12). Meanwhile attention must be paid to the difference between talent and
knowledge and skill. Talent is related to an individual and can be transferred from a situation
to another situation while knowledge and skill are related to a situation and can be transferred
from one person to another person, thus managers can select and employ talented people and
enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their training programs to reach the state of
organizational excellence (Razani,2002,62) thus human resources development can be seen
as an organizational attempt to reach:

1- Quality improvement

2- Key employee retention

3- Having the capability of facing (challenging) the global competition and social changes

4- Utilizing technological advancement

5- Changing work design

Human resources management development is referred to formal training work experiences,

work relations, personal characteristics assessment, and capabilities that help employees
prepare themselves for future and to take step towards their organization excellence.

Extensive training not only is vital in the organizational processes but also it is important for
all of the employees of the organization and it should be noticed that fast technological
changes and request for accessing to information would speed up this matter. Nevertheless
scholars in the filed of human resources see training as the most important development tools.
Considering different types of training methods, it can be briefly defined as: a programmed
process for adjusting and improving the attitudes of trainee. It is knowledge or skill that is
acquired through experience to attain effective performance in an activity or a part of an
activity (Ibid,22). In this definition, the emphasis is on programmed process, effective
performance and ultimately reaching organizational excellence.
In another definition, it has been stated that training requires time, deep learning, exercise and
enforcement. In the deep learning method every training activity is measured only with the
criterion that whether or not the training has achieved its desired result. At this point, some
effective factors on training requirement should be stated.

 Globalization
 The need to have leadership
 The increasing value of knowledge
 Breath-taking competition in attracting and hunting talents
 Emphasis on quality.
 Changes in demography and multiplicity of work force
 New technologies
Also factors such as performance management and performance assessment, motivation
management, efficient management, Job satisfaction, and efficiency enhancement can be
considered as some important resources development. Generally training can be considered
as the most important and major indicator and tool of management development especially
human resources management.

The requirements that have been addressed in management Development

Perhaps one of the reasons for precise planning in management development being required
is the natures of manager's work which is very complex and difficult and for this reason,
generally, preparing and regulating job description forms are very difficult for the executives
of organizations.

However, perhaps one can say that there isn't any complete and comprehensive guideline for
management and supervision development. Every organization has to design its own training
courses for its managers and supervisors based on its own goals and internal and
environmental problems, and determine its required sources and budget. Organizations that
generally have regulated plans for training and management development use different
techniques for their philosophy and attitudes toward the issue of human resources.

Decision making skills can be developed through management games, examining

administrative events and case studies.

Personal (individual) skills can be achieved through role creating behavioral models,
sensitive training, reciprocal behaviors analysis, and perceptional structures. Job knowledge,
which is one of managers' fundamental needs, must be achieved through work experience
master and apprentice and related studies.

Organizational knowledge can be achieved through job rotation and multisided management.
The need for general knowledge can be met by special courses, private sessions and selected
articles and finally special individual (personal) needs can be satisfied through using group
and private programs.

 HRMD Paradigm in Organization Excellence


The ultimate objective of every human system is to move toward progression, evolution and
excellence, and its evolution and excellence depend on its components development, growth,
advancement and evolution. Through examination of conducted research, some factors can be
identified. These factors can greatly help organization reach management development.
1-                 Assessment centers: An assessment does not imply any specific physical
location but it is a process based on which organizations are helped in making less erroneous
and more valid decisions on employees' selection, appointment, and promotion.
A center's major objective is to measure the characteristics of the individual being assessed in
verifying them with a set of required job related qualification. These qualifications indicate
that which capabilities, abilities and attitudes are essential for succeeding in the job.

2- Attracting and nurturing intellects: Acting on attracting the intellects is one of the ways
to achieve management development since in the future organizations learning and wisdom
are the major pivot of production of goods and services and, generally, value added,
organizations must emphasize on attracting distinguished and brilliant students and academic
intellects, nurturing these people in the work environment and believing in their talents. 
3-     Preparing and educating future managers: In the complex unpredictable, and
competitive business environment we can no longer appoint people to managerial jobs based
on trial and error, instead we have to actively discover future talented managers and develop
their capabilities through special educational programs and prepare them for managerial
appointment. Preparing future managers is the most important alternatives of management
and organization development. By this, objectives such as meritocracy motivation building
for promotion, motivation building for retention of experts in organizations, creating healthy
competitive environment at work are sought.
4-     employing pear with high degree: This can be summarized, that is to employ
meritorious (highly qualified) people, and qualification criteria are: to have more knowledge,
higher skills, more efficiency, more loyalty toward the system, more empathy compare to
others, more compatibility with the organization environment and consistency with its
objective, being group oriented.
5-      Management consulting: The complexity of organizations is affected by their variety
and the number of internal components and environmental factors and on the other hand the
speed of changes is the result of these factors. The more organizations rely on predetermined
tools and procedures standards the more they have decisiveness and capability of
Organization unlike machines and mechanical systems have will and desire, to manage then
requires knowledge conception and skill appropriate to their nature. We can not expect
managers to have a huge collection of successful and unsuccessful managerial experience in
their personal past life (Gummesson,1996,60). Professional consulting managements in
industrial countries meet this need. They use the experience that different agencies have
Conclusion and Recommendation

Management, in organization generally has two aspects, one aspect is related to the
organization objectives and the other aspect that lead to the employees objectives, the tasks of
planning, organizing, coordinating and control are the tasks that directly lead to the
organization's objectives and motivation and force collection that help people achieve their
objectives. Thus, management improvement means to consider the manager's tasks towards
achieving organizations objectives.

Productive HR and capital resources are vitally important. HRMD in its different dimensions
can directly be effective in a country's growth and development as Japanese scholar
MatsuShita, Says" first create a human, the right goods are produced then". However
considering performance excellence models factors in accessing organizational excellence,
some alternatives and recommendations are presented to improve and develop management
and human resources management.

 Renovation in management through formulation merit test in a comprehensive and

applicable form for the present managers (presidents, supervisors, commanders) in written,
scientific and oral form and distinguishing manager from non-manager.
 Restoration systematic thought
 Appointing managers based rules through implementation of rational process in
selection (strategic selection) training, promotion and employing people for the management
of different deportments.
 If we are recognizing management as a specialty (expertise) then these should not be
in-name-only managers for offices, departments, and organizations.
 Determination of necessary standards and indicators for managers and tendering
license and approvals to the holders of these standards.
 Determination of a specific position for management among sciences, techniques,
professions and arts. Considering that management possesses all these aspects.
 Activate research unit in the management filed and developing research scholarship
and respecting researchers' rights.
 Comprehension of the necessities of management development and feasibility study
and serious avoidance from daily-based-life in management.
 Analysis of the present structures of management at different levels through formation
of analysis committees by top experts and analysts.
 Selection manager auditor to audit present managers and continuously oversee
managers activities in different time periods, their promotions or demotions.
 Paying precise attention to the feedback issue in management such as suggestions,
solutions, reactions etc.
 Formulating a comprehensive body of managerial regulations.
 Promotion at national level to help identify and improve attitudes on management.
Generally it can be stated that since proper management enhances the quality of
administration of affairs, the country's development path passes through proper management.
Clearly system enabling, if it is done through management tools and through management
development and human resources management, is more sustainable and perhaps it done with
less expenses and that the expectation of immediate result should not stop us from

In other words, the growth, improvement and development of indexes and parameters that are
necessary for achievement of management development are preparers of organizational
excellence and achievement of predetermined objectives. In the meanwhile, the introduction
of performance excellence model can be at the top of management development programs,
there should be a belief that the more we attempt to plan for the development of system
components (including management), naturally the more we access to organizational

Management Challenge - How to
Retain HR in the Wake of Melt Down
Posted: Jun 14, 2009 |
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Management Challenge – How to Retain HR in the Wake of Melt Down
“Companies that yield to short-term disturbances in the global labour market place
themselves at risk of losing their long-term competitiveness.”
The traditional model of human resource management focuses on administrative functions:
application processing, benefits, compensation benchmarking, conflict resolution, employee
grievances, performance review, and compliance of rules. 
Talking about the challenges faced by most of the companies RS Shanbhag, CMD of Value
Points Systems said, “Recession purifies the system and helps in bifurcating the best
from the rest. We are gearing up from today itself to prepare for the best to come and
go cracking when markets turn around from this recession. We are back to basics,
redefining and fine-tuning every aspect of doing business.”  
For those who manage organizations, there’s no avoiding the realities wrought by an
economic climate as difficult as this one. Corporate leaders and Human Resource
Professionals must guide managers as they consider making painful decisions, and must help
employees as they struggle with the fear of losing their jobs while watching
their retirement savings vanish. 
Those who emerge on the other side of the recession as stronger organizations will have done
so by communicating exceptionally well, retaining and motivating key employees, and
containing rather than slashing costs. Investments in human capital are not likely to be an
important priority for organizations whose very survival is threatened by the global
downturn. But for organizations with strong fundamentals in the form of balance sheets and
compelling business models, the economic downturn presents important opportunities to
strengthen their HR management capabilities and position themselves for the inevitable
 Utilizing slack time to engage employees in professional development and technical
training programmes, which serves both to sharpen skills and to preserve morale during tough
 Opportunistic hiring of talented individuals caught in downsizing at weaker
enterprises, which augments the company’s human capital base for long term growth.
 Promoting cross-divisional and cross-functional collaboration, which improves
utilization of human resources and encourages teamwork between employees who previously
had little or no contact.
 Redefining and expanding spheres of authority and responsibility of star
employees, which permits assessment of the leadership potential of individuals who may
eventually occupy executive positions in the organization. 
 Besides taking hard decisions on routine and regular matters, the organization also has
an important task of familiarizing its staff with the changed dynamics of the market. The
culture of frugality has to be percolated down the line at all levels. In other words, HR needs
to engage all employees to drive the culture of frugality across the organization.
 Every organization adopts cost cutting measures and with cost cutting measures
operational efficiency has to be ensured amongst all levels. Manpower cost being one such
cost trimming it in a pattern as suggested shall not only bring out rich dividends in terms of
monetary savings for the organization but shall also weed out inefficiencies and wastages
present in the system.
-         Must go. The employees who have not been performing well and have not been a
contributory factor today must be asked to leave. They cannot continue to sail through on the
strength of their experience. If their experience does not culminate into tangible results they
need to make way for the new incumbents.
-         May go. These are the categories of employees who have been performing well but the
performance of late has deteriorated over a period of time. They lack motivation, energy and
have been performing well below their desired potential. As they lack initiative and necessary
drive required to perform the work they could be dispensed with.
-         May be retained. These kinds of employees who are on the rolls need to be retained as
they time and again prove valuable in terms of productivity. They are the kinds of employees
whose services are sometimes sought after and their resignations shall mean / have an adverse
impact on the department. While leaving the organization for better prospects they take away
with themselves wealth of experience, expertise and trade secrets and thus the organization
needs to take care of these employees monetarily and non-monetarily. However, they are not
-          Must be retained. These are the kinds of employees who are intensely result oriented
and they volunteer for assignments and are always on the look out for more responsibility. As
a result, they become utmost valuable and respected people in any organization. They
continually prepare themselves for positions of higher responsibility in the future. They have
identified their key result areas and work absolutely and positively to give out their best at all
the times. They have learned every minute details of the business and nothing can stop them
from getting paid more and getting promoted faster in spite of recession / melt down. The
organization at all costs has to make valiant efforts to retain these people and their services.
Thus, when we speak about retaining Human Resource we literally emphasize quality people
who are at serial no. 3 (may be retained) & 4 (must be retained) as it proves extremely
advantageous to the prosperity of organization. 

While termination of employees is an avoidably painful process, how companies manage

downsizing is an important component of human resource management. Generous treatment
of departing workers – including high-quality placement services and severance packages –
not only creates goodwill among former employees who will speak favorably about the
company and who may indeed return as “boomerangs”. It also burnishes the company’s
image as an attractive workplace (“employee brand”) and thereby strengthens its capacity to
recruit and retain talented persons when the economy recovers.

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