Hema Recall

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1. The size of the blood drop used for smear preparation: (2-3mm.

2. The distance of the blood drop for the edge of the label: (0.25 inches)
3. Shift to the right (decreased affinity to O2) is associated with: (increased body temperature,
2,3-DPG, CO2 and decreased blood pH)
4. Shift to the left (increased affinity to O2) is associated with: (decreased body temperature, 2,3-
DPG, CO2 and increased blood pH)
5. Microcytic RBCs are associated with: (Chronic Disease, Iron Deficiency Anemia and others)
6. Macrocytic RBCs are associated with: (Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Folic Acid Deficiency and others)
7. PK (prekallikrein) is detected through: (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT))
8. What is the effect of kaolin contaminated with thromboplastin in PTT: (shortened PTT)
9. Size of the unfilled portion of capillary tube in microhematocrit: (10-15 mm.)
10. Length of capillary tube: (75mm)
11. Length of plug in capillary tube: (4-6mm)
12. What is the cell that is seen with nuclei with demarcating membrane: (Promegakaryocyte)
13. Bone marrow aspiration is performed in: (sternum, tibia and iliac crest)
14. Rouleaux formation is seen in: (Multiple Myeloma, Macroglobulinemia, Hyperparaproteinemia)
15. What is seen in 2nd Trimester of pregnancy?: (Neutrophillia)
16. What Factor group is consumed during coagulation?: (Thrombin group)
17. Degree of Hypochromia measured as 1/3 is termed as: (Normal)
18. RBC with reference to size: (Microcytosis, Anisocytosis, Macrocytosis)
19. Not used in actual RBC description: (Hyperchromia)
20. Stem Cell to blast 5 days, Lifespan with tissue phase 9-10 days. Given the characteristics, what
is the cell?: (Granulocytes)
21. Stem Cell to blast 5 days, 8-11 days lifespan. Given the characteristics, what is the cell?:


1. Length of needle usually used in routine phlebotomy: (1.0-1.5 inches)

2. Most preferred site of puncture[vein]: (median cubital)
3. Angle of needle for extraction is?: (15-⁰)
4. Gauge number usually used for phlebotomy: (19,20,21)
5. Gauge in tuberculin syringe: (25)
6. Gauge of needle used in bleeding of donors in blood collection centers: (16)
7. Size of the drop of blood used in smear preparation: (2-3 mm); *2-3cm is the measure of
smear for AFB staining [Microbio.]
8. Effects of Different Factors in Smear Preparation:
Factors Thin Smear Preparation Thick Smear Preparation
Pressure ↑ ↓
Angle ↓ ↑
Size of Blood Drop ↓ ↑
Speed ↓ ↑
9. Diurnal variation in blood cells is observed in: (Neutrophils; decreased in AM, increased in PM)
10. Effects of different conditions in RBC count, Hematocrit and Hemoglobin
Age ↑RBC, Hct, Hb
Gender ↑ in males
Smoking ↑
11. MCV is computed from: (RBC count and Hematocrit)
13. ESR in Wintrobe tube is read using: (Left graduation, Top is zero)
14. Differences of Westergren from Wintrobe tube
Westergren Wintrobe
300 mm 115mm (11.5cm)
Graduation lines= 0-200 0-100
Used for ESR ONLY Used for ESR and macrohematocrit
15. Disposable ESR plastic tubes is called: (Dispette)
16. Leukemia without maturation is also known as: (M2)
17. Classification of Acute Leukemia
M0 Acute Undifferentiated Leukemia
M1 Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia without
M2 Acute Myleblastic Leukemia with Maturation
M3 Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (assoc. with
M4 Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemia (Naegeli)
M5 Acute Monocytic Leukemia (Schillings)
M6 Acute Erythroleukemia (Di-Guglielmo)
M7 Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia
18. Measure of erthropoiesis: (Reticulocyte count)
19. Effect of increased Hemoglobin in ESR: (increased ESR)
20. In DIC the D-dimer test would yield (+) result after how many hours?: (4 hours)
21. Characteristics of DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation)
Secondary to infection or sepsis
N. meningitidis (meningococci) –Waterhouse Friedrichsen Syndrome
D-dimer positive within 4hrs after DIC onset
Decrease fibrinogen within 4-24 hours after onset of DIC
Decrease platelet count after 48 hours after DIC onset
22. Poikilocytosis Grading in Smears
Poikilocyte per OIO Field Grading
0-2 Within normal limits
3-10 1+
10-20 2+
20-50 3+
>50 4+
23. Presence of blood clot will have what effect on RBC count using automated counters?:
24. Primary (azurophillic) granules appear in what stage?: (Promyelocyte)
25. In what stage can you identify a specific WBC?: (Myelocyte)
26. Thalassemia is a disease associated with: (quantitative defect in Hemoglobin)
27. Hemoglobinopathy is a general term for the ___________ defect in Hemoglobin.: (Qualitative)
28. What type of hematocrit method is performed using Wintrobe tube?: (macro Hct)
29. Horn like/ Helmet like cells: (keratocyte)
30. Association of RBC shape variants
RBC shape variant Disease Association
Acanthocyte Mc Leod phenotype
Spur cells Abetalipoproteinemia
Dacryocyte Splenomegaly (Fibrosis of splenic process)
Stomatocytes Rh null cells
Codocytes (Target cells/ leptocyte) Thalassemia
31. Sickle RBCs are also called as: (drepanocyte)
32. Over-anticoagulated blood has this effect on ESR and Hematocrit: (both values are decreased)
33. Identify the cell. Large cell with nuclei, without budding thrombocyte, with small reddish blue
granules: (Megakaryocyte)
34. Leukocytosis happens in non-pathologic conditions such as: (Smoking, Stress, Emotional
changes, after eating)
35. Mode of action of Heparin as anticoagulant: (anti-thrombin)
36. Cells also called as immunocytes: (B-cells)
37. Lavander top tube in phlebotomy contains: (EDTA)
38. NCCLS Approved Order of Draw for Evacuated Tubes
Order Tube Color-Test Additive
1 Yellow- Microbio. culture SPS
2 Light Blue- Coagulation study 3.2% Sodium Cirate
3 Red-Routine Chemistry Non-additive or Silica
4 Green-Blood Gas Analysis Heparin
5 Lavander-Routine EDTA
6 Gray-Glucose Test Sodium fluoride
39. Cells present in acute inflammation: (Neutrophils)
40. Cells producing antibodies: (B-cells, Plasma Cells)
41. Cells responding to tissue invading parasitic infection and allergy: (eosinophils)

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