Additional CC Recalls Part 4
Additional CC Recalls Part 4
Additional CC Recalls Part 4
A. Cortisol
By: BUDDY-SENSEI C. Thyroxin
D. Calcitonin
15. The illicit drug “Ecstasy” is chemically known 21. A chemical that gives off hydroxyl ions.
as: A. Alkali
A. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride B. Acid
B. Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine C. Base excess
C. Tetrahydrocannabinol D. Isotonic
D. Monoethylene glycol ethyl ether
25. Electrolytes essential for Myocardial Rhythm 30. Individual who subjects himself for a drug
and excitability: testing is called:
1. Ca2+ A. Patient
2. Mg2+ B. Donor
3. K+ C. Consumer
4. Na+ D. Drug addict
A. 4 only
B. 1,2,3,4 31. An enzyme used as Liver function test which
C. 1, 2 is significant if its level is decreased.
D.1,2,3 A. 5’-NT
26. Electrolytes for Volume and Osmotic C. GGT
Regulation: D. Cholinesterase
1. Mg2+
2. Cl- 32. Which of the following is the major thyroid
3. K+ hormone?
4. Na+ A. Triidothyronine
A. 3, 4 B. Thyroxine
B. 2, 3, 4 C. Calcitonin
C. 1,2,3,4 D. Procalcitonin
D. 2,4
33. The factor used to conver mg/dL of 39. Similar to Non-competitive ELISA in that
cholesterol to mmol/L. there is a double antibody system that forms s
A. 0.260 “sandwich” with the hormone.
B. 0.026 A. Chemiluminescence
C. 0.0595 B. Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay
D. 2.60 C. Fluorescent Polarization Immunoassay
D. Fluorescent Substrate Inhibition Reaction
34. Which of the following is not a tropic
hormone? 40. During hyperglycemic episodes, the body
A. GH responds by a process which stores the excess
B. TSH glucose in the liver in the form of glycogen. This
C. FSH process is called:
D. LH A. Glycogenolysis
B. Gluconeogenesis
35. The principal and most important use of SPE C. Glycolysis
is to detect the presence of: D. Glycogenesis
A. Beta-Gamma Bridging
B. Nephrotic Syndrome 41. Tests used to diagnose Diabetes Mellitus:
C. Monoclonal Gammopathies 1. HBA1c
D. Liver Cirrhosis 2. 2 Hr PP Glucose level
3. FBS
36. Hormone that stimulates thyroid gland for A. 1,2
the production of T3 and T4. B. 1,2,3
A. TRH C. 2,3
B. TSH D.1,3
C. Hypothalamic sensing hormone
D. Atrionatriuretic Factor 42. A competitive assay by which a fluorophore
labeled thyroxine competes with patient
37. If blood was collected at a high altitude, thyroxine for an antibody in homogenous
how would the volume of blood collected be system. Antibody bound labeled thyroxine
affected? rotates slowly, emitting lower energy polarized
A. Lower light. The amount of fluorescence is inversely
B. Same proportional to the amount of patient
C. Greater thyroxine.
D. Indeterminate A. Chemiluminescence
B. Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay
38. Route of Administration with 100% C. Fluorescent Polarization Immunoassay
Bioavailability and is the most efficient route in D. Fluorescent Substrate Inhibition Reaction
critical cases of diseases.
A. Intramuscular 43. Which of the following causes hyperkalemia
B. Intravenous due to excessive intake?
C. Rectal A. Infusion of stored blood
D. Inhalation B. Hemolysis
C. Vomiting
58. SGPT is classified under what enzyme 63. Which is considered as a medical
classification? emergency?
A. Hydrolase 1. Ketoacidosis
B. Oxidoreductase 2. Glucosuria
C. Isomerase 3. Marked Hyperkalemia
D. Transferase A. 1,2 and 3
B. 2 and 3
59. Which test conveys information on C. 1 and 3
hepatocellular damage and necrosis? D. 1 and 2
A. Albumin
B. Bilirubin 64. The major role of regulation of water
C. Ammonia balance in the body is attributed to which
D. Transaminases cation?
A. Calcium
60. Which of the following refer to 13s? B. Sodium
1. Range between two observations in the same C. Potassium
run exceeds 4SD D. Chloride
2. Detects Imprecision or Systematic bias
3. Not recommended 65. Which enzyme has a moderate specificity
for liver, heart and skeletal muscles?
70. Which is the most common cestode in 76. In normal circumstances, fungal culture
humans with infection prevalence highest results are reported _____.
among children and in warm climates with poor A. 0-5 colonies
sanitation facilities? B. positive
A. Taenia solium C. negative
B. Echinococcus granulosus D. 0-1 colonies
C. Diphyllobothrium latum
D. Hymenolepis nana 77. A solution used or routine examination of
71. In the Formal Ether Sedimentation samples is _____.
Technique, the top layer consists of _____. A. Phosphate buffered saline
A. formalin B. normal saline
B. plug of debris C. haft normal saline
C. ethyl acetate D. plain water
D. parasitic elements
78. What type of infection mimics acute viral
72. What is the color change of the methylene enteritis, bacillary dysentery. bacterial
blue poisoning and travelers diarrhea where the
infused strip when an anaerobic environment diarrehiec stools lack blood, mucus, and cellular
has been achieved in an anaerobic jar? exudates?
A. Blue A. Cryptosporidiosis
B. Colorless B. Giardiasis
C. Green C. Balantidiosis
D. White D. Sarcocysticosis
73. What information about an organism is 79. What test can identify an organism even
given when using PCR? after
A. The species to which bacteria are most antibiotics have been given to a patient?
closely related to A. Gram staining
B. Motility characteristic of bacterium B. PCR
C. Morphology of the bacterium C. susceptibility
D. type of energy metabolism the bacteria has D. Electron microscope
74. Transmission of food-borne trematodes may 80. Curved Gram negative bacilli seen in a 35
be influenced by _____. years old patient with gastric ulcers. What can
A. sex be used to cinfirm a possible GI tract infection?
B. geography A. H2S test
C. climate change B. culture the organism in agar
D. age C. Urease test
D. PYR test
75. How is bacteria growth rate established?
A. count the number of colony forming units / 81. What must done if a stool sample cannot be
ml submitted to the laboratory for immediate
B. count the number of colonies in Petri dish testing?
C. Estimate reproductive ratio A. Add saline solution
D. Use growth rate calculator B. Add ethyl alcohol
C. Place the specimen in the freezer at 0 deg