Introduction To EDS Analysis
Introduction To EDS Analysis
Introduction To EDS Analysis
EDS analysis
Reference Manual
Bruker Nano GmbH
Schwarzschildstr. 12
12489 Berlin
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Contents QUANTAX
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 37
User Manual Contents
Index .................................................................................................................................... 51
1 Introduction
This manual offers an introduction to the basic principles of energy dispersive
spectrometry (EDS). The main goal is to provide some general information on the analysis
possibilities when using an EDS system and to summarize some background knowledge
that will help to optimize analysis results.
The first chapter deals with different strategies for quantitative analysis, from true
standardless to standard-based quantification, as well as combined analysis methods.
This is followed by a description of the typical imaging functions of an X-ray microanalysis
system, together with information on the acquisition of element distribution images,
hyperspectral maps and line scans. A discussion on the EDS analysis limits rounds off this
The second chapter is dedicated to the explanation of different factors that have to be
taken into consideration when performing practical X-ray microanalysis. These factors
inlcude sample preparation, setup of the electron microscope, spectrometer settings and
system calibration. A list of frequent analysis errors and the way to avoid them closes this
part of the manual.
Finally, the appendix contains some general EDS information including topics such as the
history of energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis, absoprtion and fluorescence, detector
effects, etc. in form of an extended glossary.
2 Microanalysis Basics
2.1 Overview QUANTAX
2.1 Overview
X-ray generation. Scanning electron microscopes
(SEM) or similar devices scan the specimen with a
beam of high-energy electrons. By interaction of
these electrons with the atoms of the specimen,
secondary electrons, backscattered electrons,
characteristic X-ray photons, and bremsstrahlung are
generated. While the different electron detectors of
the microscope (SE, BSE) deliver images of the
specimen - revealing surface structure and topology -
the X-ray spectrometer adds detailed information
about the chemical composition for a given measure-
ment spot or area.
General spectrum analysis steps Quantitative analysis. Quantitative data about the
sample composition is derived from the different
Spectrum acquisition peak intensities by an extensive mathematical
Correction of the detector effects process, often referred to as ZAF or PhiRhoZ matrix
(Escape, Shelf, Tail, Shift) correction. Bremsstrahlung X-rays, which form a
continuous spectrum background, are used as
Identification of the elements and
selection of a line series for each additional source of information during the spectrum
element analysis with self-calibrating methods (P/B-ZAF, see
Calculation of the bremsstrahlung
background radiation (e.g.
bremsstrahlung) Different approaches with and without reference to
standards are commonly used and supported by the
Deconvolution of overlapping peaks
QUANTAX software. They are described in more
and estimation of the net intensities
detail in the next sections.
Calculation of concentrations with
or without reference to standards
Automatic and interactive operation. Fully
Result formatting and presentation automatic spectrum analysis is used in routine
analysis in industry as well as in many laboratories.
The input necessary for controlling the analysis is
contained in filed method settings, provided by the
vendor or user.
User Manual 2 Microanalysis Basics
2.2 Quantitative Analysis QUANTAX
User Manual 2 Microanalysis Basics
2.3 Imaging Functions QUANTAX
The QUANTAX scan system External scan system. When using advanced
is housed in the QUANTAX server analysis methods separate scan systems are
PC. typically used, allowing synchronization between
electron beam scanning and X-ray acquisition. To
ensure exact alignment of displayed image and
chosen analysis position the same external scan
system is also used for image capture.
The external scan system provides image resolution
and scan speed setting for microanalysis, which
work independently from normal image capture on
the microscope. Different noise reduction and slow
scan modes can be selected. Synchronizing of X-ray
data and beam positions is provided in all modes.
User Manual 2 Microanalysis Basics
2.4 Object Analysis, Multipoint, and Line scan QUANTAX
2.4.1 Object Analysis With object analysis differently shaped areas of the
sample surface can be defined as area for analysis.
In contrast to point analysis, where the electron
beam remains steadily on one spot during spectrum
acquisition, object analysis lets the electron beam
constantly move over the whole object area while
the X-ray spectrum is acquired. This helps reducing
the strain on the sample surface and smoothes out
local impurities like dust particles or scratches.
Scanning of enlarged objects, however, is not
suitable for inhomogeneous or rough samples;
quantitative analysis of spectra averaged over
differently orientated or composed sample locations
normally will lead to erroneous results because of
non-linear spectrum mathematics.
User Manual 2 Microanalysis Basics
2.4.3 Line Scan During line scans, the electron beam scans the
sample continuously along a selected straight line.
Doing so, X-ray spectra are acquired and evaluated.
The resulting concentration profiles for selected
chemical elements are plotted in a diagram.
2.5 Analysis Limits QUANTAX
The red and blue areas are the origin of most of the
characteristic X-rays and bremsstrahlung.
2.5.2 Spatial Resolution The three dimensional size of the analysis volume
limits the spatial resolution of X-ray microanalysis to
values much lower than the electron image
resolution of modern electron microscopes. At a
certain point the spatial resolution becomes
independent of decreasing spot size. In contrary,
intentionally defocusing the electron beam can be
used to decrease sensitivity to small artifacts.
Moderate magnification values are adequate for X-
ray mapping and similar applications.
User Manual 2 Microanalysis Basics
2.5 Analysis Limits QUANTAX
User Manual 2 Microanalysis Basics
2.5 Analysis Limits QUANTAX
3 Performing X-ray Microanalysis
3.1 Preparing Microanalysis Samples QUANTAX
User Manual 3 Performing X-ray Microanalysis
For optimum standard-based The coating must be as thin as possible while being
analysis, the sample and the standard
homogeneous and contiguous. In praxis, coatings of
are coated at the same time.
10 - 30 nm are proved suitable.
3.1.4 Sample Mounting For average purposes and if the SEM provides an
elevated detector port (detector elevation angle
≥30°), horizontal mounting of the sample is
adequate. In special cases where self-absorption of
X-rays within the specimen is the limiting factor,
tilting the sample towards the detector, 90° take off
angle (TOA) approximately, is recommended.
Tilting of sample, of course, is always necessary
with horizontal detector ports that are on the same
level as the specimen.
Submitting the correct geometry data to the
software is mandatory for successful quantitative
The sample holder must be electrically connected to
the sample stage. When a sample current meter is
provided, it must be connected and in operation in
order to put the stage on ground potential.
Otherwise the stage is to be grounded via bypass.
3.2 Setting up the Microscope QUANTAX
User Manual 3 Performing X-ray Microanalysis
3.3 Microanalyzer Settings QUANTAX
User Manual 3 Performing X-ray Microanalysis
3.5 Avoiding Analysis Errors QUANTAX
be used instead.
3.5.2 Maintaining System Incorrect calibration of the energy axis of the X-ray
Calibration spectrometer will affect auto identification of
chemical elements. Especially in cases where
deconvolution of overlapping X-ray lines is necessary
for precise quantitative results the exact energy
calibration is crucial.
With standard and reference-based quantitative
User Manual 3 Performing X-ray Microanalysis
3.5 Avoiding Analysis Errors QUANTAX
3.5.5 Detecting Inadequate A proper setup of the analysis parameters has been
Settings discussed in the sections above. Some common
errors will be summarized here:
Too high count rates. Too high count rates can lead
to reduced energy resolution of the detector, which
may affect peak separation especially in the range of
light elements. Residual pile-up peaks will also rise
with high count rates.
Pay also attention to the lower energy threshold,
which may automatically rise with very high count
rates. Ultra high throughput settings of the
spectroscopy pulse processor generally lead to
threshold values that make carbon or even nitrogen
peaks inaccessible.
User Manual 3 Performing X-ray Microanalysis
3.5.6 Using the Right Unfortunately the right X-ray spectrum analysis
Analysis Method method that covers all different analysis situations
does not exist. Besides selecting point, multipoint, or
object mode and proper analysis parameters, also
the spectrum evaluation strategy influences the
accuracy and precision of the results.
3.5 Avoiding Analysis Errors QUANTAX
Appendix QUANTAX
User Manual Appendix
Appendix QUANTAX
User Manual Appendix
Appendix QUANTAX
User Manual Appendix
Appendix QUANTAX
User Manual Appendix
Appendix QUANTAX
N ichar = ⋅ I 0 ⋅ t ⋅ ω i ⋅ ε i ⋅ qi ⋅ ci ⋅ (Z ⋅ A ⋅ F )i (1)
User Manual Appendix
(Z ⋅ A ⋅ F )i
Due to statistical reasons, a high line char
density and possible deviations in the N ichar
( P / B) i = = ω ⋅ q ⋅ c ⋅ (3)
low energy background, P/B ratios
( Z ⋅ A) br
i i i
acquired at energies lower than 1 keV
N ibr i
are not suited for quantification.
Nevertheless, a net count based Within this set of equations factors representing
standardless analysis for low energy measurement conditions like solid angle, detector
lines below 1 keV combined with the
P/B ZAF algorithm for elements with efficiency and electron beam current are no longer
lines above 1 keV provides present. After determining the P/B-ratios for all
appropriate data for a standardless elements in question from a single measured
analysis. The net count based spectrum equation (3) can be solved for the required
analysis can even be used when a
concentrations. Wendt [1], Small [2], and Statham [3]
sample contains only light elements
or the spectrum contains only low propagated this approach already a long time ago.
energy lines For practical use Bruker continuously improves the
TQuant, an adaptive algorithm
fundamental procedures and adds new formalisms
developed by Bruker, chooses the for dealing with light elements.
right spectrum analysis strategy for
every type of sample. The solution of equation (3) yields absolute values for
concentrations without the need for normalization.
Therefore, checking the result quality is feasible by
critical assessment of the sum of element
concentrations, provided that all elements contained
in the analyzed specimen are accessible to X-ray
analysis. Otherwise a non-detectable element can be
determined by difference. In contrast to standard-
based analysis also in this case no reference
measurement or system normalization is required.
Appendix QUANTAX
User Manual Appendix
Further Reading
1. Castaing, R., "Application des sondes 9. Small J.A. u.a., Nat. Bur. Standard
electronique a une methode d' Spec. Publ. 533 (1978) 29
analyse ponctuelle chimique et
10. Heckel, J., Jugelt P., X-Ray
cristallographique", Theses
Spectrometry 16 (1987) 67
Universität Paris (1951)
11. Strüder, L. et al., Microscopy &
2. Heinrich, K.F.J., Electron Beam X-ray
Microanalysis 4 (1999) 622
Microanalysis, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York, NY, 1981 12. Small, J. et al., J. Appl. Phys. 61
(1987) 459
3. Reimer, L., Scanning Electron
Microscopy, Heidelberg (1998) 385 13. Trincavelli, J. et al., X-Ray
Spectrometry 27 (1998) 81
4. Wendt, M., Kristall und Technik 13
(1978) 1259 14. Bowman, H. H. u.a., Science 151
(1966) 562
5. Wendt, M., Schmidt, A., phys. stat.
sol. (a) 46 (1978) 179 15. Reed, S.J.B., Journal of Physics E5
(1972) 997
6. Pouchou, J.-L., Standardless X-Ray
Analysis of Bulk Specimens, 16. Scholze, F., Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in
Mikrochimica Acta (1994) 114, 33 Phys. Res. A 339 (1994) 49
7. Heckel, J. Jugelt P., X-Ray 17. Statham, P.J., Journal of Microscopy
Spectrometry 13 (1984) 159 130 (1983) 165
8. Statham P.J., Microchimica Acta,
Suppl.8 (1979) 229
Absorption Data
A-factor ..................................................... 43, 47 Transfer of SEM- ............................................ 29
Detector window............................................ 42 Database, Atomic- .............................................. 10
Mass absorption coefficient ........................... 42 Dead layer, Si- .................................................... 42
Sample coating ............................................... 25 Depth distribution function................................. 16
Self-absorption ............................................... 43 Detector ............................................................. 29
Surface layers ................................................. 11 Correction ...... → Correction of detector effects
ZAF matrix correction ..................................... 39 Effects............ → Correction of detector effects
Absorption edges ............................................... 42
Image- ................................... → Image detector
Accuracy of EDX........................................... 11, 18
Parameter ...................................................... 29
Acquisition ............................ → Spectrum-, Image-
Position .................................................... 19, 28
A-factor ............................................................... 47 Window.......................................................... 42
Analysis ................................ → Spectrum analysis Direct reference, analysis by- ............................. 12
Analysis volume ................................................. 16 Duane Hunt Limit ......................................... 11, 33
Atomic database................................................. 10
Auger electron .................................................... 41
B Electron beam
Control of- ...................................................... 15
Backscatter coefficient ....................................... 40 Current ..................................................... 25, 27
Beam .......................................... → Electron beam Electron detector ...................... → Image detector
Beam current factor ................... → System Factor Electron image .........................................→ Image
Beam current meter ..................................... 11, 30 Electron trap....................................................... 26
Beryllium, detector window ............................... 42 Electronic noise .................................................. 44
Bremsstrahlung .................................. 9, 12, 29, 42 Element identification .......................................... 9
Calculated ....................................................... 19 Element imaging .......................................... 14, 39
Duane Hunt Limit ..................................... 11, 33 Energy
P/B-ZAF .............................................. 10, 39, 47 Range ............................................................. 29
BSE detector ..................................................... 16 Resolution ...................................................... 29
Scale, calibration ...................................... 30, 31
C Threshold ................................................. 29, 33
Energy dispersive spectrometry ........................ 39
Calibration Error, statistical ............................................ 18, 33
Image- ...................................................... 30, 31 Escape correction .............................................. 45
Sample ..................................................... 11, 30 Escape peak ....................................................... 45
Spectrometer- .......................................... 30, 31 ESD ................................. → Electro static damage
System- .................................................... 11, 12 Excitation energy ................................... 11, 19, 26
Carbon coating ...................................... → Coating External scan system .................... → Scan System
Carbon contamination ........................................ 32
Characteristic X-rays ................................. 9, 40, 46
Charging of sample ............................................ 31 F
Chemical shift..................................................... 41 Fano-factor ......................................................... 44
Faraday cup ....................... → Beam current meter
Of samples ..................................................... 25
F-factor ......................................................... 43, 47
Fluorescence................................................ 32, 43
Adjustment of-................................................ 14
Fluorescence yield ....................................... 41, 47
Image- ............................................................ 14
Frame average ................................................... 28
ColorScan ........................................................... 14
FWHM ............................................................... 44
ColorSEM ........................................................... 39
Concentration profiles ........................................ 16
Cool max ............................... → Maximum cooling G
Cooling mode ..................................................... 29
Geometry parameters ........................................ 29
Count rate .................................................... 29, 33
Critical energy..................................................... 40
Current reference ............................................... 12
User Manual INDEX
High voltage ................................................. 19, 26 Net peak area ..................................................... 11
HV ................................................. → High voltage
I Object analysis ................................................... 15
ICC ....................... → Incomplete charge collection Overvoltage ........................................... 26, 33, 40
Identification of elements..................................... 9
Image P
Calibration ................................................ 30, 31
ColorScan ....................................................... 14 P/B-ZAF
Element- ......................................................... 14 Matrix correction .............................................. 9
Magnification .................................................. 26 Standard related analysis ............................... 12
Resolution ...................................................... 28 Standardless analysis ................... 10, 25, 34, 46
System settings ............................................. 28 Parameter
Image capture .................................................... 13 Detector ......................................................... 29
Image detector ............................................... 9, 14 Geometry ....................................................... 29
Incomplete charge collection ............................. 45 Phase analysis ................................................... 15
Information depth ............................................... 16 PhiRhoZ matrix correction .............................. 9, 46
Inhomogeneous samples ............................. 17, 31 Pile-up peak ................................................. 32, 45
Instrument factor ........................ → System factor Point analysis ............................................... 17, 26
Ionization cross section ................................ 40, 47 Polished sample ........................................... 11, 25
Position tagged spectrometry ............................ 15
Precision of results ...................................... 11, 18
K Preparation, sample- .......................................... 25
k-Ratios .................................................. 11, 19, 46 Primary energy ....................... → Excitation energy
kV→ High voltage Profiles ............................ → Concentration profiles
PTS ..................... → Position tagged spectrometry
L Processor ...... → Spectrometry signal processor
Lambert-Beer law ............................................... 42 Throughput .................................................... 29
Library ....................................... → Standard library
Light element Q
Analysis .................................................... 29, 33
Window .................................................... 42, 43 Qualified sample ................................................ 12
Limit of detection ............................................... 18 Qualitative Analysis ......... → Element identification
Line average ....................................................... 28 Quantitative spectrum analysis ............................ 9
Line profiles........................................... → Profiles Quantum efficiency............................................ 42
Line scan ............................................................ 16
Line series .................................................... 17, 41
LN2 ............................................. → Liquid nitrogen
LOD ....................................... → Limit of detection Reference based analysis .................................. 12
Reference measurement ............................. 11, 12
Reference sample .............................................. 12
M Relative emission rate........................................ 41
Magnification setting .......................................... 26 Resolution
Mapping ............................................................. 14 Spatial ............................................................ 26
Mass absorption coefficient ............................... 42 ROI........................................ → Region of Interest
Maximum Rough surface ........................................ 11, 39, 43
Pulse throughput (setting) .............................. 29
Maximum cooling (detector setting) .................. 29 S
MCA ............................... → Multi channel analyzer
Microanalysis ....... → Electron probe microanalysis Sample
Moseley’s law .................................................... 41 Charging up .............................................. 11, 31
Multi channel analyzer ........................................ 45 Coating ........................................................... 25
Multiple Inhomogeneous ....................................... 17, 31
Analysis objects ............................................. 15 Polishing ........................................................ 25
Multipoint analysis ................................. 15, 17, 31 Preparation ............................................... 25, 31
Qualified- ........................................................ 12