Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) in Poultry: Livestock Health Act

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Additional measures, including For more information on ILT and other

vaccination, may be considered poultry diseases, please contact the

depending upon circumstances. The Poultry Veterinarian, the Poultry
decision to implement this program in an Specialist or the Animal Health Division.
individual case would depend upon the
risk the premise provides to commercial Poultry Veterinarian,
growers and the owner’s willingness to Carlyle Building,
participate. 80 Powell Drive, Unit 1
The owner of the infected birds
would then accept the responsibility to
Carbonear, NL
A1Y 1A5 Infectious
T 709.945.3007
adopt normal biosecurity measures.
These include proper clean out of the
F 709.945.3006 Laryngotracheitis
premises, restricted access to the
property and future purchase of only ILT-
free birds. If the owner wishes to replace
100% of the flock, they would then be
responsible for the remaining 1/3 cost of
in Poultry
new birds.
If the flock becomes infected a
second time, there would be no further
assistance provided. Though this is a
voluntary program, the provincial
government does have the legal right, Other information pamphlets are
under the Livestock Health Act, to require available online from the Department of
clean out of premises if they pose a Natural Resources at:
significant threat to the commercial
Department of Natural Resources
Links Animal Health Division
P.O. Box 7400
Pamphlet on Biosecurity St. John's, NL
Publication: DS 08-010
A1E 3Y5
Last Revised: March 2010
t 709.729.6879
Livestock Health Act: f 709.729.0055
Introduction The Disease Stress also helps to bring out the To prevent the disease from entering a flock:
disease as it makes carrier birds shed the
Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) is ILT is caused by a virus (herpes virus) virus. Mixing new birds together, poor • Choose only birds coming from flocks
a very infectious respiratory disease of that spreads from bird to bird through direct ventilation, inadequate space or food or that are proven to be free of ILT.
poultry that is found mostly in chickens, contact (close coughing, face to face changes in temperature may all help in • Make sure that any buildings that
but can also cause disease in related birds touching) or through contamination of causing the disease. birds are placed into have been
such as the pheasant. Though it is not common equipment (drinkers, feed troughs, properly cleaned out and did not
thought to cause disease in other poultry, it etc.). It can also be spread by people, Hobby flocks are more often identified previously contain sick birds. If sick
may be spread by other common domestic animals (dogs, cats, other species of birds) with this disease than commercial flocks. The birds were in the building, then a
birds such as turkeys, ducks, geese, and equipment that have been in contact commercial poultry industry has developed combination of disinfection and
pigeons, quail, etc. with infected chickens and which then enter practices of extreme isolation of their flocks keeping the building free of birds for
or are brought into other premises with from the point of hatching through the various an extended period of time can
There are many diseases that affect healthy chickens. phases of production. Biosecurity is the eliminate the virus.
poultry. However, ILT is of particular expression used for the combined practices of • Do not allow other animals and
importance because: Once infected, a chicken will usually physical isolation, routine disinfection, people to enter your barns, especially
become sick within two weeks. Signs of the restricted human and animal access and if they also own poultry.
• It can cause severe illness and disease are nasal and eye discharge, moist- environmental control. Most hobby flocks do • Do not visit other poultry barns
death in a large proportion of a sounding breathing, coughing and gasping. not follow these practices, and the resulting unless necessary. If so, be sure that
flock; In severe cases, heavy breathing and movement of people and birds from one people, boots and clothing are
• It can cause a severe economic coughing up of bloody mucus are seen. backyard to another spreads disease through properly cleaned afterwards.
loss in commercial flocks through Sometimes blood is apparent on the walls these flocks. • Carry out regular cleaning of the
death, disease and decreased where affected birds have been coughing. building and disinfect between flocks.
production; The percentage of birds affected can range Control
• It cannot be treated; up to 100%, while death occurs usually in Compensation Programs
• It remains in a carrier state in the 5-30% of the flock. The best means of control is to have
flock after recovery; and most an entire industry that is free from this Due to the severe impact this
importantly, Birds may recover from the illness disease. Appropriate measures of biosecurity disease can have on the commercial poultry
• It is preventable. within 2 weeks but can remain carriers of would then prevent the disease from industry, the poultry industry and the
the virus for long periods of time afterwards. appearing or spreading. As the disease does provincial government have developed a
This pamphlet is provided, in These carrier birds become a threat for other exist in this province and will not likely program to help eliminate this disease. If a
cooperation with the Chicken Farmers of poultry owners. A bird that appears to be disappear, each individual farm must take flock has been identified with ILT, these
Newfoundland and Labrador and the Egg healthy may be introduced into a new flock, those measures which will help to reduce groups may assist the owners by:
Producers of Newfoundland and Labrador, and two weeks later, all of the other birds this threat. It is important to realize that • Providing diagnostic support to
to advise commercial poultry farmers and are sick. The bird carrying the disease still other than the loss of birds within one’s own assure that the disease is ILT;
hobbyists on the details of this disease. appears healthy (as it has some immunity flock, anyone who spreads this disease to • Destroying all birds at risk;
from its first infection) and, therefore, can someone else’s flock may face legal and • Advising on proper clean-out
create confusion when it is explained that an financial consequences if it can be shown measures; and
otherwise healthy appearing bird is the that they were liable for this spread. • Providing an equivalent number of
cause of illness in all of the others. Vaccination is an option but this is usually replacement birds (at 2/3 total value)
only done when control measures fail. from ILT free flocks.

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