SGC Manual
SGC Manual
SGC Manual
The School Governing Council of Puntod National High School seeks to collaboratively work with the school staff
and the entire school community in incorporating learning resources into the improvement processes of the school
to ensure continuous improvement of student learning outcomes and the students’ holistic development.
The SGC’s guiding principles are:
Inclusive - ensures that all voices in the school community, including Indigenous Peoples’ group, are
heard and all perspectives are taken into account in the school processes
Respectful - recognizes differences among its constituents and appreciates all viewpoints
Trustworthy - conducts its operations in an open and transparent manner
Responsible - strives to respond to the needs and aspirations of the community they serve
Effective - continuously makes a difference in their students’ learning
Committed - commits to fulfill their role as a link in school level governance
The following indicators of an effective SGC may also be considered as guide for Council operations:
effective communication
continuous personal development
cooperation and trust
good leadership
clear and shared goals
SGCs may establish their own guiding principles that best fit their aspirations.
Governance of SGCs is the responsibility of the Council whose functions and roles are directed by the SGC
Constitution and By-laws and the Code of Practice.
A. The SGC - The SGC determines the general policies of the school on:
Student welfare, discipline and well-being
Development and Implementation of the SIP
Monitoring and Evaluation of the SIP Implementation
Reporting progress of SIP Implementation to the SDS and the community
Management of Council resources
The authority of the SGC is exercised in accordance with government legislation, administrative instructions and
the Council Constitution and By-laws.
The following are limitations of the authority of the SGC:
It shall not directly manage the schools because it is the responsibility of the School Head.
The power and responsibilities of the SGC shall be lodged in the SGC acting as one body and not with
individual members.
It shall act through the School Head in the conduct of its affairs and shall not act on its own in any financial
transactions involving the school.
It shall not enter into or be bound by any contractual transactions for and in-behalf of the school unless
authorized for such purpose in its Constitution and By-laws.
All decisions of the SGC shall conform to existing laws and policies and regulations of DepEd. It shall
conduct its affairs in keeping with the school’s decision-making processes. It shall adopt a Constitution and
By-laws to guide its decisions.
1. School Head as SGC Chief Executive Officer
Implement the SIP - Once the SIP is accepted by the Schools Division Superintendent upon
the joint endorsement of the SGC and the School Head, the school head’s responsibility is to ensure its
effective implementation. This involves delegating responsibilities to other staff and setting up
processes to monitor progress, collecting and analyzing data and documenting relevant information in
the School Annual Report.
Implement policies - Policies are developed in partnership with the SGC. The school head’s role is to
inform students, parents, and staff and to set up processes and procedures to ensure that the policy is
followed, e.g., a new policy on school uniform and behavior management and use of mother tongue for
instruction in Grades I, II and III.
Provide accurate and timely information - The school head works with staff to provide progress
reports about the SIP to the Council at each meeting. The school head must also inform and help the
Council understand government requirements and initiatives. Financial reports are provided to the
finance committee to ensure expenditure is being appropriately managed.
2. Roles of the SGC
Participates in the development of the SIP. The SIP is a document that outlines the vision, values,
goals, targets, strategies and resources in school improvement. It is developed in a participatory
manner by the School Planning Team (the membership of which is decided by the SGC) and
representatives from groups of school community stakeholders. The SGC takes an active part in the
development of the SIP, and together with the School Head, endorses the same to the Schools
Division Superintendent for review and acceptance.
Assists the school in installing the Monitoring and Evaluation System for school performance based on
SIP and reports accomplishments to the community and the Department. This requires the SGC to
participate in collecting information about the school’s performance and reports it to the Department
and local community through a self-assessment process.
Generates resources to support implementation of the SIP. The SGC supports the implementation of
the SIP and undertakes resource generation and mobilization in support to SIP implementation.
Organizes committees to support the school head and staff in the implementation of the SIP. Relevant
committees may be organized to support the school in implementing the SIP. The Council has to
ensure that committees understand their role and tasks.
The SGC can make representation to Local Government Units and other stakeholder groups to get the
resources needed in the implementation of the SIP.
The SGC and the school staff must exist with mutual trust and respect and share responsibilities in the
continuous improvement of learners’ performance.
The willingness of school heads to involve parents and community members for school tasks and in
decision making provides a necessary foundation for all school family-community partnerships.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Assessment of progress is an important part of the work of the SGC. Knowing how the Council is performing is
part of public accountability and ensures continuous improvement in student learning outcomes. Monitoring
generally means to be aware of the state of a system. It is a continuing collection of data to provide management
and stakeholders with indications of progress on outputs and achievement of outcomes. It refers to the regular
gathering and analysis of information to assist timely decision making, ensuring accountability by providing the
basis for evaluation. Evaluation is the process of learning from the results and impact of the program, either to
improve the design during its implementation or to apply its lessons learned to future projects or programs. It is the
process of determining the value or significance of a development activity, policy or program to determine the
relevance of objectives, the effectiveness of design and implementation, the efficiency of resource use, and the
sustainability of results.
The Council may develop its own Self-Evaluation Procedures and tools or may use the existing Monitoring
and Evaluation System used by other schools.
Accountability can be defined as the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products,
decisions, and policies including the administration, governance and implementation within the scope of the role or
employment position and encompassing the obligation to report explain and be answerable for resulting.
A. Accountability of the SGC to the school community
The SGC is accountable to the school community for improved learning outcomes.
The SGC and its members are bound by the approved written by-laws, operating procedures, code
of conduct, rules for membership and decision-making processes.
B. Accountability of the SGC to DepEd
The Council must establish a Reporting System to report progress to the Schools Division
Superintendent and the school community to keep stakeholders informed on what it has been doing.
11. Meetings
11.1 General Meetings of the School Community
1. All persons within the School Community are eligible to attend general
meetings of the school community and note on any matters proposed for
2. The Chairperson of the Council must call and preside at general meetings of
the school community, the timing to be agreed between the Council
chairperson and the Principal of the school.
3. At least 14 days written notice of the meeting must be given to the school
community by the means generally used to communicate with school
community. The notice must specify the date, time and place of the meeting.
4. A general meeting must be held:
i. at least once annually (the Annual General Meeting) to present
reports, to elect parents to the Council and / or declare election
ii. for any other reason relating to the affairs, functions or membership
of the Council, determined by agreement between the Council
Chairperson and the Principal.
11.2 Council Meeting
1. The Council must meet at least twice in each school term or every year.
2. Notice of the meeting must be given at the previous council meeting or by at
least 7 days written notice distributed to all councilors or in an emergency by
such other notice as the Council may determine.
Membership of Committees
Curriculum Committee (3 members)
Beautification Committee (3 members)
Ways and Means Committee (3 members)
Project Implementation Committee (3 members)
Committee Students’ Welfare and Discipline Committee (4 members)
Canteen Committee (4 members)
This tool provides a framework within which the School Governing Council can analyze its practices. It can
also be used by the SGC and the school itself in seeking to establish a School- Based Management System. This
can also be used for reporting to the school community and the different levels of the education department.
The members of the Council participating in the self-assessment process should print their names and affix their
signature above their printed names.
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As a guide to performing their advisory duties, School Governing Council (Council) member should:
1. To act honestly, in good faith and in the interest of the school as a whole.
2. Be an advocate of high quality free public education for all Connecticut children.
3. Uphold and enforce all laws, rules, regulations and court orders pertaining to public schools, and bring
about any needed change only through legal and ethical means.
4. Help create public schools which meet the individual educational needs of all children regardless of
their ability, race, creed, gender, physical condition or social standing.
5. Work to help the community to understand the importance of proper support for public education.
6. Serve as a communication link between the community and the schools, working to ensure that the
community is fully and accurately informed about the schools, and that the school staff understands
the aspirations and desires of the community.
7. Recognize that a Council member’s responsibility is not to “run the school”, but to see that it is well-
run through the implementation of effective policies.
8. Confine Council action to its advisory role as detailed in statute, Board of Education policy and Council
9. Arrive at conclusions and/or positions after fully discussing the issue at an open meeting, and abide by
the principle of majority rule.
10. Recognize that authority rests only with the whole Council assembled in a meeting, and make no
personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the Council.
12. To understand that confidential information received in the course of Council responsibilities will remain
the property of the person or group from which it was obtained. Council members must recognize that
it is improper to disclose or allow information to be disclosed, unless disclosure has been authorized by
that person or group, or the person from whom the information was provided, or if it is required by
law. Regardless, confidential matters pertaining to schools that, if disclosed, might needlessly injure
individuals or schools must remain confidential.
13. Help to ensure that the best administrative personnel available are appointed to all positions in the
14. Refer all complaints through the proper “chain of command” within the school and system.
15. Council members must declare any conflict of interest when it arises.
16. Council members will actively participate in subcommittees and meetings. If members are unable to
attend a meeting, they are requested to notify the Secretary of the Council prior to the meeting.
17. Members of the school community should feel welcome to attend Council meetings as observers,
except when the meeting is not open to the public. Meetings should be “closed” when the majority of
Council members vote to do so because the issue under discussion is sensitive and requires
confidentiality as permitted under the Freedom of Information Act or for the reporting back of a
principal selection panel process.