SGC Manual

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The SGC is not intended to replace parent organizations such as the PTA/PTCA.

This model of governance has

the following features:
1. The cooperative role of the SGC and school staff is emphasized.
2. Management and governance are clearly separated.
3. The focus is on improving student learning outcomes.
4. The broad directions are set and monitored by the Council.
5. The school head and staff are responsible for reporting progress of SIP implementation to the SGC
The participation of the School Governing Council in school practices shall be guided by a mission statement
developed by the Council itself. The mission statement of the School Governing Council communicates the ground
for its existence.
The Council mission statement conveys:
 The reason for its existence
 The clientele the Council wishes to serve
 The Council’s intention to produce in relation to the school vision

Sample School Governing Council Mission Statement:

The School Governing Council of Puntod National High School seeks to collaboratively work with the school staff
and the entire school community in incorporating learning resources into the improvement processes of the school
to ensure continuous improvement of student learning outcomes and the students’ holistic development.

The SGC’s guiding principles are:
 Inclusive - ensures that all voices in the school community, including Indigenous Peoples’ group, are
heard and all perspectives are taken into account in the school processes
 Respectful - recognizes differences among its constituents and appreciates all viewpoints
 Trustworthy - conducts its operations in an open and transparent manner
 Responsible - strives to respond to the needs and aspirations of the community they serve
 Effective - continuously makes a difference in their students’ learning
 Committed - commits to fulfill their role as a link in school level governance

The following indicators of an effective SGC may also be considered as guide for Council operations:
 openness
 transparency
 effective communication
 synergy
 continuous personal development
 cooperation and trust
 good leadership
 clear and shared goals
SGCs may establish their own guiding principles that best fit their aspirations.

Governance of SGCs is the responsibility of the Council whose functions and roles are directed by the SGC
Constitution and By-laws and the Code of Practice.
A. The SGC - The SGC determines the general policies of the school on:
 Student welfare, discipline and well-being
 Development and Implementation of the SIP
 Monitoring and Evaluation of the SIP Implementation
 Reporting progress of SIP Implementation to the SDS and the community
 Management of Council resources
The authority of the SGC is exercised in accordance with government legislation, administrative instructions and
the Council Constitution and By-laws.

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B. The School Head - The functions of the School Head in the SGC are to:
 establish school and community networks and
 encourage the active involvement of school community stakeholders in school improvement processes and,
 serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Council.

The following are limitations of the authority of the SGC:
 It shall not directly manage the schools because it is the responsibility of the School Head.
 The power and responsibilities of the SGC shall be lodged in the SGC acting as one body and not with
individual members.
 It shall act through the School Head in the conduct of its affairs and shall not act on its own in any financial
transactions involving the school.
 It shall not enter into or be bound by any contractual transactions for and in-behalf of the school unless
authorized for such purpose in its Constitution and By-laws.
 All decisions of the SGC shall conform to existing laws and policies and regulations of DepEd. It shall
conduct its affairs in keeping with the school’s decision-making processes. It shall adopt a Constitution and
By-laws to guide its decisions.
1. School Head as SGC Chief Executive Officer
 Implement the SIP - Once the SIP is accepted by the Schools Division Superintendent upon
the joint endorsement of the SGC and the School Head, the school head’s responsibility is to ensure its
effective implementation. This involves delegating responsibilities to other staff and setting up
processes to monitor progress, collecting and analyzing data and documenting relevant information in
the School Annual Report.
 Implement policies - Policies are developed in partnership with the SGC. The school head’s role is to
inform students, parents, and staff and to set up processes and procedures to ensure that the policy is
followed, e.g., a new policy on school uniform and behavior management and use of mother tongue for
instruction in Grades I, II and III.
 Provide accurate and timely information - The school head works with staff to provide progress
reports about the SIP to the Council at each meeting. The school head must also inform and help the
Council understand government requirements and initiatives. Financial reports are provided to the
finance committee to ensure expenditure is being appropriately managed.
2. Roles of the SGC
 Participates in the development of the SIP. The SIP is a document that outlines the vision, values,
goals, targets, strategies and resources in school improvement. It is developed in a participatory
manner by the School Planning Team (the membership of which is decided by the SGC) and
representatives from groups of school community stakeholders. The SGC takes an active part in the
development of the SIP, and together with the School Head, endorses the same to the Schools
Division Superintendent for review and acceptance.
 Assists the school in installing the Monitoring and Evaluation System for school performance based on
SIP and reports accomplishments to the community and the Department. This requires the SGC to
participate in collecting information about the school’s performance and reports it to the Department
and local community through a self-assessment process.
 Generates resources to support implementation of the SIP. The SGC supports the implementation of
the SIP and undertakes resource generation and mobilization in support to SIP implementation.
 Organizes committees to support the school head and staff in the implementation of the SIP. Relevant
committees may be organized to support the school in implementing the SIP. The Council has to
ensure that committees understand their role and tasks.
 The SGC can make representation to Local Government Units and other stakeholder groups to get the
resources needed in the implementation of the SIP.
 The SGC and the school staff must exist with mutual trust and respect and share responsibilities in the
continuous improvement of learners’ performance.
 The willingness of school heads to involve parents and community members for school tasks and in
decision making provides a necessary foundation for all school family-community partnerships.

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 SGCs provide an opportunity to develop a partnership between the school and school community to
improve the learning performance and holistic development of all students.
 The role of the SGC is to assist in planning and setting direction for the school.
 The role of the school head is to provide the day to day management of the school.
 The positive relationship founded on mutual respect, between the SGC and school head will be
essential for the success of the school shown in children’s learning, growth and development.
 Clear understanding of the rules for membership, roles and procedures must be developed.
 The SGC must work for the welfare and well-being of all students.

Overview of the Election Process

The SGC is created through an election process. The School Head shall convene stakeholder representatives in
an assembly (parents of students, students, teachers, LGU representatives, NGOs, etc) and provide them with the
basic information on School Councils. This can serve as an establishment meeting with the following areas for
discussion and decision-making:
 readiness and capability of the school community to organize the SGC
 level of involvement of the SGC in the school improvement process
 membership/composition of the SGC
 term of office of Council members
 election process for the initial Council members ( an adhoc committee may be organized to facilitate the
election procedures agreed upon in the establishment meeting; subsequent elections will follow the
process defined in the SGC Constitution and By-laws)
 other matters that need to be clarified to aid the assembly in decision-making
Generally, the election process involves the following steps:
a. Awareness raising - informing parents about the SGC and providing notice of organizational
b. Nomination - recruiting parents and community members to serve in the Council (parent
representatives elected by the parent association, teacher representative elected by school staff,
student representative/s elected by the student population, representative of the school alumni
association, LGU representative, etc.)
c. Election - process clearly defined in the SGC Constitution and By-laws
d. Installation - establishing Council structures (e.g., development of Constitution and By-laws and
other elements).
Installation Procedures - involve the setting of structures like developing the Constitution
and By-laws, ratifying the By-laws, developing Operating Procedures and Code of conduct/
Practice and organizing committees deemed necessary by the Council. The Council may also find
it necessary to establish its decision-making process and conflict resolution procedures but these
structures can all be done progressively. (Please refer to Appendix 1.8 for a
i. Chairperson
ii. Vice-Chairperson
iii. Secretary
iv. Treasurer
v. Auditor
vi. Chief Executive Officer (School Head)
Organization Process
a. The School Head, with the School Planning Team, identifies community members who can provide
support to school improvement and are interested in school practices inclusive of the nominations from the
establishment meeting.
b. School Head prepares and sends letters of invitation to the identified stakeholders to invite them to a
preliminary orientation on School Council aspects and their role in school improvement and local school
management/ governance. Community stakeholders identified include representatives from the retirees
group, religious sector, business sector, civic organizations, private companies, NGOs, the alumni, and
others interested in school practices and that improve learning and promote the holistic development of

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c. With basic information acquired through preliminary orientation, school stakeholders in attendance
manifest willingness or desire to be Council members or turn down the invitation.
d. School Planning Team goes through the process until SGC desired composition is completed. The
process must ensure the engagement of committed stakeholders.
e. As the SGC composition /membership is formed, the School Planning Team conducts a more
comprehensive SGC orientation workshop which culminates in an election of its officers and first planning
f. Based on the agreed process, the Council elects its first set of officers. Subsequent elections shall follow
election procedure prescribed in the SGC Constitution and Bylaws.
g. The SGC undertakes installation processes progressively to develop its operating procedures, code of
practice, constitution and by-laws and their SGC Improvement Plan which reflects the Council’s share of
responsibilities and action steps in supporting the school in implementing its SIP. Models of these SGC
elements can be adapted to suit individual SGCs.
h. Completed documents are then published to inform the school community of council developments.

Monitoring and Evaluation
Assessment of progress is an important part of the work of the SGC. Knowing how the Council is performing is
part of public accountability and ensures continuous improvement in student learning outcomes. Monitoring
generally means to be aware of the state of a system. It is a continuing collection of data to provide management
and stakeholders with indications of progress on outputs and achievement of outcomes. It refers to the regular
gathering and analysis of information to assist timely decision making, ensuring accountability by providing the
basis for evaluation. Evaluation is the process of learning from the results and impact of the program, either to
improve the design during its implementation or to apply its lessons learned to future projects or programs. It is the
process of determining the value or significance of a development activity, policy or program to determine the
relevance of objectives, the effectiveness of design and implementation, the efficiency of resource use, and the
sustainability of results.

Evaluation of Council Operations

Evaluating Council operations is done from two perspectives: a) focus on outcomes and b) focus on process
SGC self-evaluation does not need to be sophisticated. It could be done by using very simple key questions such as:
a. Focus on Outcomes
- Are we achieving success in accomplishing our role and responsibilities?
- Have we improved student learning outcomes through our involvement in school practices?
- Have we improved parent/client satisfaction through our involvement in schooling?
b. Focus on process
- Are we working well as a team?
- What is working well? What needs improvement? What can be done to improve?

The Council may develop its own Self-Evaluation Procedures and tools or may use the existing Monitoring
and Evaluation System used by other schools.

Accountability can be defined as the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products,
decisions, and policies including the administration, governance and implementation within the scope of the role or
employment position and encompassing the obligation to report explain and be answerable for resulting.
A. Accountability of the SGC to the school community
 The SGC is accountable to the school community for improved learning outcomes.
 The SGC and its members are bound by the approved written by-laws, operating procedures, code
of conduct, rules for membership and decision-making processes.
B. Accountability of the SGC to DepEd
 The Council must establish a Reporting System to report progress to the Schools Division
Superintendent and the school community to keep stakeholders informed on what it has been doing.

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Sample Documents
1.1 Sample Membership Procedure
1.1.1 Members of the Council are either elected/ nominated by their sectors
or by appointment by the Council.
1.1.2 Councils will have a term of office not exceeding two (2) years.
1.1.3 Councilors are eligible for subsequent reelection or reappointment.
1.2 Sample Objectives of the School Governing Council
1.2.1 Involve the community in the governance of the school.
1.2.2 Assist in planning and setting directions for improving learning and well-being of
all students.
1.2.3 Determine policies for the school including policies for safety, welfare and
discipline of students.
1.2.4 Develop, monitor and review the targets, activities and accomplishments of the SIP.
1.2.5 Establish, conduct and arrange facilities for resource to enhance the education,
development, care, safety and health or welfare of students in school.
1.3 Sample Code of Conduct / Code of Practice of the School Governing Council
1. A governing councilor must act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the school.
2. A governing councilor must use the powers of office for a proper purpose, in the best
interest of the school as a whole.
3. A governing councilor must recognize that he/she has a responsibility to all parents.
4. A governing councilor must not make improper use of information gained as a councilor.
5. A governing councilor must not take improper advantage of the position of the
governing councilor.
6. A governing councilor must not let personal interests conflict with the interests of the school.
7. A governing councilor has an obligation to ensure that sound decisions are made by
the School Governing Council.
8. A governing councilor must treat confidential information appropriately.
9. A governing councilor must not bring discredit upon the school.
10. A governing councilor should at all times comply with the spirit as well as the letter of this code.
1.4 Sample Operating Procedures of the School Governing Council
1. The Governing Council must meet twice per semester with clear starting and finishing time.
2. Attendance of all councilors is expected at all times.
3. If a governing councilor / council member does not attend three (3) consecutive
meetings without an apology, such person may be asked to resign.
4. An agenda should be prepared and a notice of meeting shall be sent to all members at
least three (3) days before the meeting. The agenda is prepared by the chairperson,
the school head and the secretary.
5. Committees shall provide written reports.
6. Minutes of any Council meeting shall be kept and each member furnished a copy within
seven (7) days after the meeting.
7. Voting procedures must be known to all councilors.
1.5 Office Holders of the School Governing Council and Duty Statements
1.5.1 Office Holders (elected by SGC councilors from among themselves)
1. Chairperson
2. Vice-Chairperson
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Auditor
6. Executive Officer (School Head)

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1.5.2 Duty Statements
1. Chairperson
1.1 Acts as the presiding officer of the Council
1.2 Chairs all meetings of the Council.
1.3 Initiates and responds to all communications which are for the attention
of the Council
1.4 Signs for identification purposes any document referred for the Council
1.5 Ascertains that in all meetings, a quorum is present
1.6 Presents any report for which the chairman is responsible
1.7 Prepares agenda for meetings in consultation with the principal
1.8 Makes herself/himself available to the wider school community for
consultation and information sharing
1.9 Works with the principal regarding direction of the School Governing Council
2. Vice -Chairperson
2.1 Be prepared at all meetings and acts as proxy at any function as
required in the absence of the Chair
2.2 Be aware of the duties of the chair in the event of that person’s absence
2.3 Be prepared to assist the chair and when requested by the chair
2.4 Provides positive, candid input to the chair, on occasion when such
advice is seen as necessary or appropriate
2.5 Assists in publishing the work of the Council
3. Secretary
3.1 Assists with the writing of reports and correspondence when necessary
3.2 Files paper works into governing council files
3.3 Assists in publicizing the works of the School Governing Council
3.4 Assists in the preparation and circulation of Council agenda
3.5 Assists the chair in gathering any additional items for the Council agenda
3.6 Records and documents accurately minutes of all Council meetings
3.7 Provides all Council members legible copies of the minutes at least
seven (7) days prior to the next meeting
3.8 Sends and does follow up of notice of meeting to all members
3.9 Takes the attendance and apologies of the Council during meeting
4. Treasurer
4.1 Takes charge of the fund receipts and disbursements of the governing Council
4.2 Keeps the money and the valuables of the Council on a book that the
Council designates
4.3 Keeps and have charge of books of accounts
4.4 Prepares an audited report of all SGC funds and disbursements and meetings.
5. Auditor
5.1 Assists the treasurer in the processing of all financial transactions and records
5.2 Audits funds, receipts and disbursements for submission to the council
5.3 Assists the treasurer in keeping a clear record book of accounts
6. Principal (Executive Officer)
6.1 Plans meeting, time and format
6.2 Arranges for information to be communicated to all Council members
before and after meetings
6.3 Prepares Council meeting agenda in coordination with the chairman
and secretary
6.4 Provides the council accurate and clear information necessary for
6.5 Arranges report to be available to all councilors
6.6 Keeps the Council up-to-date with new initiatives that are occurring

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1.6 Sample Committees in the School Governing Council and their Terms of Reference
1.6.1. Curriculum Committee - Curriculum committee must be created to ensure strict
implementation of the curriculum and consider views
and recommendation of students and parents.
1.6.2. Beautification Committee/ School Grounds Committee - This committee is in-
charge of the maintenance of the physical facilities of
the school and beautification of school grounds.
1.6.3. Ways and Means Committee (Finance Committee) - Ways and Means
Committee will take charge of the methods of raising
money or sourcing out funds to support school
improvement based on SIP.
1.6.4. Program Monitoring and Evaluation Committee – This committee takes charge of
monitoring and assessing progress of accomplishment
of targets set by the Council.
1.6.5. Committee on Student Welfare and Discipline - Committee on Student Welfare
and Discipline collaboratively works with school staff,
student leaders and school Head in developing school
policies on student well-being and discipline.
1.6.6. Canteen Committee - The Canteen Committee develops policies and plans on
canteen management, operations and improvement in
adherence to existing regulations of DepED.

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1. Name
2. Interpretation
In the constitution, unless the contrary intention appears.
o “Chairperson” - Means the presiding member of the council.
o “Council” - Means the (Puntod National High School Governing Council).
o “Councilors” - Are the members of the council.
o “Department” - Means the Department of Education.
o “Fiscal Year” - Means the year ending 31 December.
o “General Meeting” - Means a public Meeting of school community
o “Government School” - Means a school established for the purpose of providing
courses of instruction in secondary education
o “Majority” - Means more than half the total number
o “Parent” - in relation to the school, means the parent of student attending the school
o “School Head” - Means the head of the teachers of the school
o “School Community” - Means all parents, students and staff of the school and all other
persons who have a legitimate interest in or connection with the school
o “School Improvement Plan” - Means the plan collaboratively made and formulated by
the school stakeholders to improve the school
o “Special Resolution” - of the council means a resolution for the purposes of amending
the constitution or of removing an office holder from office, passed by a duly convened
meeting of the council if:
1) at least 30 days written notice has been given to all councilors specifying the
intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution; and
2) it is passed by the majority of not less than three quarters of councilors who vote
in person or by proxy at that meeting.
3. Objective /Aim
The Council aims to involve the school community/ stakeholders in the school governance to
strengthen and support public education in the community.
4. Powers of the Governing Council Vested by the DepEd and LGU
 Endorses the School Improvement Plan (SIP) together with the School Head
 Be informed of the school-based MOOE and SEF funds allocated to school
 Approves school-level policies (to be determined)
 Resolves school-level matters (to be determined)
 Approves official school profile (basic data set describing the school operations)
5. Functions of the Council
In the context of the Council’s joint responsibility with the principal for the governance of
the school, the Council must perform the following functions:
1. Involves the community in the governance of the school by:
i. Providing a focus and a forum for the involvement of parents and school
ii. Ascertaining the educational needs of the local community and the attitude of the
local community to educational developments within the school; and
iii. Ensuring that the cultural and social diversity of the community are considered
and particular needs are appropriately identified.
2. Sets the broad direction and vision of the school
3. Conducts strategic planning for the school
4. Monitors and review the School Improvement Plan
5. Raises money for school-related purpose
6. Exercises its functions in accordance with legislation, administrative instructions and
the constitution.

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6. Functions of the Principal in the Council
The functions of the principal in Council are the following:
1. The Principal is answerable to the DepEd for providing educational leadership in the
school and for other general responsibilities which are reasonable.
2. The principal must also;
 Implement the School Improvement Plan and school policies;
 Provide accurate and timely reports, information and advice relevant to the council’s
 Report on learning, care, training and participation outcomes;
 Supervise and promote staff and teachers development;
 Be responsible for the financial, physical and human resource management of the school;
 Be an ex-officio member of Council with full voting rights;
 Chair the first meeting of the council held for the purpose of receiving nominations
from nominating bodies, the direct appointment of councilors by the council and the
election of office holders;
 Contribute or be consulted for the formulation of the agenda of the Council meeting.
7. Membership
1. The Puntod National High School Governing Council must be composed of 23
councilors including:
1 Principal of the school (ex officio)
10 Elected parents of the school
6 Staff of the school (nominated by the staff)
2 Students of the school (nominated by the students)
3 local government officials
2 Division Office Representative
2. The majority of councilors elected must be parents of the school.
3. A person is not eligible for election, appointment or nomination to the council if the person:
 is an un-discharged bankrupt or is receiving the benefit of a law for the
relief of insolvent debtors; or
 has been convicted of any offense prescribed by administrative instruction.
8. Terms of Office
1. Elected parent councilors will be appointed for a term not exceeding two years, except
in the case of the first Council only, where one-half of the parent councilors elected at
the Annual General Meeting of the school will be elected for a term not exceeding one year.
2. A person nominated by an affiliated committee will be nominated for a term not
exceeding two years.
3. Any councilor nominated by the Students Representative Council or elected by the
body of students will hold office for a term not exceeding one year or until the
nomination is revoked, in writing by the nominating body.
4. A councilor elected by the staff of the school will hold office for a term no exceeding
one year or subject to being a member of the staff of the school.
5. Each councilor directly appointed by the Council, will serve a period not exceeding two years.
6. Upon expiry term of office, each councilor will remain incumbent until the position is
declared vacant at Annual General Meeting.
7. Councilors are eligible for subsequent re-election, re-nomination or re-appointment.
9. Office Holders and Executive Committee
9.1 Appointment
 The office holders of the Council are the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson,
Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer;
 The chairperson must not be a member of the staff of the school;
 The Treasurer must not be a member of the staff of the school;
 The Council may appoint an executive committee comprising the office holders
and the Principal which is to:
i. Meet to carry out business delegated to or referred by the Council; and
ii. Report to subsequent Council meetings.

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9.2 Removal from Office
1. The position of any office holder absent in five consecutive executive meetings
without leave of absence automatically becomes vacant. Acceptance of an apology
at the executive committee meeting will be deemed a grant of such leave;
2. An office holder of the Council may be removed from office, but not from
membership of the Council, provided that:
i. at least 30 days, written notice is given to all councilors and to the office
holders concerned, of any proposed resolutions, giving reasons for the
proposed removal;
ii. the office holder is given the right to be heard at the Council Meeting;
iii. voting on the special resolution is by secret ballot.
9.3 The Chairperson
3.1 The chairperson must:
i. Call and preside at meetings of the Council and the executive
ii. In consultation with principal and Secretary, prepare the agenda for all
council Meetings;
iii. Include on the agenda any item requested by the Principal;
iv. Facilitate full and balanced participation in meetings by all councilors
and decide on the manner in which meetings are conducted and
matters of orders.
v. Report at the Annual General Meeting on the proceeding and
operations of the Council.
3.2 The chairperson must act as a spokesperson on behalf of the council unless
an alternative spokesperson has been appointed by the Council. The spokesperson
may only comment on Council matters.
3.3 In the Chairperson’s absence or inability to act, the Vice-Chairperson must
undertake any role or function normally fulfilled by the Chairperson.
3.4 If the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Council are absent or
unable to preside at a meeting, a councilor elected by the Council must preside.

9.4 The Secretary

4.1 The Secretary must ensure that notices of meetings are given in accordance
with the provisions of this constitution;
4.2 The secretary is responsible for ensuring the maintenance and safekeeping of:
i. The constitution and the code of practice of the Council;
ii. Official record of the business of the Council and register of minutes of
iii. Copies of notices, a file of correspondence and record of submissions or
reports made by or on behalf of the Council;
iv. Register of councilors;
v. Contract or agreement entered into by the Council; and
vi. Copies of the policies of the Council.
4.3 The secretary must ensure that the copies of the Constitution and the Code
of Practice are available for public inspection at the school during normal
school hours, and that any copies requested are provided.
4.4 Prior to each meeting, the Secretary must ensure that a copy of the meeting
agenda is forwarded to each Councilor.
4.5 The secretary must conduct the official correspondence of the Council.
4.6 The secretary must ensure that the minutes of meetings are recorded and
forwarded to each councilor prior to the next meeting as prescribed in the
Council’s operating procedures.

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9.5 The Treasurer
9. 5.1 The treasurer must be the Chairperson of the Finance Committee of the
Council and preside at the meetings of the Committee.

9.5.2 The Treasurer must:

i. Ensure that Council’s finance budgets and statements are prepared;
ii. Provide relevant Financial Reports at Council meetings
iii. Present the Council audited accounts to the Annual General Meeting.
10. Vacancies
10.1 Membership of the Council ceases when the councilor:
i. Dies
ii. Or in the case of an elected councilor or a councilor nominated or
appointed for a term, completes a term of office and is not re-elected, re-
nominated or re-appointed or
iii. Ceases to hold office in accordance with 8.2.2 and 8.3;
iv. In the case of a member nominated by the staff of the school, is no longer
a staff member of the school; or
v. Resigns by written notice to the Council; or
vi. Is removed by the Department; or
vii. Is declared bankrupt or applies for the benefits of a law for the relief of
involvement debtors; or
viii. Has been convicted of any offense prescribed by administrative instruction;
ix. Is absent from five consecutive Council meetings without leave of absence
approved by the Council. Acceptance of an apology at a Council meeting
will be deemed a grant of such leave.
10.2 The Council may appoint a person to temporarily fill a casual vacancy in its
membership until a councilor can be elected, nominated or appointed in accordance
with this Constitution.

11. Meetings
11.1 General Meetings of the School Community
1. All persons within the School Community are eligible to attend general
meetings of the school community and note on any matters proposed for
2. The Chairperson of the Council must call and preside at general meetings of
the school community, the timing to be agreed between the Council
chairperson and the Principal of the school.
3. At least 14 days written notice of the meeting must be given to the school
community by the means generally used to communicate with school
community. The notice must specify the date, time and place of the meeting.
4. A general meeting must be held:
i. at least once annually (the Annual General Meeting) to present
reports, to elect parents to the Council and / or declare election
ii. for any other reason relating to the affairs, functions or membership
of the Council, determined by agreement between the Council
Chairperson and the Principal.
11.2 Council Meeting
1. The Council must meet at least twice in each school term or every year.
2. Notice of the meeting must be given at the previous council meeting or by at
least 7 days written notice distributed to all councilors or in an emergency by
such other notice as the Council may determine.

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11.3 Special or Emergency Meetings
1. The chairperson of the Council may call a special or an emergency meeting of
the council by written request from at least 3 councilors;
2. Notice of meeting must be given by written notice to all councilors within
reasonable time, setting out the time, date, place and object of the meeting.
11.4 Voting
1. Voting must be by show of hands;
2. For purposes of voting on a special resolution, each councilor is entitled to
appoint another councilor as his/her proxy by notice in the form issued as an
administrative instruction.
12. Proceedings of the Council
12.1 Meetings
1. The quorum for the Council meeting is a majority of the filled positions of the
2. If at the expiration of 30 minutes after the appointed time for the meeting there
is no quorum arrived at, the meeting must stand adjourned to such time and
places as those councilors present determine.
3. Except in the case of a special resolution, a decision of the majority of those
councilors present and eligible to vote is the decision of the Council.
4. The chairperson must have a deliberate vote only. In the event of an equality
of votes, the chairperson does not have a second casting vote and the motion
must be taken to be defeated.
13. Election of Councilors
13.1 As provided in 7.2 and 7.3, all persons who are parents of the school are eligible
for nomination for election as a councilor.
13.2 Eligibility to vote
Only parents of the school may vote to elect parent representatives to the Council.
13.3 Conduct of elections for parent representatives to the Council
The Principal must facilitate election of parent councilors by one of the following
methods, as determined by the council:
i. An election at a General Meeting of the school community; or
ii. A postal ballot of the parents of the school.

13.4 Notice of Election

1. The timetable for an election must be determined by the Council in
consultation with the Principal.
2. Notice for the date and time of an election must be specified by the Principal
by the means generally used to communicate with the school community.
3. The notice must fix the period during which nominations for election as
councilors must be accepted and outline the process to be followed.
4. In consultation with the Council, the Principal must determine the form for
nominations and the period during which nominations will be accepted.
5. A nomination for election as a councilor must be;
i. In a form approved by the Principal; and
ii. Received by the Principal at or before the time the nomination is due.
13.5 Election without ballot If the number of persons nominated is the same or less than the
number of vacancies to be filled by election, the principal may declare that the Vacancy
or Vacancies has or have been filled by the person or persons nominated.
13.6 Declaration of Election
1. The Principal must declare the candidate or candidates elected to fill the
vacancy or vacancies:
i. at a general meeting of the school community; or
ii. in the form generally used to communicate with school community.
2. The new Council comes into operation at the declaration of the filled up

Puntod NHS School Governing Council Page 12

13.7 Nomination and Appointment of Councilors
1. As soon as is practicable after the declaration of the results of an election, the
Principal calls and presides at the first Council meeting.
2. The first meeting of the Council must be adjourned to a date decided by the
meeting if the purpose of the meeting is not achieved.
14. Minutes
14.1 Proper minutes of any Council meeting, the Annual General Meeting and general
meetings of the school community must be entered into books kept for that purpose.
14.2 The minutes must be read at the next respective annual, general or Council
meeting and signed by the Chairperson of the meeting at which the proceedings
took place or by the chairperson of the subsequent meeting.
14.3 Upon reasonable notice, the books containing the minutes of any meetings must
be made available for inspection by any councilor.
15. Committees
15.1 Committees
The Council may appoint committees, composed of councilors or both councilors
and non-councilors, which will meet as directed by the Council.
15.2 Terms of reference
The Council must specify terms of reference for its committees.
1. Curriculum Committee - Curriculum committee must be created to ensure
strict implementation of the curriculum and consider views and
recommendation of students and parents.
2. Beautification Committee - This committee is in-charge of the maintenance
and beautification of the school.
3. Ways and Means Committee - Ways and Means Committee will take charge
of the minor problems that may possibly arise in school particularly on
4. Project Implementation Committee - This committee will implement,
monitor and assess projects.
5. Student Welfare and Discipline Committee - Students discipline committee
is organized to support the existing school committee on discipline.
6. Canteen Committee – This Committee develops policies and plans on
canteen management, operations and improvement in adherence to existing
regulations of DepED.

Membership of Committees
Curriculum Committee (3 members)
Beautification Committee (3 members)
Ways and Means Committee (3 members)
Project Implementation Committee (3 members)
Committee Students’ Welfare and Discipline Committee (4 members)
Canteen Committee (4 members)

Puntod NHS School Governing Council Page 13

School Governing Council Self – Assessment
School: ___________________________________________________________________
Address of School: __________________________________________________________
Population: _____________ SY: _________________


This tool provides a framework within which the School Governing Council can analyze its practices. It can
also be used by the SGC and the school itself in seeking to establish a School- Based Management System. This
can also be used for reporting to the school community and the different levels of the education department.

Current Practices Desired Future

School Council’s responsibilities and decisions
1. SC involvement in school improvement process
2. Involvement of LGU in school improvement processes
3. Involvement of other groups of stakeholders in school improvement
4. Allocating school resources for school improvement
5. Involvement of the SC in evaluation of SIP implementation
6. Reporting system used by SC in reporting progress to school community
and the Division Office
7. Decision-making Process of the SC
Training and support for Council members
Training/s for Council members
Scope/content of training/s
Who participated in the training/s?
Who conducted the training/s?
Support to School Governing Council
Dep Ed Central Office
Dep Ed Region
Dep Ed Division
Dep Ed District
Cluster of Schools

The members of the Council participating in the self-assessment process should print their names and affix their
signature above their printed names.
_______________ _____________ _____________

Puntod NHS School Governing Council Page 14

Graphical Representation of School Self-Evaluation (SSE) Scheme
School Head, School Staff and SGC agree and plan on School Self-Evaluation Process
and Structures

Organize working groups and prepare materials needed for SSE

Discussion and analysis of performance on student learning:

1. What student outcomes was the school trying to achieve?

2. What student outcomes did the school achieve?
3. Why did the school achieve/not achieve improved student outcomes?
4. How effectively did the school manage its resources to support the achievement of
student learning outcomes?
5. What can the school do in the future to continuously improve?

Puntod NHS School Governing Council Page 15


As a guide to performing their advisory duties, School Governing Council (Council) member should:

1. To act honestly, in good faith and in the interest of the school as a whole.

2. Be an advocate of high quality free public education for all Connecticut children.

3. Uphold and enforce all laws, rules, regulations and court orders pertaining to public schools, and bring
about any needed change only through legal and ethical means.

4. Help create public schools which meet the individual educational needs of all children regardless of
their ability, race, creed, gender, physical condition or social standing.

5. Work to help the community to understand the importance of proper support for public education.

6. Serve as a communication link between the community and the schools, working to ensure that the
community is fully and accurately informed about the schools, and that the school staff understands
the aspirations and desires of the community.

7. Recognize that a Council member’s responsibility is not to “run the school”, but to see that it is well-
run through the implementation of effective policies.

8. Confine Council action to its advisory role as detailed in statute, Board of Education policy and Council

9. Arrive at conclusions and/or positions after fully discussing the issue at an open meeting, and abide by
the principle of majority rule.

10. Recognize that authority rests only with the whole Council assembled in a meeting, and make no
personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the Council.

11. Never use the Council for personal gain.

12. To understand that confidential information received in the course of Council responsibilities will remain
the property of the person or group from which it was obtained. Council members must recognize that
it is improper to disclose or allow information to be disclosed, unless disclosure has been authorized by
that person or group, or the person from whom the information was provided, or if it is required by
law. Regardless, confidential matters pertaining to schools that, if disclosed, might needlessly injure
individuals or schools must remain confidential.

13. Help to ensure that the best administrative personnel available are appointed to all positions in the

14. Refer all complaints through the proper “chain of command” within the school and system.

15. Council members must declare any conflict of interest when it arises.

16. Council members will actively participate in subcommittees and meetings. If members are unable to
attend a meeting, they are requested to notify the Secretary of the Council prior to the meeting.

17. Members of the school community should feel welcome to attend Council meetings as observers,
except when the meeting is not open to the public. Meetings should be “closed” when the majority of
Council members vote to do so because the issue under discussion is sensitive and requires
confidentiality as permitted under the Freedom of Information Act or for the reporting back of a
principal selection panel process.

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