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Integration of Database Management System With Cloud

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International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research

Volume 6–Issue 12, 516-518, 2017, ISSN:-2319–8656

Integration of Database Management System with Cloud

Sushma V
Mysuru, India

Abstract: In recent years, outsourcing the database has become an important component of cloud computing. Due to the continuous
advancements in a network technology, the cost required to transmit a terabyte of data over long distances as decreased significantly in
the past decade. In addition, the total cost of data management is five to ten times higher than the initial acquisition cost. As a result,
there is a growing interest in outsourcing database management tasks to third parties that can provide these tasks for much lower cost
due to the economy of scale. This new outsourcing model has the benefits of reducing the cost for running Database Management
System (DBMS) independently.

Keywords: SQL (Structured Query Language), RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), BigData, IaaS(Infrastructure as a
service), PaaS(Platform as a service component)

making it possible to scan, retrieve and organize data on hard

1. INTRODUCTION drives and networks. All DBMS, despite whether traditional
A Cloud database management system is a distributed
or cloud-based, are essentially communicators that function as
database that delivers computing as a service instead of a
middlemen between the operating system and the database.
product. It is the sharing of resources, software, and
information between multiple devices over a network which is
How is a cloud DBMS different a traditional one? For one
mostly the internet. It is expected that this number will grow thing, cloud-based DBMS are extremely scalable. They are
significantly in the future. As a result, there is a growing
able to handle volumes of data and processes that would
interest in outsourcing database management tasks to third
exhaust a typical DBMS. Despite their scalability however,
parties that can provide these tasks for much lower cost due to
cloud DBMS are still somewhat lacking in their ability to
the economy of scale just like putting it into the cloud. In this scale up to extremely large processes; this is expected to be
paper, we discuss the recent trend in database management
remedied in the coming months and years however. Currently,
system and the possibilities of making it as one of the services
the use of cloud DBMS’s are principally used in the testing
offered in the cloud.
and development of new cloud applications and processes[1].
2. THE TRADITIONAL WAY But while a stand-alone DBMS can be used on a cloud
infrastructure; most are not designed to take full advantage of
Storing of data on computer hard disk and secondary storage
cloud resources. DBMS as a cloud service-type models seek
is too main stream and has been facing many problems these
to capitalize on the disparity between antiquated DBMS
days, due to data loss, failure and difficulty in remote access
models and their lack of full cloud functionality.
by concurrent users. To avoid data loss and allow concurrent
users access, Cloud Computing has been put into use which
allows data to be stored on a virtual cloud like storage area,
which can be accessed by a user from remote location and
data is even safe. Using Database as a Cloud Service allows
the user to access the data stored on an online database
(present on a cloud) and is hence proving to be an efficient
technological advancement these days.


Most DBMS or database management systems are simply
software packages that users can acquire to create, maintain or
use a database. However, since the introduction of cloud
computing, DBMS has morphed into an entirely new type of
service with its own unique benefits and task specific
advantages. For one thing, any type of cloud service model
will have to employ a dedicated cloud DBMS in order to truly
provide customers with excellent access to data and databases.
Traditional DBMS’s are simply not set up or equipped to deal
with the demands of cloud computing. And of course, if
DBMS was deployed as a service as part of a larger package Figure. 1 Basic model of Cloud Database
provided, it would likely be much more efficient in its duties
and therefore cheaper in the long run.
The concept of the DBMS has been around since the One of the most significant (and complex) cloud infrastructure
beginning of commercial computing; such as the navigational issues facing cloud providers of many types is deciding how
DBMS of the1960’s. Database management systems are one database support will be offered in the cloud, which is also
of the oldest integral components of computing, essentially leading to selling Database as a Service[2]. The wrong cloud

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International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 6–Issue 12, 516-518, 2017, ISSN:-2319–8656

database strategy can create application performance

problems significant enough to discredit a cloud service,
forcing the provider to incur additional costs to establish
credibility with users.
The cloud database issue is complicated because it sits at the
intersection of two cloud infrastructure models, two storage
service models and two database management systems
(DBMS) models. Sorting out the details will require cloud to
consider their infrastructure, network performance and service
The following services models can affect cloud database

4.1 Single and multi-site cloud

infrastructure models
The two cloud infrastructure models differ in the way that
resources are allocated to customers. In the single-site model,
a customer’s applications run within a single data centre in the
cloud, even if multiple data centres are available. This means
that the storage and/or DBMS resources used by a customer
can be contained within a single storage area network (SAN), Figure 2 DBMS in Cloud Architecture
and that the customer’s application performance in the cloud
can likely match that of a standard data centre that uses Above is a proposed DBMS in Cloud Architecture, first layer
virtualization. In the multi-site model, the customer’s is the storage, followed by databases and the upper layer is
applications can draw on resources from multiple data centres, application layer. In terms of performance, it provides
which mean that making the connection between the efficient data access with a better distribution of values for
application and the database resources could involve WAN some data. Stores frequently used SQL statements in memory,
connectivity that limits performance[3]. Whichever choice
avoiding the need for time-consuming recompilation at run-
they make, service providers must be ready to address the
issues that come with single- or multi-site cloud time[4]. Produces a detailed report on each step used for data
infrastructure. access, allowing you to accurately implement performance
enhancements. Data is encrypted when stored or backed up,
4.2 Storage and database service models without any need for programming to encrypt and decrypt
The storage service models available to a cloud planner are
Storage as a Service or the more complex Database as a
Service. With storage services, the customer will access
virtual storage devices as though they were native disk arrays, SERVICE
which means that the applications will send storage protocols
(such as Fibre Channel over Ethernet or IP SCSI) over any
network connection. In the relatively new Database as Service 6.1 Advantages
offerings, applications will access storage through a cloud
DBMS that will accept high-level database commands and
return the required results. This can create a less delay- 1) Database as a Service has advantages beyond marketing.
sensitive connection, so it is better suited to cloud With a cloud DBMS, storage virtualization isn’t directly
configurations where storage might be distributed over visible to the applications, which gives operators more
multiple sites. latitude in how they manage storage resources.

Another major cloud database planning decision is whether a 2) With a direct storage model, a mechanism for storage
cloud database service should be based on the popular virtualization that protects customers’ data from being
relational database management system (RDBMS) and its accessed by others but still makes the virtual disks look
Structured Query Language (SQL) standards, based on a “real” is essential
lighter-weight RDBMS without SQL, or based on a non- 3) It helps in controlling the performance of applications
relational structure like the ‘Google BigTable’ structure that that use storage extensively
gives users dynamic control over data layout and format
4) It’s easy to provide cloud database services as part of a
cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering, but the
5. DBMS IN CLOUD ARCHITECTURE 5) applications may have to be written to access cloud
database services in some Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS) configurations[5].
6) 5) Offering Database as a Service can help by replacing
storage input/output (I/O) with simply sending a query
and a return of results.

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International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 6–Issue 12, 516-518, 2017, ISSN:-2319–8656

6.2 Demerits
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