Integration of Database Management System With Cloud
Integration of Database Management System With Cloud
Integration of Database Management System With Cloud
Abstract: In recent years, outsourcing the database has become an important component of cloud computing. Due to the continuous
advancements in a network technology, the cost required to transmit a terabyte of data over long distances as decreased significantly in
the past decade. In addition, the total cost of data management is five to ten times higher than the initial acquisition cost. As a result,
there is a growing interest in outsourcing database management tasks to third parties that can provide these tasks for much lower cost
due to the economy of scale. This new outsourcing model has the benefits of reducing the cost for running Database Management
System (DBMS) independently.
Keywords: SQL (Structured Query Language), RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), BigData, IaaS(Infrastructure as a
service), PaaS(Platform as a service component) 516
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 6–Issue 12, 516-518, 2017, ISSN:-2319–8656
Another major cloud database planning decision is whether a 2) With a direct storage model, a mechanism for storage
cloud database service should be based on the popular virtualization that protects customers’ data from being
relational database management system (RDBMS) and its accessed by others but still makes the virtual disks look
Structured Query Language (SQL) standards, based on a “real” is essential
lighter-weight RDBMS without SQL, or based on a non- 3) It helps in controlling the performance of applications
relational structure like the ‘Google BigTable’ structure that that use storage extensively
gives users dynamic control over data layout and format
4) It’s easy to provide cloud database services as part of a
cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering, but the
5. DBMS IN CLOUD ARCHITECTURE 5) applications may have to be written to access cloud
database services in some Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS) configurations[5].
6) 5) Offering Database as a Service can help by replacing
storage input/output (I/O) with simply sending a query
and a return of results. 517
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 6–Issue 12, 516-518, 2017, ISSN:-2319–8656
6.2 Demerits
1) If customers are likely to access the storage/DBMS across
multiple data centres in cloud, the performance
implications may be critical.
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