Banana and Mango PDF
Banana and Mango PDF
Banana and Mango PDF
Dear Reader:
For the past 30 years, PCARRD has steadfastly provided the directions in
developing and modernizing the agriculture, forestry, and natural resources sectors to
meet the country’s ever-challenging demands for food security, economic growth, and
sustainable development.
This volume specifically discusses banana and mango. PCARRD hopes that
the information contained in this book will pave the way to more focused R&D work on
these commodities.
Executive Director
R&D Status
and Directions
(2000 and Beyond)
Banana and Mango
ISBN 971-20-0514-3
Bibliographic Citation:
Volume Editors:
F or the past 30 years, the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural
Resources Research and Development (PCARRD) has been tasked to determine
knowledge levels, identify research and development (R&D) gaps, establish a system of
R&D priorities, and provide directions for agriculture, forestry, and natural resources
R&D, among others. To effectively achieve these tasks, the R&D performance for the
different commodities has to be assessed and reviewed.
The fruit industry contributes significantly to the country’s economy in terms of
employment, income, and foreign exchange generated from sales of both fresh and processed
fruits. The fruit sector occupies almost 600,000 ha, including at least 20 different fruit
crops. It is estimated that about 10 M (million) people are dependent on the fruit
industry alone. Fruit cultivation not only provides employment and income, but it also
supplements Filipino diet and offers ecological benefits such as soil erosion control, better
micro-environment, enhanced landscape and aesthetic values, and complements
reforestation and agroforestry efforts.
The R&D Directions for the two major fruit crops: banana and mango, presented in this
volume will provide the R&D community and decision/policy makers with information on
the industries’ competitiveness, challenges/issues that lie ahead, and the required science
and technology (S&T) interventions to address the R&D gaps. It also presents the industry
status for mango and banana, and major R&D programs to improve the industries’
It is hoped that the farmers, extension agents, researchers, and policy makers will
benefit from the information contained in this volume.
Executive Director
z Members of the National Fruit Crops R&D Team 2002, for painstakingly reviewing
and providing valuable comments and suggestions on the manuscript during series
of meetings and consultations;
z Management and staff of the Crops Research Division particularly Dr. Jocelyn E.
Eusebio and Dr. Ester L. Lopez for their supervision and guidance in preparing,
reviewing, and editing of the manuscript; Mr. Angelito T. Carpio and Ms. Joan C.
Andres for the research and consolidation of data; and Ms. Criselda T. Bautista and
Ms. Filipina S. Olegario for clerical and computer work.
Appreciation is also due to Dr. Beatriz P. del Rosario, Deputy Executive Director for
Research and Development for the overall direction; the Applied Communication Division
particularly Dr. Norma V. Llemit, for reviewing the manuscript, Dr. Lorna C. Malicsi for
supervising the production process; Mr. Ruel S. Pagcaliwagan and Mr. Ricardo R. Argana
for editing; Ms. Marina T. de Ramos for the layout and camera-ready proof; Mr. Simeon R.
Manahan, Jr. for the cover design; and Ms. Carmelita B. Alamban for coordinating the
overall production flow.
Specialist: Mr. Angelito T. Carpio
Science Research Specialist
Crops Research Division (CRD)
PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1. Major Technological Milestones, 1990–2000 ....................................................... 46
List of Tables
% Share Rate %/yr
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1994–98 1994–98
A. Quantity t
BAS 1999.
Table 3. Harvest area, value, and volume of production of selected fruits in the Philippines,
1993 and 1997.
1993 and 1997
1993 % 1997 % Average %
BAS 1998.
Two of the country’s major fruits good source of fiber for handicraft materials.
selected, banana and mango are proven In commercial farms in Mindanao, reject or
export winners. The following discussions excess bananas are utilized as swine and
demonstrate the importance of these two cattle feeds.
major fruit crops in terms of economic Area planted to banana increased from
contribution, production and yield 336,542 ha in 1994 to 337,082 ha in 1998.
performance, and market potential. Southern Mindanao topped banana
production with 1.58 M t (Table 4).
The most popular banana cultivars
Banana planted are Cavendish, Saba, Lakatan,
Latundan, and Bungulan. Cavendish is the
Banana is the prime fruit commodity of best grown variety for fresh export and
the Philippines in terms of hectarage and grown by most corporate farms in Mindanao.
commercial value. It is widely grown Saba is the primary source of chips/crackers
throughout the country, either as a and flour/powder, and is basically the main
component of existing farming systems or ingredient for breakfast, cereals, tail mixes
as the main crop in large plantations in (used for flavoring), and confections.
Mindanao. It is an important source of Latundan and Lakatan are the cultivars
income for small farmers who constitute 75% famous in the local market. Figure 1 shows
of the banana growers. that among the major cultivars planted in
Banana is used in several ways. Fruits 2000, Saba (44%) accounts for the highest
are usually eaten fresh but can also be share in terms of area covered, followed by
processed into banana cue, puree, jam, jelly, Latundan (20%), Lakatan (12%), Cavendish
chips, catsup, figs, spread, and preserve. (10%), and Bungulan (6%). Figure 2
Banana chips are the top dollar earner presents the distribution of major cultivars
among the processed fruit products. Other in terms of volume produced.
industrial products prepared from banana Of the country’s total banana production
include ethyl alcohol, flour, dye, floor wax, (1991–2000), 50% is utilized in fresh form
paste, and cork board. The pseudostem is a for food, 35% is processed for food, and 15%
Region 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
CAR 3,577 3,532 3,444 3,493 3,394 35,618 31,856 25,513 28,070 27,696
Ilocos Region 11,180 11,167 10,733 10,056 9,890 65,056 64,366 51,981 55,447 53,962
Cagayan Valley 13,023 12,755 26,557 29,383 28,616 27,250 30,743 92,330 249,563 229,463
Central Luzon 2,626 2,623 2,641 2,500 2,317 31,117 29,768 27,536 35,102 24,925
Southern Tagalog 45,927 44,052 51,120 53,465 52,399 151,061 137,638 105,939 149,053 141,169
Bicol Region 12,714 12,476 11,658 12,868 12,840 39,605 29,865 21,691 29,593 22,812
Western Visayas 40,861 40,277 39,264 39,581 40,671 236,126 233,944 204,867 238,238 228,247
Central Visayas 10,676 10,760 10,574 15,807 14,738 63,925 84,706 75,806 87,292 76,067
Eastern Visayas 27,949 24,906 26,320 26,602 25,707 135,108 126,537 109,924 134,596 117,307
Western Mindanao 30,332 21,748 22,282 21,843 22,329 110,635 116,980 101,093 131,896 120,124
Northern Mindanao 22,550 22,551 18,433 16,899 16,420 200,923 202,196 176,465 188,684 183,545
Southern Mindanao 42,878 45,593 48,717 48,146 47,973 1,399,831 1,700,363 1,706,420 1,689,932 1,580,963
Central Mindanao 14,296 14,447 7,924 9,221 9,023 288,178 293,060 260,773 354,267 343,601
CARAGA 42,260 38,967 30,599 31,596 33,881 254,533 249,142 204,251 227,843 232,196
ARMM 15,693 16,154 16,647 16,817 16,884 161,874 167,935 147,248 175,206 178,686
Total 336,542 322,008 326,913 338,277 337,082 3,200,840 3,499,099 3,311,837 3,774,782 3,560,763
BAS 1999.
Lakatan Cavendish
12% 10%
Bungulan Others
Latundan 4% 3%
Lakatan 38%
Country Rank Production (‘000 t) % Share
Total 58,250
FAO 2001.
Total 1,310.80
Foreign Trade Statistics 2001.
Foreign Trade Statistics 2001.
6% Japan
Netherlands 9% Hongkong
11% 38%
Fig. 5. Importing countries of Japan
Philippine banana (chips/ 25%
crackers), 1999–2001.
BAS 2001.
Country Rank Production Rank Production Rank Production Rank Production Rank Production
FAO Website (2002).
Banana Mango
Country 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Average Share
FAO website 2000.
Table 11. Volume, value, and unit prices of exported Philippine mango products by
major country of destination, 2000.
Form Country Volume (t) (US$ ‘000)
Improved management system for
New processed products from Saba
in areas of production, which is expected to
bring about an increase in volume necessary
for strategic global competitiveness. These Mango
technologies have been further supple-
mented with indigenous farmers’ practices Improved production management will
and other technologies borrowed from other result into better quality and yield of fruits.
countries. The increase in the quality of fruits coupled
with market promotion is expected to
increase the percentage share of export to
Banana the current traditional markets of
Hongkong, Japan, Thailand, China, Korea,
Below are the research accomplish- Australia, USA, and possibly, the
ments on banana, which address the European market. Technologies/inform-
major concerns of the industry, namely, ation generated from the recent programs,
production of quality fruits, availability of which will put mango in a better position in
planting materials, control of insect pests the global market include the following:
and diseases, and reduction of postharvest
losses: z Eight superior strains of Carabao:
Lamao 1, GES 73, GES 77, GES 84,
z Mass propagation of disease-free GES 85, Talaban, Fresco, and MMSU
planting materials of banana through Gold
tissue culture z Control of fruit flies in Guimaras
z Eighty banana cultivars charac- through male annihilation technique
terized and identified through (MAT) and sterile insect technique
isozyme analysis (SIT)
z Diagnostic kits for indexing BBT z HWT for controlling anthracnose
and mosaic viruses z Modified VHT
z Improved production technologies z Flotation method as means of
for Lakatan and Saba determining fruit maturity
z Storage and ripening protocol for z Established gas levels for CA storage
Lakatan z Flower induction in mango
z Reduction of losses through inter- z Improved processed products
island shipment using container van z Indices for varietal identification in
z Rehabilitation of BBTD and bugtok- mango
devastated areas z Optimized pruning techniques in
Planting density There is technology available for Planting density for major cultivars is
Cavendish. not yet established.
Crop protection IPM for Bugtok, Sigatoka, and Field evaluation of available IPM
banana bunchy top is available. techniques is needed.
IPM for fusarium wilt, nematodes, thrips,
weevils, beetles, weeds, other leafspot
diseases, and other emerging pests/
diseases need to be studied.
There is limited information on identity,
biology, and ecology of pests and
Training and pruning Pruning technique is not fully Technology on how to properly train
established. young trees and prune mature trees
is lacking.
Crop protection IPM for mango is established. Site- and situation-specific pest
management is not yet established.
Bioecology and epidemiology of mango
pest and diseases in different agro-
ecosystems are not fully known .
Population dynamics in relation to crop
phenology is not known.
Monitoring and forecasting detection
are not yet established.
Emerging pests need to be studied.
Postharvest System Maturity indices are known. Short shelf life needs to be addressed.
HWT technology is available. There is susceptibility to physiological
Packinghouse technology is disorders.
available. Improvement of inter-island handling
CA technology is available but system needs to be studied.
not yet tested for commercial
Among the fruit crops in the country,
banana dominates the industry in terms of Mango is the third leading fruit crop
hectarage and production. Also, it is a export next to banana and pineapple. The
consistent top dollar earner of the country. Philippines is the world’s fifth largest
On a world basis, the Philippines ranks fifth producer of mango in 1998. The only variety
among the banana-producing countries in cultivated for export is Carabao. Major
1998. The varieties popularly grown in the export markets for fresh fruits are Japan
country are Saba, Latundan, Bungulan, and and Hongkong, and for processed products,
Cavendish. The latter is cultivated mainly USA and Hongkong.
for export.
Table 14. SWOT analysis for banana (Saba, Lakatan, and Latundan).
Saba Easily grown cultivar Predominance of sub- Growing demand for Pests and diseases
Resistant to Black sistent backyard banana chips and (Bugtok, viral
Sigatoka/banana plantings other processed diseases)
bunchy top (BBT) Low and poor fruit products Increasing global
Can be grown organically yield and quality Good prospect of competition
High potential yield with Longer gestation period, increasing yield Declining yield of
improved management tall, and prone to and sustainability existing Saba
Most acceptable cultivar typhoon of production plantations
for chips in the world Susceptible to Bugtok
market Inadequate production
Diversity of processed and postproduction
products technologies
Poor marketing systems
Lack of quality standard
for fresh and processed
Lakatan High demand for local Highly susceptible to High potential for Highly susceptible to
market BBT and Sigatoka export markets BBT and Sigatoka
Adaptable for commercial Low and poor fruit yield High price and Pesticide residues
growing and quality margin of profit
Can be grown organically Lack of quality Bright prospect of
Suitable for processing standards increasing yield
(puree, flour/powder)
Latundan The country is one of the Lack of efficient Growing local Susceptible to
major producers in production and post- demand Fusarium wilt,
large quantities production system High economic Sigatoka, and
Adaptable for commercial Short shelf life finger return virus diseases
growing dropping
Susceptible to Fusarium
wilt, Sigatoka, and
virus diseases
Table 16. S&T interventions for banana: short- and long-term research thrusts.
Planting density Planting density for major cultivars not Appropriate planting density for
yet established major cultivars needs to be
established. (3–5 years)
Nutrition Critical nutrient concentrations and Critical nutrient levels for major
nutrient requirements of major cultivars need to be determined.
cultivars not yet established (3–5 years)
Nutrient requirements of major
cultivars during fruit growth
and development need to be
established. (3–5 years)
Water relations Optimum water requirement based on Water requirements based on crop
crop phenology not yet established phenology need to be determined.
Water relations and fruit development of (3–5 years)
different banana cultivars not known Influence of water on fruit growth
and development need to be
determined. (3–5 years)
Crop protection Field evaluation of available IPM Determination of pest biology, behavior,
techniques is needed. and ecology is needed. (3–5 years)
IPM for fusarium wilt, nematodes, Determination of disease epidemiology
thrips, weevils, beetles, weeds, is needed. (3–5 years)
other leafspot diseases, and other Development of site- and situation-
emerging pests/diseases need to specific IPM technology package
be studied. is needed. (3–5 years)
There is limited information on identity
biology and ecology of pests and
diseases, which need to be studied.
Cropping system New planting schemes for monocropping Sustainable banana-based cropping
and intercropping systems are lacking. systems need to be established.
(3–5 years)
Cropping system for typhoon-prone
areas needs to be established.
(3–5 years)
Table 17. S&T interventions for mango: short - and long-term research thrust.
Crop protection Site- and situation-specific pest Development of site- and situation-
management is not yet established. specific pest management
Bioecology and epidemiology of is needed. (3–5 years)
mango pest and diseases in Studies on bio-ecology and
different agro-ecosystems are epidemiology of mango pests in
not fully known. different agro-ecosystems are
needed. (3–5 years)
Banana Mango
Planting density Appropriate planting density for Within five years, appropriate planting
major cultivars needs to be density for major cultivar shall have
established. (3–5 years) been established.
Nutrition Critical nutrient levels for major Within five years, critical nutrient levels
cultivars need to be established. in leaf tissue of major cultivars shall
(3–5 years) have been established.
Nutrient requirements of major cultivars Within five years, nutrient (fertilizer)
during fruit growth and development requirements during fruit growth and
need to be established. (3–5 years) development of major cultivars shall
have been established.
Water relations Water requirements based on crop Within five years, role of water on plant
phenology need to be determined. and fruit growth and development
(3–5 years) shall have been established.
Influence of water on fruit growth and
development needs to be determined.
(3–5 years)
Crop protection Pest biology, behavior, and ecology Within five years, pest biology, behavior,
need to be determined. (3–5 years) and ecology shall have been studied.
Disease epidemiology needs to be Within five years, disease epidemiology
determined. (3–5 years) shall have been studied.
Development of site and situation- Within five years, site and situation-
specific IPM technology package specific IPM technology packaged
is needed. (3–5 years) shall have been developed.
Postharvest System Determination of maturity indices, Within five years, maturity indices,
storage requirement, ripening storage requirement, ripening
regulation, and physiological regulation, and physiological
disorders is needed. (3–5 years) disorders shall have been known.
Importance of packaging, grading, and Within five years, improved packaging,
transport system needs to be grading, and transport system shall
stressed. (3–5 years) have been developed.
Development of postharvest treatment Within five years, postharvest
to reduce loss due to pests and treatments to reduce loss due to pests
diseases is needed. (3–5 years) and diseases shall have been
Development of standards for consistent Within five years, quality standards for
quality of processed products processed products shall have been
is needed. (3–5 years) developed.
Variety Selection of superior Carabao mango Within five years, Carabao mango
strains with large fruits (average- strains with large fruits (350–400 g)
350–400 g) is needed. (3–5 years) shall have been selected.
Development of superior varieties/ Within 20 years superior varieties/
strain through conventional and strains through conventional and
non-conventional breeding non-conventional breeding (improved
(improved quality, extend shelf-life, quality, extended shelf-life,
resistance to pest and diseases, resistant to pests and diseases
and tolerance to adverse conditions) conditions) shall have been
is needed. (20 years) developed.
Introduction and performance Within ten years, export-accepted foreign
evaluation of export-accepted mango varieties shall have been
foreign varieties are needed. introduced and their initial
(ten years) performance evaluated.
Selection of rootstock species/ Within ten years, suitable species/
varieties with dwarfing varieties with dwarfing influence
influence is needed. on the Carabao mango shall have
(ten years) been selected.
Development of procedures for varietal Within five years, improved procedures
identification through morphological, for varietal identification through
biochemical, and DNA fingerprinting morphological, bio-chemical, and
is needed. (3–5 years) DNA fingerprinting shall have been
Planting materials Development of efficient propagation Within five years, a more efficient
method is needed. propagation method shall have been
(3–5 years) developed.
Influence of dwarfing rootstock, growth Within ten years, the right rootstocks
regulators, and pruning on high- for the Carabao mango shall have
density planted mango trees been identified.
needs to be studied. (ten years)
Planting density Influence of dwarfing rootstock, growth Within ten years, high-density planting
regulators, and pruning on high- system using dwarfing rootstock,
density planted mango trees training/pruning, and growth
needs to be studied. (ten years) regulators shall have been identified.
Training and Training and pruning studies of young Within ten years, training and pruning
pruning and mature mango trees needs system for young and mature mango
to be done. (ten years) trees shall have been developed.
Nutrition Establishment of critical nutrient Within five years, critical nutrient levels
levels on Carabao mango leaves on Carabao mango leaves shall have
is needed. (3–5 years) been established.
Influence of mineral nutrients on Within five years, the role of mineral
fruit growth and development elements on fruit growth and
needs to be studied. (3–5 years) development shall have been
Water relations Influence of irrigation on fruit growth Within five years, the effect of water on
and development needs to be fruit growth and development shall
studied. (3–5 years) have been determined.
Flower induction Biochemical and physiological Within five years, biochemical and
bases of flowering are needed. physiological bases of flowering shall
(3–5 years) have been established.
Regulation of vegetative growth by Within five years, regulation of
physical and chemical treatments vegetative growth in mango shall
is needed. (3–5 years) have been established.
Flower induction in young, pruned Within five years flower induction in
trees under high density planting young, pruned mango trees under high
needs to be studied. density planting shall have been
(3–5 years) achieved.
Crop protection Development of site - and situation- Within five years, site- and situation-
specific pest management specific pest management shall have
is needed. (3–5 years) been developed.
Bio-ecology and epidemiology of mango Within five years, bio-ecology and
pests in different agro-ecosystems epidemiology of mango pests in
are needed. (3–5 years) different agro-ecosystems shall have
been known.
Within five years, population dynamics
of mango pests in relation to crop
phenology shall have been known.
Processing Improvement of quality of mango Within five years, quality standard for
and Utilization products is needed. (3–5 years) processed products shall have been
Development of new product lines developed.
is needed. (3–5 years) Within five years, new products lines with
commercial value shall have been
Banana Mango
Banana Mango