Environmental Anthropology Engaging Permaculture: Moving Theory and Practice Toward Sustainability
Environmental Anthropology Engaging Permaculture: Moving Theory and Practice Toward Sustainability
Environmental Anthropology Engaging Permaculture: Moving Theory and Practice Toward Sustainability
James R. Veteto, and Joshua Lockyer slopes of the southern Appalachians. Breaking
through the rustle of wind in the trees are the
James R. Veteto and Joshua Lockyer are with the sounds of human activity, of people building their
Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia, common future together, of children at play. In
Athens, GA. the distance you can hear the Earthaven Forestry
Cooperative’s portable sawmill cutting lumber
from trees felled on the land. This is the sound of
Abstract liberation. The Co-op’s sawmill is allowing villagers
and neighbors to create shelter, freeing themselves
Using a variety of theoretical rubrics, recent work in from the clutches of banks and clear-cutting timber
ecological and environmental anthropology has revealed that barons while keeping materials and money within
human–environment interactions within the context of global the village economy. These are radical acts. Should
capitalism are complex and have increasingly unjust and these and other permaculture-based strategies
unsustainable outcomes. As globalization proceeds and asso- take hold in the larger society, corporate control
ciated socio-environmental problems become clear, it is impor- might someday yield to an empowered, responsi-
tant that ecological and environmental anthropologists use ble, ecologically literate citizenry. We can hope it
empirical research to develop both theoretical and practical will be in time to pull humanity back from the brink
approaches to addressing the sustainability challenge. We sug- of disaster brought on by our own folly.
gest that an anthropological engagement with permaculture A major first-generation challenge for the Perma-
represents an especially timely opportunity for anthropologists culture movement and one of the main reasons for
to move toward sustainability in ways that complement and the creation of Earthaven is to get enough working
enable us to extend our traditional areas of theoretical and systems on the grounds that we can make in-
practical expertise. Permaculture is a development strategy formed choices based on actual experience and
that has a history of grassroots application, but it has been begin to model bioregionally appropriate culture
largely ignored by mainstream development practitioners and for our time and place. Creating and integrating
anthropologists alike. We argue that permaculture deserves a ecologically responsible forestry and agriculture
closer look. In this article, we trace the historical development while developing natural building systems that
of permaculture, provide examples of permaculture in practice conserve forest health, create jobs and generate re-
in an ecovillage context, identify compatible areas of research newable energy through good design has proved
within environmental anthropology, and make suggestions to be quite an ambitious undertaking. That we are
for engagement. [Keywords: permaculture, sustainabil- doing all these things while feeling our way toward
ity, agriculture, community, ecovillages, sustainable just and sustaining social and economic relations
development, environmental anthropology] and maintaining democratic self-governance within
a new village context still seems nearly miraculous,
Permaculture in Practice: One the more so the longer we persist. [Marsh 2002:44]
Anthropologist’s Introduction
In the fall of 2004, Lockyer initiated field research
It’s a cool, blustery day at Earthaven, a young in an intentional community in the Appalachian
ecovillage settlement nestled into the eastern Mountains of western North Carolina called Eartha-
Culture & Agriculture Vol. 30, Numbers 1 & 2 pp. 47–58, ISSN 1048-4876, eISSN 1556-486X. r 2008 by the American Anthropological Association.
All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-486X.2008.00007.x.
ven Ecovillage. Earthaven was founded in 1994 by a ment in which human activities are harmlessly inte-
dozen people who started with a basic but ambitious grated into the natural world? How does one create
goal of ‘‘creating a holistic, sustainable culture.’’ They communities that can support healthy human devel-
bought 320 acres of land and decided to form a com- opment that can be maintained into the indefinite
munity where they could support each other in future? As is true of any sustainability movement,
creating a different way of life, one that is more so- achieving such goals will require significant fore-
cially intimate and less dependent on an integrated thought, risk-taking, and expertise. As many anthro-
unsustainable system of production and consumption. pologists would likely agree, achieving sustainability
Today, Earthaven has grown to over 60 members, 45 of entails actions grounded in detailed knowledge of
whom live ‘‘on the land,’’ gradually implementing so- local ecological, political–economic, and socio-cultural
cial, cultural, political, economic, and technological systems combined with a global awareness and scien-
experiments in sustainability. Compared with most tific acumen. But how is one to bring all of these
Americans, Earthaven’s members live more commu- components together in a way that makes sense and
nally and much closer to the economic resources that can lead to practical action?
sustain them. They own, steward, and govern their
land collectively using unique forms of land tenure Permaculture is a holistic system of DESIGN,
and consensus decision making. Although some of based on direct observation of nature, learning
them live in individual residential dwellings, they from traditional knowledge and the findings
come together to eat, socialize, and govern themselves of modern science. Embodying a philosophy of
in common buildings and spaces. Members share positive action and grassroots education, Perma-
common waste processing and water distribution sys- culture aims to restructure society by returning
tems, which they construct and maintain themselves, control of resources for living: food, water, shelter
in addition to producing as much of their own food, and the means of livelihood, to ordinary people in
energy, and material goods as they can. Although the their communities, as the only antidote to central-
specific form of Earthaven’s experiments in sustain- ized power. [Permaculture Activist 2004:3]
able living might be unique, the concept of an
ecovillage is not. The Global Ecovillage Network The above quotation is on the inside cover of every
(GEN) is today tracking over 400 ecovillage projects edition of Permaculture Activist magazine, a publica-
around the world (GEN 2008). A description of this tion that was edited by one of Earthaven’s members
movement is beyond the scope of this paper and has during the time of Lockyer’s fieldwork. As initial
been provided by Lockyer elsewhere (2007a and 2007b). participant observation at Earthaven Ecovillage pro-
However, the most commonly quoted definition of the gressed, it became apparent that the permaculture
term ecovillage is indicative of the lofty goals that paradigm provided a practical foundation for mem-
motivate the people and communities that comprise bers to reach their goal of developing a holistic,
the movement: ‘‘Ecovillages are human-scale, full- sustainable culture. Indeed, permaculture’s ethical
featured settlements in which human activities are philosophy and material design principles provided
harmlessly integrated into the natural world in a way the tools for translating the ecovillage concept from
that is supportive of healthy human development, and idealism into practice. At Earthaven Ecovillage, per-
which can be successfully continued into the indefinite maculture has been used as one of the main tools for
future’’ (Dawson 2006:13). building bridges between global social and environ-
By aligning itself with the global ecovillage move- mental awareness and concern and the development
ment, the founders of Earthaven made it clear that of local, sustainable practices.
they were committing themselves to exploring an According to their website:
alternative paradigm of development, an approach
that takes responsibility for the effects of people’s One of our first tasks was to create a permacul-
lifestyles and livelihoods on ecosystem function, and ture-based site plan for developing our mountain
human health and well-being. However, this defini- forest property. We identified sacred sites; land
tion of ecovillage provides only an abstract outline of to remain forested; areas for gardening, farming,
what Earthaven and other ecovillages like it are. How and orchards; locations for ponds and hydro-power
does one go about developing a full-featured settle- stations; locations for roads, paths, and common
At a fundamental level, permaculture holds that Permaculture Principles and Practice at Earthhaven
‘‘the process of providing for people’s needs within
ecological limits requires a cultural revolution’’ (1) Observe and Interact: Earthaven’s founders
(Holmgren 2002:xxv). spent over a year observing their property,
Based on this cultural critique and utopian vision, becoming familiar with the flows of energy—
permaculture combines insights gleaned from tradi- wind, solar, and water—across the landscape,
tional ecological knowledge and modern scientific before they began developing the ecovillage.
knowledge into designs for sustainable human settle- This process continues to this day as they
ments and production systems. As mentioned before, recognize and learn from their mistakes and
the core of the permaculture paradigm consists of a seek to more fully integrate their human
basic ethical philosophy and a set of design principles community into the natural community of
or guidelines. Permaculture’s three ethical principles their property and bioregion.
are basic and fundamental: (1) care for the earth, (2) (2) Catch and Store Energy: Renewable energy
care for people, and (3) set limits to consumption systems are the most obvious example of this
and reproduction and redistribute surplus (Holmgren principle in practice at Earthaven. From pho-
2002). These ethical principles are grounded in the tovoltaic solar arrays to their micro-hydro
assumptions discussed above and provide a perma- generating station, Earthaven’s members
cultural foundation for designing and enacting a more capture and store readily available energy.
just, equitable, and sustainable world. The same could also be said of the gravity-
Permaculture’s design principles, initially presented fed water distribution system that uses the
in Mollison (1991) and recapitulated in Holmgren force of gravity rather than fossil fuel-pow-
(2002), are grounded in the science of ecology, and ered pumps to deliver water to households
more particularly in systems ecology, landscape geog- and other facilities throughout the ecovillage.
raphy, and ethnobiology (Holmgren 2002). The overall (3) Obtain a Yield: Earthaven manifests this prin-
aim of these design principles is to develop closed-loop, ciple on a very local scale. They have a long-
symbiotic, self-sustaining human habitats and produc- term, ecologically sensitive forest manage-
tion systems that do not result in ecological degradation ment plan for their property under which
or social injustice. Although the design of such systems they harvest wood and use it in the con-
is necessarily dependent on the particular local context, struction of their own houses. A variety of agro-
the permaculture rubric provides general guidelines for ecological production systems are also being
considering environmental variables and patterns in developed so that Earthaven’s members can
designing buildings, home gardens, orchards, farms, begin to provide for their own food needs.
livestock operations, aquaculture systems and commu- (4) Apply Self-Regulation and Accept Feedback: Re-
nity, and urban areas (Mollison 1991). ferring back to principle one above, Eartha-
While we do not have space here for an extensive ven’s members are constantly involved in
discussion of all 12 permaculture design principles, reevaluating what they have done in terms
we provide an example of each principle in action of the physical development of their land.
at Earthaven and refer the reader to publications Regular meetings of the strategic planning
such as Permaculture Activist and to the published committee provide opportunities to change
work of Mollison and Holmgren (Holmgren 1996, course or choose another development strat-
2002; Mollison 1988, 1991; Mollison and Holmgren egy that seems more appropriate based on
1978;) for further elaboration. Permaculturalists recent experience. For instance, Earthaven
believe that these principles provide a framework has chosen to stop allowing the development
for situating humans in nature as we seek a sus- of outlying neighborhoods until the center
tainable development strategy. This framework is a of their community has become more fully
foundation for experimentation in places like Eartha- functional, recognizing that this pattern
ven, where an adaptive management approach is had led to the fragmentation of their social