Greg O’Gallagher
If you want more variety in exercises then you can mix it up on the
isolation exercises every few weeks.
The 5-8 rep range is where you will build the most muscle and
strength over the long term. This is where muscle fiber recruitment
is at its highest while allowing for sufficient volume. Going under 5
reps doesn’t lead to greater muscle fiber recruitment only increased
CNS stress.
However if you stick to the same reps each week eventually you will
plateau in adding weight. For that reason I recommend using a
broad rep range of 3-8 reps on your first set.
Once you’re down to 3 reps you can lower the weight and start back
up at 6-8 reps for your first set.
I don’t recommend going higher than 12 reps on your first set as this
will reduce the hypertrophy signal considerably. For maximum
muscle growth your first set should fall somewhere between 8-12
reps. If you are doing 8 reps for your first set then you will need to
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take longer rest so that you don’t drop below 6 reps on any
subsequent sets.
Strength gains are much more consistent with every other day
Training every day, even different body parts, still puts a strain on
your CNS, which is why it can be difficult to push the bar weights up
training every day or even every 2 days.
Too intense or too much cardio training will detract from recovery
capabilities, increase appetite and negatively influence strength,
power and muscle mass.
If you want a calorie target to shoot for then aim to burn roughly
400 calories total.
Workout #1:
Workout #2:
Fish Oils
If you don’t have fatty fish at-least 1-2x per week then you are
probably low in EPA and DHA. Increasing levels of EPA and DHA
may improve fat loss, muscle growth, cognitive function and health.
Take 2 grams of EPA and 1.5 grams of DHA from fish oils per day.
If you don’t consume dairy on a daily basis then you will benefit
from calcium supplementation. Calcium is important because it has
been shown to speed up fat loss and improve testosterone. Not to
mention calcium is important for bone density. Take 1000mg of
calcium citrate per day if you don’t consume dairy on a daily basis.
Vitamin D
If you don’t get access to sunlight then you will benefit from Vitamin
D supplementation. Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to
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increase athletic performance in deficient athletes. Taking 2000 IU’s
per day.