Kinobody: The Blueprint: Description
Kinobody: The Blueprint: Description
Kinobody: The Blueprint: Description
Four Workout Splits Routine: [Workouts A-D]
4-7 Days/Week Routine Depending on your time
Workout Each Upper Body muscle up to 2x a week
24 Sets per day (less than an hour)
Two Main Muscle Groups per day
Superset all exercises in pairs.
15 seconds to switch exercise in that superset
90-120 rest periods between supersets
999 Reps = Till Failure
Double Progression: Reps & Weights
Reverse Pyramid Training (4 REP Max, 6, 8)
Muscle Gain = 10-15% Caloric Surplus from maintenance
***More Details Below***
He recommends different exercises and at different stages of type of physic. His Blueprint PDF shows you routines for Base Development, Greek God, and
Superhero Physic. I simply took his approach and recommended exercises and created my own routine. It deviates substantially from his methods. But still uses
Reverse Pyramid Training.
Your Goal is to start finding your 4 REP MAX for a given exercise. Once you find it that will be your next session first set [4 REP MAX]. Every Session you try to
increase the REP to the max allowed range show above for a given set. Once you reach the max rep for a given set its time to increase the weight on your next
session. For example my first set I did 100 lbs 6 reps I know the weight is manageable and time to add more resistance next session I do this exercise 1st set.
Each set progression is independent, therefore you can be making progress in the # of reps or weights for 2nd and/or 3rd set but still be stuck at your 1st set
weight and rep.
All rep ranges are till failure, so if you can do more reps in a set range you need to increase the weights and the resistance.
I do abs almost daily, mainly during the resting times in between supersets. So that my 90 seconds rest are active rest. During this times I only do body weight abs
exercises like Hanging Leg/Knee Raises, plank, and others. However only on Thursdays do you do weighted abs exercises as seen in the program. This is done to
add size to your abs, while the others are done to add definition.
Monday Workout A: Biceps & Triceps
Muscle Exercise Name Timer Reps Sets
Back Chin Up 15 sec 99,99,99 3