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Annex 30 Tool - Design - Waste Stabilization Ponds

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Capacity Average Flow 25 MLD

Guidance: Yellow cells are the input information to be suitably filled. Green cells
are to be reviewed and modified/updated if need be. Red letters to be suitably
Ground level at STP Site at Inlet chamber 209.5 Mtr
Drain level at outlet at chainage 11325 206.2 Mtr

IL of Out fall Sewer(1000 mm) with slope 1 in 1100 at STP 215.68 Mtr
Average Flow 25 MLD
Average Flow 0.29 M3/sec
Peak Flow : Peak Factor 2.25 56.25 MLD
Peak Flow : 0.65 M3/sec
Minimum Flow Factor 2 12.5 MLD
Minimum Flow 0.14 M3/sec
Peak Flow 56.25 MLD
Peak Flow 0.65 M3/sec
Detention time 15 Sec
Volume required 9.77 cum
Liquid depth taken 0.8 Mtr
Area 12.21 M2
Width taken 3.5 Mtr
Length 3.5 Mtr

Provide free board to ensure that raw sewage will not

overflow even when the 1000 mm out fall sewer run full 0.8 Mtr
Peak Flow 0.65 M3/sec
Coarse Screen Opening 50 mm
Depth of water in screen 0.9 Mtr.
velocity through screen 0.7 M/sec
Area of screen 0.93 M2
Angle of inclination with the horizontal 45 degree
Sin (Angle of Inclination) 0.71
Free Board 0.60 m
Length of screen 2.12
Width of opening 1.03 mtr
No of opening 21 nos
Number of bars 20 nos
Let width of each bar be 10 mmx75 mm
Total width of channel 1230 mm
Let width of each side be 50 mm
Total width of channel: Provide 1331 mm
Openings 22
No of bars 21
Size of Coarse Screen-Width 1.3 m
Size of Coarse Screen-Length 4 m
Velocity in Channal u/s of Screen 0.54
Velocity through Screen 0.65
Head Loss No Clogging 0.006 m
Velocity when 50% clogging 1.29 m/sec
Head Loss when 50% clogging 0.070 m
Peak Flow 0.65 M3/sec
Nos of screen(Each for handling peak flow) 2 Nos
Velocity(taking) through screen, Assume 0.8 M/sec
Area 0.81 M2
Depth of flow taken 0.7 Mtr.
Hence width of opening 1.16 Mtr.
No of Openings 78
No of Bars 77
Width of Channal 1928
Angle of inclination with the horizontal 75 degree
Clear opening between adjacent bars of screen 15 mm
Bars thickness of screen 10 mm x50mm

Taking width of screen 2000 mm

Nos of opening will be 80 Nos
Nos of bars(10 mm thickness) 79 Nos
Free Board 0.6 m
Sin (Angle of Inclination with horizontal) 0.966
Inclined length of Screen 1.35 m
Length of chamber before screen 1.5 m
Total Length of chamber 2.85
Total width of channel 2 Mtr.
Velocity in Channal u/s of Screen 0.47 m/sec
Velocity through Screen 0.77 m/sec
Head Loss through screen 0.019 m
Velocity through screen when 50% clogged 1.542
Head Loss when 50% clogging 0.110
Size-2.85 (L)x2(W)x1.7(D)
Two grit removal tank (1 w +1 S) each capable of handling peak flow, will be
provided. They are designed to remove grit particle of size of 0.15 mm size and
above with a specific gravity of 2.3

Q/A=VS x n/(1-η)-n-1
Where-η-Desired efficiency of removal of grit particle

VS -settling velocity of minimum size of grit particle to be removed

Q/A--Design surface overflow rate applicable for grit chamber to be designed
n-an index which a measure of the basin performance

Here η value taken 75 %

Say 0.75
Here VS value taken 1225 m3/m2/day
Here n value taken-1/8(for very good performance) 0.13
Hence surface over flow 806.42 m3/m2/day
Say 810 m3/m2/day
This Q/A value has to be reduced to allow for 10.00% %
deposition of sand during sand strom by
Then design overflow rate 729 m3/m2/day
Peak flow(m3/day) 56250 (m3/day)
Hence area required for peak flow 77.16 m2
Each side of square grit chamber 8.78 mtr.
Hence provide tank length 9.00 mtr.
Hence provide tank Width 9 mtr.
Detention time taken is 1 minute
Depth of tank will be 0.48 mtr.
However in order to provide adequate depth for the 0.9 mtr.
grit scraping mechanism, increase to
This gives detention time is 1.87 minute
the detention time of 1.87(slightly higher) minute is immaterial for mechanically
cleaned grit removal tank
Hence size of grit removal chamber is 9 x9x0.9
Flow height above, H 0.12 m


Peak flow 0.65 M3/sec
velocity taken 0.8 M/sec
Area required 0.81 m2
Depth taken 0.7 mtr.
Then width of channel will be 1.16 mtr.
No of Anaerobic ponds to provide flexibility in O&M of 3 Nos
these ponds
Each handling flow of(25000m3 per day/3) 8333 (m3/day)
say 8333 (m3/day)
Volume of anaerobic pond V=Li xQ/λ
Li-Raw sewage BOD(1000 XB/q) 300 mg/l
Q- average flow 8333 (m3/day)
λ- volumetric BOD loading(Range between 100-400 gm/m3/day)
λ=20T-100(as per MEAFNRCD)
T=mean temperature in coldest month in 0C (The manual by 13.89
DANIDA ENRECA suggests T as mean in coldest month or
quarter. In quarter it is 15.55)

hence λ is 177.8 kg/ha/day

Hence Volume of tank(V) 14061 m3
Detention time 1.69 day
Detention time of 2 days or more is desirable to achieve 2.00 day
sufficient BOD removal
Hence Volume of each tank (V) 16667 m3
Hence Volumetric BOD loading(λ) is 150 gm/m3/day
BOD removal efficiency(in %)=2T+20 47.78 %
For liquid depth 4 mtr.
Area at mid depth 4167 m2
Length shall be L=2B
Hence mid depth width B=(area/2)1/2 45.6 mtr.
Hence mid length L- 91.3 mtr.
Side slope of pond is 1V :2.5 H 2.5 mtr.
Depth for Sludge 1 mtr.
bottom below Mid depth 2.5 mtr.
Free Board 1 mtr.
Top of embankment above mid depth 3.5
Hence total top length(L) 108.8 mtr.
Hence total top width(W) 63.1 mtr.
Area at top 6869 m2
Hence total bottom length (L) 78.8 mtr.
Hence total bottom width(W) 33.1 mtr.
Area at Bottom 2611 m2
Provide three anaerobic pond each of 108.8mx63.1m at top surface and
78.8mx33.1 m surface at bottom


Nomber of Tanks 2 No
Average flow in each tank 12500 cum/sec
BOD enter at Facultative pond after 2 days detention period 156.66 mg/l
at anaerobic pond
Minimum mean monthly temperature 0c 13.89
Volumetric BoD loading:-
λs=350 x(1.107-0.002T)(T-20) this value of BOD loading rate 219.67 kg/ha/day
recommended as MEAFNRCD( Refer DANIDA)
λs=60(1.099)^T (Refer Jodhpur design) 222.64
λs=20 T-120 157.80
λs=20T-60 217.80
λs=375-6.25L, where L-latitude(28.73), Refer manual 195.44 kg/ha/day
Correction for above MSL=(1+(3 x10-5)xE)
where E is elevation in meters= 210 1.0063
then λs is 194.21 kg/ha/day
Influent BOD to facultative pond 156.66 mg/l
value of λs is considered recommended as MEAFNRCD 219.67 kg/ha/day
From equation (as per world bank paper) facultative mid depth area can be calculated
A=10 x Li x Q/λs
A-facultative area at mid depth in m2
Li-influent BOD concentration in mg/l, Li is BOD to be

Effluent to be used for restricted irrigation as such 100 75

effluent BOD is ok however on safe side design for effluent
BOD of

Li= 81.66
then A is 85356 M2
Divide the area in two ponds(area of each facultative pond) 42678 M2
at middle of tank
Take L=2B
Then width B=(A/2)1/2 146 M
Then L is at mid depth 292 M
Hence area at mid depth is 42678 M2
Adopt liquid depth 1 m
Adopt depth for sludge 0.5 m
Adopt Free Board 1 m
Total Depth of tank 2.5
Area at bottom embankment slope H/V 2.5
Length at bottom 285.9 m
width at bottom 139.8 m
Hence area at bottom is - 39978 m2
Length at top including 1.0 mt free board 298.4 m
width at top including 1.0 mt free board 152.3 m
Area at top including 1.0 mtr free board- 45456 m2

Volume of pond V=h/6(S0+4S1+S2)

h-height(liquid depth) 1.5 m
S0-area at top 45456 m2
S1-area at mid water depth 42678 m2
S2-area at bottom 39978 m2
Hence V of each tank is 64037 m3
Then detention time of each tank is 5.12 days
Total detention time of anaerobic + facultative pond is 7.12 days
Total area of ll afacultative ponds at top 90912 m2
Total area of all anaerobic ponds at top 20608 m2
Total area 111520 m2
Assuming footprint area of units as % of total area 60.00% %
Hence total area is- 185867 sqm
Hence total area in hectare taken as 18.59 hactare
Total BOD removal in facultative pond 81.66 mg/l
Hence Effluent BOD is 75 mg/l
Sludge Storage andCleaning requirement
Population equivalent at 108 LPCD waste 231481
cum per
For anaerobic pond sludge volume 0.04 capita/year
For anaerobic pond sludge volume 9259.26 cum/year
Sludge volume provided in all anaerobic ponds 8692.08 cum
Cleaning required period 1.07 years
say 1 years
Distribution tank for Anaerobic Pond
Consider one anerobic pond not working,
Flow height above weir, H
Q per tank 0.325520833 cum/sec
Assume weir length 1.5 m
H 0.24 m
Allow free fall of 0.1 m
Total Head loss 0.34 m
Free Board 0.30 m
Pipe from distribution tank to anaerobic pond inlet
Flow when one tank not working 0.33 cum/sec
Pipe dia 0.75 m
velocity of flow 0.74 m/sec
Length of pipe 60.00 m
head loss flq^2/10*d^5 0.027 m
entry/exit loss 0.042 m
Total Losses 0.068 m
Overflow Weir for Inlet to Anaerobic Pond
Flow when one tank not working 0.326 cum/sec
Length of weir 3m
Flow height above weir, H
,Q=(2/3)*Cd*L*H^1.5*((2g)^.5),Cd=.6 0.15 m
Allow free fall 0.1 m
Total Head loss 0.25 m
Pipe from Anaerobic Pond Inlet to Anaerobic Pond
Peak Flow when one tank not working 0.326 cum/sec
Pipe dia 0.750 m
velocity in pipe 0.74 m/sec
Length of pipe 40.00 m
head loss flq^2/10*d^5 0.018 m
entry/exit loss 0.042 m
Total Losses 0.059 m
Overflow Weir for Inlet to Facultative Pond
Average flow when one tank not working 0.145 cum/sec
Length of weir
Flow height above weir, H 3 m
,Q=(2/3)*Cd*L*H^1.5*((2g)^.5),Cd=.6 0.09 m
Allow free fall 0.1 m
Total Head loss 0.19 m
Half flow from one anaerobic pond, Length of weir 1.50 m
Pipe from Facultative Pond Inlet to Facultative Pond
Average flow when one tank not working 0.145 cum/sec
Pipe Dia 0.600 m
velocity of flow 0.51 m/sec
Length of pipe 40.00 m
head loss flq^2/10*d^5 0.011 m
entry/exit loss 0.020 m
Total Losses 0.031 m
Overflow Weir for Outlet to Facultative Pond
Average flow 0.145 cum/sec
Length of weir
Flow height above weir, H 3 m
,Q=(2/3)*Cd*L*H^1.5*((2g)^.5),Cd=.6 0.09 m
Allow free fall 0.1 m
Total Head loss 0.19 m
Pipe from Facultative Pond outlet to Outlet Chamber 1
Average flow 0.145 cum/sec
Assume pipe dia 0.600 m
velocity of flow 0.51 m/sec
Length of pipe 40.00 m
head loss flq^2/10*d^5 0.011 m
entry/exit loss 0.020 m
Total Losses 0.031 m
Pipe from outlet Chamber 1to outlet Chamber 2
Flow 0.145 cum/sec
Assume pipe dia 0.600 m
velocity of flow 0.51 m/sec
Length of pipe 40.00 m
head loss flq^2/10*d^5 0.011 m
entry/exit loss 0.020 m
Total Losses 0.031 m
Pipe from Outlet Chamber 2 to Sewage Pump House
Flow 0.289 cum/sec
Pipe dia 0.80 m
velocity 0.58
Length of pipe 160.00 m
head loss flq^2/10*d^5 0.041 m
entry/exit loss 0.025 m
Total Losses 0.066 m
Alternately Provide channal
Velocity 1.0 m/sec
Area 0.289 sqm
Taking, Width=2*Height, H= 0.4 m
Width 0.8 m
Slope required, V=1/n*R^.67*S*.5, n=0.013, S= 0.000090
say 0.1 in 1000
Sewage pumping for Irrigation and Disposal
Flow 0.289 cum/sec
Flow in LPS 289.35 LPS
say 290.00 LPS
Head 15.00 m
Pump working 2.00 No
Pump stand bye 2.00 No
Flow in each pump 145.00 lps
pump efficiency 60.00 %
Pump KW 35.54 KW
Motor KW 39.09
Say 40.00
Total No of pumps working + stand by 4.00
Delivery Pipe velocity 0.75 m/sec
Pipe Area for combined flow of two pumps 0.387 sqm
Pipe dia 0.702 m
Say 750 mm
Pipe dia of delivery for each pump, velocity 2.25 m/sec
Pipe Dia 0.29 m
Say 300 mm
Suction Pipe dia 250 mm
Sump for Effluent pumping station
flow 25 MLD
Sump storage 30 minutes
Sump Capacity 521 cum
Sump depth 4 m
Sump Dia 12.88 m
Provide Sump Dia 13.00 m
Sump Capacity Provided 531 cum
Free Board
F=(log10 A)^.5-1, F= 1.16
Wave height,H, (g*H)/V^2=.0026((gFe/V^2)^0.47, Fe is
fetch,V is wind velocity, H= 0.06
Faecal Coliform Removal
Ne/Ni=1/(1+ktθa)(1+Ktθf), Ni=5*10^7, Ne= 2798412.9
Kt=2.6(1.19)^(T-20), T=13.89, kt= 0.898
Helminth Removal
R % removal=100(1-0.14 Exp(-0.38θ)) 99.33 %
R % removal as per the table in book by DANIDA 98.6 %

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