Lecture 7 Disinfection
Lecture 7 Disinfection
Lecture 7 Disinfection
Conventional Surface Water Treatment
Raw water
Screening Filtration
sludge sludge
Coagulation Cl2 Disinfection
Flocculation Storage
Sedimentation Distribution
Requirement of Drinking Water?
Completely free of any pathogenic microorganism
(a) Simple storage in glass containers - effective but not very practical
pH of water
Concentration of chlorine
Contact time
Temperature of water.
Ca(OCl)2: 70% available chlorine
NaOCl: 5-15% available chlorine
Ca(OCl)2 Ca+2 + 2OCl- (hypochlorite ion)
NaOCl Na+ + OCl-
If ammonia is present in water, monochloramine, dichloramine and nitrogen trichloride
are formed according to the following reactions:
NHCl2 Good disinfectant but nasty to taste in water. NCl3 is particularly offensive.
The killing power or power to disinfect is regarded as proportional to the product of
available chlorine.
Free available chlorine is effective in a concentration of 0.05 mg/L for a contact period
Total residual chlorine = sum of free available chlorine + combined available chlorine.
Chlorination Curve
the remaining chloramines will be oxidized to nitrous oxide (N2O) and N2 and the chlorine
will be reduced to chloride ion.
With continuous addition of chlorine, most of the chloramines will be oxidizes at the
NH2Cl + NHCL2 +HOCl = 4HCl • Continues addition of chlorine past the
4NH2Cl + HOCl = N2 + N2O + 10HCL breakpoint will result in a directly
2NH2Cl + HOCl = N2 + H20 +3HCl proportional increase in the available
Pre-chlorination: application of chlorine prior to any other treatment. This is done frequently
for the purpose of controlling algae, taste and odour. Pre-chlorination reduces the bacterial
load on the treatment process and oxidizes organic matter present in raw water.
filtration. Application of chlorine after all other treatments is the standard practice in
chlorination of water supply.
Double chlorination: It is the application of chlorine at two points in the treatment process.
chlorine to water. The dose may vary from less than 1 to 2 ppm. The method is
effective in destroying high concentrations of taste, odour or organic pollutants in
water. In case of water pollution during floods and cyclones super chlorination is
used to destroy excessive bacterial pollution.
Break point chlorination: addition of chlorine at the break point. It is also termed
pH influences effectiveness
Not effective against Cryptosporidium and limited effectiveness against Giardia lamblia
Reactions with natural organic matter (NOM) can result in the formation of undesirable
THMs or DBPs.
The hazards of handling chlorine gas require special equipment and safety programs.
If site conditions require high chlorine doses, taste and odor problems may arise.
Chlorination Process
Widely used in Europe
O3 is chemically unstable
Must be produced on site
More expensive than chlorine (2 - 3 times)
Typical dosages range from 1.0 to 5.3 mg/L (kg/1000 m3 of water)
Often followed by chlorination so that the chlorine can provide a residual protective.
Ozone Chemistry
𝑂3 + 𝐻2 𝑂 → 𝐻𝑂3+ + 𝑂𝐻 −
𝐻𝑂3+ + 𝑂𝐻 − → 2𝐻𝑂2
𝑂3 + 𝐻𝑂2 → 𝐻𝑂 + 2𝑂2
𝐻𝑂 + 𝐻𝑂2 → 𝐻2 𝑂 + 𝑂2
The free redicals formed HO2 and HO have great oxidizing power and are probably the
active form in the disinfection process.
Effective of Ozone
Extremely reactive oxidant
Does not produce dissolved solids and is not affected by ammonia ion or pH
No residual remains
Ozone is chemically unstable, must produce onside and used immediately
Ozone has low solubility in water, so it must be mixed thoroughly with water to ensure
adequate mixing.
Cost is about 2-3 times higher than cost of chlorination.
Ozone normally leaves no measureable residual, it is necessary to use
small amounts of chlorine after ozonation to provide continuous protection
against re-growth of microorganisms in the distribution system.
Ozone is increasingly being used for disinfecting drinking water supplies in
developed countries.
The high installation and operation costs and the need for constant power
supply are discouraging for its use in developing countries.
UV Disinfection
UV Disinfection
Widely used in bottle water industries and small scale water industry
UV does not introduce any chemicals into the water and causes little or no
chemical change in water.
Therefore, overdosing does not cause any water quality problems.
It leaves no residual, it can serve only as a primary disinfectant and must
be followed by some form of chemical secondary disinfection, generally
chlorine or chloramine.
Characteristics of UV Disinfection
Short contact time of 1 to 10 seconds. Ozone and chlorine require 10-50 minutes for large
reaction tanks.
UV radiation can be run on a flow-through basis.
Destroys most viruses and bacteria without chemical additives.
Leaves no residual disinfection potential in the water so that, for water entering a
distribution system, light chlorination is still needed to provide prolonged disinfection.
Low overall installation costs. Ozone generators are expensive. Chlorine metering
systems are not especially expensive, but large reaction tanks and safety systems are
high cost items.
Not influenced by pH or temperature. Chlorination and ozonation work best at lower pH.
Chlorination and ozonation both require longer contact time at lower temperatures.
No toxic residues, thus formation of THMs or other DBPs is minimal.
Necessity of having clear water (turbidity free)
No odor, or taste problems and need no chemical to add.
Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)
DBPs include the following, not all of which pose health risks:
Halogenated organic compounds, such as trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids,
haloketones, and other halogenated compounds that are formed primarily when chlorine
or ozone (in the presence of bromide ion) are used for disinfection.
Organic oxidation byproducts, such as aldehydes, ketones, assimilable organic carbon
(AOC), and biodegradable organic carbon (BDOC). The latter two DBPs result from
large organic molecules being oxidized to smaller molecules, which are more available
to microbes, plant, and aquatic life as a nutrient source. Oxidized organics are formed
when strong oxidizing agents (ozone, permanganate, chlorine dioxide, or hydroxyl
radical) are used.
Inorganic compounds, such as chlorate, chlorite, and bromate ions. These are formed
when chlorine dioxide and ozone disinfectants are used.
Strategies for Controlling Disinfection Byproducts
Once formed, DBPs are difficult to remove from a water supply. Therefore, DBP
control is focused on preventing their formation. Chief control measures for DBPs
and oxidation
Moving the disinfection step later in the treatment train, so that it comes after all
The residual cannot be less than 0.2 mg/L for more than 4 h during periods when
water is being served to the public.
Anytime the residual falls below this level, the water system must notify the state.
Systems serving a population of less than 3,300 may take grab samples on an
ongoing basis in place of continuous monitoring.