The Relationship Between Primary School Students' Scientific Literacy Levels and Scientific Process Skills

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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 495 – 500

CY-ICER 2012

The relationship between primary school students’ scientific literacy

levels and scientific process skills

Volkan Hasan Kaya a, Dilber Bahceci b, Yasemin Godek Altuk c *

Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara, 06500, Turkey
Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Kırşehir,40100, Turkey
Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Kırşehir, 40100, Turkey


The main aim of this research is to explore the relationship between scientific literacy levels and scientific process skills of
primary school students. It has been carried out with 24 students of 6th grade, 21 students of 7th grade and 25 students of 8th
grade, aggregating to a total of 70 students participating in this research. According to the results, 7th grade students’ scientific
literacy levels and scientific process skills were more positive than that of the other grades. According to the grades, no
significant difference was found between scientific literacy levels and scientific process skills of students. Furthermore, a highly
positive and meaningful relationship between the scores of scientific process skills and scientific literacy levels has been
© 2012
© 2012 Published
Published by
Ltd.Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Keywords: Scientific literacy, scientific process skills

1. Introduction

Understanding science is understanding life. Whereas, understanding life is a life-long continuous process of
change in our lives. Formal learning process should not be restricted to classrooms; it should contain examples of
life and even should contain life itself. Accordingly, a restructuring of the educational system in Turkey has been
recently initiated. If an individual is to be scientifically literate, his/her interest in, and awareness of science should
be promoted in earlier ages. In other words, scientific literacy inoculated to individuals at an early age, will provide
the individuals with the opportunity to extend their point of views in their future lives. The purposes of scientific
literacy are for the use of knowledge and skills gained by students in basic courses, where and when they are
needed, analyzing a variety of problems, reason, and effectively presenting the results obtained(MEB, 2003). It is
expected from individuals to detect and identify the social problems they face and find solutions to these problems
to a certain extent (Aktamış & Ergin, 2007). Scientific literacy can be expressed as science literacy or science and
technology literacy (Keskin, 2008). Science and Technology literacy is accepted as he adequacy of a citizen who
requires to think rational about science and the personal, social and economic problems (Yetişir, 2007).
Additionally, the principle of problem solving is to learn to gain science process skills (Aktamış & Ergin, 2007).
Acquiring the scientific process skills facilitates access to scientific information (Başdağ, 2006). In today's

*Yasemin Gödek Altuk.Tel.: +0-090-5366490772


1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.687
496 Volkan Hasan Kaya / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 495 – 500

educational process, gaining scientific thinking skills is crucial. In particular, important responsibilities concerning
teaching of scientific process skills are vested in the stakeholders of science education in our country
2005). For this reason, science process skills should be included in the science curriculums. As the basis of
analytical thinking, scientific process skills are lifelong learning process which we use in constructing knowledge
and in problem solving
In literature, stressed the importance of the teaching of science process skills, but this has not
been sufficiently implemented in most countries. pointed out thatin 4th,
5th,6th, 7thand8thclasses, rather than the combined process skills importance has been given to the basic scientific
process skills. In particular, observation, comparison, and inference skills were emphasized, while classification,
estimation, measurement, and communication skills were less highlighted. Regarding the combined scientific
process skills, more emphasis on data collection, its interpretation, conducting experiments and designing models
was given. Even though scientific process skills were included in the science curriculum, the combined scientific
process skills were less emphasized in the objectives of the lesson. have analyzed the
Elementary Science Education Curriculum of 2000, to find out whether it targeted the
scientific process skills. They came to the conclusion that the 2000 science education curriculum was not sufficient
in the development of primary school . students should
be taught in scientific process skills, together with the information itself and the methods of obtaining the
information. curriculums of 2000 and 2004 in terms of the scientific
process skills included, and found that the 2004scienceandtechnology education curriculum to be more successful
than the 2000 science education curriculum .
The main aim of this research is to determine the relationship between primary second grade
literacy levels and their science process skills. Therefore, the main research questions guiding this research are:
1. What are the scientific literacy levels of students of Science and Technology lesson?
2. Is there any significant difference in 6th, 7thand8thclass students in terms of their scientific process skills?
3. Is there any significant difference in 6th, 7thand8thclass students in terms of their scientific literacy levels?
4. Is there any significant relation between 6th, 7thand8th scientific process skills and scientific
literacy levels?

2. Method

The Survey method was implemented in this descriptive study. This kind of research is carried out in their
natural environment to collect first-hand data (original data) ( . Survey research is used to determine
the characteristics of a group 6th, 7thand
8 class students of the primary schools in the
determined by "random sampling method". The basis of random sampling method is based on the rule of neutrality.
This rule provides for each unit in the sample independently of each other; with each unit within the universe having
an equal chance of being selected. This study has been carried out with 24 students of 6th grade, 21
students of 7th grade and 25 students of 8th grade, aggregating to a total of 70 students participating in this research.
developed by Enger and Yager (1998) and translated into Turkish by

in this research. The analysis has been conducted with the SPSS package program.

3. Findings

3.1. The scientific literacy levels of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students

positive than the other grades (Table 1).Both the scientific literacy levels (X=79) and scientific process skills (X=62)
of 7th grade students were higher than that of the other classes. Averages of both scientific literacy levels and the
scientific process skills of the 8th grade students were lower than the total averages. According to the grades, no
significant difference was found between scientific literacy levels and scientific process skills of students.
Volkan Hasan Kaya / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 495 – 500 497

Table 1: BOY levels and BSB scores

Measurement Grades n X S Se Minimum Maximum

6 24 77,25 16,67 3,40 20,00 97,00
The Scientific 7 22 78,50 9,61 2,05 56,00 95,00
literacy levels
(BOY) 8 24 69,21 18,53 3,78 31,00 100,00
Total 70 74,89 15,89 1,90 20,00 100,00
6 24 61,25 16,80 3,43 27,00 88,00
The scientific 7 22 62,14 14,66 3,13 42,00 88,00
process skills
(BSB) 8 24 60,54 21,18 4,32 23,00 100,00
Total 70 61,29 17,59 2,10 23,00 100,00

3.2. The scientific literacy levels and the scientific process skills of students
Statistical comparisons were made by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures and
Scheffe'stest. The findings are shown in Tables 2 and 3.
Table 2: The ANOVA results of BOY levels and BSB scores

Source of Sum of Mean

Measurement sd F P Significant difference
variance squares square
1195,127 2 597,564
The scientific Within-
16223,96 67 242,149 2,468 ,092
literacy levels group
Total 17419,09 69
29,236 2 14,618
Within- ,046 ,955
The scientific 21319,05 67 318,195
process skills group

Total 21348,29 69


The results of the analysis show that there is a mathematical difference between the students' scientific literacy
levels and scientific process skills, whereas this difference does not constitute a statistically significant difference
(FBOY (2, 67) = 2, 47 p >.01; FBSB (2, 67) = 0, 46, p >.01). According to the results of Scheffe test, the scientific
literacylevels of 7th grades (X= 78,50) and 6th grades (X= 77,25) were more positive than that of the 8th grades (X=

It might be stated that 7th class students were scientifically more literate than the other class levels. Similarly,
according to the results of Scheffe test, the scientific process skills of the 7th (X= 62,14) and 6th grades (X= 61,25),
were more positive than that of the 8th grades (X=60,54). The scientific process skills scores of the 7th grades were
higher than that of the other class levels, therefore, this might be interpreted to as that in terms of the scientific
process skills, 7th grade students are more successful than the others.
498 Volkan Hasan Kaya / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 495 – 500

Table 3: The Scheffe test results of BOY levels and BSB scores

The average 95%

(I) (J)
Measurement difference Se p Confidence
class class
(I-J) interval
6 7 -1,25 4,59 0,96 -12,75 10,25
8 8,04 4,49 0,21 -3,20 19,29
The scientific 7 6 1,25 4,59 0,96 -10,25 12,75
literacylevels 8 9,29 4,59 0,14 -2,21 20,79
8 6 -8,04 4,49 0,21 -19,29 3,20
7 -9,29 4,59 0,14 -20,79 2,21
6 7 -0,89 5,27 0,99 -14,07 12,29
8 0,71 5,15 0,99 -12,18 13,60
The scientific 7 6 0,89 5,27 0,99 -12,29 14,07
process Scheffe
8 1,59 5,27 0,96 -11,59 14,78
8 6 -0,71 5,15 0,99 -13,60 12,18
7 -1,59 5,27 0,96 -14,78 11,59

3.3. The correlation between the scores of the scientific literacy levels test and the scientific process skills test
As Table 4 shows, there is a positive and significant relationship between the scientific literacy levels and the
scores scientific process skills (r = 0.855, p < .01). According to this, it might be stated that there is a direct
correlation between the scores of scientific process skills and the levels of scientific literacy. In other words, any
work done to improve the scientific process skills will contribute to the student's scientific literacy.

Table 4: The correlation between the BOY levels and the BSB scores

The scientificliteracylevels The scientific process skills

Simple correlation 1
The scientific
N 70
Simple correlation ,855(**) 1
The scientific
p ,000
process skills
N 70 70
** p< 0.01

4. Discussion

Research results show that, there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between the levels of
scientific literacy and the scores of scientific process skills.In supporting this finding, a study conducted with
students' scientific process skills and their attitudes towards Science. Keskin (2008) found a positive and significant
relationship between the level of students' scientific literacy and their achievements in science and technology
lesson. In this study, both, 7th grade students' levels of scientific literacy and the scores of scientific process skills
were more positive than that of the other grade students. In terms of grades, there was no significant difference
However, (2007)
determined significant differences between the levels of the scientific process skills of 6th, 7th and 8th classes.
According to the class-level variable, significant differences in physics student
teachers' levels of scientific process skills.

skills were more positive than that of the 8th grade students. This may be due to the fact that 7th grade students do
not have as much exam anxiety as 8th grade students have. Therefore exam anxiety may prevent the development of
(2007) also reported that during exam preparations, 8th grade
Volkan Hasan Kaya / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 495 – 500 499

students have to solve more knowledge-based questions; this situation might impede the development of students'
science process skills.

5. Conclusions and Suggestions

ific process skills were more positive than

that of the other grades. According to the grades, there was no significant difference between scientific literacy
levels and scientific process skills. There was a mathematical difference but no statistically significant difference
between the students' scientific literacy levels and scientific process skills. A positive and a significant relationship
between the scientific literacy levels and the scores of scientific process skills could be accounted. This was
interpreted to as a direct correlation between the scores of scientific process skills and the levels of scientific

literacy levels. However, the scientific process skills may not develop quickly; up to a year as soon as possible.
During the lessons, teachers should Teachers' efforts in
this direction should be encouraged and hono

ific process skills.



Teknikleri ve Rapor Yazma,Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.

endirilmesi, Ankara,

retim-Online, 2(1), 42 51.



retim-Online, 7-17.

MEB. (2003). PISA 2003 Projesi Ulusal Nihai Rapor,

500 Volkan Hasan Kaya / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 495 – 500

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