A Report On Management Education and Inclusive Growth in India Perspectives and Challenge
A Report On Management Education and Inclusive Growth in India Perspectives and Challenge
A Report On Management Education and Inclusive Growth in India Perspectives and Challenge
Growth of
No. of Institutions
70 1200 60
60 49 49
50 36 38 40
. of Progrmmes
40 28
7 12 1000
1995 1997there
1998has been
1999a proposal
2000 2001
for the foreign
2002 university
2003 to come2006
2004 2005
over India and to start its operations. This has both the boon as well as the bane.
If we talk about the positives then it willYears
generate revenue as there will be
ample number of foreign students getting admitted and also it will retain our
Indian students who wish to fly abroad for a good brand university program.
This will enhance competition in the domestic market which will boost up the
standards and overall quality of our education system.
In the U.S. each year of education costs approximately, $50,000 or Rs. 25
lakhs. If India builds good universities with high quality residences for students
and advertise globally, India can give this market tough competition. If India
charges tuition fees of Rs. 5 lakhs per annum from foreign students, then with
all other overheads a student can get quality education for Rs. 8 lakhs per
annum, which is one third the cost in the U.S. There is clearly a huge
comparative advantage in this and the scheme can attract lots of students to
India. This can bring in a large infusion of money, which can make it possible
for the Indian government to subsidize the higher education of Indian students
and vastly expand the number of Indian students.
On the other side there are some problems which may arise would be it
may increase the present demand of quality faculties which are already short in
number. The foreign players may fix a high remuneration to attract the Brand B
school faculties which may liquidate the quality of the faculties in the premier B
Schools of India.
Rating and accrediting agencies have to focus on the lower end of the
spectrum of Business schools, so that there is stringent enforcement of quality
standards, leading hopefully to closure of substandard teaching shops.
This is for the Indian talent who are recruited for overseas jobs. Data says
that African and Central Asian countries recruit people from India for banking,
insurance and general management jobs. With foreign companies making a
beeline to India in search of markets, the opportunities in the management
sector are increasing. Many companies increasingly desire leaders who have the
ability to live successfully in a variety of countries and work with the co-
workers of varying cultural backgrounds, especially Asia.
These can be possible by the following initiatives
Exchange program (students and faculty)
Research collaboration
Possible new initiatives
Joint executive education programs
For these process to be successful, a strong Public Private Partnership
programme is needed to accelerate the capacity building and quality improving
initiatives for education in India. Govt should come out with inviting proposals
for the private (both local as well as foreign) investment in the education sector.