Md. Azmir Latif Msc. in Textile Engineer
Md. Azmir Latif Msc. in Textile Engineer
Md. Azmir Latif Msc. in Textile Engineer
Azmir Latif
MSc. in Textile Engineer
An air-jet loom is a shuttleless modern
loom that uses a jet of air to propel the
weft yarn through the shed. It is one of
two types of fluid-jet looms, the other
being a water-jet loom, which was
developed previously.
Machine Type – Plus
Machine Sub Type- OMNI Plus 800
Maximum machine speed- 850
Leno Type: e- Leno
Sand roller Circumference – 534
Sumo motor Drop wire and Dropper bar.
Pre-winder( weft Feeder) Leno selvedge attachment
Cam with cam box. (e- Leno)
Lever and Puller. Main nozzle (Fixed &
Relay nozzle
Easing arm
Back rest
ELSY(Electric Leno Selvedge
Take up roller System)
Cloth roller Batcher
Catch Cord Pressure control regulator
Weft cutter PFT
Waste cutter Balloon Breaker
Filling detector Waste winder
Disk type tensioner Bobbin break sensor
Electrical boards
MCB(Master control Board
AIB (Air Insulation Board )
TRIAX-2 Board
DDMP (Direct Drive
Microprocessor )
LDEC (Loom drive
Electronic Controller )
Primary motions Tertiary Motion
Shedding Auto Warp stop Motion
Auto Weft stop Motion
Batcher motion
Beat Up
Brake motion
Secondary motions
Let off
Take up
Possible Shedding Shedding Devices
mechanisms in Picanol
Heald Frame &
Omni+ 800
Heald Wire
Cam Shedding
Shedding Cam
Dobby Shedding
Repeat gear
Bevel gear
ELSY (for selvedge)
Jack Lever
Parameters 22° to 34°
Shed Angle 72-87 mm
Harness Frame 1-6
Height -7 to +5
Back Rest Depth
-8 to +19
Drop Wire Bar
Back Rest Height
Mechanism of shedding
1. Sumo motor 5. Jack Lever
Left ( Contain 14
Right ( Contain
rest of the
Air Pressure:
Main line pressure
7 to 9 Bar Required
Main valve pressure
Up to 6 Bar
Auxiliary valve pressure
5 to 6 Bar (Fixed)
Left relay valve pressure
Up to 5.5 Bar (Depends on Weft yarn Count & M/C RPM)
Right Relay valve pressure
Up to 0.5 Bar more than left relay valve pressure
Compressor &
Receiver tank
Air dryer
Main line filter
Sub-micron filter
Micro mist filter
Compressing Equipments: Functions:
Compressor & Filter To collect raw air,
separate large
particles & compress
the air.
Receiver Tank
Store compressed air
for preventing
pressure pulsation,
separate moisture,
Air dryer grease & other
A refrigerating air
dryer is used to
remove moisture
Compressing Equipments: Functions:
Main line filter Removes 3-5 micron
size foreign
Sub- micron filter particles.
Removes 0.3-1
micron size
Micro mist filter substances such as
tar & Carbon.
Reservoir Remove 0.01 micron
size particles, e.g.
To reserve the
filtered air
Cam beat up Profile Reed is
590 DM
652 DM
739 DM
985 DM
869 DM
787 DM
1190 DM
1085 DM
931 DM
=2.15 KN
Connecting a warp beam with ELO
Take up is done
Take up is synchronized
with the let off motion
with the help of a servo
Take up = Late off+
crimp %
Servo motor drives the
emery roller Fig: Emery roller driven by servo
Warp Stop motion
It is constituted with
drop wire and
When drop wire fall
(due to breakage of
warp) on the contact
bar a electronic
circuit and send a
signal to stop the
Weft stop motion
Filling yarn is detected
by a filling detector.
FD is constructed with a
light emitting diode and
photo electric sensor .
The filling yarn interrupt
the continuity of light
and photo electric sensor
convert it into a
electronic signal.
Other stoppage:
Bobbin breakage
Leno breakage
Catch cord breakage
Batcher stop
Machine brake
Motors used in Picanol
Omni+ 800 Air jet Loom:
Sumo Motor
Hydraulic Motor
Cutter Motor
ELCA Motor
ELSY Motor
PFT Motor
ETU Motor
ELO Motor
E-leno Motor
Pre-winder Motor
According to the Maintenance Plan:
need and urgency, Daily Maintenance
the maintenance Weekly Maintenance
plan is divided
General Periodic
according to a
Maintenance (3 to 6
certain period on
the time scale.
maintenance in the
long term (6 to 12
Daily Maintenance: Greasing points:
Oiling (Harness Sley -2 points
guides) Long lever-2 points
Greasing (16 points Let-off gear-1 points
for 3/1 twill, 15 Tension roller-4
points for 2/1 twill) points
Free roller-2 points
Jack lever 4 points
for 3/1 twill, 3
points for 2/1 twill.
Easing connector
No. Lubricant Brand Type