The Enactment of JP17 20180305 Eng NAL
The Enactment of JP17 20180305 Eng NAL
The Enactment of JP17 20180305 Eng NAL
March 7, 2016
Necessary improvement is conducted for the new Pharmacopoeia based on “Basic principles
for the formulation of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia Seventeenth Edition” ( The report of the
Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council on July 13, 2011) for adapting to the
improvement of medicine and pharmacy, and harmonizing with the standards of other nations.
Besides “Preface”, key points of the new Pharmacopoeia also include the following content,
which should be paid attention to.
1 In the new Pharmacopoeia, The text referred to by the term “as follows” are omitted in the
official bulletin and made available for public exhibition at each Prefectural Office in Japan
refers to General Notice, General Rules for Crude Drugs, General Rules for Preparations,
General Tests, Drug Monographs, Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra and Infrared
Reference Spectra.
IV. Others
4 Transitional period
For the purpose of this revision, guidance on taking necessary measures for applications for
partial changes of approval items, etc. should be carried out until September 30, 2017.
Besides, the standards stipulated in the new Pharmacopoeia should be promptly implemented
to prevent contradiction with Paragraph 50 (Recorded items of immediate containers, etc.),
Paragraph 55 (Selling, granting forbidden, etc.) and Paragraph 56 (Sales, production
forbidden, etc.) of the law (Law No. 145,1960) for ensuring the quality, effectiveness and
safety of drugs and medical devices.