Pre-Drill Planning Saves Money: Integrity

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Pre-drill planning saves money

Modeling geomechanical stresses can
reduce operational headaches.

Andrew D. K. Brehm and Chris D. Ward,
GeoMechanics International Inc.

tuck drill pipe. Lost circulation.
Everybody wants to avoid the
millions of dollars and hundreds
of manhours that can be lost as a result
of wellbore instability and lost
circulation problems. Fortunately,
today’s operators are increasingly
recognizing that they have a weapon
for controlling these issues and
keeping budget and unforeseen
problems under control by using
comprehensive geomechanical models Figure 1. Core model components are essential to responsible geomechanical modeling.
for effective pre-drill planning and (Image courtesy of GeoMechanics International Inc.)
superior casing design.

Traditional or optimal?
Traditional casing design and mud
weight selection relies upon predicted then refines as data permits. Core determines the type of geomechanical
pore pressures and empirically components are shown in Figure 1. faulting stress regime.
determined fracture gradients. These components ultimately lead to The orientation of these stresses also
Adjustments to the resulting mud guidance regarding mud weights has an impact on the position of the
weights and casing points come solely needed to prevent borehole failure and wellbore failure on the wellbore wall as
from offset well experience — lost circulation. Common data sources well as implications for optimal drilling
necessary because the mud weights can include anything from seismic to directions. The effective rock strength
required to prevent both wellbore core tests. Before using any model to and other rock mechanical properties
failure and lost circulation rely on predict mud weights needed to prevent play a significant role in an effective
wellbore trajectory and regional stress wellbore failure in a planned well, the geomechanical model. Laboratory core
state. But today’s marketplace and model must first be able to predict tests are the best source. This
management demand more than a failure, or lack of failure, in offset wells information is not often available,
passive look at what’s worked in the where failure actually did or did not however, warranting the use of
past. It’s critical to establish limits of a occur. This demands a detailed drilling empirical methods.
safe operating mud window using a history.
geomechanical model incorporating Borehole instability and lost Model verification
pore pressure, stress magnitudes and circulation are both highly dependent By inserting the mud weights used to
orientations, rock strength, and well on the stress state around the borehole. drill an offset well into the model, one
trajectory. The three principal stresses are the obtains the amount of failure that
vertical stress (Sv) or “overburden,” should have occurred under those
Geomechanical model maximum horizontal stress (SHmax), stress, pore pressure and rock property
construction and minimum horizontal stress (Shmin). conditions. Then, by comparing the
Responsible geomechanical modeling The relative magnitude of each of predicted failure to the drilling
starts with core model components, these three principal stresses experience, it is possible to verify the

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selected so that
operating equivalent
mud weights can be
kept between the pore
pressure and an
empirically derived
fracture gradient.
However, it is possible
to further define the
bounds of the operating
mud window by
calculating a mud
pressure needed to
prevent wellbore failure
beyond the CBW and
the magnitude of Shmin.
By defining the lower
bound of the operating
mud window as the
higher value of either
the pore pressure or
collapse pressure, mud
weights will prevent any
excess wellbore failure
as well as preventing
any formation kicks or
Figure 2. This illustration shows how wellbore breakouts form under the right stress, rock and mud flows. By using Shmin as
conditions. (Image courtesy of GeoMechanics International Inc.) the upper bound of the
mud window, mud
model is sufficient for predicting higher failures. A CBW of 90° is weights will be less than the pressure
wellbore failure in future wells. But acceptable in vertical holes. Cleaning needed to propagate a hydraulic
what is wellbore failure? horizontal holes is harder, however, fracture using an oil-based mud system.
In geomechanical terms, wellbore and, in these cases, acceptable CBW is The borehole collapse pressure
failure is defined by wellbore reduced to 30°. CBW for any deviation depends on the wellbore trajectory at a
breakouts: part of the borehole wall between vertical and horizontal can be particular depth. In some cases,
caving in due to stress concentrations calculated by linear interpolation changing the well trajectory can
at the wall itself that result in shear between 90° and 30°. improve the operating mud window
failure. The breakout width depends and increase the chances of successful
on stress conditions, rock properties Putting it all together drilling.
and drilling fluid pressure. If the Once the geomechanical model is Not only is it important to identify
breakout width exceeds approximately developed and calibrated, different the mud weights needed to prevent
90° to 100°, it is likely the rest of the casing and mud weight plans should be borehole collapse beyond an allowable
borehole wall will collapse (washout). tested against the safe operating mud limit, but also it is critical to understand
Similarly, if the stress and mud window. Furthermore, determination how sensitive the borehole failure is to
conditions are right, tensile cracks can of how much borehole azimuth and changes in the mud weight. Often, due
be created at the points along the wall inclination are affecting the operating to swab events, well bores experience
that are in tension (Figure 2). mud window should be made. It is also pressures less than the static mud
When designing mud weights the possible to quantify the sensitivity of weight. The sensitivity of failure to
point is not to select values which wellbore failure to small changes in small changes in the mud weight
prevent breakouts all together. We’re mud weight. After a casing plan has determines the impact of swabbing in
trying to keep them to an acceptable been selected, additional analysis terms of borehole instability. Small
limit. This limit, the critical breakout should be made to identify the drilling swab pressures in a well bore can cause
width (CBW), is dependent on risk based on the uncertainty in the it to go from stable to unstable quickly.
borehole deviation. Vertical holes are model inputs. Before completing the pre-drill plan,
easier to clean, so we can withstand Historically, casing points have been one must decide how much risk is

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associated with the desired casing plan.

One method is to use a quantitative risk
assessment (QRA) utilizing a Monte
Carlo approach; this will generate a
probability of success for a particular
mud weight. Each input parameter
used to make both borehole collapse
and fracture calculations is assigned a
most likely value as well as range of
possible values. A bell curve is then fit
to each of the ranges, and 10,000
simulations are performed within these
bell curves. QRA also allows for
identification of the most sensitive
uncertainty parameters.

Post-drill verification
The pre-drill geomechanical model
should be verified based on the actual
experience of the planned well. Lost
circulation events will be used to verify
the upper bound of the mud window.
One of the best tools for evaluating lost
circulation events is a pressure-while-
drilling tool. Its data, preferably time-
based, gives accurate determination of
equivalent mud weights when losses
start and stop. Drilling events
potentially associated with the lower
bound of the mud window (i.e. pore
pressure and collapse pressure) such as
stuck pipe, kicks, tight hole and hole
enlargements are also used to verify the
model. Figure 3. The actual casing points, equivalent circulating densities and static mud
weights are displayed here against the pre-drill geomechanical model. (Image courtesy
Gulf of Mexico case study of GeoMechanics International Inc.)
For a planned well in West Delta block
83, Goodrich Petroleum Company and
GeoMechanics International Inc.
(GMI) teamed up to study the use of a
geomechanical model to optimize the quantitative risk assessment to authority for expenditure (Figure 3).
casing design of a deviated well bore determine the confidence level in The result? Successfully drilling the
and prevent problems which had different casing plans; this allowed the well without major wellbore stability
occurred in offset wells. Data from two operator to make a risk-based decision issues. No stuck logging tools. No flows
offset wells were used to develop and on the final casing design. Based on the and kicks. No excessive reaming. The
validate the geomechanical model, results, the operator chose an project team could not have made such
with resulting casing points and mud aggressive casing design in order to informed decisions without such pre-
weights adjusted to meet well reach the target sands with the drill geomechanical modeling. In an
challenges. Least principal stress optimum borehole size and a environment where operating costs
determined upper bound mud weight, minimum number of casing strings. and marketplace pressures make
while both the pore pressure and the The greatest uncertainty in the unprecedented demands on
mud pressure determined the lower geomechanical model occurred within performance, such detailed pre-drill
bound mud weight. the overpressure zone. To mitigate the modeling will soon become a
Uncertainties in the geomechanical risk, a 7-in. contingency liner was prerequisite for competitive
model were then evaluated using added to the drilling plan and operators.

Copyright, Hart Energy Publishing, 4545 Post Oak Place, Ste. 210, Houston, TX 77027 USA (713)993-9320, Fax (713) 840-8585

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