Ingles 3
Ingles 3
Ingles 3
Exercise 1
5.- Jenny won the first price in a competition last month ________
7.- Lucy rode her bike in the park this morning ________
Exercise 2
Piensa ….
Piensa ……
Piensa ….
Piensa ……
Piensa ….
Piensa ……
Tal vez llegaste a la conclusión que algunos terminan en “ed” y otros no. Si
no es así observa los verbos nuevamente y checa esta diferencia.
Los verbos irregulares son los que terminan en cualquier cosa pero no en “ed”
Ir go went
Comer eat ate
Beber drink drank
Talvez te estés preguntando como saber como saber cuando los verbos son
regulares y cuando son regulares. NO EXISTE UNA REGLA MAGICA PARA
SABER TAL COSA. Lo único que puedes hacer es MEMORIZAR los verbos en
pasado. Aquí esta una lista de verbos regulares e irregulares. Si algún verbo que
quieras saber en pasado no esta en la lista. Aquí están unas ligas de Internet que
puedes consultar para ver mas listas de verbos.
Present Simple Past Spanish
answer answered responder
arrive arrived llegar
ask asked preguntar
be i was / were ser
borrow borrowed tomar prestado
break i broke romper
buy i bought comprar
catch i caught atrapar
clean cleaned limpiar
climb climbed escalar
collect collected colleccionar
come i came venir
compose composed componer
cook cooked cocinar
cut i cut cortar
dance danced bailar
describe described describir
discover discovered descubrir
do i did hacer
drink i drank beber
drive i drove conducir
eat i ate comer
enjoy enjoyed disfrutar
fall i fell caer
feel i felt sentir
find i found encontrar
fly i flew volar
forget i forgot olvidar
give i gave dar
go i went ir
happen happened suceder
have i had tener
help helped ayudar
hurt i hurt herir, doler
invent invented inventar
invite invited invitar
kill killed matar
know i knew saber
lend i lent prestar
leave left dejar
lie lay yacer
like liked gustar
live lived vivir
look looked mirar
love loved amar
make made hacer
meet met conocer, encontrar
miss missed perder, extrañar
open opened abrir
pack packed empacar
pay paid pagar
phone phoned llamar por teléfono
play played jugar
prefer preferred preferir
prepare prepared preparar
push pushed empujar
put i put poner
rain rained llover
read i read leer
remember remembered recordar
rent rented alquilar
rescue rescued rescatar
return returned volver, devolver
ring rang llamar por teléfono
save saved ahorrar
say said decir
search searched buscar
see saw ver
sell sold vender
sit sat sentarse
skate skated patinar
ski skied esquiar
sleep slept dormir
smell smelled oler
speak spoke hablar
spend spent gastar
start started comenzar
stay stayed quedarse
stop stopped detener
study studied estudiar
survive survived sobrevivir
swim swam nadar
take took tomar
talk talked hablar
teach taught enseñar
tell told decir
think thought pensar
throw threw lanzar
touch touched tocar
try tried intentar
use used usar
visit visited visitar
wait waited esperar
walk walked caminar
want wanted querer
wash washed lavar
watch watched mirar
wear wore llevar puesto
work worked trabajar
write wrote escribir
Ejercicio 3
She sold fruits in the market yesterday Ella vendió frutas en el mercado ayer
Ejercicio 4
Una vez que traduzcas las oraciones, analiza sus componentes e identifica los
siguientes elementos.
(con la oración 1 del ejercicio 1) She sold fruits in the market yesterday.
Subject: she
Verb in past: sold
Object: fruits
Place: in the market
Time: yesterday
Ayer : yesterday
La semana pasada: last week
El mes pasado: last month
El fin de semana pasado: last weekend
El sábado pasado: last Saturday
Antier: the day before yesterday
En 1999 in 1999
Exercise 5
Ejercicio 6
Ahora que ya conoces algunos verbos en pasado ya puedes empezar a
formular oraciones en pasado.
Trata de relatar cosas que hiciste el pasado fin de semana (last weekend). Al
menos 10 actividades.
Exercise 7
Observa el formato anterior y ordena las siguientes oraciones
* Chinese food / my mom / cook / didn’t / yesterday
My mom didn’t cook Chinese food yesterday
1.- didn’t / do / Jenny / last week / exercise
O bien
Yes/ No questions???????????
Did she go to the movies yesterday ?
Mas ejemplos:
Como podrás notar las preguntas “yes / no” se responden así porque siempre se
responden con “sí” o “no” , ya después puedes dar información extra como en
los ejemplos anteriores, pero es opcional.
Exercise 8
He he
Yes, she did. O No, she didn’t
It it
They they
Did she eat a hamburger ? no, she didn’t . She ate some ice cream
1.-Did the giraffe eat leaves? 2.- Did Mary relax during the weekend?
___________________________ ______________________________
3.-Did Mary win the first prize? 4.- Did Pedro play soccer in the afternoon?
_________________________ _______________________________
5.-Did Mary clean yesterday? 6.-Did Hugo and Lola ride their bikes yesterday?
_________________________ _________________________________
“Wh” questions
Las preguntas “wh” no se contestan con “sí “ o con “no” , como las preguntas
anteriores, se contestan con información específica.
Estas preguntas se llaman así porque empiezan con una palabra que empieza
con “wh” como:
Where = Donde
Who = Quien
What = Que o Cual
When = Cuando
Why = Porque
Where Did she play ?
Estas preguntas las usan mucho los reporteros para obtener mas información de
lo que dicen las celebridades.
O sea : me desmaye!
Reporters Madonna
Exercise 10
Que preguntas le harías a una persona que dice lo siguiente, escribe al menos 3
preguntas , e inventa la respuesta
I played soccer
1.-__________________________________? ________________________
2.-__________________________________? ________________________
3.-__________________________________? ________________________
he drank tequila
1.-__________________________________? ________________________
2.-__________________________________? ________________________
3.-__________________________________? ________________________
1.-__________________________________? ________________________
2.-__________________________________? ________________________
1.- E
2.- H
3.- D
4.- A
5.- B
6.- I
7.- J
8.- C
9.- G
10.- F
Exercise 2
1.- C
2.- A
3.- I
4.- F
5.- G
6.- E
7.- B
8.- H
9.- D
Ejercicio 3
1.-Ella vendió frutas en el mercado ayer
2.-My mama trabajo en su oficina todo el fin de semana
3.- Mis primos fueron a la playa el pasado fin de semana
4.- Mis papas viajaron a Nueva York el año pasado
5.-Jenny gano el primer premio en una competencia el mes pasado
6.- Mi hermana y sus amigos fueron de compras ayer
7.- Lucy montó su bicicleta en el parque esta mañana.
8.-Tom durmio tranquilamente toda la noche
9.- Mis amigos organizaron una fiesta el pasado sabado
10.-Mi papa y yo fuimos a pescar las pasadas vacaciones
Exercise 4
Subject: my mother
Verb in past: worked
Object: ---------------------- no hay objeto
Place: in her office
Time: last vacations
Subject: my cousins
Verb in past: went
Object: ---------------------- no hay objeto
Place: to the beach
Time: last weekend
Subject: my parents
Verb in past: traveled
Object: ---------------------- no hay objeto
Place: to New York
Time: last year
Subject: Jenny
Verb in past: won
Object: the first prize
Place: in a competition
Time: last month
Subject: Lucy
Verb in past: rode
Object: her bike
Place: in the park
Time: this morning
Subject: Tom
Verb in past: slept
Adverb: peacefully
Place: ---------------------no hay lugar
Time: all night
Subject: my friends
Verb in past: organized
Object: a party
Place: ---------------------no hay lugar
Time: last Saturday
Subject: Luis
Verb in past: played
Object: video games
Place: ---------------------no hay lugar
Time: all afternoon
Subject: My sister
Verb in past: watched
Object: TV
Place: ---------------------no hay lugar
Time: all day
Subject: Luis
Verb in past: wrote
Object: a poem to her girfriend
Place: ---------------------no hay lugar
Time: yesterday
Subject: My brother
Verb in past: ironed
Object: his shirt
Place: ---------------------no hay lugar
Time: last night
Subject: She
Verb in past: cooked
Object: Chinese food
Place: ---------------------no hay lugar
Time: yesterday
Subject: Toribio
Verb in past: played
Object: with his guitar
Place: ---------------------no hay lugar
Time: last Saturday
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Answers may vary. They need revision and assessment from tutors.
Exercise 7
Exercise 8
Exercise 9
1.-yes, it did.
2.-no, she didn’t. She worked in her office
3.-yes, she did
4.-no, he didn’t. He studied
5.-no, she didn’t. She went shopping
6.-yes, they did.
Unit 14 Exam
Activity 1: Escribe el verbo en pasado y su significado en español
1. go →
2. come →
3. buy →
4. have →
5. do →
6. get up →
7. eat →
8. drink →
9. study →
10. watch →
Activity 5.- Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del pasado
Ana Paquin is a famous Hollywood actress. She began her career when was
part of the film “The Piano” . Paquin's previous experience was a role in a
school play. During her childhood, she had little interest in acting, although
she did have a well-rounded cultural life as she played the viola, cello and
piano and she participated in gymnastics, ballet, swimming and downhill
Paquin completed her high school education in Los Angeles, where she moved with her
mother following her mother's divorce in 1995. Five years later, Paquin again achieved
notariety in her role as “Rogue” in the blockbuster X-Men movie, its sequel in 2003 and the
third installment in 2006. That summer, she completed filming Blue State. She also was
the executive-producer of the film through her company Paquin Films, a production
company co-owned by her brother, Andrew.
After several more movie gigs, Paquin landed the role of Sookie Stackhouse in the HBO
series, True Blood. This role was her first television appearance and won a Golden Globe
for Best Actress in a Television Drama Series for her role in the show.
Last Saturday I got up at 9:00 am, then I ate breakfast. I ate eggs, “chilaquiles” and
fruit. I drank some coffee. After breakfast I washed my car and cleaned my room.
In the afternoon I went to the movies. I saw “AVATAR”. We had popcorn and
sodas. In the evening I visited my girlfriend and then we went to the disco. We
danced pop music, and drank “Tequila”. We had a lot of fun We went home very
late. I went to bed at 3:00 am
On Sunday I got up at 11:00. Then I had breakfast. I ate hotcakes. Then, I watched
TV and listened to music. In the afternoon I played soccer with my friends. In the
evening I studied for an exam.
Clave de respuestas
Activity 1
go → went
come → came
buy → bought
have → had
do → did
got up
get up →
eat →
drink →
study →
watch →
Activity 2
Jane played tennis Jane didn’t play tennis Did Jane play tennis?
She saw us. She did not see us. Did she see us?
Activity 3
Activity 4
1. Billy ate an apple. What did Billy eat?
2. The children played in the garden. Where did the children play?
3. Laura came home at six o'clock. When did Laura come home?
4. The boy read a book. Who read a book? o bien what did the boy read?
5. The girl went to the movies yesterday. When did the girl go to the movies?
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7