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Clase 7 Simple Past

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open opened abrir hear heard escuchar
reach reached alcanzar expect expected
love loved amar wait waited
appear appeared aparecer win won ganar
learn learned aprender spend spent gastar
help helped ayudar turn turned girar
drink drank beber lead led guiar
andar en
ride rode like liked gustar
kiss kissed besar speak spoke hablar
fall fell caerse do did hacer
change changed cambiar make made hacer
walk walked caminar include included incluir
begin began comenzar try tried intentar
start started comenzar go went ir
eat ate comer play played jugar
buy bought comprar read read leer
meet met conocer call called llamar
consider considered considerar keep kept mantener
build built construir kill killed matar
continue continued continuar die died morir
become became convertirse show showed mostrar
run ran correr move moved mover
cut cut cortar need needed necesitar
create created crear watch watched observar
grow grew crecer get got obtener
believe believed creer offer offered ofrecer
give gave dar pay paid pagar
say said decir seem seemed parecer
tell told decir think thought pensar
leave left dejar lose lost perder
stop stopped detenerse remain remained permanecer
find found encontrar
understand understood entender
send sent enviar
write wrote escribir
let let permitir
allow allowed permitir
talk talked platicar
paint painted Pintar
can could Poder
put put Poner
stand stood ponerse de pie
ask asked preguntar
provide provided proveer
stay stayed quedarse
want wanted querer
remember remembered recordar
know knew Saber
follow followed Seguir
sit sat sentarse
feel felt Sentir
be (am, is, are) was/were ser/estar
serve served servir
mean meant significar
happen happened suceder
add added sumar
have had tener
take took tomar
work worked trabajar
bring brought traer
use used usar
come came venir
see saw ver
look looked ver
live lived vivir

Ayer Yesterday Antes Before En el pasado In the past

Antier The day before Anoche Last night El ao pasado Last year
Hace 2 Two days ago Hace 1 mes One month ago La semana Last week
das pasada
Hace 1 One year ago Ayer por la Yesterday morning El mes pasado Last month
ao maana



She went to the hospital yesterday.

Yesterday morning, you came to the school to have your English lessons.
One year ago, they travelled to Paris.
The day before yesterday, we went jogging around the city.
EXERCISE 1 Conjugate the verb

1. She ________ (open) the door in the morning.

2. Yesterday, my brother _______ (buy) tickets for the concert.
3. I _______ (understand) your problems.
4. I _________ (grow) in Mexico City.
5. Last night, He _____ (send) you a whatsapp.
6. They ________ (start) my English lessons 5 months ago.
7. She ________(write) a letter to her boyfriend last night.
8. One year ago, I ______(be) in New Zealand.
9. The doctor ______ (continue) with the surgery.
10. The builders _______ (build) a new building.

EXERCISE 2 Choose the correct past conjugation

1. Last month, they _______ a marathon.

a. ran b. run c. said

2. Yesterday the hairdresser ________ my hair.

a. fell b. stopped c. cut

3. My mother _____ all her sons.

a. love b. loved c. loves

4. Yesterday the hairdresser ________ my hair.

a. fell b. stopped c. cut

5. My little sister _______ 10 cm.

a. grow b. help c. grew

6. The nurse ________ the patients last night, she was very kind.

a. fall b. helped c. walk

7. My dentist _______ the source of pain of my teeth.

a. found b. wrote c. continued

8. He _____ me the truth, last night.

a. tell b. told c. gave

EXERCISE 3 Write a sentence in past using the following complements

1. My biggest friend: __________________________________________________________

2. Her grandmother to get dressed: ______________________________________________

3. My job, because my boss was extremely bossy: ___________________________________

4. A new job: _________________________________________________________________

5. a lot of people in the meeting: _________________________________________________

6. An opportunity to the new dancer: ______________________________________________

7. A new enterprise of medical products: ___________________________________________

8. 4 languages: Swedish, Arabic, Greek and Turkish: ___________________________________

9. in the street when I ran: _______________________________________________________

10. My reasons in a letter: _______________________________________________________

EXERCISE 4 Fill in the gaps

Mary in Paris ten years ago. (live)

She as a teacher there. (work)

Her flat near the Sacre Couer .(be)

She see the Tower Eiffel from her window. (can)

Her brother (be) Antoine. He (be) a painter.

He (paint) beautiful portraits.

Mary (have) a small green car. She

(drive) her car to work every day but she her bike
on Sundays. (ride)

Mary .(eat) crpes every day. They delicious!

(be) She sometimes (drink) some red wine.
Mary ( like) snails.

Her best friend Anette (live) in Versailles. Mary sometimes (visit) Anette.
They (play) tennis or (go) on picnics. On rainy days they (play) cards
or (watch) a film.

EXERCISE 5 Translate the text one

EXERCISE 6 Read the text and answer the questions

Who is she? Where did she do? What happened?

Last week, Beth baked a cake for Lilly's birthday party. Lilly wanted a strawberry
cake with pink frosting. Beth was happy to bake the cake.

First, Beth mixed the ingredients in a big bowl. Next, she poured the cake
batter into four round baking pans. She put the pans in the oven. Finally, she
baked the cakes for 20 minutes.

Then, Beth prepared the pink frosting. After the cakes cooled, Beth stacked
them and covered them with frosting. Beth wrote Lilly's name on top with
white frosting. She put seven candles in the cake.

On Sunday, Beth surprised Lilly with the strawberry cake. Lilly loved her cake!
Lilly had many gifts for her birthday. But Lilly said her cake was the best gift of
them all!
EXERCISE 7 Complete the following exercises

EXERCISE 8 What did Luis do yesterday?

1. Yesterday, I went to work. I worked from 7am until 3pm. After work, I went to Samborns with
two of my friends. We spent about two hours eating and talking. After Samborns, I went home. I
arrived home around 7pm. I had a shower and watched TV for a while. I went to bed around

Answer the following questions about the text:

1. Did Luis go to work yesterday? Yes, he went to work yesterday.

2. Did Luis have a shower in the morning? No, he did not have a shower in the morning.

3. Did he go to VIPS? ____________________________________________________

4. Did he watch TV yesterday? _____________________________________________

5. Did he go to a restaurant with his family? ___________________________________

6. Did he arrive home around 7am? _________________________________________

7. Did he go to bed around 10pm? __________________________________________

EXERCISE 9 What did you do yesterday?

EXERCISE 10 Write the negative form of the following sentences:

1. She did not open (open) the door in the morning.

2. Yesterday, my brother ___________ (kill) an insect.
3. She __________ (pay) the chocolate at the supermarket.
4. We ______________ (call) the police last night.
5. Last year, they __________ (loose) their job, because of fraud.
6. My aunt ____________ (win) a gold medal in the Olympic Games.
7. She ____________(like) the new book about World War II.
8. The dancer __________(expect) such a big ovation.
9. I ___________ (spend) my money on candies.
10. Your partner ___________ (eat) your lunch.

EXERCISE 11 Write the negative and the interrogative form of the following
sentences about exercise 6

0. Beth baked a cake for Lillys birthday party

0.NEG: Beth did not bake a cake for Lillys birthday party.
0.INTE: Did Beth bake a cake for Lillys birthday party?

1. Lilly wanted a strawberry cake.


2. Beth was happy to bake the cake


3. Beth stacked the cakes and covered them with frosting.


4. She put seven candles in the cake.


5. Lilly had many gifs for her birthday.


Para escribir un texto, se deben unir oraciones, para eso existen las conjunciones, las cuales son
palabras que se encargan de ser un puente que une una oracin y otra con el fin de dar
continuidad a un texto.


Las conjunciones no forman parte de una oracin:

Estructura de una oracin compleja: se unen oraciones a travs de conjunciones

EXERCISE 12 Write a short story for the following pictures

Leonard is a good son, he helped to clean his house yesterday.

First, he cleaned the kitchen, then he cleaned the living room
and finally he cleaned the bathroom. After, he dusted the
furniture with a feather duster and a vacuum so he finished very

Leonard es un muy buen hijo, l ayud a limpiar su casa ayer.

Primero, l limpi la cocina, despus la sala y por ltimo el bao.
Despus, l desempolv los muebles con un plumero y una
aspiradora, as que termin muy cansado.

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