Biotechnology Webquest
Biotechnology Webquest
Biotechnology Webquest
Website #1
1. DNA is unique for everyone with one exception. What would be an example of that exception?
2. What are DNA fingerprints used for?
a. ________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
14. Based on your DNA Fingerprint… WHO COMMITTED THE CRIME??? _______________
Click the GENETICS tab to the left, scroll down and Click on the Quest for the Perfect Tomato. Then click Food for
15. Give two examples of genetically modified foods. Tell how they are trying to modify them.
a. ______________________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________________
Click on each of the foods on the table to see what research is being done to bioengineer the foods. List 3 foods and
describe how they are being modified.
16. ________________________________________________________________________________________
17. ________________________________________________________________________________________
18. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Website #4
Create a risks vs. benefits chart, then determine if you are for or against the growing of genetically modified (GM) crops.
Risks Benefits
Write an argument which includes your stance and why others should side with you.