Erno BorbelyJFETs The New Frontier Part 1and 2 PDF
Erno BorbelyJFETs The New Frontier Part 1and 2 PDF
Erno BorbelyJFETs The New Frontier Part 1and 2 PDF
s most of our customers know, I breakthrough when I started to use base current. The JFET is therefore an in-
have been advocating the advan- mostly JFETs in the amps. It is my consid- herently high-input impedance device,
tages of FETs in general and JFETs ered opinion that it would be best to use and the bipolar transistor is comparative-
in particular, especially for low and only JFETs in all stages of the audio ly low-impedance.
medium level circuits. JFETs provide ex- chain. However, due to their limited Depending on the doping of the semi-
tremely high resolution, bringing out power-handling capability, it is practical- conductor material, you get so-called N-
more details, sounding cleaner, clearer, ly impossible to use them in output type or P-type material, and these result
and more natural than the best bipolar stages. Here, MOSFETs will rule for the in the N-channel or P-channel types of
transistors such as the LM394, and even foreseeable future. JFET. The symbol for an N-channel JFET
the best Telefunken tubes. Overall, I be- In spite of their quadratic characteris- is shown in Fig. 1A. The three “elec-
lieve the JFETs offer the best sound in tics and relatively high input capacitance, trodes” are called G, D, and S, for gate,
audio circuits. JFETs are fairly simple to use in audio am- drain, and source. The output character-
I have been working with JFETs since plifiers, and you, as an amateur, can de- istic for the N-channel JFET with the gate
the middle of the ’70s, when I developed sign most low-level stages in an audio shorted to source (i.e., VGS = 0) is shown
low-level amplifier modules with JFETs at chain yourself. Just like a single vacuum- in Fig. 1B.
Motorola. However, they were not com- tube triode or pentode, a single JFET can The characteristic field is divided into
petitive with the best bipolars at that handle the task of a line amp, and it is sig- two regions, first a “resistive” region
time. In the early ’80s came the first real- nificantly simpler to hook up. You can below the saturation voltage VSAT, where
ly low-noise, high-gm devices on the mar- also build a single-ended (SE) phono an increase in VDS results in a nearly lin-
ket. I have used these devices in the stage with only two JFETs. The rest is up ear increase in drain current ID. Above
input stages of practically all my designs to your imagination. Suffice it to say that
since then. However, I use bipolar tran- I hope the following introduction to
sistors in the second stages, mostly be- JFETs will whet your appetite for the
cause they offer a fairly simple design. “new frontiers” in audio amplification.
The output stages have always been
MOSFETs, because of the relatively high JFETs
current required in these stages. Field-effect transistors (FETs) have been
In the ever-continuing quest for better around for a long time; in fact, they were
sound, I have reviewed my designs regu- invented, at least theoretically, before
larly, improving the topology of the am- the bipolar transistors. The basic princi-
plifiers and also using better compo- ple of the FET has been known since J.E.
nents, thus bringing significant improve- Lilienfeld’s US patent in 1930, and Oscar
ments. However, I first achieved a real Heil described the possibility of control-
ling the resistance in a semiconducting
About the Author material with an electric field in a British
FIGURE 1A: Symbol for N-channel JFET.
Erno Borberly has been employed by National Semi- patent in 1935. Several other researchers
conductor Europe for the last 17 years. He was Manag- described similar mechanisms in the
er of Technical Training and worked as a consultant in
’40s and ’50s, but not until the ’60s did
human-resources development. He received an MSc
degree in electronic engineering from the Institute of the advances in semiconductor technol-
Technology, University of Norway in 1961, and worked ogy allow practical realization of these
seven years for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corp. de- devices.
signing professional audio equipment. He lived in the The junction field-effect transistor, or
US and was Director of Engineering for Dynaco and
The David Hafler Co. From 1973–1978, he worked for JFET, consists of a channel of semicon-
Motorola in Geneva, Switzerland, as Senior Applica- ducting material through which a cur-
tions Designer and Applications Manager. He has now rent flows. This channel acts as a resis-
taken an early retirement from National and is looking tor, and the current through it is con-
for OEM customers for whom he can design high-end
trolled by a voltage (electric field) ap-
audio equipment. FIGURE1B: Output characteristic for VGS=0V.
plied to its gate. The gate is a pn junc-
Input Capacitance
As mentioned before, the JFETs have a
relatively high input capacitance, which
can be an important design factor. Just
FIGURES 7A/7B: Practical amplifiers with 2SK170 and 2SK246. like tubes and bipolar transistors, JFETs
also have interelectrode capacitances
eventually I would reach the other limit- straight line, making the output swing that affect the frequency response of the
ing point, where the gate cuts off at VP. smaller than the theoretical value. JFET when it is used as an amplifier. The
The thing to understand here is that a In any case, this quick calculation two capacitances, which are of impor-
high-VP JFET has a wider range of input gives you a reasonable starting point tance for audio use, are the Ciss and Crss.
swing than one with a low VP. from which to design the circuit. The The Ciss is called the input capaci-
Other obvious differences involve the corresponding gm for the K246 is 4mS, tance and Crss the reverse transfer ca-
output range and the gain. With a ±0.1V so obviously the gain is also much small- pacitance. Typical values for the Ciss are
gate voltage, the drain current varies be- er at 19.14, that is, 25.63dB. Again, this 30pF for the K170, and 9pF for the
tween 1.8 and 6.2mA for the K170. With results in a higher value than the graphi- K246. The high-gm devices have a much
a drain resistor RL = 4.7k, this results in cal analysis. higher input capacitance than the low-
an output swing of 29.14V − 8.46V = Now for some real circuits and THD gm ones. The Crss is 6pF and 2.5pF, re-
20.68V pk-pk. The gain will then be measurements. Figures 7A and 7B show spectively. The Crss seems to be relative-
My sincere thanks to Walt Jung of Analog Devices, who
kindly read the manuscript and provided valuable com-
ments and suggestions.
Also thanks to our customers: Dr. Juergen Saile, Ger-
many, Reza Habibi of Electro Concept Services,
France, and Winfried Ebeling of Crystal Audio Re-
search, Germany, for their valuable feedback, com-
ments and suggestions throughout the ALL-FET devel-
opment program.
n Part 1 of this article, I discussed the The differential gain of the stage is:
single-stage (or single-ended) amplifi- Common-Mode Signals
er operating in common-source AV(DD) = (VD1 − VD2)/(VGS1 − VGS2) A very important feature of the differen-
mode. As these stages are usually limited = RD × gm, tial amplifier is its ability to reject com-
in audio to AC signals, the inherent DC mon-mode signals. Common mode
drift is of relatively little importance. You which is the same as the gain of a single means that both gates are driven with the
can even use them for DC signals if you common-source stage. For R0 to be very same polarity and equal amplitude sig-
select the working point carefully at zero large, −VS must also be very large. This is nals. It is easy to see that if only gate 1 is
temperature coefficient. However, if you usually inconvenient, so instead of a re- driven positive, then ID1 increases and
remember the formula for zero tempco sistor, you use a so-called constant-cur- ID2 decreases. But if both gates are driven
(VGS = VP + 0.63V), you realize that the rent source, which delivers I0 indepen- positive, then both ID1 and ID2 must in-
condition is different from unit to unit, dent of −VS (Fig. 12b). crease, which is impossible because ID1 +
since VP is different. Due to its symmetrical nature, you can ID2 = I0; i.e., I0 is constant. Consequently,
A better solution is to use a differential also consider the differential amplifier as the differential amplifier cannot amplify
ampli fier, where the dri f ts of t wo two symmetrically arranged “half-cir- same-polarity or common-mode signals.
matched JFETs tend to cancel each other. cuits,” each with a JFET, a load resistor, Just how good it is in rejecting com-
The configuration is shown in Fig. 12a. and half of a current source, providing mon-mode signals is expressed with the
If R0 is large enough, then: I0/2.1 This is shown in Fig. 13. If the two common-mode gain:
JFETs are “identical,” then you can join
ID1 + ID2 = I0. the two half-circuits together at the AV(CM) = −RD/2r0,
sources without upsetting the DC opera-
Further, if ID1 changes ∆ID1, then ID2 tion. However, you now have balanced where r0 is the output impedance of the
also changes by the same amount, but in single-ended amplifiers.2 constant-current source. In order to have
the opposite direction, i.e., Seen from gate 1, JFET 1 operates as a low common-mode gain (i.e., good rejec-
common-source amplifier, except that tion), the output impedance of the cur-
∆ID1 = −∆ID2. the source is connected to the source of rent source must be very large.
FIGURE 12A: Basic differential amplifier FIGURE 12B: Improved differential amplifier FIGURE 13: The differential amplifier repre-
with JFETs. with constant-current source. sented with two symmetrically arranged
The Output
I have now described two types of am-
plifier stages using JFETs, the common-
source or single-ended stage, and the dif-
ferential or balanced amplifier. You can
use either of these to build audio ampli-
fiers, depending on your preference for
balanced or unbalanced operation. Per-
sonally, I prefer the differential circuit,
because you can use it with balanced or
unbalanced sources, and it can also feed
balanced or unbalanced power ampli-
fiers. Balanced operation gives a subjec- FIGURE 16A/B: These source-follower circuits can drive low-impedance loads with very
low THD.
tive impression of increased dynamics.
It can also be an extremely useful inter-
facing consideration in breaking up
ground loops.4
There are two issues to consider when
talking about the SE and balanced ampli-
fiers. First of all, the output does not sit
at 0V DC, but at some 10–20V above
ground. If you wish to connect it to, say,
a DC-coupled power amplifier, you must
block this DC voltage from reaching the
power-amp input. This is easily done
using a capacitor, and this problem is
well known to all SE fans, whether of
tube or semiconductor variety. I will
therefore not spend much time on the
A much more important question is
whether these circuits can drive the
input impedance of a power amplifier. FIGURE 17: The all-JFET balanced SE line amp.
The output impedance of the amps ex-
1. Erno Borbely, “New Devices for Audio from National
Semiconductor,” Audio Amateur 5/83, p. 7.
2. Nelson Pass,
3. Erno Borbely, “Third Generation MOSFETs: The DC-
100,” The Audio Amateur 2/84, p. 13.
4. Walt Jung, private communication.
5. Erno Borbely, “Differential Line Amp with Tubes,” GA
1/97, p. 24.
6. John Curl, “Classic Circuitry,” The Audio Amateur
1977, Issue 3, p. 48.
Many thanks to Walt Jung of Analog Devices for his
valuable comments and suggestions.