Hy-Gain 411 Five Element Beam
Hy-Gain 411 Five Element Beam
Hy-Gain 411 Five Element Beam
This antenna is a five element, Citizens Band beam designed for maximum performance.
It has a forward gain of 10 dB and a front -to-back ratio of 22 dB. It is constructed of high
tensile strength aluminum tUbing for a maximum strength and lightest weight. The beam
features a beta match system which matches it to a 50 ohm feedline and puts the driven
element at DC ground for noise-free operation and lightning protection. The beam rotates
easily with any heavy-duty TV rotator for 360 degree coverage.
This beam can be fed with any standard 52 ohm coaxial cable such as RG-213/u or RG-
58/u. For runs over 50 feet in length RG-213/u is recommended because of its lower
losses. The beam has a 1.5:1 or less SWR at resonance, if it is mounted in the clear in
accordance with good antenna practice. The SWR will not exceed 2:1 over the entire CB
frequency range.
The beam is designed to fit a 1 %" 0.0 mast. Plumbing pipe of 1:4" 10has a 1 %" 0.0 and is
highly recommended for masting material because of its high strength and relatively low
cost. The antenna should be mounted in an area free from surrounding objects. The
detrimental effect of surrounding objects is often underestimated in the average antenna
installation. In particular, power lines and any other objects of any mass or length will
deteriorate the performance of any antenna.
( ) Unpack the antenna and carefully check the parts against the Parts List. Compare the
parts with the illustrations contained in this manual. This will help you become familiar with
the parts and will aid in assembly.
( ) Select the four boom sections (Items 11, 12 and 13) and the two boom-to-mast
brackets (Items 2 and 3). Loosely fasten the boom-to-mast brackets together using the
four screws (Item 22) nuts and lockwashers (Items 29 and 33) as shown in Figure 1.
When installing your system, take extreme care to avoid any accidental
contact with power lines or overhead obstructions. Failure to exercise this
care could result in serious or fatal injury.
Figure 1
Boom-to-Mast Bracket
( ) Refer to Figure 2 and assemble the boom sections. Use the six #10 x 112" Type A
screws (Item 21) and the splices (Items 18 and 37) for securing the sections together.
Figure 2
Boom Detail
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NOTE, o 10
Be sure to orientate the holes in the boom splice, item 37,
correctly in relation to the holes in the fwo boom sections,
items 13 E. 11, for the beta match to fit properly
Boom-to-Mast ( ) Slip the entire boom into Items 2 and 3 and tighten securely using the four screws
Assembly (Item 22), nuts and lockwashers as shown in Figure 1.
Element Brackets ( ) Select the largest set of boom-to-element brackets (Item 15). Loosely assemble the
Assembled brackets on the reflector end of the boom 39%" from the center of the boom-to-mast
bracket to the center of the element using Items 22,29 and 33. Do not tighten at this time.
( ) Select a set of small element-to-boom brackets (Item 14) and loosely assemble on the
boom approximately 613J8" from the center of the first set of element-to-boom brackets.
See Figure 4 and Figure 5.
( ) Select the second set of small element-to-boom brackets (Item 14) and loosely
assemble on the director end of the boom approximately 51 W' from the first largest set of
element-to-boom brackets. Refer to Figure 4 and Figure 5.
Figure 3 Figure 4
Element-to-Boom Bracket Element-to-Boom Bracket
for Driven Elements for Director and Reflector Elements
( ) Select the third set of small element-to-boom brackets (Item 14) and loosely
assemble on the director end of the boom approximately 43%" from the 01 brackets
( ) Select the remaining set of brackets and assemble on the director end of the boom as
before approximately 44%" from the previous set.
Element Tubes
( ) Select two element tubes (Item 6) and the driven element insulators (Item 19). Slip the
unswaged end of the tube into the insulators as shown in Figure 3.
( ) Align the holes in the end of the tubes and secure using the #6 x %" Type A screws
(Item 25).
( ) Select two Item 6 element tubes and two Item 5 element tubes. Slip the end of Item 5
into the swaged end of Item 6.
( ) Select the two Item 1a element tubes and slip the drilled end into the end of Item 5.
Align the holes and secure using #6 x %" Type A screws (Item 25).
( ) Select two each of element tubes (Items 4,5 and 1) and assemble as before. Align and
. secure by using Item 25. Mark these two assemblies "01 ".
( ) Select two each of element tubes (Items 4, 5 and 8) and assemble as you did
previously. Mark these two assemblies "02".
( ) Select two each of element tubes (Items 4, 5 and 7) and assemble as before. Mark
these two assemblies '(03".
Element-to-Boom NOTE: The antenna will not pperate effectively unless the elements are assembled on
Assembly the boom at exactly the dimension called for in the assembly view.
( ) Referring to Figure 5 of the antenna select the two assemblies marked "DE" and insert
into the large set of element-to-boom brackets. Carefully recheck the 39Ys" dimension,
measuring from the center of the boom-to-mast bracket to the center of the DE bracket.
Then tighten all screws securely.
( ) Select the two assemblies marked "R1" and insert into the set of element-to-boom
brackets located on the reflector end of the boom. Carefully recheck the 61 %" dimension,
measuring from the center of the boom-to-mast bracket to the center of the reflector
brackets. Then tighten all screws securely.
( ) Select the two assemblies marked "01" and insert into the set of element-to-boom
brackets located 51 Y2" from the OE element brackets. Carefully recheck this dimension
and then tighten all screws securely.
( ) Select the two assemblies marked "02" and assemble into the brackets as before.
Carefully recheck the 43%" dimension. Then tighten securely.
( ) Select the final set of tube assemblies marked "03" and assemble using the same
procedure as before. Carefully recheck the 44%" dimension and tighten all screws
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Beta Match ( ) Select the two tubing clamps (Item 16) and slip them over the driven element
Assembly approximately %" from the insulator. See Figure 6.
( ) Select the two beta rods (Item 17) and assemble using #10 hardware. Refer to the
Beta Match Detail, Figure 6.
( ) Strip your coax in the manner shown in Figure 7 and separate the braid from the center
( ) Connect the center conductor to the top driven element and the braid to the bottom
driven element as shown. Tape the exposed portions of the braid to prevent it from
shorting out on the boom.
;;@ DRIVEN ELEMENT, O/S" x 24"
Figure 6
Beta Match Detail
Figure 7
Stripping Measurements for Coax
Weatherproof the coax where the center conductor and the braid separate using Pli-O-
Bond, Neoprene or some similar substance. This will prevent water from entering and
possibly ruining your coaxial cable.
Copyright'" by TELEX
All rights reserved.