A. Definition/Description
Sacroiliitis is an inflammation of one or both sacroiliac joints,
which can lead to inflammatory low back pain, although some
patients remain asymptomatic. Sacroiliitis is linked to
spondyloarthropathies (a group of diseases) and it can be
defined as a sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which seems to be in
a state of altered mechanics. Sacroiliitis is a hallmark of
ankylosing spondylitis and may also be seen in the course of
other rheumatic and non-rheumatic disorders, such as psoriatic arthropathy, familial Mediterranean
fever, Bechet's disease, hyperparathyroidism and others. Pain caused by sacroiliitis can be related to
either too much or not enough motion in the SI joint. That makes it less a pathological diagnosis and
more a patho-mechanical diagnosis.
B. Clinically Relevant Anatomy
The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) forms the lowest segment of the spinal axis and distributes the forces
coming from the upper body. Movements occurring in the sacroiliac joint play an important role in
distributing forces and is influenced by the movement of the lumbosacral spine. The sacroiliac joint
has been implicated as the primary source of pain in 10% to 27% of patients with mechanical low
back pain below L5, utilizing controlled, comparative local anesthetic blocks.
The sacroiliac joint is a true diarthrodial joint, the articular surfaces are separated by a joint space
containing synovial fluid and enveloped by a fibrous capsule. It has unique characteristics not
typically found in other diarthrodial joints. The sacroiliac joint consists of fibrocartilage in addition
to hyaline cartilage and is characterized by discontinuity of the posterior capsule, with ridges and
depressions that minimize movement and enhance stability. The sacroiliac joint has been described
as a synovial joint only in the anterior portion in contrast to the posterior portion. The posterior
connection is a syndesmosis, consisting of the ligament sacroiliaca, the gluteus medius and minimus,
and the piriformis muscles. The sacraoiliac joint is well provided with nociceptor and proprioceptors.
The innervation pattern is the subject of considerable discussions. The sacral plexus innervates the
anterior portion whereas the spinal nerves innervate the posterior portion. It has been proposed that
the predominant innervation is by L4 to S1 nerve roots with some contribution from the superior
gluteal nerve. It has been variously described that the sacroiliac joint receives its innervation from
the ventral rami of L4 and L5, the superior gluteal nerve, and the dorsal rami of L5, S1 and S2 or that
it is almost exclusively derived from the sacral dorsal rami.
C. Epidemiology /Etiology
Spondyloartropathies: Ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis of
chronic inflammatory bowel disease and undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy. Symmetrical
sacroiliitis is found in more than 90% of ankylosing spondylitis and 2/3 in reactive arthritis and
psoriatic arthritis. It is less severe and more likely to be unilateral and asymmetrical in reactive
arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis of chronic inflammatory bowel disease and undifferentiated
spondyloarthropathy. Also traumatic injuries, infections and inflammatory conditions like
rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative joint diseases, metabolic conditions like gout and even pregnancy,
sacroiliitis can cause sacroiliitis.
The hospital prevalence of sacroiliac diseases is 0,55%, the female sex predominates( 82,35%)
and the mean age of 25,58 years. Gyneco-obstetric events are the predominant risk factors (47,05%).
The etiologie found are bacterial arthritis (82,3%) mainly pyogenic (70,58%), osteoarthritis(11,7%)
and ankylosing spondylitis (5,9%) .
D. Characteristics/Clinical Presentation
Patients report low back pain (below L5), pain in the buttocks and/or pelvis and postero-lateral
on the thigh, which may extend down to one or both legs. The pain mostly occurs unilateral, inferior
to the PSIS and above the knee with possible numbness, tingling and weakness. Pain may also radiate
to the hip and groin region. Patients may report intolerance with lying or sitting and increasing pain
while climbing stairs or hills. They experience poor sleep habits and unilateral giving way or
buckling. Pain also occurs with position changes or transitional motions (i.e., sit to stand, supine to
E. Differential Diagnosis:
The diagnosis of acute sacroiliitis is often challenging because of both the relative rarity of this
presentation and diverse character of acute sacroiliac pain, frequently mimicking other, more
prevalent disorders.
New-onset intense pain is a major clinical manifestation of acute sacroiliitis, pointing to the
diagnosis. However, the character of acute SIJ pain may be variable in different individuals without
a specific diagnostic pattern. Thus, the diagnosis of acute sacroiliitis is frequently overlooked at
presentation. While the classic distribution of SIJ pain involves the ipsilateral buttock and
paramidline lower lumbar area (in 94 and 72 %, respectively), its radiation to the groin (14 %), lower
abdomen (2 %), upper lumbar area (6 %), and/or lower extremity (up to 50 %) including thigh and
trochanteric pain, lower leg pain, and even foot pain may lead to confusion, suggesting alternative
diagnoses, such as intervertebral disk disruption, hip joint disease, or even an abdominal event.
The differential diagnosis of sacroiliitis on plain film
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Hyperparathyroidism – tends to cause sacroiliac joint widening due to bone reabsorption
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Gout
- Psoriatic arthropathy
- Reiter’s syndrome
- Osteoarthritis (OA)
- Infection – TB
There is even another way to differentiate sacroiliitis
- Unilateral septic sacroiliitis
- Unilateral seronegative sacroiliitis
- Ewing’s sarcoma and lymphoma
Low grade radiographic sacroiliitis is a prognostic factor for ankylosing spondylitis in patients with
undifferentiated spondyloarthritides (SpA).
F. Diagnostic Procedures
The diagnosis of sacroiliitis in clinical practice is based mainly on imaging techniques. It can be
difficult to diagnose sacroiliitis in the early and acute stages because conventional radiographs may
be normal, although other techniques, to be discussed, might detect sacroiliac inflammation. The
radiographic images of the sacroiliac joint changes in advanced disease, sclerosis and may cause
erosions. However, this might no longer be visible on the radiograph because of ankylosis.
Inflammatory back pain (IBP) can be a result of sacroiliitis. Because IBP is not a highly specific
indicator of sacroiliitis, there is a need for valuable imaging techniques.
Techniques currently used to diagnose sacroiliitis:
- Radiography
- Scintigraphy
- Conventional tomography
- Computed tomography
- Magnetic resonance imaging
Scintigraphy lacks specificity. Computed tomography (CT) is a very good method to demonstrate
already established bony changes and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the ability to localize
edema and differentiate degrees of inflammation. The MRI gives a good visualization of the complex
anatomy of the sacroiliac joint. This testing can prove a possible spread to muscles as it occurs in
septic sacroiliitis, an important differential diagnosis.
Devauchelle-Pensec et al compared computed tomography scanning and radiographs for the
diagnosis of sacroiliitis. The conclusion of this study was that definite sacroiliitis was underestimated
by radiography, as compared to CT scanning.
Blum et al determined the specificity and sensitivity for the diagnosis of active sacroiliitis, for
each imaging method (plain radiography, scintigraphy, and contrast enhanced MRI). They used a
reference standard, based on the clinical symptoms of inflammatory low back pain with or without
laboratory signs, and clinical and radiographic findings. They performed a follow up during 1.5-2.5
years to confirm diagnosis. According to the results, MRI was most sensitive for the detection and
confirmation of active sacroiliitis (95%) and superior to quantitative SI scintigraphy (48%) or
conventional radiography (19%). MRI also had a higher specificity (100%) than scintigraphy (97%)
or plain radiography (47%) for the assessment of inflammatory signs. There were persistent
pathological signal intensities in the subchondral bone area despite clinically successful anti-
inflammatory drug therapy, at repeat MRI testing after 2-30 months. It’s also possible to differentiate
the diagnosis between infection and spondyloarthritis using the MRI features of bone lesions, soft-
tissue lesions and joint space enhancement in unilateral sacroiliitis. Among various findings,
periarticular muscle edema was the single most important predictor of infectious sacroiliitis.
Sacroiliitis of seronegative spondyloarthropathy may sometimes show on pelvis plain films
findings indistinguishable from those of osteitis condensans ilii. Computed tomography (CT) can
differentiate earlier than plain radiography. There are criteria proposed by the European
Spondlylarthropathy Study Group (EESG) that you can use to differentiate the two conditions. There
is proof that the criteria are useful. It is right to differentiate clinically between the two diseases.
G. Outcome Measures
Outcome measures such as the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) is most effective for persistent,
severe disability, while the Roland-Morris is more appropriate for mild to moderate disability.
The Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire (link) and The Assessment of Pain and Occupational
Performance may also be appropriate.
H. Examination
Some individual pain provocation tests show sufficient inter-rater reliability. The following tests
seem to have sufficient diagnostic accuracy:(Patrick-) FABER = Flexion, ABduction, External
Rotation test , thigh thrust test, Gaenslen test, Mennell’s test, sacral thrust test, compression test and
distraction test.
Combinations of these tests give a better accuracy to differentiate sacroiliitis from low back pain.
We can use a combination of 3 tests (ex. Gaenslen, Mennell, and thigh thrust tests) or 5 tests (ex.
Gaenslen, Patrick-Faber, Mennell, thigh thrust, and sacral thrust tests), which give favorable results
respectively, if 2 or 4 tests are positive. A positive test means it provokes pain.
A complete physical examination with an excellent accuracy to diagnose sacroiliac joint related
pain should involve a cluster of sacroiliac joint tests and a McKenzie evaluation.
MRI and CT are also uses in the early stage to diagnose sacroiliitis.
- Thigh thrust test:
Subject: Supine, contralateral leg extended
Examiner: Stands next to the subject
Technique: The examiner flexes the affected leg (contralateral), approximately hip at 90°,
knees remain relaxed and graded force pressure is applied through the long axis of the
femur (=posterior shearing stress), one hand underneath the sacrum, the other one around
the knee to give pressure
- Mennell’s test:
Subject: Side-lying position, affected side is down, back towards the edge of the table.
Affected (table contacting) side hip flexed to the abdomen, knee is flexed.
Examiner: Stands behind the patient.
Technique: Examiner puts one hand over the ipsilateral gluteal region and iliac crest, other
hand grasps the semi flexed ipsilateral knee and lightly forces the leg to extension.
- Sacral thrust test:
Subject: Prone, legs relaxed, semi abducted.
Examiner: Stands behind the subject, close to the feet at the lower edge of the table.
Technique: Puts hands over the sacrum applies anterior pressure to the sacrum.
- Compression test:
Subject: Compression Side-lying position, affected side is up, close to the side of the table
and back towards the edge of the table. Hips
flexed approximately 45°, knees are flexed approximately 90° degrees.
Examiner: Stands behind the subject.
Technique: Examiner’s Folded hands over the anterior edge of the iliac crest and applies
downward pressure.
- Distraction test:
The SIJ (Sacroiliac joint) Distraction (Colloquially know as Gapping) test is used to add
evidence, positive or negative, to the hypotheses of an SIJ sprain or dysfunction when
used in the Laslett SIJ Cluster testing. This test stresses the anterior sacroiliac
ligaments This test has also been described as the Transverse Anterior Stress Test or the
Sacroiliac Joint Stress Test.
The patient lies supine and the examiner applies a vertically orientated, posteriorly
directed force to both the anterior superior ilac spines (ASIS) (Cook and Hegedus 2013,
Laslett et al 2008, Laslett et al 2005, Laslett et al 2003).
1. Cook and Hegedus (2013) suggest applying a sustained force for 30 seconds before applying a
repeated vigorous force in an attempt to reproduced the patient’s symptoms. However, Laslett
(2008) does not suggest any timings or changes in force. Because of the lack of standardisation
in the technique it is quite feasible different therapists will practise this test different ways, giving
rise to variability in response and lowering the inter-tester reliability (Laslett et al 2005, Levin et
al 2005). No evidence to suggest either method is preferable (Levin et al 2005), therefore, more
evidence needed.
2. The presumed effect is a DISTRACTION of the anterior aspect of the sacroiliac joint. (Laslett et
al 2005, Laslett et al 2003)
3. A test is positive if it reproduces the patient's symptoms. This indicates SIJ dysfunction or a sprain
of the anterior sacroiliac ligaments (Cook and Hegedus 2013, Cook et al 2007, Laslett 2008,
Laslett et al 2005, Laslett et al 2003)
However, this test should be used in concordance within a SIJ testing cluster to ensure
maximum reliability and validity when confirming hypotheses (Albert et al 2000, Kokmeyer et al
2002, Laslett 2008, Laslett et al 2005,Laslett et al 2003, Ozgocmen et al 2008, Robinson et al 2007).
The sacroiliac joint can be examined by Special tests.
I. Medical Management
Reducing inflammation in the SI-joint and increasing the flexibility of the lumbosacral spine
and SI areas are the main goals of treatment. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and
anti-rheumatic drugs are the primary treatment for spondyloarthropathy. Global pain decreased
significantly following treatment with naproxen (NSAID). Sulfasalazine is believed to reduce the
erythrocyte sedimentation rate and morning stiffness. Research revealed that a continuous treatment
with NSAID’s reduces radiographic progression in symptomatic patients with AS.
The patient must be referred to a physiotherapist. Suggest 3 to 4 days bed rest for severe acute
cases. For persistent cases (2 to 4 weeks) with severe pain, a sacroiliac joint injection may be
recommended to confirm the sacroiliac joint as the source of the pain and to introduce the anti-
inflammatory medication directly into the joint. Advise 3 to 4 days of bed rest after the injection.
Next it is recommended to continue with the restrictions and begin with flexion strengthening
exercises after the pain and inflammation have been controlled. These exercises include side-bends,
knee chest pulls and pelvic rocks.
Therapeutic solutions include intra-atricular injections with short-term pain relief and surgical
fusion, which appears ineffective. Radiofrequency of the joint capsule or lateral branches has been
previously reported with variable successes. The majority of patients with chronic SI joint pain
experienced a clinically relevant degree of pain relief and improved function following cooled
radiofrequency of sacral lateral branches and dorsal ramus of L5 at 3-4 months follow-up.
If the condition persists (6 to 8 weeks) with no improvement of at least 50 percent, repeat
corticosteroid injections. Subsequently begin strengthening exercises including sit-ups and weighted
side bends. Start with general conditioning of the back and increase slowly to low-impact walking or
swimming. Take up normal activities with proper care of the back.