Maurice Roche - Mega Events
Maurice Roche - Mega Events
Maurice Roche - Mega Events
Title of Presentation:
Maurice Roche
Contact information:
Reader in Sociology, Sheffield University, Sociology Department, Sheffield University S1O 2TN
The first will be concerned with general issues in understanding the nature and impact of sport ‘mega-
events’ like the Olympic Games. This will be based on my recent book ‘Mega-Events and Modernity’
(Routledge, London). Information about the contents of the book and also a the text of the Preface will
available at the conference.
The second section will focus on a case study and an assessment of Sheffield’s World Student Games
1991 event.
The third section discusses some of the main lessons to be learned, particularly from problematic
experiences such as the Sheffield event, about the need for greater democracy and rationality in major
event planning, and in particular the need to generate an ‘information culture’ in the event policy-making
Table 2
5,000 volunteers
* Etc.
- Technically successful
- No political accountability
6. ‘look in detail’
Planners usually finance the event, in part from the Public’s money
Q. what are Planner’s responsibilities to the public?
* consult with the public (at the right time & attempt to persuade the public etc.)
* use the local media to do this (rather than just to do PR for the planners)
Main actors:
* The Project group (i.e. Event &/or Stadium design & construct people)
- Leisure/Recreation dept.,
- Tourism office,
- Planning,
- Transport,
- media surveys,
- etc
- For fuller bibliographic information on Sheffield’s World Student Games 1991 case study see Roche
1992b) and 1994.
- For fuller and more up-to-date bibliographic information on Mega-Events research in general see the
bibliography in Roche 2000 and also Roche 1992 a)
Armstrong, J.L., Contemporary Prestige Centres for Art, Culture, Exhibitions, Sports and Conferences:
An International Survey, (unpublished Ph.D.) University of Birmingham, U.K.,1984
Bagguley, P., ‘Post-Fordism and Enterprise Culture ‘, in Keat, R. and Abercrombie, N. (eds) Enterprise
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Bianchini, F and Schwengel, H. ‘Re-imagining the city’. In Corner, J and Harvey,S (eds) Enterprise and
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Studies, 1986
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32, 1989
Cooke,P. Back to the Future. Modernity, Post-modernity and Locality, London, Unwin Hyman, 1990
Cummings, S., (ed) Business Elites and Urban Development, Albany, SUNY Press,1988 b)
Darke, R., ‘Gambling on Sport: Sheffield’s Regeneration Strategy for the 90s’
DEED, World Student Games Economic Impact Study, Vol.1, Department of Employment and Economic
Development, Sheffield City Council, Sheffield,1990
Della Bitta, A.J. and Loudon, D., ‘Assessing the Economic Impact of Short Duration Tourist Events’. In
New England Journal of Business and Economics,Spring,37-45, 1975
District Audit Service, The World Student Games: Report of the District Auditor, Sheffield, Audit
Commission, 1992
Duvignaud, J. , ‘Festivals: A Sociological Approach’. Cultures III, 1, 13-25, 1976
Engel, M., ‘Two Cheers for the Glory Games’. The Guardian, 16th July
Falassi, A. (ed)Time out Of Time: Essays on the Festival. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press,
Feagin, J. and Smith, M., ‘Cities and the New International Division of Labor: An Overview’ in Smith and
Feagin (eds) 1991 op.cit.
Fox-Przeworski, J., Goddard, J., and de Jong, M. (eds) Urban Regeneration in a Changing Economy,
Clarendon, Oxford, 1991
France, A., ‘Building an Image of the Future: Sheffield and the World Student Games’.
Friel, E., ‘Keeping the Spirit Alive: Sheffield after the Games’, Leeds, BBC2 ‘Close Up North’ Unit, 1991
Getz, D. Festivals, Special Events and Tourism. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1991
Gibbon,P., ‘Employment in Sheffield in the 1980s’, Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social
Research, Sheffield Polytechnic, 1990
Gyford,J., Citizens, Consumers and Councils: Local Government and the Public, London, Macmillan,
Hall, C.M., Hallmark Tourist Events: Impacts, management and planning, London, Bellhaven, 1992
HaII,S. and Jacques,M. (eds) New Times: The Changing Face of Politics in the 1990s. London,
Lawrence and Wishart, 1989
Henry, I. et aI, ‘Leisure, Culture and the Political Economy of the City: A case study of Leeds’, XIIth
World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, 1990.
HMSO, Tourism and the Inner City, Department of the Environment, HMG, 1990
Jacobs, B., Fractured Cities: Capitalism, community and empowerment in Britain and America, London,
Routledge, 1992
Judd, D. and Parkinson,M., ‘Urban Leadership and Regeneration’. In Judd,D. and Parkinson,M., (eds)
Leadership and Urban Regeneration, London, Sage, 1990
Lawless, P., ‘Regeneration in Sheffield: From Radical Intervention to Partnership’. In Judd and
Parkinson (eds) op. cit. 1990
Lawless,P. and Ramsden,P. ‘Sheffield into the 1990s: Urban regeneration and the economic context’.
Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Polytechnic, 1989
Ley, D and Olds, K., ‘Landscape as Spectacle: World’s Fairs and the culture of heroic consumption’,
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol 6, pp.191-212
Logan,J. and Molotch,H., Urban Fortunes: The Political Economy of Place. Berkeley, University of
California Press, 1986
Marshall,T.H., ‘Citizenship and Social Class’. In his Sociology at the Crossroads, London, Heinemann,
McArthur,C.,’The Glasgow Empire Exhibition of 1938: the dialectics if national identity. In Bennet, T. et al
(eds) Popular Culture and Social Relations, Milton Keynes, The Open University, 1986
McColl, J., ‘From Stainless Steel to Spotless Service: Civic Leaders and the Production of Urban
Tourism in Sheffield 1988-1991’ (unpublished Ph.D.) Sheffield University, 1992
Piore, M. and Sabel,C.,The Second Industrial Divide. New York,Basic Books,1984 Price,P., ‘The Games
- A “Visionary’s” View’, (unpublished paper) Sheffield District Labour Party, 1988
Reichert,A., ‘Three Rivers Festival; Economic Impact Study’, Indiana Business Review, 53,1,5-9, 1978
Ritchie,B. and Aitken,C., ‘Assessing the Impacts of the 1988 Winter Olympic Games’, Journal of Travel
Research, 22, 3, 17-25, 1984
Ritchie,B. and Lyons,M. ‘Olympulse IV: A mid-term report on resident attitudes concerning the XV
Olympic Winter Games’,Journal of Travel Research, 14, 1, 18-26, 1987
Robson,B., Those Inner Cities: Reconciling the Social and Economic Aims of Urban Policy. Oxford,
Clarendon, 1988
Roche, M., 1992a) ‘Mega-events and Micro-modernization: on the sociology of the new urban tourism’,
British Journal of Sociology, 43, 4, 563-600,
Roche, M. (1 992b) ‘Mega-Events and Citizenship’, Vrijtijd en Samenleving (Leisure and Society), 10, 4:
Roche, M. (1994) ‘Mega-Events and Urban Policy’, in Annals of Tourism Research, 21, 1, 1-19
Roche, M. (1999a) ‘Mega-Events, Culture and Modernity: Expos and the origins of public culture’,
International Journal of Cultural Policy, 5,1 :1-31.
Roche, M. (1 999c) ‘Mega-Events as Theatres of Power: Mass Festivals and Cultural Policy in the
USSR and Nazi Germany’, unpublished paper, Sociology Department, Sheffield University, Sheffield.
Roche, M. 2000 Mega-Events and Modernity: Olympics and Expos in the Growth of Global Culture.
London: Routledge.
RydelI,R., All the World’s a Fair: Visions of Empire at American International Expositions 1876-1 91 6,
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1984
Schaffer,W. and Davidson,L., ‘A discussion of methods employed in analysing the impact of short-term
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Sheffield City Council, ‘World Student Games 1991’ (Bid document),Sheffield, World Student Games Bid
Team,1 987 a)
Sheffield City Council, ‘Going Places: Sheffield’s Strategy for Tourism’, Sheffield, Tourism Joint Officers
Group, 1987 b)
Sheffield City Council, XVI Universiade Financial Out-Turn Enquiries: Report of the Chief Executive to
the Policy Committee, Sheffield, 1992
Shaikin, B., Sport and Politics: the Olympics and the Los Angeles Games. Praeger, New York, 1988
Sheffield Star, ‘Sheffield was right to stage the Games 91’, 29th July, 1991
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Sklair, L., Sociology of the Global System, London, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991.
Smith, M. and Feagin, J. (eds) The Capitalist City: Global Restructuring and Community Politics.
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Worpole, K., Towns for People: Transforming urban life. Buckingham, Open University Press, 1992
(Note: This is the preface to this book and was written in early 2000)
I first got interested in ‘mega-events’ in the late 1980s. My home city of Sheffield made a successful bid
for the (ultimately not-so-very-’mega’ and enduringly controversial) ‘World Student Games 1991’ event
in 1986. I made a study of this event, looking at its social context and policy implications and identifying
themes and issues for further research. Ultimately I started work on this book in the mid1990s. Back in
the late 1980s, and for a long time afterwards, my interest in mega-events, - although it resonated with
the interests of various specialist historians and other researchers, as I discuss in the book, - was a
perennial source of puzzlement to many of my sociological and academic colleagues. Thankfully this by
no means applied to all of them (as is indicated in the Acknowledgements section). The colleagues who
were puzzled seemed to regard mega-events as demonstrably trivial, populist cultural ephemera,
irrelevant to ‘the problems of the real world’ and ‘the big issues’ of the day, such as struggles in the
contemporary period against war, class inequality, sexism, racism and xenophobia, and, conversely,
struggles to promote peace, social justice and citizenship and social inclusion. However their puzzlement
was, in turn, a puzzle to me. How could they not see that these events were undeniably, even if only
periodically, ‘problems of the real world’ for many citizens in modern societies, and that, as they always
have done throughout the modern period, they continue to provide periodic focal points and symbolic
expressions, and arenas of debate and struggle in relation to many ‘big issues’?
In recent years the clouds of mutual incomprehension have begun to lift. This is particularly so as the
notion of ‘the Millennium’, and of the apparent imperative need to mark and celebrate it, has crystallised
in the plans of governments and the consciousness of publics around the world. The fact that this book is
published in the year 2000 was not something that had figured in my original plans for this project.
Nonetheless it is a fortunate coincidence. In the year of such ‘official’ events as Britain’s ‘Millennium’
Expo, the World Expo in Hanover, the Olympic Games in Sydney and also numerous ‘alternative’ large
scale events few people, even sociologists, can credibly continue to claim ignorance of, or indifference
to, mega-events.
Mega-events have come to have a high political profile in the contemporary period. In 2000, at the turn
of the 2OthC, they are beginning to assume, once again, the kind of high political and cultural profile
they had in 1900, at the turn of the l9thC. The year of 1900 saw the staging in Paris of the biggest and
arguably most impressive Expo the world had ever seen, the high tide of the ‘belle epoque’, an event
which also contained the second in the series of modern Olympic Games. This was followed in the early
years of the new century by the staging of two great Expos in the USA, at Buffalo (1901) and St.Louis
(1904), the latter event also containing the third Olympic Games. As this book tries to show, this was
more than just a passing flurry of national cultural assertiveness and international cultural diplomacy. The
current high political and cultural profile of mega-events is similarly misunderstood if it is seen in this
way. In the main body of this book I explore the historical developments in the main genres of
international mega-events, the various reasons and forces behind their creation, and their various impacts.
For the moment however it is useful to briefly illustrate the high contemporary political profile of mega-
events both in this Millennium year and beyond, by noting the interest of nations in winning and staging
them. Take the cases of Britain and South Africa for example. In each of these countries a governing
party’s attempt to re-new its nation’s political identity and re-orient its path of development has come to
be closely associated with its ambitions to host and organize global mega-events.
In Britain the New Labour government came into power in 1997 aiming to re-orient British society and
politics after nearly a generation of ‘New Right’ Conservative government. Early on it affirmed its
commitment to the staging of the Millennium Expo in London. The Expo was a controversial project,
initiated by the previous Conservative government, criticised as an unnecessary and costly extravagance
by many New Labour supporters and poorly conceptualised in terms of aims and contents. Nevertheless
its distinctive and monumental architectural centrepiece, the Millennium Dome, echoes the dome at the
centre of the 1951 ‘Festival of Britain’ event. It thus allows New Labour to symbolically reconnect itself
with a well-regarded and memorable image of the ‘old’ Labour Party’s foundational role in the post-war
reconstruction of Britain’s society and state. Also, as the flagship of an armada of minor events
nationwide, the Expo event provides a high profile, readily identifiable and potentially memorable
platform for the celebration of New Labour’s versions of contemporary Britain and its visions of a new
The linking of the visions and fortunes of the New Labour government to mega-events does not stop with
its support for the staging of the Millennium Expo. It has also committed itself actively to the current
bidding processes for at least two international mega-events, namely the 2006 soccer World Cup and the
2008 or 2012 Olympic Games. Wembley Stadium, - which was an inheritance from the 1924 Imperial
Expo, and became a true and legendary ‘theatre of dreams’ and a site of national sport-event pilgrimage
for the British public (albeit mainly the male part of it) throughout the 2OthC, - is to be completely
reconstructed to support the bids for both of these events. In addition it is possible that the Millennium
Dome could have a part to play in the staging of some aspects of any future Olympic Games to be held in
London. Although not quite going as far as creating a Minister and a ‘Ministry for Mega-Events’, in 1999
the ex-Sport Minister Tony Banks was given the role of government representative in the British bid
team for the 2006 World Cup. This is an indication of the seriousness with which major international
event projects are now seen. One of the nations competing with Britain to win the right to host the 2006
World Cup event is South Africa.
One of the first international cultural actions of the newly democratised post-apartheid nation of South
Africa was to host the Rugby Union World Cup in 1995. Its success in doing this, and also in becoming
World Champions, and the positive impact of this on the image of the new South Africa both at home
and abroad seemed to convince President Nelson Mandela of the importance of events such as this.
Mandela has a credible claim to being one of the 2OthC’s most historically important politicians and
statesmen. Since his retirement in 1999 he has, among other things, been prepared to provide support
and, where necessary leadership, in the courts of the international mega-event organisers, for South
Africa’s bids for the 2006 World Cup and the 2008 Olympics. The fact that a politician of this stature
would choose to continue to serve his vision of his nation by being involved in such bids speaks
eloquently for the importance of mega-events for nations in terms of their self-image and place in world
society in the early 2lstC.
These prefatory observations hopefully indicate some of the reasons why I regard the field of megaevents
as being more worthy of study by sociology and generally by the social sciences and contemporary
humanities than it has (with some notable exceptions) typically been regarded as being hitherto. For me
the study of mega-events has opened up windows and perspectives into areas as diverse as social history,
architecture and urban planning, media studies, and the political history of the 2OthC. Mega-events
contain and condense within themselves, and within the processes of their production and consumption,
much of interest and importance, from these and other disciplinary areas. They contain much about the
construction of, and connections between, the cultural, the political and the economic in modern societies
and in the contemporary world order. To understand something about their origins, nature and
development in modernity is to throw light on phenomena and processes within modernity which
continue to influence us even when the lights of any particular event have been switched off and when
‘the show’ appears to be over.