Acum English 8thgrade 2016 4to Periodo PDF
Acum English 8thgrade 2016 4to Periodo PDF
Acum English 8thgrade 2016 4to Periodo PDF
La Laguna | English
| 8th grade | Lic. Adriana Fuentes | 2016
Bimonthly English exam
Student: _____________________________________ Date______________________
Transform these sentences into yes/no have → ________
questions. Use the auxiliary do and does.
do → ________
1. He loves this house
Complete the questions and answers. Use the
verbs in the box. Use capital letters where
2. They like soccer.
___ Check exercise live talk watch work
3. She listens to the radio.
___________________________________ Ex: A do you watch TV in the evening?
__ B Yes, I do. I watch TV every night.
4. Laura wakes up early. 1. A __________ you and your brother
___________________________________ __________ after school?
__ B Yes, we __________ at the gym on
5. Karen and me watch the TV. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
___________________________________ 2. A __________ your mother ____________
___ in the cafeteria?
B No, she __________. She ____________
Complete the sentences about the routine in in the library.
each picture. 3. A ___________ your co-workers
____________ their e-mail on the
B No, they _________. But they
___________ their e-mail on weekdays.
4. A ____________ your teacher
___________ a lot in class?
I ______ my e-mail. B Yes, he _________. He ____________
only English.
5. A ___________ your best friend
__________ around here?
B No, he ____________. He ___________
20 miles away.
I ______ _____ mornings. Read the questions and answers. Add more
My brother ______ games. information to each answer. Choose one of the
sentences in the box. Use each sentences only
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I.E. La Laguna | English
| 8th grade | Lic. Adriana Fuentes | 2016
Bimonthly English exam
Student: _____________________________________ Date______________________