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La Laguna | English
| 8th grade | Lic. Adriana Fuentes | 2016
Bimonthly English exam
Student: _____________________________________ Date______________________
 Transform these sentences into yes/no have → ________
questions. Use the auxiliary do and does.
do → ________
1. He loves this house
 Complete the questions and answers. Use the
verbs in the box. Use capital letters where
2. They like soccer.
___ Check exercise live talk watch work
3. She listens to the radio.
___________________________________ Ex: A do you watch TV in the evening?
__ B Yes, I do. I watch TV every night.
4. Laura wakes up early. 1. A __________ you and your brother
___________________________________ __________ after school?
__ B Yes, we __________ at the gym on
5. Karen and me watch the TV. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
___________________________________ 2. A __________ your mother ____________
___ in the cafeteria?
B No, she __________. She ____________
 Complete the sentences about the routine in in the library.
each picture. 3. A ___________ your co-workers
____________ their e-mail on the
B No, they _________. But they
___________ their e-mail on weekdays.
4. A ____________ your teacher
___________ a lot in class?
I ______ my e-mail. B Yes, he _________. He ____________
only English.
5. A ___________ your best friend
__________ around here?
B No, he ____________. He ___________
20 miles away.
I ______ _____ mornings.  Read the questions and answers. Add more
My brother ______ games. information to each answer. Choose one of the
sentences in the box. Use each sentences only

I eat breakfast in the car

I listen to the radio and make breakfast.
I go online every morning.
I drive with my neighbor.
"We ____ ___ late."
1. A Do you have breakfast every morning?
B Yes, I do.
2. A Do you drive to work?
B Yes, I do.
My husband ________ _____ breakfast. 3. A Do you read the newspaper every
I _____ breakfast. B No.
My wife ____ coffee.
4. A Do you check your e-mail every day?
We ______ _____ a lot. B Yes.
 Write the correct verb endings: he, she, it
 Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.
watch → ________
1. Lucy’s brother gets up early.
play → ________ ___________________________________
study → ________ ___
2. Louis checks his e-mail after breakfast.  Read the e-mail. Then choose the correct
___________________________________ answer.
Dear Anton,
3. Mary and her husband talk a lot in the night.
___________________________________ How are you? I’m fine, but I’m very busy at school
____ this year. My classes are very hard work1. I take
4. Steve’s son does his homework. English two hours a day. On Tuesday and
___________________________________ Thursday, I take a special law class2. I have a lot
____ of homework in all my classes, so I study every
5. Kathy and her boss eat breakfast together. day.
____ Also, I work in the school library after class – on
6. Lucas’s boss plays computer games. Monday and Wednesday nights. It’s very quiet at
___________________________________ night, so I study at work, too.
____ On the weekends, I go out3 with my friends. We go
 Complete Peter’s e-mail with the correct form of to concerts and movies.
the verbs. How are you? How are your classes? Are you
Hi! busy? How are your parents?

Guess what! I __________ (have) a new job- in a Bye for now.

candy shop. It’s hard work. I ___________ (get up) Ray
early, and I (work) late. But candies are good.
1. Ray is ___________
My boss is nice. He’s French, and he __________ a. Sick
(study) English at night. He ____________ (do) his b. Busy
homework in the candy shop. I ____________ c. Lazy
(help) him sometimes. He´s quiet, and he d. Outgoing
_____________ (not/talk) a lot. He _____________ 2. Ray takes law classes ___________.
(listen) to the radio and _____________(sing), but a. Two hours a day
we _____________ (not/like) the same music. He b. Two days a week
___________ (like) coffee, too. We both c. After English classes
___________ (have) four cups of coffee every day! d. Every year
Write soon! 3. Ray works ____________.
a. Two nights
Steve b. Before class
c. On the weekends
 Choose the correct answer.
d. On holidays
1. My house is crazy in the morning. My sister 4. Ray goes out with his friends
listens to CDs, and my brother plays games ___________.
on the computer. It’ so ___________ a. On Wednesdays
a. Quiet b. On the weekends
b. Smart c. After school
c. Noisy d. After party
d. Music
2. My sister is a _______ fan. She plays tennis
a lot, and she watches soccer on TV.
a. Sports
b. Laundry
c. Music
d. Listen
3. David gets up early every day. He reads the Never give up trying to build the world you can see, even if
newspaper and eats __________ every others can't see it.
a. Lunch
b. Dinner
c. food
d. breakfast

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Clase de leyes
I.E. La Laguna | English
| 8th grade | Lic. Adriana Fuentes | 2016
Bimonthly English exam
Student: _____________________________________ Date______________________

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