Savage Worlds - Cheat Sheet
Savage Worlds - Cheat Sheet
Savage Worlds - Cheat Sheet
Ganging Up
+2 Shooting / Throwing next round if character
does not move and spends a round aiming; +1 Fighting per additional attacker (max of +4);
Disarm Trick
–2 Fighting roll; Target must roll Strength vs. Opposed Agility or Smarts depending on trick;
damage or drop weapon; Target is –2 Parry until next action and also Shaken
on a Raise;
+1 attack and damage; Unarmed Defender
Armed attackers gain +2 Fighting;
Three Round Burst
+2 attack and damage; Unstable Platform
–2 Shooting penalty;
The Drop
Moving vehicle or animal are typical unstable
+4 attack and damage; platforms;
Attack assumed to have Initiative on hold;
Wild Attack
+2 Fighting; +2 damage; –2 Parry until next action;