Savage Worlds - Cheat Sheet

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Ganging Up
 +2 Shooting / Throwing next round if character
does not move and spends a round aiming;  +1 Fighting per additional attacker (max of +4);

Area Effect Attacks Grappling

 Target under template suffers damage;  Regular Fighting roll to grapple; Entangles target
 Cover is treated as armor; with success, target is Shaken on raise;
 Missed attack causes deviation of 1d6” for thrown  To escape, make opposed roll (Strength or Agility,
weapons or 1d10” for launched weapons x 1/2/3 each person’s choice); Escapes on success with no
for S/M/L range, d12 for direction; action left, a raise grants action as normal once free;
 Dive for cover with Agility –2;  Can attempt other action while entangled at –4.
 Can damage entangled foe with opposed Strength
Autofire rolls, with Strength as base damage roll;
 Roll Action Dice up to ROF;
Multiple Action / Two Weapons
 Only 1 Wild Dice roll;
 –2 to attack for Autofire;  –2 to each action; –2 to off–hand;
 Each Dice represents ROF shots;
Non–Lethal Damage
Called Shots  A KO Blow puts the character down for 1d6 hours
Location Modifier instead of going to the KO Blow table;
Limb –2
–4 (+4
dmg)  Offers Medium cover against ranged attacks over 3”
Small Target –4 away;
Tiny Target –6  –2 Fighting and Parry in melee;
 Standing up costs 2” of movement; may be spent
Cover when attacked to rise automatically;
Cover Modifier Ranged Weapons in Melee
Light –1
Medium –2  Pistols only; Target number is opponent’s Parry;
Heavy –4
Suppressive Fire
Darkness  Make Shooting roll with Autofire penalty and range
Situation Modifier
Dim –1  On success, targets in Medium Burst Template (2” / 4
Dark – max 10” (20 yards) yard radius) must make a Spirit roll or be Shaken (or
hit on a roll of 1 on Spirit roll);
Pitch Darkness –4
Test of Wills
 Opposed roll of Intimidate (vs. Spirit) or Taunt (vs.
 +2 Parry; May move Pace, but no other action Smarts);
possible;  +2 to next action against target if successful; foe is
also Shaken on a Raise;
Full Defense
 Fighting roll result becomes Parry until next action; Touch Attack
May not move at all, nor take any other action;  +2 Fighting if you only want to touch target;

Disarm Trick
 –2 Fighting roll; Target must roll Strength vs.  Opposed Agility or Smarts depending on trick;
damage or drop weapon;  Target is –2 Parry until next action and also Shaken
on a Raise;
 +1 attack and damage; Unarmed Defender
 Armed attackers gain +2 Fighting;
Three Round Burst
 +2 attack and damage; Unstable Platform
 –2 Shooting penalty;
The Drop
 Moving vehicle or animal are typical unstable
 +4 attack and damage; platforms;
 Attack assumed to have Initiative on hold;
Wild Attack
 +2 Fighting; +2 damage; –2 Parry until next action;

Withdrawing from Melee

 Adjacent non-Shaken foes get free attack vs.
retreating character;

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