DLR Ruckus at Worm Creek
DLR Ruckus at Worm Creek
DLR Ruckus at Worm Creek
Perilous parcels! A delivery to Preston, Idaho takes the posse into contested territory.
Delivery Complications
Here’s where things get complex. An Iron Dragon
Brazzleton Shebang is the shipment’s destination,
survey team and a Wasatch X-squad are encamped
and Peep is happy to see newcomers. A few nondescript
near Preston. Each of them notices the posse’s arrival,
locals are gathered around the cracker barrel gossiping
and they observe anyone leaving town with the goods.
and sipping tea. Peep offers free refreshments and
food, but when he inspects the bill of lading he says, Rail War!
“You folks got the right place, that’s for sure, but this Neither group is willing to let a valuable, useful,
recipient—Pleasant Colligan?—there ain’t nobody in or destructive Smith & Robards shipment get away.
Preston goes by that name. Not that I heard of.” They begin stalking Rickabaugh and/or the posse in
None of the other locals have heard the name before, an attempt to take it—by force, if they have to.
either. Peep offers the use of his telegraph if the posse • Iron Dragon Surveyors (2 per hero): Use Rail
wants to wire headquarters for instructions. Warrior (Faction: Iron Dragon) in the Deadlands
Unknown to the heroes, one of the townsfolk isn’t Marshal’s Handbook. They ride velocipedes.
what he claims to be. This is Dr. Edmund Rickabaugh, • Wasatch X-Squad (2 per hero): Use Rail Warrior
who’s been loitering around Peep’s place waiting for (Faction: Wasatch) in the Marshal’s Handbook. They
his precious shipment to arrive. If the posse opts to have a steam wagon armed with a Gatling gun.
wire for instructions, Rickabaugh bides his time; if they
make like they’re going to depart with the shipment, Bear River Massacre
he speaks up (with a Persuasion roll): If the gizmos end up at the massacre site (Fear
Level 4; almost 250 Indians were killed by Union
“I say, did you mention Mr. Colligan? He’s a drifter
soldiers there in January 1863), Rickabaugh activates
who’s been doing odd jobs at my cabin. I can ensure the
the gravitic intensifier and readies the Epitaph camera
shipment reaches him if it’s helpful to you.”
to photograph the ghosts of murdered Indian men,
If an opposed Notice roll by a posse member women, and children. Unfortunately, he only succeeds
surpasses Rickabaugh’s Persuasion roll, she suspects in waking up a whole mess of walkin’ dead. When the
this fellow may not be telling the whole truth. rail warriors arrive on the scene a free-for-all ensues!
• Peep Brazzleton & Local Folks (5): Use Townsfolk • Walkin’ Dead (5 per hero): See the Deadlands
profile in the Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. Marshal’s Handbook.
Dr. Edmund Rickabaugh: Use the Mad Scientist
profile in the Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook, but he has
There are myriad ways this tale can play out, Marshal,
the bolt (death ray) and boost/lower Trait powers.
based on chance and your posse’s actions. The action
Thief in the Night might never reach the massacre site, or the heroes may
If the posse opts to wire Smith & Robards for further foil Rickabaugh’s attempt to steal the shipment. In
direction, Peep says they can bed down in the stable either case, the rail warriors and Rickabaugh do their
(a return telegraph doesn’t come through until the level best to ensure the posse doesn’t leave Preston
following morning). In that case, Dr. Rickabaugh with goods intact. And they’re all spoilin’ for a fight!
breaks into the general store after midnight and steals