Lab 7 - Advanced Voice Translations
Lab 7 - Advanced Voice Translations
Lab 7 - Advanced Voice Translations
The objective of this lab exercise is for you to learn and understand how to implement advanced voice
translation profiles on Cisco IOS gateways
Topic Description:
Voice translation profiles contain voice translation rules, w hich allow administrators to manipulate not
only the DNIS, but the ANI and redirecting number. Translation profiles can also be used to adjust the
numbering type and plan, reject unwanted calls as well as remove specific digits in a number, such as
hyphens, for example
Lab Difficulty:
Readiness Assessment:
When ready for your exam, you should be able to complete this lab in no more than 15 minutes
Lab Topology:
Task 1:
Configure the hostnames and IP addresses on R2 and R4 as illustrated in the diagram. Configure R4 to
provide clocking to R2. Configure the clock rate on R4 as 800Kbps
Task 2:
Configure a POTS dial peer on R4 for the extension specified in the diagram. You are permitted to use
any dial peer number that you want to use
Task 3:
Configure three POTS dial peer on R2 for PSTN access. The destination patterns on the dial peers should
allow the following:
International calls that begin with 011 followed by any number of digits
The access code 9 is not required. Use any dial peer numbers that you want
Task 4:
Configure a VoIP dial peer on R2 for the extension on R4. You are permitted to use any dial peer number
that you want to use
Task 5:
Configure a VoIP dial peer on R4 to send all digits to R2. Use the simplest destination pattern. You can
use any dial peer number that you want to use
Task 6:
Configure a voice translation rule on R4 so that outbound VoIP calls are translated as follows:
All local calls, i.e. calls that begin with digits 2 through 9, followed by 9 digits, e.g. 678-555-1111,
should be translated to the number 1-800-555-1111. The numbering plan should be changed from
unknown to national for these calls
All long distance calls, i.e. calls that begin w ith the number 1, follow ed by 10 additional digits, e.g.
1-678-555-1111, should be translated to the number 1-800-555-2222. The numbering plan should
be changed from unknown to ISDN for these calls
All international calls, i.e. calls that begin with digits 011, follow ed by any number of digits, e.g.
011-44-123-456-7890, should only have the numbering type should be changed from unknown to
international. The called number should remain the same
Create a voice translation profile named PSTN-Translation and apply the translation profile to outgoing
calls on the VoIP dial peer on R4
Task 7:
Verify your configuration using the appropriate Cisco IOS show and debug commands
R2(config)#hostname R2
R2(config)#interface Serial0/0
R2(config-if)#description .Connected To R4 Serial 0/1.
R2(config-if)#ip address
R4(config)#hostname R4
R4(config)#interface Serial0/1
R4(config-if)#description .Connected To R2 Serial 0/0
R4(config-if)#ip address
R4(config-if)#clock rate 800000
Verify connectivity by performing a simple ping betw een the two routers
Task 2:
Task 3:
Task 4:
Task 5:
Task 6:
R4(config)#voice translation-rule 1
R4(cfg-translation-rule)#rule 1 /^[2-9].........$/ /18005551111/ plan unknown national
R4(cfg-translation-rule)#rule 2 /^1..........$/ /18005552222/ plan unknown isdn
R4(cfg-translation-rule)#rule 3 /^011.+/ /&/ type unknown international
R4(cfg-translation-rule)#rule 4 reject /.*/
R4(config)#voice translation-profile PSTN-Translation
R4(cfg-translation-profile)#translate called 1
R4(config)#dial-peer voice 2 voip
R4(config-dial-peer)#translation-profile outgoing PSTN-Translation
NOTE: This is simply one of many different w ays this task can be accomplished
Task 7:
Verify the correct translation operation for local calls on R4:
Verify the correct translation operation for long distance calls on R4:
R2#show running-config
Building configuration...
R4#show running-config
Building configuration...