Narrative Report GUTIERREZ

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Cumulative Learning Theory by Robert Gagne

Eight conditions of Learning Hierarchy

1.Signal learning - the simplest form of learning known as classical conditioning. The learner is
conditioned to produce a desired (involuntary) response as a result of a stimulus that would not
normally produce that response.
Example: a salivation (condition) at the sound of a bell (stimulus)
2. Stimulus -response learning- this is a voluntary response to learning that may be used in acquiring
verbal skills as well as physical movements. This type of learning can occur when the instructor praises
the learner for deeper thinking or provides constructive criticism during reflection or debriefing.
3. Chain learning- occurs when the learner is able to connect two or more previously learned stimulus-
response bond into a linked order, more complexed psychomotor skills are learned, but they tend to
occur naturally.
Example: learning how to tie shoestrings or buttoning a shirt.
4. Verbal association - occurs when the learner makes associations using verbal connections, it is the
key process in language skill development.
Example: a student nurse being able to define medical terminology and apply it to clinical situation.
5. Discrimination learning - is seen when the learner is able to perform different responses to a series of
similar stimuli that may differ in a systematic way. Discrimination learning is made more difficult when
the learner comes across road blocks or interference that inhibits continual learning.
Example: A patient complaining of abdominal pain after abdominal surgery. The student must learn how
to differentiate this pain from that of gas, intrabdominal bleeding, incisional pain or infection.
Interference may present itself when the student cannot see other key factors that may contribute to
the pain, therefore not allowing the student to fully address or manage the patient’s pain appropriately.
6. Concept learning - involves the ability to make consistent responses to different stimuli, it is the
process in which the learner learns how to organize learning in a systematic structure and foster deeper
learning. The student’s behavior is controlled by the abstract properties of each stimulus. The student
nurse must realize interventions, or behaviors, appropriate for one patient, or stimulus, may not be
appropriate for the next patient.
7. Rule learning - this involves being able to learn relationships between two or more concepts and
apply them in different situations, new or old, it is the basis of learning general rules or procedures. This
can be seen when the student can apply advocacy and confidentiality to a patient situation.
8. Problem solving - involves developing the ability to invent a complex rule or procedure for the
purpose of solving one particular problem and other problems of a similar nature, this can be
accomplished through case studies and reflection. Nursing students can improve on problem solving
through the nursing process: assessing, formulating a nursing diagnosis, analyzing data specific to the
problem, formulating a plan of action, implementing the plan, and evaluating the effectiveness of the
The Nine Events of Instruction

 Gain attention - Present stimulus to ensure reception of instruction.

 State the learning objective - What will the pupil gain from the instruction?
 Stimulate recall of prior learning - Ask for recall of existing relevant knowledge.
 Present the stimulus - Display the content.
 Provide learning guidance – Guidance should be provided along with the presentation new
 Elicit performance - Learners respond to demonstrate knowledge.
 Provide feedback - Give informative feedback on the learner's performance.
 Assess performance - More performance and more feedback, to reinforce information.
 Enhance retention and transfer to other contexts

Gagne's Nine Levels of Learning model gives trainers and educators a checklist to use before
they engage in teaching or training activities.

Five Categories of Learning

Verbal Information – Development of information using language

Intellectual Skills – Ability to interact with surroundings using concept symbols.
Cognitive Strategies – Ability to control the individual’s behavior to learn remember& think.
Motor Skills – Manipulative skills and carrying out routine work.
Attitudes – Change of attitudes towards object, another person, situation at change in effective domain.

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